Till the End of Dawn
#2 of Till the End of Dawn
Chapter 1
~ New Year for the End
Demcember 30, 2019
"Hurry up Tim! were going to be late!" Said the feline sassy girl
"Im coming Sally, calm your tits" Tim Snickers as he was close to laughing
Sally groans "I just do not want to be late dude!"
As the two college students get close to the party, Tim looks out the window and sees the party going under way "kinda ironic were having the party by the old black clock tower" Tim thought to himself. "I wonder something about my brother, I thought he be happy to see again but I thought he miss me or want me to come home? I wonder myself why is acting like this? I know he is like 14 years old and I'm like 19 years old but he always like me around but i don't know?" Tim looked up and went outside to the party. "New Year's party will always end with a bang, my dad always say"
The party was huge like every student at the college is here and most of the teachers
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" everyone cheered