One Good Deed Deserves Another - Part 1

Story by gauness on SoFurry

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I cursed under my breath as I pulled my car into the gas station's parking lot, easing it into a stall before killing the engine. I sat there for a minute, finishing the cigarette that hung from my mouth, cursing again.

"Damn bitch," I muttered. "Can't believe she stood me up..."

I sighed a bit, putting the cigarette out in the ashtray as I caught my reflection in the rear-view mirror. Reaching up, I adjusted it to get a better look at myself. I'm not that bad, am I? I thought to myself as I looked myself over. Sure, my tan fur was pretty average, but the lighter, sand colored fur that accented it was a rarer occurrance. My cat ears each bore two black stripes and two silver piercings. Sighing again, I brushed a few stands of blue hair from in front of my yellow eyes and stared at my reflection for a moment more before making an impatient noise and exiting the car.

"It's her own loss, I suppose," I said under my breath again as I headed towards the convenience store, tossing my empty pack of smokes in the garbage on the way. I reaced for the door handle, when a timid voice to my right stopped me in my tracks.

"Ex-excuse me?" I heard the soft voice coming from the shadows underneath a burned out floodlamp mounted on the side of the building. Squinting my eyes, I could barely make out the shape of someone standing there.

"Who's there?" I said to the voice. "Come out where I can see you if you're"

My voice trailed off as a beautiful girl stepped into the light. She was a fox-morph, with gorgeous snow white fur and the fluffiest tail I had ever seen. My eyes trailed up over her tight black jeans and voluptuous hips to her flat stomach, continuing on to her full breasts, held back by a tight, baby blue shirt with the phrase "7r!993r H4ppy" printed on it. My eyes continued to roam upwards till I was gazing into the brightest, most dazzling pair of green eyes the gods have ever gifted to a being. Her long, dark red hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail as it flowed down her back. The gods must have been smiling on me after all, to have met such a gorgeous creature at a time like this. She fidgeted a bit as she looked around, almost like she was checking to see if anyone else was watching before she spoke next.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" she asked in a soft, sweet voice that almost hinted with a southern accent. "It seems I left my ID at home, and I was wondering if you could pick me up a pack of Camels while you were in there."

Her eyes seemed to beg me to answer yes, and the coldness that I had felt towards the female gender that night melted away at her look. I smiled at her and nodded. "Would Camel lights be alright? That's what I'm heading in there for, and it might be suspicious if I bought two different brands."

Her face lit up with a dazzling smile and she nodded enthusiastically. "That would be great! Thank you so, so, sooooo much!"

I continued to smile as I entered the store, heading straight for the counter and the grumpy looking wolf behind it. I laid a $20 bill down on the counter top and said, "Two packs of Camel lights." The wolf looked up from the magazine he was idly reading and grabbed the packs from the rack above his head, scanning them and ringing me up without saying a word. He grunted a bit as he handed me back my change and I turned on my heels and exited the store.

I looked around for the fox before I spotted her leaning against the passenger door of my 206. I gave a short little whistle to get her attention as I walked over and tossed her a pack. She caught it deftly and smiled at me again, walking over to me and slipped a $5 bill into my pocket before leaning up and giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you again for being so kind."

I felt my cheeks grow warm at the kiss, thankful that my fur would more than likely hide the blush that was creeping across them and shrugged, "Hey, it's no big-"

I was cut off as I heard the shop door bang open and someone shout, "You little bitch!" I wheeled around to find the wolf clerk standing there pointing a finger at my new foxy friend. "I told you not to come round here no more! Well, now you're the cops' problem, they're on their way here as we speak!"

My ears drooped and my heart began to race as she and I looked at each other, fear on our faces, before instinct kicked in. I dug my hand into my pocket and whipped out my keys, deactivating the alarm on my car. "Get in!" I shouted at her and she didn't hesitate to comply.

We slid into my car and gunned it away from the store. I had spent all my life in this area, and knew all the backroads and sidestreets and where they led. After about 10 minutes of driving, I was sure that any directions the clerk could have given the police to our whereabouts would now be useless as we we now cruising in the opposite direction in whence we left. The adrenaline was pumping through my system and I realized that I was breathing heavier than I needed to be. I relaxed a bit into my seat as I looked over at my companion to find that she was giggling. She caught my gaze and quizzical look and laughed even harder.

"I'm sorry!" she managed between laughs. "But you have to admit that that was pretty damn funny!" She collapsed again into a fit of laughter and I couldn't help but join in as we simply laughed for the next few miles. Eventually she caught her breath a brused a tear away from her eye and looked back at me with those dazzling eyes and smile. "My name's Caitlin, by the way. I still don't even know the name of my hero and rescuer."

I forced myself to stop laughing and offered a hand to her. "My name's Takeshi, but everyone calls me TK. It's a pleasure to meet you Caitlin. Now, will you tell me what that was all about?" I nodded backwards in the general direction of the gas station.

She shook my hand gently before sliding hers away and laughed again. "The bastard back there turned me away earlier when I found out I didn't have my ID. Said that 'no damn kids were gonna get smokes on his shift!' Pfft, what an ass, huh?"

I couldn't help but laugh again at her story and nodded a bit before I noticed that her hand had come to a rest on my knee and I felt that twinge of red creeping back on my cheeks. I looked back at her to find her watching me, those green eyes of hers glinting a bit in the lights from the dashboard. "You know," she said softly. "I paid you for the smokes, but I believe I still owe you for saving my toosh back there." She was lightly tracing a finger over my leg now. "Do you have any ideas as to how I could pay you back?" She smiled at me with a mischevious little grin as she continued to watch me.

I stammered for a response as I felt her hand move softly and slowly towards the zipper on my jeans and I kept glancing down at it before looking back to her, my voice low as it caught in my throat, "Are....are you sure about this?"

She nodded as she unsnapped the button and slowly slid down the zipper, "I'm positive. I don't think I could stop myself even if I wanted to." Her hand snaked it's way into my boxers and pulled out my shaft, my arousal apparent as it bobbed slightly in the air. She murred softly and licked her lips before leaning across the center console and gave my engorged head a gentle lick.

I could help but let out a slight gasp as her tongue touched my flesh, but my gasp turned to a moan as she wrapped her velvety lips around my length and slowly slid down it, her tongue swirling around it as she sucked me gently. She continued to take me into her mouth until I was hilted inside and she moaned softly around me and began bobbing slowly. I moaned again as my hand found it's way to the back of her head. I could hardly believe my luck. Not even an hour ago, I was stood up on a date. Now I was being sucked off by this red-headded goddess that I had just barely met.

She continued to bob on me with increased vigor. Her sucking and licking driving me on. I felt her sharp teeth lightly graze my flesh and it only pushed me futher as I looked down at her, feeling the pressure building inside me boiling to the surface and I managed to get out, "Caitlin....I'm....I'm gonna..." She took my length into her throat in response and I felt her muscles squeeze me and I lost it. I emptied into her as I let out a growl, bucking slightly up into her mouth as I came.

She moaned again as she drank down my seed, not wasting a single drop as I panted heavily. She eventually pulled her mouth off me and gave my head a soft kiss before looking up at me and licking her lips again, smiling. "Well now, how was that, hero?"

All I could do was moan and stroke her hair and smile down at her. She smiled back and sat back in her seat, rubbing her legs together a bit as she looked at me, "So, do you have a place we can go to so I can thank you properly?" She winked at me. I watched her, slack-jawed, for a moment before I nodded and turned onto a street that would take us to my apartment.

It was a short drive, less than ten minutes, yet she continued to squirm all the way there, fixing me with a sultry gaze and I couldn't help but take notice as the scent of her arousal drifted across my nose and I let out an involuntary purr.

We pulled into my complex and parked my car in front of my building. We exited together and took her hand and led her up the four flights of stairs to my door. I unlocked it and pushed the door open as I turned to smile at her as she threw her arms around me, pushing me inside as her lips locked with mine. We stumbled over the entranceway as I kicked the door closed behind us, reaching back and fumbling a bit before I found the deadbolt and flicked it closed.

We kissed deeply as she pressed her body tightly to mine and I felt my arousal begin to grow again at her forwardness. She broke the kiss a moment later, her eyes opening slowly, and simply asked me, "So where's the bedroom?"

I led her into my room and she wasted no time in parting me with my clothes before pushing me back on the bed. She held a finger up as I made to sit up right and shook her head slowly before turning her back on me. Slowly, her supple hips began to sway to a music that only she could hear, fluidly gyrating to her own mysterious beat. She reached up and pulled her hair out of it's tail and let it flow behind her now as she turned to face me with that mischievous grin again. Her hand slid down her sides so her hips, pausing there momentarily before sliding back up to the hem of her shirt where she took a hold and slipped it up and over her head, exposing her bare breasts to the chill air of my apartment, her small pink nipples growing stiff almost immediately.

She continued to watch me as her hands slid down again, over her breasts and tummy, to the front of her jeans where she unsnapped them, pushing the zipper down, and, hooking her thumbs inside the waitsband, she pushed them down her legs, wiggling her hips as they went. She bent over as she pushed them to her feet and stepped out of them, wearing only a pair of lacy, baby blue panties. She smiled at me as she slid those down and off as well, and as she stood back up, I caught a glimpse of her soft pink pussy hiding between her soft thighs.

She sauntered over to the bed and climbed on, slowly crawling over me until I was gazing up into her green eyes. She leaned in and kissed me deeply, her hot tongue sliding into my mouth and caressing my own. I could still taste traces of my seed on her and she broke the kiss after only a short while. She smiled down at me as she sat back on her legs, the damp lips of her pussy pressing slightly at the head of my shaft that was throbbing madly with want. "Well, you ready for the big show hero?"

I nodded and purred deeply, smiling as I ran my hands up over the soft fur of her thighs to her hips, where I gently took hold. She smiled and nodded in return before sinking down onto my waiting length, letting out a low moan as I slowly filled her. It was heaven, feeling her warm folds engulf me entirely. She paused for a second, watching my eyes before she rocked gently, sliding almost entirely off before plunging down again, harder this time which drew another moan from both of us.

We fell into a steady rhythm, or hips crashing against each other as sounds of ecstasy filled the room. She was incredible as she rode me like a pro, her tight sex gripping my as her hands planted themselves on my chest, her nails making small furrows in the skin beneath my fur and her tail bushed out even more behind her. Her breathing quickened as my shaft penetrated her at an increased pace and I could tell she was getting close. It wasn't long before she came crashing down on me a final time, tossing her head back as she screamed out her climax, her sweet smelling juices flooding me as she slowly and gently rocked against me.

She panted heavily as her eyes flickered open, smiling as she looked down at me, and I returned it with a mischievous grin of my own. I grabbed and rolled her onto her back, hearing the small "Eep!" that escaped her as I moved on top, my hard length still buried inside her as I started to pump her again. She moaned louder as I continued to thrust into her tight, wet opening, her arms moving to circle around my neck as she moved her hips to meet mine. I gave her one last, hard thrust and growled as I came, filling her with my seed at the same time I felt her release wash over me again, her moans music to my ears as we both savored the orgasmic bliss.

I collapsed beside her, breathing in the sweet smell of her hair as it pooled on my pillow, my breathing ragged as I gradually came down off the high. I felt her nuzzle gently against my ear as she whispered to me, "How long can I stay?"

I couldn't help but smile as I lifted myself up to look back into the emerald like eyes, bringing a hand up to brush away a few strands of her hair, "As long as you want to."

She smiled back and pulled me down into a soft kiss. It didn't take long for us to both drift off to sleep, holding each other tightly.