Falling Snow ~Page One~

Story by FlameWolfess on SoFurry

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This was written by me, i was bored so i thought. "What the hell, why not write a story?" So yeah, here it is, Sinopa is half fox half wolf, her mother is a fox father a wolf and her brothers mother died while giving birth to him so since her father is his father they adopted him into the family, If you want anymore info just PM me!

This is in a kind of in a thrid persons view in a way i suppose, PM me if you want it in someones full POV.

Sinopa sighed deeply as she unpacked the boxes that were stacked in her room; They had just moved in last night though she was so tired she fell asleep as soon as her head hit her pillow when they got to their new home, she had no time to unpack the night before since she was so tired from the long tavel.

She looked at a picture of her family she unpacked from one of the boxes, it had her, her mother Glenn, her father Ray and her brother Jake; Her brother was a full blooded wolf with all grey fur and a black snout, her mother is a dark red full blooded vixen with black hind and front paws, while her father was a dark deep brown full blooded wolf.

Her brother has a diffrent mother who is full blooded wolf like their father and was taken into the family at birth while his mother died while giving birth to him, though they all treated him like 100% of the family; She then went back to unpacking all of the boxes she had in her new room.

While her mother Glenn was downstairs making breakfast for everyone, she was making pancakes and baken on the stove; while they were cooking she went to go and set the table with the silverware and plates she got from one of the boxes and rinsed them off in the sink before setting them onto the table.

Her father was out cutting some trees down to cut into logs for their fireplace in the woods behind there house; She then unoacked the last of her stuff and finished putting everything away before she got up and went downstairs to her mother. "Morning Mum" She said cheerfully and kissed her mum on the cheek. "Morning Sin" She answered her daughter with her nickname for her while going past to the stairs to call to her Son Jake.

She went over and got some baken and a half peice of pancake and scarffed them down before getting a cup out and rinsing it before she got some orange juice from the fridge they bought thismorning and poured it into the glass cup and gulped that down and ran into the other room, her paws thudding on the ground as she got her coat on and brushed off her jeans and sweater and put on her winter boots.

She got her backpack from beside the door and flew open the door running outside into the snow as her brother caught up to her. "Hurry were gonna be late, it's our first day here and i'm not going to be late" Her brother shouted to her as he ran along side her while she rolled her eyes and ran faster.

About ten minutes of running they finaly got to the school panting and sweating from the long run, puffs of white steam riseing above there heads. "Pheww..." She huffed and held her knees crouching down her breath heaving. "Make sure next time were on time" Her brother panted while walking to the doors to the school, she followed suit.

He walked into the school and went to the front desk, while his sister tagged along behind him. "Hello, how may i help you" The lady at the desk questioned cheerfully. "Were, Jake and Sinopa Woodler" He annouced pointing to his sister as he said her name. "Oh, here you are, have a nice day" She said giving them there schedules for classes.

They had only two classes togather, while their others were at diffrent times and places, though it was fine with both of them since they wern't that close; She put hers into her bag and they said there goodbyes and goodlucks as they seporated to go to there first classes, History and science.

She went to history and walked in to be met by the teacher who was just sitting down as she came in. "Ah, Sinopa Woodler i presume" He questioned. "Yes, Sir" She said shyly and glaced around the glass that was filled with anthros of dogs, horses, cats, bulls and cows, and only one vixen who sat in the back that has white fur. "You can go and sit in the back with Holly Arthur" He said motioning to the vixen she was looking at moments before.

She walked back and smiled lightly at the fox before siting down in the sit beside her. "Hi, i'm Holly as you know" She said cheerfully with a wide smile. "Hello, Sinopa" She said introducing herself. "I know, so whats your schedule like?" She questioned.

She went back and got into her backpack and pulled out her schedule. "Here" She said handing it to her, she then looked over it quickly as a large grin spread across her face. "Cool!, we have almost half our classes togather exept three" She said and looked back down at it. "And the three you don't have with me you have with Devin!" She screeched loudly in an half suprized and half shocked voice, making half the class look back at them. "Keep it down!" She growled quietly to her as most of the class turnt back around.

"Whos Devin?" She questioned with a curious look. "Whos Devin!?, Hes this really hot Wolf, though hes more feral then not though he is anthro; Any girl here has tryed to get to him though hes like super mean and agressive, though thats more of a turn on to all the females who aren't taken and even some males, haha!" She said with a wide grin.

While Sinopa was listening she smiled lightly at the end. "Okay so what's the big deal?" She questioned to the vixen who had wide eyes. "Your a wolf, hes a wolf, you two are like perfect for eachother!"She said excitedly in a queit voice while Sinopa just stared at her as though she had seven eyes.

"That's crazy!, i'm single and staying that way" She growled just as the bell rung, she got her bag and papers and headed to the door and made her way out Holly trailing behind, she was looking down at the ground as usual just as someone hit into her making her fall back onto the ground.

She looked up to see a large black wolf with bright forest green eyes staring down at her. "Watch where your going!" He snarled baring his fangs while he 'talked'. "Geez, sorry i didn't see you, no reason to yell" She said folding her ears back and siting up on her elbows just as he stalked away. "I'm guessing thats Devin..."

How did everyone like it?, I know it isn't written very well but i tryed my best, and don't worry things are going to heat up alot in the next page ;)