Chapter 2: Confessions

Story by RudeboxRiot on SoFurry

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#3 of River of Blood

Chapter 2: Confessions

Darin paced through the white halls of the hospital waiting, his tail flicking uncontrolably as the two couples sat together waiting for the doctor to come back with the reuslts of the damage done to their friend. Marcella looked up and sighed softly, tilting her head.

"Darin quit pacing you're making me nervous."

Darin looked over to Marcella and growled slamming his hand against a nearby wall, "I want to know what is going on in there. I want to know how she is doing...."

Tobias looked up from Ron's shoulder and sighed gently "We all want to know how moon is doing Darin... you're not the only one."

Silence overcame them for some time as they waited for the doctor to come out of the room in which there friend layed. The sound of a door opening makes the troop turn their heads as a very stocky otter comes towards them wearing glasses. Darin growls and balls his fists as the doctor came towards them.

"Ahem...M name is Dr. Wade..I presume you are Ms. Moon's friends am I not mistaken?"

Marcella nodded as Darin asked quietly, "how is she?"

Dr. Wade sighed and took of his glasses and looked at the troop of worried furs, "You friend is in critical condition, extreme damage to the brain and lungs. She will need to stay here for some time I'm afraid. But right now she is in an unconcious state..."

Darin howled in anger and covered his face in his paws, as Ron and Tobias hugged him. Marcella snorted softly and looked at thedoctor.

"when do you think we will be able to see her Dr. Wade?"

The otter smiled and looked at them, "Tomorrow will be good, though not for too long, we still have to monitor her condition very thoroughly. But the best thing that I can suggest is that you go home and get some rest."

They nodded and left the hospital with a heavy grieving about them. Darin looked at them once they were outside and then up to the hospital and growled loudly. Rob looked at him and sighed softly.

"C'mon D....let's go home...."

Darin didn't bother to look back at them and waved a paw, "I'll catch up with you guys later..."

Marcella stuck her head out of the window and snapped, "Don't do anything stupid okay?"

The wolf just simply nodded as the four left in Marcella's car, leaving the wolf with his own vehicle. He growled loudly, clenching his fists, eyes red with anger, "I'm going to kill him for what he did to you my sure of that....." And with that he got into his car and began to drive aimlessly. When he finally stopped he found himself in front of Luna's home and looked at the clock. It read 1:45 am and there was someone awake upstairs, the light seeping through the curtains. Without a second thought he got out of his car and walked to the backside of the house and found the backdoor key that he had used to sneak into the house when he and Luna were together.

Slipping into the house quietly he looked around the kitchen and picked up a butcher knife and grinned and slowly made his way upstairs his ears flicking back and forth. Once in the hallway he saw a door was cracked and light shown through it. He crept closer to the door and peered through the crack and saw Drune laying on the bed drunk, his eyes glued to something. He knealed to the ground and slipped into the room and towards the bed slowly. He rose slowly an dlooked down at Drune who appeared to be in a daze. He reached out and wrapped a paw around his throat which brought the black wolf out of his daze and growled loudly looking up into the eyes of the white wolf. Sneering he grabbed the wolf and pulled him down into the bed rolling ontop of him.

"What do you want cock fucker?" Drune snarled.

Darin growled and squimred bringing the knife up and swiped it at him, causing Drune to jump back and laugh.

"Don't tell're going to try to kill me over that little slut huh?" He laughed loudly and slapped the knife out of Darin's hand placing his own hand at his throat.

"Is she really worth it young buck?"

Darin snarled and barked at him, "She's worth everything to me!"

Drune just laughed and leaned close, "She isn't...She's nothing but a slut....want to know why she is nothing but a dirty cum guzzler?"

Darin just stared at him with rage as Drune whispered in his ear, "I made her the slut she you know how fucking tight her pussy is? she likes to be fucked hard and long...It makes me shiver when she starts crying asking me to stop fucking the shit out of her." And with that he laughed, "So now is she really worth the trouble?"

The rage built up in Darin as he howled, bringing his legs up under Drune and pushed him off causing the black male to stumble back in suprise. Grabbing the knife he rushed at Drune smashing his elbow into the black wolf's muzzle knocking him back onto his back. Darin climbed ontop of him and looked down at him as he pressed the knife to Drune's throat.

"Luna is not a slut you fucking piece of shit."

Drune looked up at Darin as blood streamed down out of his nose, "you don't have the balls to kill me."

Darin snarled and pulled the sharp blade across his throat, watching as his eyes widened in suprise. He opened his maw to speak but choked on the blood that came up. Darin snarled and grabbed his head and whispered.

"She is worth your death." And with that he turned Drune's head sharply, his blood on his white fur.

With that he got up and took on more look at Drune before running out of the house to his car. He was shaking terribly as he sped off and looked up at the sky as it began to change color with the hint of sunrise. He kept driving and smiled sadly.

"You are not a slut my love....I love you Luna...I'd kill for you..."