The Monk and The Three Nights-Night 1

Story by ZeekCalzaya on SoFurry

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The night was cool and crisp as the silent predator perched in a tree wait for his prey to fall before him. His cape and tassels discarded below setting against a near by tree. His eyes shifted cautiously and his ears perked at every snap of a twig. The wind blew heavily over the forest and the tree swayed back and forth, but he did not budge.

The coach Byykas, hoofed as they were, clomped heavily on their way to their next destination. There was trouble inside the coach that was drug by the Byykas. It contained three passengers, one hostage and one driver sitting atop holding the reins and he was the only one not under the protection of the coach. They were all moving slowly through the forest in the dead of night. The wind nipping at his wet nose felt of death and frost.

The coach passed under the tree. The figure swung under the branch pulling his knife from its sheath he slit the drivers throat and pulled him up on the tree branch. He lightly jumped to the ground and then leapt up to the drivers seat. Pulling on the reins the Byykas stopped. The nostrils on their foreheads breathed out heavily and mist formed and settled.

"Driver what is the matter?" Came a voice from inside the coach.

The new driver didn't utter a word, but placed his knife back in its sheath and unsheathed his long sword. Two soldiers hurried out of the coach and the new driver leapt upon the coach top. He jumped down, landing on ones shoulders and twisted snapping his neck while stabbing his sword deep between the breast and shoulder plate of the other. He pulled the sword out as the as the body below him went limp and fell. He jumped to safety and the other stumbled before falling as well.

He ran over and tore the door open. A high-pitched feminine, yet male screech came from with in. "Who are you?"

"That needn't concern you. Just hand over the broad before things get nasty."

"Very well," The very feminine shadowy figure said. A young female snow leopard rose from the coach. The loving hand of her lupine rescuer greeted her. She stepped to the ground and the Lupine moved forward and smacked the butt of the nearest byyka and it sped galloping away.

The lupine crept over to the tree and tied the tassels around his belt to hang his various potions and he draped his cape behind him. He walked over and took hold of the lady's hand. He was just about to step forward, but as if on cue she began to speak.

"My lady, we are in troubled country so you must do as I say. Is that perfectly clear," The young wolf told her.

"Yes, but if I may at least have the name of my savior," She asked passion in her eyes.

The wolf knelt down and raised her paw upwards to his lips. He placed a sweet kiss into her fur. Ripples shot through her. He rose. "I am sorry, but for both of our sakes, we needn't worry of names at the current time. And if you don't mind, I believe we can make it faster with you on my back." The wolf motioned for her to hop on.

He knelt down once again and she climbed on as he took her legs under his muscular forearms. He was a tall wolf, but slouched. She held tightly running her hands down his broad chest as he ran along the path the way the coach had come. A bend in the road came into view shortly thereafter.

"The coach came from the right," The feline said.

"We are going left. There is a small monastery there for you to take shelter. Your people are expecting you there," The wolf answered. He turned the fork and sped his pace. The trees were whipping by with his speed. He wore only light armor, because he was much more for speed than defense though he did have a cape. Though mainly for decoration, the cape made him look more violent than he actually was. As much as it could, it glided behind him. His defense was held in his weapons. He could wield his two knives of equal length, one at each side of his waist, or his long sword at his right. Along with his fearsome teeth and claws he wasn't one to be dealt with easily.

The lady admired his tall and muscular stature, under the leather armor she could tell he was rippling with muscle. His firm legs attached to his feet, which lightly padded the ground. He wore no boots or gloves and no helmet exposing his gray and sliver fur. His eyes were bright amber and his undercoat a rich milky white. When his mouth opened to inhale she noticed his teeth were in good condition. There was nothing wrong with him, and he was polite as well.

In about fifteen minutes time they managed to end the road. It was a small road, so he managed it without stopping or slowing for rest. "If you don't mind. Can you walk the rest of the way to the monastery?" He asked politely.

"You have done enough for me already," She said. "I can walk." She stepped down and the two of them walked towards the massive mahogany doors of the monastery. They were hand carved--a great detailed piece of work. Carvings lined the entirety of them.

Zeek rang the gong outside and the giant doors cracked open. The doors were answered by one of the many monks dressed in a brown hooded robe with a black sash tied lightly around his waist. He was old from the look of his full mane with gray hairs appearing mingled with the golden fur. His teeth gleamed into a delightful smile at the sight of the two of them. He spread his arms into a big hug around them as he pulled them in the door. Zeek grumbled slightly because he did not agree with the monks on anything.

"It is great that you have come safely," He said in a deep booming voice.

That is right. Great for you because now you can have me kill more people without getting your hands in on it.

He turned his glance towards Zeek and stiffened to a move serious tone. "We are very grateful. Your gold is in that purse there, but we ask that you see Brother Thomas and stay the night for you safety."

Zeek brought his hand up to his chin and scratched himself slowky. He had nothing planned for the night and would find more comfort here than in a tree out in the wilderness so he decided to address the monk's wishes.

"Where is this Brother Thomas?" Zeek asked aloud. He picked up the purse from the table and tied its tassels to his belt loop. "And my I ask your name? You must forgive me, there are so many of you monks in such a small area."

"I am Brother Yivon. I am one of the oldest members of this monastery," The lion said sternly.

Zeek glanced at the lions hands and saw them bursting with power. He was a very strong lion and even at his age he more than likely swelled with muscle from head to toe under his robes. The lion noticed the stare and brought his hands together under his sleeved cloak to render them invisible.

"Please, follow me," Brother Yivon motioned.

Zeek knelt down and placed another kiss on the lady's tiny hand. "Now that proper greetings may be made, I am Ezekiel Calzaya of The Black Haze Valley. I normally do the bidding of this monastery and that is what led me to you."

"It is my pleasure. I am Lady Nyrobia of The Bikenal Plains," She said as she curtsied. "I'm sure you are and asset to this monastery."

More like a slave. He thought to himself.

With a final bow Zeek turned to follow Brother Yivon into the next room. Beyond the entry hall to the monastery was a very vast room with doors strewn about leading to all corners of the complex. It was a bright room with tapestries of many colors lining the walls.

Zeek looked back and noticed another monk attending to Lady Nyrobia. His eyes shifted and explored the room. He didn't bother to count the number of monks because it was to high a number to keep track of. And more monks filed or spilled into the main room every second, all shapes, sizes and species.

Brother Yivon lead Zeek to a staircase at the back of the room. Though Zeek did many tasks for this monastery, he had never been invited inside. The staircase spiraled both upwards and downwards. The monastery had three levels to it and there were others like this at other parts of the room. There were also identical staircases in the hallways other than the main entrance hallway.

Zeek followed Brother Yivon up the staircase to the uppermost floor. It was much darker than the brightly illuminated main common room, but the candles lit the room enough to read by. There were many monk scribes writing full manuscripts at tables that lined the walls. There were about one hundred of them, and they each finished about two to three books a day. Some had their books stacked on top of the other; others got up from their tables with three books in hand and walked over to drop them down a shoot.

I see I'm not the only slave around here.

The two of them walked along the tables and came to a door. It was carved mahogany just as the main door to the monastery. The door creaked open slowly and Brother Yivon motioned for Zeek to enter. Past the threshold of the door the room was dark. A cold rush of wind swept across Zeek's face. He looked back to Brother Yivon, but he just pointed in the room. Zeek stepped in.

The room was deathly cold compared to the rest of the monastery. There was one solitary candle in the center of the room. Even with his lupine eyes he could not clearly make out every figure. They were mere immobile shadows that gazed at him. He was completely in the room and Brother Yivon closed the door behind him.

"Welcome," a voice called from the back of the room. "I have heard that you bring good news again. Please step forward near the candle so we may see you."

Zeek hesitated, but walked slowly towards the candle. He could see himself but nothing else. His eyes shifted. He could tell that he and the voice were not the only beings in the room. He caught weird smells of herbs in his nose. Foreign herbs he was not accustomed to smelling on a day-to-day basis.

Suddenly his gut told him someone was charging him from behind. He ducked and pulled his sword from its sheath. He felt the person hit against side. He stood up and flipped the person to the floor. With his sword instantly at the figures neck, another came and he grabbed for his dagger. Instantly he killed the second with a slice to the throat.

Two more appeared as the one on the ground lifted Zeek off the ground by thrusting his hands, which held Zeek's foot upwards. Zeek's sword was tossed up in the air and he kicked off the hand.

Now with his free hand he unsheathed his other knife and was now inverted in the air and facing backwards. He savagely threw both knives into the chests of the two standing shadows. He completed the flip, grabbed his sword and with one swing he decapitated the last figure lying on the ground.

He retreated backwards and retrieved his knives. Someone clapped their hands together and the room was instantly filled with bright radiant light. Zeek was encompassed with monks of various sizes and shapes, but he knew he could not take all of them at once.

"Very well done," Said one of the monks. He was a badger with a wide smile and a grand fat stature.

The dead bodies turned to smoke and vanished. Zeek gave a worried look, but the monk answered it quickly.

"They were only illusions dear boy. You didn't take the lives of innocents. We couldn't ask you to do that."

He snorted. Sure didn't stop you before.

Zeek had done odd jobs on and off for a few months now. The monastery was supposed to be a holy order. They swore to celibacy and followed a code of virtue, or so they said. They would not kill a man, but the would hire a mercenary to handle the job. Zeek had killed many people by the wishes of this monastery and new that they didn't care who was innocent.

Zeek felt as though they were evil. He hated working for them and once he thought he had received enough gold he would head back to his homelands. He felt the monastery would be replacing him soon enough, and he would need to prepare. He just needed about one more purse of gold about the size of the one he had received tonight to complete what was needed.

"What is the meaning of all of this?" Zeek shouted in a highly upset tone. "Why would you have me thinking I was killing monks?" Zeek snarled revealing his pearly white fangs.

The monk lifted his hand into the air, and another monk from behind him placed a letter in his palm. "I want you to take this and follow Brother Antony to your next task. The task will a lot easier than the rescue, but you will be paid the same amount in advance." He lifted up another purse full of gold. "I take it you will like this."

Zeek calmed his face. He walked up and snatched the purse from the monks grasp. "Do I open this now, of is this another mission to get rid of me. Open it a few days later and it says do this and leave and don't come back again."

"Have you received letters of that nature in the past?" The monk asked calmly. "Just do as the order wishes and all should be dealt with accordingly. You will receive pay based on your performance."

Brother Antony stepped forward. He was a tall wiry otter with another kind face. He looked at Zeek and depression fell over him. Zeek turned to follow the otter out the door. Once the door was shut the otter turned back to him. "Do you have to do this?"

"It is my duty to this monastery to make sure what ever is in that letter gets done," Zeek explained, though the otter already knew that answer.

"But what if what is in that letter is for the wrong reasons. Would you still carry out what nasty deeds it asks you to do?" The otter stared at the wolf for a good long time and then dropped his head. "If you could please go with your conscience and make sure that you make the right decision on this. I just can't bare to see this letter fulfilled."

Zeek took the otter by the shoulders and stared into his eyes. "I'm not going to do anything as nasty as that letter could tell me to. If I see it wrong, I will find some other way to deal with it, so that this monastery won't be bothered any longer. There is always another way. I will find it, and I hope that will please you," Zeek told him even though he still felt as though he might carry out the letter. If he was to be kicked out he might as well take his vengeance out on someone.

The otter seemed pleased and worried at the same time. "But what if word gets back here that you disobeyed the order. They'll send other mercenaries after you."

Zeek chuckled. "My contract is over with this monastery I believe. I could care less what they think of me. They are the ones behind the murders they had me attend to. They aren't as "holy" as you make them out to be. As for other mercenaries, they are more than likely friends of mine. Though they wouldn't think twice about gutting me I think I have a chance."

The otter fell from Zeek's grasp and began to walk down the long stone hall. Zeek followed closely behind him. The walked through hallway after hall way and soon enough, the otter stopped in front of one of the rooms. He opened the door and motioned for Zeek to enter. Zeek followed the hand and walked into the door. Inside was another monk, not yet in his robe. He was nude, but Zeek could only see the backside of him.

His wormlike tail went to the ground. The muscles on his back sculpted greatly showing every bit of power behind him. His hands grabbed at his breeches and pulled them over his lower half. Zeek followed the breeches as they moved up his legs to his rump. A lustful thought came over him and he smirked slightly.

The rat turned around quickly when Zeek took a step. "Oh, I'm sorry, I did not realize I had company," the rat said in a baritone voice. The rat also held a firm mid-section with sturdy pecks and biceps. He had the perfectly toned body for a rat, and Zeek could feel a rising in his own breeches. The rat quickly grabbed his shirt and flung it over his head, followed closely by his robe, which he draped over his clothes. Soon enough he looked just like the other monks of the order, but there was something different about him.

He was free spirited, and not bound by rules. He was always getting into trouble among the other monks of the order. His name was Rantz, but the people of the order knew him as Brother Kiaza. His look was a cheerful one like the others, but not as solemn. He was the youngest of all those Zeek had encountered at the monastery.

"From the sounds of it, I'm supposed to be escorting you through the woods on paths unknown," Zeek told him. He still held the smirk on his face but fought the urge to keep his lower half in control of itself.

"It would seem so," The rat answered. "If you would be so kind as to give me your name so I would know what to address you by." He noted the smirk on Zeek's face and realized exactly what the wolf was thinking. The corners of his mouth tightened into a small almost unrecognizable smile.

"Zeek, Zeek Calzaya," Zeek answered. "And may I have yours?"

"I am Brother Kiaza," He answered. "But once we are out of this monastery I wish to be addressed by my first name, though I can not give that to you in these walls. I am Brother Kiaza here."

Zeek stepped back to the door. "Would you like me to leave you till you get your stuff ready?" He asked. He could feel pain in the monk's softly spoken yet firm words. A saddened look struck his face.

"I am ready," The rat answered as he grabbed a small satchel from behind his bed.

"Shall we head out then?" Zeek asked as he held his hand for Brother Kiaza to walk out the door ahead of him. The monk put the satchel over his shoulder and walked out the door. They were escorted by the otter and led out the main doors. Once they were both outside, the big beautiful doors closed and they were shut out completely.

"My name is Rantz," The young rat answered. He put on a happier smile now that he was out. "And as soon as we get a little further away I'm going to be ditching this robe."

Zeek gave him a puzzled look. "Your not like the average monk that I have met. What is your story?" Zeek asked.

"I am being cast out of the monastery for sins I have committed," He said in an irritated tone. "I am not a monk any longer. And if that letter is what I believe it is, I will never be one again." He held his head low.

Zeek put his hand on the young rats shoulder. He was only about four years older than him and felt they shared common ground. "We have both been used by this monastery. I think I know what is in the letter as well, and believe me, there are ways around it."

Rantz' gaze moved up to Zeek's face. Zeek had a nice face but he parted his lips when he smiled this time, and Rantz could see each sharp fang and how much power he could actually unleash. "Do you know where you will be taking me?"

"Not sure just yet. Let's head north. There are settlements there in which I can spend my gold as I please." Zeek began to walk into the distance and Rantz followed. They crept into the tree line and there was a fence. Rantz grabbed a stick that was carved out of a strong sturdy piece of mahogany. It was apparently carved and placed there by Rantz himself because he knew exactly where it would be.

The two of them jumped over the fence and Rantz removed his robe and laid it on the fence. "That is a burden I am more than grateful to be rid of," He said aloud.

"But didn't you realize what your vows would be when you became a monk?" Zeek asked. He turned his head to look back at the monk, but kept walking. "It is not an easy life to live. There are ways of getting around the rules. For instance, your monastery is bad about forgetting the penalty for death even if you are related in some way."

"I knew what they were, but there are a few that I believe go to far. Love for instance." The rat paused but kept walking as well.

Zeek stopped and turned around. "Are you sure it was love, or just lust?" Zeek asked.

"It was lust, but I would have liked it to be love," The rat answered with a sigh.

"I figured as much. Why else would they rid themselves of a brother? Just one thing though--Was she worth it?" Zeek asked, not sure on what the reply would be.

Rantz looked deep into the wolf's eyes. "Yes, he was worth every minuet. And I would do it again if I had the chance. Now that I'm not a monk I can love and lust as I please."

Zeek moved in closer to Rantz. "Lust is a funny thing ya know," He said as he placed his muzzle barely an inch away from the rats. He planned this just right; the rat took the bait and pushed forward. He wrapped his arms, while still holding his staff, around Zeek's back, just below the pit of his arms. Zeek picked up the rat in a deep embrace as his tongue poked playfully at Rantz' lips. Rantz allowed and Zeek's tongue found its way inside the rat muzzle and danced playfully.

This is going to be a lot easier than I thought. He takes the bait way to easy.

Rantz opened his eyes slowly and noticed Zeek had been watching his face the entire time. Zeek slowly lowered the rat to the ground and his worm like tail twirled around Zeek's leg. Zeek's tail was wagging furiously at the amount of power behind the young rat's kiss. Even though he was just teasing, he was a bit pleased himself.

They broke apart and gazed into each other's eyes. Rantz let his hand up to scritch playfully behind Zeek's ear. "That is honestly the first time I have ever kissed," He confessed. "But I would give anything in the world to remain this happy for the rest of my days."

Zeek took note of what the rat wanted and embraced him again, this time a little more forcefully. He backed him up against a tree breaking apart every few seconds for air as he continued to give the rat exactly what he wanted.

Soon enough hands began to wander. Zeek had one right underneath Rantz' tail and the other on his face. Rantz had one on Zeek's chest and the other snaking its way town Zeek's breeches. Zeek could smell himself as he spurted pre when Rantz' hand found him.

"Just wondering," Zeek started as he broke away from the kiss suddenly. "Did you plan for this to happen here or further away from the monastery?" A vicious smile spread wide across his face. "If we can just walk a little longer, we can find a place to camp for the night. Together."

The rat's ears perked up at the last word. "We do need to head on," He said as he removed his hand from its lustful position and placed his staff firmly in the ground. "And I would love to share the night with you," He added with a sparkle in his eyes.

The two of them headed on further into the forest. The monk had trained his body well, but not enough for walking a long distance. He was strong, physically, mentally and spiritually because of his years of training at the monastery, but he had never traveled so far in his life. They both pressed on and hard too. Zeek was used to the constant travel, but he could see the distressed look on Rantz' face.

"We should stop and wait here so we can both catch our breath," He told him, even though he wasn't the slightest bit winded. He looked around from tree to tree. "Do you like fruit?" He asked.

"Yes, sometimes we were put on a red meat fast, and I would just subject myself to fruit. But I won't have to worry with fasts anymore." The rat hung his head low. He was hurting inside because he felt he had let himself down.

Zeek jumped into a tree and came down a few seconds later with a few unusual pieces of fruit. He noticed the look on Rantz' face and frowned. "I'm pretty sure I know why you were booted, but do you know something I don't?"

"We are meant to confess any sin that we commit to one of the high priestesses that visit once a week. I confessed that I had lustful thoughts. She asked me of whom and I told her it was one my fellow monks. Lustful thoughts weren't the bad part. It was that it was for another male. And what was supposed to remain there, somehow spread all over the monastery and soon that one person got wind of the news. So we met up in my room and did a few things."

"I thought you said you had never been kissed." Zeek said his frown now turning to a scowl.

"We didn't kiss," Rantz explained. "We just had sex. Neither of us knew what we were doing because we had both sworn to celibacy, so it wasn't that great. I was on the bottom so when they found out, he was taken away first by a different mercenary earlier today. I'm not sure what happened to him, but he got one of those same letters." Rantz sat on a fallen log.

"I came to this monastery a few years ago. I have been a mercenary since I was able to walk. I first killed at age seven. I was just a boy and wasn't exactly sure what I did, but my father trained me since I was five. He was good friends with that stupid badger in your monastery."

"I really dislike him. Though he seems happy he can be harshly cruel," Rantz spouted.

"I know. The only reason I'm working for him is because he knows where the remains of my father are. There are only a few people who know. This was my closest shot so I took it. It seems like they are just going to discard me like a louse infested piece of cloth though." He paused and thought to himself. Perhaps I'm confiding too much into this one, but I need his trust to be prepared for what is in that letter.

"I really can't stand their ways," Rantz said. "But I had to stay there under my family's orders." He held his head really low.

Zeek walked over to him and sat down beside him. He placed one of the unfamiliar fruits in the hand of the rat and placed his other arm around him to pull him into a hug. "It is all right, but I can't say the same for your friend. He could be with the mercenary that is replacing me."

After those words Rantz buried his face in Zeek's chest and tears flowed form his eyes as he sobbed. "I am an evil creature. One of sin, I deserve what is being dealt to my friend. I deserve to die!" He screamed.

Zeek quickly placed the fruit on the log and grabbed him by the wrists firmly. He pulled them up straight in the air so that it would hurt a little, but they would be face to face. "Stop it," he said clearly. "Just because of a few sins that does not make you an evil creature. We are all sin. We all commit it. Some, as myself, commit it more frequent than others, but that doesn't make us any worse than the next person. I don't want to see you treat yourself this way. If anyone I should be calling myself the creature of sin." Zeek paused for a moment, his face right in front of Rantz'

Rantz was scared when Zeek had first snatched his hands up. He had known Zeek to be strong, but wasn't sure exactly how strong. It was clear now, because he had put forth effort to stop his hands from being tugged, but it was futile. He stared back into Zeek's eyes and couldn't resist himself. He leaned forward and kissed him softly on the nose.

Zeek melted under the kiss and released the hands held firm in his. Rantz then grabbed Zeek's and brought them down to his face. Zeek took the opportunity and passionately kissed him while he held the fuzzy rat face caressing it slowly. He used his thumb to play with his whiskers. Their heads tilted to the side and they were locked in a kiss again. Their tongues danced with each other, a slow waltz that could not hold tempo--a random dance that only could be made by the moment.

They both broke apart and stared lovingly into the other's eyes. Rantz had never felt this way before. He had felt lust, but this was something more. He did not want just sex out of Zeek, he wanted all of Zeek. Every word he would speak, every emotion he would feel, and every gesture he would give.

Why am I taking things this far with this one? Zeek thought to himself. How far will I take it? How far will he let me take it? Will I actually carry out that dreadful letter, or will I take this one with me. I have the gold and it is enough for us both to live happily in my homeland, but do I want that?

Rantz jumped on Zeek with a big hug. "I don't know what this feeling is. There are so many different ways it can be explained. My stomach feels all bubbly."

"That is what they call butterflies," Zeek interrupted. "You have just had your first crush." Zeek let a big infectious grin fly across his face. "And I'm willing to let it be more if you would like it to be."

Why am I saying these things? Why am I getting butterflies.

Rantz was stricken. He wasn't sure what to say. He opened his mouth, but nothing cam out. Zeek brought his hand up and shut it for him after he held it open for a few seconds and played with his whiskers. Rantz smiled and allowed Zeek anything he wanted. Zeek leaned forward and kissed him again, and again. The locked again, and Rantz could feel himself begin to bludge in his pants.

"Now ...I'm ...a bit ...lustfull." He said in between kisses when ever he could get a word off.

Zeek placed his finger on the rat's nose. "Are you ready to press on? There is a place not far from here where we can camp for the first night. There are hot springs where you, I mean we can relax and bath, and they are right near a cool creak with a waterfall if that would suit you better."

Rantz laughed. "You planned this, didn't you?" He asked him.

"Every minute of it that I could." He picked up one of the fruits that had been sitting next to him and put it up towards the rat's muzzle. Rantz took a big bit of it with his front teeth and savored every bit of taste.

"What is this fruit?" He asked Zeek. "I have never tasted anything like it.

"I was really surprised to find it here. I'm not sure what it is called. But it enhances the performance of a few things." He teased with an evil grin though it was a complete lie as he took a big bite out of the same piece.

"Oh really?" Rantz asked. He hugged him again and then stood. It will be dark soon, and I really don't want to be traveling at night. I'm sure you know this place a lot better than I do and you know the dangerous sort of people that travel these roads."

He bought the fruit trick. Zeek thought to himself. Hopefully it will work and help him feel better about himself.

He thinks I bought the fruit trick. Rantz thought to himself. He is so cute, but so predictable when he lies. Though I hope it will improve my performance in anyway possible for him. He let a big grin swing across him.

Zeek gave him a questioned look at the grin before he stood up as well and started on again. He grabbed Rantz' paw and lead him through what seemed to be the thickest. He tugged at Rantz to make sure he stayed close to him. He held his staff in his left paw and Zeek's paw in the other. Zeek soon had to take his sword out and cut a few portions of the undergrowth out of the way.

"This is the most fertile portion of these forests. This was home to the druids of old. I have seen their temple here. It isn't always in the same place, but it can usually be see right about..." He paused and took one good swing with his sword and cut out a large portion of a tree. "Here!"

There was a temple in the middle of a glade. It had large stone carvings of the past race that lived here. They had only skin with a small portion of fur growing out of their head. They had flattened faces with a protruding nose that was barely a protrusion at all. They were human, but Zeek and Rantz had no clue of their race.

"What are they?" Rantz asked in amazement.

"They lived here long before we did. Back when our ancestors were just animals that couldn't think. From what I have assembled we seemed to be friends with these creatures, but then we began to walk on two legs and they were scared. It doesn't say what happened to them tough."

"That is amazing," Rantz said. "Have you ever been in there? I don't think I want to, but it is nice to imagine what could be in a place like that."

"Actually the monks of your order gave me a task to retrieve something from there. I never felt right about doing it, so I managed to swipe it from their garden last time I received a mission. I have never been inside the manor until tonight, but I had to go to the garden to receive my tasks. I'm returning it to set myself at peace and ask forgiveness, so if you want to we can venture forth in there." Zeek started in the direction of the temple. "You don't have to go in if you are afraid, believe me. I really didn't want to go in there the first time."

"I trust your judgment," Rantz said. "We shall go together. Besides, you might get into a bit of trouble and need your new rat's help," He said with an ever so happy grin.

"So you are my property now?" Zeek asked with a giggle. "Alright then my pet." He snorted a laugh and took him by the hand again, more softly this time. "Let's tackle this temple together."

The two of them got to the temple doors. It seem to grow with each step they took and now that they were looking upon it from a closer range it seemed enormous. Zeek, still holding Rantz' hand walked in first. Zeek grabbed an unlit torch from the wall.

"Give me a second and I'll have us a torch to light the hall ways," Zeek told him.

"No need for your flint," Rantz told him as he took the club tightly wrapped in kindling. He let go his grasp on Zeek's hand and waved it slowly over the kindling. He held tightly to his staff in his right hand. Soon after his hands began to emit heat and a spark shot from his left to the kindling and the torch was lit.

"A monk's trick?" Zeek asked.

"Yes, we had to study magic in the monastery. I was the best in my class and the youngest to master fire. Well, I haven't mastered it, but I mastered what there was to learn there."

"Care to show me what you can do with fire? It is my favorite of the elements," Zeek said with a mischievous grin.

Rantz' eyes glowed in the torchlight. He looked down the deep stone hallway. He raised his palm and focused. His eyes could even see better in the dark than the wolf's. His hand went through the same process as before and then suddenly a fireball floated before his left hand. He focused at the torches that lined the hall and released his hold on the burning ball of blistering heat. It shot forward and lit every torch before smacking into the wall at the end of the t-intersecting hallways and fizzled into nothing.

"That is a good 7 torches you lit," Zeek said as he clapped. "You will truly light my fire this evening I'm sure." He said with a wide smile.

Rantz laughed. "There are problems with it though," He started. "If I perform to much within a short amount of time my hand will get so hot it will melt off." He placed his palm on Zeek's face. Zeek could feel the heat from his paw but it didn't hurt. It was actually pleasing and he would much rather have the warm paw elsewhere right now, but this wasn't the place for that.

Zeek lightly caressed the heated hand before taking hold of it and leading him down the lit pathway. He remembered exactly where he had gotten what needed to be replaced. He turned left and lit the torch in the room and then right again. Rantz was lost already and would not be able to get himself out on his own.

"Do you know where you are going?" Rantz had to ask. "I can't even remember if we took a right or a left to get into this room.

Zeek looked back and smiled. "Are you a little scared?" he asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't remember it taking this long, but I remember the path. I was running last time and it was much quicker. It should be in the next room though."

Zeek turned the corner and it opened up into a bigger room. All the others had contained smaller proportions. It had a torch in each corner waiting to be lit, but the full moon shone through the top. Time had passed so quickly that they didn't even realize it was dark outside. The moon hit a glass at the top, which magnified its pale blue hue. Zeek walked to one side of the room where a pedestal sat. He reached in his pocket and pulled a little human head idol. With careful precision he placed the idol softly on the pedestal. After waiting a few moments he walked back.

Rantz was studying the walls. There were pictures of men. Two men, that had their lives drawn out before him. It was described in great detail. The two seemed to be friends. They fought together through many battles. Then they came to this temple, and slept together night and day. Nothing could tear them apart. Then a war came and they were killed in this room, while in bed.

He looked over at the idol and his curiosity perked. He walked over to it and read the inscription around it. He had never seen such a language. It fascinated him to see what magic was held in this room.

"Be careful of what you touch in here. I have been in many temples, and some are guarded with curses and the like, and we don't want to unleash anything," Zeek told him. "I only just met you, and there are certain things that might happen that I would really rather not."

Rantz smiled. "I think there might have been quite a history to this room. I honestly think this might have been a bed room."

"What makes you think that?" Zeek asked.

"The pictures on the wall. They show that idol in this room, and two men together on a bed right over there..." His voice trailed off. A bed had materialized out of thin air. A look of terror fell across his face. "Was that bed there before?" He asked quickly.

"No, it wasn't," Zeek said as he stepped in front of Rantz. "I'm not sure if I like this."

"I think I do," Rantz said. Zeek turned his head so he could keep an eye forward, but catch a glimpse of Rantz. "Don't worry. We need a place to sleep, and it has been given to us."

"What?" Zeek asked astonished. "We have no clue where that bed came from. It is more than likely and illusion and we need to leave right now."

Suddenly, the door closed and Zeek ran to it to try reopening it. It would not move for even the strongest man. "Damn it! I knew this would happen." Zeek snarled. "I had a bad feeling about coming here. I should have never brought you in on this."

Rantz had already made his way to the bed and hopped on it. He laid his staff next to one edge of it and patted the bed softly. "It seems real to me." He moved himself to lie down on the pillow. "And it is a really good bed. Come and lie down with me."

Against his better judgment Zeek moved over to the bed and laid himself down. He couldn't stop himself because some new force had taken control of his body. Rantz sat up and pulled Zeek down next to him playfully.

"You know I like it when you're rough," Zeek said. He then held his muzzle not sure where that came from. "What the hell?" He asked allowed.

"We are not alone in here, I can feel them in you and me," Rantz told him. "They want to finish something they started along time ago. And they need us to help them," He said as he grabbed the bottom of Zeek's shirt. He quickly pulled it over his head exposing Zeek's broad upper torso. "You have already seen me, and now I get to see you."

The rat quickly flipped the wolf over and turned around straddling him. "Yes, you know I love it when you play rough." Zeek said again, now this time it was both he and the spirit this time.

Rantz turned his head backwards. "I think tonight is going to be a very hot and pleasant night." He grinned wickedly and lifted both of his hands out to the side. They both grew red this time and soon flames appeared in front of both of them. He shot out two bolts in each direction. They flew and ignited the torches in the corner. The blue light from the moon hit with the red light of the flames from mirrors behind them and filled the room with an aurora of rich purple light.

He quickly pulled at Zeek's belt and removed it with glee. He undid the latches in front and then let his hand slide between Zeek's legs and underneath him to get his tail catch. Zeek's pants were fully off in the next second in one fierce rip.

"I love it when you play rough as well Raphael." Zeek spat out.

"I know Zachary. I know all to well." Rantz said as he rubbed Zeek's sheath down exposing which was so ready to be exposed.

The blood rushed and Zeek sprung up wildly. Rantz placed his hands firm yet still loosely around the well-endowed ten-inch member. "He meets your qualifications tremendously, but has a little perk at the bottom that I wasn't expecting." Rantz said.

"And it would seem that this one complements you as well, but his hands. There is something about them that makes me scream," Zeek said.

Rantz came to realize that they were both speaking through him and Zeek. He didn't mind and went about what he was doing guided by the spirit of Raphael. He ran his tempered fingers up and down the wolf's shaft. Zeek let out a moan of pleasure and pushed his pelvis upwards with Rantz still straddling him.

Rantz leaned down and positioned himself so that he would be able to take Zeek into his mouth. He licked his tip playfully, which made Zeek whine for more. "Take it only as fast as you can handle." Zeek said speaking as himself.

"Don't worry, I'm being guided here, and he knows exactly what he is doing," Rantz assured him. "Yes," Raphael said. "Don't worry, this will be a fun night for all of us."

Suddenly they were both human, but Zeek and Rantz could still feel them selves. Things were a lot colder, but it added the need for closeness between them. Raphael was a broad man with scars lining his front side. His gray hair was slightly below his ears. He was an elderly man in his late forties or early fifties, but he still kept up with the best.

Raphael tilted his head sideways and wrapped his tongue around the shaft as he slid his mouth down it. His hands then moved down to Zachary's scrotum to massage it softly. The heat was still there and magnified the pleasure to a great extent and it showed in how much Zachary throbbed.

"Ohhhh," Zeek and Zachary moaned together.

Raphael tugged at his own shirt and broke apart long enough to pull it over his head and then moved back to the throbbing cock. He wrapped his tongue and mouth around the side of the shaft again and slid down, and then slowly slid back up to the top and came around the head to accept a small spurt of pre willingly.

They were Rantz and Zeek again and Rantz licked the tip to savor every drop that drizzled out. As if on cue he knew now to take it straight in his muzzle and drive himself down. His tail squirmed down to Zeek's tummy and scritched it. Zeek let out another moan as Rantz moved further down with each thrust forward of his mouth.

Using every piece of consciousness he could muster he un-clicked the catch on Rantz' breeches. He moved his hands around his waist to catch the front ties and untied them with ease. Rantz slid further and further and cause Zeek further moans. He began tugging at the pants until they were fully off. His finger explored itself deep within Rantz

Rantz gave a small pulse with his mouth and Zeek let out a sound that was almost a growl, but still pleasurable. He sat up on his elbows at his growing pleasure. He began to grunt and thrust as he pulled his finger from Rantz and pulled him closer to his face.

Rantz felt the warm breath of Zeek blowing straight on him. He did his best to make a pleasing noise while continuing with his soft pulses. Zeek finally pulled him down and placed his tongue at the edge of Rantz' tail hole and gave a few soft and lasting laps. Rantz had a full body convulsion and harder pulses down on Zeek.

Zeek stopped for a second to clench his teeth and grunt. He opened his eyes and pulled Rantz back on his muzzle. His tongue slurped laps right between Rantz' cheeks. Rantz would convulse every now and then and then his hands began to explore again. They gripped what of Zeek he couldn't fit into his muzzle and throat and massaged it slowly. His hands were still warm and tingling, which intensified the sensation.

He let one hands slide down and he grazed Zeek's knot. Zeek shot a small amount of his load into Rantz' mouth but he still had a lot left. He made his pulses more savage. He was almost at a bobbing state when suddenly they changed again.

Zachary took the task of licking right up the middle and then focusing straight on Raphael's hole, massaging it fiercely. He took to this nicely and began to rock his body back and forth while still bobbing. His tongue was out of his mouth to compensate for the length of the rat's muzzle.

They held together at the same pace for a good ten minutes. They had already been at it for at the least twenty. All for of them could not think of a happier way to end the night. The humans subsided and Rantz grabbed hold firmly of Zeek's knot. Zeek let out an extremely vocal grunt as he pulled his muzzle away from Rantz. The howl emitted from him allowed Rantz to expect what was coming. Zeek exploded and Rantz let off but held his muzzle closed. The cum spouting from the tip easily made it to the rat's welcoming mouth.

Zeek rubbed Rantz on the legs to calm himself down. Suddenly Rantz turned around and was Raphael again. Zeek could still feel his fur and wasn't exactly sure what to expect.

"It's my turn," Raphael said in a husky lustful voice.

"How will you take me?" Zeek asked him.

Raphael lifted Zeek up above him and Zeek noticed him standing on end. He was close to an inch longer than Zeek was, which caused Zeek to gawk and murr. He allowed the spirit what ever he desired, which was to shove himself as far up in Zeek as possible.

Raphael touched himself to Zeek slowly. He inserted the head and looked at Zeek for his reaction. Zeek simply smiled and shut his eyes for a second. He opened them slowly and pushed himself further down Raphael's stiff rod.

"What happened to playing dirty?" Zeek asked.

Raphael let a wicked grin spread vigorously across his face. He gripped Zeek's waist from above and shoved the rest of his manhood up in his tail hole. Zeek let out a scream. The grin on Raphael's face spread as he began to thrust himself without warning. Zeek pushed back and accepted what he had been dealt.

"So you like dirty as well?" Raphael asked him.

"Dirty is always nice," Zeek said as he opened his eyes and gritted his teeth.

Suddenly things changed again, Zeek became Zachary and Raphael became Rantz. Rantz had been along with Raphael the entire time and was still holding up what he had begun. Zachary through his head back, his long blond hair dangled behind him. His eyelids parted to reveal his crystal blue sparkling eyes.

Rantz scooted himself further to move Zachary's legs further up and allowed him to lie back down on the bed. Rantz moved his face in closer to him as he prodded Zachary savagely. Zachary, a very well experienced person, grabbed the rat around the neck and pulled himself up towards Rantz and then in almost a swinging action he helped the rat along.

Seconds later Rantz could feel himself giving way. Zeek appeared in his arms and he bent his neck down to kiss him hotly. This was difficult to kiss and still breath at times due to the pleasurable exhaustion. Zeek and Rantz were both snorting through their noses before Rantz finally broke free and Zeek let out another howl.

Rantz let himself go deep inside Zeek and the cum was enough to start leaking at the base of Rantz' member. Rantz gave a few thrusts before pulling himself slowly out tantalizing Zeek every bit he could. Zeek threw himself onto the rat with another kiss. He flipped him over again and this time laid himself upon him.

"That was so much better than I thought it would be. I guess experience helps," Rantz said.

"What do you mean was?" Zeek asked him.

A devious look shot across the rat's face and he shivered a little. The two had left Zeek and Rantz and now were staring at them still fully naked and erect.

"We would like to thank you both for this. We were finally able to finish what we started so many years ago," Raphael said as he pulled Zachary close to him.

"You may use the bed as long as you would like. These were our private chambers and not part of the actual temple, so you may stay the night here by our permission," Zachary said.

Zachary held Raphael in his arms as they kissed and slowly faded into nothing. Rantz turned his gaze to Zeek and Zeek mirrored.

"Looks like we don't have to find a place for the night," Rantz started. "Now where were we?"

Zeek got to his knees and bent over Rantz. "Perhaps we should try to traditional angle?"

"Going wolf on me, are you?" Rantz teased. "Take me wolfie. Take me hard.

Zeek didn't resist after those words. He tightly gripped Rantz around the midsection and he found home. Rantz let out a few ooohs and then Zeek let out a few unfs as he humped him happily yet harshly.

"Don't slow down. Fuck me as hard as you can!" Rantz said as he raised his voice and pushed back against Zeek. He began to let out sounds every few thrusts now. Zeek moved faster and faster. His eyes were closed and his teeth were tightly clenched together.

Zeek couldn't help but move his knot as close to Rantz' tail hole as possible. It would slide up and try to push its self in with each thrust. Rantz would try to push back on it, but wasn't ready to accept it just yet.

Rantz himself had begun to spurt small portions on the bed. He was fully erect again and stroked himself playfully while holding himself up with the other paw. He was growing close to letting himself go again, but would hold out as long as possible.

All but one of the torches had unlit themselves. Finally the fourth fizzled out leaving the room in only the light of the moon. The blue hit the rat and wolf and just increased the sensations of the night.

Zeek made one major thrusts between the others and placed his knot half way inside the hole. Rantz let out a small whine, but even though there was some pain to it, he was having too much fun to argue. He pushed back and accepted every bit of the knot into his being.

At this, Zeek began to ravage Rantz' backside as hard and fast as he could--just as Rantz had asked. He reached under and grabbed his partner's maleness and hand and stroked it as he made his last very loud grunts and let out a bellowing howl as the eruption between his legs hit the rat.

The feeling was excruciatingly exuberant. The rat let out a sound that showed he was not expecting such a feeling. He swelled himself up and let out a deep breath that murred its way out of his chest. Zeek bit his ear and tugged it gently and kept thrusting to get every last spurt out.

The rat could not hold out any longer against the pressure of what feeling he was receiving inside him and the beautiful work Zeek was performing with his hand. He let his second load out onto the bed. His spurts were just as explosive as the one that was still making Zeek's tail hole tingle.

I could get used to this again. Zeek thought to himself.

"It was everything I had hoped it to be." Rantz said as he looked back with an exhausted expression hanging over him.

"You were excellent for your first time," Zeek told him.

"Well, my second, but that doesn't measure up to anything compared to tonight." The rat pulled forward to slowly pop the knot from his tail hole and untie himself. He turned around swiftly and hugged Zeek with love and affection. Zeek picked him up and stepped off the bed.

"It isn't that cold, I think we could survive without this messy blanket on the tope." Zeek said as he smiled.

Rantz tugged it off and laid it gently at the foot of the bed before hopping playfully back on. Zeek joined him and they lay facing each other and kissing for another ten minutes before stopping.

"So what did you do with the letter?" Rantz found himself asking.

"I haven't read it. I'm not quite sure where I put it, but does that really matter at this time?" He asked as he let a smile across his face.

We will see what that letter holds for us tomorrow.

Rantz hugged Zeek deeply. Zeek wrapped his arms around him and they lay together until both dozed of into a gentle sleep. The first night was complete.