Good Puppy

Story by Noah Creek on SoFurry

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#1 of Good Puppy

Here's to Linkin Monroe and his Dobie March Madness Contest! Here's to you, buddy, and I hope you like it!

Before Zane's brother came home, he thought he was perfectly fine. And why shouldn't he? He was alone, as always when he came home from school, and was perfectly relaxed and calm since he began his homework. It wasn't like he had any friends to spend time with, mainly because he was a loner.

The complete opposite of what his older brother was. But the young Doberman was content with his life, for the most part at least, and didn't really like it when he was compared to his brother. He was only a foot shorter than his nineteen year-old Dobie brother, the younger Doberman only seventeen at the time--lean, athletic by him himself alone with a flat chest and slight six-packed abs from his running. His fur was neatly brushed, the way he liked it, and showed his short dominantly black fur around his body while he carried a brown furred chest, arms, and legs. His body was thin with very seeable muscles, small thighs, flat stomach, and thin calves to show he was the twink older guys would die hard to get their hands on, if they had the chance.

He never gave them the chance however.

Zane sighed softly to himself. He should be doing his homework; getting the 'A' his policeman of a dad would be proud of. However, that was Mission Impossible in his book when he thought about his brother and, sadly, his dad also.

First on his mind was his brother, as always. Matthew was everything a girl could dream of, and more. He was athletic, handsomely gorgeous, and had such a cocky yet sly smile that sent shivers up Zane's spine when he thought about it. They had the same fur patterns--the black being dominant around the body while the brown stayed at the stomach, chest, and arms and legs. The Doberman had a stronger build to his body, mainly from working out in a gym, and towered over the rest of his friends and peers with a good 6'7" height.

Zane felt inferior to his brother's stature and his popularity. Zane was never, usually, bullied by anyone since his brother had a good rep in the same high school he went to and...well, who would mess with a tall, strong Doberman's little brother? Unless they wanted to be fed their teeth, they left Zane alone and he was a loner because of it.

He did his work, made good grades, and got by smoothly. If he slipped up however, he would have to answer to his dad. If there was one thing he feared more than his brother, it was his dad. He was also a Doberman and was the exact same height as Matthew. His name was Sampson--if anyone called him "Sammy" they wouldn't just be fed their teeth...and that was all they needed for a hint. His training as a cop defined him very well, gave him the best muscles one could work out and train for, and let him have any single lady in the community. He wasn't fat, not even close, and used his muscular body to show off ninety-nine percent of the time.

But when it came to using them...He. Was. The. King. And no one messed with the king.

Was it fear or attraction that made Zane feel soo compelled to his family? Possibly both. He feared them but still felt more and more drawn to them as the years went on. True, he had been falling for his brother and father; it was something he couldn't deny anymore. They were just! Words couldn't describe how they looked! He could use every word that could call a guy he loved something majestic and still not find it suitable enough for them.

Hunky? No. Gorgeous? Nah. Hot? Not even close!

He threw down his pencil and grunted, frantically running his claws through his head, not having any head fur like some other students. Never could he focus on homework or his grades whenever those two were on his mind. Seems math was going to have to wait for this high schooler.

It seemed like it was about to get harder.

Down below he could hear the light shutting of the front door. He guessed it was either his brother home from college classes (the college not far from the home) or his dad was home from work. Either way though, Zane was focusing less and less on his homework and more on his two family members. The padding up the stairs made Zane get more and more anxious for either one's arrival.

Finally he saw.

"Yo, bro?" Matthew stepped in Zane's doorway, knocking on his white door gently shortly after. "Having homework trouble?"

Zane knew his brother was teasing him. He knew how to do his work, yet Matthew--being a college kid--seemed to use his bragging rights on Zane every chance he got.

"Nah, just thinking is all," he said, not totally lying to his brother.

"Alright then, just wanted to say 'hi' before heading off to bed," Matthew smiled and winked to his brother. Zane finally noticed he wore a muscle white T-shirt that showed his tight chest and easy six-pack and black running shorts which showed his toned thighs.

If Matthew hadn't snapped his fingers, Zane was sure he would've stared at his brother the whole night and have a fully noticeable boner the whole time. He tried to hide his face as he felt it flush.

"Night, Matt," Zane said, yawning very convincingly.

"Night, Zane," he replied, padding to his room after waving.

He looked down at his homework and sighed. Great, now he couldn't think of math while his brother was on his mind. Just great. He would have to hope he could turn in his assignment by Monday at best. If not, oh well. One bad grade wasn't going to kill his grade.

He packed up his things and, with a loud drawn-out yawn, shut his lights off and laid his head on his pillow, falling asleep instantly.

Oh, yes, Zane...come on...yes...such a good puppy...

_ _ "Oh, Matt..." Zane moaned in his sleep. He didn't even realize he was panting lightly, mainly because he was still asleep dreaming of his brother and his slow seductive, dirty voice.

Follow my voice...Zane... his brother's voice echoed in his mind. You love the sound of my voice...come on, a good want to be a good puppy...right?

_ _ "Yes, Matt..." he moaned back, almost louder.

Even though he was sleeping, Zane knew he was getting hard. His cock poked out of his boxers and tented out his pajama bottoms. His member throbbed more and more with each word his dream-brother spoke, seeming to get hornier just at his brother's voice. His hand traveled down to his groin and began to stroke over the cloth-covered flesh that was straining against his PJ's.

Dream-Matthew spoke again. Good boy...good Zane...good puppy...harder...longer...beg...beg for you want me...Zane?

_ _ "Mmrf, yes, Matt, please..." he moaned again, gritting his teeth as his hands dug into his pants to grip his throbbing length. He stroked his cock slowly yet firmly as pre leaked steadily from his cock-head in drops that sunk into his pants. He panted quicker this time, getting sharper from his sudden gasps of air while he moaned.

Are you being...a good puppy, Zane?

_ _ "Yes, Matt!" Zane called his brother's name.

_Wake up, Zane...wake up... _

_ _ This time however, he did not follow his dream-brother's orders. He continued to masturbate himself, panting sharply like a feral dog in the heat. His balls tingled with pleasure with each long stroke he gave himself while his throbbing male meat pulsed in his grasp.

Wake up, Zane...

_ _ "N-no..."

_Wake up..._this time his dream-brother sounded stricter.

He panted before replying. "N-n-no...can't...wake..."

Wake up!

_ _ Instantly Zane woke up upright in his bed, finding himself matted in a slight layer of sweat and musk. His body shook while he found himself shaking a little from his dream. Other than that he also found his 8 inch by two inch cock fully erect, three inch knot included.

The Doberman took a few moments to catch his breath, his cock staying erect the whole time as he felt his bare chest slowly expand then contract. He was dreaming about his brother, again. At least it wasn't his dad, though. If it was then he was sure he would make a big mess. Those two, even as pure dreams, always had that horny effect on him even if he wasn't technically conscious. It was almost unfair to him in a way; he never actually had control over himself like when he stroked or came.

This was the second week straight that he had been, as he called, "dream-masturbating" to his brother again. Nine times out of ten, he would cum all over his sheets then wash and dry them before his father found out. He was soo thankful that he actually learned how to do laundry, otherwise, with his father's sharp sense of smell, he would've been found out long ago.

After getting his breath back, Zane finally took head of his "wet" dream. The Doberman sighed and rubbed his eyes. If this kept up, he knew he would be found out eventually. But he had tried all sorts of methods to make sure he didn't repeat himself. He tried not drinking water before bed, not seeing his brother or father for hours, and going to bed early.

None of it worked obviously.

"God dammit," He cursed to himself, running his fingers through his head. "What the hell is wrong with me?" he whispered harshly to himself.

Was there something wrong with him? He knew that crushing on your family was not cool, not to mention illegal. Could he help himself? It wasn't like he was thinking clearly or anything.

Did he want to feel like this? His mind was on it 24/7 but it wasn't what he wanted. He couldn't control his feelings at all since they seemed to have a mind of their own.

He looked down at himself, seeing his pants still bulging from his dream. Maybe he could just get himself off, without dreaming, just this one time so he could go back to sleep and somehow forget all this in the morning. He doubted his plan would work, but he didn't have anything else to do.

He made sure the lights in his room were dim as he began to get off the bed. Zane quietly padded over to his closet and opened it, searching for its contents. Luckily, the air conditioning was on and his brother usually let his radio play while he slept so he could make a little sound but not a whole lot. He had to smile though, if not for his brother's music or the air conditioning he was sure he would've been heard.

"There you are, big boy," he nearly chuckled.

He hadn't used his toy in a week. The eight inch canine cock, fitted with an even larger four inch knot that made Zane's own cock feel inferior. He was able to get this boy from Bad Dragon with a little help with his brother's fake ID's that he somehow managed to get past his father. How Matthew did it, or still does it, really made Zane question just how sly and smart his brother could be.

Grabbing his canine toy, he went over to his desk and pulled out his bottle of lube. He set the toy down on the floor while it aimed straight up like a deadly rocket. Well, at least this rocket had a purpose.

A really pleasuring purpose.

Carefully, Zane let the clear fluid glide over the realistic plastic toy, right down to the knot and base. He stroked the length slowly to get the lube all over the big doggy cock then, after being satisfied, took off his pants and boxers and stood right over his dildo. His own cock seemed to throb and pulse in his grasp as he stroked it, moaning softly to himself as he carefully lowered himself down on the toy.

The Dobie raised his stubby tail just as he felt the tip poke at his tail hole, causing the canine to hiss. Giving himself a moment to catch his breath and thoughts, he nodded to himself and pushed down, letting the toy cock painfully slide into his tight hole. Each millimeter turned into a centimeter, and each centimeter turned into an inch as more and more of the lubed length slid into his warm insides.

Zane panted quickly as he grabbed his own cock, slowly letting his paw-padded hands go up and down his length in a ring shape. Pre leaked from his tip and lubricated his own shaft while he stroked, bouncing himself up and down the Bad Dragon toy. He was losing himself in the intense pleasure and bliss, each bounce making sure to send jolts of ecstasy throughout his entire being.

He stopped abruptly to catch his breath, not realizing he was seriously panting like a feral dog. But his body seemed to keep going even after he had stopped, feeling his insides stretched farther and farther with each time he bounced on the length. Tongue lolling out his mouth, his breaths sharp and quick, his cock leaking pre all over his floor; he was loving it all and didn't want it to end. Zane squirted pre into the open air few times, letting the smell of sweat and musk fill the room even more while he pleasured himself to the fullest. The smell caused him to moan deeply, not realizing how loud he was getting but didn't care at the same time.

_ Good puppy..._

His brother's voice sent shivers down his spine, but they were shivers that had him squirting more pre. Waves of bliss swept over his body like a...well, wave! He found himself moaning his brother's name dozens of times, each time causing his mind to grow foggier and foggier.

"Oh, Matt..." Zane moaned, his tail hole just reaching the knot of the toy while he rode the cock.

_ You wanna cum...Zane?_

"Yes, Matt...please..." Zane moaned, his balls tingling as he felt them on the verge of letting loose.


Those two words were all he needed to finally release his pent up cum. Howling towards the ceiling, Zane thrust his hips forward and let thick streams of cum shoot from his cock, landing on the floor. He moaned and groaned as he let his thick seed shoot out until his balls pumped out all they could give.

After reveling in his long orgasm, Zane was finally able to catch his breath and start thinking again. He brought his hands up to his mouth and licked it clean of all his cum, murring just from the strong and musky taste. Mmm, now he could think without having a boner in his sleep, and possibly without dreaming about either his dad or his brother.

Now, all ne he needed to do was--

"And...cut! Good show bro! Can't wait to show the guys tomorrow!"

Zane's heart skipped a beat, literally. He jerked his head to his side then felt his blood go cold, along with the rest of his body, as he sat there, on the big toy, staring into the doorway of his room--the same doorway that his brother was leaning against.

The tall and well-sculpted Dobie just leaned against the frame, an Iphone in his humanoid hands held and faced right at the younger Doberman. His brother had a sly grin across his muzzle which showed all of his perfectly aligned, white teeth and fangs while showing this new personality Zane had only seen a few other times. He had noticed his brother was only in a set of black running shorts, meaning he had no shirt on and revealed his chiseled chest, his rock hard six-pack abs, and his sleek black fur. He was still as perfect and hot as Zane had dreamt he was, maybe even more now that he was looking his half naked brother in his face.

It took him only seconds to realize he was still sitting on the thick dildo. The young Doberman's face burned as all the blood went to his cheeks and nose, his whole body was still like a statue, yet his legs were trembling not from fear (partly) but were still in a kneeling position, which was putting a lot of strain on his feet.

"Stand up," Matt commanded, clicking the Iphone off as he set it on the ground not far from where he was standing.

Zane stayed right where he was but had no clue as to why. Matt noticed this then turned his smile into a frown, giving his younger brother a bass-filled low growl that made Zane's fur stand on its end.

"I said 'stand up', bitch," the Dobie growled, taking a step forward.

The step caused Zane to yelp suddenly as he used all the strength he had left to pull himself up from the thick knot (painfully) then stand on his legs. His legs felt like noodles, almost falling back to his knees just moments after standing. Zane placed his hands behind his back then dropped his head, taking this opportunity to use his fingers and finger his sore hole, feeling the now loosened walls coated with lube from the toy. He would've moaned, if his brother hadn't taken his own opportunity to stand right in front of his younger Dobie brother. Matt almost seemed to tower over Zane, looking down only a foot or so to look at his canine brother, seeing the dark red blush that had spread across his face.

It was priceless.

His brother was full on nude, revealing his toned body and still developing muscles but still showed promise in the future. He knew his brother had a thing for him and his dad, that much was obvious, but he never actually caught him in the act of masturbating while moaning his name. He thought it was a trick of his ears, but no, his brother was riding a thick toy, jerking himself off, and moaning his older brother's name like it was the best name in the world for him.

Now that he had evidence of his brother, evidence he could use against him, it all seemed to be a dream--a soon wet dream. Yet, it was real, it was happening, and it happened. There was nothing Zane could do to stop Matt from keeping the video or sending it to his friends to humiliate him further. The older Doberman had all the power in the palms of his hands and with the click of a button he could ruin his brother's life for forever.

Or...maybe there was a way Zane could walk away from this without further humiliation.

"Look up, bitch," Matt growled in his low voice again. His brother looked up, showing the darkened face that made Matt chuckle. "You want this video to stick with me and me only right?"

Zane gulped and nodded. "Yes... please, Matt." He whimpered softly.

Matt chuckled again. "Then you're going to do whatever I say, when I say it, for as long as I want if you don't want your 'dirty little secret' to be shown to the guys back at the gym, get it?"

Zane nodded.

"Good, now, your name is 'Bitch' until I think of a better name for you, understand?" Matt growled, establishing his dominance over the younger canine. All Zane could do was look down and whimper softly, only seconds later nodding to his brother's demands. "Perfect. Now, Bitch, get back on your knees."

Zane gulped once more then slowly began to sink back to his knees, already feeling the stiffness and soreness begin to shoot through them again. It was only moments before he was at eye level with his brother's groin, the scent of sweat and musk hitting his senses like a brick wall. The smell sent his body almost into a frenzy-like state, his muscles and brain telling him to bury his muzzle into the crotch and start sniffing like crazy. How he held himself back, he didn't know.

Matthew placed his hand son his brother's head then pulled his face forward, causing the Dobie to whine as his nose press into the strong scented fabric. Zane could feel his dick slowly start to harden again just from the force, as well as the smell, from his brother's junk. It was intoxicating while sending shivers of pleasure up and down his spine, jolts of pleasure starting to go to his own dick, which he wanted to stroke so badly.

Just as he moved his hand to his cock, his brother growled. "Don't you dare stroke yourself, Bitch. Only way you're getting off is when you're tail-hole has my cum dripping out of it." Matt growled as he slowly began to pull down his shorts, keeping his brother's head in place, as the fabric dropped to the ground and revealed his thick canine dick. Matt murred softly, his man meat finally able to take in some fresh air after being cooped up in his pants. His long member was semi-hard already, standing at five inches long and 2 and a half inches thick with plenty more to go, plenty more that his brother was causing him to gain.

Zane felt his mind swimming at this point. He was having a hard time trying to keep himself composed while some other part of him was getting stronger, wanting to take the throbbing cock into his mouth and start sucking. Was he really going to give in like this? This was wrong, and he knew it. But he didn't want it to end; it felt too good to him to stop like this. It wasn't like he could stop anyway. He could make a break for the phone but could he get it destroyed before his brother got a hold of him? No, it was impossible. His brother was much faster and quicker than the young Dobie was, so there was no way he could get out of this.

He was going to have to give in.

It didn't take him long however, the intoxicating aroma of the strong smelling musk drove him wild with lust. Matt sure noticed then smiled, taking his own cock in hand then began to slap his brother in the face with it, coating the young Dobie's face fur with his musk and slight pre.

"Yeah, you like that don't you?" Matt chuckled, slapping his member in his brother's face. "You like the smell of my cock, my thick smell that drives you to the edge of your world. You just want more, don't you? You want my dick, don't you?"

Zane couldn't fight it anymore. Yes! He wanted it! He wanted it so bad! He wanted it! The smell was just too much for him, and his brother's forcefulness just turned him on even more as time dragged on.

"Yes, brother," Zane panted, opening his mouth as he leaned forward and gave the member a long, wet lick right from the bottom of the balls to the tapered tip of the thick doggy dick.

Matt deeply moaned in pleasure, closing his eyes as he allowed his brother to go on without an order, knowing good and well what was going to happen next. Just as he knew, he could feel Zane's long tongue run up and down his throbbing meat so eagerly with lust, lust that made Matt want to cum right there. Not yet, he told himself. There was still much more to do. The slick tongue licked over his length, lathering it in dripping Doberman saliva, keeping the musk filling the room at an alarming rate. The place reeked of cum, musk, and sweat but it was getting too hot to stop at this point. Matt growled in pleasure, allowing his senses to give over, letting his brother's talented tongue work along his length.

Zane felt himself reveling in the deep pleasure. He let his tongue work over the cock head and balls more than the actual length of the cock, slurping up the length to just tease the cockhead once before he wrapped his tongue around it and squeezed, milking the cock for pre. He slurped up all the pre cum his brother could give before he leaned forward more, opening his mouth up wide while he used his tongue and guided the pulsating cock into his mouth. He clamped shut, moaning in high pleasure while his brother gasped, then closed his eyes, sucking on the length like it was a lollipop. He moved his head back and forth slowly at first, keeping a steady pace while his tongue worked the underside of the cock, keeping that musky taste inside his mouth as long as he could.

While he sucked on the length, keeping his head in place, the young Doberman used one of his free hands on his brother's sagging ball sack. He had no clue how big those orbs were, but they were sure bigger than Zane once thought. He gave the sack a firm but playful squeeze, causing his brother to erupt in a howl of pleasure that echoed throughout the entire room, maybe even throughout the house. It didn't matter though, he gave those balls more squeezes, getting moans of pleasure from his older brother, and got more pre cum from his brother's cock as well. He sucked up the entire pre-seed his brother gave up, making sure not to miss a drop, moaning just as much as his brother was from the bliss.

Matt found himself lost in the intense pleasure. His eyes were close shut tightly, his muscles were tightening up, and his legs were shaking. This was the best muzzle he had ever had, and he had good number of guys and girls to have a taste, but his brother seemed to put them all to shame. Matt moaned more and more, placing both hands on the back of his brother's hands as he helped guide the length further down his brother's throat, causing his brother to gag softly before he adjusted and started moaning again. Once Matt felt his knot finally press against his brother's face, he already knew his ten inch long dick was down his brother's throat, coated in his warm mouth saliva that was now sending ripples of pleasure throughout his body. He found himself moaning, almost barking, from the intense bliss before he caught himself and looked down.

"Time for some nice, hard sucking, Bitch," Matt murred, generating his sly smile once more which made his brother whimper.

Matt pulled his member out of Zane's mouth, only to about halfway, before he shoved it all back in, causing his brother to gag once more. He repeated himself, feeling the warm canine tongue of his brother trickle along the underside of his throbbing cock, eagerly lapping up at his pre-cum like a thirty desert dweller. Matt constantly repeated himself again and again, shoving his length all the way down his brother's throat, revealing in the bliss for a few moments, before he pulled back out then thrust back inside.

Zane sucked hard and long on Matt's thick dick. There was nothing, except Matt himself, keeping the younger canine from gulping down that length. He bobbed his head back and forth along the length, each time his brother thrusted, he used his tongue to just get the underside of the thick knot that pressed against his nose each time, sending more strong musk into his nostrils. He twisted his muzzle only a little after burying his face into his brother's knot, sending more ripples of pleasure shooting through his brother's body with each twist.

Matt was already feeling himself reach his peak for his climax. He wanted to keep going and cum inside Zane's mouth, but he still wanted his brother's hole while it was still loose enough for his huge cock. Drops of sweat were already dripping from his body and onto his brother, further marking the Dobie as his own personal bitch. The room rank with the smell of sweat and musk, most of it coming from Matt since he was the one who was the strongest smeller.

He pulled his cock out of his brother's mouth with a long SLLLUUURRRP! His cock was soaked in the canine's saliva to the point where it was dripping onto the floor, which was good for the older canine. He kept his panting brother a little ways away from his cock, just to tease him to make him beg for more, just to start stroking himself in front of the Doberman, lubing his member up with help from the saliva.

Matt growled playfully but with a dominant tone. "Hands and knees on the bed, Bitch. Now."

Zane nodded, getting onto his legs then walked over to the bed, settling himself into the soft fabric just as his brother told him. He felt embarrassed to do this. He was nude, on his hands and knees on his bed, with his rear end aimed towards his brother. He knew what was coming next and, for once, he could care less. He wanted his hole filled with that thick meat more than anything, and he hoped his brother still had a large load to give him.

" Good, Bitch," Matt growled softly, finishing his stroking to walk over to the bed with his brother. He got onto the soft bed then knelt, placing his hands on his brother's ass cheeks. He gave both cheeks a firm squeeze, rolling his hands along the sensitive rump, causing his brother to moan deeply while the Doberman worked his hands.

Zane laid his head on his arms on the bed, raising his tail without even an order to do so, but knew his brother would appreciate it. He was smiling; his tongue flopped right out of his mouth, just to the side. This was better than he had hoped, or even dreamed of, and now it was more like a dream come true! This was what he wanted to do. He wanted to be a good puppy for his brother, just like in his dreams but now in real life.

_ SLAP!_ That sound echoed over the walls but it came from Zane's rump, which Matt slapped, hard. Zane yelped, feeling his face burn red once more from embarrassment. There was another slap, causing Zane to yelp again but this time with a slight moan at the end. He could hear his brother chuckling from behind him, using one finger as he penetrated his brother with the long finger. Zane moaned, clenching his tail-hole as hard as he could even if it was still loose. He could feel Matt swirling his finger inside his hole, his tight anal muscles contracting just to squeeze the finger.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you?" Mat bellowed in laugher from behind Zane, still twirling his finger inside the moaning Doberman. "I bet you do. Mmm, still tight, perfect." Matt moaned softly, slapping his brother's rear once more, causing the canine to moan once more, almost howling in pleasure.

"Oh, God, Matt!" Zane moaned, throwing his head back as his ass cheeks stung from the repeated slaps, but felt so good all at the same time.

"Yes, moan for me, Bitch," Mat smiled, grabbing the Doberman's tail, giving it a nice, firm tug. "Tell me who you belong to!" He ordered, pulling the tail closer to his body.

Zane yelped, hissing as he arched his back. He felt pain shoot from his tail bone all way up to his neck. The Doberman still moaned loudly, crying out in pleasure while his brother pulled on the tail, letting go just to grab it and start pulling again. Zane found himself lost in the pleasure, almost climaxing right then and there, but with the orders of his brother telling him not to cum he stopped himself.

"Oh, Matt! I belong to you! I'm your bitch! Please, fuck me like the bitch I am! Please, Matt! I beg you! Please!" Zane begged as good as he could, his member throbbing in anticipation as he waited for his brother to respond.

The sound of chuckling filled the room as Matt let go of the tail and raised his brother's rear end high in the air then pressed his throbbing cock against the tight entrance. He rubbed the head over his brother's tail hole several times, getting whimpers and whines from the young canine under him in the process.

Only seconds later did the chuckling stop. "Good puppy."

Those were the last words before Zane found himself crying out in pain and pleasure. His brother thrust his hips forward, shooting his cock inside his brother like a bullets before he felt the tight anal muscles clench around his thick Doberman cock. Both brother's moaned towards the ceiling, letting their moans turn into deep barks of pleasure and bliss.

Zane hissed as he clenched around his brother's cock, feeling his inside's spread further and further apart by the long and thick canine cock. He gripped the sheets as tight as he could, biting his lower lips up till the point where it bled, but he sucked it up, wanting to be the good puppy his brother said he was.

While Zane was trying to adjust to his brother's length, Matt wasn't going to miss a beat. He placed his hands on his brother's rear and began to pull his thick cock out of the tight hole, letting the head stay in as he slid out before he pushed all the way back in, shoving his entire length, minus the knot, into his brother. He humped vigorously, shooting himself inside his brother each time, making sure to bury his bone inside the lusty Doberman on his stomach. The warm muscles around his cock only further made Matt moan, the walls rubbing up and around his cock like a meaty snake coiling around its prey. His member throbbed inside the tight hole, spreading the walls far apart just to make way for more of his length, and shot pre deep inside the canine to further lubricate the tight passage.

He was already on the brink of his orgasm, but he never felt anything like his brother's tight hole. While he pushed his pulsing cock inside the tight passage, the warm walls wrapped around his juicy cock perfectly while they tightened then loosened up, almost massaging his member in a way that no girl or other guy had before. With each long, hard thrust, he felt his brother push back against his cock, pushing more of the member forward in hopes to fill himself up. Matt panted sharply, hissing like a naga in a way as he pressed his knot against the tight passage, almost pushing it inside, to no avail however.

They were both getting so close, only inches from their own orgasms. Zane moaned and groaned after feeling his brother slam his knot again and again against his tight entrance, hoping to finally use it. The thing had to be the size of a baseball at best, maybe thicker if he was feeling it right. It didn't matter; he backed up into the knot with each thrust to help his brother slam it into his body. All the while, his member began to throb and shoot strands of pre into the sheets, filling the entire room with the strong scents of the both of them.

"Oh, fuck, Bitch," Matt growled as he threw his head back, bucking his hips in and out of his brother. "I'm...about to blow..."

"Oh, shit..." Zane panted, gripping the sheets as tight as he could. "Please, fuck me as hard as you fucking want! Fill me like the bitch I am! Please, fuck, brother!"

It was only seconds later that Matt barked loudly, slamming his hips in and out of his brother, pressing his knot against the tight hole as hard as he could. Zane cried out in pleasure just as the knot spread his hole as far as it could go before the knot popped inside. Both brothers howled towards the ceiling, feeling bliss shoot through their bodies.

Matthew finally lost it. He howled as loud as he could, pressing his groin against his brother's rear, letting his floodgates open. He began to shoot his long streams of thick, warm Doberman seed inside his brother, never missing a beat as he coated the warm anal walls with his cum. He could feel his brother shudder and cry out himself, shooting his own load onto the sheets, making small pools in the fabric as they both laid there after both orgasms.

Even Zane could not think straight after what happened. Everything felt like a blur. He could feel himself building and building up on his orgasm, howling out in pleasure as he let it all out, and could also feel the warm cum sloshing inside his tail hole and stomach, some leaking and dripping from his ball sack onto the bed with his cum. He panted, groaned, moaned, and barked; he felt his whole body go limp from everything that had just happened.

And he had never felt better.

They both waited several moments before Matt collapsed right next to his brother, both Doberman's lying on their sides panting for air. His cock was still buried inside his brother, and he occasionally gave the young canine a firm hump every few seconds, just swooshing the cum around inside him.

Finally finding the words to speak, Matt gulped. "So, who's a good puppy bitch?"

It was only seconds before Zane replied. "I...I am, brother."

"Good." He chuckled before pulling out.

Unknown to the two brothers, a faded red light flickered on an off in the corner of the room, soon revealing to be one of the smallest camera's ever created. On the other side was a huffing and panting man, rubbing his now flaccid member after watching both furs go at it.

"I have two of the hottest sons on the planet," the Doberman moaned, licking his fingertips clean of the cum he blew. His muscles tightened then loosened as he breathed slowly, trying to get the air back after his orgasm.

"Can't wait to get them in bed," Sampson chuckled, finalizing the recording so he could watch this again and again whenever he wanted