tomo moku (lipu pi moku musi)

Soweli lijan li pilin e ni: waso li toki nasa li nasa mute a. soweli li toki e ni: "mi moku ala tan seme...? tomo moku li lon seme?" tenpo lili la, akesi jelo li kama li toki suli e ni: "toki a! sina lukin e tomo moku anu seme?

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Lacrime sotto le Stelle

Pochi di quei colpi, e il lupo fu letteralmente riempito del seme del drago.

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Little Brother's Bitch

You have the bishie face, the stud-like, seme body... but i can tell... you want to be an uke..." raimi flushed at the mention of being an uke. he looked like a seme, and even acted like one sometimes, but when it came to sex, he was an uke.

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Disclaimer for Legend of Spyro story.

I enjoyed the games and had wanted to see what other people had wrote about the ending of the game because to me it semed to end on a cliff hanger.

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Brave Heart

Said hulkling, making millions of teenage girls who worship seme and uke dichotomy as their bible cry. "i love so much!" moaned wiccan, cumming into his boyfriend's green ass.

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- fell answer- in this column is thirty men, the seme number of women and twenty child! what said about that?! the strangers start talk between them. "_that is not good_" -what you name stranger?! -im hat no name! -evryone hat name!

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Consent is for the dull

It had semed exciting and sexy, wild and free. it had felt like living one step removed from the normal bubble of safety and protection that modern living affordes. it it still did. jackson got the worst of it, of course.

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They're Mine

The youkai seme mercilessly plowing into his bruised and ravaged ass as he takes his own rough pleasure, constant hisses and the occasional growl from the feline under him forcing him to step it up, letting go of his hair to lean his more masculine body over

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A Lions Obsession {A Side Story}

Why can't i just be seme and get this over with?" i laughed at him. "you? seme? yeah right, shorty." he looked offended. "i'd like to inform you that all the other times i've had sex, i've almost never been uke!"

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Kaisa and Adina: Adina, Alone?

"relax," she laughed, hugging him back, "you're only going back to college, i'll see you at the end of your semes-" adina sat upward quickly as the phone blared right next to her head. staring at the clock it flashed a bright green 3:10 am.

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Tina's Story Chapter 16 KC's Surprise

When he semed caught up in the excitemant, kc stopped, then lay down on top of him, reaching between her legs to open her pussy, so as to allow him easy entry. he entry was quick and easy. " found it!" she giggled.

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Love, War, Fox Ghosts 'N' Stuff

The wolves semed to be everywhere, bounding from the darkness. they sprang, tearing at throats.

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