Hank Joins In

Story by Stripes_Wilde on SoFurry

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#3 of The Teaser Aesthetic

Merril's autocamera switched on as she walked through the front door, getting a good view of her still looking like an engineer, this time with a modestly muscled male cat in tow.

"So... we're on your show already," he asked, looking just a little nervous.

"That's right, Hank. See, babies? Isn't he just delicious?" Merril squeezed Hank affectionately. "He's pretty green to porn so I'll have to ask for a little indulgence in terms of acting ability. I've made arrangements to keep him reigned in under the rating limit, though."

"I'm still not sure I get how this works-- if this is softcore porn, are we still going to... uh..."

"Fuck? Yes. In fact we're going to say 'fuck,' too, something they don't seem to do in softcore porn either. Look I'll explain while we get showered, okay? Camera two, darlings."

As Hank and Merril walked through her living room and up the stairs to the bathroom, the camera showed the empty bathroom, but their voices were patched in from Merril's remote.

"It's the aesthetic of the thing. I'm sharing my erotic life, which has always had a big element of playful teasing. Somewhere along the line I just decided that there was nothing hotter than almost getting what you want, that in a sense, that could be ultimately satisfying. Now get in there." Merril prodded Hank into the shower.

"But I have my clothes on--" Hank was cut off as Merril jumped in after him.

"That's the point, lover. Here, let me get this shirt off you..." The lights adjusted themselves in the room, lights inside the shower casting their shadows against the door like something out of the movies. Merril's silhouette pulled off Hank's silhouette's shirt, and started undoing his pants. Hanks hands clearly went for Merril's breasts. "Mm, good boy. Get 'em out of there."

Hank's silhouette undressed Merril's, a little nervously. "Isn't his hesitance just too cute," she asked the camera. Hank could be heard laughing nervously. "Now as to the whole 'erect penis' issue I decided to split the difference and let the silhouette show what's obviously a penis pressed up against a body but never extended out by itself. This is pretty arbitrary, I know, but how big a tease would this be if you all knew exactly how... ooh.." Merril's silhouette ground its ass against Hank's silhouette's groin. "...how big and... mm... hard that cock is..."

Hank's pants could be seen coming down. Merril's silhouette spun around gracefully, pressing up against Hank's. "I got his cock squeezed between my thighs right now... Mmm, feels nice. But I've gotta get these clothes out of here before I can turn the water on." Merril slid down the length of Hank's body, keeping herself pressed against him so no light was seen between them. Hank let out a few gasps.

"He likes the way my fur rubs up against his cock, I can see it all over his face. I think you bi bois are gonna like watching it when he cums." Merril gathered up the clothes piled in the shower and stood up, again pressing herself into Hank, who put his arms around her.

"You're a crazy Skunkette, you know that?"

"And you love it." Merril picked through the clothes and pulled out a second lanyard. Then she tossed the clothing over the shower cover and slid around Hank to turn on the water.

"That microphone's waterproofed and everything. You're like-- a mad scientist of porn."

"It's not just a microphone, it's the all-purpose remote control and hit counter!" Merril's dramatic flourish silhouetted against the screen.

"Hit counter?"

"Keyed right into the website. Here, let me click through the settings. Here's the viewer total, and the sexuality gage-- see about 20% of the audience is really into having a guy in here... And there's the wank count."

"You're kidding me."

"Nope. By word of explanation, lovers, Hank hasn't seen the show, so he doesn't know the applet's got a whole batch of buttons that let me see what your sex and sexualities are, when you're rubbing, when you're cumming, or your answers to the quizzes."


"Mm hmm. I keep 'em pre-coded and drop them off through the show. Here, now I'm asking them how many people are masturbating to your sexy sexy silhouette."

Merril pulled the plug and let the hot water gush down over the two of them, partly obscuring their figures.

"There we go. See? There's about a hundred women rubbing their cunnies right now, all for you."

"And about-- a hundred and fifty guys?! Merr this is weird!"

"You wanted in, and you said you didn't mind guys enjoying you ahead of time, right?"

"I did, but-- I guess I wasn't expecting... A hundred and fifty... Um, they know I'm straight, right?"

Merril giggled, licking Hank's nose. "Nobody's perfect."

"Bisexual supremacist," Hank said, the affection in his voice giving lie to the accusation.

"Oh you darling inferior hetero. Here, I'm gonna put this on you and give you a nice titty fuck. Moan all sexy for the bi boys, would you?" Merril put the lanyard over Hank's head and sank to her knees in the shower. Hank's arms could be seen reaching out to the hand rails, steadying himself.

"God that's sexy."

"Describe it. Tell them what you're seeing. That's what this show's about. We don't show, we TELL. Tell them about my tits. Tell them what they're doing to you."

"Uh.. unh... She's squeezing her stripey tits on my cock..."

"Good, more.."

"I can see.. I can see her tits sliding up and down my cock, with the water pouring down on us her fur mats up and down around it.. Ohhhh! She's licking me whenever I get close enough... Her tits are squeezing me so tight... Oh she's sucking me-- Oh!"

Merril allowed the light to pass between her and Hank. Their silhouette showed her face pressed up against Hank's groin, his cock buried to the hilt into her mouth and throat. Hank's hips bucked a little, but she rode him gracefully enough that her muzzle stayed up against him.

"Ohh, GOD Merr, you give such amazing head..."

Merril let go of Hank's cock and slid back up him, their silhouettes merging again.

"Lots and lots of practice. Now just let the water pour over you for a bit. Think of oceans and stones and places to watch the waves. Think of a place to be alone with your thoughts. Think of peace. Think of kittens."

"Uh... okay now I'm confused."

"That's kind of the idea." Merril giggled. "Getting some unsexy imagery in that sex-addled brain of yours has got you soft enough that we can get to towels." Merril reclaimed the lanyard and slid the door open just far enough to grab a pair of towels from the rack. Behind the screen, Merril and Hank dried themselves.

"Holy-- where did you even GET towels this narrow?"

"I have my sources," Merril said impishly. "Measured and cut to fit, don't you know. Now let's get over to that bed so we can show off some fluids."

Hank emerged from the shower stall wrapped in a towel, his still slightly-hard member prodding out a bit. Merril followed him, her towel characteristically clinging to her breasts just above the nipples and barely covering her nethers. "G'wan, get in the bedroom and get behind the screen!"

"Like this?"

"Perfect." Merril flipped the camera control to the bedroom, where Hank's silhouetted form stood behind Merril's dressing screen. "Now rub the front of that towel for us, hmm?"

"I think I'm starting to like this. You're corrupting me, you pervy Mephit."

At that, Merril bounced into the bedroom, her breasts threatening to jerk the towel off of her at every step.

"I am going to have to watch some of your archives when we get done with this," Hank said, awe creeping into his voice. Merril giggled.

As Merril made her way behind the screen, Hank eagerly pulled her towel off and could be plainly seen licking her breasts.

"Yeah, that's right, Hank. Stick your tongue out so they can see the way it moves on that silhouette. Let 'em see that tongue on my nipple."

"I'm not sure this is softcore porn anymore."

"It never was. Mmh. In this case, "softcore" is something of a simplification, you see. Now lick my cunt. Gooood boy. Mmm.. The idea isn't to appease some fortunately-nonexistent regulatory body, but to give the audience something real, and also let them imagine something they can never have. Ohhhh, I love it when you flick my clit like that... " The silhouette of Hank's kneeling form clearly sunk it's face into Merril's, which writhed a little as the soft lapping sounds carried through Hank's microphone. Merril's recorded some pleasured sighs.

"Okay lover, let's get me into something lacey." Above the screen, the closet doors could be seen accordioning open. Merril's silhouette shimmied from side to side as something with lots of translucent frills slid up her thighs. Her arms moved in a complicated way as something similarly complicated wrapped around her chest.

"I could swear that's dirtier than you being naked."

"I'm glad you noticed! It's supposed to be. Pretty sure my pussy lips show out better with fabric pulled taught over them than with bushy fur. Let's see what the audience thinks." Merril pranced out from behind the screen.

What Merril was wearing couldn't be described as a skirt so much as a pair of overly tight shiny pink panties with a pair of lace frills on either hip, and as advertised the panties rode up so tightly that her pussy lips were distinctly visible. Her top wasn't really a bra either so much as a ribbon tied around her at armpit level with lace hanging limply down over her breasts.

With one hand on her lanyard and one hand fondling a nipple underneath the lace, Merril grinned. "Coming out about 90 percent for this being dirtier than naked."

"Ten percent of your audience is blamed fools," Hank said, still holding the towel around himself.

"Drop the towel-- I've got the camera over the bed running so nobody'll see anything they're not supposed to," said Merril cheerily. The overhead view showed the pillow and lower half of the sheets for a moment before Hank was seen lying on the bed. The camera's view perched right at his waistline. Merril's head slid up Hank's side. Merril grinned up at the camera. "As classic as Andy Warhol's film "blowjob" is, we're changing things up a bit. Camera two will show the side view, and catch my kitty's cum spraying up over the barrier I've erected." Merril giggled again. "Speaking of erecting.."

Merril's head sank down below the camera's field of vision, and Hank's face softened as slurping sounds started to carry through Merril's lanyard. "Don't try to talk for this one, lover. Just moan for the camera," Merril said seductively between licks.

Hank visibly stopped paying attention to anything but what Merril was doing to him and just sighed happily. Merril left the camera pointing at his face, letting the audience try to guess at what was happening from the way his torso squirmed and his face contorted.

"Oh he's getting CLOSE, lovers. Let's watch, hmm?"

The side camera clicked on, a few stacked pillows barely obstructing the view of Hank's cock. "Ohhh it really is a shame you can't.. mm.. see this cock, lovers. It's so big and.. mm... thick.." Merril's face was mostly visible, sliding up and down, her cheeks bulging a little as she sucked. A moan escaped Hank, and Merril briefly flicked the camera back to his face, capturing one last image of his face contorting in orgasm...

And back, just in time to catch the first jet of cum shooting past the pillows and landing on Merril's muzzle. Hank cried out as the second, bigger spray shot high into the air, presumably landing somewhere on his stomach. As Hank gasped frantically, a few more dots shot into the air, getting a little more on Merril's face. She audibly sucked and licked a little at Hank's spent tool before rising up to let the camera get an unobstructed view of the cum on her face. She licked her lips. "Another big plus for Hank: his cum actually tastes kind of good!"

The camera switched to overhead again, showing off a long streak of cum on Hank's stomach as Merril slid up it, kissing Hank messily. The two cuddled together for a few moments before Merril reached back down to Hank's groin.

"He's usually good for a second cum, too. Don't get me wrong, Hank's a good boy, but he's really gifted in the tools department. And this second load is going in. My. Pussy."

Merril visibly squirmed, pulling the panties she'd been wearing off and bringing them into the field of the camera. They were drenched. She held them under Hank's nose and he lapped at them with half-sated bliss. Merril let herself be visibly turned on by this. "Oh baby you like that, don't you. You want to eat my pussy before you fuck it? Hmm?"

Hank let out a horny growl, and grinning, Merril sat up, the side view camera rejoining them with her sitting by his side as she tied her undergarment differently, the frills that hung by her side now barely covering her treasures front and back. Merril climbed on top of Hank into a sixty-nine position, mostly letting Hank eat at her but occasionally leaning down below the still-placed pillows to lick at his presumably dripping member.

Merril arched her tail happily while Hank's remote picked up the sound of his tongue lapping at her. "Ohhh, hell yeah... Hank's an inveterate pussy-eater. I'd make him a... oh... I'd make him an honorary lesbian if he gave better fingering..."

"That's enough, lover, let's climax this show." Merril slid herself down Hank's chest and waist, finally getting herself situated at his groin. Her hips shifted subtly as she positioned herself to take Hank's cock in. "Ohh here.. we... go..." The camera picked up every pleasurable tensing of Merril's face and stomach as she took Hank into her depths.

The camera watched her grind slowly for a few moments before she spoke again.

"In a lot of your softcore porn you'd see this kind of thing with no actual penetration happening-- some of it pretty realistic, some of it pretty obvious. This-- unnnh.. this is the real thing, though. When I move my hips like this-- he's really slicking past my pussy lips, his glans almost popping free..." Hank let out a low groan. "And when I do this... ah! I'm really feeling that rod go all... the way... iiin..." Merril rode Hank for a bit, his moans intensifying.

"Listen to it for a second," Merril said, pulling her lanyard over her head and lowering it down to their coupling. The microphone picked up a slow, rich slurp as Merril pulled herself almost off Hank's cock, and another as she slid down. After a few strokes Merril put her lanyard back around her neck. "It's a simple wet slippery noise-- easy to fake, but when it's not real... it can't..." Merril arched her back hard, her stomach obviously clenching hard even through the fur, "it can't... do... this..."


Merril and Hank cried out together in climax, the side camera faithfully recording the way they cried out as one, hips clenching desperately together. As the climax's fireworks expended themselves, Merril switched back to the overhead camera and fell into the covers beside Hank, her hair wildly spread about, her face flush with orgasm. Hank looked over at her, spent bliss on his face.

"Sexy skunkette."

"Sexy kitty," Merril replied. "Okay, lovers, I'm going to have a nice long nap with my co-star now. The challenge on the picture post this week: show me some cum in some otherwise softcore pictures! Go have some fun of your own, lovers, the rest of the night is yours."

And with that, Merril snuggled deep into Hank's arms and flicked off the cameras.