a not so safe, safeway

Story by naughtywolf on SoFurry

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This story has been edited and rewritten to be a fur story

This story when i was in a Safeway, there was this guy in line at the 'hot food' section. He was good looking, (most men here, i noticed, are, all the better to oggle) and best of all, he was over a foot taller then me (I'm 6 foot 1"), with a bit of a pot belly and an awesome mustache. I immeadiately started having thoughts of asking him if he wanted a REAL hot meal for dinner! and so this story was inspired. (Also it does bump into another story I'm going to do. ;D

Oh yeah if your underage, go away, this isn't for you. This story contains fullsize OV

A Not So Safe, Safeway.

John stood in line patiently, purposely staying at the back of the line so he had a good view of the 'selection'. John is a rather tall husky, he looks like he was in his early 40's late 30's with very dark, black hair. He is about at 7 foot 3" so could easily see all each persons features through his pale blue eyes. He stared he drooled a little and catching himself slurped it up but licked his lips a little.

He wore a denim jeans and plain black t-shirt which was mostly covered by an open jacket. He had a fairly broad torso, but might have look thin in proportion to his height with a semi-large pot belly which just then gave a loud grumble. The feline in front of him turned and smiled "feeling eager eh?" Jeff asked.

Jeff was a much smaller man, at 5 foot 8" and was Johns current number one candidate to satisfy his craving. Jeff was in his early 20's, a local college student he wasn't quite thin, but just averagely built. He has deep cinnamon colored fur and wears jeans as well and a red t-shirt, also a cap with the collages mascot on it.

"Yeah, guess you could say that." John replies with a grin.

"Well, why don't you go ahead of me then? I'm actually not that hungry." Jeff says with smile.

John chuckled, "well, I am rather hungry, in fact, why don't we just get a family sized meal and split it, I'll pay for most of it and you'll get yours cheaper. how that sound?"

That sounded great to Jeff so he agreed. it was 5 pounds of chicken, a large drink and 2 pounds of potato wedges. Jeff payed for only a small amount and took the food to a table while John filled up the drink.

Jeff found a nice table in the corner where they ate and talked in privacy.

After the meal, (which John ate most of) Jeff scooted out his chair with a screech of the tiled floor. "Well, it was nice meeting you John, but i think I'm just gonna go drain the lizard then i gotta get back and study for a test tomorrow.

John nodded with under standing, "I wouldn't mind using the bathroom myself, after you then" he chuckles.

As the 2 stood at the urinals they heard a mighty belch from inside the large handicap toilet stall before seeing a large bear (even by bear standards) step out. Hagrid chuckles nervously, oh scuse me boys, didn't think anybody was in here." with that he head out the door, neither of them noticing the squirming in his belly or the obscene bulge of his crotch.

John shrugs the encounter off. After the 2 finish relieving themselves, and Jeff prepares to say his goodbye, John says, "wait before you go, theres something i wanna show you in the stall..."

Jeff rolls his eyes "I've already seen the stuff they write in there man, just a bunch of swear words and names in hearts and shit."

John shakes his head insistently, "no I doubt you've seen this."

Jeff sighs and steps into the stall, he looks around seeing the same toilet and same writing, he begins to turn "see? theres nothing no-" as he turns his words are cut off as he comes face to mouth with John. John grabs Jeff in a tight hug and works head into his muzzle quickly, knocking off his hat and cutting off any cries for help.

Jeff gags as he feels Johns slick tongue rubbing his face picking up his flavor, but John has to make this quick. He swallows, hard. Jeffs head quickly enters Johns throat making an obscene furry bulge, with John bent partly over with Jeffs shoulders sticking out. He takes a knife out of his pocket and cuts Jeffs shirt off quickly and works his shoulders into his mouth.

Jeff is unable to believe it, its not possible, he's actually being eaten whole! he begins to shout and resist kicking at Johns legs. John frowns at the annoyance kicking at his legs and after swallowing again, bringing Jeff into Johns slimy throat up to his forearms, he picks him up with one hand by the crotch.

John tries not to moan at the delicious taste of Jeff or the squirming he's doing in his throat. John swallows again helping push with his hand, moving Jeffs head into his stomach and pulling his in up to his waist with his hand sticking out. Half of Jeffs body on the slimy insides of Johns.

John unbuttons Jeffs fly and pulls his pants and underwear down to his ankles, just leaving it there for the moment. John is really enjoying himself now, with another swallow, he has Jeffs crotch in his mouth and hardly had to hold him up at all. Deciding now he has a little more time, he licks all over Jeffs sheath which quickly hardens into a large member.

John teases Jeffs cock for another moment before swallowing again moving that into his throat as well. Sitting on he toilet, he now only has Jeffs to spindly looking legs sticking out with his pants at his ankles. He moans feeling Jeff squirming in his throat and belly seeking release for his still hard cock.

John swallows a couple more times, each time his belly fills out a little more. After one more gulp only Jeffs pants and feet are sticking out. He slowly and gingerly removes each shoe, and the socks before pulling his pants of the rest of the way, picking up Jeffs underwear he gives them a quick sniff then pockets them for later so he can relive the memory.

John swallows again, and closes his mouth over Jeffs feet leaving no trace of him. He licks over Jeffs furred footpaws a few times sucking on them, getting some tickled thrashing form inside his stomach and giving himself a rock hard cock.

He swallows one last time and cant help but moan slightly as his belly fills out completely, bulging under his shirt occasionally a hand or foot can be seen.

As he feels Jeff moving inside him, obviously masturbating now he chuckles "good idea there Jeff." he unbuttons his own pants and masturbates wildly, it doesnt take long to cum, and by then Jeff has settled down some, more out of weakness, he is now searching for an escape.

John chuckles as he exits the Bathroom, his tail wagging slightly behind him.

John pats his belly, and says under his breath "thanks for the meal there Jeff, I love a discount."

The End!

hope you enjoyed!

note, this story was originally human but i just needed something to do and am suffering writers block so sortof just converted this. hope you enjoyed!