Rainy Weekend - Sunday

Story by TonyTen on SoFurry

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Last chapter of part one of NSaSC "Rainy Weekend"

Part two will be up when I get the time to start it.

Thanks for those who read :3

Saturday was uneventful as all Aaron did was watch T.V. and eat. Last night wasn't a very good night for him, he had a dream. The first one he was walking through his school, everything looked old and abandoned. As he walked through the hall, he saw that the lockers were all rusted and broken. The ceiling and walls were chipped and cracked, there were a few holes here and there. The tiles on the floor were covered with..what looked liked dust but it seemed more liked ash.

There were large grey vines growing into the building through the cracks and holes on the walls. All the banners and posters that once colored the halls were now either burned, torn, or covered in mold. The trophy case was empty save a few small trophy pieces and photos. He kept walking, his footsteps were echoing through the hallway of the school.

"What happened?...." He asked himself, no one answered as he kept walking. But he found out that he was walking towards something as he couldn't change direction or stop. He kept walking until the force made him stop in front of his home classroom. The door opened by itself as he slowly waked in. He saw a boy, about his age sitting on the desk. He had black hair as long and spiky as his, his skin was white and his eyes were amber in color. He wore a trashy looking black cloak that had tears all along the edge.

He looked up at Aaron and smiled. "Well hello Aaron, I am glad to finally meet you." Aaron looked a tad confused at him, he looked like him but at the same time he did not. "You must be confused, I am your subconscious, the part of your mind that sees things for what they are, the voice in your head that tells you right from wrong." He got off the desk, as he landed on the floor dust rose to the air.

"This place, it looks like this because you want it to look like this, you hate this place and you want it gone. And so. -he spread his arms- this is the result. I am here to help you Aaron, to help you create the world you want, a world where you are happy and all those around you are happy and safe. A place you can lock yourself into anytime you want to escape the evils of the nightmare you live in." He had approached Aaron and placed his hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes with concern.

"And so you can stop hurting yourself Aaron, cutting your arms will not make the pain go away and you know this but you don't know what else to do now do you?" He stepped back, everything started to fade away. "I will see you later Aaron...take care..." and so everything vanished and Aaron fell into blackness, as he woke up, startled and confused. "..A world...where I am...happy?.." He looked out the window and saw that the rain stopped and soft beams of sunlight are shining down through the gloom and for one small moment he felt hope, hope for a second chance of having a happy life, only that to his ignorance, there is a much darker plot in the own recesses of his own mind.