Unenlightened 2

Story by TheUnsungGod on SoFurry

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When I awoke again,i couldn't see anything,i was aware there was a bag on my head and that I was handcuffed to something. My head hurt. I struggled for a few seconds before realizing it was hopeless. I heard the sound of a door opening and the sound of footsteps. Just as they started the bag came off and a light blinded me so I looked away.

When the light faded I looked forward. There was a man crouching in front of me,and I was sitting on the floor handcuffed to what looked like a table that was bolted to the floor. The man looked old,but still held a muscular body,his eyes where green and he wore a disgusted look on his face with a small beard. His hair was graying but still held some brown to it. HE was wearing a military outfit and held the insignia of a general.

Whatever this was it was important,it probably involved flamedramon,but why was I here? And where was Flamedramon,and the digivice,did they take them too. The general started speaking

"Now I don't know about you,but I sure had a bad day. First a hacker gets into the military computers and bypasses all firewalls and safeguards in no time at all,and it has your name on it and then when we retrieve you we find an unknown species with you. Despite the unknown you still hacked into the military computer system,do you know what that means?"

I shook my head.

"That means you just committed a crime against the USA and her military, and you're in a lot of trouble boy,as for your friend he safe,but if you don't talk he wont be for long,now tell me why you hacked us."He asked in a serious tone

"I....I didn't hack you,i don't even know how to do hacking."I said

"Then why is your name all over the hacked computers before the system reset,hmm?"He asked

"I..i don't know,i just went to school got a strange e-mail,and a strange call,and when I went home I my computer went blank and started sending me messages."I said


"And then it told me to find a device in my drawer I had never seen before,when I plugged it into my computer,flamedramon appeared. Please don't hurt him or me,i didn't mean too I was just following instructions."I said

"And you following instructions nearly gave all our secrets away to our enemies,do you know what that means! IT means that we could have been invaded,all our secrets revealed,and the death of millions,secrets that even you don't understand!"He yelled

I flinched back"I'm s....sorry I didn't want this to happen,it wasn't my fault,i didn't know what I was doing!"

"Then tell me"He pulled out the golden digivice"What is this?!"

My eyes widened at the digivice,they had taken it."Its a digivice,from what I know,its the source of a partners control and companionship over their digimon friend,aka flamedramon."I said

"What your telling me is a kids show from japan is real,and that 'they' exist?"

"N...not in our world they don't,or even our universe from what I know,i only know what I know from flamedramon,you haven't hurt him have you?! Please tell me he is OK!"

the general face hardened again"He is fine,and you have held up your end of the bargain,so he will live."he said calmly

"My eyes widened."R...really?"

"Yes really,im a man of my word,your story despite being completely impossible adds up so I will let you go,but know this you wont be seeing your family again. With he things you know your a threat,you and your friend."His face softened a little."But if you do anything against us it will mean your life in a maximum security prison,possibly execution for the crimes you could commit."

I gulped and stared back at the general."B...But what will my family think,my friends,anyone? They will notice me gone."I said

"We took care of it,congrats you're now part of one of the most secret parts of the US government,and you aren't getting out...ever."He said"you or your friend."

"B...but you cant do this,i have a life,a family,friends,under what action can you kidnap me and hold me against my will?!"I yelled

"calm down,now im going to uncuff you and if you attack,i wont hesitate to kill you."He said

I gulped but said nothing and just nodded. He reached for my cuffed hand and unlocked the cuffs. Then he slowly unbound me and stood back. My hand fell to my side,they where sore so I rubbed them and cracked my knuckles.

I slowly looked at the general,and then slowly stood,i made no aggressive movements or actions I just stood. When he saw I meant no harm,he used a buzzed on the door that I hadn't seen before,and a metal door opened. I did nothing to scared to move. Then some soldiers walked in carrying weapons,they walked behind the general,until a silent order was given,then they where behind me,guarding me.

"Now from what I heard from your friend,you two are bonded,or something"he said waving his hand."ill take you to see him,but if you do anything funny,my friends here will act."The general said

I nodded."Then lets go."He said walking out of the door. The men behind me pushed me slightly and I was soon moving out the same door. As soon as I left the room,i noticed a second door right next to this one with a black window on the door. Where they watching me?

I shook my head,probably but then I was inched along by the men again. I walked and then we came out onto a walkway through another door,the general was waiting,but I wasn't focused on him,instead I was focused on the giant room we where in.

the room had a hologram projection of the planet,and many people where working on computers the room was filled with computers and workers,all doing things I couldn't even know. When I was caught looking the general smiled"i see you like the view,well then this is our main headquarters of operation."he said

I just stared in awe,it wasn't really that much but the amount of new information that was going through my head was unbelievable. I was pushed again,and my train of thought was interrupted as the general started walking across the walkway to another hall to our right. I followed and soon we where to another room similar to the one I was just in when captured. But this time it held flamedramon,we where on the opposite side of a one way mirror,but when I came close he stood.

I could feel something stir within me,and I longed to be with him again with no barriers,despite only knowing him for so little time,it was like he was drawing me to him. I walked up to the glass and placed my hand on the glass. Just as I did flamedramon walked up as well and placed his hand on he glass. He was without armor,so I could see the v on his forehead,as well as his face.

"i see you have some sort of bond,well don't worry hell actually see you when we get in."Said the general as he walked up to a door,and pushed a buzzer on the side. As he pushed it the door opened,and we all walked in.

"Blake!" Flamedramon said rushing to hug me,while he was holding me the general smiled.

"I see you two do have something for each other,now I believe this is yours,after a few scans we found its basically harmless,you can have it back."He said after flamdramon put me down. The general handed me the digivice,and I readily took it.

For some reason I felt better when I held it,and flamedramon did as well. I looked down at the digivice,and it started glowing,like it knew of my presence,then the screen started going into a flurry of coding,before it stopped and stopped glowing.

I looked up at the general,who now held his serious facial expression."We are short of rooms,so youll have to bunk with some of the others during your stay,so get used to it,dinner is in the mess hall around seven. And there are bathrooms located near the barracks."He said as if expecting me to know where that was.

"Oh and I will have these two"he said pointing to the soldiers next to me."Lead you around,but remember my warnings kid,or you will soon regret it."the general said before leaving.

I just stared at the now empty doorway,then when I gathered my thoughts I looked back towards the soldiers and flamedramon. Then the soldiers pushed me out the door,with flamedramon following,and soon we where back in the hologram room.

But instead of going back to any of the enclosed rooms,they led me to another part of the room that housed an elevator,which the swiped a key card on the side of the door,and pushed us through,before pressing a button on the side of the door inside the elevator.

I felt us ascend for some time,and then after a minute the doors reopened. I was greeted by a hallway,filled with people in white lab coats as well as soldiers,they all looked at us,mainly flamedramon. Many of them stopped what they where doing to stare,and then when they noticed me they gasped. The soldiers behind us pushed us again,and we where sent walking down the hall.

They stared the whole way,i felt like I was naked. Eventually we turned a corner and where in a completely empty hall that stretched for a long while,with many doors on each side. We where led to the very back,to a room labeled 1099, they opened the door and moved us inside.

The first thing I noted was that it was not a bare as I thought a room would be that was owned by the military,it had things in bags lying around everywhere,who's belongings? I didn't know. The two soldiers closed the door and moved passed us. Before sitting down in different bunks. They proceeded to take off their helmets and masks.

The first one done was a man who looked to be in his late twenties,he was clean shaven and had brown eyes. His hair was black like mine,but in a buzz cut. The second man wasn't a man at all,it was a woman who looked in her mid twenties. She was beautiful,with auburn hair and blue eyes.

I just stared at them and so did flamedramon.

"Well you gonna get to your bunk or just stare all day?"The woman said

I pushed myself out of my daze and looked around. I didn't know which bunk to choose,as they all had stuff around them."Hey kid in the back is where you want to go."The man said

I looked towards the back and sure enough there where two unused bunks for me and flamedramon. I walked towards them and flamedramon followed,once there I chose the top bunk and climbed up into it. Flamedramon climbed into the lower bunk.

"This is fine,but I don't feel right."Flamedramon said

"that's probably because you where just kidnapped,and accused of a crime."the woman said By the way im Alice and that there's Jon,looks like we'll be bunking together,so get used to it."the woman said

I just looked at them and shook my head. Flamedramon seemed to feel my distress and he reached up and patted me on the leg. I smiled,but it didn't really help. I just waited,it was obvious that others also slept here,but I wasn't up to meeting them,now. But luckily the two soldiers left us alone and proceeded to do their jobs in some other place,leaving us alone.

"Is something wrong Blake?"Flamedramon asked

"Yea.....i just had my whole life taken away,i don't know what to do now,am I going to be here forever?"I asked to no one in particular.

"I'm sure we will get out at one point,we just have to get through this,and at least we have each other." Flamedramon said with a smile on his face. But that didn't really reassure me,and I just frowned and lied back onto the bunk. I felt tears come to my eyes. I had just lost everything for something I didn't even do,and there was no going back with the things I knew now,even if it was very little.

Before I knew it I was crying softly,i was crying for my old life,one where I was maybe not happy,but I was OK and wasn't a prisoner. I felt flamedramon move below me,moving the bunk. He looked up at me.

"Don't worry Blake,we'll make it out sooner or later and im sure you will see your family again."he said

"But is that true?"Will I ever see them again,my friends,my family,the people I love,i didn't even get to say goodbye. And now I only had flamedramon. And the digivice.

Flamedramon tugged on me,and I slowly lowered myself to the ground and sat down on his bunk,next to him. He hugged me and I continued to cry into his side. I felt horrible. I cried for a good long time,thinking of all the things I lost,and flamedramon didn't leave my side,untill I stopped.

When I finally did stop crying I looked up at flamedramon,he smiled and hugged me tighter he even wrapped his tail around my leg. I hugged him back,glad that I had one friend here,even if he was new. I felt happy for a few minutes in his grasp.

"Blake,i wanted to really tell you when we first met,but I love you Blake..."Flamedramon said

I looked up at him and pushed away.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I like,like you, as more than a friend,and more than a partner,i love you that much,remeber how I said I have been following you for a year?"


"Well I studied you,and soon I felt myself become enthralled by you,i began to have thoughts,of you and me,and,well I don't know,i just don't know how to explain my self."Flamedramon said

I moved closer to him,and hugged him. I think I knew what he meant,but I wasn't quite sure at the moment,then he did something I would never forget. He moved his hand to my head,and moved his head towards mine,and he kissed me.

It wasn't a kiss on the forehead,or the cheek,but one on the lips,then I knew what he meant. He loved me. And I loved him,despite only knowing him for two days. But I felt better and I was happy.

Then I felt something,i felt the digivice. It started shaking I pulled it out,and it was glowing brighter than I had ever seen it and the screen showed a haywire coding line. Then a word appeared on the screen.


Then Flamedramon started glowing as well,then his form started to change,first his form turned into that of coding and outlines of his previous form. Then the form adapted and changed growing bigger and stronger. Finally there was a bright flash of light,and the end result was a similar digimon to flamedramon,but instead he was more muscular and had wings that spanned twice the size of his body. There was no visible armor on this form,and he had a giant x on his belly.

"F..Flamedramon?"I stuttered

"Heh its Exveemon now, I digivolved."

"But how?"

"Maybe when you accepted my love,the power allowed me to evolve into this."Exveemon said

I just stared in awe,he was certainly more,well handsome,and well,sexier than I remembered him,despite him being another guy,but who was I to judge I loved him back. I just smiled and and hugged him. Exveemon seemed happy,and so was I.

I heard clapping,and I looked past exveemon and saw the general.

"My my you are just full of secrets,looks like we will have to relocate you two to a bigger room,because of his size now,and I doubt you two lovebirds want to be apart."He said

I felt myself blush,and I saw exveemon blush as well.

"How much did you see?"Exveemon asked

"Everything."he replied

I blushed harder as my eyes widened. How had we not noticed him before?

"Anyways luckily for you we found a nice room,you you two to stay in,separate from anyone else. Just for you since you are here for the long haul."The general said

Exveemon stood and helped me stand."Where is this room?" he asked

"Really it was a supply room,but we didn't have any use for it so I decided to give it to you two,it will be much more accommodating. But just know,i don't do this for just anyone,but you are a special case."The general said back

I felt a little uneasy about this,but I followed when the general stepped out of the room and told us to follow. I followed with Exveemon at my side. We followed all the way back past the staring people and to the elevator. The general swiped a key card and led us inside. Once we where all inside the general pushed a button and I felt us ascend again. The ride was much shorter than the first time,but soon we where met by opening doors and a hallway filled with boxed and only a few people mainly what looked to be scientists and no soldiers.

They stared at us but soon returned to their duty's. The general led us to a door that was next to the elevator down the hall a little. It stated that it was a supply room,but when we entered it was nearly empty despite a larger bed and a few things like a desk and lamp.

I felt strange about this,but I accepted and thanked the general who nodded and left the room,closing the door. Exveemon was quick to pick me up and carry me to the bed where he set me down as gently as possible. Then he was quick to get to the other side and lie down next to me,cuddling into my side. I felt awkward but I liked it so I hugged him.

"Blake?"Exveemon asked

"Yea?"I replied

"Well this isn't an easy question since we barley know each other,but I love you Blake,and...I wanted to show my love."He said

"But I thought we have already shown our love,what else is there to do?"I asked

"Well...I wanted to...you know...have sex with you......."

My eyes widened,i wasn't completely against it for some reason,but I wasn't sure about having sex with Exveemon,he was twice my size and wouldn't it hurt? I had so many unsure possibilities I was a virgin,and this was an obvious tough decision to choose to lose that through Exveemon. But eventually I made my decision,despite not knowing him for a long time,i loved him. I also wanted to show that to him too.

I nodded,and exveemon smiled before pulling me into a hug. The hug lasted a while and I could feel myself growing more accustomed to it. I didn't want it to end,but eventually it did and I felt a little empty.

"Exveemon,how do we do this?"I asked

Exveemon just put his hand to my mouth and shushed me,then he got under me with my back to him on the bed and hugged me from behind. Then without my permission he started taking off my shirt,i protested but he just hugged me again and told me it was all right. I wasn't the most muscular person in the world,in fact I was rather skinny with some fats here and there. But that didn't stop Exveemon.

Exveemon started rubbing my shoulders gaining a small sound from me. He smiled and turned me around so that I was facing him. Then he kissed me again,slipping his tongue into my mouth and exploring my mouth. IT felt amazing and I leaned into the kiss,but it ended at one point. He moved his head up to my ear.

"I love you."He whispered into my ear,gaining a blush from me. Then he started on my lower body. He was quick to discard the pants I was wearing and throw them to the side leaving me in only some boxers. But that didn't stop him at any cost because soon those where gone too and I was completely naked.

I was erect and he smiled up at me,pulling me into another kiss,this one shorter and less involved. Then I felt something brush against my behind and I turned my head around. It was Exveemon,well more of exveemons penis than anything. How he managed to hide something so big was beyond me. But he also had a large ball sack under his penis. It was blue up to the tip in which it turned a deep red.

I blushed and turned back to Exveemons face who was also blushing,but he put it aside and pulled me into another kiss.

"Exveemon,how do we start?"I asked

"We already have,here this will hurt so be prepared since we don't have any lube,it will hurt,but bear with me and it will start to feel pleasurable from what I know. If it hurts to much tell me to stop and I will and allow you to adjust and if you want to stop just tell me and we will stop."HE said in a soothing voice.

I nodded and he started.

We lifted me up and slowly lowered me on his cock,It took him two tries to finally find my entrance But when he did I felt an uncomfortable feeling go through my backside. As he prodded away I felt myself begin to slip downwards with Exveemons help. Soon the head was in. I squirmed in place trying to find a way to take in the mass,but I was soon stopped my Exveemon.

"Hold still it will help you accommodate my size and it will feel better."HE said softly

I stopped squirming and tried to let it in. eventually it stopped the uncomfortable feeling but I didn't really feel any pleasure but I wanted to continue so I nodded my head towards Exveemon. HE started lowering me again. The pleasure started up again but this time stronger. I felt myself moan in pleasure and Exveemon grunted. But soon I felt him stop again when I squirmed more as it started to hurt again.

Once it died down again he continued again. Then before I knew it I could feel his balls on my rear end and I knew I had taken it all. The feeling was amazing,more than I could possibly know and it felt better than I would have expected. But it felt good and we where happy.

I looked down at Exveemon and he smiled up at me. He seemed in pleasure too. Then he started raising me up. I felt like I was missing something when he did,a sort of emptiness inside me. But then he lowered me again slowly and that emptiness disappeared

"Are you OK, do you want me to stop?"He asked but I shook my head.

So he continued and raised me up again starting to pick up a rhythm as he continued to raise and lower me slowly. Eventually he started picking up his pace raising and lowering me faster and faster. I was in pure bliss and he seemed in heaven too.

We continued this for some time,as I lost track of the seconds and minutes with the feeling of being entered by Exveemon. I lowered the top half of my body to rest on his chest,he didn't let up but I felt tired and strained,but I kept going.

As I lied there I felt happiness that I had never felt before. One that was contempt and loving. It felt new to me,like a feeling that I just discovered. Then I felt Exveemon stir beneath me and I pushed myself back up as he continued to thrust. Sooner than I wanted I felt myself come close. When I cried out Exveemon shifted positions and pushed me onto the bed and plowed me missionary style. Then I felt myself orgasm.

It was not like an orgasm from self pleasure,it was ten times better and felt much more worth it. But when I released I gave out a loud cry of bliss and I felt Exveemon stir from beneath me signifying that he was close as well.

He started plowing un-rhythm like and growled out clutching me harder and harder. I felt no pain but eventually he lowered his head to my shoulder and bit down. It wasn't to hard but I felt myself cry out in pain as it drew blood from me. Then as he was biting down I felt him stop and use one last push into me.

I felt his seed enter me at surprising rates filling up my insides and coating them with warm fluids. He gave out a loud cry of pleasure that im sure people would have heard. HE didn't stop for a while filling me up and my insides. I cried out in pleasure as well as it felt really good. But eventually it stopped and he collapsed on top of me. Pinning me to the bed.

WE stayed like that for a few minutes,but soon he slowly pushed himself up and lied back on the bed. I crawled up to him and placed my head just under his nuzzling him affectionately. IT was the best time I had had in years and I felt happy. Exveemon hugged me and pulled me on top of him. We stayed there for some time but soon I felt the black abyss of sleep take me away.