Threesome in the playroom. Pt1

Story by FoxyCyote on SoFurry

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One story before I head to bed tonight. ;) Hope you all enjoy! Please, do not use my characters without permission! Also, the behind the scenes, I actually was discussing this possibility with a few pets of mine. Soooo this is what I imagine it would be like. There will be a part 2 soon!


Mistress circled the leopard. It was a scary, erotic, sensual thing. All the pup could do was watch. Bound and gagged beside his Mistress's throne. Just moments ago the leopard had made a cheeky comment about how there was no more than one pet in the play room at a time. It was meant as a joke, and a possible challenge, but Mistress's green eyes had burned with a lust. Now they would both face the amazing consequences. He watched, as the leopards wings were folded carefully, wrapped in a soft cloth before he was laid on a bench facing up. His front paws were slowly and carefully pulled above his head and tied down to the benches legs. Next his feet were tied spread eagle to the opposite legs of the bench. His head rested on the hard wooden surface, his eyes alight with desire, his cock already throbbing at the position he was in. The pup whined, getting a scolding look from his fox Mistress.

"You will get your turn pup."

The leopard gulped, his tongue carefully moving across his short muzzle. He stole a glance in the direction of the coyote. The leopard had gotten them into this situation, but he knew they would both enjoy whatever Mistress had in mind. His tail flicked in anticipation. When she had finished securing the leopard, and silenced the coyote she stripped naked and sauntered to the walk in closet of the play room. The leopard looked back at the coyote, his head only able to move so much being tied to the bench. The coyote was watching their Mistress, his ears trained on her, waiting for any signal. The leopard felt his cock twitch as a rush of air blew through the room. The window must be open... dear gods, she wants the neighbors to hear....

The coyote barely noticed the rush of scents coming from the open window. His eyes watching his Mistress stand stark naked, slowly choosing what outfit to wear. She brushed by his favorite purple corset, then the magenta one he knew the leopard liked. She was getting closer and closer to her black corsets, a torturous color, one that meant they would be here for well over a few hours. He could not help but whimper loudly when she picked it up, wrapping it around her body and tying it skillfully.

The leopard knew what that whine meant, he had made the same sound time and time before. He shuddered but his now dripping cock bounced in anticipation. The fox then walked back towards the bound cat, careful to stop by and pat the coyote's head on the way.

"Oh kitten, what fun you will have today. You cannot cum until I say, is that clear?" The fox knelt beside the large cat with wings, soothingly petting his head and cooing into his ear. She trailed a paw down his chest, her nails digging in only slightly at his hips before making their way back to his neck. He muttered a breathless "Yes Mistress" before she stood and looked straight at her pup. Her black corset shining in the medium light as she swung a leg over the bench, straddling the cat's midsection; she bent perfectly at the waist with the timing of the music, carefully crawling up his body with her cunny inches from his already throbbing and bouncing cock.

The pup watched, careful not to move or moan as his Mistress moved carefully up the leopard's body. She wore thigh high leather boots that gripped as they moved his fur the wrong way, making it stand on end. Dom groaned as his cock slipped from his sheath at the sight. How he wished to be in that position. So close to Mistress...

The fox was halfway up to her kitten, toying with him, teasing him with her radiating warmth. She nipped and licked at his ears and neck before leaning up as her cunt became level with his maw. "Here is your task; I want my kitten to cover himself in my juices. Lick at me until I cum all over your maw. I want to be fucked by your tongue."

He needed no more encouragement, quickly starting to lap at the outermost edges of his Mistress's lips, flicking over her clit and eliciting a moan that drove him wild. He dove into her, the sweet scent and taste. Hearing her moan and knowing all of her current pleasure was solely because of him. His acute hearing picked up the gagged moans and whimpers of the coyote, and he grinned under his Mistress. That's right, be jealous pup. Wish you were me, want nothing more than to be me.

As if on cue, their Mistress spoke through gasped breaths. "You.... Mmmm will get your turn pup.... Just wait your turn." She arched up and howled lowly, a beautiful sound, as she struggled to keep her composure. The sight of her squirming pup, knowing her kitten was throbbing and needy under her, the whole act made her squirm against the leopard's maw in pleasure. She carefully and skillfully kept her composure, teasing the pup with moans and gasps, little grinds against the kitten's maw.

How he loved it, his Mistress covering his face, hot messy cum slowly matting his face fur. The raspy barely contained whimpers of the pup across the room. His world was whole, complete for this one moment. He ravished his Mistress, sucking on her clit lightly before delving back into her folds with a new found fervor. His cold nose rubbing her clit, loving the way she moaned every time hot warm air blew from him to tease her. He could tell she was so close, and swirled his tongue around and around in her. He made sure to hit every sensitive spot, every single area he had taken years to learn about.

The pup watched amazed, his Mistress was amazing. She rode her kitten's maw so well, and it made his cock hard and drippy. He felt his pool of pre between his knees and whimpered again. He was beyond needy, and he saw that the leopard was too, a pool of pre dripping down the sides of his stomach. The coyote felt the sudden urge to lick them both clean, to show his devotion and submission. He wanted to be used so badly suddenly, and he groaned at the idea.

The Mistress could take no more. Her orgasm was loud, her howl heard across the house and quite possibly by the neighbors. Her whole body tensing as one large spasm rocked her body across the bound cats face. She strained to keep herself from smothering the poor cat, her legs weak as she came down from her orgasmic high.

He mewled loudly as she stood, breaking their very intimate contact. She shushed him lovingly, tugging his soft ears as she stooped to untie him. "Sit up kitten, and look over at your prize for making a mess of Mistress. You get to take that pup, have your wicked way with him; all for being such a good kitten." She carefully lifted him to a sitting position, whispering just loud enough for the pup to hear.

The pup watched and listened carefully. The sight of both his Mistress and the leopard looking at him with a carnal hunger terrified and excited him. He watched as the leopard stroked his still dripping cock, licking his maw, not to clean it, but in lust. He then gazed at his Mistress, her thick tail swinging slyly as she grinned, an evil, knowing grin. The coyote swallowed as best he could being he was gagged, knowing the night was far from over.
