An Eternal Rose:pt.3:Autumn Splendor

Story by DarkWolfie on SoFurry

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They lay there starring up at the dimming sky, on the cold cement where they had spent there earlier year. The dim orange light radiated through the golden trees setting them ablaze as the light shined through the leaves. Zack and Kory laid there, bathed in orange radiance, looking at the gray clouds, "Hey, Kory, do you think it'll rain?" Zack said as he turned to Kory and kissed his cheek sweetly.

"I don't know, but imagine how spontaneously wonderful that would be," Kory giggled, "and romantic." He finished and he kissed Zack in the same way. Then they held each other and fell off to sleep and dreamt of each other in a perfect world, no hate or prejudice, no bigotry, just the splendor of having each other.

They slept for hours unaware of the time. Then a murder of crows began to squawk in the trees above them and it awoke them from their slumber. "What the fuck, what time is it?" Zack said as his eyes shot wide open in horror at noticing the world around him was pitch black.

Then Kory looked at his watch and let out a soft whimper, and said tear fell from his dark eyes, and he clung to Kory. "I have no idea what we should do, but we can't keep running from my dad, we're in love but he's to blinded by his bigotry to see that." He proclaimed as he finally found the will to speak.

They clung to each other as the crows began to squawk more, and Zack giggled as through his tears, "Its like a sign, hehe, its like the crows sense our fear. Its as if they are trying to tell us to get out of here." He said as he yelled to the crows, "Well we already tried to that, and we failed miserably!" then he looked into Kory's eyes, and kissed him. Then he sighed as he said, "You know what we have to do?"

"What?" Kory said.

"We have to confront my dad, no matter what. I know this will be very difficult, but when is love ever not difficult, hehe." He laughed as tears streamed down his face.

"But your father would never even allow me to be with you, he'll hit you again, or hit me." Kory said with fear.

"I'm willing to take that chance, anything important is worth fighting for, and isn't our love worth it?" he said as he kissed Kory.

"Yes, yes it is. We have to do this, but how. He's probably ferrous at your mom, and when he sees you..." he said as Zack's eyes got wide and he cut off Kory.

"Oh shit, my mom. My dad is gonna hit her, I wont let that bastard harm her. He gets violent when he is angry. I'll make him pay if he hurts her." He said as he jumped to his feet, and grabbed Kory's paw. Then lightning lit the distant sky like a torch in the darkness, and thunder crashed, then the rain came. Light splashes gradually grew to a howl of wind and pouring rain. Zack glared though the rain to see the streetlights lighting their path through the darkened streets, then he grabbed Kory's paw and kissed him and looked into his eyes with a look of despair, and anger. "We have to run as fast as we can, dear, I won't let my dad hurt my mom."

"Don't worry, we'll get there in time." Kory said as he kissed Zack under the dark gray sky, as the rain fell upon them and drenched their dark clothes, then he grabbed Zack's hand and they ran.

Then Zack shook his hand free from Kory's and ran as fast as he could down the dimly lit street and with every passing street light the his purple hair shimmered in the orange glow of the lights. Then a crack of lightning whipped through the sky followed by thunder, the thunder crashed overhead loud enough to bring mountains to their knees. None of the noise even shook Zack out of his angered trance. He just ran down the wet street. His house came into view and he ran faster.

Kory tried to keep up but it was no use, he soon slowed to a stop and yelled, "Hey, Zack, wait up! You're to fast for me." He looked up ahead and saw Zack's house and realized why he had sped up his pace. So he began to run more to make sure that nothing happened to Zack when he arrived at his house, though he didn't run as fast as Zack did.

Zack could hear yelling coming from within the house, he pushed the door in with both wet paws, and the door flew open as Zack's eyes grew wide as he saw his dad raising a paw over his mother, as to hit her. Then he ran at his dad screaming and tackled him to the floor, and scurried to his wet feet, almost slipping. "I will never let you hurt mom!" he yelled. Then he raised a paw, clawed fingers outreached, as to swipe at his father's face.

Just then Kory ran into the room and he saw what his love was about to do, so he jumped at Zack and grabbed him so he could hurt his dad. Then Zack struggled to his feet and Kory made him sit, as slapped once too so he would listen, "Look at your father!" he yelled at Zack, then Zack looked then looked to the floor as he mumbled expletives as he wanted to kick his dad's ass. "Look at him, is that what you want to become? A violent man, huh? Look at yourself; if you fight your father, you will be no better than him. You can stop him without fighting him."

Zack looked up at Kory and smiled as he kissed him, his father cringed as he watched his son kiss the black cat, then Zack said, "You are right, I guess I just let my rage and sorrow get the better of me, I don't want to belittle myself down to my father's level," he smirked. "I'm better than him and I can show it." Then Zack got up and put his arm around Kory, then kissed him again, "Dad, this is whom I love, you cannot tell me whom I can and cannot love. I'm gay, and if you cannot deal with that, then I guess you're not the father I thought you were. Now, I'm not asking you to understand or even agree with what and who I am, I'm just asking you to be tolerant of me and my boyfriend." He looked his dad straight in the eye, as he said what he had to say.

His father got to his feet and sighed as he looked at his son holding the male in his arms. Then he sighed again as he said, "Son, this is who you truly love? There is no way I could persuade you to be straight?"

Zack was shocked by his father's sudden change in tone, and he replied, "Yes this is who I love, and no there is no way I would be persuaded to be straight. This is the path I have chosen, the life I want to live. And mom is fine with it, and you should be too. I'm finally happy." He said as he hugged Kory again, "I'm happy with him, and you should be happy that I'm happy, Mom is."

Then his father sighed as his mother said, "Rick, he is still our son, you can't hate him just for the way he decides to live his life, or the music he listens to." She said as she eyed the closet under the stares. "We need to let him live his own life. He's a great kid; we didn't fail at anything. Just because he's gay doesn't mean we failed, if anything it means we succeeded, I'm not saying that I want him to be gay. I'm saying that we didn't raise a homophobic teenager. Well, at least I didn't." She then walked over to Rick, "Look, I was just as shocked as you when I found out that he was gay, but I didn't hate him, or hit him. I even told Kory to go find him. Rick I know you love him, and you love me, but you have to learn to deal with things, and control your temper." She said as she kissed Rick.

Then Rick looked at Zack and then at his wife, "Ok, Diana. I know I've been a total asshole, how could I ever make it up to you, Zack?"

Then Zack looked up at his father, and said, "I'm not asking you to do anything, just be tolerant of gays, and especially me and Kory."

Rick nodded, and walked over to a chair, and sat down, shaking his head back and forth, "I'm gonna have to get used to this, I didn't want to deal with it before, so I acted like an ass. It was kind of a defense thing so I didn't have to deal with you being gay. I denied it and tried to threaten you into being straight, and I took away everything you loved." He said as a tear dripped off his eye lashes, "I'm so sorry, Zack. I robbed you of everything you loved, your music, your boyfriend. How could I have been so cruel? I wouldn't blame you if you hated me." He finished as he looked down at the floor.

Then Zack walked over to his dad, and hugged him tightly, "Dad, don't cry. I do agree that you acted like an ass, but that's all in the past. Oh, and dad?"

"Yes, Zack?"

"I don't hate you." He said as he smiled.

Kory smiled at the two as he was filled with joy, he was so glad that Kory and his father were finally mending the rift that had plagued them for months. Then he turned to Diana, "I'm so glad that there finally getting along. So, you are totally ok with him being with me and him being gay?"

Then Diana smiled and said, "Kory, you know you are like a son to me, now more than ever. I'm happy that my son is happy with you. I'm glad he has found who he is, and I'm proud. And besides you two make such a cute couple." She laughed.

Then Kory smiled again and blushed a bit as he giggled. Then he looked back at Zack wondering what him and his dad were talking about. Then Zack got up and said, "Mom, would it be ok if Kory spent the night. I just talked dad into it, so you have to say yes." He laughed.

Diana smiled, "Sure, from now on Kory is welcome to come over when ever he wants." Then she walked over to Rick as she watched Zack and Kory run off to Zack's room. "So, Rick, are you sure you're fine with this, cause I am. I just need to know if you are."

Then Rick smiled and kissed her, "Of course I am dear. Its like you said, he's my son, and I do love him. I'm kind of glad that he has found who he is, though I don't approve of it, I can't stop him. And so I'm gonna support him." He said as he sighed with a smile. Then they walked off to bed as they whispered to each other.

* * * * *

Zack and Kory ran into Zack's room and closed the door and locked it. Zack smiled as he and Kory jumped into his bed and held each other close. "I'm so happy right now." Zack sad as a tear of tear of joy escaped is closed eyes. He nuzzled Kory's chest and murred. "I love you so much, and now we can finally be together always. No more hiding, running away, or being scared. We can actually be together with out worrying about my dad." He cried as he snuggled himself into his love's arms.

Kory giggled as he felt the fox snuggle up against his body and into his arms, then he kissed him on the head, "I love you so much. You're so cute right now. Oh, lets go get your stuff and listen to some music." He said as he licked Zack's cheek.

Then they got up, and went into the living room, and went to the closet under the stares. Zack got the key that his dad had purposefully left on a table by the closet door. He unlocked the door, and got the box with all his stuff in it, and closed the door. Then he put the key back on the table then him and Kory returned to his room.

"What do you want to do first, listen to music or put up all your poster?" Kory asked Zack as he smiled at him.

"I just want to listen to music and lay with you." He smiled back at Zack. Then he got his stereo out of the box, and some CDs. "What do you want to listen to, Nine Inch Nails, Tiger Army, or AFI?" he asked Kory.

Kory giggled, "I know you want to listen to AFI. Go ahead put in on." He said as he thought of how cute Zack looked, as he got his CDs out of the box. Zack looked like a little kit on Christmas day. "You look so cute, when you're excited." He giggled.

Zack blushed and put an AFI CD on, and jumped in bed with Kory, and snuggled up to him, and nudged him a bit and giggled, "Hold me." Kory held Zack tightly as he saying softly to the music.

"I love you, dear. I love the way you sing. And I love how cute you are." He said as he snuck his hand up the front of Zack's shirt and softly caressed his soft chest fur, as he purred softly.

Zack shivered at the touch of Kory's soft, semi feminine, paws, "Oh, whoa," he giggled, "watch wear you're sticking those paws of yours." He said as he felt Kory slowly sliding Zack's shirt up more and more, till it revealed his entire chest. Kory loved the feeling of Zack's soft well-kept fur, just as Zack loved the way Kory caressed him with his soft paws.

Zack rolled over so he was facing Kory, then he slid his paws up under his shirt and kissed him on the muzzle, and licked the others lips. "I love you so much, know what we haven't done yet? And don't say sex, cause I don't want to do that yet." Zack blushed as he could feel his erection push against his baggy black pants, and he wondered if Kory could feel it against his leg.

Kory raised an eyebrow, and shook his head, and asked, "No, what do you want to do?" he said with a sly grin. Then he felt Zack's erection push against his leg, and he began to grow harder too. "Hmm...If its not sex, then...oh, I see." He said as he raised an eyebrow, and grinned as he kissed Zack on the lips. "I see, you want it or do you want to give it to me?" he asked hesitantly.

Zack blushed, as he said, "Umm...I was sort of hoping that you would give it to me." He said shyly. Then Kory smiled and nodded as he slowly finished taking off Zack's shirt, and he undid his leopard pattern belt and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and let Zack's hard penis slowly grow to his full size, and then Kory began to stroke it up and down. Making Zack moan softly with every stroke, his moans went unheard under a blanket of music.

Then Kory kissed Zack as he slid his tongue deep into his mouth and sucked on his warm tongue. Then he slowly kissed him down his chest and belly, caressing his soft fur till he got to his hard cock. Then he slowly began to run his rough feline tongue over the tip of Zack's penis, and then he took it all the way into his mouth, and purred as he sucked on the hard cock.

Then Zack pulled his cock out of Kory's mouth and ran to the door and locked it, "Damn it, I almost forgot to lock the door." then he grinned as he stood there naked, then he stepped out of his pants and kicked them to the side and then he jump onto the bed, and giggled as he took off Kory's shirt then undid his belt and pulled his pants off, and threw them to the floor. Then he giggled again as he reached down, and fondled Kory's balls, "Ok, now isn't that better, my sweet little kitty?" he grinned as Kory nodded and giggled, "Now where were we? Oh, yeah." Then he lies on his bed and spread his legs as he laid his head down on his pillow. And let his beloved feline get back to work.

Kory stared at Zack's crotch, and eyed his hard cock, and then he licked it up and down then took it all the way in. He purred as he sucked on the hard cock. Zack moaned at the purring vibrations.

They both said nothing as Kory bobbed his head up and down, sucking on his love's hard penis.

Zack began to pant as he began to pre-cum in Kory's mouth, and Kory drank it down readily. Then Zack could feel his climax coming, and then he finally shot his seed deep into Kory's mouth. Kory blushed as he looked up at Zack as he drank his hot seed. The he grasped his own hard shaft, and began to stroke it up and down. Panting and moaning as he sucked on Zack cock, trying to get all of the semen he could get. Then Kory shot his seed onto the bed sheets, and blushed.

Kory took his lips off of Zack's penis, and asked with a smile, ", do you have a towel?" he giggled and kneeled on the bed. Then Zack smiled and reached down off the bed and grabbed a towel from the floor and wiped his penis off and handed the towel to Kory. Then Kory wiped the sheets clean of his mess. Then he crawled up onto Zack and kissed him, tossing the towel back to the floor, and then he licked his cheek. Then he gave him a sweet salty kiss as he slid his tongue in.

Zack pulled the blanket over them both, and kissed Kory again. They slept there in each other's arms. And Zack sang softly to the music as the last song on the CD finished. His eyes closed and he fell to sleep in his love's arms. As he whispered softly, "I love you."

* * * * *

Through the black blinds tiny rays of light peeked through from the morning sun. Zack blinked his eyes open as the rays of sunshine beamed onto his face. He yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Then he turned to Kory, who was sound asleep still, and kissed him on the lips. Kory sleepily blinked his eyes open and looked warmly at Zack, and smiled, "Morning."

Zack smiled and kissed Kory as he replied, "Morning you." He giggled and snuggled up to Kory. "How did you sleep, hun?"

Kory yawned, "I slept great, especially since it was in your arms." He said as he kissed Zack on the cheek.

Then there was a knock on the door and Diana said, "Are you going anywhere where today?"

Zack looked at Kory, and said, "I was thinking me and Kory could go to his house." Then Kory agreed and Zack's mom said, "Ok, just wanted to know."

"What time are we gonna go?" Kory asked Zack.

"I don't know, lets just lay here a bit longer." He giggled and snuggled up to Kory and they both fell back to sleep.

The sun outside was brighter when Zack woke up again, as he woke up he nudge Kory awake. "Hey, wake up sleepy head, its after 12." He said after looking at the alarm clock by his bed.

He pushed the blankets off him and Kory, and got up to put some pants on. Then he shook Kory awake, "Wake up, Kory."

"Huh, what? I'm up, I'm up..." Kory said half asleep and with closed eyes, Zack giggled as he thought of how cute Kory looked like that. "What is it? I was having a nice dream about you." He giggled.

Then Zack looked at Kory's crotch and said, "Hmm...I can see that." He giggled as he saw that Kory had morning wood. Then he threw Kory his pants and shirt. "Come on, get dressed. Lets get something to eat and go to your house. My parents are gone; my mom is at the store and my dad had to go to work to fill in for a co-worker. I heard them leave earlier while you were sleeping. Then I went back to sleep. Hehe." Kory jumped up and threw on his clothes, and they went out of the house, grabbing something to eat on the way out. On the way to Kory's house they smiled at each other as they realized everything was going to be fine, both their parents were okay with them being gay, and they loved them. And they finally had each other, and nothing could split them apart.