A Warm Bed Chapter 11

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Chapter 11 -- Veritas

(September 18th)

Jeff, quite understandably, was well aware of his master's proclivities.

It was no secret that Scott harbored a quite socially unacceptable attraction to boys: teenagers at the very least, if not cubs as well. Of course, Jeff understood this. How could he not? No adult, gay or otherwise, would be so quick to take a 14-year-old boy as his pet if he didn't have certain pre-existing inclinations.

Jeffery held no illusions as to what his master was attracted to. So it would be natural for the cat to be uncomfortable with the idea of his master -- the fox he loved -- spending his days at a school surrounded by kids, some as young as Jeffery himself. But such worries had never crossed his mind...

...not until this week, anyway.

But it wasn't students who Jeff was worried about: it was a coworker. The idea that Scott spent his entire day at the school without Jeffery, and in such close proximity to James Callaway...THAT set the cat's fur on end.

It didn't help, either, that the past two evenings when Scott came in from work, James was the only subject on his lips...and today -- Wednesday, a short three days after their Sunday encounter -- was certain to be no different.

And it was entirely from dreading yet another such conversation, that Jeff remained this evening on the couch, instead of rising to greet his master at the door.

Soon enough, latches clicked, the door knob turned, and Scott strode into his home. The smile on his face, though, quickly turned to confusion, when found that his little gray kitten wasn't waiting for him in the entry way. The last time Jeffery was absent was following the fox's unfortunate night of drinking...and Scott's worries immediately took over, as he could imagine no positive reason for his pet to be missing.

Bag and coat sat aside, he continued on into his home, and rounded his couch to find his cat sitting there, eyes turned to greet the fox, "Afternoon, Master."

"Kitten?" His face clouded with worry, Scott inched closer and sat down by his pet, "Is everything okay?"

Realizing how he must look, Jeffery quickly replaced his blanker expression with a wide, fake smile, in the hopes of allaying his master's fears, "Yes, Sir. Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know. I'm just used to seeing you waiting for me at the door."

"I'm sorry, Master. I didn't hear you pull up this time." The cat looked to the television. His first instinct was to blame it for being too loud, but it wasn't even on, "...I must've dozed off."

"You don't have to be sorry," with a gentle smile, Scott pulled his kitten close and kissed him on the forehead, "You can nap whenever you like."

After returning the soft smile, his mood having been warmed considerably just by that small kiss, Jeff slipped from the couch. At this point, it had become a silent and expected ritual. His master lifted his feet, and the kitten went about removing his shoes and his socks. "How was your day?" he asked nearly on instinct, as it was the customary way to greet his master...but, knowing what the answer would certainly be, he regretted it immediately.

"Pretty much the same as always," the fox wiggled his still socked toes after his shoes were removed. "Except, of course, that I'm worried James is gonna' get us fired..."

Jeffery had to restrain a sigh. Of course Scott mentioned James. "What do you mean, Master? Is he still trying to have sex with you at school?" like the dutiful pet, he tugged his master's socks off of his feet as he carried on the conversation, referencing a tale from the day before.

Scott laughed aloud, "He wasn't trying to have sex with me, Kitten; he was just being handsy when we were alone. But no, it's not that. Today, while we were getting our lunch in the cafeteria-"

"You eat cafeteria food?" the cat cut him off, socks now slipped off and tucked away in his master's shoes.

"Sometimes." Scott nodded and continued, "But, while we were in line, today, he kept asking me which students I thought were hot! And when I wouldn't answer him, he just told me which ones HE liked, instead. I was terrified someone was gonna' hear us."

"Sounds dangerous."

"A bit. As best I could tell, though, no one heard him."

"You don't sound very upset with him."

"Well, if it was anyone else I probably would be!"

'Anyone else.' Even as Jeff moved closer to his master, to continue his afternoon duties, those words stuck in his head. ANYONE else? Did that count Jeffery, too? Shaking the thought off, though, he soldiered on and unbuckled the elder fur's belt.

"He's just so damn charming about it, though!" As the fox continued, he untucked his shirt, easier to pull free of his waist now, without the constriction of his belt, "He seems to know exactly what to say, and how to say it to keep a smile on my face, you know?"

Of course Jeffery knew. That's how he felt about Scott. A time or two over these past few days, he'd found himself smiling or even chuckling at a story about James, in spite of himself...and it was entirely because his master was the one who was telling the story. He said nothing of the sort to Scott, though, simply pulling the fox's belt free of its loops and setting it aside on the coffee table.

"Or maybe you don't," Scott amended. "I'm sure someday you'll find some girl that'll make you feel the same way, though."

Of course, though, the cat didn't want a girl. He wanted Scott. "It sounds like things are going well."

"They really are! And for him too." Less confined, and not interested at the moment in taking advantage of any of his pet's 'other' duties, Scott patted the couch beside himself, to let his kitten know that he could jump back up. "I know he seemed happy when he was here on Sunday, but you should see him now that he's gotten over his nervousness. He is absolutely ELATED that you're gonna' get to be his pet, now, too!"

The definite nature of that statement didn't escape Jeff's attention. He was 'going to be' James's pet? Not 'might be?' As he climbed back up beside his master, he timidly checked for clarification, "So...are you two actually a couple, then?"

"I don't know. We haven't really made it official, I guess. But things are going SO well! I've never really clicked with somebody so easily. And it just feels...right. I know it's fast and everything, and Lord knows neither of us are perfect, but," the fox paused to take a breath amidst his rambling, "I'm honestly starting to wonder if he might even be 'the one.' Little early to tell, but still..."

And that was all Jeffery could take. Scott treating James like a boyfriend was bad enough. So were the tales of the raccoon's 'handsiness,' Scott's inability to see fault in anything he did, and just, in general, how often the fox spoke of his coworker-turned-potential-boyfriend. But now he was 'the one?' Now the boy had to listen to his master all but declare his undying love for that stupid raccoon??

His attempts at even a fake smile were lost, now, shoulders slumped and gaze lowered in silence as his master continued on in uninterrupted ignorance...

"I guess it's a good thing that I've got that big California King, too, huh? We're gonna' need all the room we can get in that bed if we expect all three of us to fit in it, right?" Oblivious, Scott nudged his pet playfully, "You think you'll be okay with that, Kitten? Him moving in and you getting twice the attention? Us fighting over who gets to cuddle up to you at night?"

The cat's response was immediate, cold, and detached, "...I guess I'll have to be."

He shouldn't have even said it. He just wanted the conversation to be over. He wanted to move on and talk about something else. And showing his master he was upset was certain to do exactly the opposite. But in that moment, his mood and his honesty got the best of him. He was in no condition to hide his discomfort any longer, and it was too late to take it back...

"Kitten?" Scott blinked and turned to look at his boy, only now noticing the defeated and broken smile on his face, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Jeff just turned away, not wanting, even, to be seen.

"No. Something's wrong," and it wasn't hard for the fox to tell what it was, either. It was James. "I...I thought you liked James."

"I like James just fine," Jeffery huffed, stubborn and defiant.

"Then why do you seem so upset?" hoping to comfort the boy, Scott put his paw on Jeff's shoulder. "Is there something wrong with him moving in?

"No!" Finally pushed too far by the questioning, and by his master's ignorance, the cat pulled away from the paw, and snapped: "What could possibly be wrong with it, Scott?? You know: at least until you two find somebody ELSE to share me with!"

"Whoa! Whoa," Scott sat back, holding his paws up defensively, completely taken off guard by the accusation, "Jeffery? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing!" Again, though Jeff doubled back on himself. He was boiling over. Every time he spoke it was harder and harder to not explode. But he'd been a good boy, a good pet this long. He couldn't throw it all away, now. He had to be strong...he had to prove he was good. But then again...maybe that wasn't even the point anymore. Maybe he just didn't want to have this conversation. Maybe what he really wanted was to just ignore it, and push it aside... "I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have..."

"Kitten, no," it was too late to deter the fox, though. His kitten was hurt, and he couldn't just let that lie. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I told you it's nothing!" Jeffery snapped back again, his voice growing shakier and louder by the moment. "Just never mind. I don't want to talk about it."

Scott reached a comforting paw toward his pet, "Jeffery-"

"I said NO!" the cat screamed, finally, cutting his master off and pushing him away, as he scrambled from the couch and to his feet.

Scott just stared on in shock, never having seen his pet react like that: so violently averse to even being touched. And Jeff looked right back at him, eye-to-distant-eye. The cat, at a glance, looked angry...but he wasn't. The fox saw past his pet's pinched brow and clenching jaw. He saw the welling tears and the quivering lips. Jeffery was scared...he was hurt...he was sad.

But before Scott could say another word -- anything to comfort his kitten -- the boy turned and stormed from the room, disappearing down the hall to the sound of their slamming bedroom door.

At times, though, Scott was far more stubborn than was in his or anyone else's best interest. Jeff didn't want to talk; he'd made that as clear as he possibly could...but his master wasn't about to just let this go.

No matter whether it was what his kitten wanted or not, he still followed. Slow and measured steps carried him down the hall and to their room, and before his paw even touched the knob, he heard the heavy erratic breathing of his pet crying within.

He pushed open the door, "Kitten?"

From the bed, though, Jeffery offered no response, save for attempting to steady his breathing and to silence his sobs. Some small part of him still believed that he could avoid this conversation: that, somehow, if he could hide his crying, Scott would leave him be.

But of course, he didn't, "Jeffery?"

The cat only responded by more tightly gripping the blankets he'd wrapped himself in, and burying his head into the pillow.

Scott approached from behind the boy, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He reached a paw out as he spoke, "Please talk to me," but thought better of it, since his pet had made it clear he didn't want to be touched...

Fact of the matter was, of course, Jeff would have been more than happy with the comforting paw...or even with his master slipping under the covers and holding him. It was the words he wanted to avoid. So long as they never spoke, he could imagine everything would one day be okay. He could imagine James was a passing fling, and soon they'd be alone again.

But the thought of them speaking, and of Scott confirming his every worst fear -- that the cat's love was one sided, and that there was nothing stopping him being replaced by the older, more charming, and more handsome raccoon -- was something he couldn't bear.

"Jeff, I...I never meant to make you think..." the fox stammered to find the right words to calm and reassure his pet. "I told you on Sunday that this was entirely your decision. Anything between you and James is completely up to you. It was okay for you to say no, then...and it still is. If you changed your mind, or even if you never really meant it..." he scooted closer on the bed, still careful not to touch the boy. "No matter what, I won't be mad."

But Jeffery hadn't just changed his mind. It wasn't so simple as him just not wanting to 'play' with James. He wanted the raccoon gone. He wanted James out of their lives and to have Scott all to himself. Would that be okay too? Would Scott still not be mad?

"Jeffery, please?" Scott continued on, "You can talk to me about anything."

And finally, the cat spoke, "Can I?"

"Of course you can! That was a rule when you first got here, remember? You can always ask mas-" Scott stopped before he called himself 'master.' Now was not the time. "You can always ask me anything you want. Remember? This is the same thing."

Though finally speaking, Jeff didn't turn himself, or even his head, to look at his master, "You've never cared before. Why would you now?"

"That's not fair! Of course I care. But you haven't even talked to me about...whatever this is, and I..." the fox stopped himself again, realizing that he was snapping at the boy -- accusing him -- and that was obviously the last thing his pet needed right now. "Please, just tell me. No matter what, you can say anything you want to me, Jeff."

"Fine!" Finally fed up with the questions, and convinced that nothing he could do would just make the fox give up and go away, Jeffery exploded at last. He flipped over in the bed, flinging the covers away and facing his master, "You want to know, Scott!? I'm tired of being passed around to all of your damn friends! I agreed to be YOUR pet! You! Not anybody else! Not James, Tony, or whoever else you decided to bring home with you! THAT'S what's wrong!"

Scott had an argument ready, immediately. It was truthful and logical, and he would present it with as much kindness and comfort as he could manage, despite his pet's screaming. He would argue that it was only James: not 'all of his friends.' He would argue that even WITH James, it was a lengthy and thoughtful decision, where he picked someone that he knew he could trust with both the secret, and with the most important kitten in his life. He would argue that it was never something he would force on Jeff, and that that's why he'd left the decision entirely up to the boy. And then he would promise Jeffery that nothing more ever had to happen between the cat and the raccoon...no matter what else that might mean.

That was the argument that came to mind. That was what he opened his muzzle to say. But before the first syllable could leave his lips, one word of the cat's rant finally registered with him: Tony. "Wait. Who..." Scott's voice was soft but tense, certain that no matter what answer he received, this was going nowhere good, "Who's Tony?"

And he was met with a flood of conflicting emotion from his kitten. The cat's rush of anger remained, and tears still trickled from his eyes, but when he opened his mouth to speak, he began with a darkened laugh, "You bring him home from the bar and let him FUCK me...but don't even know his name?"

Scott felt himself begin to shake. It began at his chest and radiated out, into his jaw and down his arm, until his paws were gripping the blankets to remain steady, "J-Jeffery...I have no idea what you're talking about."

"What do you mean you don't know??" Jeff shot back in disbelief. "You apologized for it! You threw your alcohol out because of it!"

The fox fell immediately into denial, head shaking as he leaned away from the boy.

This wasn't right! It couldn't be. He had gotten drunk, he'd come home, and HE'D hurt Jeffery. That was what happened! It had to be. It's what he'd apologized for...what he thought he'd spent a week making up for...

There was no way it was...this! He wouldn't. He couldn't. He would never bring some stranger home to have their way with his pet! But...what reason would Jeffery have to lie? And, for that matter, how could Scott know for certain WHAT happened? He couldn't remember a thing from that night.

All he knew was that he'd woken the next morning to find his kitten ravaged, broken, and soaked both in tears...and in fluids far worse. He never asked what happened, never checked for evidence or proof. He just assumed it was him.

But he was wrong. And as the truth finally sank in, as he finally realized what had actually happened a week and a half earlier...he simply hung his head, muttering in weakness and defeat: "It wasn't me..."

"What?" Jeffery asked, legitimately unable make out his master's mumbling.

"I thought...I thought it was ME!" Scott screamed, though not in anger. It was a yelp of pain, stung by the truth of what he'd done.

"What are you talking about?"

"Jeffery, Kitten...I...I-" through his shaking and his breaths, the fox could barely steady himself enough to speak. But, with some effort, he managed to focus and continue, "I blacked out! The last thing, from that WHOLE night, that I remember was talking to some wolf at a bar. The next morning, I woke up and I saw..." He stopped.

Silently his gaze traveled over his kitten's exposed frame and down to his spot in the bed: to the place where he'd found him that morning -- matted, crusted, and used. He didn't finish his sentence, though. They both knew what Scott had seen that Sunday morning, and repeating it aloud served no one. Instead, their eyes simply met in the silence...and that look was enough.

Jaw shaking, he continued, "I thought it was ME! I thought I came home drunk and out of control, and...I thought I hurt you!"

Jeff's face remained wet, eyes red and clouded, but his anger, now, had given way to confusion, "You...you thought that you...?"

"Jeff, I don't remember anything! I...I'm so sorry." Scott looked down at the bed, paws clenched in frustration around fistfuls of his blankets, "I don't even have any idea who Tony IS!"

"...the wolf," the cat answered blankly.

Scott looked up again, "What?"

"Tony...he's the wolf you remember from the bar."


Jeffery spoke in a measured tone, rhythmic and deliberate, "He came home with you. Drove you back. You passed out. We put you in bed. And then he..." Jeffery drew in a shaking breath of his own, his resolve faltering as he came upon the part of the story he'd still rather not say aloud. His eyes, though, turned to the door, "...right out there, over the arm of your couch."

Numb, the fox simply turned his head to look at the door as well...

And Jeff continued, his anger returning in a sudden and violent burst, "How can you not know!? He said you told him that he could do it! He said that you 'owed' him for the ride, and that you told him what a great FUCK I was, and-"

"No!" Scott whipped back around, cutting his pet off. "Jeffery, no! I would NEVER say anything like that! No matter who it was or HOW drunk I got! I would never talk like that about you to anyone!"

"What about James?" the cat shot back with a short, cynical huff.

"No. Never," Scott shook his head, looking his pet dead in the eye. "I told him who you were, I told him about our relationship, but I never said anything like...like..."

"Like how I was a great fuck?" Jeffery finished the sentence for his master.

"Never!" the fox assured him, a paw on his chest. "And I would never promise you to anyone, either! Even with James, I made it very clear that if -- IF -- he ever had an opportunity with you, it was because YOU were giving it to him."

"Then what about Tony?" Jeff threw his paws up, refusing to believe he'd been wrong. "How did he even know I was your pet??"

"I...I don't know, Jeff," boldly, Scott reached forward, taking his kitten's paw in his own, and was surprised when the boy, despite everything, didn't pull it away. "But I could never do anything like that to you! No matter how drunk I was. I love you too much, Jeffery...too much to ever purposefully put you in that kind of situation. You've GOT to know...you mean too much to me..."

And that was the only word he needed to hear. Love.

The cat froze as he felt his paw tighten involuntarily around his master's. Love? He'd waited weeks to hear that word on the fox's muzzle, spent most of that time certain he never would, and passed the last three days dreading that it would be for James, if he ever did. But there it was. Love. His master loved him...

Everything else fell aside in an instant. Some small voice was defending his master's position: arguing that Tony could have easily figured it out on his own. After all, the drunken fox had referred himself as 'Master' and Jeffery was waiting nude at the door to greet him. Perhaps it really WAS possible that it was all just an accident...

But even those thoughts were drowned out under the weight of that one word. Love. Scott loved him, and nothing else mattered...

The fox, though, continued before Jeffery could respond, "I'm sorry about James, too, Jeffery. I had no idea. I promise you: I didn't know!" He shook his head as he squeezed his kitten's paw, "If I'd known about Tony, there is NO way I would have exposed you to James like that! There's no way I would have made you have to relive something like that. I am so, SO sorry!"

"No," Jeff's entire demeanor had changed, suddenly defending and comforting his master. "No, Scott. James was different. It wasn't like with Tony! I was given a choice with James."

"Were you, really?" Scott argued, too beside himself with guilt to even notice his pet's shifting mood. "Do I ever REALLY give you a choice about anything?"

The cat nodded meekly, "I mean, did feel...a little pressured, but-"

Scott cut him off, "More than a little, I'm sure."

"But you gave me so many opportunities to say no," Jeffery continued. "You both did! It's not your fault that I didn't take them."

"Isn't it? I mean...after Tony-"

"You didn't know about Tony."

"That's no excuse!" the fox shot back, too busy punishing himself to let his kitten comfort him.

Jeff took a moment to reconsider his approach, to figure out how best to make Scott understand what was going on. With a weak but finally genuine smile, he began, "Sunday...with James. It hurt."

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Scott interrupted him to apologize.

"But Tony..." the cat ignored the interruption, "Being reminded of Tony is NOT what made it so bad."

"I..." Scott shook his head, "I don't understand."

"You really don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

"Scott...I love you!" finally, Jeffery had said it. Tears still in his eyes, he gripped his master's paw tighter, barely restraining his emotion as he finally let everything out: "I love living here. I love sleeping in your bed. I love how you smile when you see me waiting for you after work! I love everything we've been doing together..."

"Wait," the fox interjected himself again. The confession was unexpected to say the least. Love. But despite its weight, it was the last sentence which most caught his attention: "Everything?"

"Everything!" Jeff repeated himself, eyes locked with his master's. "I love the way you taste. I love the way you feel. I love seeing you slip out of your clothes at the end of the day. I love...YOU!" Still, though, his emotions seemed conflicted. Despite the compassion of his words, and despite what should have been a joyous affirmation...his voice sounded nothing short of desperate, "I don't want anything except to BE with you, Scott! That's why I forgave you for Tony. That's why I did what I did for you and James on Sunday..."

Scott, though, just couldn't get past the sexual half of the boy's confession, "I thought you were straight!"

"Scott," the cat just lowered his gaze, shooting his master a playfully insulting stare, "I cum when you're inside of me."

Caught off guard by the moment of humor, Scott laughed aloud. Like always, despite everything, his kitten managed to bring a smile to his face.

And, though he'd brought one to his own as well, Jeffery continued on to his point: "THAT'S what hurt me on Sunday, Scott. It wasn't being reminded of Tony...it was seeing you, seeing the fox I love with..." he stumbled a bit, trying to figure out how to put it...

...and the fox finished the sentence for him, "...with James."

"No. With anyone else, at all!" Jeff corrected him. And then, before another word could be said on the matter, he forged ahead and changed the subject, "Did you mean it?"

Scott visibly flinched at the shift, not sure what his pet was getting at, "Did I mean...?"

"A minute ago, you said you loved me," the cat reminded him. "You said you loved me too much to hurt me. Did you mean it?"

"I did. I do."

"Then why haven't you ever said it?"

"Why haven't you?" Scott turned the question back on his kitten.

"Because I thought you just wanted me as a pet!" Jeffery pointed to the collar he still wore: the collar he'd gotten almost five weeks earlier. "I was trying to be a 'good boy'...to make you happy."

"And that's why I didn't say anything!" the fox added in a tone as if he were agreeing with the boy. "I thought you were straight. I thought you were just doing this for a roof and a warm bed. I thought that there was no way you could actually feel about me like I do about you!" He shook his head, barely believing that this misunderstanding was really the rout of all their problems, "That was the whole reason I went out to those bars to begin with. It's the reason I started dating James!"

"Because you couldn't have me?"

"Because I couldn't have you..."

"But you can, you know?" Jeff smiled weakly, still unsure of admitting it aloud, despite everything his master had said, "...have me?"

Scott smiled hopefully at the thought, "You'd...really want that?"

"There's nothing else I want, Scott." The cat shook his head almost frantically, "Nothing!"

"Even after Tony? After James? After everything I've put you through?"

"Scott..." Jeffery tugged the fox closer by his paws. He was well past tired of all this talking, "Just, tell me you love me."

"I love you, Jeffery."

Renewed tears welling up in his eyes, the boy released his master's paws and dived forward, wrapping his arms around the fox's neck and pulling him into a kiss. Scott, of course, showed no hesitation in returning it, shifting the boy into his lap and holding him there on their bed. It wasn't their longest or most passionate kiss...but it didn't have to be. It wasn't like they hadn't done it before. But the feeling now -- knowing the lips touching theirs felt the same as they did -- was decidedly new.

After a moment, Jeff broke away, nuzzling his head into his master's chest, "Does this mean that we're...?"

"We're whatever you want us to be, Jeffery."

"I don't have to wear clothes now, do I?"

Scott laughed both at the question, and its implications, "God forbid!"

The cat leaned away, smiling up at his softly chuckling master...or boyfriend...or mate...or whatever they were now. He'd wanted this for weeks, and could barely believe he'd finally gotten it.

But...in the midst of it all, another thought occurred, and his smile faded, "Scott? What about James?"

The fox's grin faded as well, "Don't you worry about him, Kitten." He quickly put back on a brave face, though, to offer his kitten a reassuring smile, "I'll take care of everything..."


(September 19th)

Most days, time seemed to drag by.

Scott had long found it funny to think that his students had no idea that HE watched the clock just as much as they did. In fact, he was often convinced he hated it more than they ever could!

After all, they only had to hear his lectures once a day. He had to GIVE the things multiple times a day, to multiple disinterested classes. Not to mention that it was information he had to repeat again and again every semester to every new group of classes, and information he himself had learned a decade ago...

This Thursday, though, was different. The repeated lectures, the clock, and the uncaring students all remained...but time seemed to be rushing by. But, of course it would be today, wouldn't it?

Most days, he looked forward to the solitude of lunch -- or recently, to the company of a certain raccoon -- and then, after that, to the relaxation of his quiet and empty home -- or recently, to the company of a certain cat. And that anticipation made his work drag by...

Today, though, as lunch so quickly approached, he only dreaded it. He dreaded seeing James approach through his glass walls, dreaded his door opening, and most of all dreaded the conversation to follow it. And that anxiety made him wish his classes would never end...

But, of course, there was nothing he could do. Soon enough, his first classes had passed, lunch had begun, and a familiar raccoon was approaching from down the hall.

Stealing himself for the unpleasantness to come -- but unable to force a smile -- Scott simply waited by his desk, watching as his coworker and friend opened the door, and stepped inside...

"Hey Scott!" as always, James offered a wide smile...

...but Scott had no interest in leading him on any further by faking one of his own, "Hey James..."

The raccoon stopped in his tracks, blinking, "Is everything okay?"

"You might want to sit down..."


There we go! A Warm Bed continues!

This chapter has been a complete and total re-write, because the new chapter 9 changed so much stuff, that none of the dialogue in the original 11 made any sense anymore. The events were the same, but the words would have all been wrong. Anyway, this means all of this one was written completely by me. So the credits below are for the original story this was based off of...which had no appearance by James, by the way...

* Starring: Oloroso Rhone (Formerly Frost Rime Borealis) as Scott Hammond Phil Anthro Pist as Jeffery Anderson *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at http://phil-anthro-pist.sofurry.com/


Isn't that what you've been waiting for since Chapter Seven!? YAY! Scott and Jeff finally admitted that they loved one another! Oh, and not just that, but ALSO what you've been waiting all of Chapters Nine & Ten for: Scott finally knows about Tony! Happy now?

...but, of course...there's still the issue of James, isn't there? And of what Scott will DO with this information about Tony.

See you soon for more AWB! But first, of course, expect another flood of The Masters! Their chapter numbers are a bit too far apart. We need to fix that.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at theottercoon[at]gmail.com

See you for the next 4 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...for the next 7 chapters of The Masters! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!