Misplaced Legends, Reign of the Dragon King. #1: Arena

Story by Zolgar on SoFurry

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#1 of Misplaced Legends, Reign of the Dragon King.

Welcome to the first chapter of Reign of the Dragon King. You may wonder about the Misplaced Legends title. Fact is, this story is loosely based in D&D mechanics, and every campaign I run is Misplaced Legends (insert name). So I decided to carry it over. Besides, it fits with the screwball mindset of the story. Basically this is what I write when I'm in a goofy mood and don't feel like writing Only Human. ... Imagine what you would get if the people who brought us Slayers decided to do furry pr0n... Well, I'll shut up now and let you read it! * * * The arena waited. From her dark holding cell beneath the bleachers she could hear a rowdy crowd above her, she knew what they were expecting to see. She knew what they would see. It was a death sentence, in a society that didn't preform executions, criminals always got 'a fair chance'. Which is why in just a couple minutes, she would be sent out, almost naked, armed with a short sword, to fight six armed and armored men. She was going to die, but she would take as many of them out with her as she could. And the crowd was going to love it. Because.. Well, there was a reason the stands were completely packed for a females 'trial'. And she was a very attractive specimen of panther. Just shy of six feet tall, weighing in at a hair under two hundred pounds, almost all muscle. Extremely well toned body covered by silky jet black fur, and blessed with an uncanny agility. The only thing that wasn't near perfection, she was as flat chested as a kitten. The crowd started to go nuts. That meant her executioners were entering the arena. Then, deathly silence, a deep voice boomed through the arena, enhanced by magic for all to hear, "Rise for the fair and noble mayor Geraldi Redmane, overseer of this trial." That would be her cue to enter, and right on time, the rear door to her cell opened and her guard stepped in, he grabbed her bound arms with one hand, and reached the other in to her pants to poke a single finger in to her pussy, grinning at her as she squirmed. "If they don' keel you. I'm gonna fuck you 'till you stop movin'." He smirked and licked his finger, before dragging her out of the cell. She once more found herself very glad for one of the laws. The law that protected her from this bastard. Until the mayor made the public decree of a prisoners sentence, they were protected from harm, that included rape. And orcs were arguably the worst species to be raped by. Unfortunately, the law didn't consider oral sex to be rape. The outer door to the arena opened, the sunlight was blinding for a moment, she hadn't seen it in days. When her eyes adjusted, she surveyed the field, and the opposition. The arena was just a sand pit, with fifteen foot wooden walls, and extended about a hundred and fifty feet from the center at any given point. The opposition, however, is what really kept her attention. There were two wolves, wearing a mesh of plate and chain, it looked to give them good mobility, and lacked anything at all to cover their crotches. Both stood tall and proud, proving themselves to well endowed, despite that both were still flaccid and in their sheathes. The wolves each carried a large sword, and a spiked shield. A single minotaur stood next to the wolves, no less than eight feet tall, sporting heavy leather armor with metal plates in vital spots, as well as a disturbingly large bulge in the front of his pants. He carried no weapons, but, on closer inspection had spikes across the knuckles of his gloves. Then, there was an orc, he wore nothing but a loincloth, that did nothing to hide the fact that he was already erect with anticipation. In his hands was a massive battleaxe, fitting more in size for the minotaur. He would be the first to die, for sure. Next, came a tall, lean tiger. He was dressed conservatively, simply a pair of loose fitting pants, and leather armor over his chest and arms. He was casually twirling a quarter staff. And finally, there was a lizard. Almost as tall as the minotaur, and stark naked, not that anything was showing. There was a long spear on his back, as well as a pair of gloves that augmented his claws. He was the biggest threat. Thankfully, the lizard was likely to just kill her, and not fuck her. She was dragged to the center of the arena, where her guard kicked the back of her knees, causing her to kneel before the mayor, an old lion, his once vibrant red mane had long since turned gray, but he still held an aura of command and power. The mayor approached, and looked down at her. "You, Qiari Fireheart, have been found guilty of no less than thirteen counts of theft, six counts of crimes against the city and, two counts of crimes against the throne. Your actions have been deemed inexcusable, it has been determined that you are beyond redemption. You are to face six judges in the Hall of Truth, should you be victorious, you shall be granted your freedom, though cast out from the city. Should you yield, your life will be forfeit and you will be sold as a slave. Will you yield now?" Qiari looked up at the mayor and smiled. "I'd rather die in this ring with an orc cock in my ass than be sold as a slave. So, go fuck yourself." "So be it." The mayor growled, but kept his composure. "The Trial shall commence!" With that the mayor quickly moved from the arena, to his seat. When he was safely seated, her guard untied her, and handed her a short sword, a rather poor quality one, at that, and also made a hasty retreat. A gong sounded, echoing through the arena, and the judges began moving, eyeing each other as much as her as they moved to circle her. Qiari focused on the orc, she knew she was going to die. She knew she was going to be fucked. Of all of them, the orc was the one she least wanted in her. She swiftly moved towards him, determined. The orc just laughed, casting aside his axe, and tearing off his loin cloth. "I, Throt Ironkok, will grant small females wish to die with orc cock in ass." he proclaimed loudly, lunging for her and catching her arm, jerking her to the ground in front of him. Qiari was caught off guard, the orc doing something completely unexpected, and before she even realized what had happened she was on her knees in front of him, her sword dropped a couple feet away, finding a large orc cock being driven in to her mouth. The first time she had tasted an orc cock, she nearly vomited. But after a week with her guard, she had gotten used to it. This orc, was worse. The taste caused her to convulse, then it was driven down her throat. Throt laughed, gripping Qiari's hair, fucking her face. "Small female. Easy prey. Like orc cock." The realization of exactly the situation she was in cause Qiari to snap out of the shock of suddenly having an orc cock down her throat, and filling her mouth with a disgusting slime that seeped from the pores on it. The only thing she could ever figure is it was a natural lubricant to make sodomy easier. She steeled her resolve for what was about to come, and bit down. The sudden pressure cause the cock to squirt out a significant amount more of the slime, but that became the least of her worries as Throt began to pound his fists in to her head, screaming 'let go' in orcish. Quick reflexes saved her from more than one blow to the head, she released the cock and deftly rolled between the orc's legs, planting a kick to the small of his back, and then lunging for his axe. Throt stumbled forward, still screaming "Make bitch pay!" he howled as he rounded on Qiari, only to see her standing there, holding his axe, this was the last thing he saw, before his skull was cleaved in two. The other five simply stared for a moment, shocked at the realization that this was not going to be an easy fight. Then they began to circle once more, this time showing a certain level of caution. The first kill was going to be the easiest. Qiari looked at the remaining five, and decided the minotaur had to go next. Problem was, she didn't have a good weapon, the axe was far too unwieldy for her tastes. She took a quick stock, and made up her mind, exactly what she would do. The lizard of the group was hanging back, surveying, watching ponderously. Qiari couldn't tell why, but for the moment it would work to her advantage. She cast aside the axe and broke at a run, shifting directions three time to throw off the judges, and finally settling on heading right towards the lizard, dropping in to a roll to pass under the reach of the minotaur. The lizard eyed her, and realized he wouldn't have time to get his spear from his back, so he took a defensive stance, ready to strike her, expecting her to go low, as she showed a penchant for rolling already. Qiari watched the lizard's stance, he was expecting her to go low, duck under his strike. She caught him off guard though, by leaping straight over him, which still earned her a claw to the leg. It wasn't a bad enough wound to even slow her though, and she netted her prize, twisting on the way down to snatch the spear from the lizard's back, then take off at a run with it. The lizard was simply stunned by the audacity of such a move for a second, and in that second was caught unaware, backhanded aside and sent sprawling to the ground by the charging minotaur. Qiari's plan worked. The minotaur was well ahead of the rest of the group, and she had a spear. The minotaur was faster than her, and she was sure had fought people with spears before, so she would have to time this perfectly. Too soon, he'd stop. Too late, she's the one who would be impaled. The minotaur was not even ten feet behind her, when she stopped, spun around and planted the butt of the spear in to the ground, her timing was perfect, the minotaur lacked the time to stop and caught the spear right in the stomach. She hadn't aimed very well unfortunately. The minotaur howled in rage and pain at being caught in such a away, and reached a hand down, smacking qiari with a solid back hand, sending her sprawling across the arena floor. He ripped the spear out and cast it aside, stalking towards the dazed panther. The impact knocked the wind out of Qiari, not to mention the spikes on his gauntlets tearing her side open. She started to push herself to her feet, and found herself snatched off the ground and held up to eye level of the minotaur. "You'll have to do better than that to stop me." The minotaur taunter her as he ripped her pants off, then began to work his bulging erection free of his leather pants. "If you insist." Qiari purred, and lashed a hand out, raking her claws across the minotaurs face, catching one eye. The minotaur howled in rage, flinging Qiari in to the arena wall, bringing his hands to his face. "My eye! You'll pay for that bitch. I'll gouge your fucking eyes out, rip your fucking ears off, break every fucking bone in your arms and legs. When I'm done with you, you'll beg me to kill you, bitch. But no, I'm going make sure you get sold as a sex slave." "You talk too much." Qiari growled, pushing herself to her feet. She took stock of where the other four where before deciding her course of action. The tiger was hanging back, watching her every move, he was going to be a challenge. The wolves were coming up behind the minotaur. The lizard, she wasn't sure. She spotted the minotaurs opening. She rushed towards him, first on his good side, then just before she got in to his reach she dodged to the side, rolling through his blind spot to get behind him, she lashed her claws out, tearing through the thinner leather on the back of the knee, as well as the tendons that make the knee work. As the minotaur dropped to one knee, she spin around, slamming an elbow right in to his kidney. As he started to buckle, she grabbed one of his shoulders, flipping herself around to slam in to his chest, knocking him flat on his back, where she laid in to him like the predatory animal she was, tearing his throat out with her teeth. This left her exposed though, which she realized a moment too late as she felt her tail lifted up, she was about to lash around towards this assailant when she felt a large cock slammed in to her pussy, causing her to howl in shock and pain. Before she could even react fully, one of the two wolves, she could only assume it was the other behind her, grabbed her lower jaw, forcing her mouth open for his cock, and holding it such that she couldn't bite him. The two wolves began thrusting in to her in unison, their already large cocks quickly starting to swell, she could feel the knot of the one behind her, slipping in and out of her pussy, rubbing her clit with each pass. In any other circumstances, she'd have loved it, as it was, she was already dripping wet and fighting to keep from showing any signs of pleasure. Tears came to her eyes. She tried to tell herself it was just the pain, but she knew it was the humiliation of being fucked before ten thousand onlookers, and knowing that she was going to die that way. Without even realizing what she was doing, she began to work her tongue over the cock in her mouth. She was something of an expert in that area, and happened to enjoy the taste, at least when it wasn't an orc. The wolf in her mouth released her lower jaw to grip her head with both hands, tilting his head back and howling with pleasure as her rough tongue played expertly over his sensitive rod, rolling over his knot. The wolf behind her began thrusting faster, his knot slamming in to her pussy lips several times before finally being forced in for the final time. His howl matched his brothers as his thrusts came fast and erratic. Qiari gave up fighting it, a deep purr rumbling in her throat, vibrating the cock in her mouth as she worked it. The cock in her pussy driving her simply wild, pushing her so close to an orgasm, but not quite. The cock was suddenly pulled from her mouth, howls sounded from both wolves as a final forceful thrust was made in to her pussy and both came. Her face getting covered in cum, while her body was filled. She sighed, her body going limp. The position she was in she couldn't fight, and the tiger was close at hand, waiting for his turn. So she was to either be killed, or become a sex slave. Then something caught her attention. A knife in the minotaurs armor, easily within arms reach. She might be caught, but she was still alive, and she would rather be killed than sold. She deftly snatched the knife from its sheath, and before either of the wolves realized she had it, brought it up between the legs of the wolf in front of her, to cut deep in to his inner thigh, the rush of blood made it clear she got the femoral artery. The wolf behind her grabbed her hair, yanking her head back while the one in front, not aware the extent of the wound inflicted drew his sword. The tiger moving waiting to strike until he saw how this panned out. None of them payed any mind to Qiari's hand though, which slipped down between her own legs, still holding the knife. A quick slice was all it took, and a spray of hot liquid all over her hand, crotch and thighs told her she made the right cut. As did the scream from the wolf behind her, she wasn't able to entirely sever his penis, due to the bone, but he was going to need a medic if he ever wanted to be useful to a woman again. It didn't take long for the penis to lose enough blood to be able to slip free of her pussy, and when it did, she made her move fast, slamming with full force in to the wolf in front of her, driving the knife upwards in to his neck. She began to try and find the tiger, but was a moment too late, his location was revealed by his staff slamming in to her back, sending her toppling forward. "The others made a mistake." The tiger purred. "They decided to try and fuck you before you were beaten beyond being able to fight. Rest assured, that won't happen with me." She barely had enough time to roll away when the next strike came, and was immediately forced to move again, the tiger was rotating his staff, slamming each end in to the ground in sequence as he advanced on her, leaving her no option but to keep rolling. Then she felt something under her, and realized it to be the spear discarded earlier, she wondered why the lizard hadn't recovered it but chose not to question, instead grabbing it as the rolled and bringing it up to parry the next strike, then make a lunge at the tiger. The tiger was easily able to avoid the spear, but it gave her the time to regain her feet, and start fighting anew. Not much though, the tiger was quick, immediately taking the offensive. Strikes came towards her head, her shins, chest, arms.. They seemed to come from everywhere at once, it was all she could do to keep parrying them with the haft of the spear. She watched the tiger's every move, being driven back towards a wall. When she hit the wall, she'd be in real trouble. This tiger had her significantly out classed, she only had one hope for taking him out, and so she waited for the perfect moment. He made a strike for her head, she ducked under it, ignoring the fact that the opposite end of the staff was already coming for her legs. She lunged with the spear, the tiger was still faster though, the spear only grazing his shoulder while he brought the staff in to her legs, sweeping them out from under her. Qiari let a surprised yelp as she slammed in to the ground, then scrambled to block the oncoming staff, the attempt was futile though as the staff shattered through the haft of the spear, slamming in to her chest, knocking the wind out of her. It became somewhat hazy for Qiari, all she could really tell was.. something was hitting her and she kept trying to block, but it did little good. Finally the strikes ceased, she shakily tried to regain her footing, only to earn herself a solid strike across the back, sending her fact first in to the dirt. For a moment she lay there whimpering, then she realized her hand was bleeding, which she found odd because the tiger used a staff. A brief investigation found the head of the spear partly buried in sand. She closed her hand over it with a dark smile. The tiger dropped his staff, confident she'd been beaten to the point she couldn't fight. He stalked towards the beaten panther, purring. "You will not enjoy this. It will not be over quickly." "Yes, it will." Qiari spat as she summoned the last bit of strength she could muster to launch herself at the tiger, catching him off guard, the spear head going straight in to his throat. Then collapsing on top of the tiger, who could only bubble a shocked howl. She started to wonder where the lizard was, not that it would do her any good to know. She couldn't even stand, let alone fight. She'd come too far to let herself give up, but she simply lacked the strength to carry on. The crowd began to cheer. That was a bad sign, as were the footsteps approaching her. Before she could even summon the strength to turn and see who, or what, it was, she felt a large scaled hand lift her off the ground. The lizard, it seemed, had made itself known once more. A few quick, and remarkably delicate cuts of the lizards razor claws and her tattered shirt fell to the ground, leaving her exposed to the arena, dangling two feet off the ground. Oddly at this point she found herself more self conscious about her breasts, or lack there of, than concerned about the fact she was just about to be killed by a large reptilian beast. The lizards free hand slid down between her legs, a single scaled digit sliding across her pussy, sending a shiver down her spine. Her leg was pulled aside and she began to wonder about this lizard, they tended to be nonsexual with mammals. Her ponderation was cut short, she made a sound much akin to when her tail gets slammed in to a door as her body was violated by two cocks. One driving deep in to her pussy, the other burying itself equally deep in to her most unprepared tail hole. The least the bastard could have done is used some sort of lubricant. The mix of pleasure and pain was intoxicating though, or maybe she had finally just slipped a cog and gone off the deep end, in either case she found herself moaning in ecstasy as the two large cocks pumped in and out, stoking a fire inside her and drowning out every thought and worry. The lizard's claws began to dig in to the flesh of her thigh and chest as he picked up speed and force, each thrust jarring her body and bringing her one step closer to climax. Then, as quickly as it began, the lizard made a single final thrust, growling triumphantly as he drove his twin rods deep in to her eliciting a howl of pain as he shot his burning seed in to her, filling her to the point that his seed spilled out around his cocks. Qiari's body went limp as she was lifted off the cocks and cast aside like a used rag, the lizards cum oozing out of her vagina and ass. She sighed, lacking even the strength to stand. Grief, maybe that's why lizards don't fuck mammals that often. Over that fast? "She has been judged." The lizard hissed to the crowd. "Her crimes atoned. Thiss one yields." This was the last thing Qiari heard before blacking out. * * * Qiari awoke, finding herself laying on the hard floor of a wagon. Every part of her body was sore, but especially her ass. It took her a moment to remember exactly why. She was stark naked, her hands and feet bound, and found the wagon she rode in to be barred. The driver of the wagon was an orc. Her cell guard, by the look of it. She only wondered where he was taking her, because this could not end well. Judging by the scenery, she was just a short ways outside of town, likely at the edges of the cursed woods. The wagon pulled to a stop, and the orc drug her out, and a ways in to the woods to a small clearing, where he undid her bindings. "You earned freedom." The orc grunted, undoing his pants. "But still one matter needing attended." Qiari sighed, getting to her knees. She really didn't want to do this, but it was easier than fighting him. "Stupid bitch!" the orc growled, backhanding her and ending her sprawling. "Had enough mouth. Your ass is mine." Qiari looked at the orc for a moment and growled. He was staggering towards her, trying to keep his pants up. "I bested five of six Judges." She hissed, rising, rather unsteadily to her feet. "What makes you think that a cell guard will stand a chance." "You can barely stand." The orc stated. "Now, bend over that stump, this goes easier for you." The orc was right, she could barely stand. Any direct attack would be fruitless. So she did the only thing she could do, and complied, and evil grin crossing her face. The orc got in position behind her and grabbed her tail with one hand, letting his pants drop. That was her cue. She reached back, catching the sword hanging from his belt, he didn't even have time to realize what had happened before she spun around and slammed it through his chest. For a moment, the orc just stared at her in dis belief. Then the grip on her tail loosened and her fell backwards with a wet thunk. Qiari wrenched the sword from his chest and sighed. "Well, that was fun." She said, not that there was anyone around to hear her. "Now we need to find something to wear, something to eat and someplace to bathe, so starts the next chapter of my glorious adventure!" With that, she took a single step forward, and promptly collapsed, the events of the day catching up with her.

  • * * So closes the first chapter. Comments and criticism welcome. stay tuned for the next exciting chapter: Cursed Wood. .. I mean Woods.