Fates of the Unicorns 73 - Goodbye

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#73 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 73 - Goodbye

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_._ _

Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

Rickie was nervous. He always liked routine. Strange things bothered him. Changes never were for the good. New school, worse bullies. New places, new humiliations. He was comfortable where he was. A desk job in a dragon slave camp was far, far better than being one of the slaves. He was still a slave of course, but he was a slave with duties and the privileges that came with them. He had Leshyet too.

But something was up. Dragons he had never seen were all over. There was an expectant atmosphere, but he was out of the loop. Leshyet was his only real source of information. The other office slaves didn't like him, and he had never bothered to try and fix that. Why should he, being Mistress Leshyet's favorite? Being a dragoness's pet was way better than being liked. He didn't want, or need their friendship. Friends turned on you. Friends never had your back when trouble happened.

The only disadvantage was if Leshyet was not around, he had no idea what rumors or news might be floating about. Running here, having meetings there, Leshyet had hardly been seen for the past few days. She was back now, but had that expression on her face that said DO NOT DISTURB, UNDER PAIN OF DEATH. After plenty of torture. So he continued his work, only knowing that something was coming.

What came was a jeweled dragon, striding into the office like he owned the place. "Leshyet, get her out here. Now!"

The door to Leshyet's office opened even before her personal secretary could get to it, and the deep red, black haired dragoness emerged. Hair was rare among dragons, the fashion of the day, but Leshyet kept hers rather than shave it. Fuck fashion when you look THAT good. She quickly made her way to the newcomer, and knelt.

Rickie had no idea who this dragon was, but even before the kneel he knew he must be big stuff. He was already kneeling, he had no chair at his desk but a pillow, but he stopped his work, put his hands behind his back and bowed his head in respect. When your fate was decided by a dragon, you did whatever you could to make them look good. The higher they rose, the higher any slave attached to them did as well.

"Miss Leshyet, I have news from the slavers council, and have come personally to deliver it and make sure the migration runs smoothly," said the bejeweled dragon.

"Yes Master Delsun," said Leshyet, leaning down to give a naked foot a lick, avoiding smearing any of the jeweled rings he wore.

"All the slaves seem to be in order and properly processed. They are ready to be moved to the capital so they can be put up for auction. You have done well in managing your herd."

"Thank you, Master Delsun," said Leshyet who was now sitting back on her knees, listening expectantly.

"As there will be little to do other than watch and keep them restrained and obedient, we will be merging herds into a much smaller number. You have been selected to lead one and will be moving to the capital to make sure the transport goes off without any problems. Moving large numbers of slaves is always a risky process. It makes them think of escape. Make sure they do not even THINK it."

"Yes Sir!" replied Leshyet, looking happy. She was not a lair climber. She did not spend all her days striving to higher and higher status. She knew she was close to her place, but one more step up... that certainly was welcome. The Capital was a wonder as well, and she had been hoping for a chance to move there.

"Your performance will be judged, Leshyet. Once the unicorns are auctioned off there will need to be more rearrangements to follow."

Leshyet nodded, understanding. Not all dragons who would be working with the unicorns would be needed. Some would be sent back here. She may not be particularly aggressive at pushing herself to the very peak of her potential, but when she wanted something she could very well grab it by the teeth and drag it to her lair!

Rickie listened in relief. All dragons talked about the Capital as if it were some wonderland. There were jobs and duties to do here, important ones, but the capital is where most dragons lived, and wished to be. No other city was as large, none were even close. Small outposts. Wayposts. Even Bordertown was a small, small thing compared with the Capital, and they were going there! He wondered what his room would be like. Closer to Leshyet's? Maybe even a room in her home?

"I expect nothing but your best performance, Leshyet."

"Yes, Sir," she said, the only thing she could say.

"No time to settle old scores, or gloat over those not chosen. You have DUTIES to attend to."

Leshyet nodded, and got to her feet. Showing respect to a dragon of such rank was one thing, but doing one's duty was even higher on every dragon's list. She nodded, "I'll start at once."

"Good! Nijusata has been promoted to run everything left behind, and continue processing new slaves. He will have quite a mess to clean up, scaling back the camp, dealing with paperwork."

Leshyet grinned, not minding her rival's promotion to camp leader. He had wanted to be one of the dragons assigned to Capital duties, and knew he would be deeply upset. Good. He had been a rather unpleasant rival, constantly trying to rise up by bringing others down. It was a dishonest, and foolish tactic. She was not surprised in the least she had been chosen over him, but his ambition made him a good choice to run the camp after the unicorns were gone. An important, but limiting duty. He would be stuck here for some time, if he ever got out.

"Duplicates of all essential information is already in place in the Capital. Only bring enough information to keep tack of all the slaves."

Rickie ohed silently. Maybe all the, "Fill this out in triplicate!" orders were not all busywork as he had suspected. It made sense, if all of it was to be needed in the Capital. Some of the work had to be done even more, and he was still sure that a lot was simply done as an excuse to hire more, and boss more slaves around. Dragons!

"Assign some slaves to begin transferring all the documentation over to the new consolidated site. You! Come with me. You are now the lead slave in charge of closing out all the files and making sure everything is filed properly, and maintained for new slaves as they arrive. Report to Nijusata immediately."

Rickie let out a soft gasp, and noticed Leshyet stiffen. He didn't move, looking to Leshyet for guidance, mouthing a desperate, "Mistress?"

Leshyet coughed and with a strain, spoke carefully. "Sir... I think another would be better suited to such tasks."

"I've already spoken with Nijusata and he asked for that one specifically. Said he was very familiar with the files, and would be a valued asset. It's decided."

Leshyet closed her mouth and did her best not to snarl or bear her teeth. Nijusata had gotten to him first, and in a low blow, stolen her favorite slave assistant away from her! She considered arguing more, but saw the look in her superior's eye. She was being judged, starting now. Losing her promotion was a certainty if she screwed up, and being demoted was a strong possibility. No chance she would be given overall control of the camp. Nijusata would be her superior, and that would be unpleasant to say the least. So she said nothing, for now. She simply could not afford to start off dealing with personal issues and would have to find the time later... if she could.

"Go," she said to Rickie, and began barking orders to the rest of her staff.

Rickie wilted, but was too well trained to disobey. He walked slowly, giving his Mistress a chance to call him back, but she was no longer paying attention. With a sinking heart, he left the familiar office and made his way to an uncertain future.

He didn't hurry, dragging his hooves as he moved past bustling activity. Where rows of expertly and creatively bound unicorn mares had always made him pause and stare, now they held no interest. He doubted Nijusata would allow him playtime with any of them. Soon they would all be gone anyway! He might be the only unicorn left in the whole camp! Unicorns had to be on their guard now and it was unlikely any would be newly captured either. He gulped, pondering a life alone... never to fondle or fuck a unicorn mare again. Having to settle with horses or cats, which were fun once in a while... but no substitute for a proper mare!

He cringed as he thought of the bear, Nijusata's slave and head of the office workers. Doysar was sure to take advantage of him. The big fat fuck was too strong to fight off, and his status would not help him, if he even had any after this.

As if his thoughts had summoned the asshole, Rickie saw the big bear waiting at the door of the newly promoted slave processing camp leader. Grinning. Rickie shuddered at the sight of his teeth, the memory of his breath. Ugh!

"Well well well..." said Doysar. "Look who is without his pretty little protector. Look who is no longer a favored servant, but a mere paper pusher. Look who is going to be cleaning my claws every morning, and my cock every night."

Rickie let out a whinny of dismay at that, and squeezed past his bulk and into the office, wanting to report to the dragon. Maybe he would be put to work right away and delay any... reintroduction. He whined as a rough hand grabbed his ass, promising more.

"You can't get away, not this time, bitch."

Rickie squirmed past anyway, and found himself in the main room of Nijusata's office, and Nijusata himself. He knelt on the floor and said, "How may I be of service, Master?"

Nijusata stood, all black, almost like a shadow given a physical form. Only his bright eyes gleamed, and teeth. He took Rickie's chin in his hand, even his talons were black. "You caused me quite a bit of trouble before, running to your little Mistress just because you couldn't protect yourself from my slave."

Rickie didn't know what to say to that, and was too scared to say anything.

"You will learn your new place, here at my feet. You will do all the work nobody else wants. You will be anyone's bitch. If my bear even gives you a moment's break to be grabbed by another."

Tail between his leg, Rickie shuddered at the cold words. Why couldn't anything good LAST? It was always like this... given a present only to have it stolen or broken. Friends who abandoned you. A father who left you. A mother who never loved the son of her former mate who had hurt her so. Now this. He wasn't surprised, only angry, and scared.

"I'll be sending Leshyet weekly reports on my progress, as she is now above me, even if only a little. I'll be sure to tell her ALL about how her former fucktoy is doing. The first report will tell her in detail, how his first taste of dragon cock felt. I'll expect you to write that report, slave."

Rickie panted, panicking. Dragon cock? He had SEEN plenty of those. They were scary. Terrifying. He thrilled the few times he saw a dragon customer trying out a mare. Was turned on by the brutal look of it as it raped soft white flesh. It wasn't the same when it was HIS flesh! He eked as the hand on his chin squeezed, forcing his mouth open, "Ahhhh!"

The cock that presented itself to Rickie was red and thick. Shorter than some of the others, but still larger enough to be a scary sight! Furry, bear hands held his head, then pushed it forward, forcing it onto the shaft. It was as awful as he had imagined. The taste was nasty, all musky and smelling of dragon male. The feel of that hot, fleshy THING going into his mouth was even worse. The bear had raped his muzzle, but was smaller and smooth. This was ribbed and had ridges on the top and bottom, not to mention the shape of the head! Who knew where it had been!

Without any further delay his tongue was mashed down, his cheeks bulged as he mmmped in pure misery, feeling that huge cock sliding into his mouth. Back, back it pushed, cramming itself into Rickie's muzzle and before he could even take a breath, it found the back of his throat and choked him brutally.

"Gllllllurrrrk!" said Rickie around a mouthful of dark red dragon penis, fingers digging into his head as the bear shoved him forward. He coughed and choked, and would have thrown up right there and then had it been possible for his equine physiology. He squirmed and beat his thighs with his fist at the pain of having his very throat raped. The dragon was NOT being gentle, was not easing him into it, but simply claiming him, deep.

Rickie suffered, eyes tearing as he was muzzle fucked, feeling drool run down his chin, his tongue and mouth ravaged by the ridged cock, rubbing them raw and sore in the first few minutes, getting only worse as it went on and on. His experience with the bear hadn't prepared him. That had been bad, but quick, and not at all like the near impossible size he was forced to endure. Over and over his head was shoved back, only to be pushed forward again, his throat stretched, invaded, raped.

He gasped whenever the cock slipped out, only able to breathe when the dragon pulled back too far, his vision dim as his oxygen starved brain struggled to stay conscious. Then the cock pulled back and there was a roar, and something hot and nasty filled his mouth, and spurted down his windpipe as he sucked in a desperate lungful of air, and cum.

Rickie went wild, needing to be held as he choked on steady streams of sticky dragon cum. He coughed and sputtered, hacking and snorting it from his nose. Then the cock was gone and he doubled over, gasping and still coughing, crying and gasping for a full minute until his wracking coughs subsided to intermittent coughs. "Errrrghhh."

"Put him to work, Doysar," said the black dragon, a feline lapping his cock clean for him.

Rickie was hauled to his feet and forced to march over to a desk. It was dingy, small, and totally covered in papers. None of that mattered to Rickie. It could have been a pile of garbage for all he cared. His only thoughts were his poor throat. He looked at his hands where he had been coughing into, surprised they were not covered in blood. He felt like his throat, and lungs had been torn apart. He couldn't believe how BAD that was. He had seen mares get similar treatment, but they couldn't have suffered like THAT!

His attention was finally forced outward from his misery when he saw the chair. A strange metal contraption with a hard wooden seat. Not a cushion or any padding at all. And a small hole, maybe big enough to put a finger through was in the middle, with a larger one behind. He gulped.

"Watch carefully."

Doysar gave a kick to the back of the chair, hitting some kind of button or release, and all four legs snapped out and it fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Rickie blinked as Doysar pulled the chair back up, folding the spring-loaded legs back into place with clicks. Doysar laughed and gave a tug on the wooden seat. The wood split into two halves down the middle, leaving a gap a few inches wide. "Sit, boy!"

Rickie hardly hesitated, but got a cuff to the back of his head anyway. He said 'ow', or meant to, but it only came out as a croak. He hesitantly sat down carefully, not liking how his balls hung between the two pieces of wood. He inhaled sharply as a hand cupped his balls, coughing as his sudden breath caused him to choke on bits of cum still splattered at the back of his throat. He groaned, still tasting the awful cum on his tongue, skin crawling at the memory of what had been done to him. Raped by a male! His balls tried to shrivel and pull up into his body as fingers closed around them.

His sac was pulled down, then back a bit as the two boards were closed. He expected pain, to have them crushed between them, but they hung unmolested, his sac stretched through the small hole. He tried to sit up a bit experimentally, but his balls were trapped, pulled tight to the underside of the chair when he moved. There were no other restraints on it. There was no need.

Doysar said, "If you misbehave... my Master or I will kick the chair."

Rickie gasped as the meaning suddenly hit him. He would land right on his nuts! With his whole weight! "Gahh... nnnn..."

"Oh, don't worry... we won't do it unless you are really bad, or we are really bored. Also, there are rubber stoppers on the corners of the chair. Keeps it from fully reaching the floor. Let me show you."

Rickie whined as the bear reached under the chair and unscrewed one of the stoppers. Then the other three, holding them in his hand. Rickie squirmed, knowing now there was nothing but his balls to stop the seat from hitting the floor. Would they even heal from that? He was sure any other furry would lose them. He groaned in misery as Doysar walked off, with the stoppers.

Before Doysar had completely left he said, "Oh, make sure to get all this done by tonight. Or there will be a punishment."

Rickie could only watch in anger as Doysar then shoved at a pile of papers, knocking it across his desk, mixing them with others. It was going to take him an hour just to fix that! Alone, he stared at the desk before him, balls pulling up against the bottom of the chair as they tried to crawl up into his body at the helpless feeling of dread. It wasn't fair! He squirmed in the chair, and slowly, got to work.


The work wasn't bad. It was tedious, but he DID know all about it. He had written many of them, and directed others. Records of slave transfers, interrogations. Intelligence gathered during their captivity. Phobias that emerged. How obedient they were. Every time a major disturbance happened, it was recorded. Every move, every sale was recorded. Now it all needed to be sorted, prepared for storage. Arranged for likely buyers who may stop by on the way to and from the furry borders.

He was ball gagged, which made the work harder as he tended to drool if he wasn't paying attention. Damn dragons loved to use muzzles and gags. He supposed it was because a dragons jaws were so dangerous, it was a way of enforcing submission in their mind. He wiped at his chin before he ruined another sheet. He didn't have time to start over on this one again! He had to finish. No matter his hatred of his new boss and assistant, he knew it would get worse if he did not perform.

He didn't finish of course. There was too much, and while Doysar's master made a show of being disappointed, it was clear it was all theater. Dragons couldn't, or wouldn't lie, but this was so obviously an act the dragon had no trouble yelling at Rickie to show his 'disappointment' and deliver his punishment duties. His punishment was to bunk with Doysar.

The dread Rickie felt was overwhelming. He hardly remembered the walk to the slave dorms. Unlike the last time he was forced somewhere, this was no dark alley for a quick rape. This was to Doysar's room. His bed. An entire night of it.

Doysar shoved Rickie in, closing the door, and wasted no time getting down to business. Rickie was cuffed, arms behind his back, mouth crammed with a rag and muzzled shut. Shoved roughly onto the bed, Rickie could only whimper as he was pushed onto his back, the big bear kneeling on the end of the bed.

"Oh... I'm going to SO enjoy this, boy..." said Doysar as he crouched in front of the little unicorn, spreading some kind of oil on his cock before his hands were sliding under Rickie's rump to fondle and lift. "Better not struggle, better not try and fight... or I'll HURT you."

Rickie just wanted it over, unable to look away from that bear cock. Bigger than his own, and he was a stallion! He whined as his back arched, the bear grabbing his hips, leaning forward to angle his cock horizontally and he felt that questing tip probing, and finding his ass. He cried now, his rump resting on the bears thighs, legs spread around his torso, feeling the bear teasing him. He gritted his teeth, wanting to pull a leg back and slam a hoof into that stupid grin. Wanting to crush the bears nose, his face, his skull. Pound it into mush and keep stomping until there was nothing left!

Rickie screamed, brought out of his fantasy by a sudden plunge, his ass spreading, feeling the shaft shoving slickly into his body. "Ngggggrrrrrh!" He felt his ass spreading, widening around the brutal entrance of the bears cock, feeling the warm length sliding into him, and nothing, nothing he could do would stop the sick, slick plunge into his body.

Doysar groaned, "Oh... oh fuck yes... that's my little bitch." He wiped the rest of the oil off his palm onto Rickie's sheath, making sure to give the tip of it a good fondling as he raped the little runt.

Rickie cried into the rag, snorting through his nose as the cock began to hammer into him. It shoved in deep, pounding without any hesitation, the bear grunting and groaning. His eyes clamped shut, wishing he could do the same with his ears, and his ass! Even with his eyes closed he could still see the bears smirking face, and hear every grunt and pant, and FEEL every thrust! To his horror, Rickie felt, and then opened his eyes a crack to see his cock peeking from his sheath. He mrrhhhmpef and struggled, but as it went on his own erection kept growing larger and larger until it stuck up stiffly. He whined, he wasn't gay! He didn't want to get fucked! Sensations beyond his control maintained his stiffness, all the more humiliating as it was clearly smaller than the bears.

Wrapping a hand around the stallions shaft, Doysar stroked it as he raped the stallion. "You LIKE this, don't you, bitch? Being a filly... getting a good, hard, ass-fucking!"

Rickie gasped and whined into the rag, shuddering at the touch to his cock, feeling it tingle from the bears rough, inexpert, but somehow arousing touch. Tears streamed down his face now, from the rape. From the erection. From the lusty looks of the bear over him, using him. Abusing him. It was almost OKAY if a dragon did it... they were dragons! They were better than any furry. But this was just a bear! Not even a unicorn! A lowly, stupid bear!

He cried and sobbed in shame, and then a familiar, unwanted sensation built up and he struggled against his bonds, wrists squirming in their cuffs behind him as he cried out a muffled no! Then his back arched and he came. The first spurt shot off at an angle, but the next was better aimed by Doysar's hand and hit him right in the face. His mind flashed red and white in mixed pleasure and abject, utter shame as he coated his face and chest with his own cum. Then he slumped, spent, eyes staring with a dazed expression as his ass continued to be assaulted and raped, fucked hard until he was hardly aware of the bears own orgasm.

He said nothing as the muzzle and gag were removed, simply laying there limply as the bear licked the cum from his face and kissed him, hands roaming his white fur. Cupping his balls, fingering his sheath. He didn't sleep, but thought little at all as he lay there with the bear snoring. He only cried as the bear woke in the night to rape him again. There was nothing to think, or say. Just humiliation, pain, and shame.


Leshyet snarled as she passed the bear Doysar. She knew what he was doing to HER unicorn, and it made her furious. The bear knew better than to even smirk, but she stopped him, grabbing him by the neck and hissing.

Doysar didn't resist, this was a dragon that was holding him, and you did not cross them, no matter how much ones Master might dislike them. He gulped, hoping she wasn't going to maul him. He didn't like her any more than his Master did, especially after what she had done to the both of them! Bitch! He bit his tongue and looked respectfully at her.

"Don't give me that look, slave! Not after what you've done to my slave. I'm watching you. I have others watching Rickie. He has a green collar you know. You go too far and I'll have you and your Master at MY mercy, what little is left. So you make sure you do NOT hurt him or you will suffer, is that clear? I'll bring it right to a slave guild leader, and one is here right now. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Doysar quivered and trembled, but nodded, "C-c-c-clear, Mistress!"

Lesheyt snorted, then hurried off to complete her preparations, tail slashing back and forth in anger.


Rickie's second day was even worse. After working hard all morning, Doysar came back looking ruffled, talking worriedly with his Master and pointing at Rickie. What now? After some thought, Doysar left the way he came, leaving Rickie nervous and slowing his work even more.

When Doysar returned, he had a strange, thin metal collar. More like a band. He consulted with his Master and they both came, the black dragon holding the collar, and a slip of paper.

Nijusata said, "I do apologies, slave. Green collars DO have some expectations of good treatment. I couldn't say, do anything TRULY awful to you without needing to explain it."

Rickie looked up, confused, but nodded.

"Therefore, your collar is being revoked. It will be removed when we can schedule it, the camp is rather busy at the moment, but this will do for now."

Rickie gasped as the dragon put the collar over his own, locking it tight into place, hiding the green gems. He felt a crunch against his neck as one of the gems broke under the pressure of the metal band. It felt like something inside him had snapped too. His collar? His special collar? To be removed? Just... just a slave again? Like any other unicorn? He fought back tears of pain, and hate.

How COULD they? Didn't they know what he did? He captured a whole party of unicorns! The best of the whole village! Turned them in! Willingly worked for the dragons. Placed unicorns. Served. Did SO much! They couldn't just take that all away from him!

Doysar awed and patted Rickie's head, laughing as the little unicorn tried to move away, but was trapped in his chair. "Poor boy... don't worry. We will find something to replace that collar. How about... a nice dildo? That IS what the second hole is for."

Rickie whined, even in his misery the new humiliation was too much to ignore. The bear made a big show of selecting a 'proper' dildo, then made Rickie lick it before crouching behind him and inserting it, then locking it in place. Rickie grunted and squirmed, feeling the cold, hard rubber sink deeply into him. He sniffled.

"Don't worry... it's just a small one. Won't do much. Have to keep your ass nice and tight. Once it's loose enough from my fucking, well, then you will start spending some nights in Master's bed."

Rickie couldn't even respond to that, his imagination a blank, thinking of that thick, wide cock in his ass.

That night there was even more humiliation. After the rape, the damn bear spooned him, cuddling behind, hand resting in his crotch. Fingers stroked balls and sheath, one sliding in until he teased out stallion cock. Rickie squeezed his eyes shut. He wasn't gay! It wasn't fair! But his cock refused to listen and he squirmed and gasped until the bear had fingered and stroked him to another blinding, and horrible climax, leaving him empty and hollow. The orgasm a shock, a blow to his very maleness. He would have preferred the chair dropping to this. Better to loose his bits than to have them used, forcing him to degrade himself. What good were balls or a cock when he likely would never see female pussy again? He was being turned into a female. Made into a filly. Better to cut the damn thing off and be done with it.

It was a long, sleepless night... and only the second.


"I know what you're doing, you bastard" snarled Leshyet as she cornered Nijusata.

Nijusata blinked innocently, "What? Raping your little stallion? He IS little you know. How he ever pleasured you with that tiny cock, I'll never know."

Leshyet just hissed, "His work! You are sabotaging his work, making him slow and sloppy. I know you are!"

Nijusata shrugged, "Not my fault if he can't handle the pressure or concentrate with minor distractions."

"Do you think making him look incompetent will make ME look bad just because I trained him? You won't get my job, Nijusata. No matter how bad he looks, that isn't going to get them to change their minds."

Nijusata just smiled, calm at Leshyet's outburst. No, but that kind of reaction just might.

Leshyet stomped off, shouting, "Just watch it. I'm warning you!"


Rickie thought things couldn't get worse. They did. Papers knocked over. Smacks and yells. He couldn't even do his job anymore. He was slow. He made mistakes. Every mistake was more punishment. Smacks, blows, yells. Every blow made his work even slower. He could see the dragon and bear were enjoying it.

"The longer you take, the longer you spend in the chair... and my bed," teased Doysar.

Rickie spent the next day, and the next trying his best. But he just couldn't keep up. Another day passed, another night. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, fearing that THIS would be the night the dragon takes him. He only hoped it would hurt so bad his cock wouldn't respond. No matter how hard he tried, Doysar forced him to cum EVERY time. He felt betrayed by his cock, hating it at times, and feeling like... a filly at others.

In his mind, deep in the rational part he knew what was happening. They were breaking him. Slowly but surely they were crushing his spirit, pounding at his will, turning him into a broken heap of fur and bone. He wasn't strong. He knew it. He only hoped that once they broke him, they would be nice. He could obey dragons. He was good at that.

More visitors entered, but there was something familiar this time. He blinked and saw a red dragoness. Leshyet! He shrunk back in shame, his desk messy with paperwork, disorganized, and him. He quivered, not wanting to be seen like this. Not by her. He couldn't bear her to see him so... useless. She wouldn't even WANT him anymore.

Nijusata hrmphed at Leshyet, "What do YOU want? Don't you have a train to catch? Slaves are leaving today, and you with them. I do hope it all runs smoothly."

Leshyet smiled, walking over to look at Rickie and her smile fading. "Oh, things are going fine. I'm here for the slave."

Nijusata moved to the other side of the chair, "Oh? Are you offering something for him? Gold? Status? Your job? I'd trade for the last... but nothing else interests me."

Leshyet calmly said, "No, you are not getting my job. But I am going to take Rickie back."

Nijusata said, "Have you been spending time fighting for him? I don't think Master Delsun would approve of you wasting your time on such a task."

"True, I didn't have time to get him back. That's why I had you do it."

Nijusata snorted, "What?"

Leshyet held out a paper, "This is a transfer order. Rickie is going on the slave train to the capital with the rest of the slaves. It seems someone," and she looked at Nijusata, "filed a report about Rickie's terrible performance. They also removed his green collar status. It was determined, with a little help from me, that as scrawny as he is, being a unicorn slave for auction is far more valuable than being an incompetent office worker."

Nijusata snarled, grabbing the paper and reading it. That bitch!

Rickie looked confused. He was being taken away from here? But auctioned off? He want sure to feel happy or terrified!

"I'll be taking him now. I am in charge of all my former unicorn slaves, my orders are to take them to the capital as I'm sure you heard. Like you said, the trains leave soon. I'd best get this slave on one, and away."

Rickie decided to feel relief, and a deep, deep happiness. Mistress had not abandoned him. She came back for him! He smiled up at her, happy, and smiled wider as he heard Nijusata growling in anger. Then his smile turned to a gasp of horror as Nijusata lashed out with a foot, and kicked the back of the chair.

Rickie screamed as he fell, legs flailing as the seat dropped down like a rocket. He felt his balls hit the floor, crying out at the intense, mind-numbing pain that was to come when the chair slammed into the floor. He grunted as he jerked to a sudden, brutal halt, and no pain came.

Leshyet held the chair by the back, holding it, and Rickie one handed, just inches off the floor. She lifted it, pulling it back to it's normal height and growled.

Nijusata snarled, and then made a loud CLACK as his teeth slammed together, Leshyet's fist hammering up under his jaw, sending him reeling to collapse in a dazed heap on the floor.

"Get my slave OUT of that thing, NOW" said Leshyet to a stunned bear.

Doysar gulped, quickly moving to do just that, winding at the noise as the chair was dropped at his feet, narrowly missing his toes.

Leshyet snapped a leash onto Rickie's collar, "Come, slave... we have little time."

Rickie followed, gratefully, turning back to look at the black dragon who was in a rage.

"You fool... she WANTED you to remove his green collar, slave! She couldn't have used her authority on a green collar!"

Doysar whimpered, looking unhappy and scared. "But Sir..."

Nijusata just growled, "Get in the chair."

"Sir! Master! The... the stoppers are missing..."

Nijusata said, "Do not make me order you a SECOND time, slave."

Rickie's last sight was of the bear getting into the chair, and the black dragon walking forward menacingly. He wasn't sure, but he imagined he could hear the screams. The high pitch would carry for miles, wouldn't it?


Rickie hadn't been involved in the actual slave handling for the move, which had disappointed him. He would have loved to help drag unicorns around and smack their asses when they were too slow. He walked quickly behind his Mistress, trying not to wince as the movement aggravated his sore ass. He hoped that bear got EATEN by his Master. Brutally beaten. Tortured. Castrated and gelded! He was happy to be going far, far away, but it meant he was never going to get revenge on the smelly bastard. He spit, trying to forget the taste of both bear and dragon cock. Maybe Lesheyt would have time to... play on the way? Get the taste out of his mouth, and memories.

Leshyet waved at a passing cart pulled by a team of horses, slowing it just enough to hop into the back and haul Rickie on board. "Quickly now. You do NOT want to be left behind. Nijusata will surely find a way to keep or delay you if you are not on board the first shipment."

Rickie nodded, looking back the way they came even as the horses pulled the supply cart forward at a brisk pace. He had never ridden on of the giant steel contraptions, having been in a proper unicorn village. Unicorns lived closer to nature than most furries, and far from any major cities that could attract slavers. Safer to be among your own kind. Until the dragons attacked of course, flying in on those drakes. Flying back out loaded with slaves, marching the rest away before any response ordered from the furry capital could arrive. He himself has been aboard a drake on his travels here, given special treatment due to his help in capturing the cream of the town's stallions and mares. He smiles, the thought of all of those uppity, smug bastards and bitches in chains because of HIM always made him happy.

He jerked as the cart came to a stop, pulled from his thought at the sight before him. There must be a dozen train cars, and they were all packed with unicorns. Loaded up like cattle. He could see them massing inside the barred sides, standing shoulder to shoulder. He looked closer, the train cars were not new. Purposed cattle cars? He smirked in pleasure. How perfect!

"There is room in the front car for you to squeeze in, lets get you properly bound, Rickie."

Rickie gaped as his wrist shackles were padlocked, and his ankle shackles as well by a pair of dragon guards who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Mistress? I'm going in with the SLAVES? Can't I ride with... errrmph!" he said as he was muzzled, a metal bit sliding back behind his teeth as the leather was strapped on. He worked his jaw and tongue in distaste, speaking again but with more difficulty. "Mistress?"

Leshyet patted Rickie's nose, "I had to make you a normal slave again to have authority over you, remember? You will ride with the rest until we get to the capital. I'll take you as a helper again once you get there. Now go!"

Rickie nodded and let the dragon guards shuffle him off to the train car. As worried as he was, when his Mistress gave an order, he obeyed! The ramp echoed his hoof steps as he was marched up the top, and spun around for inspection. He had a moment to gaze back at the slave camp with a wistful sigh. It had been his home for some time now. It felt like it was the only home he had ever had. Certainly his village wasn't his home anymore. He had hated it there. Nothing good had happened. Nothing but misery and pain.

He had his share of pain here too, but unlike his former home, he also had more pleasure and triumph than he could have imagined. Naked mares as far as the eye could see. Feeling them... touching them. Actually TOUCHING Sabeth and Faith's tits. He could remember that first day, that first tentative touch, feeling how soft, yet firm they were. He had thought they would be like balloons, but they were heavy and firm and full and unlike balloons, when he pinched them, the mares squealed and whined. He remembered his first fuck. His first blowjob. His first time punching Brant, showing him who was boss now! He nearly teared up, looking over the camp, wondering if he would ever see it again.

Did it matter? He was going to the capital. His Mistress was being promoted. He would have even MORE power there, he was sure. Better yet, Brant and Faith and Sabeth were there. Maybe he could see them. Gloat. Beat and rape them! A trip packed in with mere slaves wouldn't be so bad. He remembered the temporary collar locked over his, hiding his gems. It wouldn't be good to be recognized. Maybe this group was from a far side of the camp, where he hadn't gotten to much. He gulped as he was spun around again, the heavy doors sliding open and being shoved inside.

He erfed as his nose hit the back of another unicorns head as he was pushed hard, the doors sliding closed behind him. He squirmed, it wasn't quite shoulder to shoulder, but it was close. He could smell the mass of equine flesh all round him. He sniffed, and took a quick look around. Tits. Breasts. Sleek, female faces. Was this car full of females?

"Hey! This one's a stallion!" said a female voice.

Another said, "Hey guard, I think you made a mistakkkkaaahhh!" She reeled back as the dragon jammed the end of a wooden club into her midsection through the bars of the train car.

"Quiet, slave!" said the dragon and whacked on the bars for good measure before walking off. More thumps could be heard overhead, dragons patrolling the top of the cars.

The mare coughed and held her side for a bit before glaring up at Rickie, "Shit. Guess we are stuck with you. I was hoping for at least a few days free from stupid males. Girls! Lets put him in a corner to make sure he doesn't get any ideas."

Rickie said, "Hey!" as he was grabbed and pushed past mare after mare until he found himself face first against a wall. "Ow!" He turned around, finding him face to face with a wall of mares. His eyes dropped to their tits automatically, letting out an ooooh. It has been a few days since he had seen such beauty, cooped up at that damn desk.

"Turn the fuck around you little shit," said the angry looking mare who had been previously struck by the guard.

Rickie hrmped at that. He had PLENTY of practice handling mares by now. He lifted a finger, needing to bring both hands up due to his cuffed wrists and said, "Listen here! I can't very well stand in the corner the whole trip! You're just going to have to get used... ahhh!" Instinctive male reflexes caused him to lift a leg and turn to the side as the mare stepped forward without warning and brought a knee up into his crotch. His thigh took the blow and he grunted, hands moving back down protectively as he crouched, pivoting to try and protect himself.

The mare said, "Listen closely, runt. My name is Jessa. Long story short, I kept order in my pen and the dragons consider me in charge here. I made sure you stallions didn't mess with my girls, and that my girls didn't cause the dragons any trouble. We may have to kneel to those scaly bastards, but fuck if I'm going to put up with any unicorn bullshit. All you stallions are the same. You see naked mare and think you can just fuck us. Not here. I worked HARD to get all the stallions moved to other pens."

Rickie suddenly knew just who these unicorns were. Or most of them. One of the pens had become a kind of female only storage pen. He had heard the dragons talk about it, amused at the weaker of the unicorn species taking charge, and allowed it to continue as they were more obedient and submissive to their captors. There had been other small experiments, like one group that was treated harshly with constant abuse and torture. He had visited THAT one often enough, always happy to lend a hand. The dragons liked to do such things, and with a start he wondered if his own position had just been another experiment, at least at the start. Leshyet surely thought more of him now, didn't she?

He glanced up at the mare, then quickly away as she raised a fist. He hadn't been allowed to go near this group. Nobody here knew him! Was that why Leshyet put him here? It was a lucky break, regardless. He coughed and said, "Fine... okay... I won't look."

Jessa snorted and stomped a hoof. "Good. Just sit there, keep to yourself and there will be no reason to shove my hoof up your ass. Trust me, I've done it twice before, and I wouldn't mind doing it again."

Rickie almost laughed, but thought better of it when he saw her expression. She was serious. He gulped. This was going to be a long trip.