Izzy the boy toy

Story by Sunkra on SoFurry

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WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, or you can't separate fiction from real life events, or are intending to use this material against the author in any way, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!

--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author Sunkra © 2010. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. Do not redistribute this storyin any way without the author's explicit writtenpermission. All rights reserved.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story was written as adult fiction. The authordoes NOT condone the described behavior in real life. Any similarities with any real life events and/or persons are completely coincidental. Describedcharacters and/or events are fictional. Enjoy the story!--------------------------------------------------------

This commissioned story is about a girly boy being sold on the illegal slave market and being bought by one of the wealthiest men in the world as a sex toy.This story contains: gay, master/slave, toys, bestiality, humiliation, public sex, anal, oral, punishment

Izzy the boy toy.

With frightful fear in his eyes, Izzy quickly steps forward through the dark abandoned parking lot towards one of the biggest graffiti painted walls in this city, marked by the notorious youth gang that everyone is afraid of. Shaking, the boy lifts a can with rainbow spray paint and shakes it, trying to do this as quietly as possible which is almost as futile as carrying water to the sea. Izzy is a hybrid, a crossing between red panda genes and rabbit genes, marking him with large white pointy ears very much like those of the red panda species but slightly longer than average. Furthermore he has a very large fluffy tail and his rabbit genes seem not to be very apparent physically except for the build of his legs and paws, which are clearly designed for sprinting and jumping. He's lean and not muscular, quite feminine as he even wears his brown long hair in a high ponytail.

Targeting the huge mural graffiti drawing of the youth gang, Izzy lifts his spray paint can and with a swing of his arm the artwork is ruined by a large rainbow, the smell of wet paint in the air. He was forced to do this, a couple of guys at the orphanage had walked in on him trying out girl's clothing he'd snatched from the laundry room and had taken pictures to blackmail poor Izzy, the abuse had been going on for a while until it had led up to this perk. Suddenly the hybrid boy's ear twitch, hearing nearing footsteps. Survival instinct kicks in and the fragile feminine boy drops the paint can, sprinting back the way he came until a gunshot made him freeze in fear.

A couple of flashlights are pointed at Izzy, he hears angry shouting and watches the strangers point to the mural in disbelief. Soon the fragile boy is surrounded and Izzy's ears point backwards and down in fright, there's no way of telling how these gang members are going to treat him for practically pissing onto their pride, "What the hell? Damn girl, what's wrong with you? Don't you know who's art that is? You're going down, bitch!"They obviously thought Izzy is a female and perhaps they'll go more easy on him for that, but they're pretty pissed in any case, "Please, don't hurt me... I was forced to do it or they'd..."Izzy shuts up and looks down as suddenly he's grabbed from all sides and pushed down face down to the floor, he tries to yell for help but is silenced with a slap of the back of a hand. Feeling them pull down his pants, Izzy tries to struggle but receives more slaps and he hears them talk excitedly about raping his fine piece of booty. Then, all the gang members fall silent for a moment as they lift up the red panda rabbit hybrid boy's big fluffy tail and see Izzy's smallish balls peep at them from between the back of his legs.

Obviously pissed off even more, they strip Izzy naked and beat the crap out of him, his fragile body not able to take the blows very well and he screams for help for all he's worth. To finish it off, the gang members grab the spray can of rainbow paint and start covering every inch of Izzy's body with the colourful chemical substance whilst laughing and kicking him. The hybrid boy is blindfolded and hauled off to a car, he winces as he feels a needle prick into his arm and they inject him with a sedative which soon kicks in, making him topple over and sink away into a dream.

"... completed ruined, what were you thinking? How the fuck am I supposed to sell something that looks like a rainbow barfed it up? Yeez, this is gonna cost, man!"The hybrid red panda rabbit boy's head hurts, he blinks his eyes slowly and tries to look around, it appears that he has been lowered into a warm tub. Realizing he's naked, Izzy tries to cover up with his hands under water, but it appear they're tied tightly to his back so he just blushes and tries to see around him. Apparently the people present heard him struggle and suddenly a tough looking bulky doberman stands over the tub, scanning the girly boy with his eyes:"Lay still."The deep manly voice makes Izzy lie still and he shivers slightly in fear:"W-where am I? What are you going to do with me?"Kneeling next to the tub, the bulky doberman props Izzy up into a sitting position, he appears to be in some sort of a personal hygiene facility as he looks over all the tubs and machines for body modification. The doberman calls over some other guys and they all start to scrub Izzy's fur quite roughly, the rainbow paint barely coming out of the hair, "Shut up, kid. Be glad we don't just kill you with that ruined pelt."

So Izzy just stays still, the strange guys keep scrubbing his body but eventually give up, coming up with the radical idea to bleach the boy's entire fur and then paint it back to the original colour. The hybrid feminine boy whimpers and undergoes the treatment before being inspected thoroughly one last time by a doctor and the bulky doberman, apparently an important leader figure to the gang. Izzy feels like sinking through the floor when the doctor inspects his genitals and anus right in front of so many manly guys, blushing deep red and just wanting to die in humiliation. But eventually he is collared and with a leash led to some sort of back stage where he's put into a cage completely naked, "Don't expect to ever wear clothes or go home again, kid."And with those words they leave him behind. After much yelling, crying and sighing Izzy accepts his situation and just goes to sleep.

The following morning he's wakened by all the activity, people appearing to prepare the stage for some sort of show, the large heavy curtains blocking the hybrid boy's view into the room where the audience will be. A couple of hours later, a voice speaks through speakers around the room, introducing boys and girls of all ages and species for auction like if they were mere objects. Eventually Izzy is retrieved and dragged onto stage, his legs held wide open, "Our next lot is a fine young specimen of cross breed between red panda and rabbit genes. Very feminine and soft, smaller than average genitals and shy, great for keeping shut to those nasty questions authorities could be asking."There seems to be lots of interest in Izzy, bids are in foreign currency and rise up through the roof, the young hybrid boy wishing it weren't true and that he was dreaming this all as he is exposed to so many faces in the dark audience. Eventually the hammer falls and Izzy is sold for nearly two million, which converted to American currency is almost five million dollars, a number that makes him sick in the stomach.

He's hauled off to be packed in a box and then driven towards an address for delivery at the end of the evening, Izzy just waits scared and frightened of what will be outside of the box when it'll be opened. He waits for a long time until eventually the lights in the room are turned on and he hears a voice demanding for the crate to be opened gently, a crowbar is wedged between the box and the lid and then Izzy is blinded by the light in the room."Leave us..." and the men other than the one that bought the feminine boy remains in the room, the door locking behind them.

Izzy whimpers and crawls forward out of the crate, blinking his eyes and letting out a couple of tears in both sadness and because of the hurtful bright light:"W-where am I? Who are y..."Immediately he is cut short by the confident, slightly pompous voice coming from his new master:"First of all, you will address me with either 'master' or 'Mister Syles'. I am not know for my patience and will punish frequently and with force if I have to, you will not speak unless you're spoken to, slave. I don't care for your background or opinion about slavery, neither do I care for your name. This is a world ruled by money, and since I've got lots of that, I can afford anything I want. Understood?"The fragile boy winces and nods, now able to see more clearly in the blinding light of the very white room he sees a panther standing in a crisp, symmetric suit with a cane. He looks quite dignified and loaded with cash, his eyes yellow and very cat like with a cunning glint in them. The man's blue half long hair is combed neatly to the side, in a fashion that most people would describe as an 'emo' hairdo.

"Stop staring like a brain dead monkey and come over here, slave," Izzy's new master taps his cane to the marble tiled floor as a sign for the small boy to hurry up, which Izzy does, quickly walking over to the man. Mister Syles retrieves a little gemmed collar and binds it around Izzty's neck, locking a leash in place as well, looking the girly boy over. He makes Izzy turn, bend, spread his arms, open his mouth and all sorts of those movements before deciding to be pleased with the quality he received:"Boy, I will attend a party tonight and you will be joining me as my pet, you will at no given time speak unless I give you permission. When you walk you will make yourself smaller than me at all times, when we sit, you will crawl on all fours and kneel. You will in no circumstance go against my wishes or you may be leaving this life at young age."

Without even asking if Izzy understood his obligations as a slave, the panther tugs the boy's leash and makes him walk behind himself, taking an elevator down to the ground floor. They appear to be in a very tall building, over thirty floors flash on the display of the elevator. When they arrive downstairs, mister Syles tugs the leash again and Izzy follows with his head bowed down, feeling like crying. The panther man stops and turns around his head almost as fast as lightning, grabbing the feminine hybrid boy's chin and pressing a single claw into the flesh:"You will behave like a slave should, smile or I will cut a smile onto your pretty little face!"Terrified and startled, Izzy forces a wide grin and is then pulled along again, the smaller boy walking up straight with a fake wide smile. He notices the people watching his naked form as he is forced to walk along with his new master, Izzy has to repress the urge to cry very hard.

Mister Syles talks to the girl behind the desk of the lobby and a little mole man comes running to him, out of breath and carrying a big briefcase in one hand and a PDA in the other. Izzy's new master is briefed by the tiny mole man about his schedule and the attending guests at the party, the little man obviously his personal assistant, as they walk outside to the expensive car. The back of the car is furnished with two leather benches facing each other and mister Syles takes place on the one in the back whilst his personal assistant sits on the bench with its back to the chauffeur. Izzy is forced to hunch down in a sitting position on the floor whilst his panther master talks and demands to the small mole man in suit. Soon the car comes to a halt and mister Syles is first to step out, many lights illuminate the mansion they've stopped in front of, the night very black and a full moon decorating the sky. It starts to rain and a man with an couple of umbrellas runs quickly towards Izzy's master and shelters both master and slave from the water, the valet driving the car away to park it.

The wealthy panther walks inside whilst his assistant becomes drenched in the rain, the little mole man follows the pace of Izzy's master as if he is a slave himself as well. When they arrive inside, the assistant informs that mister Syles has arrived and the local employees announce him to the ball room, lots of applause commences as the feline master descends the wooden staircase to the dance floor with a smug smile. He pulls his naked girly boy toy with him, Izzy gasping for air as the leash seems to tighten its grip around his neck a bit. Flocks of admirers and so called close friends to mister Syles surround the panther and he is quickly given a drink, laughter and shallow comments are exchanged.

It is pretty boring but manageable for poor Izzy until one of the ladies points at him and comments about him:"I see you've got a new addition to your collection, Syles, what breed is this one? I don't recall ever seeing something like it."Slightly angry to be treated like an object but not daring to anger his master, the hybrid boy looks to the floor but his head is tugged up again. The panther gives him a cold angry look as a warning and then turns back to the lady, smiling and being quite the gentleman:"It is a very exclusive and rare breed that has entered the market only recently, a mixture of rabbit and red panda genes. This marvelous piece has the best traits of both species and was quite expensive therefor. Of course, for us it's merely pocket change."Shallow laughs commence and cigars and liquor are divided amongst the rich snobs by waiters.

After chatting for a while, the few slaves present are bound together in a corner of the large ball room whilst a large table is prepared for a feast for the guests. Izzy looks at the few other enslaved furs and notices most are quite plain in species, they all seem to sit very still and in a specific position, already their mind broken by their master's will. "Hello there, I'm Izzy, why will everyone just allow for us to be treated like this? Aren't there laws against slavery?"Ignoring the red panda rabbit hybrid, the other males and females keep looking at the floor but they seem a little bit more nervous. Izzy repeats his question:"Hello? Please talk to me, is there any way to escape?""Quiet, you'll get us all in trouble!" hisses one of the other male slaves, a beagle breed man a little older than Izzy and quite buff looking. His warning is in vain as one of the employees notices them talking and reports to their respective owners.

Izzy's neck fur rises up in fear as he sees his master looking over at him with a cold, murderous gaze before continuing his dinner. Oh God, he's really going to get it now! The hours pass by until the dreaded moment is there, his master stands up from the dining table after finishing dessert and calls one of the helps to him, who in turn approaches both Izzy and the beagle slave. He unchains them and tells them their masters command them to follow, the girly hybrid boy whimpers and the beagle man gives Izzy a quick kick in the shins, making Izzy whine even more. Mister Syles picks up a glass and calls for everyone's attention by tapping the edge of a knife to it:"Ladies and gentlemen..."The panther waits patiently until the rumoring crowd quiets down before continuing:"As many of you know I own the largest collection of slaves known to the world and yesterday I have purchased yet another addition..."

He pulls Izzy's naked form forwards, showing him off to the crowd, "But new additions don't always understand the situation they're in, this boy is no exception. In punishment he'll be performing a lewd act for your pleasure with the other perpetrator."Mister Syles suddenly swoops the empty plates, silverware and chandeliers off the table in front of him, the crowd not moving a muscle. The panther's wealth is vast and reaches all over the globe, even the government doesn't dare interfere with his business, however shady it may sometimes be. Slavery is abolished except for the extremely rich which mister Syles of course is, in response to protest groups they just state:"They're well fed and well cared for, at least they've got homes."

Grabbing Izzy in his neck fur, mister Syles pushes him onto all fours onto the table where everyone can clearly see his bare form, the feminine boy starts crying and tears drip down, soaked up by the table cloth. Then the beagle slave man is pushed right on top of him and Izzy's master just states in his cold voice:"Penetrate him. Now."The beagle growls out and bites the girly boy between his shoulder blades, starting to grind his pelvis against Izzy's rear and roughly pulling the boy's tail out of the way, "No! No! Please don't! I'm sorry master, please don't let him do this!"Mister Syles takes back his seat at the end of the table and places his finger tips to each other as he has a perfect rear view between the two slaves' legs, observing as the beagle's red tip slips out of his sheath and starts to slick up his new boy toy's anus. The poor fragile boy is defenseless and cries out for help, tears streaming down his cheeks as he finally feels the beagle's cock hit its mark and slide inside of his virginal ass.

Tightening his grip on his forced victim's back fur, the beagle starts thrusting deeply into the boy, the guests all so silent that the sex sounds are hearable at the other end of the table. Some men and women have taken out their opera goggles and look over to the other end to see the action more up close. "Deeper. Faster. Spank my slave," commands the panther as he feels his erection press against the fabric of his expensive pants, getting quite a kick out of displaying his power over these objects. The beagle slave lets go of Izzy's fur and immediately the boy tries to crawl away in escape, but is slammed to the table the next moment, making the glass ring all over the room. With harsh hits, he starts slapping the young and firm ass cheeks he's pumping into, drops of pre cum oozing out of Izzy's anus and falling down to be soaked into the table cloth as well. With a few last sobs, the girly Izzy finally submits, laying down quietly sulking as he takes his punishment as best as he can.

"Ejaculate now, slaves!" is the next command and almost without any effort, the grunting beagle on top of Izzy thrusts as deeply into the boy as he can, his furry balls drawing up and churning in their sack as his penis starts spewing his doggy seed into Izzy's ass. The red panda rabbit hybrid boy presses his face to the table's surface and cries out in deep shame and humiliation as his smaller cock starts spurting watery jets of semen onto the table cloth in front of so many prying eyes. To make matters even worse, all the present guests start applauding, pointing and laughing. Whimpering, Izzy doesn't dare take his face off of the table, just wishing he could die on the spot.

Back at his master's home, he's cleaned up by some of his master's employees but still he doesn't receive any clothes. Mister Syles may be serious after all when saying that Izzy will never wear any clothes ever again. The few employees guide the feminine boy back to the panther's private quarters and quickly hurry off as Izzy steps inside the large dimly lit room. Shivering slightly, the red panda rabbit boy grabs his own fluffy tail and holds it in front of his vulnerable naked body, playing with it until he hears the familiar voice of his master calling him over to the bed. The room consists of a large bed in front of an enormous glass wall with an aquarium tank behind it, it seems to be pretty big because the shades of a feral dolphin can be seen swimming in it. The floor is covered in a thick carpet and chandeliers hang down from the oil painted ceiling which depicts angels and demons in their eternal battle of dominion at heaven's gate.

"You have dragged my name through the sludge today, slave. The punishment you've received was kind and not in proportion to your crime. You will bow to my very will and submit to me as your master, or else I have no use for you and I'd have to turn you into something profitable for all the money you cost me," says mister Syles coldly, he sits naked on the edge of his bed and Izzy can't help but stare at the large furry dark toned balls and sheath of his feline master. Knowing that he needs to show respect and submission, the girly boy kneels down and crawls to his master's feet, starting to kiss them whilst mumbling how sorry he is and wanting forgiveness.

The panther smirks and presses a button on a remote, suddenly an opening appears in the headboard of his bed and a circular hole is visible with an airlock connected to the aquarium. Confused, Izzy looks at it and is then somewhat gently lifted onto the bed as Syles commands him to take place in front of it, which the feminine hybrid boy does, "You will please me tonight, slave, and my most precious pet. I don't think I need to make clear what will happen if this goes wrong, do I?"Izzy shakes his head and then jumps a little as he's startled by the feral dolphin swimming up the wall with his belly pressed to the glass. The airlock springs to life and very gently the pink tip of the dolphin's penis slides through it, the device doing a great job in preventing water from spilling in, "Suck him."

Obeying his master in fear of retaliation, Izzy closes his eyes and breathes deeply a few times before leaning forward and feeling the wet, curved dolphin penis slither over his lips. Tentatively, he extends his pink tongue and tastes the salty animal cock, deciding it isn't too bad of taste and then sucks as much of it down his throat as he can. "That's a good slave, now let me see that cute ass of yours," Syles murmurs as he pets the girly boy toy like he's being a good pet before reaching down to part the boy's ass cheeks. A very virginal pink hole peeps back at its owner, though a little sore and red from the abuse it had to take earlier. Syles's own black penis slides out of his sheath as he feels himself become aroused by his new slave and presses his tongue over the pink anus, lapping at it with his sandpaper like tongue.

Groaning softly around the feral aquatic beast's cock, Izzy deep throats the dolphin with growing lust and actually reaches down to stroke his own penis. Syles slaps his hand away and growls:"Only when I say you can, slave boy," before hunching down on his hind legs behind Izzy's rear. He clicks a leash into place on the collar around the young boy's neck, the only piece of clothing he's allowed, and then with a feral growl the panther tugs it back, almost choking Izzy. Trying not to cough and feeling tears well up in his eyes, Izzy tries to keep suckling the dolphin's penis with limited air supply, the touch of his master hunching behind him makes him suspect what's to come. Syles's body is lean and lightly muscular, he looks good and takes good care of his body.

Lining up the tip of his dark toned cock, Syles rubs it all over Izzy's submissive little pucker and then presses inwards, sighing in pleasure as he feels the warm flesh hugging his member:"Good little slave, that's it... my good little sissy boy."Izzy suckles hungrily on the dolphin cock sticking through the air lock and suddenly pulls back in surprise as he feels salty watery animal semen squirting out of it and deep into his throat. His master will have none of that and grabs the boy's brown hair, pushing him back onto the aquatic penis to gulp all the seed down into his enslaved tummy:"Keep sucking it, slave, I want you to get knocked up by my dolphin!"

Feeling that his master might have some really kinky, dark fantasies, Izzy just complies and his hair is released, it hangs down to his shoulder blades. Syles throws the covers of his bed up and grabs one of the many toys he had prepared, a little paddle. Before long he pulls Izzy off of the animal's cock and ruts his cock deeply into his boy toy's ass as he uses the paddle to spanks the poor sissy boy's thighs and balls lightly, making Izzy mew and whimper in pain and pleasure. "You delicious," spank, "... little," spank, "... sissy slut!"

The dolphin retracts from the glass wall and the headboard seals up, hiding the air lock again as Izzy is being spanked onto his fragile thighs and sensitive small balls, mewing and crying in painful delight. Syles pulls the leash and collar tighter as he tugs it back towards him, making Izzy grab his neck in an attempt to keep breathing. The panther's breathing becomes more burdened as he pistons his slick black cock deeply in and out of the poor choking boy, aroused by his new slave's humiliation, pain and pleasure. With one final pull at the leash, Syles lets the paddle drop into the sheets of his bed as he grunts and unloads his sperm deeply into Izzy's ass:"Ooooh, yes... yes little sissy boy, you can cum too now..."

Seeing stars and dancing little lights in front of his eyes because of the lack of oxygen, Izzy feels a strange arousal and his small boyish penis twitches as his watery sperm spurts through the air and onto his master's sheets. Syles releases his grip onto the leash and the feminine hybrid boy falls down into the sperm streaked covers, his breathing squeaking and high pitched as his cock head still oozes seed. Syles regains his posture and then with one powerful kick, kicks his new toy out of the bed and onto the carpeted floor:"You sleep there, and if I want something, you better do it for me."The panther claps his hands and the dimly lit chandeliers turn off, the only sound in the large empty room is the rasping high pitched breathing of Izzy, holding his neck. His soft heartbeat slowly calming down again before he curls up and falls asleep.