Family Days 20

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#20 of Family Days

Marion has something on his mind to say, not only to Chris but to Ben too--ever thinking about what the next step in a relationship will be; either with his boyfriend or with his son. Over the days he's come up with some words to say, some questions to ask, and perhaps even a proposition or two.

Hey all! Hope you're enjoying the story--a bit of a change for this one! First time having to put a 'm/m' tag in quite some time for this story haha. But sorry for the length it took to the chapter out: i hope everyone believes it was worth it!


Time began to pass at a quick pace, or so it at least seemed. Chris's winter break was just a few weeks away--which meant not only being able to hang out with the pup a bit more, but also that Ben would be freer too. The first snow hit the ground rather quickly, and Marion found himself constantly adjusting the temperature in his house. Chris loved the cold and would turn off the thermostat when he was the only one home, but would forget to turn it back on when Marion came back in. The only good part was that he knew Chris wouldn't have to worry about saving money on heat later in his life. And as of late he didn't mind it nearly as much--Ben provided a good bit of warmth whenever he was over; which was becoming ever more frequent.

The pup seemed to be OK with him dating Ben. Marion had been on the couch with Ben watching TV more than once when his son would come downstairs to grab something from the kitchen. The first time had been a bit awkward but each subsequent time was better. Now it wasn't really even strange. Well, unless he and Ben were cuddled particularly close together, though even then it wasn't so strange. Sometimes the pup would even sit down and speak for a small bit of time--something Marion truly enjoyed. Then again, that was only when they weren't laying down--then it was far too odd he felt.

Ben was really nice to the pup too. Which he would have to be if Marion was ever going to date him. Of course it didn't even seem like the bear was being nice out of a feeling he had to but rather because he was genuinely nice. Well, of course he knew Ben was nice, but, that bit of reassurance, or seeing the bear smile at the pup never hurt. The two hadn't hung out alone again--at least to the best of his knowledge. He was sure he'd scared the bear a little about 'surprises' of that nature.

He hadn't been terribly rough on Ben, had he? No, he hadn't. Or so he told himself. Still, he knew it had left an impression on Ben, and that Chris knew it too. There was always a part in him that was fearing--dreading--that perhaps he'd hurt Ben and Chris's chance to have a bloomed relationship. He had apologized though; to both of them, well, sort of. He had told Ben awhile back that he thought it was a very sweet idea, that the initiative was nice--was that right?

Maybe he had to make the next step?

Next step. Marion couldn't help a small shudder involuntarily--a small feeling of exhilaration and fear ebbing through him. He didn't feel that he had to make the next step, but he was sure he was done waiting on Ben and Chris to make initiative steps. He had plans--lots of them. For what he wanted for Chris, for what he wanted for Ben, for what he wanted for both of them together, for him with them, and so much more. And a part of him was tired of just constantly adjusting to what happened in his life--he wanted to lead it again. As it was, he could only imagine his next steps going well, or absolutely horribly if things didn't go as he wanted in his mind.

Still he had made a step, right? About two weeks ago they had actually all gone out together--Ben taking the pup out to a movie of his choosing.

Marion found himself sitting with his son and both eating their meals silently. He looked over at him and took in a breath, " you approve of him?"

Chris looked up and cocked his head, "Hmm?" he managed with a mouth full of the pot pie his father had cooked for them.

"Ben...are you OK with him?"

Chris cocked his head more. Why was his dad asking him now--after nearly three months of dating the bear? He took another bite of the meal and watched his father for a few moments. "Why?"

"I...just want to make sure. Chris...really, if there is anything you want to tell me I'll listen..."

Chris sighed and took a sip from his glass, "Well," he began and looked down, "There is one thing,"


"Sometimes...when you're not looking..."

Marion felt his ears twitch.

"And at school,"

Marion put his fork down and paid full attention to his son now.

"We talk about you behind your back," Chris said, chuckling at how his dad had really been so nervous. What did the wolf think he'd meant to say? His father was always so weird when it came to himself and Ben; it was easy to use against him sometimes. Still, over the past few weeks he'd come to like Ben as a person, with only one thing getting on his nerves. That one thing wasn't something he told his father, because he knew his dad deserved a life of his own, but sometimes he missed him; even if they still hung out a lot.

Marion sighed in relief, he'd felt like something terrible was going to be said. "Jerk..." he told his son and gave a slight grin, "I could ground you,"

Chris felt his ears twitch and he played with a carrot for a moment.

Marion chuckled at how he'd gotten to pup with something he couldn't reply to. His son knew it was an idle threat, but it was a fun card to be able to pull. After a second he continued eating. It was good to know they spoke outside of his presence, encouraging in some ways. His tail swished a few times and then he cocked his head, "What do you say about me?"

"Well...nothing much. Mostly we just talk about how you're doing...most times it's not about you even,"

" like him?" Marion asked, but was relieved that he wasn't the sole topic for his boyfriend and son. He wanted them to have their own bond; not just be connected by him. In fact, he felt a wave of relief wash over him like he hadn't felt in many days.

Chris shrugged his shoulders, "He's my teacher...but aside from that, yeah, I think he's cool," he said. The bear had taken him out to see an R-rated movie after all, though it was their personal little secret. It had actually been kind of cool--besides the fact that Ben was his teacher. And well, during that time he wasn't quite OK with the bear--that much was true. But that was in the past, and the bear was a nice guy. For a few minutes in their talk he'd managed to forget that, instead seeing the bear as just another fur. And, even if it was wrong, a part of him was glad to see his dad upset that Ben had taken him out that time--but for multiple reasons, some he wasn't sure were right, if any. He was glad his dad cared about him, was glad his dad would put him ahead of Ben, but was also glad the bear had gone out with him, was glad the bear didn't shift any blame towards him, that even when he'd asked if he'd done something wrong Ben had chuckled and shook his head as if he'd told a joke.

Still, he couldn't deny that at times, it was odd to see his father with the bear--but not because they were both males. It was something else--though not something he was sure he could admit, because he wasn't sure he entirely understood it himself. It hadn't worked out between his mother and his father--what would happen if this didn't work out? He was not going to get attached, and he didn't want to.

Marion sighed and nodded, "Cool," he said and took a sip from his glass.

"Why? You going to ask him to marry you?" Chris asked, having shook the previous thought away. Ben was a good guy--that was all that should matter.

Marion's eyes widened and he gasped in the tea he'd been about to swallow. He sputtered some of it out and onto the table and began to cough the rest of it out of his lungs. It took about a minute for him to get control of himself and he looked at his son again.

"I'll take that as a no..." Chris said with a small chuckle. He'd meant it as a joke, and seeing how seriously his father had reacted to it, he couldn't say that he was sure his father had never thought about it. Still, if they would've it would've been far too strange, after all, the two had only been dating for about three or so months--how many he wasn't entirely sure.

"No...I don't think we're quite that...well, that's....yes, you, I mean no of course not...not that I don't mean...Umm, well, that's a big decision," Marion replied instead, guessing he and Ben really were very close. After all, the bear was his solace--and Ben told him likewise; they were there for one another. Everytime he saw the bear a smile ran over his features, every time Ben hugged him he felt butterflies in his stomach--everything about Ben was just great. He pushed the ideas of his boyfriend away though, "...and I wouldn't want to do that to you," he added, much more stoutly than his rambling earlier.

"Do what?"

"Well...wouldn't it make it hard on you...if people found out I was dating your teacher?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know...but I don't really care. As long as you're happy I'm happy,"

Marion smiled at his son, "Thank you..." he said, though didn't want to test the theory either.

"Can I go over to Brandon's this weekend? He got the new NuevoWar," Chris said, not missing a beat.

A frown came over Marion's smile quickly. He couldn't help a small chuckle though and his smile returned quickly enough, " were just buttering me up,"

Chris chuckled a little, "Yes and no. I do want you to be happy...and I want you to want me to be happy which would involve NuevoWar--Tidings of Defeat,"

Marion rolled his eyes at his son's logic, "Will you be there till Sunday?"

"Not sure yet...I'll probably that a yes?"

"Finish all your homework?"

Chris nodded.

"If I were to ask Ben...would he agree?"

"Dad...he's just my chemistry teacher, he has other students to worry about," Chris said, his ears twitching on his head and a bit of red hinting in his cheeks--though unnoticed under his black fur. Still, his father didn't seem to get it; he had five other teachers excluding Ben, and the bear had plenty of other young furs to worry about. That seemed to be a parent thing though--because his mother had been good friends with one of his teachers and had thought knowing just that one teacher was like having an intimate guide into his school life.

Marion sighed, " can go...can they feed you?"

"I'd imagine--I'll ask Brandon,"

"Good..." Marion said, wondering where he'd now be able to ask Ben out to.

"Date?" Chris asked, reading his father's mind.

Marion blushed a little but nodded, "Yes..."


Marion chuckled and kissed the bear on the lips again then pulled back, " big bear has a present for me?" he asked, still trying to find his own pet-name for the bear but it wasn't quite as easy as he'd felt it would be. Ben calling him 'Babe' felt so natural, and 'Honey' didn't quite work for the bear, nor did a simple 'hun' or really anything he'd tried yet, though he guessed it would come to him as time passed.

Ben pressed the wolf against the door and smiled down at him, "Maybe I do...maybe I don't," he growled back.

Marion moved his paws on the inside of the bear's jacket and hugged him with only the shirt between them now. He leaned up and kissed him again. He couldn't deny his wishes on what exactly the bear considered 'a gift' at the moment. That 'wish' was an ever-growing on these past few weeks. Still, they were both waiting on just one more thing--Marion swallowed the lump in his throat and wondered if perhaps one last sip of wine would've helped. "We should get inside," he mumbled against Ben's lips.

"I hope you can unlock the door without looking," Ben told the wolf and planted their muzzles together again. The wolf was eager to return his kiss and he pressed his body against the canine's with a moan. He could tell Marion was focusing more on unlocking the door than kissing him, but he didn't mind--in fact it was kind of fun.

He could still taste dinner on the wolf's lips, along with a nice bit of wine--well, maybe a bit more than just a little. It wasn't that Marion was wasted, but to say the wolf was sober would've been a lie too. Still, over the past few weeks he'd picked up that Marion had a bit of a habit of taking a sip after rambling--no matter the substance; so with wine that just meant a few more sips because a bit tended to loosen the wolf's tongue anyway. Another habit--not a bad one but one that could lead to Marion being a bit more tipsy--was that whenever the wofl would pour him a glass he had a habit of topping himself off too. Still, the wolf was always cute when he was inebriated; his instincts coming out much more. Ben hadn't taken in as much as the wolf, and even if he did he was sure he'd have to drink twice Marion would to get the same effect. The door opened and he held the wolf closer to him as they stumbled into the house.

The bear had been inside enough times to be able to navigate the living room with a wolf tongue in his muzzle and soon had them on the couch they often laid on together. He pulled away and pushed the wolf away--having to do so or else he was sure neither would wish to pull back, though Marion continued to attempt kissing him for a few moments more anyway. After a bit of a battle he managed to push the wolf away, both grinning at the other as they did so. He dug around in his pocket and pulled out a small wrapping.

Marion smiled and looked at the package. It looked like the bear had just wrapped it in cottonballs.

"Guess what it is,"

"A fluffy pillow," Marion said with a chuckle.

Ben smiled at the bad joke, and pulled out a lighter, " we go," he said and put the light near the cotton. He lit it and the cotton quickly came to life in a fireball that made the wolf jump back; into his arms as an added bonus. Almost as quickly as it was there it was gone and a small miniature mortar and pistol was left.

"What was that?" Marion asked, smiling at the small display his boyfriend had just shown him. He was sure what it was, but the question came off his lips before he could filter it, and he was focused on something else a little. It was a bit sad to admit but he felt bad for the bear at times. Ben was so amazingly talented and smart when it came to chemistry but was probably not making half what he did. They had both gone to good schools, but the simple truth was that Marion had gone for the money while Ben had the humility to go and teach those for the future's sake.

"Nitrocellulose...better known as Flashpaper,"


"I know, it wasn't paper. I had to use cotton cause it is more pure than most papers. You know...cuase most papers don't have the amount of cellulose you would need. Well, the more expensive ones would. You can touch it...the fire didn't heat it up," Ben rambled, knowing Marion already knew most of what he'd said, but still glad he didn't have to explain the difference between specific heat and temperature to the wolf--like how those sparklers on July 4th could burn at thousands of degrees and yet not burn when they fell onto the skin.

Marion leaned over and kissed Ben on the cheek--biting his tongue a bit as he did. He hadn't been about to ask the bear to explain, in fact, he'd had an entirely different set of words on his mind, but for now he would let them rest. He reached out and smiled at the small mortar and pistol, "This is great,"

" won't be able to do much...but...umm, I thought you might like it," Ben said. He'd seen the trinket and thought that Marion, being a chemistry type person too, would enjoy the gift. It was by no means the type of gift you would expect to outdo a box of chocolates and flowers, but then again, he hadn't wanted to do that--he wanted to give the wolf something different--something personal. Others might look at it and think it was odd or not really a big deal, but for them it meant more. And honestly, it had been the display that he felt showed his affection much more. It wasn't just a simple procedure to make the flash paper--he'd had a lot of waiting and handling some acids; over all buying the trinket had been the easiest part.

Marion smiled and looked over at the bear, "I like it,"

Ben smiled and nodded, "Good..." he said and noted how Marion continued to scoot a bit closer to him. "I...thought..." Ben began and could remember the line from so long ago--how chessy it was. That didn't stop him though, "Considering we have such good would be a good gift,"

"Heheheh..." Marion chuckled quietly, feeling his breath and Ben's intermingling. It was probably one of the worst jokes he'd heard, but coming from Ben it was so enjoyable, and well, maybe the extra glass had loosened his sense of humor too. He settled for a short, sweet kiss with the bear, feeling more and more assured every few seconds, making what he wanted to happen next a bit easier.

Ben gave a small moan into the wolf's muzzle when a paw cupped his cheek and he pulled Marion closer, a bit surprised with Marion's own efforts to get close. Soon the wolf was straddled in his lap--not enough space between them to ignore a prodding feeling both were aware of. They broke apart for a quick breath, their lips staying nearly together while their whiskers intermingled--which always made the wolf's lips twitch. Just as soon as they'd taken a breath, but without hurrying, they moved back into the kiss. A few moments more and they pulled back; keeping to slow but steady kisses that never lasted for more than a few seconds before pulling back. "Th--Mmph....This is nice," Ben mumbled, smiling as best he could at his boyfriend.

"Mmmhmm," Marion replied, not trusting his tongue--well aside from its current task--though there was a greater one ahead. He began to end the kisses a bit quicker. "I....had a good time tonight Ben,"

"Me too Babe," Ben said, pulling back too and letting their forehead continue to touch.

"Actually...I'm always looking forward to our dates y--"

"Me too," Ben interrupted, but realized the wolf was finished. He nudged his head against Marion and smirked a little, "Continue...I'm sorry,"

"Wasn't much to say...well, with syallbles," Marion replied, seeing the bear's eyebrows raise a little in curiosity. "I don't think I have to tell you how much I enjoy our dates--though I do enjoy telling you--or how much talking and beign able to be with you means to me...but...well, I do want to tell you what it means. It means a lot Ben,"

"And..." Marion said as he put his paw on Ben's chest and put his lips an inch away, "I love you,"

There wasn't some widening of eyes, nor a push to ask if he was serious. This wasn't like those teenage relationships--or even the ones when one was still quite eagerly surfing the single life. No, they had both seen this coming--it was only an admition by now. They'd both known about the emotion they had--the mutual feeling--before it escaped their lips. Marion wanted to say it first though; to let Ben know just how much he meant.

But the lack of surprise, the not jumping up and down, didn't negate its importance of meaning or the swelling it brought in either of their chests. Marion wondered if he'd said it alright, or if Ben would think he was just saying things in his inebriated state. He'd planned to say tonight though, and maybe he'd consciously taken just a few extra mouthfuls to steel himself for the moment. Marion still felt that rising in his chest as the words fell unto Ben's ears, words that he had tried to say as solidly and surely as he could--how he'd been wanting to say them all night--the nervousness as the moment came, the joy of finally admitting his feelings, the fear of putting himself on the line, the romance of having someone like the bear to love, and lastly the delight of what came next.

"I love you too Marion," Ben replied gently. They both let the words die there, moving in for the kiss that--no matter what age--always had that flair to it at the admission of such a feeling to another. The happiness, the joy, the fun--the love. Ben smiled and leaned forward, pressing their lips together. He kissed the wolf slowly, letting his tongue roam around in the dog's muzzle for a minute. He pulled back and nuzzled the wolf lovingly, "I love you Marion..."

Marion pulled back, "I don't want to feel like I'm rushing you...I just...wanted to let you know,"

"I'm glad you did--because I don't know I'd have the courage to say it first," Ben replied. The wolf rested his head on his broad shoulder, and he pulled his love closer--letting out a content rumble of happiness as he did. He felt the wolf's own arms wrap tightly around him as they tried to bring the other as close as possible.

It was nice; perhaps just as nice as a kiss, to just hold one another. There wasn't anything to it, perhaps a simple shift of position every little bit, or a shift of arms only to feel a new area of the other. But it was the simplicity of the act that made it so special. The fact the wolf continually nuzzled the bear did not hurt either--which he returned lightly; embedding their scents together for a moment.

The embrace didn't end, though the matter of importance changed. He leaned forward and kissed the canine again. Now it was heavier though; much more passionate. After a minute Marion's paws were beginning to grip a bit more roughly at him, and he was panting into his muzzle as their heated kiss grew more and more.

Marion pulled out of the kiss and smiled at the bear, "I really do love you Ben,"

Ben laughed and took one of the canine's paws. He brought it to his muzzle and kissed it gently then brought it to his face. He allowed the wolf to cup his cheek and smiled at him, "I know you do Marion--I love you more though,"

Marion chuckled and rubbed over the bear's face, "I doubt that,"

Ben leaned forward and kissed the wolf on the lips, "Prove it,"

For a few moments they continued their make-out session, but soon enough ended up cuddled on the couch, the TV on but neither paying it any attention. They were both exploring a new avenue, slowly but surely.

Ben pressed himself against the wolf, growling lightly. Still, it was very restrained, just like he meant it to be. Marion was of course putting himself out there--they both were. It was one of the first time they showed it: the physical needs. Well, at least so explicitly. Both of them were still quite young adults who wanted someone to share their life with--and more bluntly, someone to have that sexual release with. It was all a matter of the proposition now though.

That was the last thing to cross--mostly because as it was, neither of them would be kneeling down with a ring in paw; unless it were for the sheer symbolism, and he was sure that saying they loved one another was quite the step. The thought planted somewhere deep in his mind and Ben couldn't help but wonder which one of them would be the one do the proposal--or what either answer would be.

They loved one another, but Ben knew, even if Marion didn't say it, that mateship--unlike love and companionship--would wait for quite some time. A year. Two years. More perhaps. That was something to go into very slowly--for Chris and for them both. It was, after all, a complete integration of their beings. Still, now they weren't going to be holding nearly as much back--if anything really.

Ben edged his paw down, dipping it past his boyfriend's pants, but not past the briefs. A briefs guy.... Ben thought to himself, growling a bit more happily. Of course, he knew it wouldn't have mattered what the wolf was wearing; well, nothing would have been a bit of something but, still, he didn't care what the wolf wore. His boyfriend was completely still though, not pushing him away--just waiting--waiting to see where it would go. He rubbed his paw gently over the front of the wolf's briefs, not hard enough to get a feel of the true heat or shape or size, but he still felt a bit of wetness from pre. Ben kept the touch short, slowly inching his paw out of the wolf's pants and letting it rest along his hip, "I'm ready whenever you are Babe,"

The wolf soon pressed against him. He knew Marion felt his cock pressing against his rump--which only made the wolf's rubbing against him all the hotter. Leaning down, he kissed the wolf's neck wetly for a bit; as long as the wolf's grinding hips lasted. The hiked tail wagging against his chest was a turn on too.

Marion stopped, and waited. A minute. Two minutes. Slowly they intertwined again, so that the bear was holding onto him in a not so groping manner, nor was he urging Ben to do so. His fingers rested between Ben's, the perfect spot; they fit so nicely together. He knew they were waiting again--that he had to make a quick decision. When it was finally right he spoke. "Not yet..."

Ben didn't feel the slightest bit disappointed--emotionally at least. Physically devastated, but emotionally fine. And physically he could be better if he just went home and rubbed away the problem--literally. He brought the wolf's paw up to his lips and dotted it with tiny kisses, mumbling his acceptance of the proposal. After a bit he quit and let out a sigh, "OK...that's fine Marion,"

"I just,"

"Want to be sure,"

"Really sure," Both said. They squeezed their paws together.

"That this is going to be entirely real," Marion said, enjoying the fact Ben had followed and even added some words of his own--if only because it reiterated what he already knew about the bear.

Marion laughed first, feeling ecstatic the bear knew--that they were really so close. The bear knew how he felt, and he was fine with that. He let go of Ben's paw, only to bring the arm up under his own like with a blanket and taking the bear's paw with his other, "And...well, you can bet that it won't be terribly long,"

Ben chuckled roughly and nodded, making sure to rub his muzzle against Marion so the wolf knew his response.

"I mean...maybe I'm already sure," Marion added, rubbing himself back against Ben and laughing a bit more.

" you're acting a bit drunk Babe," Ben noted, smirking down at the wolf and not entirely minding.

"Maybe a bit," Marion admitted, wondering what the change was; he certainly hadn't had any more to drink but felt even tipsier than before. Of course, he couldn't deny that he was riding the highs of the love confession or the physical enjoyment of the bear's company. He rolled around in Ben's arms and couldn't help a bit of a dumb grin, "Want to know a secret?"


"I took a bit of an extra glass tonight...but now that I said doesn't feel like I needed to have a single glass,"

"You had a bit more than a single glass,"

Marion laughed lightly and nodded, "That's true...maybe I just need something to help get it out of my system,"


"Yeah...bear tongue is a good way to help, right?"

"Uhh...I don't kno--Mmmph!"

Marion cut the bear off, knowing that it hadn't exactly been a great opener, but he didn't care. And after a moment it seemed Ben didn't either. The bear's arms tightened around him and he echoed a happy moan after the bear. He didn't let his paws be lazy, instead moving them down and groping the bear, getting a growl as he did.

Ben smirked a little through the kiss as Marion chuckled at him--he never had growled like this while kissing the wolf, but if Marion kept all this up he knew it'd only get louder. He pressed his hips more firmly against his boyfriend, feeling the odd sensation poking his belly and wondering just what to do. After a few moments indecision his paw seemed to make the choice for him and the result was a happy moan into his muzzle as he groped his boyfriend's package.

Soon enough his paws moved though. Ben gripped at the hem of his boyfriend's shirt, lifting it up until it smacked against their jaws. Still, neither was willing to break the kiss for a few moments. When they finally did he pulled it off quickly, eyeing his boyfriend with a lusty glint in his eyes and growling at the sight before him.

"What are you going to do?" Marion asked with a smirk, eyeing the bear as he did and knowing that he was being eyed--perhaps even more lustily.

"What do you think?" Ben asked as he threw the shirt to some far off place in the room, leaning back down for a continued kiss while he felt a pair of paws beginning to work over the buttons of his own shirt.

Marion gave a small yelp of surprise when Ben bit at his tongue, very gently but still a new enough sensation to get a yelp. He found himself not minding the lack of a shirt at all--enjoying and wanting to go further--working over the buttons of Ben's shirt. He only got a few off before he pulled back and found himself burying his nose in the small crevice, taking in the scent and letting out a happy growl as he did--though compared to Ben's he sounded like a pup nearly.

"Ah--Oh, Marion..."

Marion chuckled roughly and bit along Ben's neck again, "I want my bear,"

My bear...Oh...Oh, that sounds nice Ben thought with a dumb grin while the wolf continued to work over him. The wolf moved slowly, but he didn't mind at all, and more than a few times he warned Marion about what he'd do to him if he didn't stop the delightful suckling along his neck. Soon enough Marion's lips touched his own, lightly and gently for a moment.

"I love you Ben,"

Ben only managed a grunt as their lips were jammed back together. He pulled back though, just a little, though that didn't stop the wolf's tongue from licking at his lips, "I love you're so hot Babe,"

"You too," Marion said, moving a paw up to cup the bear's cheek for a short moment of affection before he let his paw rest on the back of Ben's head, "I just want to be with you...and I'm pretty sure that isn't the wine talking right now,"

"Oh?" Ben asked, rubbing his lips against the wolf's lightly enough to be felt but not hard enough to impair their speech any.

"Want you here with me Ben....always wanted someone to lean on, to have for myself and who I could give myself to, someone who was kind and romantic and generous and smart, someone who could be there for me through all those times, and...well, so much more that perhaps the wine isn't letting me think of....but I never thought I'd get the whole package in one guy...with bonuses,"

Ben smirked a bit, "You make it sound like I didn't get lucky myself..."

"Luck has nothing to do with it," Marion said, leaning up and kissing Ben quickly and slowly for a moment, his other arm pulling Ben and his waist together.

"So...what kind of bonuses are we talking?"

"I'll write you a list later...or I could show you,"

"Show me?" Ben asked, cocking his head a little, and somewhat serious. Now that the wolf had begun the bit of romantic compliments he didn't want it to end--he had quite a number of compliments he had for Marion in his own mind. Of course he was curious what exactly the wofl meant too--as the compliments had been very nice and yet he knew Marion was acting a bit more than tipsy.

" this," Marion replied, finding little resistance in pulling the bear's head down for a kiss. He fought the bear's tongue for a few moments, acting like he was putting up a fight before he began to suckle on the ribbon of muscle, laughing through the kiss at the reaction that got from his boyfriend. His paws ran through Ben's fur, feeling up the bear and groping every other moment to feel just what was on top of him--what he wanted on top of him. When his paws got to Ben's shoulders he pulled at the remainder of the shirt, and it was soon left to slide down to the floor while he pulled the bear closer, moaning at the new sensation; though one he wanted to be very common. They stayed that way for a bit before Ben pulled back and he smirked up at the bear, " about the talking can wait?"

"No complaints from me," Ben growled down to his boyfriend, feeling his member throb with need in his jeans.

"Good," Marion replied reigniting their kiss with a passion they had stumbled into the house with.

Ben gave a hearty growl of enjoyment as their tongue battle continued--even if Marion stood no chance against his larger, stronger muscle. He let out a small grunt of surprise as paws jerked at his belt, and he shifted his knees to lift himself up. While the wolf fumbled about with his belt he gave Marion a reason to continue moaning--and probably didn't help his boyfriend's fumbling paws either.

Marion growled with minor annoyance before finishing the hard task, yanking the belt from its loops and letting it fall to the ground with the abandoned shirt. Before his paws could take advantage of the new places about to be opened up to him he felt them being stolen from him as the bear gripped his wrist and held them above his head.

"You're getting sloppy with your kiss," Ben told the wolf, grinding his hips into his boyfriends ever still.

"That doesn't sound like a complaint..."

"Maybe it wasn't," Ben admitted.

"Then...why can't I move my paws?"

"Maybe I want to see what happens when the poor wolf is reduced to nothing but his head...see if he's good enough to use his paws, Babe," Ben replied with a smirk, noting the glint that flashed through the wolf's eyes. He was soon treated to a rough bite at his neck, and he let out a growl when Marion did it again.

"I can be very--Ngh! Resourceful," Marion growled, biting roughly, but in a love-bite sort of way at Ben's neck, soon enough getting Ben to lean down as he worked for his paws freedom for the next few minutes. They were soon making out again, the bear's neck messy with lots of love bites, and the fur on his muzzle matted with wolf spit from Marion's more puppy-ish attempt of licking him and whining for his freedom; which had only made Ben remark at him trying to be cute.

Their hips continued to dance together, the hot motion becoming ever more rough and present as the game continued to a new level. Marion now had his legs wrapped around the bear, feeling Ben's member poking at his fuzzy orbs through the now very annoying clothing. Still, Ben wasn't letting him use his paws--he would think of something to get rid of the last few obstacles though.

*Ring* *Ring*

The phone continued to ring to completion, and for a minute it was silent save for the two furs' moans and happy groaning--and one yelp of happiness when Marion's paws were freed. They took no time before gripping at Ben as if he hadn't been able to touch the bear for years and not just a few minutes. He pulled at him, even using his legs to try and get his lover as close as possible.

*Ring* *Ring*

Ben growled in annoyance at the sound, this time very different than the first ringing; it was his own phone. He moved a paw and pressed the button the side through his jeans, sending it to voicemail before refocusing on his boyfriend. He moaned a happy compliment as Marion's paws began to dip past his jeans, right along his hips.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Oh for God's sakes!" Ben growled against Marion's lips.

Marion licked the bear and let out a small huff of annoyance too. "Just answer it...OK?"

"I--Mmph....I'll get it," Ben said, letting out a light grunt as the wolf gently nibbled against his lower lip, grazing his teeth along him before settling into love bites along his chin. He fumbled about for a few moments before finding the source of the ringing, and quickly bringing it to his ear and answering, "Hello?"


"Chris," Ben let out, and coughed to suppress an enjoyable grunt when Marion nipped at a tender area of his neck--surprised the wolf didn't shoot up and assume a much more parental mannerism. He felt a bit shocked and embarrassed--this wasn't as bad as being caught, but a part of him felt that same feeling rise in him. After all, they were so obviously about to pass a line.

"I tried calling my dad, but he didn't answer....are you two still out?" Chris asked, having had to call the bear after the wolf didn't answer, and no one had picked up at the house.

"Is everything OK?" Ben asked, feeling Marion stop now and rest against him, he smiled down at the wolf and gave him a reassuring nuzzle that the question had been innocent--not that he was asking because he thought something was wrong. "Or, sorry, would you like to talk to your dad? We're walking next to one another," he lied, unsure exactly how to even come close to admitting what they had been doing. He couldn't help but feel the lie was a bit bad--after all, eleven in the evening was an odd time for a stroll in the park.

"Can I?"

"Yes...of course, hang, on here he is," Ben said, feeling the wolf quickly stop kissing at him. That didn't stop Marion from a quick kiss and mouthing a thanks.

"Hey Pup," Marion said, nestling himself back into Ben and letting out a content sigh. After a bit he tried to make it sound a bit more like a exerting sigh, as if he was walking, but decided to not try to hide anything either--there was no reason to act terribly strange.

Ben pulled the wolf close, draping an arm over him and intertwining a leg with him, before letting his head rest on a nearby pillow. He couldn't help a tired yawn, but was more impressed at just how quickly Marion sobered up. Well, that was assuming the wolf had really been that drunk and wasn't just letting himself act a bit more than he really was. Of course, with Chris, he was sure Marion could've put anything aside for. Still, a part of him was a bit annoyed, and he made sure Marion didn't forget the presence behind him, giving the occasional grinding motion.

"Oh, OK, I can do that," Marion replied with a small nod, "When are you going to do that?"

Ben couldn't help but wonder what the two were talking about, even if he wasn't focusing in on the conversation--instead seeming unable to hear anything but the soft rumble of the house, most likely from a furnace. He nestled to the wolf and let out a tired sigh again, but he could wait, surely the conversation wouldn't last too long.

"Yeah, of, no don't worry about it Pup..." Marion replied, trying his best to reassure the pup he hadn't interrupted their date. He nestled back into Ben entirely differently than he had moments ago--this time as he would into his comforter, not a lover; both roles equally important though.

The minutes began to wear on and Ben let out a small sigh of defeat; his own desires beginning to admit such. He had never really thought anything of the term before, but now he couldn't help but think of how Chris had--as the pups called it nowadays--'cock-blocked' him; literally. great. I should be having him right now--who knows what we'd be doing...but it'd be great I bet---might even be in his bed. But...I mean, I probably shouldn't complain. But still! Marion has no idea how much I want him...well, he was the one ripping my belt off, but...then he pulls this? I know it's not his fault...or Chris's...maybe I'm just being overly sour about it? Ben thought to himself, but realizing the fact the was holding a small conversation with himself as a sign that the moment had died. He couldn't deny a bit of sourness at the fact; after all, Marion had basically been begging for them to continue. He settled for another kiss on the wolf's head and closed his eyes; over the minutes his erection had gone down, and tendrils of sleep began to pull.

"OK...yeah...Oh, yes, we've had a great date, thanks," Marion replied, smiling at the fact his son had asked him about his date. He wasn't sure Ben was quite pleased with the intrusion though. Still, the bear wasn't exactly pushing him to get off the phone either--so maybe Ben was OK with him continuing the talk.

Ben let out a slight, content rumble as the conversation wore on. He couldn't deny that hearing Marion's voice was nice; in fact, it was alluring. He felt he could simply drift off to sleep listening to his lover's soft voice.

Minutes continued to pass, and soon enough it was nearing half an hour to midnight--and the gentle snores of Ben were heard behind Marion as he continued a talk with his son. The Pup wanted to see a movie, but didn't have the money, so he would drop by and give him some tomorrow for the movie. Of course, they hadn't spent half an hour talking about that, but rather the pup's friend was currently in the shower, and so they were just speaking as they did nearly every night.

"OK, I love you Chris. Mhmm...yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight," Marion said, taking the phone from his ear and closing it with a snap. He looked over his shoulder to see Ben's eyes closed and the bear snoozing so peacefully he didn't feel it would be right to wake him up. Still, he knew what Ben had thought; they had been so close. And he wouldn't have minded continuing either. But perhaps that would have to least a bit longer.

"Good-night Ben," Marion whispered to the bear, bringing the paw up to his lips and kissing over it a few times. After a moment he nestled further back into Ben's arms and let out a content sigh. "Sorry about that though..."

"It...It's fine," Ben replied with a loud yawn, surprising the wolf as he did, the mention of his name having briefly woken him, even if he didn't open his eyes. "," Ben managed to get out to the wolf, his eyes too heavy to open and feeling that, despite being on a couch, or that their potential time together had got shot down like a bird in the sky, that there wasn't a better place in the world to be.