Angel Eyes and Jungle King

Story by KiwiCandy on SoFurry

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Hope you all like it, it's my first story ever! I usually dont do anything this scandelous, anyway um any rules apply like dont read it if you cant ie the law and stuff other than that have fun.

Angel Eyes and Jungle King

The lights flashed mesmerizingly throughout the dark club highlighting the dance floor. A mixture of different furs mingled around the dance floor buying drinks, chatting with friends, and hoping to get laid. As the mellow thump of the base reverberated through the compact space a husky lion leaned absent mindedly against the bar, surveying the usual crowd of egotistical guys and retail girls having an all too regular "girls night out". Sighing to himself he turned to his group of friends at the bar alongside him and signaled that he was going home.

"Oh my god I'm so glad you finally made it out of that damn shop to come along with us." Said a short pair of feline twins who could have been copies of the trucker mud flap girls the way their chests nearly came out of their corsets.

"Ee! Jean is here, oh my god he's so hot!" The darker haired feline Natasha waved her boyfriend over. "Babe buy me a drink." The larger muscular tiger rolled his eyes and headed to the bar.

"God they're so disgusting, let's hit the floor our song is on!" The other femme fatal twin said as she grabs a slender fox by the wrist and pulls him towards the dance floor. The fox lithe frame follows behind her, the clubs fluorescent lights doing nothing to hide his bright blue eyes. His bushy tail, far too large and full for his body swayed slightly before timidly wrapping around his waist.

The lion turned away from his group heading for the door when he walked by. He stared into the bluest eyes he'd ever seen, it seemed to be slow motion as they swept by followed by a river of a tail flowing behind him. The lion watched as the fox made his way to the dance floor, a seductive looking feline leading the way, she eyed all potential flirtatious guys in her path before finding one and grinding her back into him as they both danced in rhythm to the music. The fox now alone weaved his way to the middle of the dance floor hoping to get lost in the crowd and just move along with the music. The husky lion watched as the fox slowly began to trace the sides of his body until is hands were raised above his head, his hips seemed to move with a flow that seduced the entire room as both the male and female furs took notice, the girls, if some what jealous, looked at him longingly as if wanting to be the center of attention, the way he was, while the males watched intently with a brush of lust in there eyes whether the were straight or not, the fox's body was something to behold. As the crowd seemed to give the muse more room around himself the lion was able to get a better look at him. With an opportunity like this the lion could not resist. He got up from his bar stool and headed towards the fox with a lust he had never known before.

As Fay swayed and danced and moved with the music, someone stood out from the crowd slowing getting closer. A lion stepped closer staring at the fox with a confident hunger. His frame hulking over the fox as his body closed the distance between himself and the fox. Koda had never been so bold but he knew that the fox was worth a second look and worth getting to know better.

"May I?" The lion asked.

With out any words the fox turned and began to roll his hips along with the lion. Once again tracing the sides of his body the fox laced his arms around the lion's neck as the lion placed his hands loosely along the foxes hips and began to grind against him. With the rhythm and sensation of the lion behind him the fox begins to arch his back in the pleasure of another fur behind him, the lion griping the fox more firmly and pressing himself into the fox as they dance in the crowd. The lion begins to move his hands to the fox's stomach pressing him closer to the lion's body. The two grind against each other as the music changes to a more mellow tone. The fox and lion's grinding begins to slow down to a slower sensual seduction as the fox begins to use the lions frame as a balance beam to sway against and get lost in as he dances. The lion begins to moan a little as the fox's slender hips and perky butt begins to gently rub against the trapped cock with in the lion's jeans. Tracing the fox's white fur under his shirt he lowers his hand's position to nestle against the sides of the fox's dick through his pants and press the fox hard against him.

Fay's eye open quickly in shock, he could feel the lion large hard cock press against him slightly spreading his checks as they ground into each other. He had never turned anyone on in such a way, he noticed the stares from time to time and just chalked those up to lucky genes knowing that he had to work regardless and keep himself grounded. The fox felt a new wave of emotion as he began to be turned on by the fact that another fur found him so attractive.

Koda felt the startle fox stumble, but the lion never let him fall, he couldn't to let such a creature fall would be sin, he knew from the very presence of the fox that the fox simply had an innocence about him in a world of sin this was an angel. He couldn't resist, the lion leaned his head down and gently kissed the nape of the fox's neck and nibbled slightly, tasting the sweet taste of the fox. Fay let out a small gasp and dropped his hands down behind the lion's thick muscular ass as the lion began to lick and suckle at his neck and move towards his ear. With out thinking the fox pressed the lion's ass into him as he lost himself in the feelings. The crowd seemed to disappear into a sea of vibrant color and the humming of a far off music.

"My apartment is across the street in a high-rise..." the words escaped the lion's lips as only a whisper.

The fox turned inside the lion's embrace to stare into the face of his seductive captor, the lion stared hungrily back in to the fox's almost child like face, wondering how he had even managed to get this far. The lion's face was handsome and the look in his eyes were of a deep lust and yet full of comfort and safety, eyes of trust. Slowly the fox nodded to the lion, a sly and happy smile graced the lions face as he began to lead the fox back out through the club, with the fox in tow the lion stared back at the other furs with a smug smile as the girls looked back both jealous for the not "bagging" the lion and taking him home and for the fox because he seemed to have the quality that they lacked.

The feline was having a blast as she saw her friend leaving the club with what looked like a great catch, she was the only one the wasn't glaring at the fox for his apparent victory in catching the handsome lion.

Outside the club the fox stood waiting for the lion to get his coat, the gentle thumping of the music was somehow soothing even though he knew it was probably some rapid song about booty shaking.

He knew it was coming before it hit his nose, the smell he could recognized anywhere, and the raindrop hit his nose and was gone before anyone would notice. The smell made him smile, down the street he could see the heavy rainfall come towards the club in a heavy torrent.

"Just what I need, a soaking wet guest at a lovely lions apartment. He'll just love that." His thoughts were rich in sarcasm. As the drops came closer he could hear the valet boys grumble with disappointment, he closed his eyes and waited. Yet the drops never came, opening his eye he saw the lion grinning back at him with his jacket over the fox protecting him from the rain. He smiled pleasantly back at the lion as they walked across the street to the apartment complex. The elevator doors opened to reveal a moderately lavish interior, as he stepped inside he could feel the lion's panting breathe behind him on his neck. The lion had watched the fox glide elegantly across the street as he held his coat for him, all the time watching the fox's subtle rump. It was excruciating when the elevator doors closed behind them not to press the fox against the wall in a fit of lust and kiss the back of his neck and grope his dick through his pants. The foxed turned and looked back up into his eyes and he knew that the fox wanted it to, with a small sly smile the fox gave the go ahead and the lion was ecstatic. The lion practically ran at the fox before scooping him up and resting him against the wall of the elevator, the fox instinctively wrapping his legs around the lion's waist. The lion's large cock pressing it self hard against the fox's trapped dick as they stared at each other silently for what felt like an eternity before the lion pressed his lips against the fox's waiting lips. The kiss was amazing, quite moans coming from the two as the fox's eager mouth took in the lion's invading tongue. This kiss broke and the lion began to kiss down the fox's neck and nibble occasionally, the fox's limber frame arched away from the elevator wall as he enjoyed the wonderful feeling of the lion's warm breath and kisses traveling over his neck. Koda snarled as Fay grabbed the sides of the lions face with his hands and pulled at his hair in ecstasy.

There was an automatic and electronic "ding" as a new button lit up as an oncoming passenger waited. The doors suddenly sliding open and a little old rabbit stepped into the elevator, standing between Koda and Fay, she could apparently not tell through her thick glasses the condition the two were in as they stood on either side of her. Koda's top button to his pants was undone and his hair a mess, and Fay's checks were flushed and he tried to regain his posture and straighten his t-shirt to its formal self. The old rabbit stepped off the elevator only 3 floors up from her original floor and stepped out smiling to herself. Koda swore he heard the words "Have fun." escape her lips as she left but didn't read into it, except to look over and smile at the fox. Looking over at the fox, the fox's eyelids slowly opened to reveal the bright blue eyes once again in a seductive look.

The door to the lion's apartment flew open as they two were back in their previous embrace, the fox unwrapped his legs, as the lion set him down and turned to close and lock the door. With a snicker the lion turned around to find the fox gone, all that was left was a crumpled t-shirt on the floor at his feet, and further inside a pair of tan khaki pants leading towards his bed room. The lion threw off his shirt and stumbled with his belt as he raced towards his room.

The fox kneeled there in the middle of a gigantic bed, with room for five or more furs, waiting for the lion to find him, his ember colored fur shinning against the faint light coming from the hallway, his low-rise white boxers hiding his cock and rump from the eager lion. The lion stepped around the corner clad only in a pair on tight blue boxers straining against his raging pink cock. The fox blushed to himself as the lion closed the distance between them. The lion crawled across the bed to the fox and they began their passionate kiss once more, the lion brought the smaller fox up into him holding him tightly as their tongues danced widely in the kiss. The lion then lowered the fox down against the bed as they continued kissing intently. The fox's hands holding onto the face of the lion he had only just met, but felt such a longing for. The lion's hands began to roam the fox's body tracing him from his hands to his elbows and up to the fox's shoulder's and down to his pert chest. He slowly traced tiny circles around the fox's pink nipples and then began messaging them with his large thumbs making the fox moan into the kiss and the lion to smile happily. The kiss broke and the lion took the fox by the wrists and held them high above his head as he began to kiss the nape of his neck and slowly kiss downward. The fox's breathing became heavy as the lion stopped at the fox's nipple and began to tease and taste the fox. Slowly making his way down the fox's stomach, causing the fox to arch his back once again, and his hips to grind down into the mattress as the lion licked the fox. The lion stopped.

"Shall I? Or do you want to?" He asked, inquiring about the fox's now tenting boxers.

"Oh! Hahaha." The fox giggled as he slinked his fingers into the waist band and slowly lowered them before kicking them off. Nervous the fox lay there exposed before the lion, but the lion only seemed to become more primal by seeing the fox's cock spring to life once free of the boxers. The lion kneeled in front of the fox, and quickly removed his own boxers and the pink of his dick glinted in the light as the head flared to life and a drop of pre slowly dripped down to the bed.

The fox's eye widened as he took in the lion and his body, blushing deeply he could feel a grin spread across his face. Not to long after the lion removed his boxers the fox got a good look at the lions wide back as the lion bent back down and went to work licking and kissing his navel, two rounds lumps of muscle defining the lions lower back and ass. Just then the fox moaned loudly, bringing his hands to his mouth to stifle himself. The lion had reached up and began to kneed the fox's balls in his hand, taking one hand the lion gripped the base of the fox's shaft and slowly but firmly begin to pump the fox's cock. The Fox moaned in pleasure, with that the lion bent down and took the fox's pink cock in his mouth and began to suck the head and lick the slit of his dick. The taste of the fox was too much; the lion began to get lost in the sucking and sensations of sucking the fox's hard dick. The fox began to slowly thrust up into the lion causing him to take more of his cock. The fox was in heaven as the lion stroked and sucked his dick swirling his thick cat tongue around the fox's shaft and wrapping his lips around the fox's sensitive head. The fox began to truly hump into the lion and clench at the lions main as the lion sucked his hard cock. The lion sensed the fox was close to coming and began to decrease his rapid sucking. The lion got up and kneeled before the fox, the fox looked up confused as to why his pleasure was taken away. The lion could not help but smile to himself as the fox's cute face began to register what the lion wanted. The fox sat up and turned to crouch on all fours in front of the lion, the lion's swollen throbbing cock pulsing in front of the fox's face. With a small innocent flip of the tongue the fox lapped at the lion cock. Koda moaned out as Fay began to fondle his ball sack and start to take the lions girth into his mouth. The salty sweet taste of the lion flooded the fox's senses as the fox began to bob and thrust himself on the lion's gorgeous dick. Koda grasped the back of Fay's neck as he began to fuck him in the face, the pressure building in his nuts was greats as the fox worked magic over his throbbing dick.

Fay began to slightly gag as Koda fucked his mouth; Fay grasped Koda's ass to give himself support. Slowly finding his way to the lion's ass. This only seemed to invigorate the lion even more as his thrusts became more erratic.

"AWWW FUCCKKKK!!" screamed the lion. "This is fucking great oh god! Keep it up baby, my angel!" Fay's fingers slowly circled the entrance of Koda's eager pucker and slowly he slid in a finger and began to massage the lion from within. That was all it took the lion dick grew hot and his nuts withdrew close to his body. Fay looked up to see an expression of ecstasy on the lions face and he held Fay's face all the way down till his muzzle brushed against his pubic hair, his ass clenching tightly around Fay's probing finger. Wave after wave of lion cum sprang forth from the lion's pulsing dick, Fay choked a little as the lion held him in place but he drank all that he could. The pressure of the orgasm caused much to drip out the sides of his mouth. As the orgasm subsided Koda brought Fay up to his face and watched as the fox shyly wiped the rest of the cum with this fingers and start to lick them clean. Before he could lick the last globe off his index finger the lion grabbed his wrist and licked the digit clean. The fox could not help but kiss the lion once again. The lion was lost in ecstasy as the taste of his own cum washed over their tongues cause his shrinking cock to spring back to life.

Resting the fox back down to a sitting the position the lion sat diamond style across from him.

"Turn around." The lion demanded, and Fay did as he was told, some what embarrassed by having his rear end exposed that way to the lion.

With out any warning the lion's hands grabbed the fox's ass spreading his checks apart as he lapped at the fox's pink pucker. The tongue tracing every inch of flesh between the checks. The fox moaned loudly and gripped into the sheets as his head dropped from the sheer excitement of the sensation the lion was giving him. Fay began to push back into the lion as the lion's tongue began to probe deeper into the fox. Fay screamed in pleasure.

"Come here foxy!" roared Koda.

Fay turned around and crawled over to Koda and they broke into another passionate kiss. Koda still sitting guided Fay to straddle over his lap. They broke the kiss as Koda placed his hands on Fay's hips and slowly began to lower him on to his dick. Koda's cock spreads Fay apart as he lowered Fay down. Fay quivered in pleasure as his hungry hole takes Koda's thick cock into him. Koda wraps his arms around Fay as he once again arches his back from the pleasure, this time his head reaches the bed in an incredibly sensual sight. The lion's dick vanishes from view as it is rooted within the fox. Slowly Fay begins to rise up off the bed before impaling himself back down on Koda's thick dick. Koda moans out in ecstasy as a rhythm of thrusting begins to take place. The two moan and writhe against each other as Fay begins to grind his hips with the thrusting and Koda bites down onto his neck. The penetration becomes erratic as Koda lifts himself up and lays Fay down on the bed. Fay wraps his legs around Koda and angles himself to give Koda's cock more access to his tailhole. Koda begins to truly piston Fay as he madly thrusts into him Fay's moans of pleasure reverberate through the room. The two kiss each other against the thrusts of Koda's burning hot dick. Fay's eyes flutter open and as they do Koda cant help but gaze into them, this pushes Koda over the edge.

"FUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!" The tremendous roar can be heard throughout the building.

Thick ropey shots off cum flood Fay's ass as his dick pulses with in him. The pulsing cause Fay to lose control and he shoots fox cum all over the two of their faces and passes out.

Fay wakes up to a bright day. The windows are letting in unfiltered sunlight, he remembers the activities of last night and notices that he is fresh and clean and in a large white button up shirt. He takes time to look at the surroundings his was all too eager to bypass the night before. Its bright, mostly white and natural light wood colors, pulling a lot of natural sunlight in the room. He pads out to the kitchen only to be greeted with the backside of the lion he so formally met, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs showing off the lion's ass, making a vegan breakfast and brewing a fresh pot of coffee. He leans against the door frame of the bed room and traces the buttons of the shirt to the side of his chin as he takes in the sight.

He hears the fox giggle. Koda turns around to see a bashful, beautiful fox standing in the door way of his bedroom watching him make breakfast. The adorable fox looks elegant and yet cute in his white shirt, covering everything but a tiny portion of his lower rump. He shakes his head as he refocuses on the fox's face staring deeply into the deep blue pools, when suddenly there's a knock on the door.

Opening the door, bringing both into view of the teenage wolf bell hop, Koda greets him.

"Can I help you?"

"Uhh." He doesn't answer as he stares down at the lion package.

"Up here champ."

"Oh right um I have to...." He seems lost again as he takes in the sight of Fay behind Koda. Fay waves genuinely and smiles, turning towards the kitchen to grab a mug out of the cupboard, as he reaches; the shirt reveals a wonderful glimpse of his rump.

"........" Koda forgets the bell hop and takes in the sight of the fox with the young wolf. "Eh hem what are you here for?"

"Oh right um I'm just delivering this letter from the manager."

"Oh...kay..? What's it about?"

"Um you're being fined, next time you guys are gonna have to keep it down." He says, his cheeks growing a deep crimson color. "That's all um good babe, I mean good bye." Turning quickly the wolf stumbles as he bolts down the hall.

"Next time? You wanna have a next time, sometime?" Asks Koda

The blue eyes fix on the lion, as Fay hands him a cup of coffee.

"Love to; I work at four, think we could squeeze a "next time" in before that?"

"Yeah as long as tomorrow I can take you out to eat and a movie."

"Sounds like a plan." Fay says grinning as he drops his head blushing.

Koda grins happily back at the fox as they both drink their coffee taking in the view of each other.

The End. :P