Meeting of the Minds

Story by ralenys on SoFurry

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A young grad student and an old professor get to know each other on the train out of town during Winter Break.

I'd love critique on the pacing or anything else-- this is one of my first forays into adult fiction.

I didn't think he was serious until he shoved me against the wall and pressed his lips against mine. That moment felt as if it lasted for minutes. Only our heavy breathing and the clacking of the rail broke the silence throughout the cozy train car. Eventually, we parted, and he got to work ripping my clothes off. His eager hands trembled slightly as he ran them over my bare shoulders, my shirt slipping off as easily as a silk shawl.

As I took a break from my studies to stare out at the amber-lit countryside, I noticed another passenger on the train glancing at me from behind his newspaper. The old raccoon's half-moon glasses glinted in the sun setting over the lazy, sloping hills of Northbell as the sunlight caught his deep green eyes. I tried to return to reviewing Colter's analysis of the recurring themes in Poule's novels, but the longer I read, the more that strange feeling of being watched crept over me.

'What does he want with me?' I wondered. 'I don't look that out of the ordinary, do I?'

I took a quick appraisal of myself. Homely Aldmist U sweater, jeans... I wasn't dressed funny. ' __So what could he possibly... wait, why does this even matter? He's j __ust another crotchety old man who was probably jealous of the young' __uns disrupting his peace.' I went back to Colter. Where did I leave off this time, I wondered to myself...

I wondered just where he'd learned to handle a cock quite like that--oh god! I shivered involuntarily as one of those deft hands slipped behind my balls, brushing my taint with the most tantalizing touch. His hot breath rustled my fur as he smugly rumbled, "You still have a few things to learn, my gifted pupil."

I wanted to counter with a defiant retort, but once he slipped his finger into my ass, I could do nothing but let out a moan in reply.

His other arm was wrapped around my shoulder, and I could feel his gut press into my back, soft and warm, like living plush. I felt enveloped by his presence, as if for a moment we'd melded into a single, wholly sexual being, communicating in its own language of grunts and huffs.

"Excuse me, young man," I heard someone say.

I looked up, then to my left. The older gentleman had left his paper behind and had, apparently, decided to sit next to me. His sweater vest was a brilliant sky blue, with deep forest-green diamonds decorating it in Raymount University's signature colors.

"Hey-- Uh, good evening, sir," I stammered.

He chuckled, the bright, clear baritone of his voice belying his obvious age. "No need to be so formal, son. The semester's done with, you know!"

"R-right." I couldn't help but scratch an imaginary itch on my neck as I searched for what to say. So I noticed you've been kind of stalking me; what's up with that? No, too forward. Before I could make up my mind, though, he took the lead.

"So, you're an Aldmist Trapper, eh?" he asked. "They still marching you boys around the quads before breakfast?"

"No, sir-- er-- no, they only do that for the military science majors now."

"Good, good. I have to say, I felt nothing but pity for those lads, having to trudge through the mud before the dew'd begun to dry."

"I... suppose," I mumbled.

"And with no breakfast, either!" He chortled. "I tell you, in my day I'd have dropped out if they'd made me do that," he said. "I guess you can already infer that, though, eh?" he asked, giving his portly midsection a quick thump.

I swallowed. What was his deal? "I-- I don't think it looks that obvious, sir."


"Gerry, right. You, uh, wear it well."

I could see his greying mask wrinkle near his eyes as he gave a serene grin. "Well, thank you, son." He leaned in, and I got a faint scent of cologne masking musk. "To tell you the truth," he whispered conspiratorially, "I'm too much a fan of sweets to ever work it off."

"Mm," he hummed, his muzzle still wrapped around my cock. I was too busy seeing stars to do anything more than gasp for air while he unbuckled his belt. A quick shimmy later, his slacks dropped to the floor. "You have a nice flavor, you know."

"I... thanks..."

"Oh, no need, son. You'll thank me in another way soon enough." He leaned over again, his wiry whiskers brushing against my blunt snout as he gave me another kiss. Instead of the hungry, brutish kiss he'd given me earlier, this one was more tender. I closed my eyes, too worn out from my orgasm to resist this unexpected gentleness. My heart puddled into my throat. I wrapped my arms around him as far as I could, my claws sowing his fur with furrows of passion.

"Exactly! I keep explaining that was Colter's argument all along, but the entire department has their head so far between Tejaro's cheeks that they refuse to even consider another point of view!" By now, I was punctuating every point with a wild gesture. My forgotten textbook rested askew on its spine, rocking with the motion of the train.

"Indeed," Gerry commiserated, shaking his head sadly, "some professors think that their greatest achievement was their own thesis. You try to challenge that, they rationalize themselves to no end."

By now, the only remnants of the day were the dim purple streaks painting the sky above the land's black silhouette. We'd whiled the evening away in spirited conversation. Not only was he an alumnus of Raymount, but he was their dean of Literary Studies. He'd managed to leave the campus early, having few classes to teach, himself, and was looking forward to spending the break in his "home away from home" in Newborough.

"Going to spend the time with the Mrs., then?" I probed.

He was silent for a moment, then... "I've never really been the marrying type," he simply stated.

The lump in my throat grew again. "I'm sorry, I didn't--"

"No, it's all right. I should be used to answering that by now." He stared out the window, his mind traveling to another time.

"Well, I'm sure one day, you'll find a lovely lady." My cheeks grew hot as I added, "I-- I mean, you're pleasant to talk to, you've got a great wit, and you're... you're not too hard on the eyes, either." Land alive, did I say that last part out loud? "I-in my opinion."

He gave me a long, pensive look over the rim of his glasses. I couldn't bear to look him in the eyes, so I hurriedly grabbed my book and stuffed it into my bag. "Sorry, I don't-- It wasn't supposed to come out like that, really I..." and then my voice seemed to die away as my larynx locked up from sheer embarrassment.

"It's, fine, really..." He seemed to hesitate with his reply. "I know it came from the right place."

"Y-yeah. Um, look I really should get going. Dinner is almost over and I'm starving-- " I rose to leave. Hopefully, my ears wouldn't give away how badly I wanted to escape. "It was really nice meeting you, Gerry, I hope that we can keep in touch, and-- and maybe I'll find you at Raymount some time--"

He cut me off-- "Yes, absolutely! You seem like a very bright young man. I have high hopes for you. I expect to see you publishing in a few years."

I stopped dead in my tracks and gawped at him, my face lit with bewildered excitement. "You really think so? I mean, I'm only in my second year and--"

"I know so," he said, with a wink to punctuate it. "Here. If you ever need to pull a string or two, I'd be glad to see what I can do for you." He handed me one of his cards, in the same brilliant Raymount blue. "Now, go eat. You've got to fuel that mind of yours, after all." After a solid pat on the shoulder, he walked away.

As I rushed to get the last of the honeyed ham before the servers put it away, I couldn't help but tumble the card in my hand over again and again. Had that really happened? I had to read the embossed print a second time-- and then I spotted something hastily scrawled on the back of the card.

"If you'd like a more intimate meeting of the minds, come to the second sleeper car at 9. - G"

I knew I was going to be feeling this in the morning as soon as he pulled it out. It wasn't the longest penis I'd seen-- nor the longest I'd taken-- but it was one of the thickest I'd ever come across. My toes scrunched in anticipation as I steadied myself against the wall. He came behind me, rubbing that fireplug between my furry cheeks. Naked, Gerry leaned into me, breathing in the scent on my neck with a slow, audible sniff. I wasn't used to feeling so adored.

"You ready for it, Conrad?" he whispered. I bit my lip.

"More than you know, Ger'." The afterglow of my own orgasm was only a taste. I sorely needed a good fucking.

One generous coating of spit and he was pushing into me. Not sharply and painfully, like some of the Aldmist meatheads I'd had to settle for, but steadily, intrepidly, giving me just enough time to adjust. I panted as he filled me to my limits, that inch-and-a-half-thick monster stretching me as far as I could bear. I dug my feet into the floor of the cabin, pushing myself back against him. Just a little further...

He was in. Oh boy, was he in. I felt his pulse beating through his cock, the heat of another body bringing a familiar comfort. "Ah...!"

"You all right?"

"For fuck's sake, Gerry, shut up and go for it!" I hissed.

That was all he needed. His claws dug into my chest as he latched onto me with one arm, the other steadying himself on the wall. Rrf! I felt that first shock of bliss surge through me as he thrust.

It was as if a bomb had gone off in him. Once we settled into a rhythm, he pounded me so hard we could hear the wall's wooden paneling groaning under our weight. I went wild when his teeth sank into my shoulder, his arm pinning him against me, pinning me to him. His uneven breath smelled of my mouth and his mouth and my cum all mixed together, and his voice was guttural, primal, far removed from the friendly professor I'd met three short hours ago. He was a beast, each slam of my ass sending new waves of ecstasy coursing through me.

When my knees gave out, he laid me down on my back. My own cock was already leaking onto my stomach again, the clear fluid pooling and staining my fur. The air was heavy and humid with the stench of rutting, and it went straight to both of our heads. We grew wordless, nothing but moans and growls driving us forward, begging, pleading: don't stop, don't stop, faster, harder--

He froze, his entire body arched in the apex of release. His fingers dug so deeply into my shoulders that it hurt, but I didn't care; pure pleasure had drowned my mind. It was all I could do to clench myself around him as he came, feeling that warm 'coon cum spurt inside me. The bed creaked ominously. For a moment it sounded as if it would splinter under the force of our combined lust.

Then it was over, and he collapsed on my chest, still in me. I could feel the heat flaring off of his body, ebbing and flowing with each breath he took. Exhausted, the two of us lightly dozed as the quiet clatter of wheels on steel sang their droning lullaby.