
Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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He stood on the tips of his foot-paws. Stretching. Because he felt he needed to. Balancing, stretching. Because he couldn't sleep. And, giving a squeak, he went lax. Settled down. And ran a paw through the fur on his neck. His cheeks. Started pacing back and forth, back and forth. In the dark. In his room.

He tried to starve his mind. Tried not to feed it new thoughts. Tried not to indulge it. But it never worked. Always, he was hyper-active. Nervous. He was everything a mouse was cursed to be.

"Chester," said a blinking, yawning voice. Coming from the dark. Coming from his bed. It was Miss Underwood. A fellow mouse, and his neighbor. His ... companion, rather. She was staying the night.

"Yeah?" he replied weakly.

"What are you doing?" she asked, sitting up. The thin, blue sheet slipping down her bare, furry form.




There was a pause before she said, "You wanna stop?"


"Then come on," she said, meaning for him to return to bed. She blinked in the pale, dim light. Which was filtered through the half-open window. She twitched slightly.

But he was twitching more. Whiskers. Nose. His ears swivelling. And he watched her. Blinked. Stood and trembled and watched her.



"Come on." She patted a pillow with her paw.

He nodded. Slowly padded back to his bed. Crawled in.

She turned to him, laying with him. Put her twitching nose to his. "You okay?" she whispered.

"No," he whispered back.

"Why not?" Her paws were on his sides.


"What's wrong?"

He nuzzled her cheek. "I can't slow down. My mind. I can't sleep." Pause. "Can't stop."



"Tried counting sheep? Squirrels?"

"Numbers make it worse."


He nodded. Breathed. Next to her. She was warm. Soft.

"Why do you worry?" she whispered into his large, swivelling ear. "What's wrong?"

He swallowed, closing his eyes. Saying, "God gnawed on my wires. Hyped up my current."

"God," she pressed, "Or the Devil?" She met his eyes in the dark.

Barely audible, he replied, "I can never be sure."

She started nibbling gently on his ears.

His breathing increased.

"What will it take," she breathed, "To fix you?"

"Not this," he whispered weakly, blushing. Knowing what was about to happen. As had happened before. They had shared themselves before. Had been doing so for the past three months.

"But it would ... distract you, yeah? Isn't diversion," she asked, "As good as any medicine?"

He didn't know. He figured it was. Said as much. And closed his eyes at her kiss. At her on top of him, straddling his belly. While he pawed at her furry form. Trying, as long as he was able, to stay composed and proper. To stay civil. Until he was coaxed into a wilder state. To some kind of passion.

The kisses became longer. Wetter. The two mice breathing faster and growing hotter, flushing beneath their fur. Writhing on the sheets and starting to pant. She reached for his sheath, tugging it. Tugging.

He let out a breath. Swallowed.

"Come on," she whispered, as if trying to urge his member out. Ordering him erect. And when the male mouse's member emerged, she closed her paw around it, grasping it firmly. But not too hard. And she just held it in her paw. Closing her eyes, feeling it throb in her grip. And she let it go. Sliding up his form, kissing him again. Breathing out, "You've too much ... energy," she said, "For me to let you be submissive this time." She swallowed. Breathed. He was normally the timid one. She had the stronger personality of the two. "You need to burn your nervousness ... away," she breathed, closing her eyes.

He simply nodded slightly, wriggling and writhing with her, until she was beneath him. Her breasts heaving against his chest. And he was staring down at her. At fur form. Her fur. Her curves. And, finally, her eyes.

"Relax," she whispered to him. Her eyes shining, even in the dimness.

He couldn't help but smile shyly, biting his lip. And he nodded again, taking a deep breath. He buried his nose into her furry breasts, simply breathing. Taking in her scent. Which was more than enough to cause him to lose himself. To cause him to let go. He allowed any objections to be muzzled by his instinct.

She tilted her head on one of the pillows, looking to the side through squinted eyes as he took a lick or two of her nipples. As he gave a few sucks. But she could feel him squirm against her. Feel his energy. How he was so antsy. How he only wanted to get inside her. She was the one who normally initiated and kept any foreplay going. She had more patience than he did. But, right now, she wasn't going to complain. She was going to let him quicken the pace. She didn't want to wait, either.

The female mouse opened her legs. She spread them, raising her foot-paws off the bed. Slightly into the air. The folds of her pink pussy showing. Unmistakable.

He moved his paws flat against the bed, propping his upper body up as he maneuvered his hips. As he guided his cock toward her. Bumping against her pussy lips. Sighing out at the teasing sensation. Pushing harder against her. Bumping. Until the head of his cock was enveloped into her opening. And until, squeaking, he pushed the rest of himself in. Feeling himself swallowed by the warm, wet muscle. And he squeaked, closing his eyes and settling down on top of her, chest heaving against hers.

He was content to lay there, on top of her. Resting inside her. That feeling ...

Panting, she had to prod him forward. She coiled his thin tail around one of her paws, giving it a tug.

He began to buck into her. Rocking. Bucking.

She felt herself pushed back, the mattress squeaking beneath them. And she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Squeaking with him.

He humped and slid into her with a steady motion. Notching up the speed, slowly. Kissing at her fur. The fur on his chest rubbing against her nipples. His balls making a soft sound as they slapped into her with each motion of the hips.

They panted faster, louder. Both of them sweating beneath their fur. His ears were flushed, and she was moaning as she wrapped her legs and foot-paws up and around his back, trying to draw him further in.

His whiskers twitching, twitching, and his throat dry, he closed his eyes and simply humped. Back, in. Back, in. In. Out. In. Sliding. He could hear the sound of the sliding, could feel her wetness. The scent she gave off. Could feel the seed crawling through his shaft, his pre leaking out.

He pawed at her fur. Clutching at it. She pawed back, trying to kiss him as he squeaked, as they quickly, tangled together, hit their climaxes. As her pussy twitched with each spasm, milking him dry. As he sowed his white seed deep into her. As they both dripped and leaked fluid. The two mice shuddering, gasping, and squeaking, their hearts pounding. Helplessly in orgasm.

He panted. Panted. And squeaked softly, blinking wearily.

"I hope," she breathed, swallowing, nose flaring for breath. "I hope," she said, nuzzling his cheek, her ears at a descending flush as he shrank inside of her, pulling out. "I hope you're feeling better."

Blushing, he nodded. He smiled and looked to his paws. "Yeah," he whispered, and looked back to her. His nose twitching and sniffing. The scent of sex was overpowering. He swallowed. "But I'm ... not quite tired. Not ... yet," he said.

She smiled. Propping herself up. She licked her lips and nodded, wearing an expression of mock concern. "We'll have to do something about that."

He shrugged and smiled. "Yeah." Pause. She smiled and said, "What you need is to take it slow. To be teased. To be worn out." She began to crawl toward him, reaching him, hugging him. And sinking to the mattress with him, whispering into his ear, "No quickies this time. And I'm in charge."

He nodded, swallowing. And smiled shyly. "Thank you," he whispered.

"For what?" she asked, tilting her head. Grinning. "For what we just did ... or what we're about to do?"

He blushed and shrugged.

She giggled lightly, shaking her head, ordering, "On your back, mouse. Spread your paws."

"What are you going to do to me?" he asked.

She nibbled on his ear, whispering and grinning and teasing, "Use your imagination."