The Wolves In Me -Part 4-

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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#4 of The Wolves In Me

Originally, I had planned to have this finished by part 4...but it looks like there's quite a way to go ^_^;

Least I can say this is the last of the dialogue flooded chapters...

Amira left for only a moment, but when she returned, it was with what appeared to be a sopping wet cloth and a blanket. The cave was still dark, too dark for me to really see what was around me, but the glow in her eyes helped, calming my ever-present unease.

"Here, use this to clean yourself." She spoke quietly as she held out the towel and watched my every move closely as I took it.

The towel was warm and scentless, merely touching it made my heart race and pressing it against my chest almost made me sigh. Ever since being captured, it was the closest I had gotten to being able to shower or bathe, but more importantly, I didn't have to wear the dried werewolf's seed any longer. With my body clean, I almost felt a little confident, despite Amira watching me with a tilted head and interested expression.

After I had finished, I held out the cloth to Amira and she took it only to swiftly toss it to the floor, afterward, she handed me the blanket and I took it without a word.

"Put it on, you never know what the weather has in store."

I looked back curiously before I fondled the blanket in my hands. It was well-made of silver wolf fur and soft, thick cloth, but the more I felt around, the more I found myself less confident and more confused. How was I supposed to wear a blanket...?

After a while, I threw the blanket over my shoulders and grabbed onto its corners before wrapping the blanket around myself like a cloak. I looked to Amira nervously for approval before she burst into a quiet, controlled laughter.

"That's not how you wear a cloak, you know..." As a slight feeling of embarrassment flooded my mind, Amira stepped forward and unwrapped the cloth from around my body. With her body nearly pressed against mine, I blushed a little in embarrassment and unease as she shuffled her hands behind my back. Only a few moments later, Amira stepped back and pulled the cloth forward by two thick strings I didn't even know it had, then she tied it around my neck and stepped away from me with a smile.

"Alright...let's go."

With that, Amira turned away and started out of the room and down the hallway with her normal confident walk and I followed close behind. Wearing the cloak, I could feel a small confidence building up inside me, I was clean and warm and clothed. For the longest time, I couldn't remember wanting anything more and I finally had it. I couldn't help but show it.

Quite a way away from the room of old belongings, Amira looked back to me with a slight smile. "If the cloak is the reason you're smiling like that, just wait until later."

For a moment I was confused. I raised my hand and touched my face to find that I was actually smiling. I couldn't believe myself, but I really was smiling. I didn't know how or why, but things were starting to look up and I could only hope that they'd get better.

After a long while, Amira made her way to the cave's entrance where she met up with two werewolves who appeared to be guarding the cave. The trio whispered to each other, raising my nervousness from its grave for a brief moment. Luckily, just as soon as the conversation had started, it had ended, the two guards bowed to Amira before they looked to me.

"Come, Eric. I've a lot to tell you." Amira called as she left the cave and I followed behind her, slowly and cautiously looking to her as the werewolves stared me down, one of them wearing a smile and the other wearing a smirk. With Amira around, I was almost convinced that I wouldn't be attacked, but the suspicion haunted me even after I left the cave.

Once I was out of the cave and at Amira's side once more, she looked to me with a slight smirk. "Not smiling anymore? I thought you'd be happy to get a breath of fresh air..."

"Wait..." I looked around with widened eyes before freezing up. I was really outside of the cave, but once more, I couldn't believe it. Ever since being captured, leaving was nothing more than a dream, but the more I looked around, the more vivid everything became. Every breath of air was more fresh and sweet-smelling than the last. Thinking back, it was almost hard to believe that I used to sit inside and play video games all day.

For a moment, I was convinced that I was actually getting away from the cave, but the fact that Amira was around only seemed to ensure the fact that I wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon.

Without a word, Amira started walking again and I eagerly followed, ignorant of our destination. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't care I just didn't want to be in the cave any longer. We made our way far away from the cave under the night sky, eventually reaching a point where we couldn't see the cave any longer. Despite the surroundings being illuminated only by the moon hanging high in the sky, Amira looked as though she knew where she was going. I could only follow, trusting her with my entire being and a handful of hope.

With the cave out of sight, Amira suddenly stopped and I slowed to a stop just behind her. She didn't say a word, but her ears perked up and she looked around before continuing forward.

"I think it's time I finished explaining everything to you." Amira said all of a sudden, quickly turning my attention to her. I wanted to hear what she had to say, but if she would tell me anything like the story before, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up my smile.

A short breath later, Amira continued.

"In an attempt to change his image in the eyes of his clan, he quietly thought to himself, contemplating on his new home. I assume it took him some time to realize it, but finding a mate and mating was a near miracle in itself, and a majority of the males without a mate looked to me with their hearts held out. However, I'm looking for a mate unlike anyone this clan's ever seen before, one whose eyes radiate with confidence, his very presence boils the blood of those around him, whispering to them that there's greatness to be achieved. My mate will be the one I've always longed for."

Somehow, I found myself immersed in Amira's words and for a moment I started to wonder what it would be like to be Amira's mate, to marry into werewolf royalty. The thought almost flooded my mind until I realized that my eyes radiated with the farthest thing from confidence, fear, and my presence didn't make the werewolves' blood boil, it made their cocks hard. My throat clenched up at the thought.

"Luckily for Evan, werewolves have a one-track mind, if they see something they like, they won't stop until they get it. I'm not sure if Evan knew it, but introducing them to you, a "playfully unwilling" sex doll, was the most clever thing he could have done; he introduced them to something more desirable than a mate they could never experience, a toy they could play with whenever they want."

My stomach boiled from the foul idea, but I managed to speak. "You mean...he-"

I wanted nothing more than to understand the truth, but I couldn't bring myself to keep going. Despite Evan no longer caring about me and being the cause of the worst pains I'd ever experienced in my life, I didn't want to believe the possibility that he truly wasn't my friend anymore. Everything that had recently happened only told me to forget him, but the past flashed through my mind every time I heard or thought his name.

"I'm not sure how he managed to do it, but he convinced the others that forcing their bodies on you was okay. He used you to "restore" his position, and it worked for the most part, but of course, there were some that didn't feel right, and that's how I learned about Evan's plan, but much too late to stop anything."

My heart fell down into my stomach with a silent crash. I had expected that Evan had been behind the painful nights, but I could never bring myself to believe myself, but with Amira confirming my suspicious, all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry...but I didn't. I continued forward.

"We werewolves, we're not intelligent, we're not smart." Amira looked to me and I looked back as expressionless as I could despite having my heart broken like glass. "I'm sure you know first-hand how werewolves act when they're happy or enjoying themselves, and it's all they can think about. At some point, my clan knew what they were doing was wrong, but it was the last thing they wanted to think about...and I'm just as bad as they are. I told one of them to keep going, I needed proof that Evan was lying so I could punish him...but I made you cry. I made you suffer, and nothing was worth that."

Amira stopped in front of me and turned around, placing her hands on my shoulders and stopping me in my tracks with the most sincere, apologetic eyes that I had ever seen before.

"Everything that's happened to you so far, it's all been my fault. Your friends were never meant to be killed, just captured. We couldn't let you leave the forest and return to the other humans knowing there were werewolves in these parts, so we were going to transform you after keeping you under close watch. Evan was never meant to be transformed as he was, neither of you were supposed to suffer as much as you did." Her voice trailed off as her words rang through my mind. "Nothing I can say or do will ever justify what's been done or how much you've been through all because of me...but I'm sorry. From the depths of my heart...I'm sorry, Eric." I finally knew everything. From watching my friends die right in front of me, to being relentlessly raped by Amira's clan...everything finally made sense. It felt strange through, knowing the truth, my heart didn't beat fast, I didn't want to cry, and I wasn't angry. In the end, after everything I had been through, the most important fact was that I was alive.

Looking into Amira's eyes, I could only imagine that she was more hurt than I was. I couldn't explain it, but it almost looked like she was on the brink of tears, even though I couldn't even tell whether knowing more about my capture or the happenings afterwards even made a difference.


I took a deep breath as Amira looked to me with the first, teary werewolf eyes I had ever seen before.

"It's okay."

It really wasn't okay. If it wasn't for her clan, my friends still would have be alive, Evan and I would still be best friends and I probably would have been at home as opposed to being in the middle of a werewolf gangbang. Even so, I couldn't bring myself to be angry or blame Amira for everything that had happened. I just couldn't bring myself to believe that it was her fault, because at the end of everything, she was the one who offered me help and gave me hope.

"No Eric, it's not. The reason I brought you out here was to give you a choice." Amira released my shoulders and took a few steps backward. She dropped her hands to her sides before continuing. "If you want to leave now, you can. There's no one here to stop you and I can make sure no one will follow you."

My eyes slightly widened as I looked to Amira in disbelief.

"You can leave now and return to your home, or you can continue to follow me through the darkness." Amira turned away. "The choice is yours alone."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. All I wanted to do was leave the cave and go home, but as the clouds lazed their way across the sky, painting the ground with foreign shapes, I only realized how much of a choice I really didn't have. My "home" was a small dorm room where I stayed with Evan while my actual home was across the country. If I did return home, I'd end up being forced to tell about what happened to Jessica and Chris, my deceased friends, and Evan and it wasn't likely that anyone would believe a story about werewolves in the woods.

There was a time where all I truly wanted was to leave, but the more I thought about it, I didn't want to leave, at least not alone.

I slightly chuckled, turning Amira back to me. It was almost funny, after everything that had happened, I still cared about Evan, I still wanted him to leave the cave with him at my side. She couldn't have known what I was thinking, but after everything she had told me about her clan, I couldn't help but feel that I wasn't much different than a werewolf, my mind was rather one-track as well.

"Lead the way, Amira."

For a moment, her expression was riddled with confusion, then she smirked and turned away, beckoning me behind her with a slight motion of one of her claws.

"You're smiling again."

I didn't have to reach up and touch my face for proof that she was telling the truth. Again, I just couldn't help it, and I didn't want to stop.