A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 8: Therapy

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#8 of A Lion's Healing Love

A Lion's Healing Love

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 8: Therapy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Author's Note: Read the tags! Also my note on that in the first comment at the bottom.

"That must be her," Georgio said, seeing Randall's reaction. He got up from the bed and put his footpaws back into the pants Randall had left on the floor the other night. "Randall. Pull my pants up would you, and then get dressed - we don't need the poor girl passing out at all the good lookin' junk around here, okay? You too, Zeblend."

Even though he was feeling a bit down from having disappointed his Master, Randall couldn't help but giggle at the comment. He pulled up his master's pants, and then even zipped them shut for him before darting off to his room and getting on a loincloth. He was in such a hurry that he tripped on the way back to Georgio's room, landing with a loud thud. He got back up, seemingly unfazed, and went back into the bedroom. Zeblend was assisting Georgio with his shirt as he walked up and looked up at the muscular equine.

"Um...can...can you get the door, Alpha?" he said, hiding behind his master a little. He still had a hard time with strangers and while he was more comfortable in such short time he was still no less a stranger.

"As long as you slow down, Randall. We don't want to go back to the hospital and don't think for a minute I believe you're over that concussion already," Georgio said sternly, having heard the wolf fall in the hallway.

The stallion only nodded as he grabbed the trays from earlier and piled them up neatly before handing them to the wolf. "Take these to the kitchen and leave them by the sink, nothing else, okay? And take your time on the stairs, Randall."

Georgio passed the pair through the bedroom's entrance, then turned back. "Come on boys, hop to it and I'll open the door. It happens to be my friend, I'm just glad she makes late night house calls."

He made it down the stairs and opened it to a busty female lizard. Green scales ran all over her body from what he could see. She was about 5'6 and was wearing a professional women's pants suit. In one hand she held a slim leather briefcase.

"Thank you for coming Jess," he said, exchanging a hug.

"You are just lucky I was closing up the office late. I heard what happened. You look just awful. Are you okay?" she said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Georgio smirked and gestured to his arm "Oh this? It's just a scratch really, nothing too big. It will take more then a little swat like this to keep me down."

Meanwhile Randall had grabbed all the dishes and was sure to be very careful on the stairs, as instructed. He only took one step at a time and made it down to the bottom without any problems. Even though he noticed the pair he was determined to do his job successfully first and foremost. When he got to the kitchen, he sat them by the sink. He thought about drawing some water or at least maybe organizing them so they weren't in a pile on top of the trays, but then remembered that he wasn't supposed to be doing anything extra, so he returned to the entryway. He caught sight of the new visitor again and shyly moved over by his master and hid behind him.

"Come on, Randall, no need to be shy. Let's all head to the living room!" Zeblend walked in quickly standing to attention hoping to make a good impression on their guest. Randall tried to hide himself on the far side of the loveseat, but close enough to maintain physical contact with the lion.

"Awww he really is attached to you, huh?" Jess said.

Georgio looked down and nodded. "Yeah he is, he's a sweet thing and really loving but he has anger problems - which is why I called you."

Jess nodded. "I see. Well, then, let's not waste time." She cleared her throat, and when she spoke again, it was in a less professional voice - almost the same tone one might use with a child.

"Randall, my name is Jessica and I'm here to try to help you, can you lay down on the couch for me? I bet it would be a lot more relaxing for you."

Randall looked over at his master nervously, not wanting to do anything without him. He figured it was okay, though, since his master would be holding onto him the entire time and wouldn't let anything bad happen. He looked over to see his alpha standing there obediently and quietly. As much as he hated to admit it he was jealous of how good of a slave he was compared to him.

The lion returned the gaze and nodded. "It's okay Randall; I'll hold your paw the whole time while you talk to her."

In just a couple minutes Randall was situated, and Georgio had found a comfortable spot - the wolf's paw still in his own. "Now, all we want you to do is just be honest with her. Speak with her as you would me, alright?"

Randall looked up at his master, feigning confusion.

"No, I don't mean like that. Just be honest. You know what I meant, don't be gross." Randall laughed nervously, and shifted around, holding the lion's paw even more tightly. Meanwhile Jess had moved her chair so she could see Randall eye to eye - which the wolf promptly avoided. It was difficult enough to make eye contact with his master, much less a perfect stranger.

"You can relax, Randall, your master will be here the whole time."

Randall murmured something, which neither Jess nor Georgio could understand.

"What was that?" the lion said, leaning in closer. Randall repeated his question, no more loudly than the first time.

"He wants to know who you are," Georgio said, smiling.

Jessica turned to Randall and softly smiled. "Well, you see, Randall, I'm a psychologist. I help people work through problems they're having. Your master knows me from school - we're actually still pretty good friends. I got my Master's degree in counseling, and specialized in trauma therapy. I had a couple classes on slavery-related issues - specifically the rehabilitation of slaves from unfortunate background like yourself. Is it okay if I ask you some questions now?"

Randall looked to his Master, who only smiled and nodded. Master wanted him to be honest with her like he was with him. The wolf always tried to be an open book to his master, and would never lie to him, so he just gave her a very slight nod. "Y-yes, m-miss..." he said, timidly. His hand squeezed the lions, who only rubbed his thumb in reassurance.

She nodded and reached into his leather carrying case and pulled out a small pad of paper and a pen. "Okay. Now keep in mind, Randall, I am a psychologist and I swore an oath to keep anything you and I talk about confidential. It means I can't tell anyone what you say. So you do not have to worry about me telling anyone about you and anything that we discuss tonight. But I want to start off with a few questions I asked Georgio to prepare before I arrived just to help me and him understand some things so that we can help you. Alright?"

Randall nodded and looked at his Master curiously. What did his Master want ask him that had to wait for this lady? Was it something bad? Was he in trouble? His mind was working against him in his thoughts as his ears fell a little in worry.

Georgio only pat his chest and smiled "Don't worry Randall..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with some writing on it. "Well I want to start off and ask you why you're frightened so much of the time, Randall. When you first came here you were all fire and quick to snap. I understand you had no reason to trust me but you know neither I nor Zeblend will hurt you. I want to ask why you're still so....jumpy and timid."

Randall wanted to stay silent, but he was too scared to disobey. He let out a few whimpers - but, this was supposed to be good for him and help him with his problems. He had to try. "...If I keep low and out of the way I don't get beaten as much, Master."

Georgio kissed his paw gently "But Randall, if you're trying to do that, why do you get so angry and quick with your temper? It's okay. Don't be scared you know I would never beat you or be upset at you for answering something honest so please just be honest with me."

"I...I don't know..."Randall squirmed around a bit, as though he were trying to keep from saying something. "I get confused...I used to be beaten and raped all the time when I misbehaved...and...and now, not. Sometimes I don't get punished at all...and things that were bad before I'm supposed to do, and things that were good before I'm not..." Randall held his head with his paws.

"So you're having problems figuring out the differences between your life here with Georgio, and how you used to live?" Jess interjected.

Randall nodded. It felt like all the different points in his life were still all happening at once. "I try to stay out of trouble...and...and..." he broke off in mid-sentence into a series of pitiful whimpers and whines.

Georgio looked at him and nuzzled his paw to his cheek "Shhh, it's ok Randall...I'm here...focus on me....remember that its all better now. No more hurting. I know deep down why you're angry...but you're scared you'll be hurt because you're speaking your mind...don't be...nothing will happen to you. No one will hurt you or beat you for what you say at this moment I promise but you have to be honest with me. You have to try....your past is difficult I know but you know now your life is fine and happy here with me, at my side always. Just take a deep breath and take your time and tell me." His hand became firmer as he held Randall's. He only hope it would help reinforce what he hoped he already knew.

"Oh...okay..." Randall instinctively moved closer to his Master, so that his upper arm was rubbing against his knees.

"I have all these new freedoms, Master, and I don't know how to deal with them...I...I get mad because I don't know when I'm doing something wrong...and I don't always understand that it's wrong...and then, sometimes, you don't punish me for it...I know you wanna be nice to me, and I love you for it...but I get so confused, and being with you isn't always enough to melt the stress away. And then it just bursts out at the worst times..."

Georgio only nodded. He figured this was the case and looked at Jessica who only nodded in agreement.

"That's not entirely unheard of. Randall's had his life so totally controlled, and now that he's got some freedom and choice again, he doesn't know what to do with it all. It's frustrating to deal with, it's overwhelming him. It would be like if you or I were suddenly dropped into the President's job, and expected not to miss a beat. From what you've told me of Randall, he's barely ever known any kind of positive socialization - it's all new to him, so he's like...a puppy, almost."

"I am NOT a puppy!" Randall blurted out, losing his timidness all at once.

"Randall!" Georgio said.

"Manners!" Zeblend exclaimed from the corner.

"Oh, dear, I'm quite sorry. I didn't mean anything by it!" Jessica apologized. "I know you're not, dear, that's why I just said you're like one - in a very small way. In other ways you're quite the mature wolf." Randall nodded, seemingly pacified.

"Anyway, as I was saying - he doesn't understand a lot of social cues, how to go about normal everyday things."

"So...this isn't my fault? I try to be as patient and understanding as I can with him, but sometimes I still feel like I'm doing something wrong," Georgio asked.

"No, not at all. I've seen this plenty of times before. You're doing an excellent job with him." She turned her attention back to Randall. "Now, Mr. Randall," she said, using the honorific to help him feel more grown-up, "I know it might be hard, but what do you think is giving you the most problems between your old life and your new life? What's the biggest difference?"

Randall had to think a minute, and when he spoke up, he gripped his master's paw tightly. "My Masters used to be so cruel...but now I have you, and I like you better then my old Masters that were so mean...but I'm so used to their old ways. It's hard to behave without their...not meanness but...strictness with rules. M-maybe you could be a bit more firm with me, but still be nice, not like they were? You're a nice Master...so different from them."

He smiled and kissed the back of his hand "That's right Randall...I'm different, a better Master. Wasn't very long ago that I bought you, I took you home, cleaned you up myself and gave you nothing but love...do you remember that Randall?"

"Randall," Jessica intervened, "I think what he is trying to say is that you have to try to always remember your Master never will be like any of those other Masters you had before. He would never be cruel but if you need it he can be more firm with you - but not cruel and hurtful like your old Masters."

Randall looked at her and nodded a bit as his free hand held his head "I know...Master is good. He is good to me and loves me but its so hard sometimes. I use to always be angry like I was first with Master. I-I had to be..." He looked into the couch as if thinking of all the times he's practically had to struggle to stay alive.

Jessica gave him a solemn look and nodded "So you're saying you have chosen to be angry. To protect yourself and keep yourself safe?" Randall nodded and whimpered. Tears were matting the fur around his eyes as he reflected on his old life. "U-Uh huh. I always had to be angry. I had to hold on to all the...the bad feelings, and, and, a-and keep it inside. It kept me safer and it let me protect myself. When I hated them I could just do what my anger wanted to do....but I don't..." He sniffled and started to let a few tears crawl down his cheeks. "I don't hate Master. I could never hate Master. But all those old Masters they....I still hate them."

The lion just grasped his paw and leaned down to kiss Randall on the forehead. "Shh, I know you hate them sweetie. I hate them too. And it makes me really upset when I think of all the horrible things that they did to you. But you never have to stop hating them or being angry at them. I won't. However, you do have to stop taking out that anger on others Randall - and that includes our home."

He looked at him, tears streamed down his face as he sat up and hugged himself to his Masters chest. The lion had sat up and scooted to the couch and held him as he sat beside him. His arm wrapped firmly around him as he rocked him a bit, regardless of the pain from the pressure of the wolf on his bad arm. Randall had slipped to his lap and only cried and hugged him, forgetting about his Masters injuries momentarily. His words a mess and garbled into his chest as he tried to keep talking.

"I w-was...h-h-h-hurt...so b-b-bad, bad, m-master. I-I-I...." His words trailed off as he took a moment to cry. Georgio's eyes were filled with tears as well. His wolf, the one he loved most had such a horrible past. He was beaten, raped and subjected to all manner of tortures. His physical scars may have healed, but he had many others that would never fully heal - they simply cut too deep. His wolf was like a broken toy soldier, smashed by a hammer and glued back together. Though whole once again, the cracks were still noticeable, and would never be the same.

Zeblend had actually grabbed a tissue and blown his nose in the corner. Many thought a stud of his size would be a hard ass but actually he was a very gentle sort of giant. He never realized Randall was so damaged. It was then he grew such an admiration for the wolf and now realized why he tried so hard for master and why he was so bad at normal things. He was his rock, his everything, his light in the dark. The equine decided he would make sure to be a lot more patient with him and a lot more gentle. He promised himself that he would help his Master with Randall's treatment to get better.

After a few minutes Randall finally calmed down a bit. He wiped his eyes on his forearms and looked up at his master. All around his eyes were darker and fur flattened down from his tears. "I-I promise I'll be better for you Master. I won't try to be so angry and take it out on you....b-but its really hard with all this stuff I don't know how to do...but I swear I'll try!"

Georgio could only smile at his wolf's words and wiped his eyes a bit with his thumb before kissing his nose. "I know you will sweetie. And I promise I will try my best to be a bit more stern with my instructions and be a bit more specific with all this with you ok? Just promise to try harder to asked Zeblend or me something when you don't know or not sure okay?"

He nodded and sniffled as he leaned against him. "I-I feel kinda better Master....like I don't hurt as much...but I still hurt a little from my old Masters"

Jessican spoke up before Georgio could "I think that's because you let out a lot of that pain Randall. You would be amazed how therapeutic a good cry is now and again. It lets a lot of that hurt out and can be very good for you at times. I think you will find it has shifted your anger around a bit and will make things easier. It's a huge first step on a long road Randall. You don't have to let go of that anger at them or forget what happened in your past. But I think you helped yourself a lot by letting loose a lot of that piled up emotion. I think you will find that now that you released a lot of that pressure you won't be so quick to point it at those around you. At the very least now you are aware of those feeling inside you and if you feel it occurring you can better direct it out in a safer manner."

Randall nodded though he did not follow some of what she said. But if it meant he wouldn't get angry and destroy Masters home anymore, well, then he'd be quite happy. And he felt...maybe not happier, but something close to that. Lighter in a way, as though all that rage felt...weaker. He looked to his Master and realized he had been crying too. Was it because of him? He leaned up and licked his cheek softly and hugged him gently "Thank you Master...."

Georgio pat his back and held him back. He nuzzled his head and kissed it "You're welcome, Randall."

"Maybe your Master could write you up a list of rules, or at least some kind of schedule. You don't need to be treated like a puppy, I don't think you've gotten that bad, but you could do with some more routine." Randall nodded, that sounded good to him. Especially not being treated like a puppy. Because he definitely wasn't.

Randall realized his Master was suppose to have other questions for him and looked at him curiously "M-Master? Did you wanna ask me other things too?" The lion looked down at him and then to Jessica. She gave a soft shrug and a nod. "I don't see why not as long as Randall feels up to it after such an emotional draining moment like that."

"Then...I can do it master...a-at least I'll try to."

Georgio just nodded and sat up again letting Randall lay back down. He moved back atop the coffee table and held the wolf's hand as he looked back at the list he had. "Well, I did want to ask you what you thought of Zeblend being here."

The horses ears picked up as he peaked over curious as well. The lion saw him looking and gestured for him to come over. The stallion came over and kneeled down on the other side of the coffee table.

Randall seemed to relax a bit more, and settled down as he laid there. His nose wrinkled at the question, as though it were a difficult or unpleasant thing for him to think about. He looked at Zeblend and was a bit nervous to answer any questions about his alpha with him right there.

"He's...he seems honest. I just...it's hard to trust him, even though I think I can. He's stern with me, which, I-I mean, I guess I need that, even if I don't like to admit it...but he's a really good cook, too, even if he won't let me help in the kitchen..."

Georgio nodded and smiled. Jessica smiled as well and leaned in a little. "Well, I hear Zeblend here is new to the house but have you two really talked all that much yet?"

Randall shook his head and looked at his alpha, his ears twitched nervously. "N-not really." Randall chewed on his lip nervously. It wasn't that he didn't have questions for Zeblend that he wanted the answers for - he did, but he felt more than a little nervous about what his answers might be and if he might take it out on him later for asking at all.

She nodded and leaned back into her chair as Georgio spoke "Well then I know you have some things you're worried about with him. Why not ask him and get it off your chest? Zeblend is a good boy and will answer honestly just as you would for me won't you?"

The equine only nodded as he sat up straight in his kneeling position "Of course. I promise I won't be upset at you for anything you ask Randall and I'll be one hundred percent honest."

Randall took a moment to think of things to ask him. He had a nice tidy list formulated rather quickly - but his nerves were so shot he wound up blurting them all out at once.

"Um...you're not gonna hurt Master or me, are you? And...why didn't you let me help in the kitchen? Uh, and, you're not trying to steal Master from me, are you? And...you...you don't hate me, do you?" Randall was worried with how he acted, and how the stallion had responded, slamming him up against a wall, shoving his nose in the milk, and threatening to spank him and put him in diapers and all that, that there was something more going on with how Zeblend thought of him.

Zeblend smiled at him and chuckled softly. He could not believe that was all that's been worrying him. Some of them made sense of course but a couple of them just reflected how attached he was to his Master and how innocent he really was at heart. "I would never and could never hurt master or you. You are too nice and good to me.....Master saved me. I could never hurt him like I did before, I still hate myself for what I did, every waking moment of my day...."

He kept going as each question in the order they came. "I didn't let you help in the kitchen Randall because....master was hungry and my recipe is really specific, all the dicing and chopping and peeling has to be done a certain way. So I did not have time to teach you something that advanced. I'll be happy to teach you things, Randall, but it has to be when we have time and at a pace I know you can handle."

"And steal Master away?" He chuckled again and gave Randall a big grin. Zeblend took a breath deciding to keep his word and be fully honest. "No, if anything I am jealous of you both. But I would never take away what you two have....I secretly hope you'll both accept me and love me someday enough to let me sleep in the same bed with you both, even at your feet and even make love with you both someday..." His face blushed as he looked down shyly taking a second to recompose himself. Georgio smirked and pet his head to let him know he was more than okay with his honesty and really appreciated it. Randall, however, had a pair of red cheeks.

Once Zeblend composed himself he looked up to answer the last questions. "And no, Randall, I do not hate you....just jealous of you for having master love you but I like you a lot, I think your cute and quite a short little hottie...um to be honest."

Randall yelped and buried his head against his masters leg, hiding, at the answer to the last question, the insides of his ears flushing bright red.

"I'm done..." Randall said quietly. He was put greatly at ease by the answers to those questions. Master had said he couldn't lie, so he knew he must be telling the truth. The last, though, had embarrassed him a bit since he was so unused to receiving compliments - or rather, genuine ones rather than scathing and mocking ones.

Zeblend leaned over and covered his face with a sofa pillow and sat there hiding himself. He was older then Randall but felt a bit like an embarrassed school boy suddenly.

Jessica just giggled as he put away her things. "Hehe, you have two cute slaves, ya know."

The lion nodded proudly. "Yeah I know, thanks again Jess." The lizard smiled "No problem, I'll let myself out. I think Randall really just needs a lot of love and patience for now. I think reflecting on his past in therapy might be something later to consider but I think living in the now and getting accustomed to it is a bit higher on the priority list. When he's ready to try to face his past just give me a call."

Zeblend got up and followed her out - not just to show her the door, but to ask her something in private. He caught up to her just as she was about to shut the door, and stepped outside with her.


"Yes, Zeblend? What is it?" Jessica replied, looking up at the stallion.

"I, uh...had a question. It's something...well, I mean, I just don't know, because..." His face flushed red, flustering a little because he wasn't sure how to go about asking.

"Zeblend, no matter what you're going to ask me, I can assure you I've heard it before. Relax."

"I...I sort of thought of this, and, y'know, Master Georgio didn't seem too opposed to the idea...but I'm not sure he knew I was serious..."

"And this was?"

"Well...Master told you about the whole incident in the kitchen, right, and...how I was involved?"

She nodded. "That's why he called. I don't think it helped him any, being that rough with him - he needs a gentler hand."

"Y-yeah...I know, I still feel bad about that. But, that's what I wanted to ask...you heard how he doesn't like being called a puppy, so, I was thinking about something for him, jokingly at first but I thought it could help kinda. I took some psych courses in college and, ah, well, I was thinking for partly for discipline but also partly something for um...well theraputic, partly. I-it's well it's something kinda....infantile"

"Diapers?" she said after a few silent moments, a bit taken aback.

"Yeah," he said, sheepishly - although he wasn't sure why he was embarrassed. The diapers were for Randall, not himself.

The lizard thought for a moment and looked up at him. "Well, I think Randall's sense of self-esteem and self-worth is based very much on what Georgio thinks of him. He is in a very fragile place right now, and it's dangerous to chip away at it. While he did express that he wants more solid punishments, humiliating him like that could backlash harshly."

"It would just be around us," Zeblend states, trying to ease her worries. "And we wouldn't ridicule him or anything, I just thought, you know, if he's acting like one...it might be a fitting punishment. He never had a real childhood or anything even close to that, so I thought if we ever have to put him in diapers he might find it kind of therapeutic or something...like, a sort of aid to kinda express a part of his life he never got to have."

"Hmm. Well, he belongs to your master, and while I think it is good you're trying to help and make suggestions, it is ultimately up to him. But, I did do some work in alternative sexualities when I was a grad student. I worked with some people that did...hmm, how do I explain this...it was a type of infantile roleplaying. They claimed it was a big destressor. We did a small sort of informal study, more of a survey, really, that found that to be the case - that such play really did be a successful relaxant for them. Many of them worked very busy, high-stress jobs and they found pulling back and pretending to be in such an...innocent time, where they had no responsibilities and no worries, really helped them. The logic makes sense, but...in Randall's case, I do not think you ought to dive into such activities too deeply. Giving him a sort of stress-free time like that may be beneficial, but you really need to go over him with this. It's important he feels relaxed, and not humiliated by it. It is really something that is going to have to be up to your master, and with how Randall reacts to the idea. I suppose Randall did say he needs stricter discipline, and I can't imagine a light spanking is going to do the trick all the time. He seems like he has a lot of...well, pardon the term, but, "demons" - a lot on his mind all the time, a lot of anxiety...maybe something like that could help?"

"So, you think it would be good for him?"

"I didn't say that. But, I would worry about how it might affect his ego. As I said, he already has very low self esteem. If you do this, just be very, very careful. Randall can't afford to feel like either you or Georgio are belittling or humiliating him. You're suggesting something that is a very fine line between discipline and psychological torture, for someone as fragile as Randall." she said, sternly.

"Maybe it's not such a good idea," Zeblend sighed, feeling defeated. He thought he had really had a good idea - sure, maybe it was out there, but he thought it was something that might help Randall relax and not feel so jumpy all the time. He thought back to his college roommate - a rather kinky vulpine who did "pup play" with his girlfriend on occasion. He said it was a huge relief to have all of life's stresses off his shoulders for awhile. The concept had felt, to him, so similar that he was sure it could help, and if the reduced stress didn't make Randall less prone to accidents, it would at least make them not as big a deal when they did happen.

"As I said, it isn't a course of action I'd necessarily recommend diving into. There are many ways to destress, and it's really a matter of finding one that helps Randall the best - so tread carefully. Maybe you should ask Randall how he feels about it, though. I think he has a right to be a part of deciding how his past traumas are addressed. Taking his feelings into account, and constant communication with him are very important to the healing process. Have a nice night, Zeblend," Jessica said, ending the conversation and closing the door behind her.

Zeblend walked back into the room to find Georgio kissing the top of Randall's head. "Well, Randall, it seems my new slave finds the two of us desirable and wants to be our second mate someday. What do you think of that?"

Randall squirmed around in his master's arms, making some unintelligible noise, clearly embarrassed by the question and not realizing where he was hiding currently. His face was hot to the touch, he was flushing so bad.

Georgio just chuckled and pat his head in response to such cute behavior. "Come on Randall. How about we let the poor guy sleep with us tonight, would you be ok with that?"

"Um...that's okay, I guess..." Randall said, covering his face with his paws, still not entirely sure, and wasn't even sure why he wasn't sure, because he knew for certain Zeblend wouldn't hurt either of them.

A smile beamed on the lion's face as he scratched him behind the ears. "Well since you have been so good Randall I'll make your punishment for lying to me light. What do you suggest Zeblend; since you were in the crosshairs of his lie?"

The horse thought for a moment and snickered. "Got any diapers? Hehe, just kidding," he added - even though he wasn't. He chuckled and winked at the wolf. "How about a nice firm spanking then?"

Randall whimpered a bit, rubbing his rear. It was still quite sore from all the beatings it had received recently. The embarrassing alternative almost sounded better right now, although it wasn't as though Randall would willingly choose either. Either option would be very unpleasant.

"You decide..." he said looking down, ready to accept whatever punishment he deserved for his earlier misbehavior.

He smirked "Zeblend...give him ten swats to each rump cheek...you sit on the loveseat for this." The stallion got up to sit on the loveseat and patted his knee.

"Come on over, Randall."

Randall whimpered and found he couldn't move. His cheeks already hurt in anticipation of the pain, and it was also difficult because Master had always administered his punishments - Alpha never had before. He merely looked at the ground and tried to get his legs moving, but they were locked in place.

The stallion got up and picked him up himself, carried him over and laid him over his lap "M-master, no, I'm sorry!" Randall said in protest. His ears flat to his skull. Georgio came over and kneeled down to look him in the eyes. "You asked me to be more firm with you to help you. And we both know lying to me and especially accusing Zeblend of something he did not do was very bad. Don't you agree?" Randall just pouted as he looked down feeling ashamed and knew this was what he asked for. He knew what he did was bad and should at least be disciplined a little. But it was more fear of the stallions obvious strength that made his rump shudder in fear.

"Yes Sir...." he finally said. Georgio smiled and stood up to watch the equines ability to punish him better. "Good boy. Zeblend, be careful with his rump. Don't hurt him too badly. It can be sore but nothing extreme."

"Yes master," Zeblend nodded before he started spanking one cheek after another firmly.

Randall braced himself but could not help but give small yips at the strikes. He was use to pain but the emotional pain knowing he did wrong by Master and Zeblend made him feel worse. However that did not mean the physically pain wasn't pretty bad. About half way through he was tearing up with each strike. About three quarters of the way through he struggled to get away, but couldn't - Zeblend was strong and he couldn't muscle his way out of his grasp.

One arm was firmly around his waist and the other swatting his rump. Each strike was very precisely targeted so his whole rump would be red rather then a handprint. His cheeks started to glow a soft red with each strike. By the end it was a warm red, a bit like a light sunburn.

Randall's ability to take pain apparently had not grown over the years so by the end he was crying freely. From his perspective his rear felt as though it had been seared by the cruel ends of a whip. One thing was sure, he wouldn't be able to sleep on his back tonight. As soon as he was released he rushed back to his master, then yelped loudly in pain as he tried to sit down by his feet, so instead he laid on his side, hugging his ankles.

"I'm sorry..." he said again.

Georgio looked down at him and leaned over to pat his head. "You're forgiven sweetie but thank Zeblend and myself for punishing you...you know you needed it. Hell you asked for it, literally. Also apologize to Zeblend for accusing him of hitting you."

Randall looked downward and muttered a quick thanks and a sorry to Zeblend. He didn't feel thankful, but he also knew he wouldn't have felt right unless he had been punished for misbehaving. He loved how kind Master was but he also knows he needed discipline and that was definitely discipline. That didn't make his ass feel any better though, which still felt like it was on fire.

The lion smiled and looked at Zeblend. "Zeblend go up to my bathroom and get a salve for me would you, marked in the medicine cabinet and prepare a warm bath for the three of us."

"Yes master...and Randall? Don't worry I already forgave you for it but thank you for the apology." The stallion just smiled and came down a few minutes later handing him the salve. The lion sat on the couch and patted his lap.

"Come on. Lay down and put your rump over my legs Randall, this'll make it feel better. I know you needed the punishment but does not mean I cannot give you after care when I am sure you learned your lesson and I am sure you have this time."

"Thanks, Master!" Randall said smiling. He climbed up on the sofa with his master and giving his muzzle a loving lick.

Randall remembered the nice medicine and how it made him feel better, so he laid across his master's lap as he was told. When it was applied it didn't completely remove all the pain, but it took the edge off so that it was just a dull sort of feeling that could easily be ignored.

Georgio smiled and stood him up "Good boy." He kissed him on the muzzle and got up, starting toward the stairs "Come on my slaves, master needs to be washed...hand washed" He winked at them and waited for Randall before walking up.

Randall's tail wagged as he was praised, then grabbed his master's paw as they went up the stairs and into the bathroom. He seemed to be very much at ease now.

He smiled and walked up with him, Zeblend just behind them and got into the bathroom "Randall? My pants please." He pointed to his jeans while Zeblend walked in behind them and finished filling the tub and stripped down. The equine made sure to toss his loincloth into the hamper so that he could wash it later. He called over as he turned the filled tub off. "Ready master!"

Randall helped his master get his pants and shirt off like he had several times before. He took his own loincloth off quickly too, eager to get in the bath. He was still unclean from his earlier discipline with Zeblend. His tail wagged happily as he looked at the hot water.

Georgio smiled and got in the water first and gently sat down with the stallions assistance, who sat beside him and nuzzled his shoulder a little. He still felt awful about the whole thing and was determined to help his Master recover "Randall come sit in my lap." Georgio said with a smile on his face and kissed him as he did so obediently. Randall looked up and licked under his master's chin a couple times, then gently leaned back against him. "Hehe I'm sorry if you're jealous of Zeblend here Randall...does this make you jealous?" His paw went on the stallions thigh and rubbed up and down it softly as he tested just how jealous his slave might be.

The canine looked over and saw what his master was doing...and indeed was very jealous. He tried taking his master's other paw and placing it on his thigh, but he lost his grip and slipped further backwards into the tub and off his Masters lap. He yelped and thrashed around a bit, finally managing to hook his paws around his master's arm, looking up at Georgio with sheer terror in his eyes.

Georgio hurried him back up and kissed him on the ear and pet his head "Shh there there Randall I'm here, it's okay."

"Sorry..." he apologized, ears splayed, as he got his footing again. "I don't like having my head under water..."

He snuggled up next to his master in the warm water, although he was very sure to have solid footing and not let his head get even close to dipping below the water level.

The lion shifted him as best he could so they were chest to chest and kissed him as he set his head against his chest. "Mmm this is a nice bath, with my two beautiful slaves to serve me heh, you like this boys?" Zeblend gave him a big grin and a thumbs up "I know I'm enjoying it master my body's sore from being handled last few days.."

"Mmmhmm....I like serving Master..." Randall mumbled, leaning his head atop Georgio's shoulder - with the unbroken collarbone. The warm water especially felt nice on his abused ass, and it didn't even hurt too much to be sitting in Master's lap like this.

Georgio just smiled as his hand pet Randall's rump lightly to sooth it. He looked at the stallion "Zeblend hit the jets will you?" The stallion nodded and hit a small switch and suddenly the tub was filled with warm powerful jets causing bubbles and the water to churn.

"Mmmmmm now this is a bath for a sore wolfie I think." The equine said happily.

Randall yipped in surprise as he felt the jets come on, then quickly relaxed. He wondered if there was anything Master didn't have or couldn't do. They indeed felt great, and if he wasn't immersed in water at the moment, he easily could have fallen right asleep. As it was, he was having a little trouble not doing just that.

He yawned, and then a thought occurred to him. He was in the bath, not the shower. How was he going to wash his head? There was still milk in his face fur from before. Water falling over his head he didn't really like, but he could easily put up with. But in the bath...options were....a bit limited.

"Master, how am I gonna wash my face?" he asked, tentatively.

Georgio smiled and grabbed a hand towel. After soaking it he put some soap on it and washed his face lightly "How is this my cute little wolfie? Hehehe."

"That's better!" Randall said, happy he didn't have to resort to any unpleasant alternatives. He shook his head back and forth, shaking the water off himself.

"Good" He kissed him and smiled as the stallion soaped up another hand towel and then realized. "Master aren't you worried about your cast?" The lion looked at it. His arm was above water on the side of the tub staying rather dry. "Eh it'll be fine. I got the best stuff they got for this so I am sure it alright."

Zeblend nodded as he came around to Randall's backside. "Randall you mind if I help wash you? I was kind of the cause of your mess anyways. Besides you can wash master then so I don't try and snatch him from you, hehehe." They both chuckled as Georgio rubbed the wolf's thigh.

"Yeah, you never know, he's a hunk....hehe but your a cutie so you overrule him."

"Um...that's okay..." Randall mumbled, a bit uncomfortable with all the "heat." The wolf nuzzled his master under the chin a bit to reassure himself that all was well. Then he started washing up his master, taking special care not to press in too hard where he was still healing.

Georgio pet Randall's head as the stallion started to rinse off his back. He sighed and relaxed "Such a sweet thing you are Randall....I mean wild and ferocious not cute like a cub at all but like a wild animal," he said, grinning.

Randall bared his teeth and gave a mock growl - ironically quite a childish reaction.

"That's right," he said, going back to work.

When he finished up he simply laid back against his master, feeling quite sleepy.

Georgio reached under and cleaned his legs from all the piss and smiled as he held his head to his shoulder and kissed his ear before whispering into it. "Mmm you go right to bed Randall, I'll have Zeblend put you to bed and he'll help me finish washing and I'll crawl right in with you okay?"

"Okayyy..." the wolf said sleepily, not really processing all he'd just been told. He managed to stand up, and shook himself dry (all over the two in the tub). He gave a big yawn and half heartedly dried himself off the rest of the way with a towel.

Zeblend dried off lightly and gently picked the wolf up "Come on I'll put you to bed..." He held him in his strong arms, very lovingly and carried him into the bedroom. Randall was barely aware that he was picked up by his alpha rather than his master, and even nuzzled his arm a bit, only half-conscious. He curled up as soon as he hit he mattress. If he had stayed awake much longer he would have realized that his master was not there with him, and that fear might have woken him back up. But he took a deep breath through his nose, and could smell Master's scent on the covers, and before that could even comfort him, he was asleep. Zeblend just smiled and kissed his forehead before he covered him up and left him asleep and headed back into the bathroom.

The stallion walked back in and smiled as he got back in the warm water. He ended up helping him bath and Georgio started to help him bath back. "Master I am still clean from before. You don't have to."

The lion looked up at him and smirked "Oh, nonsense. How else am I going to learn every inch of my new handsome servant?" The stallion was standing in front of him as the lion was washing his legs and thighs and looked at him for a moment "So seems Randall is getting more use to you ya know."

The horse only tilted his head in thought "You think, Master?"

"O yeah I think he likes you but he's just nervous." The lion smiled as he fondled the large equine balls and grinned "And your being such a good boy too ya know...."

Zeblend he-hurred and nodded as his sheath swelled a little but stopped as his paw was quickly taken from his anatomy. "Seems you like being a slave and being man handled by your owner to boot." Georgio said as Zeblend could only blush in response. He sat beside the lion and looked at him "Master....I need t-to confide something...I...let my debt get up as high as it did and didn't even bother to try to pay bills..." He looked at him and then down into the water. "I wanted this life....I did...but my family would hate me if I chose it, so I let the courts enslave me instead. I pretended I was too proud to go to them for help." Georgio pet his head and smirked "I kinda guessed as much with the way you've been so accepting..."

"I know master but...I'm sorry for hurting you. I was just so upset at how I was...treated so meanly by the trainers that I lashed out but...I'm glad I get to be with you Master...." His head leaned on his good shoulder and looked up at him. The lion nuzzled him in response and kissed his head. Zeblend blushed and leaned up and kissed the lion gently but deeply on the lips. Georgio didn't fight it until after a moment and looked at him "You...don't do that again yet...I don't want Randall to get hurt.....you're nice but...and I would like more. As your owner I have that right but Randall's...not ready for that so not yet okay?" He nodded in response. A bit disappointed but understood. They got out, dried in silence. Zeblend peeked around the corner and made sure Randall was asleep - he didn't want the wolf overhearing this conversation.

"Master...I...I asked Miss Jessica about diapers for Randall. Partially I think they really would be useful for a kind of punishment. Sort of like...if he acts like a puppy, he should wear a diaper like one. But I thought too, acting like a pup once in awhile could help Randall to destress a little," he said, looking a bit nervously at his master. "I asked Jessica what she thought of the idea..."

"And what did she say?" Georgio said, trying to keep an open mind about it. He wanted to laugh and simply dismiss the idea, but clearly Zeblend had put some thought into this and he didn't want to treat his slave's ideas as though they weren't worthy of consideration.

"She...was worried it would hurt his self-esteem. She said it would have to be something he was okay with, and we'd have to be careful not to humiliate or belittle him." Zeblend said, deciding on the truth.

"With how Randall feels about being called a puppy, do you really think there's any way not to humiliate him doing that to him?" the lion replied, looking quite skeptical. "Randall has some very strong and negative feelings about being called a puppy."

"I don't think he has to be, no. It might be embarrassing, and he wouldn't like it, but that's the whole point of a punishment, right? I mean, we aren't gonna bad talk him while he's wearing one. I just wanna help Randall and I thought this kinda could kill two birds with on estone. Especially since he wanted a more solid punishment regimen. If he's bad, we put him in a diaper, and even though it's a punishment, he can still relax and sort of...get into a role where he's got nothing to worry about. Plus, he has pissed himself before, Sir,"

Georgio just looked at him a moment, brow raised. "I'm not going to make my poor wolf wear diapers just because he might have an occasional wetting accident, Zeblend. That is humiliating and demeaning; he isn't wetting the bed or pissing himself every day. But, I suppose you're right. It has the potential to be helpful. If he finds that kind of age play is relaxing...who am I to argue? I'll tell you what, because you suggested it, I'll take it into consideration, and if I decide it is okay, we'll ask Randall and proceed from there.

"Well, Master, that's another thing I was thinking about...I know what Jessica said, about making him a part of this decision...but, we know him better, and we know it is easier for him to be told what to do, not asked. He's already overwhelmed with all the freedom he has. And if it is really hurting him, psychologically I mean, we can always stop it."

"Hmm...I'll think on it, Zeblend, that's all I can really promise you. I appreciate you trying to help out with Randall. Even as his Alpha, this is beyond what I expect of you. Good job," he praised the stallion. "Now, let's go to bed.

Randall only felt the bed sinking in a bit as the two joined him, and briefly stirred from his slumber. When he felt Master's presence, however, he pressed in against him as best he could, and quickly drifted back off to sleep, smiling. He didn't even feel nervous about having his alpha in bed with him, not with Master present, anyway.


About three in the morning, Randall's ears picked up a sharp noise - well, sharp to his species' sensitive ears. He perked his head up, looking at the sleeping forms of his master and his alpha. His ears swiveled around a bit as he heard creaking noises from downstairs...footsteps! He crawled out of bed as best he could, and silently padded to the stairway, peeking over the edge.

He froze solid at what he saw, his only motion trembling. It was Trent! His slaver, abuser, and rapist. He was back for him...he'd come to take him away again!

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty..." the dragon called out mockingly, although very quietly, in whispers as he searched around the house a bit, slowly making his way to the stairs. He figured the lion would be sleeping deeply after his injuries, and the wolf would be sleeping lightly, worried over him. "I've come to take you to someone you really deserve...someone who'll treat you like the right little cockslut you are..."

Randall finally managed to back away from the railing before he was seen, and managed to slowly creep his way back to his master's room. He shut the door, glad to see a lock on the bedroom door as well. He went to the side of the bed and started to shake his master awake.

"Master! Master, please wake up...I need help...he's in the house..." he said, making a whispered terrified whine.