Ten Grand

Story by Nemi on SoFurry

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A short story that's been tossing itself around inside my mind for a while now. Know there's going to be some grammar errors, seems that my auto-correct has failed the one time that its needed. Hope you enjoy the read as we venture into a darker side of a women's mind.

She rode into town in the middle of the pouring rain. Water dripped from her oiled leather coat, mud specked her heeled boots, and mist seemed to cloud her eyes as those green orbs took in the photo in her paw. She memorised the face, the body in it before strong fingers crumpled the picture into wet paste, letting it hit the dirt. Ahead she saw the neon signs, glowing through rain and twlight, a naked girl on a pole... How classic she thought as she closed her car door. The red mustang faded into the distance as she crossed the thresh-hold of the doorway of the club, deep beats from within already seeming to match the pulse of her blood.

It never got old she mused, handing her coat over to a doorman to behung to dry. The DJ sat in his booth like a king lording over his subjects. Large speakers covered the darkend floor, fog and lasers played their games across the dancefloor as she found herself a booth, eyes alert. A few fiftes were slid across to the bartender with a note written in a flowing script, his eyes went dark before he nodded. As he shuffled away a large wolf took the open slot next to her and began to talk as she settled in to wait.

Oi, if the music here was great the men made up for it. One by one, even a pair or two came up. Their goals were clear to see to the naked eye, catchy lines tossed as bait and each one was sent away. A snug joke about their manhood, a glance from the bouncer she had offered a cash gift to, a play about some boring job. Each one came up to bat only to swing far to low to even catch as a blip on her radar. But her eyes finally turned onto a rather short rat, a spitting image of the male in the picture and her grin then knew no limits.

She slipped free of the confines, a drink in one paw as she dived into her own world, the bodies on the dancefloor a tangle worse than any forest, the deep bass from the subs setting her afire as she whispered a select few words to the DJ, aided by a helpful finger running down his chest. Minutes later the songs went from a soft generic trance style to a hardcore dance. The man she was after was off to the side, and when she wrapped her fingers around his he didnt fight, a look of suprise showing off his rather avarage looks, not that she cared.

He was pulled from the sidelines right into the thich of things. The beat flowed through her as she used her curves to full effect. A nudge here, touch there against the rat's frame kept things interesting as he quickly settled into her groove. As the song hit a frenzied high her tan fur began to shimmer from a layer of sweat, her partner not much better as she flipped around, taking both his hands into her palms and guiding them under her tanktop.

Like any hotblooded male he responded to this just as quick as she had hoped, his strong arms wrapping around her waist in a possissive fashion, drawing her close. His musk quickly began to grow as she ground her chest against his. Her mouth peppered his neck and throat with nips, more than a few rougher than she wanted to allow. Fingers began to feel her ass, toying with the helm of her miniskirt and the red panties hidden away by the fabric, and her only response was a sway of her hips in their direction.

The song finally began to fade as the DJ made a few offhanded comments as he was wont to do, she took the moment to whsiper a few hushed words into his ear. Just as a joke could turn a man away a few well aimed complments could draw him in like a spider did to a fly, catching him in her enchanted web as she slid off her partner and towards an exit door, unlocked earlier via the bartender.

She didnt wait long in the rain, but the few short moments that the wombat had she enjoyed, the cool rain pattering against her already slick fur sending shivers running down her spine. The door burst from behind and a figure shoved her up against the wall forcefully. She let loose a long gasp as the rat wasted no time in ripping off her undergarments in the alley. All around her eyes could see filth from dozens but none of that mattered as she felt something thich and hard rub against her unguarded enterence.

He rumbled something and she gave a responding whine of disinterest, she would not be needing a condom tonight. It was taken as an agreement and without another word that thich piece of preeding tool shoved her wide. Oh how her legs went to jello for a moment, a loud moan bubbling freely from her lips as the muroid pounded his way into her with a reckless abandon. She could feel the heavy slap of his balls against her thighs with each forward movement, the cock inside her hitting all the right places as she bit back a scream.

Her arms twisted up against her chest, fingers curling up against a black handle as the males hammering began to grow more frantic. She could feel the spurts of pre slipping into her well lubed love tunnel, the tip hitting her cirvex. Each movement reminded her of how it felt to be a women, a mental image of what would happen should he be allowed to finish setting her off. She quivered against the male, pressed against the slimy wall as rain poured atop them both. Her tunnel clamped down hard on his member and she felt him pause, her moment had came at last.

The hand around the handle lashed out, the sight of steel flashing for a second before it came to rest burried deep inside the nameless man's throat, ripped free to stab a second time as she twirled away, his cock slipping free into the cool air with a look of shock written across his face. As his eyes locked with hers she ever so gently pushed the dying male against the wall, taking a picture out from her bra. It showed a male that matched the one that slowly slid down, a pool of red staining his front. Next to him was a female and two small children, a perfect little family. The wombat spoke the first words that she could remember the whole night to him then, with a voice heavy with rage. "She really did love you..."

She turned and spashed through the mud back to her car, the rain washing the spatter of blood free from her fur as fingers took hold of a milina folder. Inside was the work of the past two weeks, dozens of pictures detailing the rat's indecritions. Each meeting had the female he had been with marked, dated and time stamped. She returned to find a corpse in the mud and graced the body with a small smile as she set the packet right up against his arm, evidence of who he really was.

Almost a week later she rode down the highway, a thousand miles away across the grat plains. Sun beamed through the sunroof as her cell went off. An unknown number showed on the display and she took the call. A few minutes passed as the wombat looked from from the road down to the silver ring on her finger, a speck of red upon the metal. Her voice was quiet, thoughtful as she said, "ten grand and he's done."