Always Cry Wolf (PART X)

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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The apartment was small, but clean. Trevor ran his hand along one of the white walls and smiled.

"How much again?"

"Well, with first and last deposit that will be around $1,000. Cash or check only. I'll crunch the numbers to get the exact figure for you."

The wolf hid his shock as the agent pulled out a clip board and began scribbling. The sales mallard ruffles his feathers as he pondered his calculation, then nodded to himself and offered the page to Trevor.

"Of course utilities are included. You will also have access to the gym, pool, spa, and game courts. It's all included."

"Of course." Said the wolf with a sheepish grin.

The duck raised an eye brow.

"Will there be any other tenants joining you?"

It seemed like a stupid question considering it was a two bedroom sweet.

"Yeah, my friend and his sister."

"Well, we don't usually have three in one of these smaller apartments, but I'm sure the owner won't mind as long as rent comes on time."

The mallard smiled and shuffled through his briefcase. Pulling out a folder he offered it to the young wolf.

"These are the stipulations, a copy of the contract, information about Oak Grove Community Living, and our contact info if you have any questions. You can sign the leas now if you want. A deposit would be advisable otherwise."

"How much is the deposit?"


Trevor pulled out his wallet and leafed through it for a moment before pulling out two bills.

"Is cash ok?"

"Of course sir; you have my card in the folder. Let me know if I can help in any other way."

The wolf was ushered out politely and they shook hands once more before the mallard waddled away.

Trevor took a deep breath and opened the folder. The bold black pen marks showed $975 which was circled. $325 a month split between three roommates was cheap, but the apartment was small. He saw a pamphlet "Oak Groves Community Living, a place apart from all the rest" He flipped through the brochure and glanced at all the glossy photos of pools, smiling people walking along well trimmed hedges, and an elderly man who was the president of the investors. In reality it was a bare bones operation situated on the outskirts of the city near what would be deemed a bad neighborhood. There were high gates around the housing blocks with a punch key at every door. Trevor had tried other apartment complexes on the better side of town, but even a one room studio started at $500. Grudgingly, the young male headed to his car. He knew Kendal and Jenny were waiting for him back at their parents' house.

The siblings greeted him in excitement as he came through the front door of the familiar dwelling. The Riley family had taken him in with semi-open arms after his father had caught him in the act of making love with Kendal. Mr. Riley had received a call from Trevor's father in which the two boys were outed and accused of inappropriate sexual conduct. Kendal's parents had been very understanding, in fact, they had defended the boys and their love for one another. (To the great shock and relief of the couple) Jenny had held her breath from the beginning. She had worried that the boys would end up leaving her to escape persecution, but with the support of her parents, things were starting to smooth out. Finding an apartment they could all live in together had greatly relieved her anxiety of abandonment.

"The rooms are small, but the kitchen is full sized and the dinning room living room combo is large enough for the couch and tables. Mr. Mallard said the owner would be fine with all of us living there."

Kendal and Jenny clapped their paws in excitement.

"We'll be free to do whatever we want!" cried Kendal "I can fuck your brains out in every room of the house!"

Jenny cut in, "Excuse me? Where am I in all this?"

The two boys tackled her on the couch. Trevor began humping her ass while Kendal fondled her breasts roughly.

The vixen kicked at her antagonizes roughly as Kendal triumphantly pulled up his sister's shirt and planted a raspberry on her stomach.

Trevor pulled back and looked at his two lovers. The siblings teased back and forth in a blur of red, white, and black. Finally, Jenny slipped from the couch and took a moment to rearrange herself. Kendal shook his furry body and picked up his lost shirt. The wolf admired the slim physique of the male fox. His red fur was beginning to thicken, a later sign of puberty. Even his tail had become bushier, with a larger tuft of white at the end. Jenny, though older than her brother, was still maturing. Her body was curving, hips more pronounced, breasts full and generous in his paws. They were fine looking animals, healthy and full of a sexual drive that most animals their age experienced at this time. The lupine thought that perhaps in another time and place, Jenny would already be mated and carrying kits of her own.

He felt a slight tug in his chest; he wished he could one day mate with her and help raise kits of his own too. The wolf shook his head slowly and put the thought out of his mind. After all, he was still young, not ready for a family; there was a lot of life to explore before settling down. At that moment he felt Jenny's paws on his hips and he turned his attentions to a more pressing issue between his legs.

Kendal was already mounting the stairs to the bedroom. The vixen pressed herself into Trevor and eagerly pushed him after her brother.

"Come on stud, I have an itch that needs scratching and from the feel of it, you do too."

She let her paw caress the stiffness in the wolf's pants before slipping past him. Trevor followed and closed the door behind him as he entered the room.

Kendal had left his shirt off and was now pulling off his pants, leaving the dark green boxers on to tease the others. Jenny sat down on the bed and motioned to her brother. The fox eagerly came to his sisters assistance and began unbuttoning her blouse. Trevor pulled off his own shirt and undid his jeans, letting them slip down his thighs to his knees. He was not wearing boxers. The wolf let his paws fall on the massive erection at his waist and began stroking gently while watching the foxes. Jenny moaned as her brother slipped her bra off, stopping at her left breast for a quick lick on a hardening pink nipple. His paws continued down her waist and up under the plaid skirt she was wearing. A moment later he was slipping the white undies around her ankles to the floor. Trevor stepped forward and picked them up with his free paw, sniffing deeply of the vixens musky scent. He pumped his shaft a little faster for a moment and then backed up to the wall to keep his balance.

Kendal had slid down to his knees on the floor between his sister's legs. She began playing with her own breasts, pinching her nipples and licking her lips in pleasure. Her brother parted her legs wide and offered the view of her exposed sex to Trevor. The wolf grunted as precum dripped from his tip in anticipation of the show. The vixen lets out a soft yiff and put a paw on the back of her brother's head, guiding his muzzle into her cunt. Kendal was lost in the taste of his sister's clit. She bucked into his mouth and he began licking her. Trevor threw an arm out along the wall as he pumped faster and harder in rhythm with her movements. The male fox got on all fours and continued eating out Jenny. Trevor looked from the vixen to Kendal's ass and then suddenly moved forward.

In a flash he had pulled the other male's boxers down and slipped his cock under the fox's tail. Kendal howled into his sister's cunt and kept pleasuring her with his muzzle while his own sexual needs were filled by the wolf's throbbing shaft. Jenny began yiffing again and this time, Kendal tasted her cum as she unloaded for him. Trevor continued to ass fuck his lover, holding the fox's hips with his paws and thrusting deeper with every push. He felt the Fox's ass convulsing and knew he was ready to cum too. With one last thrust he felt himself exploding, the climax shot through his entire body, causing him to shiver from ears to tail. The wolf howled with pleasure as he continued to fuck his lover until the last of his erection was gone. Then he fell forward over his lover's back and let out a deep breath. Kendal held him up and the two males looked adoringly at their vixen, now laying on the bed in satisfaction. The others soon climbed to either side of her and the three animals lay in each other's arms, enjoying the evening sounds of late summer.

Trevor headed out later that night for work. Leonard, the owner of the movie theater, had put him on closing shifts at the theater and the wolf enjoyed his new position very much. The night crew had a great sense of humor and often spent a lot of time fooling around after hours when all the cleaning was done. Sometimes Jenny and Kendal would come to visit him and see a show. He would give them comp tickets and sit with them when his manager was in a good mood. Starting pay was low, but steady, and Trevor had the job as long as he wanted it.

Kendal had spent his days on the lacrosse field with Ian. The two had a lot of fun flirting to confuse the rest of the team. Even coach had begun to scratch his head when he would run into them in the locker room, holding hands and skipping to the shower with big grins on their faces. The rabbit had given Kendal some space after what had gone down with Trevor, but the fox encouraged their friendship and soon the two boys were hanging out in the afternoons after practice and having a blast. Ian's family lived in the really nice part of town and the handsome hare had no qualms about his wealth. His family was very welcoming too.

Mrs. Macabee was a drop dead gorgeous long eared rabbit. Her sable fur shimmered as she stepped onto the back porch with a pitcher of lemonade. The boys were sitting in lawn chairs talking about practice. As his mother set down the beverage, her son leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. The doe smiled at him and then looked at Kendal.

"Well Kendal, it seems my son is making new friends after all."

The jackrabbit male rolled his eyes and batted at his mother as she scuffed his ears.

"It's true; he was so worried that no one would like him here. We knew making this kind of transition at the end of a school year would be tough, but Ian is such a social animal, we knew he'd acclimate soon enough."

The fox nodded and winked at Ian with a smile.

"He is a real charmer Mrs. Macabee. The team is really lucky to have him too."

The female nodded in agreement.

"Yes, our son is an amazing athlete. Thomas and I are very proud of him."

Kendal had never seen Mr. Macabee. Apparently he was a big business lawyer who traveled non stop form city to city working on huge cases. This did not seem to bother Ian. He and his father clashed on many subjects. He watched Ian's mom return to the house and then giggled at his friend.

"Your mom's hot Ian, I bet she's rather lonesome without big daddy around to give her a little pickle tickle."

The jackrabbit threw his chair pillow at the fox as he swore under his breath. Then the handsome jock pulled his shirt over his head and standing, dropped it on his chair and headed to the pool. Kendal scrambled after his and as they came to the edge of the water, the fox roughly nudged his friend to knock him off balance. The other male had prepared for this and instead of falling in, he spun around and yanked the surprised kit with him into the deep end. They play fought for a moment and then pulled apart, laughing and splashing as they made their way into the shallows.

Jenny sat watching Nisha grading papers from across the room. Everyone else was madly scribbling on their tests. The vixen had finished early and took her time watching the lioness. Other students were beginning to bring their tests to the front of the class. Ms. Kumar smiled at each student as they passed her their exams. She nodded as one young man asked her something. Her smile took Jenny's breath away and the vixen sighed deeply. It had been an amazing two months of heavy crushing. Now she knew, it was time to make a move. Nisha had been more than receptive to the vixen's show of interest, but Jenny had lost many nights of sleep trying to figure out how to ask the lioness out without being awkward or inappropriate. At last, she had settled on playing innocent tour guide to her teacher.

"Ah, Jenny, I noticed you flew threw the third section. Are you confident about the exam?"

The vixen lowered her eyes. "Yes, I studied very had for this test, it's nice to finally get it out of the way."

Nisha grinned and nodded in agreement. "I always give my finals early to allow student more time to enjoy what's left of the summer."

"Yes, it will be nice to have one less class to worry about."

The last student filed out behind them. Jenny took a deep breath as she watched her professor pack up her papers. It was now or never.

'Um, Nisha?"

"Yes Jenny."

"Would you like to come to a club tonight with me? I promised to show you around downtown."

"Well, I was planning on grading these tests tonight so I can put them in your boxes tomorrow, but it could wait till the weekend."

The vixen smiled hopefully. Her older crush lifted the strap of her bag over her head and gently pulled her dreads over to allow the bag to rest gently on her shoulder. Jenny caught sight of the lionesses neck for a moment and the scent of jasmine.

"Where and when do you want to meet up?"

Jenny came back to reality as the other woman stared at her with curious green eyes.

"Um, I could pick you up around seven. We could have dinner before going to the club."

"Sounds great, I'll write you directions to my house."

With that, Nisha turned back to her desk for a moment and scribbled a few lines.

"Here, if you have any trouble finding it, my cell number is at the bottom."

The vixen nodded and folded the paper into her pocket. They were going out together! Nisha waved goodbye and headed to the faculty parking lot.

Jenny turned to head to her own car when an arm fell over her shoulder.

"Well, sounds like you've got a date with teacher."

Jack whisked his tail in adgitation as Jenny pushed him away.

"Come on Jack, I'm just showing her the town."

"Really? Well, aren't you nice. When are you going to show me around?"

He pawed with one hoof at the grass as they walked.

"You know your way around just fine Jack, Nisha's new to the area."

"Nisha? Wow, on first name terms too? Ha!"

The vixen picked up her pace, rolling her eyes to dismiss his comment.

"Come on Jenny, I've seen the way you swoon when she walks into class. You're hot for her, everyone knows."

"Yeah? I guess everyone knows except me."

With that, she reached her car and angrily threw open the door. Jack stepped back to avoid being hit and snorted with frustration.

She drove fast, too fast. Jack's words echoed in her head as she turned onto her street. What an ass hole. He was really pushing her buttons and it had to stop. She knew that it was really her fear of being found out. As she pulled into the driveway, Jenny began second guessing herself. Should she call Nisha and cancel? No. She parked and headed inside.

Trevor and Kendal knew Jenny had a date. The two males watched as their vixen carefully applied makeup in the bathroom mirror. She brushed the mascara onto her eyelashes, the thick black brush pulling her eye lid up with each swipe. Trevor wanted to ask, but worried about her privacy. Kendal was not hampered by formality.

"So sis, you got a date tonight?"

Jenny finished her eyes and put away the tube of black. She then picked up a brush and began fluffing her fur. Kendal stepped into the bathroom and leaned onto the bathroom counter next to his sister.

"Is it Jack?"

At this, Jenny smacked her brother over the head of a free paw.

"Hey, hey, I was only joaking!"

Kendal backed away rubbing his head. The fox was about to ask again when Trevor put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him back into the hallway.

"Kendal, your sister may not want to talk about this with us."

"Yeah, well since she's sort of in a relationship with the two of us, I think she owes it to the people she's sleeping with. All I want to know is the name of the guy she's getting all dolled up for."

As he finished, Jenny emerged from the bathroom with purse in hand. She swished her tail as she brushed passed the wolf and her kit brother. They smelled the perfume in her wake.

Kendal stormed off to his room in frustration while Trevor meekly followed the female downstairs.

"You need a ride?" He asked in hope.

"No thanks Trevor, I'm picking Nisha up at her place."


"Yes, Nisha, she's a professor at the college. I'm taking her out to dinner and then we're going clubbing together."

Trevor smiled in relief. "Oh, it's like girl's night out right?"

"Sure, girl's night out."

Jenny felt apprehensive about her feelings and decided not to tell the wolf about her real plans for that night. If it happened, she'd share, if not, it was not worth building up false impressions. She lingered as his side for a moment and let him embrace her.

"Have a good night babe, be careful too."

"Don't worry hottie, I won't be going to that club."

With that, she stepped out the front door and headed to her car. Trevor closed the door behind her and bolted up the stairs; eager to share the news with Kendal that there was not another man in Jenny's life.

"She's going with a teacher?"

The fox rolled over with eyebrows raised.

"Yes idiot, it's a sort of girl's night out. They're not meeting up with anyone else."

"How do you know?"

Trevor sat down next to his lover and looked him straight in the eyes.

"She would have told me. She knows why we're asking. Jenny wouldn't hide something like this from us."

"Yeah, you know her so well."

The wolf growled for a moment and then stood up.

"Look, I know you're her brother, that you grew up together, that I've just come into this family and don't know shit about your past, but I know this; Jenny cares about us, she would not go off with another guy without letting us know what's up. Now, I don't want to heart anything else about it tonight. It's my night off and I'm spending it with you. In fact, I'm kind of glad Jenny's gone out, it means I get to spend some quality time alone with my boyfriend for the first time in weeks."

At that, Kendal shut up about Jenny. The two males called for pizza and raided the fridge for beer. They put in a stupid action movie and cuddled on the couch.

As the evening set in and the pizza crusts began to pile up, Trevor stretched out on the couch and Kendal snuggled into him. They had put in another movie "The Velvet Gold Muzzle". Hot glam furs filled the screen with a tails of star crossed rock and roll lovers. Half way though the film Kendal could feel his lover's erection creeping up his back. The fox slipped a paw behind him and gently began rubbing the hard on. Trevor moaned softly and wrapped his arms around the smaller fur in front of him. He pressed into the paw that pleasured him and wished he had on thinner pants.

"You wanna go upstairs?" Asked the wolf eagerly.

"Not till the movie's over."

"If you make me cum in my pants I'll..."

"Shh, this is a great part."

The main characters of the film were going to bed together for the first time. Trevor watched as one male pulled the shirt of his friend and the two rolled around on the bed like kids. He felt his own paws pulling at Kendal's shirt. The fox allowed his top to be pulled over his head. Trevor began pinching the small nipples buried in his lover's thick fur. Kendal reacted by moaning and tensing his ass into the wolf's hips.

As the on screen duo began to touch each other their audience followed suit. Kendal's paws fell into the edge of his partner's pants. He teased the horny wolf by letting his claws gently comb through Trevor's pubic hair without touching his sheath. The pup whined and tried to push himself into the kit's touch. Kendal removed his paws quickly and squirmed as Trevor brought a strong paw around to feel at the crotch of the fox. Kendal was hard too.

"You sure you gonna make the end of this film?"

Kendal yipped as his lover nipped the back of his neck.

"Y-yes! Hey, stop that! No, n-not there! Aww..."

Trevor had begun rubbing the kit's shaft. It had poked through the top of his jeans as an easy target. Kendal tried to get up, but Trevor pulled him down and rolled on top.

"You were going to make me wait? Now I think I'll play with you for a little while and see if you make it though this movie."

With that, the wolf undid the fox's jeans, pulled down his boxers, and began licking his erection.

Kendal's shaft was long and hard. The kit could not hold back as the pleasure in his loins began mounting. The wolf's tongue was wet; he licked with just the right amount of pressure in each stroke as he lured the penis into full awakening. Kendal cried out as he felt an orgasm building. At that same moment, Trevor stopped licking and gripped the shaft to hold back the fox's climax. The kit moaned in frustration and kicked at his lover for playing such a trick. Kendal reached for his shaft in an attempt to pleasure himself, but the wolf roughly pulled him up from the couch and threw him over his shoulder.

"The film's not over yet, but I'm taking you upstairs."

The fox's room was filled with bright light from the door to the hallway as the two males entered. Trevor dropped his prey on the bed and moved to switch on the side table lamp. Kendal bucked his jeans the rest of the way off and rolled onto his stomach, lifting his tail in invitation to his dominate lover. The wolf climbed over him and began sniffing his body from head to tail. As he came down between the kit's legs he paused and used his paws to part the animal's ass cheeks. The sudden exposure caused the fox to gasp in surprise.

"Easy little one, I'm not fucking you yet."

Kendal let himself relax as the wolf let go and continued his inspection. Then, Trevor gently turned the fox over and lay on him. He dropped a paw down between the fox's spread legs and fondled his balls for a moment before dropping lower.

"I want to feel inside you Kendal. I'm going to fuck you with both hands tonight."

The foxed moaned with pleasure as the fingers slipped inside his ass. Gently, the wolf pressed until two fingers were buried deep inside his lover. Then he gave the kit's cock a few licks to get it good and wet. Kendal pressed into the wolf's muzzle eagerly. Trevor pulled up and let his other paw grip the sheath. He pumped at the erection, slowly letting his entire paw go from base to tip. With both paws on him, Kendal was overwhelmed by the pleasure that ripped through his body with tenacious force. He whimpered in frustration as Trevor paused for a moment.

"Beg for it whelp. Ask me to make you cum."

"Please... please fuck me till I cum. I want it so badly master."

"What do you want so badly?"

"I want... I want you to let me cum for you Trevor. I want to explode in your hands."

With that, the wolf began pumping in earnest. His paw moved up and down in rhythm with his penetrating. Kendal began pressing against his lover, crying out with pleasure and Trevor fucked him.

"Oh god yes! Oh god... YES! I'm cumming, right now, right... n-now."

His shaft shot forth the warm salty elixir all over his own chest. Trevor felt the fox's asshole spasming around his fingers again and again. The smell of his active sexual pleasure filled the wolf's nostrils and he swooned. Kendal was gasping and looking at Trevor with satisfaction and affection. The wolf gently removed his fingers and pulled himself against his tired lover. His own erection was still quite noticeable and Kendal turned into his lover with a curious stare.

"You want me to suck you off?"

"Well, we've already gotten you all over the sheets."

"Oops! I forgot when I rolled over."

"Yes, well, I like getting dirty anyway."

The wolf chuckled as his lover rubbed cum in his chest fur.

"You haven't answered my question yet Trevor."


"Can I suck you off?"

"Oh, I'd like that very much."

"Good. Lay back and enjoy."