Family Days 25

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#25 of Family Days

"Here you wanted a root beer, right?" Ben asked, handing Chris a large drink.

Chris grabbed the drink with two paws and nodded.

"Ben...there's no way he needs that big of a cup," Marion said, looking at what was probably at least a liter or so of soda. It was probably the biggest size they had--he certainly hoped so because any size more would concern him.

Chris chuckled a little. If this was what it meant having Ben around all the time he might not mind it near as much. Of course at the same time he knew that the bear was really trying to win him over right now--or at the very least make it less awkward for them both. Of course Ben was trying too hard but he didn't say that. It may have been a bit greedy but he was fine with the bear doing this kind of stuff. He took a sip from the drink and looked over at his father, "I'll share--you want some?"

Marion scowled at his son, "You know I hate rootbeer,"

"That's why I got a cherry soda for us," Ben said and placed a medium between himself and the wolf.

Marion chuckled and looked at the bear, "That's messed up,"

"What?" Ben asked, wondering if he'd done something wrong.

"He isn't sharing and gets a huge one...but you and me share and get this one..."

Ben looked between the two cups and then back to the wolf, "Opps,"

Marion laughed a little and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, 'opps' I'm sure,"

"Oh, here come the openings for up-coming movies," Ben said, taking the attention away from himself. He adjusted himself in the seat--glad they had gone to one of the better theaters in the city. He wasn't as big as some bears, and he felt bad for others of his own speices. Even as a light bear he looked like someone who could eat a turkey for three square meals a day--sometimes he would have an entire pizza. The more traditional theaters didn't have very big seats--so if you were a bear, bull, horse, or some other large fur then you were going to have to deal with feeling like a giant in a doll house. But these seats were more than comfy.

Ben completely missed the first preview for an upcoming movie while he made himself comfortable. One thing that was positive was that the chair didn't squeak--he had terrible luck with squeaky chairs and doors. Of course, he was beginning to thnk it was just the school and his apartment--both aged buildings. He crossed his legs and arm and leaned back into the chair. After two more previews he put his arm over Marion's shoulders.

Marion glanced over at Ben and smiled before leaning on him a bit. He shook the popcorn and tilted it in the bear's direction.

"I'm fine," Ben replied with a smile, enjoying the feel of the wolf leaning on him. He gave a glance in the direction of Chris, but the pup didn't even seem to see them. The darkness made the room a bit more private and after a few more trailers the opening scenes for the movie began to roll by. After a few minutes in Ben let out a small sigh and leaned down; resting his head on the wolf's head.

Marion smiled to himself at the feeling of the bear leaning on him. He nuzzled Ben gently and let out a happy sigh. The movie began to pass by. It was something him and his son had both been wanting to see. Since Chris wasn't dating yet they could go out sometimes as father and son, and he enjoyed those times. Ben being with him was nice too.


After a few hours they were back at the house and Chris was downstairs playing games. Marion found himself sitting on the bed while Ben was in the adjacent room showering. He couldn't help but wonder what Chris thought. The pup, well, he wasn't exactly an innocent pup--did he realize why they had retired at only ten? Well, aside from being tired. And this would be the first time sleeping with Ben while the pup was here. Of course he didn't think about it having to involve sex, but if it did, there was certainly that too.

They were young adults--nothing was wrong with it. After all, it wasn't like he was giving Chris the wrong message was he? The pup knew how he and Ben cared for one another--that the bear's presence in the house was not some flimsy add on. The pup wouldn't think he was condoning sleeping with someone before marriage, right? Well, not entirely? After all, he and Ben didn't quite have the option--unless they eloped in a different country--which he had thought about, if not only as a romantic day-dream. Their relationship couldn't be like a normal one--though Marion was unsure he wanted to admit that one aspect of that was because of his son. Still, what he did know was that he wanted the pup to wait till he was married--it was good to have a relationship firmly planted before doing anything--well, not anything fun--but anything that had such huge consequences---and yes, even fun.

He didn't mind. No, not at all. But undoubtedly without having to take care of a pup Marion found he would've been with Ben much more. The bear might've slept over more, they wouldn't hide so many looks to one another (which he found very attractive and fun), there wouldn't be a need to be quiet in a room. The entire dynamic between them may have shifted.

Then again, overall things were better with Chris--so much more so. He could say that without Ben things would be different--that the pendulum swung both ways. His son was his family, and Ben was his lover--and he wanted the two to mix. For everything to come together. The thoguth made him grin a little as he stretched his legs on the bed. Maybe he didn't expect Chris to call Ben 'Dad # 2' or anything, but perhaps one day to see Chris hug them both good-night: that would be nice, right?

What did he expect from the pup? Did he have the right to expect anything? He knew Chris wasn't keen on any idea of a new parent, the pup had told him that much. He couldn't blame him either--having two dads certainly is a strange notion. Maybe it isn't a terrible one, but it certainly isn't normal, and isn't that what all the teens are about? Normal?

But it was more than that. To be honest, Chris was probably the very reason he was with Ben. The pup hadn't brought them together by any means, but neither had Chris pushed them apart. Marion was a father, he had changed since those some three years ago--he was more mature, kinder, more understanding, and even a bit shyer at times. The pup had made him realize that he wanted something even more--not just a friend, but a true mate: someone to be equal in his role of a father.

The shower turned off. Marion smiled and leaned back onto the bed. He only had on his underwear, but he wondered if that was too little or too much. As it was he usually had on some pajama bottoms, so he felt rather naked to begin with. He looked at the bathroom and couldn't help but feel anxious. Now those thoughts were beginning.

What would Ben want? Was it too lewd if he was on top of the covers? What if he positioned himself in anyway? What if he didn't? Would Ben be offended if he was just reading a book and not waiting on him? What if he moved too fast and the bear didn't want to have sex tonight? Did Ben expect them to have sex? Maybe Ben didn't like the way he looked. Marion placed a paw on his stomach and rubbed it. He knew that if he were to compare, as if by dimensional analysis, he was about as pudgy as Ben. Did Ben like that? Of course the bear did. Marion shook his head of the stupid thoughts--they had ogled and complimented each other enough in bed and out to be far too along in their relationship to worry about those such things; especially when it wasn't like either of them were putting on weight.

Would Ben make the first move? Was that his job? Did they have to have sex? Why wouldn't they? Did his job as host extend that far? Didn't thinking of it like that make it sound more like his bed-room was a whorehouse?

"You're thinking about something aren't you?"

Marion felt his head jerk up and he looked at the bear. Ben had on his plaid boxers and a white t-shirt on. He smiled and felt a bit embarrassed, not knowing what to say. What was he going to tell him--that he'd been thinking about how he was wondering if he should be naked or not? "Nothing important,"

Ben smiled and walked over. He sat down on the bed and smiled, "I hope you don't mind if I used your shampoo...I forgot my own,"

"It's fine," Marion said with a chuckle. His eyes glanced in the direction of the door--which he had locked. Still, Chris knew that with Ben over, well, at least until the lights really went out that they were busy, right? Would it always be that way? Maybe one day they would simply be reading in bed together? Did locking the door perturb his son? After all, there were some nights when Chris did like to join him---he liked those nights too. A kiss on his cheek made him jump a bit and Marion looked over at the bear.

Ben smiled and put an arm around the wolf, "Well...if you weren't going to make a move I figured I would,"

Marion stared at Ben for a moment then smiled, "Sorry...was a bit nervous--uhh, I guess I'm still pretty nervous to be honest,"

"I am too...but....well, I figured if you locked the door...well......" Ben said and let the ending hang in the air.

Marion chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, " know..."

Ben smiled and stood up, "Want me to be honest?"

"Sure," Marion replied quickly.

"I was kind of waiting in the shower to see if you'd join me..."

" don't normally take thirty minute showers?"

"No," Ben said with a laugh. It had been a really long thirty minutes. He'd showered in the first five and spent the next twenty five wondering if Marion was planning something, or if he was the one who was supposed to plan. And then he wondered why he thought Marion would be waiting on him. For all he knew the wolf was downstairs with Chris having fun--to which he wondered if that meant he stayed upstairs or even attempted to get near the family dynamic.

Marion smiled and chuckled. "I was wondering if I should be positioning myself or something...I guess we're both nervous,"

"You know...we don't have to do anything,"

"I...I know...but..."

Ben reached out and stroked over the wolf's cheek, "I know...I want to too,"

Marion smiled shyly at the bear, "OK...well...glad we got that settled,"

Ben shrugged his shoulders and took a knee in front of the wolf, "Me too,"

Marion felt his breath catch at how Ben was kneeling in front of him. Before he could ask what Ben was thinking the confirmation came. Two paws grabbed the elastic of his briefs and began to pull them down. He lifted his hips and watched how Ben simply let the clothing fall.

Ben looked up at the wolf with a smile. "Looking good,"

Marion blushed and felt his sheath stir a bit. "So much for foreplay,"

Ben laughed a little, "My mind got plenty of foreplay during that movie, and during my shower,"

Marion chuckled and stared at the bear. Sure he wasn't hard now, but in a few more moments it would be hard to not acknowledge the meat growing between his legs. A breath ran over his sheath and a yip escaped him Ben's tongue ran over after the breath.

"Mmm," Ben let out, surprised at the musky scent and flavor even if the wolf had showered before him. Ben moved one paw to each of the wolf's thighs and began to work on his boyfriend like he'd been denied the treat too long--and in his mind, after the plentiful, sexy thoughts in the shower, he had been. He gave another languid lick and couldn't help a grin, "Been waiting for this all week...wanted you so bad," he admitted, letting the words slip past him. He blushed a bit at the confession, looking up to Marion.

"Me too...and...hey...I told you that you'd get all the time you wanted to decide if you like kissing me or my cock more,"

"Hehe...may still need quite some time," Ben replied, feeling better that his rather lewd confession wasn't seen as overly odd by his lover. He licked at the sheath and then smiled to himself before moving a bit so that he was at the place he knew Marion's cock would soon enough greet him from. A yelp of pleasure escaped the wolf when his tongue worked its way into that place--welcoming himself into that fuzzy container. The taste was musky and perfect, making a moan of his own accord. He'd never really slipped his tongue inside another male's sheath--but the experience was definitely pleasurable, for both parties by the sounds.

Marion looked down at the bear who was servicing him and could already feel himself pushing back and forth against the sensation. It was nearly too much already and they had just begun. Of course Ben hadn't given him much warning either. Still, that was part of what was making it so hot.

The feeling of the wolf cock growing in his muzzle was amazing and he wanted to have it fill his muzzle. Ben enjoyed how the cock would swell with every passing swipe of his tongue, eagerly wetting the member as he tasted it. By the end of the minute he had a semi-hard wolf cock in his muzzle that still had a few inches to go--inches he was happy to get in him. A few moans escaped him as he suckled on the flesh and nursed it to its full form. The taste was great and made him a bit light headed, but more than anything it served to drive him on.

"B--Ben," Marion groaned and placed a paw on the back of the bear's head. He heard Ben moan in reply and the bear gave him another star erupting maneuver when the tongue dove into his sheath and teased out another inch. The bear didn't seem to object to him gripping onto his head fur, though he still tried to be considerate.

Ben moved off the cock with a wet plop. Marion still wasn't so hard that his cock went up and smacked against his stomach, but instead it stood directly in front of Ben's lips. A small bead of pre connected his lips with the member and he licked it away after a moment. The wolf's panting played over his ears as he took a quick reprieve--for both their sakes--but soon enough leaned forward again, giving the cock a few wet kisses that made Marion groan. The paw began to pull him back down onto the wolf's cock and he moaned as he moved down to kiss at the small knot that was beginning to form.

Marion bit his tongue and pulled the bear back onto his cock--and there wasn't any resistance. A growl of pleasure escaped him when the bear's tongue curled around his member. Soon he was lost in pleasure as he allowed Ben to bob his muzzle up and down his cock. The sensation of the bear's tongue massaging his cock was amazing, and watching the bear suck him off made the entire thing better. It almost felt greedy to watch the bear doing this to him--except Ben's moans seemed to portray a certain level of gratitude for it from his own side.

Ben moved his paw and groped the wolf's balls and began to roll them around, eliciting whines of pleasure from the wolf. He got a spurt of pre to shoot out of the cock and moaned as he drank it down--deepthroating his boyfriend as he did so. The wolf's musk was making him light headed and he loved every second of it. His own cock stood proudly, making a wet spot in his boxers, but he ignored it. Right now he didn't really care about his own cock because the one in his muzzle was too much to leave alone. After a minute of deepthroating he pulled back and began to suckle on the wolf's tip, catching all the shots of pre on his tongue with a happy moan.

"G--Geez Ben..." Marion groaned as he watched the bear. For the first time Ben opened his eyes and looked up at him for a brief moment before returning to his cock. That was something he liked about the bear. Ben wasn't looking up at him 24-7 like he had seen some furs do while sucking another fur off, or at least so they did while on camera. He much preferred to see Ben like he was; eyes closed and muzzle latched onto his cock--enjoying himself. Well, he hoped the bear was enjoying himself. It sure seemed like the bear was enjoying himself.

The little comment helped to surge Ben on and after he had enough of the pre he'd milked out of Marion he moved back down. When he was about half-way he stopped and suckled on the wolf's cock, causing Marion to buck into his muzzle. A quick squeeze to his boyfriend's sack cuased another thrust along with a spurt of pre to hit the back of his tongue. Marion's hips didn't stay still and from the raspy breathes he knew what was about to happen.

"Ben...I--I'm not going to last long,"

Ben moaned and gave a tug on the wolf's hangers. The yelps that escaped Marion were accompanied by bucks up into his muzzle. Ben moaned as a small amount leaked from the wolf and he knew the last thing that Marion needed to get off. Still, he wasn't going to do that just yet. He bobbed his head quicker, wondering if Marion actually thought he didn't want him to cum in his muzzle. The wolf's paws were gripping at his head, a bit painfully but he ignored it for the fact he was still able to enjoy his own act so much. He soon slowed back down and gave a hearty growl. Letting his paw leave the wolf's thigh he moved it and put it around the knot, then squeezed.

Marion felt his eyes shoot open. He bit down hard on his tongue to keep from barking and pulled the bear down again. Every part of him wanted to yelp and bark as his orgasm began to flood over him, but he resisted the urges. The bear's tongue continued to work over him, and his balls ached as they tried to pull closer to him but the bear didn't let them go. In the end he ended up shaking and rocking back and forth as spurt after spurt of wolf cum splashed into his boyfriend's muzzle.

The first shot of wolf cum flew across his tongue, catching him by surprise. Ben gaged through a cough, not expecting the force of it. The second shot was expected and he made sure to catch it and every other shot. The fact that he could feel the meat pulsing with every shot only caused him to suck more eagerly on the wolf; which caused more spurts. Their moans melded together as the bucking hips died down but he continued to suck the cock throughout the orgasm, moaning at each shot that landed on his tongue.

The taste was musky and perfect. He didn't swallow it yet and continued to drain the wolf for everything he might have. Marion's paw released his head after a moment, instead the wolf began to play with his ears. He didn't want to get up yet though and continued to play with the wofl for a bit. Every few suckles he'd get another small leak from the cock to add to the load he already had.

"Oh man...Ben if you don't stop that I think I'm going to lose another load,"

Ben chuckled with the cock in his muzzle. He didn't really want to stop, but did as the wolf suggested and pulled off. He didn't want to swallow yet, it was something he wanted to savor for the while he managed to get up.

"That was great,"

Ben gave a smile back and nodded in agreement. He rolled the seed about on his tongue, enjoying the slightly differences it brought with time and placement along his tongue--much like sucking Marion off himself.

Marion cocked his head and a grin popped up on his muzzle, "Hiding something?"

Ben shot the wolf a small scowl. He let the wolf's cum roll over his tongue another time before swallowing it down. He wasn't sure how Marion was with kissing him with his muzzle filled with wolf cum, and he didn't want to do anything to disgust the wolf. Perhaps one night they could work up to things such as that, but for now it was a simple, old-fashioned night with his boyfriend. Still, it wouldn't be too crazy to assume Marion didn't mind the flavor of cum, right? "Shut-up,"

Marion chuckled, "Hey...I'm not complaining--I enjoyed that,"

"That makes two of us," Ben replied honestly. He felt like he could spend a few hours down on the wolf like that. He mentally minded himself that, at one point, he would have to devote a night to just servicing the wolf--maybe even both sides if Marion was into that.

Marion's eyes caught on the wet spot on his boyfriend's boxers and he chuckled, "I'd feel bad if you didn't get off,"

Attention suddenly came back to the fact that he hadn't gotten off. He had liked getting Marion off, he wasn't quite sure how to describe it--if it was just a 'gay thing' or not, but he could fully enjoy just sucking the wolf off. Was getting his own source of pleasure good? Yes. But he got a special sort of pleasure from sucking Marion--it wasn't exactly explainable. Ben looked down to see he was pitching a sizable tent and he chuckled, "Well, what are you going to do about it?"

Marion stood up, his limp cock bouncing as he closed the distance between himself and the bear. He rubbed over Ben's chest and smiled, "We should start by getting you out of these annoying clothes,"

"Heh...I won't complain to that," Ben admitted, lifting his arms as the wolf peeled away at his shirt. He quickly brought his lover into a tight embrace before diving in for an instinct driven kiss, forgetting about the concern his lover may not enjoy the flavor on his tongue.

It was a stupid concern.

Marion moaned happily into the kiss, quickly wrapping his own arms around the bear and pulling on him needfully. It wasn't his first time tasting the substance--he'd be lying if he didn't sometimes lick his paw after pawing off, but this was by far his favorite manner of sampling himself. The added flavor of Ben was certainly a nice touch to an already pleasant taste, but he couldn't help but wish he'd tasted Ben also.

For now though he would content himself with a lusty kiss. Even if his own cock had lost its hardness that didn't mean anything about his arousal tonight; he could go all night if he wanted. His paws moved down to the boxers, groping the plaid surface and eliciting a happy growl from the bear--only making his paws all the more daring.

They kissed roughly sometimes, but it was an interesting dance. Not every time was rough, sometimes they were gentle and caressing one another. After a few minutes Marion found his erection beginning to return--something he made sure Ben noted by rubbing against the bear's leg: even if it was rather cliché for a canine to do such a thing. Pulling back, he grinned at the bear and nodded to the nightstand, "How about I help you get off and give myself a treat at the sametime?"

"I'd say you sound greedy," Ben replied with a smirk, leaning down to kiss the wolf again, "And I love it when you're greedy,"

Marion smirked back at the bear before leading him to the desired location, giving his lover's rump a gentle squeeze as he did.

"If you want you know you could take me," Ben offered, having washed up in just about everyway while in the shower.

"I know I could...but I really want to be on the receiving end.......I'd be lying if I didn't say that that is what I've been waiting all week for," Marion admitted, letting his paw leave brefily to retrieve his own bottle of lube which he let Ben take. His own paws found the hem of Ben's boxers and began to pull them down--and after a quick moment he found the heat of Ben's member pressed into his stomach. He kissed the bear again, knowing it might just be the last sweet kiss till he'd been truly and proudly fucked--perhaps by his own choice and lust.

"How do you want me to prepare you?" Ben asked when their lips parted, nudging his muzzle against the wolf's.

"Like this," Marion told the bear, taking the bottle as he twisted them around to push Ben down onto the bed--which happened with a 'thunk' sound and some creaking. He didn't waste long before jumping on the bed with his love. Soon enough he had a lubed paw stroking Ben--getting a groan of approval while Ben's head shot back against the bed.


"Like that?" Marion asked with a grin--he would admit he was enjoying and he was just the one stroking.

"Uh-huh," Ben moaned back, spreading his legs a little for the wolf. The only thing that could make it better was if the wolf would fondle his package--but that was sadly not happening. A grunt was heard from that location and he lifted his head and felt his cock pulse even harder than before. Now not having that fondling paw was a loss he could deal with: espeically with the sight of the wolf stroking him off while his other paw was behind him--his fingers playing with his interest.

"Getting us both ready," Marion told the bear with a smile, giving a small grunt as he worked in a second finger. He was being a bit quick, but that was the point. He didn't want to be slow; he wanted Ben. He wanted to be on Ben's lap--that tasty looking piece in his paw lodged under his tail--and bouncing up and down happily. He'd played with himself plenty of times since their first time, but nothing beat the real thing. No amount of play with his finger could beat the bear--he needed to feel that again though.

After minute he pulled his fingers out, wiping them off along his tailhole for added slickness and rubbing his own paw off on the bear's leg--Ben didn't seem to mind at all.

"You ready?"

"Oh yeah...really ready," Marion said as he straddled the bear.

Ben wasn't sure the wolf realized he was panting, and he wasn't sure he should tell Marion just how hot that was--to think someone could be this excited: excited about being with him was just great. He spread his legs a bit more and let out an approving growl when a guiding paw took hold of his cock again. He would've growled even louder, but he didn't want to be too loud, though that was a difficult thing to do when he felt the heat of Marion's pucker resting against the tip of his member.

Marion played for a few moments--letting Ben slide up and down his trail, and it was a bit of good foreplay for them both. But he couldn't take it for long. Soon enough he took aim and began the process. It was a bit difficult, and he let the bear in with a "Oh!" of surprise, though that was followed by a happy, "Ooooh,"

They worked as a unit. Even if this was only their second night together--though they'd had sex plenty of times in a single night before--both knew the other well enough to read their thoughts, understand their reactions, and so much more. Ben tried his best to be gentle, and was glad his job wasn't really much more than lying back to let his lover come down onto him. Which Marion was doing quite well--a few whines, but nothing that seemed to detract from either party's enjoyment.

Marion gave a small huff as he found his low hangers resting against Ben's waist--followed by the feeling of his own rump sitting in Ben's lap, knowing fully well where the hefty piece of equipment was resting in him now. A sharp gasp escaped him when he rolled his hips, tensing about the bear and wincing a little also.


"Hang on honey-butt...I'm just getting used to you...I...well, you're the first guy I've taken and I don't know I'm quite used to someone as big as yourself,"

Ben could feel the wolf's tailhole clenching down on him and it was hard to not buck up into him. Marion felt so warm and tight--perfect and amazing. After a minute the wolf was managing to sit down on his cock. He couldn't help but notice that life was beginning to return to the wolf cock. Still, he wouldn't have minded enjoying it so much if Marion's face held more bliss than ache.

Marion took in a few deep breaths and sighed, "You're pretty big in every area,"

Ben chuckled a bit and smiled, "Thanks,"

"I like big," Marion added with a chuckle and patted the bear's stomach. He could tell it made Ben blush a bit but he really did like the bear's stomach. Ben was big enough to where he just barely had what some called love handles. Still, it wasn't like the bear was obese--he was perfectly attractive. Marion smiled at the bear and moved forward a little then back, "Ooh,"

"You OK?"

"Ye--Yeah...I'm fine," Marion replied. He pulled off a bit more on his next attempt and let out a yip when he slid back down. He saw the look on the bear's face and smiled, "I found my prostate," he explained.

Ben chuckled and noticed how quickly his boyfriend's cock was rising again. "That's a good thing,"

"It feels good too,"

Ben smiled and pushed up into Marion, making the dog wince. Still, his attention was on the wolf's cock, which jumped when he pushed into him. "Looks like you like it,"

Marion sucked in a breath and began to slowly ride the bear. He didn't move a lot, probably only using two of the bear's seven inches. Still, those two inches were doing things to him that were already making him woozy, but in a great way. It wasn't that the bear was long--though for a bear he was--it was that Ben's girth was so much. Ben's girth was somewhere between half and two-thirds of Marion's apple sized knot.

Ben placed his paws behind his head and smiled at the wolf. The juxtaposition between the wolf's prideful pink leaking cock and his jet black fur were strangely exciting. He was constantly finding things he could do all day. Right now the list was at sucking on the wolf's cock, kissing Marion, undressing the wolf, just cuddling, and letting Marion ride him. And those were just what he knew he could enjoy doing all day--that didn't take into account all the things he still wanted to try.

"Ohh," Marion let the moan escape his muzzle and a bit of a giddy look come over his muzzle.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Marion nodded and wriggled his hips back and forth, letting the cock grind against his prostate. He closed his eyes and focused on the sensations, how it felt to have a bear cock filling him so much. Somehow there was nothing more exciting to him than the fact that the bear was balls deep in him and that he was taking that meat and enjoying it. The pain was completely gone now, replaced by a euphoric burst of pleasure each time he moved his hips.

"You look hot--in case I haven't told you,"

Marion opened his eyes and tilted his head back down, "Oh?"

Ben nodded, " right then. You had this look on your muzzle like I'd just given you a bone,"

Marion smiled and moved back and forth a bit, like he'd been doing, "Oh, you did give me a bone--I love my bear's bone,"

Ben blushed and rolled his eyes, "OK...bad analogy,"

Marion smiled, "Well, try again,"

Ben chuckled and began to gently move his hips back and forth, opposite of the wolf's. He smiled at Marion, "Like right get this grin on your muzzle, but your tongue hangs slightly out. Your eyes close a bit, your ears droop, your cock leaks, I can feel your legs shaking, and your breathes--they're all really hot. You look like your lost in pleasure--that you're favorite thing is to push yourself a bit further everytime till you're yelping in pleasure. I could watch you ride me all day; cause I can tell you love it,"

Marion couldn't help but become aware of everything the bear had said, and how it was all so true. Still, the look on his muzzle was totally natural--at least it was so long as he had the bear's cock pressing against his prostate. He chuckled and leaned down, kissing Ben on the chin, "And I could say the same of you...well...that you look hot..."

Ben smiled and pressed his hips up against the wolf, making Marion gasp.

"Am I the one doing all the work?" Marion asked, noticing how Ben had taken a posture as if he was going to just relax. Of course once again, the idea of riding the bear while Ben sat back and let himself be used was hot. What more could he want than to bounce in the bear's lap while Ben rested with his paws behind his head and watched him; allowed him to feel that way.

"I'm letting you ride me Hun...I thought you might like the freedom...but if you want me to pin you down--well, you won't hear any complaints from me," Ben said, smiling at the last part.

Marion smiled and shook his head, "No...this is very sweet of you,"

Ben rolled his eyes, "If you don't start riding me I'll stop being so sweet,"

Marion chuckled a little and began to focus more on what he was doing. His body began to do everything Ben had told him he did--and the goofy look on his muzzle probably got worse. By the end of the minute he was using every inch of Ben's cock and taking in deep gulps of air with every pass. It was funny how with just one thrust onto Ben's cock he practically stopped caring about if he looked like a dog with a bone or if he retained any sort of poise.

Ben watched his boyfriend ride him, giving slight twitches as the pleasure coursed through his body, but otherwise tried to let Marion enjoy the ride as much as he was enjoying watching and experiencing it. The wolf's cock was standing proud once again and dribbling pre onto his stomach in surprising quantities, but it made it all the hotter. Watching the wolf pound himself down onto his cock was one of the best things imaginable and Ben grunted along with the wolf when he planted himself in him. Since Marion had his eyes closed he was sure the wolf didn't know that he was drooling. The wolf's tongue was completely slack now--it was a wonder his leg was beating up and down--and small dribbles ran down as Marion rocked himself back and forth. It made it all the hotter though; the fact that he made Marion so lost in pleasure.

Soon enough there were the sounds he knew to expect from Marion. The wolf's throat created light whines of pleasure and he would buck down onto the cock with a yip. Ben watched how the wolf's chest began to rise and fall faster, and he knew it wouldn't be long. He placed his paws down on Marion's thighs and rubbed them while the wolf began to ride him even faster. It looked like Marion was dreaming, which his eyes closed; a very very pleasurable dream.

"Oh...ohh...yeah," Marion murred with a smile and held onto his mate's legs that Ben had put up behind him so he could lean back a bit. His hips began to buck down on the bear's and he could feel his cock twitching with every push and pull. He stopped moving altogether and panted a little, growling and whining as he fought back his orgasm.

Ben could feel Marion's hole clenching sporadically around his cock and he fought the urge to shove himself into the wolf--even if the idea of making Marion cum pawsfree was amazing. He moaned quietly to himself and waited for the wolf to open his eyes again.

Small pants filled the room as Marion continued to clutch down on the bear's cock and focused on anything but the pleasure he was practically soaked in. A minute passed and he finally opened his eyes and looked down at the bear, " a bit close there," Marion told the bear with a small chuckle.

"You're welcome," Ben told the wolf with a wink.

"Don't get cock--ohh...cocky," Marion replied, being interrupted by a well-placed thrust.

Ben smiled and stroked the innersides of the wolf's thighs, "Why not?" he asked with a chuckle and pushed up into the wolf again. He began a slow rhythm of pushing and pulling himself out of the tight, warm hole offered to him. Whenever he thought Marion was about to make a comment he would give a rough thrust that made the wolf have to bite his tongue. Neither of them wanted this to be interrupted and he knew that Marion definitely wasn't ready for this to end.

"Ben," the wolf moaned and threw his head back. He felt the bear's cock pressing and rubbing against his prostate with every push and pull--agoninzingly and indirectly stimulating him from within.

"Is that a reason?" Ben asked with a smile. He saw Marion shoot him a scowl, but he ignored it and continued. "Can't I be cocky a bit babe? I said it yourself that you're enjoying yourself, and it takes two to tango,"

Marion didn't bother opening his eyes or replying to the bear, in fact most of it was making this even more pleasurable. The bear was right, even if he didn't want to really feed Ben's ego--still, his body was already feeding the bear because of how he was pumping himself onto the cock once more.

"I mean, you're the one gliding back and forth on me like this," Ben told the wolf with a small chuckle. He noticed how Marion's ears twitched and decided it was OK to continue the small talk, "Back and forth...moaning and groaning--voluntarily stuffing yourself, and liking every moment of it. I'm not even pushing into you any more just want it bad,"

An involuntary whine ran out of Marion's muzzle and his thrust began to return to the pace they had been once before. He didn't necessarily think it was dirty talking, but the bear taking a claim for all the pleasure he was experiencing did make it all seem more exciting. Ben was right, he was loving this and Ben's talk wasn't doing anything to make that stop.

"You know you're enjoying it or you wouldn't be restricting yourself like this. You want this to last. One minute you're happily bouncing up and down and the next you're panting and trying to stop yourself from going over the edge...all because you just want to continue pumping back and forth on me and moaning my name," Ben told his boyfriend and was sure that some of the enticing sounds Marion was making were due to his words.

Marion could feel the giddy look on his face now more than ever and he didn't want it to go away. He used every inch of bear cock, driving himself down and up the shaft with increasing fervor, mouthing Ben's name on his lips. There was no doubt that Ben was holding himself back too. The bear may have spoken as if he could go all night but he could feel the twitches of the bear's cock in him, how Ben held himself back a bit.

" like that?" Ben asked and gave a curt thrust into the wolf.

Marion really had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from yelping out in pleasure. Even then he gave a strangled yip of ecstasy. He bucked back down onto the bear's shaft and gripped his boyfriend's legfur roughly--fighting the urge to bring his paws to his shaft. "Y--Yes...OK Ben? I like it! Breed me--please!"

Ben smiled at the accomplishment of getting the wolf to say those words. A sense of pride welled up inside, though a bit strange; he felt prideful to be able to get the wolf to tell him he liked it--to ask him to breed him. It was about time too, because he wasn't sure he was going to be able to keep this up for long. The wolf felt so amazing it was hard to believe he'd gone as long as he had.

Marion gave a yelp of pleasure and quickly clamped his muzzle down--not wanting to make too much noise. He bucked back and forth on the cock, driving it into him with as much passion as Ben was pounding into him. He threw out his previous pace and began to use all his energy to get Ben's cock pounding his spot more fervently. Ben's chest was rising and falling quickly like his own and he knew that it was only a matter of seconds till they both lost it.

Ben got off first, feeling his balls rise up, and grabbed the wolf, bringing Marion down into a sloppy kiss. He growled and moaned loudly into the wolf as he bucked up into him--never losing pace. He could feel shot after shot of bear cum fire into the wolf's tunnel. Marion's hole was clamped down on his cock like a vice, and the wolf's muzzle served as a muffler for his loud groans.

The teasing feeling of just a few furs touching his cock was more than enough to send Marion after the bear. He let the bear's tongue enter his muzzle as he began to shoot his load in between the two of them. The orgasm felt amazingly powerful and whenever the bear's cock would jam against his prostate the next shot would seem to be even more powerful. If the bear wasn't kissing him he'd probably be begging for Ben to continue.

Ben continued to buck into the wolf for a few moments after his boyfriend's body went limp and finally released him. He pulled from the kiss and began to pant into Marion's face. They exchanged air as they stayed close together. He could feel the wolf's seed meshing their furs together; they might just get a shower together after all.

"That...that was amazing honey-butt,"

Ben chuckled at the pet name and let his head fall back into the pillow, "Yeah,"

Marion nuzzled the bear's neck and sighed to himself. The combined smell of their musks was something he could get used to covering the bed and this room; it was soothing to him. He couldn't help but bury his nose in the bear's chest and take in a few deep breaths. The combination of his seed with Ben's musk was nice as well--anything that had Ben to it was nice though.

Ben moved a paw and put it on Marion's cheek then turned the wolf to face him. He smiled at Marion when their eyes met and stroked his cheek. "I love you Marion,"

Marion nuzzled the paw and smiled back at the bear, "I love you too Ben. And...maybe it's the after-sex-high talking but...I just want to tell you that I'm happy to be your wolf and that, even if it sounds a bit strange, I love us being together like this--whether we're kissing romantically and slowly, or I've got my tail hiked up hoping for you to compliment me,"

Ben smiled a little, honestly not sure how the wolf had made something so lewd sound as romantic and heart-fluttering as he had. He watched as one of Marion's paws drifted off to the side before touching the lamp, making it turn off and dark entered the room, "So...I guess we can shower in the morning,"

"Yeah...that's what I was thinking," Marion whispered back to his lover, smiling at how they switched to whispering just because the light was off.

Ben nuzzled the wolf lightly. After a moment he leaned up and kissed the wolf, coaxing his lover to join him in the romantic expression. To his surprise one of Marion's own paws moved to his free paw and grabbed onto it. He accepted it and gently held onto him as he let his tongue glide along with the wolf's. A happy moan ran into the other's muzzles as they put all their attention to the kiss.