Chapter Sixteen - Our Eyes Are Open

Story by XenialShadow on SoFurry

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#17 of Within Escada

Veronica, Douglas, and Uroso infiltrate Maelstrom's base to destroy the generators, facing a strong force ready to stop them. Jacob and Mark are trying to track down Xavier before he can activate the reactors, but they are too late. William and Antonio have an intimate moment (FYI: Male badgers are also called boars. Neat, huh?). Jessica and Edward have their own private time. Disaster strikes the world as Jacob remembers the past.

Within Escada - Chapter Sixteen - Our Eyes Are Open


The leader of Maelstrom - another Doberman, but all that can be said at this point is that he is the older brother of Jericho.

*Warning - Adult Content*

Contains homosexual and heterosexual characters and themes.


Uroso, Douglas, and Veronica were already assembling all of the gear they would need. The sky of the coast could no longer be seen since they were now flying through the dense cloud layers over most of the landscape. They flew inside a Black Phantom, a much larger version of the Black Falcon, which was full of busy furs assembling themselves together for the drop near the facility to be destroyed. "The time is now 0600," One of the pilots said over the intercom within the craft. "Here Douglas," Uroso said as he handed the ursine a belt full of explosives, "be careful with those." Douglas took the explosives and wrapped them across his chest, buckling the clip to hold it secure. As he did so, Veronica came around to his side and handed him the remote detonators as well as the controller he would need to detonate them. All of them were in full gear with guns and spare clips hanging from their waist. "Put this in your ear," Veronica commanded as she opened a case and showed its contents to her father. "These things seem to have gotten smaller and smaller," The bear said with a laugh as he smiled warmly to the wolf. She smiled back to him as he inserted the device into his ear. "Can you hear me?" A voice said in his ear, Uroso. "Yep, loud and clear," Douglas said as he twitched his ear slightly to the feeling of the object resting inside.

Veronica had finished assembling the equipment she was going to need and was closing up the cases when the craft suddenly shook. Immediately the inside of the craft was filled with flashing red lights and a buzzing alarm. "Sir, we need you on the bridge," The pilot said into Douglas' earpiece. Uroso and Veronica followed the bear out of the hanger after he flagged them to follow. "Where are we?" He called out as they entered. "Two minutes from the drop zone sir," A fur from a terminal spoke. The ursine gave a few orders to some of the furs as the wolf and the ape left to gather with the troops in the hanger. Veronica quickly grabbed her bag and latched it onto her person before moving to the bay door. She looked upon the various switches and set a timer for it to open. "Alright, squads assemble!" Uroso shouted as he walked straight to a locker, grabbed his pack from inside, and slipped on a helmet. Douglas came back in and followed the same suit as Uroso. Both Veronica and Douglas stood next and next as everyone gathered in lines, quickly locking on helmets. With a nod of agreement from Douglas, the ape walked to the control panel and pressed a button. "Hanger doors opening," A robotic voice stated as the echo of gears and motors made it known that they were moving.

Immediately a line dropped down before the formation of furs, signifying them all to attach their pull cable. "Everyone ready?" Uroso called out from the back of the formation. Everyone nodded as the hanger doors thudded into their open position. A light came on to signal the clear to drop. Without a word, Veronica raced down the platform and leaped into the open air. Douglas followed right after along with the other members of their unit and Uroso. The plummet to the ground was made in a minute through clouds as they were slowly catching the golden light of the early morning sun rising slowly over the horizon. "Deploy!" Veronica shouted as she pulled her parachute. The ground beneath her was visible within 500 meters, but she had managed to make a sturdy landing, unfastening her chute and breaking into a run immediately. The landing zone was made from behind the facility, which could be seen with heavily armed guards scattering to protect it at the front. "Looks like they got the message that we were coming," Uroso called out as he took the lead on the group and motioned for all to follow him. "Over here!" Veronica shouted as she ran forward to a large cement ventilation shaft covered in heavy bars. Douglas quickly tossed over a laser cutter to one of the technicians, a ferret with a background in gymnastics, who quickly lunged through the series of barbed wire and trip stations to the metal bars covering it. He had cut an open and clear path straight through before he vanished out of sight down the shaft. "The idiots couldn't even keep their guard on this," Douglas said as he maneuvered through the cut path to follow the ferret.

"Sir. We've picked up a breach in sector four at the ventilation shaft," a dark quarter horse announced as he looked upon a map of the facility with a blinking alarm. A tall Doberman walked over to the console and viewed the alarm message. He growled looking upon the possibilities of an actual breech. "What would you like us to do, sir?" The horse asked as he brought up a command entry window. "Seal off the facility and call in everyone from outside," the Doberman ordered as he walked away and issued the lock down. Immediately, flashing green lights beaconed through the facility's interior. The members of Maelstrom reported to their stations to seal the facility as they grew out of the rooms like grass.

Douglas fell for a good dozen meters before landing on the soft sand that padded the ground inside where the ferret was. "Everything looks clear so far sir," The ferret said as he scouted the path ahead with an infrared camera. The two began to walk down the unlit path, soon followed by everyone else, deep into the unlit tunnel. "Formation," Uroso whispered as he walked against the wall and put on an infrared eyepiece. The group changed formation very quickly as they approached the end of the tunnel. At the end was another shaft, but this one dropped down into the actual facility at an angle, which was flooded with green lights. "What can we assume from here?" Uroso asked Veronica. "That once we drop in we start a fire fight," The lupine said as she pulled out a set of Berettas and pulled back on the hammers. The rest of the team copied the same motions before gathering in a drop formation.

Uroso reached for a few smoke grenades on his side and handed them to three of the other soldiers who positioned themselves to jump. They waited, eyes glued to Douglas in the glow from the light below.

Atlas walked through the open chamber containing the compression chambers main turbines and motioned to the troops who were gathering. "Group three on the platform above, group four and group five lining the walls by the reactor feed," the Doberman commanded as he continued to call more furs to position. "Sir, we have closed off the exhaust and are prepped for Xavier to trigger the array," one squad captain reported from an above platform. "Okay, and is the remote switch set?" Atlas called out. "Yes sir, but - " the squad captain was cut off from the strike of a bullet clear through his throat. Immediately after that seven smoke canisters fell and exploded their exuberant gray fumes through the facility. "Get the area covered!" Atlas shouted as he could hear gunfire already begin to fill the cut out cavern.

Veronica, Douglas and the six other members of the unit jumped in as soon as the smoke filled high enough to disguise their entrance. The ursine quickly flagged each unit into different directions to take care of. With blazing speed, Veronica swept across the area to a distanced perch and opened fire on soldiers. Uroso was the last to come down into the chamber and landed with a foreboding and thunderous slam into the center of the fight. Douglas took a shelter beside two other furs that covered him while he began to quickly prepare the charges. "Get me more firepower!" Atlas demanded as he could hear bullets shrieking through the air. "Sir! They are surrounding us!" one of the troops called out before the apparent crunching sound of bullet in bone echoed next to the Doberman from the troops' skull. Two of the unit troops could be seen in a flash before Atlas; each completely suited in black tactical gear while moving with such speed he didn't even have a chance to pull up his weapon. Atlas immediately took to ducking down behind a barrier as he continued to shout orders while the smoke began to clear. Soon after he gave more orders, one of the large doors opened and the chamber became filled with the spray of gunfire.

Veronica waited behind a large barrel for two troops to come her way. As soon as they entered her line of sight, she disposed of both of them with her Berettas. "Too easy," she said with a grin as she changed out her clips, which were now empty. Just as she snapped in the clips, she dove out of the way as a large puma crashed into them and continued to draw to her. "Come here puppy! Kitty has something for you right here!" the puma menaced as he lunged at her with claws out and ready to tear her apart. The wolf grinned as she leapt out of the cat's path and holstered her guns. The puma landed and spun on a dime to face her, taking a readying stance with his fisted paws ready to fight. "Let's go cutie, I don't have all morning to have you take a good look at me," she said with a coy look on her face. The puma lunged forward at her with a flying fist, being blocked by the wolf. He was stunned for a fraction of a second as he felt the wolf's strength behind the block just before she struck him right abdomen. "I'm supposed to have you on the floor with blood seeping from your face in two," she said as she threw a few more punches at the cat that could barely keep up with her strikes. The puma continued to snarl as he rolled out of the wolf's path of blows and seized his chance to knock her down in the process. Veronica froze for a second as the cat stood up and growled at her. "I'll do it in one," he said before he leapt to her body on the floor. Just as he was in mid-air with his claws extended ready to shred, the wolf rolled over, withdrew a gun, and shot him through the chest. As he fell, she met his chest with her boot and threw his limp body to the side. "Nice try," she said as she leapt from her position and into a run.

Uroso chuckled from where he hid as he tossed a grenade right into the crowd of furs coming through from across an electrical panel. "Grenade!" an enemy unit shouted as it exploded right in front of him. Uroso burst into a roaring laugh as he signaled for the four units not with Douglas to advance with him. There weren't many left for them to take care of. Just as one of the units pegged off the remaining assaulters, Uroso called out to Douglas, "Come on now. We have to get this finished." Uroso could be seen clear from where Atlas sat as he fumbled for a fresh clip, but just as he loaded it in he felt the barrel of a gun pointed right at his temple. "Toss it away," a calm, confident voice said as the hammer of another gun not on him could be heard clicking into a ready position. Atlas froze in place as he set the gun onto the ground and turned to see who possessed the voice. He growled at the white wolf looking at him down the barrel of her gun. "Looks like you made it out, bitch," he snarled as he shifted his ears around. "I just wanted to say hello to you handsome," Veronica said before she shot Atlas in his leg. He let out a choked yelp before shutting his mouth and growling deeply, swearing under his breath. Veronica took this opportunity to kick his firearm out of reach.

Douglas laughed as he stepped over a few bodies as the gunfire came to an end to meet with Veronica. Atlas snarled at Veronica once more before he felt two large hands grip his sides and hoist him into the air. "Look at this little pup," Uroso said teasingly. "He's adorable," Veronica teased. While Atlas continued his growling, futilely trying to get away. Douglas motioned to Veronica as he withdrew a pair of handcuffs. She brought over a box for the dog to sit upon. "Well now, looks like we have finished with plenty of time to spare," Douglas said as he tightened the cuffs. "Looks to be so, sir," one of the soldiers said as they walked past as they circled through the area. "It's only 0908," Uroso said as he looked at his watch. "Good, we can have this mess wrapped up before lunch then," Douglas said as he removed the strap of explosives from around his chest. As they stood around Atlas trying to decide what to do next, the large machinery before them began to activate. "Too late, fools," Atlas said as he began to chuckle.

They had been surveying the area ever since they got to the location. The sun could be seen making its break for the top of the sky through the many glass panels inside, taking its leisure. Jacob and Mark had decided to split up to cover more ground. So far it seemed to be the best course of action, although they were still in the dark. "I checked the bathrooms and found nothing," Mark said as he proceeded to slip into the access-way to the kitchens. "Okay. I'm not finding anything that looks odd around here," the lupine replied as he opened a door to view the spectators inside. Most all of the rooms that they surveyed had conferences in full swing or were just about to start. The exception was the main conference hall since there was nothing but empty chairs and tables for the meeting at nine. Security attendants were stationed all along the hallways and were keeping their eyes out for any suspicious activity, but to no avail did they find any.

At a quarter to nine, the abundant conference room doors began to open as they let out their furry contents into the corridors. "Great, this just got more difficult," Jacob said into his microphone to Mark. "Yeah, well trying being caught at the end of it," the lion said as he emerged from one of the farthest conference rooms. Jacob stood out of the way as he watched everyone file in to the largest of the conference rooms. 'Fuck...' He thought as he tried to make his way into the crowd. "Jacob, head on in. I'll watch out here," Mark said as he slipped into a conference room to avoid a large hippopotamus. "Roger," The wolf said as he pushed his way between a Polar bear and a Cocker Spaniel. The main conference room was at the heart of the entire convention center. Out of all the conference rooms, this was the largest and most vulnerable area. Jacob worked his way around as he searched for a non-occupied seat amongst the crowd.

Once the last of the diplomats were seated, the crowd began to settle into silence. A small raccoon walked upon the stage and tapped the microphone before speaking. "Good morning everyone," He said as he adjusted the microphone and gathered his thoughts. The raccoon continued to speak as Jacob listened when Mark called out to him. "Jacob, the ventilation and crawl spaces in the conference room-" Mark started, but he was soon cut off by a roaring applause while the President of Russia walked on stage. Jacob immediately began to search the room as everyone rose from their seats to welcome the patriarch to the stage. 'Shit,' Jacob thought as he stood amongst the roar of clapping. "Thank you. Thank you," the bear said as he bowed slightly to his audience. The wolf looked in between the group as he continued to try to reach Mark as the chorus of hands dissipated and the ursine began his speech. "What a momentous occasion for all of us to join together to unite in preserving our precious world," the President said, followed by a small burst of clapping. Jacob wished he could rise from his seat without raising too much alarm. He continued to look around the room as he searched for where he knew the fox would spring. "As we all know, the world we call home has changed violently in the last few decades into a home filled with our individual footprints staining its land," he said with a pause that struck cold into his audience.

Just before he continued his speech an eerie voice filled the air. "And too bad none of you will be calling it home for much longer," the voice said as it's owner fell from above. The room was soon bustling with outrage and fear as the gray fox landed. Xavier walked slowly toward the podium at which the ursine stood. The two stared at one another as the audience became out of control and began to rise for escape from the room. Just as the Ursine was about to speak, the fox threw his fist to the ground causing the entire room to erupt in an earthquake. "Mark, it's here. You need to get in here now!" Jacob shouted as soon the stage erupted and screams filled the air. "Now join me as this place becomes the center of destruction!" Xavier shouted above the diplomats as he pulled a detonator from his jacket and triggered it. Mass hysteria filled the large conference hall as the glass above broke and bodies flew into the air from the continued eruptions. Jacob reacted quickly, leaping into the air as he felt the ground beneath him crack and quickly erupt.

"Shit!" Douglas exclaimed before he stumbled as the large machine groaned to life. "We need to get out of here now," Veronica shouted as she pulled the strap of explosives of off the ursine. She handed off some of the explosives to the other members and hastily grabbed her fathers' arm, pulling him back to the ventilation shaft. Uroso called out to the other members and guided them to where they needed to place the explosives. He strong-armed the Doberman into a set of restraints. "It's already too late," Atlas smirked, " by the time you get far enough away to detonate your little tinker toys it will be too late." "You can shut the fuck up now," Uroso said as he pulled out a syringe from his pack and stabbed it into the dogs' neck. Veronica pulled out a grappling gun along with some rope from her bag and fired its hook into the shaft. She detached the rope and quickly anchored it to a bar in order to keep it taunt. "Let's go guys!" The ape yelled as he slung Atlas over his shoulder. Douglas reached out for the wolf as he attached a device to the rope, "Hold on tight," he said as he depressed a switch that pulled him up along the line.

Soon followed by the others, they hurried down the tunnel as the echoing cracks of earth became louder. The compression reactor was pulling on the earth as it began to extract force out of the Dekoret inside of it. "What's the status of the pickup?" Veronica called out as she leaped out of the way of a piece of debris that crashed down and made a small crater where she was standing just moments ago. "Five minutes out from us," one of them responded as they got to the end of the tunnel. Just before she could ready another hook to fire through the opening, gunfire rained down upon them from above. She stumbled, the ursine catching her, as she jumped back and another quake from the ground overwhelmed her. He took the grappling gun from her and flagged the soldiers forward to cover him. "Let's get this open." He said as he tossed a grenade up through the bars. "Grenade!" a fur howled just before it detonated. The small bomb exploded and sent the cover of the ventilation shaft flying outwards and into the tunnel. As soon as Douglas could get a clear shot, he fired the grapple into the air. It latched onto a portion of the shaft wall near the opening. He handed the rope from the hook off to the ferret that quickly anchored it to a large piece of cement. They all quickly scaled the line as they fired out upon the assailants above them. "Get to cover!" The bear shouted as he ducked behind a large slab of concrete. Immediately they opened fire on the oncoming assault trying to stop them. Bullets tore through the air along with bursts of flames and lightning from the Dekoret infused enemies. Veronica quickly stood up, thrust both her arms forward with her palms open. With a grunt, torrents of red hot flames jetted on their attackers from her outstretched arms. "Fire!" Uroso exclaimed as he and the others joined her. Voices from the opposite side cried out. "Fall back!" Someone shouted as three of the soldiers were caught in the flames and shrieked in pain.

They had gained the upper hand right as they could hear the roaring engine of the Black Falcon approaching. "Over there!" One of the soldiers shouted as he pointed to the sky. Uroso raised his paw and flagged for everyone to follow as they made a beeline out towards the direction of the craft. "Sir," the pilot said into Douglas' earpiece, "we're going to cruise low and drop some lines for you all." "Affirmative," he said as he began to hear gunfire coming in their direction, "we're almost there." They continued running as more gunfire flew at them. As the vehicle approached they could see the muzzle flashes from the hanger trying to cover them. Jumping for the lines, the ropes began to pull them all in. They grabbed for dear life on the grab rail that had been set up for them with their paws. As each one of them came in they could feel the engines vibrating to make an ascent as bullets cut past them.

Veronica immediately dashed to the control panel and activated the closure of the hanger door. Each one of them grabbed hold of something to balance themselves more. Once they reached a safe altitude, Douglas walked over to a window, holding his left side. He had been struck in the chest as he climbed in, piercing his lung. "Here," Veronica said as she pierced a spot on his chest with an instrument to re-inflate his lung. He gasped from the pain and the renewed ability to breathe as he took a piece of gauze from the wolf, placing it over the bullet wound. "Thank you," he said as he held onto a rail. He continued to view the ground below through the window. Moving closer to the window he placed his paw against the wall next to it. The clouds had begun to clear and the sky grew darker as he could see the earth below crack and buckle from the tremendous forces underneath. "Sir," Uroso said as he set the Doberman down by a crate, "we can't try to detonate until we are at least another thousand feet above," Douglas nodded as he pulled the detonator off of a pocket on his belt and flicked its cover off to reveal a small switch. "We don't have much of an option," he said before depressing it.

The building began to crumble as the tremors grew with more intensity. Jacob hurried as he cast glyphs along a section of wall and snapped his paws together; causing an eruption of flames that dissolved the wall. Immediately the crowd shifted and began to funnel through the new opening as Xavier continued his sinister laugh. The fox leapt up through the ceiling of broken glass and ran off. "Mark! Get them out of here," Jacob called out as he climbed large chunks of debris to follow the fox, "Call into Karen and Steve and get them to initiate an evacuation of the city!" "Got it. Please be careful out there!" The lion replied back as he guided furs out of the room. Throngs of furs rushed past him as he began to call out for Steve. "Steve, come in. We have to evacuate the city!" Mark shouted as he pushed past some of the furs. All he heard was static and scratches of noises that sounded like a voice. He flung his paw into the air and called forth a torrent of gusts that blew open all of the doors in the entry hall. "Mark, we have already sent out evacuation protocols for the diplomats. Egyptian military is organized and on the move," Karen informed him through static. "I take you could tell from all of the quakes, huh?" The lion said as he was met with the sound of screeching tires and a barrage of service soldiers in black suits opening vehicle doors and rushing diplomats into them. They were dressed in black suits and called out for furs to get into the vehicles to get out of the area.

As Mark joined them to guide the leaders, he could hear the sound of sirens from police vehicles screaming down the city streets with lights flashing. Officers called out on speakers through the area informing the citizens to evacuate. "Steve, where's the facility unit?" Mark asked as he looked up into the sky to hear the roar of helicopters flying through, one of them heading towards the hotel. Steve could be heard gathering miscellaneous things in the room and calling out to Karen. "They've already rendezvoused with the Black Falcon and are on their way back to the command ship," Karen said as the hotel's fire alarms echoed in the background, "Douglas has already triggered the detonation of the explosives." The lion looked out to the direction of the hotel where he could see a chopper touching down to the helipad on its roof. As he continued directing furs, he could see a beam of light glowing in the distance into the sky, growing in intensity of violet and blue.

"Douglas," Uroso said as he continued to look out the window, "Look... it's...." As they looked down upon the facility, they could see an intense beam of light striking through the air. "What are you getting out of it?" Veronica asked as she retrieved a wrap for the ursine. "I'm not sure. But it would be best to keep watch and get away from here," he said as he could feel the wolf tighten the bandage around his chest. "Our eyes are open though. What on earth does this fucking mean?" The ape said angrily as he kicked a crate. They stood in silence as the beam of light pulsed, causing more and more upsets of the earth below. "Jacob was right... Atlas was right..." Veronica squeezed out in fear. "At this rate... there will be nothing left of Egypt..." The bear said as the craft flew higher and out to sea.

William and Antonio were roommates for the trip, something they had planned out for a good reason in their eyes. The ursine ripped the clothes off of the badger and threw him on the bed in the morning light. "Oh Will..." Antonio said as he tried to nip at the bears' face, "what are you going do to me?" The bear undressed from his suit that he had just put on not more the five minutes before and climbed onto the bed, rubbing the large crown of his cock against the bed. "I'm going to do what we did last night all over again," he said as he grabbed hold of the badger's sac. The boar groaned and gripped the bedspread as he arched his back from the grasp of the bear. The ursine crawled closer to the badger and lifted him into the air, placing Antonio's sac into his mouth. Antonio moaned as he could feel the bear's long tongue wrap around his sac and inch back to his eager hole. "William..." he called out gently as he felt the bear's snaking appendage slide along him. The bear continued before laying the boar on his stomach and lapping at his hole. Antonio continued to cry out and moan, even more when William thrust his tongue into him. The badger tightened at the slimy invader and then relaxed as he could feel the bear rub along his prostate. "Harder Will," Antonio cooed. The bear flicked his tongue inside the badger's inner walls as he gripped the head of his cock and squeezed the pre from it. His long pink shaft pulsed at the sensation and began to leak its lubricating fluids. He slowly began pumping along his shaft and gripping it at the head as he did so.

Antonio rotated with the bear's long tongue still attacking him and gripped his cock, flicking the head with his thumb every time he came to the top. The pleasure of his closest friend being focused on just him drove him up the wall. The bear slowly inched his tongue out of the badger, leaving his hole gaping and asking for more. Antonio moaned as he continued to bump his dripping cock along the bed sheets. He turned over and raised his self slightly to greet the ursine's hot red member. "You ready for me to fuck you?" Will growled as he pressed the flared tip of his cock to the moist hole he had tasted. "Just as long as you breed me nice and deep," Antonio demanded as he flexed his warm puckered opening against the ridge of the dripping meat. With that the ursine thrust his shaft deep into the boar, eliciting a cry from the sensation of his body being drilled into. "M- more..." Antonio beckoned as he enclosed his member in his paw harder and moaned. William held the badger's sides as he pumped deep into the tight wet orifice and leaked his pre all along the path it slid along. The bear continued his charge in the badger as he let out lustful groans, bearing his teeth. With each thrust the two continued to produce sounds of enjoyment "O- I'm gonna..." Antonio said just as he sprayed his seed into the air and striking the ursine's face and chest. As his entrance tightened and flexed the bear let out a guttural roar and slammed the head of his cock as deep as he could before he unleashed a torrent of cum into the badger. He lifted Antonio into the air as the badger began to pump his cock again and thrust even deeper as he forced him onto his pulsing shaft. "William! Don't stop!" Antonio cried out as he came again in a spray of hot cream shot once again onto the bear and dripped down his chest.

The bear immediately rolled onto his back and rested the badger on his chest as he could feel his sac covered in his own wet cum seeping out of the badger. The breathed heavily as the smell of musk and testosterone wafted through the room. Antonio continued to constrict his space around the still trickling marauder. "That was..." Antonio paused in thought, "I can't even think of what to call it." "Let's just leave it at that babe," William said as he pulled his cock out of the badger. The boar moaned as he could feel the fluid inside him flood out slowly along with the sensation of having been dug into so deeply. The bear dragged him closer to his muzzle and locked his muzzle with his, drawing a deep moan from the badger. Once finished they rested with one another and stayed close. "Well now..." William said after a long while, "Think we should get in the shower again?" "I think so," Antonio said as he sat upon the bear's stomach. They kissed a little before the ursine picked up the badger and carried him into the bathroom.

Jessica cried out as Edward continued to pump his forming knot into her. She moaned as she used her claws to stimulate her clit, squeezing tighter as she hit the right spot while her love suckled on her tits. "Yeah... Fuck me Ed..." She moaned as she tore a portion of the sheets with her free paw. Edward let her nipple out of his mouth and locked his muzzle with hers and groaned as she met him in equal force with his motions. As he could feel her cum for a second time he released his grip on her mouth and bit down on her shoulder. Jessica cried out as she felt the fox pulse and shoot his successors into her womb. "Oh God..." Jessica wailed as she could feel the geyser of liquids pulse into her. He collapsed upon her chest after releasing her shoulder and grunted as he could feel the tug on his knot remind him that he was tied. As he rested, Jessica lifted his head to kiss him. He met her with a delicate touch as he admired her. "Love you," he said as he could feel his knot subsiding. "Love you too, stud," she said as his pride steadily eased its way out of her body. They slid out from under the sheets and looked upon one another. She giggled as she knelt down to suckle on the head of his cock and squeeze his shrinking knot. He groaned as her tongue teased his sac next. "Delicious," she said licking her chops and standing again. He chuckled as he pulled her close to kiss her and squeezed her firm, round ass. They smirked to one another as she led him to the bathroom.

William had just finished helping Antonio button up his shirt. Compared to his self, the badger was much shorter than him by almost two feet. Granted Antonio has never minded. The two have been together since leaving college. As the badger smiled warmly to the bear after his tie was synched and nuzzled into the bear's chest. "Ready to get on with the day?" Will, asked him as he pat the badgers' small ears. "Yep," Antonio said as he let go of the bear and walked over to the window to open it. Just as he did the room began to vibrate and shake uncontrollably. William ran over to him and pulled him into his chest and made an escape to the bathroom doorway. The quake lasted for a solid minute before it subsided.

Banging on the door ensued directly after the quake. "Will, we have a problem," someone said on the opposite side of the door. "I had a feeling. Get a head count of the students," the bear said as he moved out of the door way after locking muzzles with the badger in comfort. Quickly, he turned on the television and turned it to the local news channel. "Reports are flooding in and we're getting reports of an attack on the summit in Cairo, Egypt. Outside of the city an explosion occurred that has cause tremendous instability in the region and news has come that the entire country may be evacuated," a reporter said as the image of a large glowing mass could be seen on the screen with a tall pillar of light, "on top of these reports are massive quakes flowing through many areas around the world," the reporter continued as more images showed whole cities in destruction from the magnitude of the buckling earth. Antonio's eyes widened as he looked upon in horror as images changed showing fires and destroyed buildings. "What in the Lord's name happened?" William said as the building began to shake again. Car alarms blared and windows could be heard breaking throughout. Immediately, the badger got out of bed and hastily dressed and left the hotel room. Out in the halls were screaming students who were scared for their lives as the quakes continued on and off with varying intensity.

"Wolfe!" William called out as he saw him jump over a chunk of fallen debris." "Dr. Volks! What's going on?" The young pup asked. Alex and Scott soon joined him looking across and down the hall as students flooded out of the building. "It's all over the news. Some sort of cataclysmic event in Cairo," the bear replied as he placed his back against the wall and pulled the three younger ones in as the ground shook once more. The three furs were held tight by the bear in his strong grip. They could hear the building groan and flex lightly from each tremor. "We need to get out of the building kids," William said as he released them and pointed in the direction of an exit, "Get going and gather everyone in one spot." They headed off to do as ordered, leaving the bear to go in search of any more students and hotel guest who weren't already out of the building. Antonio headed outside through the fire escape access door and waited for William, flipping furiously through a student roster. The badger had already completed a run through of the upper floors, along with the help of some parents, and had accounted for all of the students. "Antonio!" The bear called out, "Over here!" The badger trotted over to the gathering of furs away from the hotel and stood by the ursine. As they stood many were clamoring over the news of the events and pointing to the strange wave of light that could be seen streaking across the sky.

"Wolfe," Alex asked as he held onto his paw, "have you heard from your Dad yet?" The lupine looked over to the fox and shook his head. He hadn't heard from them really since they left, even after what's been going on he still had no calls.

Jacob lunged across the rooftops as Xavier fired back at him in a flurry of ice. The already chilled air cut across him like daggers with chunks of ice in them. "You're too late, dog!" The fox exclaimed as he bounded up the side of a building and broke into a run. "Doesn't mean you can get away," he shouted as he continued his chase. As he leaped across a balcony and onto a railing Mark called out to him in his earpiece. "Jacob, the convention center has been evacuated and there is a chopper headed to me right now. Where are you?" The lion asked as an explosive boom triggered from the collapse of the convention centers roof. "I'm following after him, he's heading to just over a market place about a mile from where you are." The wolf said as he ran under a clothesline. "Gotcha. Keep me updated and don't get too caught up with him. Remember what your research showed," The lion warned as the sound of a helicopter echoed towards him. The lupine continued sprinting as he followed after the fox. As he drew closer, he reached into his jacket, pulled out the small rod of metal, and griped it in his paw.

Xavier continued sprinting across rooftops before he leaped out into the marketplace that Jacob had predicted. He front flipped and spun around, meeting eyes with the wolf, and cast a wave of flames in his direction. Jacob gripped the metal in his hands, the small strut glowing a hot white and bursting into a blade. The lupine cut through the flames as he leaped into the empty market place and dropped down into the dirt. "Good work," Xavier chortled as he threw his fists down to his side, his coat bursting into a shine, "how about I take care of you for the last time?" The fox lunged at the wolf as he shot forth at him, withdrawing his own small piece of metal that evolved into a blade. Jacob threw up his blade in defense just in time, feeling the hot burst of energy strike his body. The infusion of Dekoret in the fox caused him to have an increase in strength unknown to that of other furs his size. The lupine held his blade sturdily as he quickly withdrew his handgun and shot at the fox. The fox vanished and appeared upon a stack of crates just as the bullet traveled out of the pistol. "You think that will work?" Xavier bolstered as he whipped a lash of elements at the lupine. Jacob dodged as many of the elements as he could until he dived into a wagon cart full of glass.

Jacob cried out as he landed, glass shattering and piercing into him. He held his arm tight as he felt blood seeping out from a wound caused by a broken shard. He heard the fox let out a cry of pain as the earth began to shake once more. 'What?' The lupine thought as he peered over the side of the wagon to see the fox holding his head. The fox called out to the sky in pain as the pillar of light that came from the reactor outside of the city began to glow in deeper and darker shades of violet, blue, and white. Jacob, took this as his chance as the earth continued to quake. Before he could get close enough to the fox he was hit with a shockwave that cut across the entire landscape. Jacob fell onto his back, dropping his weapons beside him and struggling to breathe. He sat back up and looked once again at the howling fox. Xavier echoed a painful cry, met with the sky growing dark. "Mark, where is the chopper?" Jacob asked as he picked himself up once again. "We can see you right now," the lion replied as the vehicle he was in careened overhead and circled around. Xavier stopped shouting and collapsed to his knees as the ground convulsed once more. He stayed in silence, before gasping in pain. A ladder fell down next to the lupine from the chopper above, the lion calling from above. "Jacob! Let's go!" Mark called out, "You know he's not gonna do anything now! Just leave him!" The lion continued to shout as he waved down for the wolf. Jacob stammered forward slowly as the rushing air from above forced down upon him. He readied his gun, pulling back the hammer and locking it as he steadied his aim. Before he could fire, the fox vanished into thin air, leaving only a rain of dust where he had been. "Know this, Jacob," a voice said to him, "I will take what you most love as what you have done to me."

The wolf's skin crawled as he felt the cold touch of a nameless figure run against him. "Jacob!" Mark shouted at the lupine as he jumped out of the craft and to the ground, "Let's go!" The lion wrapped his arms around the wolf as he began to pull himself up the ladder and order for them to take off. Jacob continued to stare blankly before he looked out towards the tower of brilliance. "Get us out of here and up in the air," Mark said to the pilot, "We don't have much time now." As the pilot pulled away the damage across the land could be seen stretching out from the reactor facility. The facility could be seen wrapped in a dome of the same colors as the pillar with pulsing waves growing in intensity. As he watched the land below begin to slowly start pulling toward the destructive center he focused on what the fox had said. "Mark!" He shouted and clung on tight to the lion before a torrent of light flooded through the sky.

There was a single large quake that lasted for a solid minute; it's vigor knocking many of them to the ground. Alex held onto Wolfe's jacket as everyone fell to the ground. As soon as the quake stopped, a brighter wave of light than the last streaked across the sky. It's intensity flashed great for only ten seconds before dispersing. They all looked to the sky, removing their paws from their eyes. The sky was still covered in dark clouds that loomed heavily. "What... What was that?" Scott said as he looked forth into the sky. No one had an answer as they rose from the pavement. Much of the area had been damaged from the quakes; streets were cracked and even some buildings were in unstable condition. Military aircraft could be heard roaring overhead, moving south. "Everyone gather over here!" William said as he waved his paws in the air and held a roster. "We need to get a roll call of everyone and see about getting you all home now. The competition has been canceled and due to safety concerns we will be returning you all home as soon as possible," Antonio yelled over the crowd who was met with a mix of disappointment and uncertainty as to how they will be getting home; and for some relief that they would be safe at home. "Jessica," Scott said, "There has been whispers among the parents that they are going to get us on the busses as soon as tonight. Think they can?" "Probably; the quakes haven't been strong enough to where I would say that we couldn't drive home," She replied. "They reinforced almost all the bridges on the major freeways so we know that's not the concern," Edward said as he held Jessica's paw.

"As soon as we have heard news on whether the roads out there have been deemed safe by CalTrans, expect to be headed home by late tonight," William shouted over the crowd. "For now we need everyone to wait till we can find out if the hotel is safe enough to go back into so we can get your luggage," One of the parents said as she returned from speaking with a police officer who had pulled up only a few minutes earlier. "Also, as far as we know there hasn't been much new news on the radios as to anything else regarding the incident in Cairo," The ursine stated.

"So for now we need you all to sit tight and we'll keep you updated," Antonio said as he then walked away with William to begin the planning of the return home. Alex fiddled with the hood of his jacket and looked for a place to sit. When he spotted it he walked off, soon followed by the rest of the gang. 'I wonder where they are...' Wolfe thought as he took a seat next to the fox.

Jacob and Mark stepped out of the helicopter and onto the carrier. Immediately, they proceeded to the central command of the ship where everyone inside was sprinting from post to post. Karen and Steven were pulling up live satellite images of Cairo and the surrounding area, Veronica was plotting a course back to the southern point of Florida, and Uroso was gathering news from around the globe. Jacob viewed the satellite images and turned away to walk down out of the bridge. He walked along the hall with the memorable words still playing in his mind. 'It couldn't be related... Those experiments were successful...' He thought as he headed to his bag inside the cargo hold, 'If that was him then how could I have not remembered him from so long ago?' Jacob pulled out a large binder inside his bag that contained a research document he had spent the last eight years working on. The contents of the binder concerned all of his research into Dekoret from its initial discovery north of the mining site he went to six years earlier. Something deep within Jacob urged him to look into his documents regarding his early research on Dekoret. One tab in particular seemed to call to him as he sifted through the papers. 'Test Subject Number 11,' it read. As he turned it's cover over he dropped the entire binder to the ground. He stood in horror as he realized that the test subject who had worked with him so willing was staring at him with the same piercing eyes he knew too well.

~~~~~~~ Six Years Ago ~~~~~~~

"It's perfectly safe, Johnathan," Jacob said to the fox. "Well if the research is right we can see what exposure to the radiation will do to me," the test volunteer said as he held out his arm. Jacob steadied the needle into the fox's arm and into his vein. After securing the line, he started the feed of the blend of test material and saline blend he had created. The lupine raised his paw and checked the vulpine's pulse as he had a nurse take notes for him. "All seems good to me," Jacob said enthusiastically to the orange fox. "We shall see what happens once this is done then," Jonathan said as he looked up to the ceiling and rested his eyes.

Two weeks later, the fox was discharged from Red Wolf due to the material poisoning his body, he was only given another week to live when they had to forcefully remove him since he now was hunting for revenge against Jacob for his flawed research. "There is nothing we can do for him, Jacob," Douglas said as he patted the wolf's shoulder, "Best to just leave it. We're sending him to the medical containment ward and once he has passed we'll send a unit to collect him and place him to rest." Jacob walked away and into the hallway as he heard the fox continue to cry out, being placed in restraints as he fought against the guards. He punched through the wall and ran off down the hall. 'Of all the subjects... he has to be the one who will die,' the lupine thought as he entered an elevator.

The fox continued to live past the week he was given and had grown sicker. Another week after his expected death he vanished. A video from a surveillance camera showed he had tried to sit up, then a power outage. By the time the generators were started a minute later he was gone. The system had a gap in it that showed him rising and then nothing once it came back online. Jacob had been placed with guards for the following months but nothing ever came after him. No one could find him anywhere and had assumed he had some how escaped in the minute long window he had to get out of the facility in the middle of downtown Los Angeles.

~~~~~~~ Present ~~~~~~~

Jacob stammered back; the reality of this suppressed memory hit him. Everything felt surreal. "Mark!" Jacob called out as he ran out of the hanger. The lupine ran into the lion in the corridor he had turned into. "Jacob, what's wrong?" Mark asked as he looked upon the wolf and placed his hands on Jacob's upper arms to calm him down. Jacob breathed heavily, "It's him. Subject 11." Mark gazed upon him in confusion and tilted his head. "Xavier is Subject 11 of the early Dekoret testing. The only one who was supposed to die," Jacob said as he stared into the lion's eyes. "What is that connection going to do for us?" The cat said as he returned the distraught lupine's gaze. "Don't you get it?" Jacob shouted, "His whole plan was to take everyone with him for the experiment with Dekoret. He's after revenge." Douglas came down the hall with Veronica, who was assisting him. As they stopped Jacob breathed heavily again as Mark tried to piece the lupine's thoughts together. "I still don't understand," he said. Jacob punched the metal wall to his left and growled heavily. "We need to get home now," Jacob shouted as he and turned down the hall. "Well we obviously can't get anywhere sitting in the middle of the Atlantic, Jacob!" Mark roared back at him in frustration as he followed after the lupine. Jacob stopped in his tracks and clenched his teeth. He knew that Xavier would not just take his life. There was one thing Jacob cherished most in the world and Xavier could remember what it was clearly.

Wolfe slept silently on the bus heading home with Alex resting on his shoulder as the headlights washed over his fur in the early morning light.


Two more chapters for this series. Next up, Chapter Seventeen - Burning Light of the Sun


All characters, structure, scenario, and plot © 2011, 2013 Wolfe Dimitrivich Escada aka XenialShadow

All artists, music, brand names, company names, slogans, registers, and trademarks are copyright to their respective entities and used only to enhance the story.

The majority of the story is purely fictitious and is not to be taken into account in the event of coincidental reality.

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