The New bar

Story by RavenVenice on SoFurry

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I hummed, running a hand through my long sand colored hair, my ear twitching, it was my turn to be the "Dom" for the night, which meant that I had to take care of both my wife and Husband, giving them enough to do to last them the night. I looked over at my wife, and then at the cushion, I had her kneel around it, making sure she was comfortable, I buckled 3 leather straps around her thighs and legs. She watched me, as I pulled the suit over her, buckling the straps behind her, her arms bound behind her, I connected the straps that held her to the cushion, pulling her onto the studded vibrator, I then muzzle guarded her, smiling as she watched me press the button, the vibrator starting to shudder within her, I clipped the chain to her nipples, I petted her head fur down, kissing her. "Enjoy dear. I have it on a setting that'll keep it from overworking you.

I then entered my husband's room; I smiled as he nuzzled me, purring. I kissed him, shaking my head. "You're not getting out of this that easy." he nodded, sitting on the floor. I moved him onto his knees, tying his ankles to each other, and then bound his arms behind his back. I pushed him forward, lifting his tail as I held him from the floor, I planted a vibrator under him, a condom wrapped around it, I lowered him onto it, spreading his legs open, I could see it sitting there, the top of the shaft disappearing into him. He groaned, the vibrator pulsating inside him. He whimpered in my direction. I shook my head, patting his head. "Enjoy it, she's the boss tomorrow." He mewled after me, I shook my head, warning him not to invoke the gag, he nodded, lowering his head, I could see his penis throbbing in front of him, his pre-cum dribbling.

I went into my room, shaking my head. I was usually one for having fun every night, but then I was also more submissive then the others, and really did hate having to be the Dominant in the situation. Oh well, I'd have to learn to get used to it...I didn't have the nerve to talk about it. I slid into my private room, closing the door. I fingered the collar I wore, I was the only person who wore one in the group, and they all knew that I was the more submissive. I threw the covers back, sliding into bed; I could hear the gasps of my partners as they soon succumbed to the play of the toys. I smiled, closing my eyes, I'd have to wake up in a few hours to free them...and I'd be the first to wake up...but that's usually the way it worked anyways...the Dom of the day woke up first and got everything ready the next day.

Next Morning

I rolled over, rubbing the sleep out of my eye, I looked at the clock. I stepped out of bed, going into the kitchen, I got the coffee started, humming softly as I looked over at the female of the house, she had been bound to a chair, so that she was bent over the back of the chair at the waist, and she was also fast asleep. I smiled, knowing that Fevro had probably done it to her request, for what reason I would probably not know...besides the fact that she was going to be going this week without any bondage, as last night was my last time. I sniffed the air, the brisk scent of coffee strong in the air, I poured myself a cup, adding cream and sugar, I hated my coffee to be bitter, more then anything else. I poured myself a bowl of cereal, pouring the milk over it, I began to eat, a pack of Camels next to me. I sipped at the light brown coffee, hrmphing as I heard a gagged "good morning" from Ruth. She struggled against her bonds, her eyes asking me to loosen her. I smiled, obeying, I left the gag last, removing both the ball of cloth and the strip over her mouth, I laid them both on the table. As we waited for Fevro to wake up, we began to make small talk, taking our coffee out to the back, where she and I both had a cigarette. I fingered the ring on my collar, smiling as Fevro came out to join us. I passed him a cigarette.

"So, Ruth, you about ready to take over? Or are we going to do this later tonight?" I asked, wondering when we'd be starting.

"For you, as soon as your done, for Fevro? Later on. I need him to go into town and do some shopping." I put out my cigarette, handing her the key chain. She led me back in, petting my tail. She handed me a pair of leather underwear, I slid them on, pulling the straps so they were more snug, my sac and sheath fitting into the soft pouch, she slid the leather cuffs around my wrists. I felt them buckle closed, the wide bands comfortably holding my wrists together behind me, she had me turn around, locking a short chain to the back of my collar. As a final touch, she clipped a tiny bell to the front of the collar. She ran her finger down my muzzle, smiling, she kissed me. "Now, Fevro and I need to go into town. You should be able to take care of yourself." I nodded, kissing her goodbye. I knew they'd be gone for some time, and was grateful when she put some tunes on in the background. I knew ways to entertain myself, even without the use of my hands or feet, and knew I'd be doing that for quite some time. I watched them leave, the front door closing, I was now alone, leashed to the wall, my wrists cuffed behind my back. I closed my eyes, imagining that I was not bound in a house alone, but instead bound on a stage, for thousands of people to see, a toy for their own wants and desires.

I've always enjoyed the idea of being used by multiple people, and before I was married, I was working in a gay bar as a dancer and show toy. I never minded, and loved it more then anything. I only hated one thing in life, and that was being hurt. I hated anything that caused pain, and had nearly been fired for that reason, but my old boss had understood. And now I was imaging that I was at the control of thousands of people...yeah, I was a bit strange. I shook my head, pulling on the cuffs gently, suddenly wishing I was halfway free as the picture in front of my closed eyes was turning me on in a major sort of way.

I blinked, my eyes heavy as I was surprised to find myself asleep, the front door opening and closing the reason I had woken, as Fevro and Ruth came back in, both carrying large grocery bags. Ruth laid the bags on the counter, she untied me, glancing down at the leather sheathed hardness between my legs. "Reminiscing on your dreams again?" She asked, teasingly, I shrugged, nodding, as I went to the car to help unload. As we pulled in bags, I hummed to myself, wondering what they had decided to buy, I glanced at the time...I had been bound at 11:00...and it was now 10...I'd been asleep for almost 11 hours...I must have been really tired. I shrugged, wondering what was in the bags, but as it was the fact that they had gone on the trip, that usually meant they were to know, not me. "Do you miss your old job?" Ruth asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, sometimes. Not so much the's the seclusion of just the three of us sometimes. It...isn't enough sometimes." She nodded, nuzzling my neck. I kissed her, knowing she wouldn't take it personally, since it wasn't them, it was me in this situation. I needed more.

"Maybe we can open our own place...a place for people of all types and fetishes." I smiled, nodding.

"I'd love that. What does Fevro think?" She smiled.

"He'd love to. Of course, we'd have to hire bartenders, and Doms, and more subs, and have rooms for people to do their things...but I think we could really go places with this one." I nodded, dropping the stuff on the counter.

"Shall I go to the front room and watch TV or something?" I asked. Fevro nodded, smiling as he playfully shooed me out of the room. I went into the TV room, switching on the Television, I channel surfed, scanning through the majority of channels, stopping on the Bondage channel, I laid back, watching and wondering.

"Yo! Trevor! Come into the kitchen right quick!" Fevro yelled. I nodded, standing up with a groan, I walked to the kitchen, I grabbed a piece of jerky out of a bag laying on the counter, chewing on it.

"You hollered?" I asked around the chunk of jerky. He smiled a bit at me, I could see the rise and drop of his own jaw as he chewed.

"Yeh. You're a waist size of 34 right?" I nodded. "Good. Wanted to make sure we got the right size. We noticed a good place to open the bar, if you want to go scope it out." I shrugged, sensing a catch. It wasn't normal of them to ask my waist size.

"What's the catch?"

"If we take you there, you have to wear something for us. Don't ever have to wear it again, but just this once. And you have to wear it for at least the rest of the day." I shrugged, figuring nothing they could throw at me would be all that bad.

"Mind if I use the restroom first?" I asked.

"You won't need to. Follow me Trevor." I frowned, following, suddenly not so sure of what I had gotten myself into. She led me into her room, the first door there. I laid on the bed like I was ordered. "Close your eyes, and keep them closed until I say you can open them." I nodded, definitely getting worried. I closed my eyes, hearing the rustle of plastic as she laid something next to me. She had me lift my waist off the bed, then lower it back down on something that felt like cotton. She readjusted it, then pulled something up between my legs.

"What am I going to be wearing?" I frowned, as she pulled something up between my open legs, I could hear the sound of tape being pulled off plastic, as she held the front flap of whatever it was against my groin. I had the suspicion she was dressing me in a diaper, from the sound and way it was being used, but I was seriously hoping not.

"You'll see. There. All done. Wasn't to bad was it?" I shrugged. "You can open your eyes now." She said, reaching under me, she pulled my tail out the back of the diaper, the elastic band cinching around the base. I frowned, looking at her, my eyes asking if she was serious, as she handed me a smoky white pair of plastic underwear. She merely nodded, watching me step into them, I pulled them up over the diaper, shaking my head, wondering what on earth they were thinking. I did have to admit though, it wasn't that bad...and it was halfway comfortable.

"So I have to give this a trial period of the rest of the day, and after that I'll never have to wear them again if I don't want to?" She nodded, sliding two fingers into the front flap. It was close-fitting, without being to tight. I shrugged, following her to the front room, she cuffed my wrists behind my back, then leashed me, they led me to the car. I sat down in the back seat, chuckling. I watched the scenery as we drove for 2 hours, not much conversation going on, not much needed. All I knew is that I had to take a piss real bad, and wasn't sure I was willing to do it in a diaper.

The place was nestled in a small nest of buildings, most of them looking abandoned, I knew that with time, this place could build up well, especially if the buildings were added onto so they connected to the could be bar...but did we have the kind of money for something like this? And where on earth would we find the people willing to make such a thing? I was helped out of the car, and led inside. "This used to be a set of fetish shops, but the people retired, and nobody wanted to buy the area, due to the old use, so it just went unused." I nodded, looking around, a lot of the old stuff had been left, even a center bar. I looked at the stage, an old wooden cross stood there.

"What's with the cross?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, when I noticed it didn't have a head piece, instead there was a leather bit in it's place.

"The person would be bound to it, with their head bent back, the leather bit keeping them quiet and holding them back, unable to see what was being done to them. It left them with no sight, but they had the rest of their senses. " I nodded, walking around, I looked at the building.

"It could be fun to rebuild, and it would definitely give us something to do...Can I be a prop only if we get this up?" I asked. They both smiled, nodding. "So...How are we going to buy it?" I asked.

"We already did. That's why we took so long. If your up to it, we want to make it a 24 hour bar, with our rooms upstairs, as the upstairs is completely soundproofed...and we already put out job apps and advertisements for people to come. It should take about a month to rebuild everything, and to separate the bars into their separate categories...and hey. It's a month to warm up." Fevro said. I smiled, nodding.

"We should." I said. "But I'm still curious as to how the cross works." I said. Ruth smiled. She motioned for me to stand in front of it. I did so, looking it over, it even had a wooden shaft, which I could only imagine the purpose of. I knew it probably wasn't going to be used this time, as she swiveled it down and into a little socket for it, she motioned for me to stand on the ledge. I obeyed,. She roped my ankles together, binding them to the cross. She then motioned for me to spread my arms, toward the arms of the cross. I did so, watching as she looped the rope through the holes in the arms, then around my wrists, Fevro helping to hold them snug as she restrained my wrists. They loosened the leather as I laid my head back, retying it so that it was held at the back of my muzzle, I looked up at the ceiling. I yipped, wiggling as I felt wolven paw-hand reach into the front of the diaper, the claws teasing my sheath, gently urging the shaft out. I closed my eyes, beginning to understand how bad it could be as I they began teasing me, Ruth running her paw-hands up and down my legs, tickling my more sensitive inner legs, Fevro's claws caressing my length. He slid his hand out, patting the front of the diaper.

I wiggled, frowning as they both suddenly stopped, I could hear their footsteps weakening as they walked away. I shivered, wishing I could see, knowing how softly they could walk if they wanted. I closed my eyes, my bladder feeling like it was about to explode, I let the stream loose, the cotton clumping as it absorbed my piss, the warm fluid a reminder of my loss. I mewled, mentally begging to be freed as the warm fluid began to cool, becoming a damp nuisance against me. I felt a sharp tug, the plastic pants sliding down, the diaper coming off. A hand reached into my lower back, pushing me forward. I heard the sound of lubricant being applied to something hard, then felt a round knob pressing against my tail hole as I was lowered back, my sphincter widening to allow it in, I could feel the shaft widening as I took more of it in, the small knob suddenly not seeming so small as I stood there, bound to the cross, completely nude, the wooden piece in me.

"Now, you see it's purpose." I tried to nod as I heard Fevro speak, a soft cloth cleaning my hardened club. The cloth stopped, to be replaced by a wolven maw as his tongue went to work on the head of my cock. I groaned, whimpering as he slid his mouth off, his tongue licking the tip. "Sorry mate, all I'm allowed to do. Ruth wants to do a scene here, so maybe she'll take care of you." I shivered, understanding, my cock throbbing. I had a feeling this would mean that he and I would most likely be caught in a bit of a compromising situation, but I wouldn't know until it happened.

I frowned, thinking, when I began to wonder why Ruth was bound to the chair, when I started to realize they had traded turns. I was unbound, re-diapered, then we went and ate, them fully clothed, me only wearing the diaper. We then left, another female joining us, I frowned, knowing that meant that Fevro wanted to do a whole group tie up, which wasn't anything bad...but always did end up in some weird situations.

We got back to the place, where I was told to sit down. I obeyed, sitting in a wooden chair, my tail nestled comfortably behind me. My legs were bound together in front of the chair, then my arms and hands were bound to my sides and behind me, my tail bound to a chair leg, so that I wouldn't try to move. Ruth then wrapped a cotton handkerchief around my muzzle, binding it shut. I turned to look at the female Trevor had brought, she was wearing a Japanese school girl shirt and white panties, a pink bow at the top on the front. She ordered Ruth to strip, then cuffed Ruth's wrists. I watched as Ruth was forced to stand over me, her legs on the outside of mine, Trevor was ordered to bind her wrists up to the rafters, so that she wouldn't move, as the female bound Ruth's legs to the chair. She cut the diaper off of me, shaking her head as she muttered about how it wouldn't do...she wanted to be able to enjoy this.

I noticed that Ruth had enough slack to be bent over enough to make it easier on another person, as the girl removed her panties, sliding on a nearby strap on, she motioned for Trevor to follow her. He obeyed, frowning as he was led to a position between 2 counters, the counters each had a leather cuff attached to them, the floor below them also having a cuff, and a long vibrator was sticking out of the ground, the tip hollow. She rearranged it, retargeting it so it would ride into him with ease, she had him set himself up as she went about doing this, cuffing his hands to the ledges, she turned it on. I watched as the machine turned on, a clear fluid dripping out of the top, it slowly slid into Fevro, obviously letting the, what appeared to be natural, lubricant fully remove the harmful traction, I watched it speed up, Fevro gasping as it began to drive up and down faster inside him.

She came back to us, forcing Ruth to bend over, she began to rub the rubber cock between Ruth's legs while fitting a ball gag into her muzzle, the leather straps going around Ruth's muzzle and head. I groaned, closing my eyes. I yelped, whimpering as my sac was given a flick, my eyes snapping open, the girl was shaking her finger at me. "You are to watch and enjoy!" she said. I nodded, whimpering my apologies through the bandana. I watched her slide back, forcing Ruth to bend over, she slid the dripping dildo into Ruth's ass, I watched the black leopard tease Ruth with the thick cock, sliding it back and forth slowly.

2 hours later

I glanced behind me as Ruth was tied so that she was on her knees, her hands behind her back, her body held in a provocative pose by the collar she now wore, the words behind her, old and peeling, read "FUCK TOY", and the position was made just for that, as her sex and ass dripped. Fevro and I were taken over next to a machine that seemed to have been freshly filled with cum, It had several long, tentacle light attachments extending from it. She forced me to kneel, facing the wall, my wrists bound behind my back, my ankles cuffed to the floor, my face on the floor, Fevro had been bound standing up, his body bent towards the floor at the waist, wooden plates holding his knees straight, his wrists bound to the floor next to me. I glanced over at him, wondering what to expect, as we were both gagged. His eyes were unable to tell me much, except that he didn't exactly like this himself, as I felt a slimy "tentacle" slide into me, the cum seeping out cold and sticky, I watched her do the same to him, the cum not moving...yet. She slid another tube in each of our mouths, the rest of the tubes laying on the ground, unused, she turned the machine on. I groaned, gasping as the tubes began to slide back and forth inside me, the seed inside the tube warming up. She seemed to have a bigger fascination with keeping us busy and raping Ruth, as she went back with her notorious strap-on, she went back to playing with her as we were raped by the pipes that slowed down after orgasm, and sped up when nearing "orgasm". She frowned, stopping, she slid 2 oversized dildos inside her ass and sex, she disappeared, the strap-on laying next to Ruth.

I frowned, a black cloth drawn over my eyes and bound behind my head, the world going dark. I felt another of the infernal tubes sliding into my dripping tail hole, forcing it open, the seed spilling out as it was pumped in. I turned my head, wondering what was going on as I heard Fevro gasping in pleasure, obviously trying to get his breath, as I heard the female grunting. I shivered, my cock throbbing, I could feel it thumping against my stomach as I came, my seed spraying into my fur and on the floor under me. I frowned, wondering what was going on when all I could hear was the sounds of everyone being gagged, then footsteps leaving. I shivered, wondering what was going on, realizing that we had been left...and it sounded as if we were all bound.

1 month later

I smiled, my foot tapping to Korn's Let's Do This Now. I hummed, smiling, Our bar was about to open finally, the building completely spread out. I wondered where I was to be stationed, and what I would be doing that day. We had everything, a "petting zoo" in the back, private rooms for anything people wanted to do at a charge of 50 dollars an hour, a bondage bar, a gay bar, a straight bar, a lesbian bar...if it existed, we had it. I stood up, scratching Fevro behind the ears. "I'm going to check on the zoo." Fevro nodded, nuzzling my shoulder. I patted his head, and began to walk out back, hitting the next song button on my mp3 player. Let's Get This Party Started playing, I looked into the separate stalls, we had anything people could want for sexual reasons, Even having a horse in the far back. We had male and female animals, the males on the left, the females on the right. I entered the fourth stall on the left, Being in the same room as a pure black stud. He glanced behind him at me, seeming to be bored. I chuckled, walking over to him, I slowly ran my hand down his side, reassuring him as my claws gently raked across his sheath, I could feel the thick rod as it began to ease out. I shrugged, almost wishing it was a anthro, but I wasn't going to be picky.

I crouched down, looking at the pure black rod as it fully emerged. I wrapped both paws around it, gently squeezing it, I shuffled underneath him, my tongue lapping at the giant member, my muzzle moving lower, I nuzzled the flat tip, smelling the horse's strong musk as I slid the club into my muzzle, wrapping my lips around it, I began to murr, petting the horse to keep it calm as my murring sent vibrations up the entire length. My head moved up and down, most of it staying outside my mouth as it slid back and forth in my mouth. I gulped, feeling the warning throb as the horse neighed, I moved my head up, sliding more of the member into my mouth, the end of it forcing my throat open as the warm seed sprayed down, I closed my eyes, fighting the urge to breathe as the cock throbbed inside my mouth, spraying the hot globs of seed down my throat, the seed spraying faster then I could swallow, as my mouth began to bulge, I pulled the hardened member out of my mouth as it stopped throbbing, the seed still dripping onto the top of my muzzle as I swallowed, the bitter seed sticking to the inside of my throat. I stood back up, petting the horse. "Good boy..." I said, heading back to the front room.

I took off my earphones, sticking my mp3 player behind the counter as our workers began to arrive. We hadn't gotten anybody willing to be used as toys yet, so Fevro, Ruth, and I were to be the props, until we got some more "props". I looked around. "So...where do you want me?" I asked, looking around. I was wearing a diaper and an orange collar. Ruth shrugged.

"Just sit still and wait for a customer to "hire" you...or ask the bartender if he needs anything." I nodded, doing just that. He had me get some stuff out back, mostly extra kegs so he wouldn't have to worry about running out. I came back out, we had a few customers. I put them away, then looked at the feline at the counter.

"Nybody looking for a little play?" He shrugged.

"Well, we've got a few...Ruth was taken already, by a frisky little fox, Fevro is busy with a dragon...hrm. He's looking for someone." he motioned toward a naturally muscled anthrohorse. I smiled, walking over to him. "Hey big guy. My name's Trevor...and you look like you could use a good time. How bout some BDSM?" He smiled back.

"Think you can handle me?" he said in response. I nodded, looking down. I knew he'd be a bit of a stretch, but I could handle it. He took a hold of my collar gently, moving me toward the counter. "I'll take him for..." He looked at his watch. "3 hours." I blinked, looking up and down the big guy. I knew I could handle him for an hour or two...but 3? Hrm. This could be kind of fun actually. He paid the bartender, leading me upstairs, he led me to one of the "dungeon" rooms. "Face the wall, legs spread, arms up to the sides." I chuckled, liking the guy's style, as he "frisked" me, Pulling out a pair of cuffs, I realized he really was a cop, I smiled. He pulled my arms behind my back, cuffing my wrists, he then pulled a cloth off a nearby table, tying it into my mouth, I blushed as he ripped the diaper off. He unzipped his pants, sliding his length out, he began to run the half limp rod against my asscheeks, his knees between my legs, he held me against him.

He pushed me forward, then back as his slick cock slid into me, I groaned, his cock pressing into me more then I had ever experienced, he began to push and pull me along his length, both of us groaning in pleasure as he began to slow down, ramming it in harder and faster with each stroke. I gasped, my eyes wide as he drove his full length into me, his seed spraying, quickly overfilling me. I moaned, his cock sliding out of me with a soft pop. He led me back to the wall, where a set of super small spreaders were chained to the walls, he cuffed my hands over my head, then forced me to squat, my ankles bound about 4 inches from each other. I looked up at him, amazed at his stamina, my cock throbbing for attention. He tapped my muzzle, sliding his dripping shaft into my maw, he wrapped a paw around my muzzle, holding it shut as he slid back and forth inside my mouth. I could taste the still warm, bitter seed on my tongue mixing with the bitter preseed as it dribbled into my throat, he groaned, driving deep into my muzzle, holding himself there, forcing me to swallow the entirety of his seed. I gasped, choking as it tried to spill out, his oversized hand not allowing it. He looked at his watch, frowning. He was still hard as a rock, my own shaft thrumming for attention, I was dripping from every orifice. He shrugged, lifting me up from my squat, he slid a thick dildo under me, lowering me back onto it. I groaned as I forced my muscles to relax, the thin head widening out to a 7 inch radius, I looked at him, frowning as he held up a ring-gag. I whimpered, hoping he wasn't planning on forcing me to swallow more, as he slid the ring into the front of my muzzle, binding it in place,.

He wrapped his hand around his length, he began to pump his hand back and forth along the massive length, groaning as he worked, ignoring my whimpers. "Lick me." he ordered. I shivered, my tongue probing out, I began to lick the tip. He groaned, arching forward, his cock pulsated, showering me with seed, he aimed for my open mouth, spraying it into my face, some of it nestling on the tip of my tongue. I swallowed. He glanced at his watch again, frowning. He untied me, taking me as I kneeled on the floor, my back end in the air, my tail raised. I groaned, murring as he reentered me. He began to thrust back and forth in me, I moaned, drool and cum dripping out of my mouth as I rocked back and forth with his thrusts. I arched as he thrust himself against my prostate, driving his cock against it, I howled in bliss as we came, his seed spraying into me, mine spraying onto the floor. He grunted, sliding out of me, I could tell from his breathing and the way he stood, he was used up, as he stood up, his cock sliding back into it's sheath. He had me sit down on the ground, binding my arms behind me, he bound my tail and ankles together so that my knees were forced up against my body, he replaced the ring for a bit. He worked his cock back out of it's sheath, massaging it, he got it back out, I looked up at him, realizing he was planning on leaving me in the room...covered in one last present. I closed my eyes, raising my head, I let him go at it, feeling the last of his seed splatter against my body, dripping down my face and body. I opened my eyes, watching him zip up his pants. He bent down, kissing me on a clean spot. "You were good. I'll have to request you again sometime." I nodded, blushing as he left. I wiggled, yelping as I pulled my tail. I thought as I propositioned to sit perfectly still. I shrugged, waiting for the next customer...happy with my situation. I knew I had found what I wanted.

The End