Poem #82: Bleck

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#83 of Poetry

This is a poem about sickness, and also about trying to overcome the barriers in your life. Enjoy. Please comment, fave, and like!


When I can barely breathe

Out of my nose, it's so clogged

Up with mucus and snot

That drips down endlessly

No matter how many times I blow it

When I can't barely speak

Because my throat is so red and raw

That swallowing is so painful

That's only aggravated by the racking coughs

That swell and release from my lungs

When I can barely move

Because every single muscle in my body aches

And whines

And it feels like I was hit by a truck

At least seven times

When I can barely hear

Because it feels like someone shoved a metal rod

Fifty times in my ear

And the pain is making my head hurt

When I can barely think

Because there's a unwelcome rave inside my head

With the base way too high

And the dancers are making my head spin

Such dizzy spells

When I can't lie still

Because I feel like I'm in the Sahara desert one minute

And in the Arctic wasteland the next

I remember that of all the barriers that I've broken

Of all the barriers anyone has broken

That I have at least tried to break this one

And if I do fail, and die of this disease

Well then, at least I tried.


"Bleck" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.