Tanya Trouble

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#1 of Tanya Trouble

I was playing around with some characters in my head and this lovely little story came out. Has two really short scenes and two really long scenes all following a little german shepherd girl named Tanya. It's got a lot of scat and even a small hint of zoo in the middle. Hope you guys like it :)

A young German shepherd cub looked at the hole above her with an overwhelming sense of anticipation, her long wavy brown hair parted to show off her beautiful green eyes. Her name was Tanya, and at the age of only fourteen, was about to meet her new life long fetish for the first time. She sat atop a cold bathroom seat, one of the city's infamous glory hole spots she had heard of from the sluttier girls at school. She had just heard the rustling noise of a man entering the stall next to her, and her heart was almost beating right out of her chest.

The minutes felt like hours as she waited for her prize, a small squeak of surprise escaping her when a firm shaft finally slipped its way through the hole. It was an equine, she could tell that much, a long thick pole of marbled manhood. Her small paws held it tightly as she moved her lips up, gently rubbing the tip with her tongue as she tried unskilfully to fit her muzzle around it.

The equine let out a stiff laugh as he felt her fumble around his length, "Jesus, another kid huh?" She didn't reply at first, blushing as she felt a tad embarrassed. "Well, let me start you off with something easier to fit in your mouth then!" Her ears perked up at those words, a little confused as he pulled his cock away from her. She waited for a moment in anticipation before seeing two furry cheeks lean against the hole, spreading to show off a dark round pucker.

Her instinct told her not to do it, it wasn't like that was a normal things for girls to do, but she was so worried about disappointing the equine a second time that she leaned in, hoping he was clean as she dragged her tongue along the hole's surface. "Ahh, mmm," the equine murmured, "There we go, you can manage that can't ya sweetheart?" He groaned as she slowly licked his ass, soaking it in her saliva as she began to rub her own slit with her fingers.

She was content to pleasure the equine, despite the strange act, happy to finally be able to experience something sexual. Suddenly she felt the edge of something bitter and she pulled back, shocked and confused as the horse suddenly whispered, "Don't be shy, sluts can't be picky after all!" She looked up quite fearfully, making the awful discovery that her tongue had just touched the tip of a piece of shit.

Her eyes widened with a quick shot of anxiety laced with a hammering adrenaline. Every bit of her senses was disgusted, but the promise of more cock seemed to firmly glue her on the spot. She dared a whiff of the rich log as it curled out of the hole, suddenly wishing she hadn't as the scent made her gag. She was almost terrified as the asshole above her started to close, knowing it was time to make a final decision.

If she hadn't have had such a powerful sex drive that would have been the end of it; a first time experience soured by a fetish gone too far. Her eyes closed as she made her choice, the girl gulping anxiously before opening her muzzle and letting the smooth piece of shit dropped down onto her tongue. She had expected the worst, assuming the taste would scar her for life, but with a terrible ounce of shame she chose to chew slowly, realizing quite quickly how much she adored the bizarre flavour.

She could hear a round of laughter as she swallowed hard and begged quite pathetically for more. Her muzzle carefully locked onto the equine's pucker as he emptied a full load into her throat. She was hoping she would have been able to experience a blowjob by coming here, but the reality had managed to change the future of her sex life.

Since then she had become notorious for her habits, Tanya Trouble as everyone always called her. Her neighbours across the street would watch her sneak out from her house the odd time her parents were gone. She would sneak straight from her front door to her next door neighbour's back door, and they knew something must be up between her and that sleazy old Ox.

They were in fact right, but would never guess just how depraved the situation actually was. She sat comfortably on her knees in the ox's living room, tongue gently rolling back and forth against his firm ass until her lips were brown. "Six days this time," the ox stated proudly, "Vacation this week so I haven't showered once, hope you like the flavour!" The girl kept on working away, barely able to make the rough pucker clean, even after swallowing up so much gunk already.

"It's a treat," she purred, tongue probing hard against him, "...and my favourite lipstick too!" The ox grinned at first, groaning out softly until his facial expression darkened, "Y'know Tanya, if your parents find out-" "They won't!" she cut him off, nipping his butt, "I would never jeopardize this!" She slowly began to tie her hair back, smiling up at the sweaty unwashed ox. "How much did you take?" she asked and the ox blushed before responding. "Oh uh, l-laxative?" he double checked already knowing her answer before she nodded.

He pointed over to the empty bottle on the counter, chuckling as he whispered, "Enough." The girl's eyes widened as she smiled brightly, her hair now carefully tucked back in a bow as she leaned her head back in, "Good, I'd hate to leave any fur clean!" The ox chuckled as he let out a long fart, the stench radiating over her nose as he began to push out the first of a long trail of shit, "Don't worry dear, you'll be quite filthy soon!"

It was thick and slimy, a dark green color over its surface. It dropped into the waiting mouth below him and she shuddered at the taste. "Oh god you mff-pi-g!" she struggled to moan out as she forced herself to chew the horrible waste down. No one ever had shit like this guy had, not even the stuff she would find left over in public washrooms was this rancid. Another clump of muck crawled out onto her tongue and her eyes rolled back in ecstasy as she chewed.

She held her tongue out for a moment as the ox turned his head to view her. A thick greasy mound of digested carrot and corn filled mush dangled on the tip of her tongue, getting him even harder before she swallowed it down. "Sheppard's pie again?" she inquired, "You love that shit don't you?" The ox nodded with a shy grin, "It's my favourite, plus it looks so good on you!" He rose a bit, pinching out another small pile that fell with a thud over the top of her chest.

She reached up with her paws, firmly rubbing the dark slop into her chestfur, sighing comfortably as she rubbed a few hard pieces against her nipples. They peaked up, hard at the tickle from the firm chunks. She heard the ox grunt again, closing her eyes as a long pile of moist muck poured out onto her face and muzzle. "Good girl!" the ox groaned in between long rasps, "You love your dirty little baths don't you?"

Her stomach rumbled uncomfortably as she tried to keep the filth down, her breath already radiating off a bitter stench. "Very flavourful today!" she commented, reaching up with her muzzle to catch another slowly falling log. The dog blushed as she slurped more out of his ass, "I hope it's not too strong, I just want to make you happy!" It wasn't entirely a lie, despite being disgusting the ox was, he cared a lot for his little slut pup.

The dog had taken a break from eating as the laxative had finally turned the rest of her partner's shit liquid. It sprayed out with every fart he let out, every inch of Tanya now dripping with an extra coat of dark brown. "How about your turn?" she said before belching loudly, "I'm stuffed!" The ox nodded almost frantically in response and his chubby body dropped to the floor as he lay patiently under the young girl.

As she turned the other way her tail wagged with excitement, brushing against the ox's forehead as he snuggled his lips up against the girl's pucker. Tanya was given full access to the ox's cock as she knelt down, her muzzle lining up to it as she rested her rump over his mouth. She felt the tickle of his breath as he waited patiently, her nostrils flaring at the stench of his unwashed prick.

She pushed back on the dirty foreskin, shuddering at the look of old shit still staining the now exposed shaft. With a little search of her nose, she became quite aware it was waste that had previously belonged to her. Knowing he hadn't bathed since their last time together, she felt an equal mix of flattery and disgust. Her lips locked onto the greasy tip, tongue cleaning its surface as she began to pinch out the head of a thick heavy log.

The ox's tongue circled around its surface, and he began to suck on it like a cock when enough inches had descended out. It had a sweet richness to it, and the ox bucked his length up into the girl's mouth as he began to swallow it down. Tanya gagged as she was forced to swallow down the shit caked member, closing her eyes tightly as she adjusted to the noxious flavour. The ox seemed to have a fairer deal, the girl's much tamer shit a wonderful treat to his taste buds.

She still sucked his cock obediently as he enjoyed his meal, the ox not lasting long as he sampled such wonderful waste. After only a few small chunks had dropped from the girl's rear he gave one last thrust into her muzzle, a long pool of cum draining out over her tongue as he let out a shit-muffled moan. Tanya lay comfortable on the ox's stomach as he rested in his after glow, humouring him a few moments of cuddles before whispering, "Ok, time to use your shower!"


The next day all seemed well again in Tanya's life. Her parents were inside bustling to get ready for work that day and she was outside, visiting their pet dog before school. The feral creature whimpered low yips, excited but confused at the attention it was getting. Tanya was careful not to be seen as she lay under her dog, lips carefully sucking the gleaming red shaft between its legs. It was so drippy in her muzzle, constantly spraying thick seed out over her tongue.

"Honey, you'll be late if you don't get a move on!" her mother called from the window, not looking as she called. "Ok" Tanya called back, wiping her lips as she got up patting her confused pet on the head. She stepped carefully onto the grass before leaving, taking the peanut butter and jelly sandwich from her lunch box. She leaned down and held the two halves of bread open, scooping up a small pile of dog shit from the yard into her sandwich. She gave her dog one last nod before leaving, "Thanks for the snack boy!"

School went by as usual, uneventful and predictable, time feeling like a slow crawl as the day dwindled down. Lunch had its little excitements for her as she planned, the girl careful to eat alone so no one else could smell the scent drifting off her sandwich. She ate it slow and sensually, appreciating every detail of the animal's scat before it went down into her stomach.

Later as her last class seemed to reach its end, she sighed to herself, a deep need welling up in her for something more. As with every other detail of her naughty life, she had several safe guards in place, always having a situation prepared for her every whim and temptation. On the way home from school, there was a public park she often played at with her friends, complete with a public washroom located at its front.

Inside Tanya sat atop one of the stall toilets, her legs dangling back in forth in a lazy swing as she kept her lips sealed over the cock of a complete stranger. She was in the Men's washroom, at the back stall that was known for its glory hole. With her parents knowing school would be finished by this time, she had made up yet another fake club she had joined; just another excuse for her parents to remain oblivious to her sexual acts.

She could tell it was a canine of some kind, but didn't bother to research further; the mystery always made it fun. Suddenly the stranger thrust harder than before, burying his entire length into her tight throat as a long burst of cum drained out. This was always Tanya's favourite part, she just wished cum could be as flavourful as her other favourite body fluids. "Thanks" the canine said lazily, not bothering to wait for a reply as he shuffled out of the bathroom.

She took out her school books to work on homework once again, filling in time as she waited in hopes that another occupant to slide himself in. She had gone through three cocks already that day, and still hadn't satisfied her sexual hunger. A small chime rang out as her cell phone went off and she looked at the display on the front. She could tell before opening the text message that it was from one of her classmates.

The handsome Akita, Ben, was one of the only two school mates who knew her secrets, and both often helped her satisfy those needs. It was a picture message that had come through, and her eyes shone brightly as she viewed it. It was a long thick brown turd, perfect consistency and color. Just by looking at it she could taste shit in her mouth, her lips quivering as she began to drool over her chin. A brief but clear message was listed under it, 'Still warm, sis is willing to share it with you'

The dog wasn't surprised when he heard a heavy knock on the door. It had been less than ten minutes and already Tanya was there, panting from the run. The akita gave her a cocky grin, commanding her before letting her pass, "When you're done, I get to fuck your ass!" The girl rushed in as he moved out of the way, pulling off her shirt as she took the stairs down to the akita's room, "You act like I wouldn't ask you to anyways!"

As she entered the room the younger, female akita was naked and blushing, sitting next to a Tupperware container that was giving off a foul odour. "H-hi Tanya," she said cutely, opening the container, finally able to hold the warm heap of scat. Tanya leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, taking a long whiff of the log in her paws. "God bless your brother!" she exclaimed passionately opening her lips as the girl held up half of the mound for her to bite off.

Ben lay back against the door, his cock was slipped out of his jeans, and he fondled it as he watched. "I'm such a meanie, wouldn't push that out of me until sis sucked me off...moment she saw that monster, she knew you'd need to have some." Ben's sister Jenna had always had a crush on Tanya, she was only two years younger than her, but looked up to her immensely, only ever given her body willingly up to her and her brother.

Tanya's fingers slipped into Jenna's damp folds, tickling her softly until a sticky trail of cum drained out over her fingers. She looked over to Ben curiously and he couldn't help but laugh, "Well, we had to do something while we waited for you." Even though he was only seventeen, Ben seemed to be the only male Tanya had been able to get multiple orgasms out of. The boy seemed to bleed cum.

He anxiously pawed off as he watched the two, drooling at the look of the two chewing down his shit. Both girls had brown lips now, each having pieces of it stuck in the fur of their cheeks. As they had taken their time breaking the log down they began to kiss, tongue passing saliva soaked feces back and forth. Tanya's fingers kept pumping in and out of Jenna's folds, the girl moaning into the other's mouth before they swallowed the chewed up log down.

They turned suddenly, a look of need in their eyes as they stared at Ben. He looked alarmed as they dropped to the floor, crawling up to him, forcing him to turn around. He felt two dirty tongues drag across his backside and he groaned out, panting as he heard Tanya bark, "More, there's got to be more up there Ben!" As they anxiously coaxed him a long rasp suddenly escaped him, the two girls sighing desperately at the smell that came out.

"You really think I don't know what you girls are gonna ask for?" Ben stated rhetorically in a cocky manner. Tanya pulled her skirt and panties away, holding Jenna's hand as they both opened their muzzles wide. Ben grunted as he strained himself, finding it a little bit hard to get back in the rhythm after stopping himself earlier. Eventually his pucker spread though, and all at once a pile of the same wonderful texture poured out in smooth long logs.

It hit both girls square in the face, and they nuzzled each other until crap had smeared across every inch of their faces and necks. Tanya let a thick clump of it drop into her mouth, her teeth scraping against the bitter mess in smooth chomps. She could smell and taste nothing but Ben's previous meals now, clutching his sister close as she two fed from her brother. Her mouth chewed slowly as well, sighing softly as she sampled every bit of flavour her brother's waste had to offer.

Ben turned as he finished, looking down at the two dirty girls as they chewed and swallowed looking up at him with silent praise. He raised his foot suddenly and toppled Tanya over, hopping down over her to hold up her still clean backside, "Remember, we had a deal!" Tanya made no protest as he stood over her, instead reaching under the nearby bed to pass him his bottle of lubricant. As he got himself ready she nodded to Jenna, coaxing her over.

"Look what I got" Tanya whispered, still clutching a firm log she had taken from Ben. Jenna's eyes widened and she leaned back, already reading Tanya's mind. Ben had already lined up behind Tanya as Jenna settled in, the glistening tip of his shaft prodding anxiously at the dog's tight pucker. Her ass spread almost immediately for Ben, her slutty lifestyle leaving it more than used to that kind of activity. He sank a couple inches of it in, groaning out at the tight warmth that immediately wrapped around his cock.

Tanya didn't even seem to squirm, her attention focused on Jenna's damp folds as she worked her tongue around them. She was addicted to any cock she could get but always melted around Jenna, a feeling that was very mutual. The young akita moaned out in a loud high pitch, her paws affectionately holding Tanya's muzzle in place as she squealed. The girl's tongue dragged down across the tight folds slowly until finally resting down over the girl's asshole, starting to probe at it as she moved her paw up to Jenna's waist.

She poked the girl's clit with the hard log in her paw, circling it around before sinking it slowly into Jenna's pussy. Both girls shared long whimpers as they were teased, the turd in Tanya's hand growing soggy from all the pussy juice coating it. Ben continued to thrust hard into Tanya's ass, the tight pucker gripping his shaft tightly as he fucked it relentlessly.

Despite their close friendship, Ben and Tanya had never shared the same romantic tension she had with Jenna, instead the two seeing each other as simply nice pieces of ass. The dog was almost relentless in his sexual frenzy, pounding away Tanya's ass until she started to feel sore. She didn't make a single noise of complaint though, obediently taking the rough yiffing as she lost herself in the other girl.

Jenna's moans were loud and high pitched, like anxious whimpers as her muddy folds slid open and closed with the rhythms of the now soft turd Tanya held. Her pucker winked over Tanya's tongue as she dug it deep inside, literally making out with the young girl's ass. In little time Jenna suddenly gripped Tanya's head, pulling her closer as a long spray of cum rained down over the shep's face.

She looked down at Tanya with a blush as her climax finished, panting in near exhaustion before leaning in to lock her lips with the girl. The two swirled their tongues against each other, locking in a deep passionate kiss as Ben finished humping his length hard into Tanya's ass. She whined out in Jenna's muzzle as she felt herself get knotted, her ass filling up with what felt like a gallon of dogcum.

Ben lay lazily against Tanya's back as he finished, locked into her as she continued to make out with his sister. He could see it in the way they kissed, and the way they blushed, that despite all of Tanya's escapades, the two of them were in love. "So when are you two nasty gals gonna make it official?" the akita teased, laying down on the floor the opposite direction as he waited for his flared knot to calm down.

The two girls broke the kiss to give him a harsh frown, their blushes deeper now as they thought about his statement. "Wh-what are you talking about?!" Jenna yelled at her brother, "Tanya doesn't wan-want-" She stopped as she felt the shep's fingers close softly over her lips. Tanya looked into Jenna's eyes as she ignored the instigating looks from Ben. "Actually Jenna," she swallowed nervously, not used to doing anything romantic, "Umm, I do."

Jenna remained still and quite, shocked at Tanya's words before quite suddenly lunging in for another kiss. The two held each other in a loving embrace, and Ben couldn't help but smile at the thought of his little sister getting the girl she had such a crush on. He lay there for a moment before finally with a loud pop, his knot dropped out, and he walked away calmly, waving to the girls as he said "I'm bored now, you two can be all lovey dovey, I'm gonna shower!"