I'm Just A Laundress Ch. 3

Story by SweetKitten on SoFurry

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#3 of I'm Just A Laundress

Hello lovelies here is another chapter of my story! Hope you all enjoy it and sorry it has taken so long to finally update it :D Enjoy!

It has been a month since that faithful day since Justin saved Taylor from the two street punks. The wolf kept his word and was at the mat every day to not only look after Taylor but earn the money to fix the hole in the wall he indirectly caused which was bring covered by an energy drink poster with a totally ripped cheetah on it. Since then the tabby had to admit he and the wolf was becoming close.

Very close.

Close enough to go and have coffee a few times in public with Justin and let him get away with a few cheek kisses here and there.

It was inevitable.

Taylor was falling for Justin and the tabby knew it in his heart but his mind still remained stubborn about it. Sighing he placed a folded towel down feeling eyes on his profile.

"You've been doing that a lot Tay...something must really be on your mind..." The older male pointed out with the feline.

Taylor found out that Justin happened to be three years older than him, the feline being twenty-two years old himself, talk about shocking considering the canine's behavior.

"It's nothing...just thinking of this new movie I want to see this weekend but not sure..."

The tabby half lied, it was a horror movie he wanted to see with Justin but wasn't sure if the wolf even liked that kind of thing.

"How about we talk it over some drinks tonight? My treat..." The black furred male wriggled his brows teasing Taylor as his ears was rewarded with a giggle and acceptance to his offer. Once Taylor turned around Justin did a quiet fist pump to the air and a little victory dance.

"Great so how about 8? I can drop you off and pick you up?" The male asked hoping he'd finally get a chance to see where the feline even lived having always just meet him at the place they wanted to go.

Thinking about it so far Justin seemed to be a really nice guy that he had begun to trust for the past month. Looking the wolf over once he slowly smiled and nodded,

"Fine I suppose I can trust you won't stalk me at home..." He teased taking the basket going to the back, the wolf's tail couldn't wag fast enough for how happy he was while thinking,

'Tonight has to be perfect...'

7:45 p.m.

Justin was pacing nervously in front of Taylor's apartment door. He had wanted to impress the feline and ended up there fifteen minutes early to make a good impression but now the big bad wolf was nervous for the first time in his life, he was going to confess to Taylor tonight, no more games, he was dead serious on this.

Taking one more breath he knocked on the door hearing shuffling and a faint 'Coming' from the other side. The large male looked over his skin tight navy blue shirt was a red symbol on the front down to his black jeans, his foot paws sporting a pair of special made combat boots with chains around them. He spent a good amount of time grooming and trimming his fur to look more presentable and well kept for Taylor. Smiling he felt like an alpha to boot and would be able to woo the feline with a single glance.

Suddenly the door opened and there stood Taylor, the scent nearly making Justin fall to his knees in surrender but he held strong. "You're early, I'm almost done, please come in if you'd like..." Taylor smiled admiring Justin's snappy yet sexy attire choice, slowly he moved out the way as the other stepped into the small apartment.

The small space smelled of vanilla, apples, and cinnamon from an incesnt burner and a few lit candles in the living room. Come to think of it most of the surfaces in Taylor's living room either had a candle or crystal on it, the home decorated in a gothic style with reds, black, some blues, greens, and white. He could see small statues of furs in tribal wear, fairies, coffins, crosses, a few feral wolves, and snow globes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting..."

The voice broke the wolf's attention on a little black cat on a tombstone statue he had been admiring only to stop breathing and looked over the brown and white kitty.

Taylor wore a black tube top with a mesh top over it, a pair of skinny black jeans that hugged his thighs and the perfect roundness of his bottom. Smiling he wore a pentagram black satin choker around his neck with a looser matching necklace that had a key and heart locket on it that was a mix of brass and some other metal.

"You look really handsome tonight Justin..."

This made Justin's tail wag happily and his chest puff out full of pride, how he loved when Taylor complimented him making him smile even wider.

"You're looking really cute too Tay,ready to go?" The feline blushed at the compliment then walked over blowing out the candles making sure the wicks were fully out, soon he headed to the door opening it letting the wolf out and giving him a chance to love the door before leaving with the happy wolf.

At the bar...

Taylor was laughing at another embarrassing story Justin had told, something with eggs down his pants and a friend in drag with a unicycle. The feline almost choked on his drink having to take a much needed breath.

"Wow can only imagine the look on his girl's face when she was the video!"

The wolf chuckled downing the rest of his beer only for another full glass to replace it in seconds. The cat began to feel warm and tingly all over, Taylor wasn't much of a drinker and was a very light weight, he already told the wolf about it and of course Justin never left his side always inspecting his drinks which Taylor found to be really cute. Relaxing he could see Justin start to fidget a little, the wolf looking nervous for some reason making him raise a curious brow. The music began to pick up and a few furs getting up to dance, the wolf looking to the feline with a mischievous smirk on his muzzle.

"Care to dance?" Raising a brow Taylor finished his drink then grabbed the paw being held out to him. The bar was thankfully gay friendly other wise Taylor wouldn't have been on the dance floor so easily. The music was pumping and Taylor's hips began to move to the beat shaking and moving in a already seductive manner, the alcohol made him relax and he could feel Justin right behind him making his tail raise a little. His hips swayed with the wolf's almost in perfect sync feeling his hips being held and tugged closer to the wolf biting his bottom lip feeling him so very close to him.

It felt good dancing with Justin, the more they danced the closer he got, the heated room seemed to become even hotter with each song, their hips getting closer till they were finally full on grinding each other.

Justin couldn't have been happier feeling that hot little body against his.

They continued to dance as the wolf kept his hands on Taylor's hips, both of their bodies was hot and sweaty, the scent of Taylor's musk was a turn on for the large male. Lightly he fully pulled the tabby into him, "Lets take a walk?"

Taylor nodded as the bar was getting too crowded for his liking. Grabbing Justin's hand he followed him out the ever crowding bar out into the cool night air, it felt so good on his slightly damp fur.

Justin didn't hesitate to take Taylor's hand into his and lead him toward the park, it was a nice night that was filled with couples laughing and teenagers having a good time. The night air was clean from a small rain shower that had passed while they were in the bar.

Taking a breath Justin kept his grip on the feline's paw passing couples making out and on the verge of sex in various places that would allow a comfortable seating or laying position.

'Can't wait to do that with my kitten some day.' Justin thought having a wolfish grin on his face.

Slowly the tabby noticed Justin was leading him off the park trail and into the more wooded area. "Where are we going?"

The wolf looked to the cat from the corner of his eye and smiled, "My secret spot...I'm sure you don't wanna see some live porn now do ya?"

Blushing Taylor huffed and remained quiet the rest of the way. Slowly they came across a small koi pond with a little waterfall and a lone park bench in front of the pond. Gasping Taylor slowly walked over gazing at the sight, it was beautiful. The feline loved Japanese koi ponds, he even saw a little stone temple on a bed of rocks and some coins were there.

Was they all from Justin? Or other passers? Taking out a few coins from his pocket he tossed them in then clapped his hands twice closing his eyes making a wish.

"What you wish for?"

Looking at the wolf he had a teasing smile, "It's a secret..."

Pouting the large male lead Taylor over and sat him down on the bench beside him purring an arm gingerly around the feline's shoulders pulling him a little closer to him. There was a comfortable silence between them making him smile, Justin was at peace, but now seemed like the perfect time to tell Taylor his feelings as he could feel the butterflies in his stomach.

Looking down at Taylor the wolf sighed then cleared his throat, 'What should I say? How do I even start? Dammit Justin...just calm down and just say it...the worst he can do is say 'no'...right. Okay here I go...good luck me.'

Slowly Justin sat up straighter turning to fully look at Taylor. Seeing the male looking at him Taylor's ears raised and curiously at him,


"Yes? Justin..."

Taylor turned to look at the other with a soft blush on his face. The wolf gently took the smaller paws of the feline into his own looking to him,

"Even though we haven't known each other for long...I feel so close to you Tay. Ever since I first met you I...I can't even think straight when I see you. Its like my brain is a slushie...mmm I love slushies...erm I mean what I'm trying to sat is Taylor Miers...I have fallen deeply in love with you. I'm not expecting you to spill your guts out right away and I am more than willing to wait for you but I would like an answer from you too..."

Blushing this all took Taylor by surprise but he wasn't terrified of the confession but felt a wave of relief. Glancing at Justin the wolf had the cutest look on his face,

"May I kiss you Tay?"

Slowly Taylor nodded and softly smiled,

"Yes you may..."

Taylor barely had enough time to speak to soon have a taste of those sweet lips he had been craving for a whole month since their first kiss. Slowly Taylor's arms wrapped around Justin's neck pulling him a little closer, the alcohol was swimming in his blood more quickly now as his body begun to heat up even more between them. His fingers tangled in the male's dark locks feeling Justin's hand on the small of his back making him groan softly to the other. Slowly Justin couldn't help himself as he laid Taylor back on the bench, the feline tugging at his shirt making the wolf tug it off hurriedly and tossed it to the ground.

Justin's paws ran under the feline's own mesh top to tease his body gently, Justin's cuts had began to heal very well on his chest, his fur even started to grow back around the scars. The wolf was so turned on it was taking every ounce of self control for him to keep from ripping Taylor's clothes off of him with his own claws.

Taylor's leg gently wrapped around Justin's waist and began to grind into the other, his world was once again spinning making him moan softly into the male's muzzle.

Justin didn't care if Taylor wanted to do dirty things here, if the kitten wanted it Justin was damn sure gonna give it to him one way or another. Suddenly he felt something other than the obvious in his pants.

While Justin seemed distracted Taylor had undid the wolf's pants in record time and now had his fingers wrapped tight around his hardened shaft, the wolf was frozen for a moment in the kiss, seeing the wolf scrunch his brows Taylor broke the kiss and stroked the pulsing hot canine shaft in his paw smirking feeling the male tremble and moan out into the cool air.

Taylor's paw began to work the hard twitching cock teasing the tip with his finger. The feline felt so floaty and light, Justin's moans seeming to grow distant as Taylor began to see darkness.

Justin was letting the feline do as he pleased to him making him moan and surprised at how good he was at this. "Taylor..." He murred but then felt the stroking slow and heard deep breathing from the other. Looking down Justin had to fight to keep from laughing, Taylor passed out. Chuckling the wolf slowly moved from the feline fixing their clothing then proceeded to carry the male.

"You're coming home with me kitten..." the wolf happily murred nuzzling Taylor as he couldn't help but think as he gazed down at the sleeping male,

'Guess my secrets are about to come out now...'