The Night Before....

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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Clark has come to stay with his boyfriend over holidays, and the cool winter made him feel the need to get out of bed to go see his lover--in hopes Jason might wish for an impromptu lion-blanket.

Here's a short I wrote in a bit for the Holiday seasons. I figured something soft and romantic suited the mood. Hope it's enjoyed by all and that everyone has a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays for any such instance that it applies of course) and good mirth follows!


I moved through the house as slowly as I could. Not a soul in it was stirring, not even a mouse. OK, well, perhaps that was because the Dereks lived here, and last time I checked, huskies were known for fluffy tells. But that wasn't an important fact. I let my tail do some odd maneuvers in the air behind me; it always helped steady me I felt. Though I was more careful than usual too--least I wake any who lived in this foreign place by bumping into something.

But being a lion had its perks. Like the fact I could see quite well by the tiny stars that just barely lit up the small house through its windows, or the fact that despire being such a big cat I was alble to move without making a sound--mostly muscle with a little heft; though only Jason was allowed to call me 'chubby' or 'kitten' or anything he liked really.

I tried being extra careful as I passed by the pups' rooms--hating the idea of waking either of Jason's siblings up. They would probably think it was Santa in the house, and then they would bark and yelp in happiness, waking up everybody and ruin my attempts to move undisturbed. After a minute of stealthy maneuvers I was at my lover's door though. I mae the most noise I had that night--even while talking with his family becaue I had been so nervous and shy--as I opened his door which let out a small squeak.

Closing the door behind me I let out a small sigh of innate happiness. There was a lot to be happy about after all. I was close to Jason again, I could smell him on the air, his family had liked me it seemed, and most of all I could see the shine of his eyes in the room.

"Clark?" his voice whispered very silently, hardly loud enough for me to hear him.

I lost it a little--my stealthiness that is. I padded over to his bed, but missed that there was a sock in the way. On the polished wooden floors it was enough to make me slip, but I managed to catch myself without making terribly much noise. Even still, I was a bit panicked.

"Don't worry family is heavy sleepers," Jason soon said, knowing me so well that even if he didn't see me he knew that the small trip had startled me. Of course, he also knew just how nervous I was right now: meeting his family for the first time and all that. Oh God, I wanted them to like me so terribly much. Especially for everything I wanted to show them: how much their son meant to me.

I let my thumping heart calm a bit before moving over to my love, "Just like you," I replied before slipping unde the covers without any pomp or circumstance. We shuffled about to get closer to one another and comfy under the covers where I was soon spooning the husky from behind.

Jason pressed against me and let out a small murr, which basically acted like a catalyst to making me purr. The gentle thrumming noise in my chest soon moved up my throat and was running into the room soon enough. That caused my husky to chuckle a little and he soon grasped my paw before bringing it up to his muzzle and kissing it a few times, "My parents like you, you know?"

"They do? Really?" I asked, a bit of hesitation in my tone. Don't get me wrong. I not normally such a scardy cat, but I coudlnt' quite help it. Here I was, at my boyfriend of three years house, having flown half way across the country to meet them: in person. I had talked with them before--gotten the whole spiel from his father about how to treat his son: and in my opinion I treated him just like he deserved, with love, care, and on my part a bit of over-exaggerated adoration at times.

"Yes," Jason mumbled, kissing my paw again before letting it rest on his chest, "Think I've snagged myself quite the kitten...which they waited to say till you were in the shower,"

"They didn't call me kitten," I pouted a bit, hoping the didn't. I wanted them to see me as a lion--a big, strong, manly, masculine, loving, knowledgeable lion. Or, that was what I thought I wanted, I guess I really just wanted them to think--above all--that I was worthy to date the black and white furred dog in my arms.

"OK...maybe that was me," Jason replied with a smile I could basically hear. That made me give a playful growl before diving at his neck. I was soon kissing and nipping at my lover, making him playfully laugh under my ministrations--the closest I ever got to straight out giggles from him, even now sound much more like a snicker. I continued for a few moments before settling on a patch of fur where I knew it was black. It had to be black fur. The last thing I wanted was to leave a noticeable hickey on my lover's neck.

"Mmmm, Clark..." Jason murred, only slightly exaggerated to me. I simply purred back to him while chewing at my favorite toy; which tilted its head for my better acess after a moment. We stayed like that for a few minutes, with Jason's breathes becoming more and more ragged--a sound I loved almost as much as I loved him.

I'm not sure either of us knew just how it began, but by the time my lips were nicely wet like his neck we were both aware of the pressure at our lower areas: me pressing into the back of his blue pajama bottoms and him pressing that great, amazing part of himself back to my own body. My growl and purr were soon mixed together to produce a sound only my husky could get out of me as we lay together.

His paw slowly began to guide my own, and we both let out a small gasp: me in a bit of innocent surprise at even more sensual turn we were taking, and him as my paw was pressed against his special areas. I mewled slightly when he left my paw, though I still had quite a lot to take hold of, and I certinaly did that. I rolled his fuzzy orbs about in my paw while continuing to play with him, knowing how much he loved such indirect stimulations; from my lips on his neck and paw in his briefs.

"Cl--Clark....Oh, please," he soon whispered to me, pressing all the more feverently into my tented boxers.

"Are you sure?"

There was a bit of fumbling and soon enough I heard an all-too familiar clicking sound of our trusty lube bottle. It was soon clicked back down, and I know the noise was just to let me know that we had our resources available. Jason escaped my paws as he turned around under the covers to smile at me, our eyes well enough adjusted to stare at one another. I couldn't help but let a paw move up to cup his cheek. "You're being very romantic tonight Babe,"

"You're just so amazing," I whispered back to him, smiling into his perfect green eyes. I ran my thumb over his features, while my heart thumped like a timpani drum in my chest. It would put the little drummer boy to shame. My husky was soon attempting to feel my beating heart, as his paw slipped under my sleeveless shirt.

"Heheh..." Jason let out, his paw splayed against my stomach, his fingers ran a little before I clamped a paw of my own down on his own.

"Don't you dare," I tried my best to growl, knowing he'd been thinking of attempting to tickle me--something I was very very susceptible to. I still couldn't help but to have smiled at him.

"Ok...I can still run my paw over you, right? You know I love your happy trail,"

"And I thought you just loved me for me," I replied with a fake frown.

"Oh please don't know I love you too. But I'm allowed to love parts of my kitten's body too, right?" Jason asked with a grin of his own, knowing how it made me blush to be called his kitten; even if it was a term I quite loved to hear from his lips.

I'm a bit biased too. I snuffled before releasing his paw and letting him begin to run his paw up and down my chest, playing with my mane. It was my favorite part of being a lion--I could never understand why some would ever cut it; aside from a nice trim. I kept mine large and lush. And I kept a small stripe along my chin too, a goatee of sorts--something only Jason's encouragement about it looking nice had allowed me to venture to do. The rest of it was just as lush, with it running down my neck and chest--spreading out a little to my pecs--before running down further and to my sheath; making my lover's so aptly named happy trail.

"What do you say we get out of our clothes?" Jason suggested after a minute of playing with me, exemplifying his suggestion with his free paw going to grope my clothed sensitive region. I gasped a little, even a bit more under his friendly squeeze. "Not sure why my parents put us in different rooms...awfully cruel of them,"

I snuffled a little as Jason drew away, "I--"

"Don't worry...they wouldn't hate you for being in my room. They asked me about our...'sleeping habits' while you were in the shower," Jason told me.


"I just told them that we love each other...that we respect each other, and that more than the physical, our sleeping together was an extension of our love," Jason replied rather somberly before I caught a glimpse of his white teeth smirking, "Should I have told them about you being an absolutely perfect lover?"

"Jason," I mumbled, heat rising into my cheeks. He kissed me on my cheek to calm me.

"Don't worry Hun. We'll just have to be silent...a nice, under the covers, romantic night," Jason said, making me all the more embarrassed, "But really....don't worry...though my parents might not accept us sharing a room entirely--like us coming over and you staying with me in my old room--till we've got some rings,"

I blushed all the more--so much so that a tear formed in my eye. Oh yes, the little drummer boy had absolutely nothing on me now. I let out a small snuffle, more than glad when he spoke once again.

"Now...let's get out of these clothes,"

We did just that. It wasn't extravagant like on our heated-nights out at town where I might have had one drink too many--thinking I was a world class stripper, ripping Jason's clothes away, and going at one another like ravaged animals. No, this was an entirely different type--like our anniversary date a few months back: nice and under the covers like my lover said. When our lips met for the first time that night I moaned so happily that for a moment I feared it might wake some in the house. Still, Jason's moan matched my own, so I let the fear fall away.

We entangled our bodies, our members pressing against each other's bellies and each other, only adding to our happy moans. The blankets and quilt above us made a little shuffling sound as we got into our position and stayed still. I kept my paws on Jason's hips while he adjusted the blankets over us; me taking full advantage of his preoccupation to dazzle him with some star inducing tongue maneuvers.

Even after all these years I could still make his eyes roll into the back of his head: but he could do that to me just as easily--that's what merged souls could do though, right? We were soul mates--as we would always be I knew. When the blankets were taken care of his paws sought my own, and I moved them. We clasped one pair of paws and I pressed it into the pillow next to my lover's head, squeezing tightly down on him--moaning for him. With our free paws we did what any two madly in love--though I think we fit that more aptly than most--do: we clutched at the other to keep our bodies close, with his paw in my mane and my paw under his body to hold him to me.

After sometime, when our lips were rather numbed to one another's sensations, and our tongues a bit tuckered out we pulled back for our first reprieve. Through it all we'd rolled our hips together, played, and perhaps more loosely termed, danced with each other. Still, we were both ready for the final bit; our waists were a bit damp from our leaking members.

"Smells kinda nice," Jason remarked about the musky scent the warm air under the covers held. He was very right; it was nice. I didn't remark on that though, instead releasing him and grabbing at our trusty bottle. I made a small dive under the covers, taking his member into my muzzle. He tasted amazing, perfect, and I let him know with plenty of small moans and my own eagerness. I bobbed my head over him, my lips kissing his knot occasionally and my own head spinning in the incredible aroma under the covers. He moaned under me as I prepared him, not being so quick as to forego a bit of teasing as I did. Of course, I also knew the longer I stayed the more of him I was welcome to sample. But it was quicker than I might like for a long night of love-making, he was eager. "Come-on Clark...don't tease me tonight--love me,"

"Heheh," I snuffled as he slipped from between my lips, the goatee I sported moist with spit and husky juices--a look I knew would drive him crazy if the lights were on. But I was smiling, having always preferred my husky's cleaner request to what society would say something else. At first we had struggled to find a term unless I would drop what my oh so innocent lover still referred to as 'the f-bomb'. But after a year of dating, and getting to those so very needed love confessions--which had led to a steamy passionate night we both remember--he had begun to request that I 'love' him. With a quick stroke over my own needy member, which was more than fine due to its drooling tip, I was ready.

Our bodies united with many gasps and moans, while our reunited paws squeezed at one another and pulled each other closer. My husky's back would arch occasionally as he let out a pleasured sigh. I rolled my hips about to get him used to the sensations, both of us breathing hotly into one another's fur as I did. A groan and gentle squeeze around me were the signal I'd awaited before I began to draw back. I pulled out about halfway before pushing back in.

"Ahh...yeah...Babe," Jason groaned under me with a smile, his warmth sucking me in each time I thrust into him. I knew what my barbs did to him, and I loved it. His member pulsed between our bellies, making them messy and matting down my happy trail as our love-making began.

It was not long before we were both building up an inevitable sweat. My mane began to matt against my chest as I worked in and out of my love--even if the pace was romantic and nearly painfully slow. His free paw pulled at the fur along my chest and stomach, occasionally causing me to lose pace and hilt into him quickly, making him yelp happily into my muzzle.

We both tried our best to be quiet, least we wake someone in our midnight debauchery. I couldn't help a smile as Jason moved his legs up and wrapped them about me, letting me thrust into him at a new angle, and reinforcing the bond we shared even. "You're so hot," I whispered to him, nudging out lips together.

"You make me feel that way whenever I'm under you Babe...I'm yours you know," Jason mumbled back to me, leaning up for a brief kiss. "You're my pe--Mmmph!"

I silenced my lover with a kiss. I continued thrusting into his velvety tunnel, groaning as he sucked me into him. Every few thrusts I would be forced to stop and settle for a grinding motion, rubbing our bodies hotly against one another. He was mine, just as I was his.

I pulled away after a minute, breathing heavily and smiling at the dog. He was breathing roughly too. I watched his chest rise and fall, sometimes catching as his back arched in pleasure and he moaned a compliment or love confession to me. I was loose with my own tongue, taking plenty of time to dot him with kisses as I praised him.

But that ended soon enough.

"Ooh...Clark," Jason moaned, under me, his tone a few parts higher than normal; the sign I had been looking for. I moved a paw to his cock--making him yelp, a noise I dove to muffle with a kiss--and began to stroke over my love. He was lost in his pleasure, a pleasure he allowed me to give him, and a pleasure he gave back so much more. For the moment I did not bother to contain my own moans or growls; instead focusing in on us.

Jason yelped a few times into my muzzle, his tongue fighting my own before he began to suckle madly on the slim muscle. His tunnel made a vice around my own cock, signaling that beautiful end we were coming to, and making my hips falter a little. I abandoned our slow dance to begin a more feverent attack on him; thrusting as fast as I could into my love while my paw worked deftly over his shaft.

His yelps filled the room--a small trait he had when he was cumming--and my balls slapped against his rump, a sound I was quick to admit enjoying. When the first shot of husky seed shot between our chests I made one final stroke before gripping down onto his knot. It drove my lover crazy and he clutched at me as tightly as he often did during those nights the storms scared him; though this time with pleasure and need. He moaned and groaned under my ministrations, writhing under me as he deposited shot after shot of the creamy material into our meshed fur.

I couldn't help but to follow after him. With a growl I felt my own needs begin boil over. I bore my tongue into his muzzle, wanting to give him as much of me as I could, and my tail thrashed under the covers, sometimes smacking one of my husky's footpads that were about my waist. A moment of timelessness passed over me before I felt the first shot of my cock--firing off a welcomed liquid into my lover's tunnel.

And that is how it was. Jason moaned so heavily into my muzzle, even after his own member had been reduced to a small dribble of cum, and I was just as happy to admit my pleasure to him. Our kiss lasted for quite sometime before the wear of time succeeded over us. I collapsed upon my husky, breathing heavily as he panted into one of my ears.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," I replied, nudging our muzzles together as we held onto one another in a battle won against a cold winter night.


When my husky had gone back to sleep I moved just a bit, till I was at the edge of the bed once more and fumbled about for my disregarded pajama bottoms for a few moments. I soon found them, and after a moment more of searching its pockets I found my most treasured item--aside from Jason. I went nowhere without this as long as I had had it for the past two weeks. The box made a slight clap as it opened and perhaps I was overly zealous or emotional, but I could swore that in the darkness I still made out the light playing over the golden ring. I stared at it for a bit, running a finger over its sleekness, even kissing it once--for good measure--before I put it back away.

I made my way back to my husky, cuddling with him and holding him possessively to my own body. In his sleep he nestled his head back against my lush mane as he usually did in his sleep, letting me act as a bit of a pillow for him. The covers shuffled a little as Jason moved about--moving me in his sleep so that he was most comfortable: with me on my back, his head on my chest, and him holding onto me, one of his paws splayed over the mane that trailed down into my waist, and his leg draped over one of my own and hooked with it so we could not drift apart.

He looked nice; then again, he always did. I stared at his paw for a few moments, imagining the golden light playing off of it. I let out an involuntary shiver of excitement that made Jason pull me closer. I leaned down and kissed him lightly on his head, "I love you Hun," I whispered, before searching for his paw and clasping it in my own.

I thought of how he had spoken about me with his parents while I had been in the shower and grinned at my own talk with them while my lover had taken his own shower. His father had calmed me down to know his son was clueless. My lover did not know I had his parent's blessing--something I had felt inclined to seek a month ago--or that tomorrow I would draw him outside into the cool winter air, and kneel down in the snow as white and pure as our love, and put my heart on the line as I made a devotion of my life to him.

I felt his fingers interlace with my own, and I gave a silent prayer that tonight would be the last night I sleep with my boyfriend. Tomorrow, more than a present, more than good times and mirth with his family, and more than just the physical: I prayed that I might sleep with my fiancé and husband-to-be. I grinned a bit, kissing my husky once more and couldn't help of Twas the Night Before Christmas, and a bit shamelessly substituting my proposal in its place--something I'd memorized and rewrote a thousand times.

In his sleep Jason squeezed over my paw.

Oh God.......more than his answer: which I was quite sure would be yes--my biggest concern might possibly be that I got his ring size right......I'd never ring shopped before after all....