Akita's Jobs
Of the akita's lower body.
One Bro to Another.
The two dogs came in near unison, kanic pumping the akita's ass full of hot, sticky seed, and the akita making a mess underneath him.
Behind the Helmet Chapter 1
He breathed in deeply and stood facing the akita.
Stories in Jasper: Moonlight Howl
He said to akita. akita nodded back at him, and delneco trotted off, presumably after some omega girl. following his trusty nose, akita made his way up to the den that served as the alphas meeting room.
The Fairground
"jez" the akita replied as he shook the husky's paw sean pulled the akita into a hug wrapping his arms round the bigger dog's waist, resting his head on the akita's chest.
Stories in Jasper: The Beginning
akita asked, poking fun at deke's slightly unusual name. "well, akita," deke said, jabbing right back. "i think that napoleon would be a good target today." akita laughed. napoleon was the very small, french alpha of the united packs.
A Night Inside
Warm, strong arms wrap around the akita's waist and lift him up a little, angling him so he can push his length deeper into the akita, growling affectionately and licking along the akita's neck.
Cold Hearted: New Kid In Town
Jayke folded his arms, grinning at the akita. "yeah, just allergies. i got to go though, thanks for the 'concern'." the akita responded, getting a somewhat confused/annoyed look from jayke.
The Fourth Lay of Christmas
Asher scissored his fingers a few times, spreading that tight akita butt as gently, but firmly as he could. his cock ached between his legs, but he held himself in check. the last thing he wanted to do was hurt his sweet akita.
Avery smirked to himself lightly as the akita moaned out under him. he felt pride toward bruno. the akita was strong and confident, handsome and quite well endowed.
A slight, yet visible disappointment came about the akita's face.
Dancumb Nights
He hesitated a moments, then moved up onto the bed, once more kneeling, but beside the akita. "oh come now," the akita said. "you don't need to kneel...