Fates of the Unicorns 76 - Lover's Day

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#76 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 76 - Lover's Day

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_._ _

Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

"I wish we at least had some blankets, it gets cold at night sometimes and I'm not looking forward to winter," said Telly as she sat against the stone wall, hands on her belly, large with her Master's egg growing within.

Heathel said, "I doubt we will get any. I suspect our Master enjoys us all huddling together. Probably turns him on."

Telly looked at the mare sitting beside her, "You think so? Maybe we could ask for a big blanket so we could all cuddle together. He might like that."

Heathel gave Telly an annoyed look. The poor mare was desperate for their Master's approval, that was obvious. Sometimes it got on her nerves. Not that she had anything against Telly, the poor thing. It was just that seeing a proud unicorn debasing herself to try to please the bastard dragon that enslaved and raped them made her angry and upset. It also reminded her that she sometimes did the same things, and was ashamed and humiliated by her weakness.

Heathel said, "Well, that's all the more reason not to do..." she paused as Tamira's clopping hoofsteps brought her closer. Tamira was a guard now, sworn to serve their Master. She didn't like saying such things around her.

Tamira cocked her head a bit, clearly seeing Heathel's look, and looked away with a sad frown.

"Don't be so hard on her," said Telly.

Heathel waited for Tamira to move out of earshot before saying, "I'm not! I'm just not going to say anything she might report, or decide to punish me for on the spot. You saw what she did to Kindem!"

Telly crossed her arms over her chest, resting them on her belly. "Kindem made a threat against our Master!"

"It was only a joke! Just something she said out of frustration and to try and make light of a bad situation."

"She said the next time he tried to put his dick in her mouth it wasn't going to come back out. I don't think I'd take that as a joke if I were male, or a dragon."

"She wasn't going to actually do it! None of us are THAT dumb. It would get you killed for sure, or tortured like poor Evanna in that horrid plant," said Heathel as she shuddered.

Telly said, "I know she wasn't serious... but she SAID it. What do you think Master would do to her if he had heard that."

Heathel didn't want to think about it, having already flashed back to the plant closing around the poor mare, her face and... other places stuffed full of tentacles.

Telly pushed on, "See? Tamira just gave her a quick punishment on the spot so she didn't have to tell Master about it. Tamira wasn't happy about it, not at all. Didn't you see her face?"

Heathel said, "I saw Kindem's face. She was a lot less happy."

Telly leaned back and said, "I don't think so... Tamira may not have yelled and cried but I could see it in her eyes how much it hurt her to have to do that. Kindem thanked Tamira for it later you know. For not telling."

Heathel shrugged, "I don't care. I still don't like her being around. I feel like Master is always hovering over her shoulder. It's creepy. I'd rather not be noticed by anyone connected to him. Getting noticed is what got me nearly eaten when we first got here! I was on a bloody serving platter, covered in meat."

Telly looked down at herself, "I was there too you know. I got this..."

Heathel winced, seeing Telly's full belly. Being a living serving tray was bad, but being impregnated? How that must have hurt with those sharp penis spines she had seen their dragon Master display on occasion. Then to have something growing inside you. She shuddered once more and said, "Sorry... I forgot."

Telly gave Heathel a smile, "It's okay. It makes me special. I just hope that after it's finished that he had something else for me to do... I don't want to be useless and traded away."

Heathel nodded, not having anything to say to that. Telly had never quite been the same after the visit from that white dragon and his 'ideas' on how to treat unicorn slaves. It had been horrible, listening to him try and talk Rahmor into letting him perform his 'modifications'. Telly had nightmares for days after, and had become obviously desperate for Rahmor's approval. She clearly didn't want to be traded away or sold to a dragon who might be even worse. Maybe she was even right.

"At least the worst of that damn heat seems to have passed. I'm not looking forward to the next season... you think he will give us bluesalts next time? I couldn't believe how, umm, horrid that was!" said Heathel. Horrid wasn't really accurate, but she was too embarrassed to say 'horny' or 'slutty' or admit that the orgasms were rather spectacular. None of that compared to the terrible need that had consumed them all. She would have fucked anything, and if a stallion had come inside their room, he would have been torn apart by the lot of them!

Telly nodded, but didn't really understand. Having a dragon's egg in her womb seemed to have kept her from going into heat. But from what she saw of them, days moaning and masturbating and, ugh, drinking nasty, smelly stuff, it must have been bad.

A loud clunk sounded and Heathel jumped to her feet. The sound was the familiar noise of the outer door to their prison being opened. It meant that Master was paying them another visit and she hurried with the rest to form a neat line of kneeling mares, facing the door. She was amazed at how he always seemed to show up when she was thinking about him. She wondered if he had some sort of telepathy, but shook her head at the silly thought. He visited them several times a day, and being their owner and in control of their fates, was it any surprise he was on their mind constantly? Then the inner door opened and she held a submissive pose, hoping it pleased him. Hoping whatever he wanted, it was not HER this time.

Rahmor smiled toothily as he entered the mare's slave quarters. He glanced at the line of slaves, counting almost subconsciously to make sure they were all there. Tamira was kneeling at his side, with Ralean at his other. He gave Tamira's head a firm petting and a pleased smile to Ralean who beamed back before leaning down to kiss his foot. Such a good little slave, even from the very beginning. She had been part of the lair when he inherited it and had served with distinction ever since. He reminded himself to do something nice for her today, too.

Rahmor moved forward, setting down a large sack. Normally he would have had a guard or slave carry it, but today was a special occasion, and bringing it himself was a signal of sorts that these uncultured slaves surely would miss, but that was no reason not to follow tradition anyways.

He spoke, "We dragons like to think of ourselves as separate, and superior to the common furry races, but that is not always so. We are of course, ARE superior, but not always as separate and different as it would seem. Many of our customs come from the same sources, and over the centuries much has passed back and forth. We both have our winter gatherings to lighten a dark season, our summer festivals to celebrate the warmth and harvests. You furries have some traditions that we dragons do not follow, such as a day to bestow romantic gifts on your loved ones. As a dragon, I find this strange, as if I wish to show my affection..."

Rahmor reached down to the kneeling leopard at his side, grabbing her by the scruff of her neck and lifting her with a small yelp to her toes, his head turning to kiss her on the mouth.

Ralean's wrists hung limply, arms pulling to her chest as she was scruffed by her Master, and kissed, feeling his tongue slide into her mouth and claim it. She kissed back, eyes closed as she purrred loudly.

Rahmor let the feline guard go, turning back to the mares as she sank down to her knees and rubbed the side of her face against his thigh. "We simply DO so, and do not need a special day for it. I find that the idea has some merit, and as today is that day... I will allow you all to celebrate it."

Tamira blinked in surprise, and noticed several other mares doing so as well. That was today? Was it Lovers Day already? She had to admit she was surprised dragons even knew about it. Love didn't seem to be very much a part of them. If anything, she figured dragons would have Rape-a-Slave day.

Rahmor said, "For dragons, every day is a day to express one's love and lust. Sometimes a simple as a romantic gift, sometimes a much more romantic event like planning an ambush for a dragoness who has resisted your advances."

Tamira managed not to roll her eyes. A day to beat up and rape someone who turned you down. Only a dragon could find that romantic. She bit her lip. Nobody HERE turned him down, ever... so he wasn't planning on ambushing any, or all of them, was he? She didn't think you could ambush a group of cowed and frightened mares, but if you could, a dragon surely knew how.

Rahmor pulled a small pouch from his belt and opened it, pushing the top down to reveal what looked like a pack of small tubes. "Tamira, join them."

Tamira nodded and crawled quickly to the line, taking her place next to Dana. Dana always managed to get the spot at the end of the line here in case Tamira was made to join them. She didn't reach for her hand, or try and touch her in any way, not when Rahmor was watching. She may be a guard, she may have privileges, but when he wanted you on display you stayed and did NOT move. She did however, sneak a quick look and smile before bowing her head like the rest.

Rahmor held out the bag to Tamira, "Take one."

Tamira did so, reaching up and grabbing one of the identical slim objects. She looked at is as he moved to the next mare and saw it was a bit of paper rolled up like a little scroll. She wondered what was on it, and tried not to imagine any possibilities. Whatever she thought, he surely had something even worse planned. He always did.

Rahmor moved down the line, giving each mare a chance to take one of the little scrolls until he finished. He motioned at Ralean, still kneeling next to the large sack. "Written on each of those is a gift you will get, to be given to another mare of your choosing. Whoever you offer it to MUST take and use it. Ralean will hand out the gifts to those that need them. Open and read them now, and enjoy your Lovers Day."

Rahmor grabbed one of the guard station chairs, the only furniture in the room if you didn't count bondage devices, and took a seat, watching with anticipation and amusement.

Tamira opened her, looking at it with a grimace on her face. She expected it to say something like, "One free rape from your Master." She expected them ALL to say that, but hers said simply, "Candies" in fancy but readable script. Someone had been practicing their lettering. Probably one of the artists he kept. Still suspicious, she started to rise, then crawled forward. Rahmor had not said they could stand, and it was always safest to stay on ones hands and knees unless given permission in his presence. He had punished mares on several occasions for getting to their hooves when they shouldn't. She was a guard so should be exempt, but she didn't want to take and chances, nor did she want to encourage the other mares to be careless.

Clutching the small slip of paper in her hand, Tamira handed it to Ralean who nodded, taking it and pulling out a small box. Soon other mares were doing the same, but not all of them Tamira noted. Some were looking at their papers, others looking around with confused or thoughtful expressions. Dana was one who was not moving forward and Tamira made her way over to hers.

"What does it say..." asked Tamira. She hadn't yet looked in the box. Candy probably meant something very different to a dragon. Probably it was full of Rahmor's cum or something equally disgusting.

Dana said, "It says 'One visit to Masters harem' on it."

Tamira rose her eyebrows at that. She had seen his harem, and while there was only one unicorn in it, the rest of the girls were all extremely beautiful and friendly, not to mention sexy as hell. "Oh. Really? That sounds like an... actual gift." She looked at the box in her hand, and curious, opened it. Inside were a dozen fancy, shiny shapes, like jewels. She picked one up and sniffed at it, smelling sugar and various pleasant scents, like mixed fruits. They certainly looked like actual sweets. Her mouth watered. She only had such things rarely, being out on patrol didn't allow one to carry around anything not essential to their job. Certainly she hadn't had anything like this since she got here, even if her food was better now that she was a guard. She put the candy reluctantly back and closed the box.

Dana bit her lip and looked at Tamira, "Do you want..." she started, holding up the slip.

Tamira shook her head, even more reluctantly than when she put the candy back. While she would love a visit with the girls, she could, and would be seeing them again. Her duties brought her to their quarters anyways, not to mention knowing it was only a matter of time before Master took her for another orgy. While she couldn't say no to anything Rahmor wanted, she didn't feel right seeing other girls now that she and Dana were an item. Even if she wasn't entirely sure what that meant to Dana. It felt like cheating on her when it was her own choice and not something forced on her by Master Rahmor.

"I'd rather spend my time with you, Dana," said Tamira.

Dana blushed and smiled, "Oh... I see. I guess it's not a trip for two. I wouldn't mind that... maybe I could, learn something."

Tamira watched Dana blush even redder and smiled, then raised her brows again as she caught the meaning. Unlike herself, Dana wasn't a lesbian and was finding it hard to adjust to that aspect of their relationship. Tamira was heartened to hear her bring the subject up for once. She hoped that in time Dana would come around to the pleasures two females could have together. A sudden thought sent a tiny chill down her spine. Was that what Rahmor thought? Did he think that she would come around and start enjoying cock? Was it fair to Dana to expect her to adjust, knowing EXACTLY what it was like to be forced to endure the wrong sex?

But it wasn't the same at all! Tamira loved Dana, and knew that Dana loved her back, even if it wasn't very physical, yet. Dana didn't seem disgusted by females, just not interested. Not at all like her own dislike of males. She hated their macho attitudes, muscles and of course most of all those damn cocks they wanted to put into everything that had a pulse, and she suspected, some didn't even need that much.

Dana looked down at her gift paper. "I'm not sure who to give this to... I don't really know who would, erm, enjoy the visit most."

Tamira nodded. Nobody really talked about such things. With everyone naked, with all the rape and molesting and abuse, it was almost an unconscious agreement that nobody with, well, lesbian feelings express them. It was okay with Dana because Master had pretty much forced the issue. But nobody wanted to think they were being ogled by another mare. They got enough of that from the guards, and of course, the big damn dragon that owned them all.

Still, while being a lesbian wasn't forbidden where she came from, she still kept a low profile, and learned how to recognize others when she saw them. She pointed, "Well, maybe she would like it."

Dana followed Tamira's finger and said, "Kindem? Really? I mean, I know she doesn't like, err, oral... but I thought she liked guys."

Tamira said, "Oh, she likes them well enough. It's not her dislike of oral really, it's just, well, just trust me. I know these things. Shes at LEAST bi-curious."

Dana giggled a bit, feeling silly at the talk, but nodded and went off to give Kindem the free trip to Rahmor's harem.

Tamira almost laughed as she heard, "And you think I would like this WHY?" and the Dana mentioning that Tamira said they were really nice to talk to and friendly. Kindem seemed to accept this, but still gave the both of them a suspicious look for several minutes after Dana returned to Tamira's side.

Other mares were moving about now, trying to decide what to do with their gifts. Some looked surprised, others jealous about having to give away whatever gift they picked. Several had boxes similar to Tamira's among an assortment of various luxury items. Some were only a luxury to a slave living in an empty cave, others would have been luxury even back in the furry lands.

Heathel held a bouquet of roses, smelling them and then eying the flowers hungrily. Day after day of cold, stale hay made her crave to taste the sweet petals, even though she had never been a fan of flowers back home. She liked to look at them instead, but now she just wanted to sneak off and eat them. She looked around, wondering who to give them to when she noticed Sabeth holding an expensive looking pillow. Heathel looked around for Telly, seeing her holding the paper and peering thoughtfully about. She made her way over to Sabeth and tapped her on the shoulder.


Sabeth clutched at the pillow, eying Heathel with distrust. Ever since she had been tortured with scents and chastity devices in her heat, Sabeth had been on edge. She peered at the flowers and started to shake her head, then remembered Brant giving her a single rose. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought back to those happy times, and her sex grew a bit wet at the thought of Brant. She squirmed, embarrassed at the reaction and turned away, not sure she wanted to be reminded of him. "Stupid flowers..." she muttered.

"Please, Sabeth? It would mean a lot."

Sabeth clutched the pillow to her chest, liking how it covered her and made her feel less naked. Less exposed. She had to give it to someone, but maybe there was a better trade. Did anyone have a dress? She craned her neck, looking around but didn't see anything. Candy and flowers. Children's gifts. Nothing nice, like a set of earrings or a necklace. She flushed as she felt the heavy pendants hanging from her nipples as she held the pillow. Maybe earrings were not such a good idea. No telling where HE would pierce her if she got them.

"I dunno... they'll just wilt."

"Oh please, it would mean a lot to me" said Heathel with a begging look.

Sabeth hmmed. "Well... maybe. But this is worth WAY more than some stupid flowers! You'll have to throw in something extra."

Heathel rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, sure... let me see what I have. A collar, cuffs, a ball gag... yeah... want any of those?"

Sabeth snorted and said, "Fine, if you're going to be rude..." and started to turn away.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude. Please, what do you want?"

Sabeth shrugged as she looked back, thinking. "You can owe me."

"Owe you? Owe you what?" said Heathel with narrowed eyes.

Sabeth said, "I don't know. Something big. Something important. But when I want it, you give it to me."

Heathel said cautiously, "It can't be anything that would be... disobedient. I'm not going to break any of Masters rules!" She shuddered, not even liking to think about getting punished. Master's every day treatment was bad enough!

Sabeth made a show of considering, but was having a hard time keeping her eyes off the flowers. It hurt to think of Brant, but they reminded her so much of him, and of home. "Fine, fine. Nothing that will break any rules." She started to offer the pillow, but stopped as Heathel held out a hand.

"Wait, it's not for me. Give it to Telly."

"Telly? That little attention whore? Give it to her yourself."

Heathel shook her head, ignoring the insult, "Master said whoever gets the gift HAS to keep it. You have to give it to her."

Sabeth rolled her eyes, "What-ever!" She held out a hand, and waited for Heathel to hand over the bouquet. As soon as she did she said, "Hey Telly! Happy Lovers Day!" as she chucked the pillow at her.

"Wha-ooohmph!" said Telly as the pillow hit her in the face, making her nearly drop the paper she was holding as she scrambled to catch it. She blinked, looking at it. "Uh... oh... thank you!"

Sabeth shrugged and turned away, lifting the roses to her nose and smelling with an ahhhh, closing her eyes and imagining herself somewhere else. Maybe that hill she used to let Brant take her to when they first met, sometimes letting his wandering hands wander under her blouse. She couldn't understand why she had been so stuck up. If she had to do it over again she would have ripped his clothes off and let him take her. Feel that wonderful cock inside her... loving her... protecting her.

Sabeth sighed into the roses, holding them to her muzzle, her other hand drifting down to find and caress her sex, her body not fully recovered from her heat and easily aroused. Too easily, she would have thought had she not been so distracted.

Telly peered at the pillow. Funny, she had just been talking about wanting a blanket. With her belly so large, sleeping was even less comfortable than normal and a pillow would be a big help. Should she thank Sabeth?

Heathel crawled over to Heathel and smiled, "It's no blanket... but I thought this might help."

"Oh! How did you get her to give it to me?"

Heathel smiled, "Just traded her some flowers." She didn't mention the promise for some future payment. With luck Sabeth would forget all about it.

Telly smiled happily, "Thank you so much. I wish I could give you... oh!" She giggled and handed Heathel the scrap of paper, "I guess I do have something to give."

Heathel took it with a smile and read it. "Three one-hour baths. Ohhh... that sounds so wonderful. My fur feels like it's carrying a hundred pounds of dirt and dust and, well, lets leave it at that. Thank you!"

Telly smiled and gave Heathel a hug, then groaned at her belly. "I'm not sure if I want this thing to come out, or stay in... it's so damn heavy but birthing it is not going to be fun."

Heathel nodded and gave Telly a return hug, and not knowing what to say, didn't say anything.

Oara handed Tamira a small box of chocolates, figuring it was smart to stay on the good side of anyone with power. Especially since Master had ordered her to learn sadistic skills. The other mares were unsurprisingly leery around her now, and while she could claim she had no choice and took no pleasure in it, she secretly did. She didn't know HOW Rahmor had found out about her desires, she hadn't really known about them herself! But he did. So far he had not told anyone how she really felt, and she was grateful. He might have told Tamira though, so best to try and keep her in a good mood.

Tamira took them with a surprised look and said, "Oh? Thanks." She moved forward as she took them, unconsciously putting herself protectively between Oara and Dana.

Dana squirmed a bit. Oara made her uncomfortable. She knew it wasn't her fault that Rahmor decided she had to learn all about whips and paddles, but knowing she could become Oara's next 'training partner' at any time made her nervous.

Oara put on a smile and moved away, recognizing Tamira's protective motions even if the warrior didn't. Tamira's smile and words said one thing, but her body didn't. She reminded her self again to stay away from Dana. Chocolates or not, Tamira would NOT be happy if her girlfriend was hurt. She hoped Master Rahmor never ordered her to use Dana. Sabeth on the other hand... nobody cared if SHE got a little roughed up. Still, she sighed wistfully at the thought of having Dana tied up and helpless. Forbidden fruit applies to more than just fruit, she thought.

Tamira peered at the box and at the departing Oara, and then handed the box she had gotten to Dana. "Here... I can't think of anyone I would want to have these more."

Dana said, "Are you sure nobody else could use them more?"

Tamira leaned forward and pressed the box into Dana's hands. "There is nobody I want to give them to more, nobody that means as much to me as you."

Dana blushed and took the box, leaning in to give Tamira a quick kiss on the top of her nose. "I wish... I wish we had met in another place."

Tamira nodded, but knew that if they had, they might be friends, but never lovers. She wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Oara watched as the rest of the gifts were passed about, eagerly looking around but noticing that they were often being exchanged in pairs. Soon it was all over. Some mares were greedily devouring a box of sweets or chocolates or in one case, a mini-platter of fresh fruits. Others were holding back, stretching out the rare gift. She tried not to feel bad that nobody had given her anything. If she didn't get one then someone had to have gotten two gifts she realized. That didn't break any of Rahmor's rules, he didn't say you could only get one gift.

She shouldn't have been surprised. Her 'position' as a novice torturer made the others avoid her. She didn't even think it was deliberate, just that nobody wanted to risk getting her attention. Why didn't they realise that giving her gifts would help them by making her less likely to pick them for her training? They should be giving them all to her, not avoiding her. That was just stupid.

Still, she wondered who it was that had gotten HER gift, leaving her with none. She felt like crying suddenly, and that wasn't like her at all. She had never been one to mope. She had always taken action when she felt bad. If someone hurt her, she hurt them back!

She would find out who got her gift, and when it was time to pick someone to 'practice' on, she would get her revenge. That thought cheered her up somewhat, raising her spirits, and firming her nipples. She might enjoy that session guilt free. She frowned as she remembered Telly giving her ideas on how to pick mares randomly so she didn't have to. That could be a problem. Maybe there was a way to rig it. She left the group to settle with her back to a wall, and began to plan.

Rahmor swished his tail in pleasure, Ralean at his side having handed out the last of the gifts. The interplay was fascinating, and they were all so caught up they hardly remembered he was here. Many new ideas had occurred to him as he watched the mares interactions. New ways to control and manipulate. New pairings to try. This had been a good idea, even if the holiday was silly. Now it was time to act on one of his ideas. He stood.

Dana turned as she saw Rahmor getting to his feet, the rest of the mares slowly noticing and watching in apprehension. She gulped as she walked over to her, standing above her and Tamira.

Rahmor crouched down, and peered at Dana, "You know, I didn't give anyone a gift... I think I'm going to give you one."

Dana didn't know if she should protest or just accept whatever 'gift' he had in mind. "Um, thank you, Master?"

Rahmor grinned, showing his teeth before turning to Tamira. "Stick out your tongue."

Tamira looked wide eyed at the dragon, taking a moment to respond to the surprise order. She stuck out her tongue.

"Further... as far as it can go."

Tamira nodded and did so, sticking it out all the way. She knew what was coming, or more accurately, what dragon would soon be cumming on her tongue. That taste. Ugh!

Rahmor pulled out a pink ribbon and wrapped it several times around Tamira's snout before tying it in a bow on top, cinching it firmly.

Tamira erked a bit as her jaws were forced closed, biting her own tongue, but not hard enough to hurt too bad or draw blood. She looked up at her Master, but quickly averted her eyes after seeing his look. He was looking WAY too pleased with himself. She tried not to flinch as she watched him take another ribbon, a smaller one this time, and tied it around her tongue. Erk! She tried not to squirm, but the ribbon was tight and pinched a bit. It wasn't at all comfortable.

Rahmor grinned and moved back to Dana, "There you go... that is your present, from me to you. Now... let me tell you how to unwrap her."

Dana listened, and blushed deeply as she heard the instructions! "Uh... um... yes, Master."

Rahmor moved back to his chair, taking a seat and saying, "The rest of you mares, come attend me. Ralean... pose them all nicely. I need feet warmers, back rubbers, wing massagers and a cock sucker.

Ralean said, "Yes Master!" and began to direct the arriving mares, placing them around Masters chair, wishing it was a throne as she moved mares in to place. She was happy that they all obeyed with only a few smacks and pinches needed to get them to move faster or overcome any resistance to being positioned and posed. She picked Kindem of course for the cock-sucking job, making sure she was wedged into place and taking care to shove her head down onto Master's lovely cock. She might have taken longer doing that than she needed, but Master didn't seem to care.

When she was finished she regarded her work, made a few adjustments, and settled into place next to the chair, head available for petting, and purrred.

Dana wasn't paying much attention to the rest of the group as she regarded Tamira. "Uhm... I have to untie you now."

Tamira blinked, but nodded. Dana's hands moved to her shoulders and gently pushed, guiding her to lean back and lay down. Tamira didn't resist, and wondered exactly what Rahmor had said to Dana.

Dana helped Tamira to her back, and then straddled her chest, trying not to sit directly on her friend, no, her lover's breasts, not wanting to hurt her. She took Tamira's head, pulling it forward until the tongue rested in her crotch.

Tamira had a good idea now of the exact nature of Rahmor's 'gift' to Dana, and for once, didn't mind. She sighed in relief as the ribbons were untied, feeling Dana scoot forward a bit before she began to lick with the skill and devotion only a lifetime of practice could give.

Dana let out a groan as the soft, wide tongue moved over her nethers, wetting her both from the tongue and her own juices. She was embarrassed, and closed her eyes so she wouldn't see everyone watching her. She shuddered and let out a whinny as Tamira's tongue did magical things down there, pressing and rubbing and responding to her every breath and twitch, not just simply licking blindly. Whenever it felt JUST right Dana would twitch or moan and that tongue would redouble it's efforts at that spot. It was like she was an open book, and Tamira, or her tongue could read every word. The pleasure was intense, tongue and lips pressed to her. The distracting pleasure helped her to forget she had an audience, and that it was a mare down between her legs. She tried to imagine a strong, blocky stallion muzzle down there, gasping as the tongue delved into her sex to curl and tease. Powerful male hands gripping her thighs. She could almost feel the heat of his erection behind her. Oh... oh my... he knew just how to use that tongue... he was so strong but so skilled... "Ngggggh... ahhhh..."

Rahmor watched, one hand petting Ralean and the other casually on the back of Kindem's head. With a glance down he could see the mare was not happy about her situation, and he made her even unhappier with a firm shove, forcing her to throat his cock with choking and gagging sounds. Ahh, lovely music. He leaned back, sliding his hand to wrap around her muzzle, jerking it up and down as if her were masturbating himself with a unicorn muzzle shaped toy as he watched the two mares.

Lovers Day. He liked this celebration. He might have to do more of them! Maybe next time the 'gifts' could all be for him, or from him to them. So many ways to show them HIS love! He groaned in pleasure, and as he watched and enjoyed his mares, gave Kindem a belly full of his love...

Kindem gulped and choked, but took everything Master offered. He offered a lot. Many times...