Getting The Special Discount

Story by Jace Winzor on SoFurry

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Getting The Special Discount

By, H. Horsie

** This is a story between two anthro males. If you don't like this, please don't read ahead. Also, this story is completely fictional. If it resembles some IRL events, its purely by coincidence. Thanks for reading.**

It was mid-afternoon and the East Side Mall was just starting to get busy. Down the west end of the mall, there was a pretty fancy retail store that had all sorts of hip designer clothing ranging from silt suits to graphic Tees. Standing behind the counter in the back of the store was the clerk who kept fidgeting with his name tag. See, Jace (he's the clerk) had just been promoted to manager and he loved to show off his new shiny gold name tag with the words "Store Manager" written under his name in big bold print.

Now some would find Jace a little out of place in this type of store simply by looking at him. Standing over six feet tall, this anthro horse looked to be built out of solid stone. His muscles looked chiseled onto his frame in perfect equation to his size. His fur was a dark brown, but his long mane that he kept in a braid down his back and his equally long tail was a light shade of dusty blond. Also, being as he worked in a hip designer retail store, he wore all the newest fashions which usually meant tight shirts and hip hugger jeans that flared out over his dark boots. Most who came in for the first time swore he was one of the models who posed in any of the numerous posters up in the store. Jace usually just bashfully denied the question and helped out where he could.

He'd been working there for about 2 years now. He started when he was not even 16 as a stock boy in the back when shipments came in and he has now moved up the chain to store manager. The district manager absolutely loved him and his charming personality. If he wasn't so young, the DM would of already posted him higher in the franchise. However, 17 going on 18 was a little young to be traveling around the state making evaluations and executive decisions. So, the DM just promoted him to Manager instead and told him whenever he turned 18, he had a spot for him even farther up the chain.

That was merely a week ago and Jace was still gleaming with pride from it. Another fidget with his name tag to make sure it was straight and he looked up at the entrance when he heard the bong of the electronic bell letting him know someone had just walked in. He cleared his throat and casually made his way up from to see who it was. Today Jace had a short sleeve collared dress shirt with a somewhat flashy tie. His jeans were dark and fitted his thick legs nicely with a little bagginess to them; just enough not to strangle.

As he slowly winded his way though the racks of clothing, he peaked over the tops as saw a young looking husky browsing in the jeans section. He straightened his tie and headed over.

"Welcome to Bridges Fashion. Is there anything I can help you with?" Jace said.

The male husky glanced up at Jace and did a double take at the big horse clerk smiling. He gawked for a second before he coughed and looked back to the couple pairs of pants he was looking at. Just in the couple seconds, Jace looked him over just to assess what type of client he was dealing with. In the couple years he has been working there, he has developed quite a skill in doing this.

This client he saw was smart, or at least clean and organized just by how his clothing looked pressed and neat; nothing was out of place or untucked. Though, Jace noted that the husky really wasn't too knowledgeable in fashion, but looked like he wanted to be. His clothes looked new, but didn't really match. He was about half a foot shorter than Jace was and not as muscular. That doesn't mean that he was out of shape. His body was toned and slender, maybe and gymnast or a swimmer Jace thought. Just then, the husky asked a question and it brought him out of his thoughts.

"So uh... what's the difference between this one and that one..." the husky said in a voice that matched his look. Jace stepped closer to see what he was asking.

"Ahh..." Jace spoke. "See this one." He pointed to the one on the left. "It's acid stained and has hand sewn graphic down the right leg. Something like mine." Jace pointed to the jeans he was wearing. The husky looked and took the change to take a quick glance at the horse's crotch before he asked another question. Jace didn't see him look.

"And this one...?" He looked up at Jace. Jace smiled and laughed. "Basically the same, only it doesn't have some spiffy designer's name on it. Sooo... it's like 75 dollars cheeper too." The two of them laugh a little. The husky quickly puts back the designer ones.

"Is there anything else I can interest you in. We are having a sale on some great Tees that would look perfect with those jeans."

"Uh... sh-sure" The husky smiled and followed the horse clerk back to where the shirts were. He happily followed since he was able to stare at the equine's rump the entire way. His eyes quickly shot back up when Jace turned and started to point out some shirts. After about the third shirt, Jace stopped and introduced himself.

"I'm sorry. My name is Jace and I'm the store manager." He put a little more emphasis on the store manager part and held out a hand to the husky. The husky smiled and took the hand into his own paw, giving it a shake with surprising strength behind it.

"I'm Kale. It's nice to meet you Jace." The husky said looking into the horse's deep brown eyes. He could feel his cheeks start to flush and quickly looked back down at the shirts. He quickly grabbed up a couple and headed over to the cash register. Jace just smiled. It wasn't the first time that one of the customers, male or female, has found him attractive. But this time, He was finding himself attracted to the husky too. He rushed after the canine and put a hand on his shoulder. Kale flinched but laughed as he turned.

"Don't you want to try them on? If you're going to spend this much money on these clothes, you should at least check to see if they fit and if you like how you look in them."

Kale gulped and looked over to the changing rooms. His heart was racing and he was certain his cheeks were red now.

"I uh.. Sh-ure..." Kale hesitated for a second before he rushed in and nearly slammed the door behind him. "Sorry..." The husky said in an embarrassed voice about the door slam. Jace just laughed to himself before heading over to the cashiers table to do some paperwork. Just as he got behind the register, he remembered that there was a really funny fastener on the fly. Not thinking, Jace whisked over to the dressing room and barged in.

By that time, Kale was already down to his briefs and hanging his jeans up on the hook. When the door swung open, he nearly jumped out of his skin and yelped, turning around wide eyed. Jace gawked at the half naked husky and realized what he just did. He too had a look of wide eyed shock on his face.

"Oh my god!! I'm so, so sorry. It's just that the clasp on the jeans can be a little... I didn't think before..." Jace stammered out and if his dark fur wouldn't of covered it, his face would look like a tomato from embarrassment. It took a few seconds of awkward silence from them both to calm down enough for them to act civilized. Kale was actually the first one to speak.

"It's okay, heh heh... you just caught me a little off guard that's all." They both laughed. Kale walked over and picked up the new jeans, looked at the fly for the first time, and did see that it was oddly complex.

"Uh... heh heh." Kale said. "...yeah..." He looked over at Jace with a confused expression. "You weren't kidding, were ya?"

"Its actually kind of simple," Jace said and walked into the changing room, the door closing behind him. "See..." Jace began to show the husky just how it worked. Kale on the other had was finding it hard to focus on the jeans with this stud of a horse next to him... with himself almost half naked... and in a somewhat small cubicle by themselves. Kale bit his lip a little as he could feel his groin start to get a little aroused, making his briefs tent out.

"There ya go... easy-peesy right?" Jace said smiling but something made him look down. When he did, he saw what made him look. He felt his stomach jump up when he saw the husky's tent. Inadvertently, he licked his lips as he looked back up at the canine. Again there was an awkward silence. They both just stood there, looking at each other with the suspense so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Then like in some cheesy chick flick, they both lunged at each other; locking their lips together and moaning into each other's bodies.

Jace was the first to make his move, letting his large hands slide down Kale's back and down to his rump. Getting two big palmfuls, Jace squeezed the soft flesh, feeling just how toned Kale really was. Indeed he was a swimmer and had the body to prove it. Though not buff, his body was a honed weapon for speed though the waters of any lake or pool.

Kale, feeling the horse go from his bottom first, let his hands drift down and grab what had his interest at the very first time he'd seen the horse. His paws clasped around the heavy soft package that Jace had cradled in his jeans. It felt so supple and warm, it actually made him moan. So not being able to wait any longer, Kale fumbled for the fly to his pants and pulled it down, luckily it wasn't as complex as the pair he was going to buy. Like a flash, his paw dove in and felt for the hot flesh with in.

Indeed it was hot and Jace was surprised by the sudden eagerness of the husky. It made him even hotter for the canine. Opening his mouth, he slipped in tongue into Kale's, letting it play with the others as he groped his backside. Not wanting to fall behind, he reached up and slipped his fingers into the waistband of his briefs and slowly pulled down.

By then, Kale had managed to snaked the horse's soft cock out of his fly and was quickly jerking it off. The dick was so thick and heavy already, he had to use both paws to play with it. It filled his paws so much that he had to break off the kiss and look down at it. What he saw, made him gasp.

There, jutting out from the wide open fly of his jeans, Jace's cock was easily close to two feet long and had to be thicker than an orange. It wasn't too veiny either, but it had just enough running around its thick shaft to make it hot. Kale could only stare as he jerked it slowly, like it was some priceless relic. Then, he felt something pushing down on his head. When he looked back up to the horse, he saw Jace grinning at him with one of his hands pushing him down to his knees. It didn't take a second more for Kale to figure out what he wanted.

The husky dropped to his knees and engulfed the dick into his maw right away. The spongy flesh filled his mouth with a lot more to spare. Jace gasped as his cock was taken into the canine's mouth and he let out a long low moan while Kale started to dance his tongue around the flared out head. With the feeling of something warm and wet enveloped around his penis, it swelled up even more to full mast. It was so thick that he was having problems even putting into his jaws, but Kale did the best job he knew how. Using both paws to kneed and jerk the length slowly, the husky sucked as earnestly as he could, lapping up any pre that the horse was nice enough to give him. Seconds passed like minutes while Jace moaned quietly, looking down and watching the canine sucking on his dick with great pleasure. Occasionally, he would run his fingers though his hair of push down on the back of his head when he wanted just a little deeper feeling over his cock. But despite how hard the husky tried, Jace just couldn't cum and this was starting to take dangerously long. Anything could be happening out in the store and he wouldn't be the wiser. So, in spite of his normal good nature, he gently grabbed the husky's head and started to buck his hips in. All the while, he looked down at Kale with a loving smile, letting him know that he wasn't going to abuse him.

As he started to jab his cock into Kale's maw faster, he felt the all too familiar feeling every male gets when he can feel his orgasm build. First the little tingle deep down in his stomach and then the quick build in his nuts. Jace began to huff for air loudly while his pace quickened. His low hanging nuts swayed between his powerful legs as he thrusted away. Kale just kept his eyes closed and was happy to let his mouth be a fuck toy for the impressive stallion. In fact, his own paw was furiously jerking himself off getting closer to the brink of explosion.

"So close... mmMMNG!" Jace whispered just a second before he plunged his hips in a little harder. The husky flinched when the first shot blasted to the back of his throat, but he instantly recovered and started to swallow, moaning in between gulps. Unknown to the horse, Kale's cock was shooting off a thick load of his own. After about the 6th and final spurt, Jace pulled out of the husky's maw and gave it a couple yanks, milking the rest of his juice from his hose. Kale eagerly accepted the last drips.

"Damn.." Jace said with a sigh. "That was pretty good Husky. Heh heh..." He laughed, helping the canine back to his feet. "I was going to ask if you needed a little relief too, but I see that you already took care of that." Jace said looking at the five long lines of creamy goodness soaking into the carpet.

"Oh yeah... heh heh" Kale blushed. "I'm sorry, I'll clean it up." He grabbed his shirt and was about to get down to wipe it up when Jace stopped him.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get it taken care of." He chuckled and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "How about you get dressed, so I can check you out and give you my number." Jace said with a wink. Kale just blushed and slipped up his briefs. Jace also, reached in and stuffed his softening member back into his pants. Being half hard, it only made his package even bigger. Very carefully, Jace zipped up and slipped out of the dressing room and headed over to the register. He made a quick one over to see if everything was in order. It was and by the looks of things, no one had even come in while he was... occupied. He laughed to himself, thinking back on what just happened. Never in a million years would he thought that something like that could actually happen. By then, Kale was out of the dressing room too with the clothes folded over his arm. Jace smirked.

"Find everything you needed, did you?" Jace winked and Kale chuckled.

"You could say that... heh heh..."

"Well, glad I could help." He said as he rung up to total real quick. "That'll be... 134 dollars and.. 18 cents. Cash or charge?"

"Charge" Kale said, handing him his credit card. Jace gave it a quick swipe and waited for it to go thought. During that time, Kale did the quick math in his head and the total was wrong. "Hey... shouldn't it be like 189 or something like that."

Jace just smiled. "I gave you a special discount. Come back again, alright?" He said as he scribbled something down on the receipt before handing it back with the card.

"I certainly will Jace. Heh heh..." Kale took the card and receipt and put them into his wallet before he gave a quick but all telling smile that indeed he could be back.

"Have a nice day..." Jace said as Kale turned to walk away.

"You too, Jace. I'll be seeing you." He called over his shoulder and when he got out into the main foyer of the mall, he pulled out the receipt to see what he wrote.

'867-5309 Call me, Jace'

"I certainly will Stud.... I certainly will...." Kale said to himself as he folded up the receipt and put it into his pocket while he walked off to where ever he parked.