Brother May I?

Story by theredfoxfighter on SoFurry

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Brother May I?


Sean and Ryan were enjoying the hot summer sun at the beach. In the middle of June they have been to the beach countless times and have gotten quite board with it. Sean being a very dominant 16 year old fox with an athletic build, and Ryan being a cute 13 year old Fox who is very slender. They decided to leave as their parents were passed out on the sand, absorbing the suns rays. They followed a trail that lead into a densely vegetated area. The sky was not visible through the thick tree branches, only seeing a few rays of the sun shine in. They continue to walk as Sean was leading Ryan to a very cool place that was very much a secret only he and a few of his friends knew about.

"Where are we going brother?" Ryan asks all innocently.

"To a very cool place that I think you might find interesting" Sean says as he smiles widely at his little brother. Gazing upon his cute little kit body, tracing his eyes up and down murrring lightly as he looks at the short swim trunks he has on, his shirt slung over his shoulder. Noticing a very little but noticeable bulge of his furry sheath. He looks forward and continues down the trail...."almost there foxy" Sean points to a tiny shack between the trees.

"WHOA! That's so cool" Ryan shouts all excited as he runs towards the shack, Sean behind him watching his brothers tail wag as he runs, being quite attracted to the cute rump of the young kit. He runs after and stands next to him at the door of the tiny shack.

"Yep its awesome, me and a few friends built it last summer and wanted to keep it a secret, but I thought you would like to see it so I decided to show you" Sean smiles and closes his eyes.

"Awww thanks bro" Ryan runs up to Sean and hugs him tightly, Sean then wraps his arms around his brother hugging him back, slowly he moves a paw down and touches his cute rump innocently then opens the door to the shack.

Ryan blushing just a little bit as the two enter, the floor squeaking beneath them as they take each step on the old wooden floor...Ryan looks around at the interior noticing that the shack is fully furnished. A couch, chair, stove, fire place, TV, bed, fridge and even a old retro game machine with Pac-man and Galactica on it. His eyes widen as he runs and sits on the couch, looking forward as he notices an Xbox 360 under the TV.

"WOW this place is amazing! Thanks for bringing me here" Ryan smiles at his brother then turns around and turns the TV on. Sean walks over and takes his shirt off laying it on the back of the couch and sits next to his brother.

"Jeez it's hot in here" He waves his paw in front of his face like a fan.

"Yea it's very hot hehe that's summer for ya" Ryan says as he removes the shirt from his shoulder and tosses it over his brother's shirt on the couch.

Sean glances at his younger brother and raises an arm as he yawns, then places his arm around the back of Ryan's neck. Ryan looks at Sean and blushes and looks back at the TV. Sean on the other hands just stares at Ryan. Gazing over every part of the young kits body as he feels his sheath twitch then grow a bit. He doesn't notice until the tip of his foxhood touches his boxers, he Murrs, shivers, and blushes. Ryan looks at Sean then glances lower as he sees Sean's shorts tented. He blushes a brighter red as it appears through his fur. Sean looks at him blushing and grins.

"You've never seen an erection before?" Sean asks innocently but in the same way seductive. As he touches it gently through his shorts and moans a tiny bit. Ryan just starred at it like a trance.

"W...we.ll...I...umm..." Ryan looks down in disappointment. "I have....mine does that sometimes....when I am in the locker room at school and sometimes when I'm in my room. It happens a lot when I see boys" Ryan stutters a bit as he talked....Sean's eyes widened.

"Oh really" he says as he reaches his paw down rubbing his brothers crotch through his cute swimming shorts. Ryan moans as his eyes close a bit, he scoots around a bit as pleasure engulfs his body.

"Does this feel good?" Sean asks as he rubs a little faster, feeling the young kit grow. "Mmmmm you must love it hehe" He then moves his paw into his shorts, feeling his brothers furry sheath grow as the red tip of the young kit reveals itself and slides right into his older brothers paw.

Ryan moans and moans, louder every time as Sean feels the slick warmness of the pre cum emerging from the young fox cock.

"Ohh..Brother...I..." Being in to much pleasure, Ryan couldn't even finish his sentence as he just closes his eyes and moans over and over again, the moans turning Sean on more than ever as he stands up and removes his shorts. His brother opens his eyes and gazes all over his older brother's body. His young foxhood throbbing in the air as pre slides down it.

"Ohhhh're so big. And your so beautiful" he glances at the furry sac hanging from Sean and licks his lips. Sean notices this instantly and giggles.

"You want to try it?" Sean blushes and walks closer to Ryan, as he stands betweens Ryan's legs. Ryan nods and leans forward, giving the tip of Sean's foxhood a very light lick. He analyzes the taste and murrrrs, and then begins to lap quickly at it.

"Ohhhh shit...Yeaaaa that's it bro...lick it just like that" He tilts his head back as he moans, pre shooting into Ryan's muzzle which he greedily gulps down happily. Ryan then becomes even more curious as he locks his lips around the tip, massaging it with his tongue and bobbing his head a little making sure not to gag. He feels warm shots of pre cum shoot onto his tongue every time his lips reach the knot. Ryan uses his paw and grabs Sean's furry sac gently and begins to massage them. Sean looses control and moans uncontrollably.

"Ohhhhhh RYAN!!!! Mmmm you're so good at this!!!" Sean almost looses balance as his brother happily pleasures him orally. Ryan cant help but to wag his tail crazy as he loves to please his older brother. Who is a role model to him. He goes faster as he senses Sean's foxhood begin to throb and pulse more. His knot fully hard as he reaches up and squeezes it, causing Sean to howl loudly before shooting thick ropes of his hot fox cum all over the inside of Ryan's muzzle without warning. He keeps it all in his muzzle as Sean keeps squirting and squirting. Ryan just holding it all in until his brothers shooting slows down a bit. Ryan feels Sean's cock pulse with every shot causing him to moan as he takes it all in without a drop being spilt. He then looks up at his brother smiles and gulp down his warm fox seed, feeling the warm and silky texture flow down his throat.

"Mmmmmm that was so tasty" Ryan says as he licks the side of his muzzle then cleans off Sean's cock, lapping at the tip then dragging his tongue up the shaft until it fully retreats back into its sheath.

"Thanks Kit that was amazing" he looks down at his brother as he smiles, and then gets on his knees in front of Ryan's throbbing fox cock.

"Well what have we here? Looks like I gotta help you now" Sean says before taking the young fox kit's cock all the way in his muzzle, bobbing his head back and forth as he moans, vibrating his cock as he swallows all the salty pre being served to him.

"Ahhh....mmmm..m..mmmmmm" Ryan closes his eyes and begins to thrust, Sean rubbing his balls as he feels Ryan's cock pulse when all of a sudden he feels a warm liquid quickly fill his muzzle. Tasting the sweet young fox cum then gulping it down slowly, savoring the sweet and warm flavor of his younger brother inside him.

"Oh that was so good" Sean says after swallowing the large load the 13 year old supplied him.

"Thank you" Ryan said then blushes as he begins to urinate all over Sean's muzzle unexpectedly. Sean gasps as he moans, he opens his muzzle so he can catch all the urine into his muzzle, tasting the salty taste he begins swallowing as it is being sprayed into his muzzle directly. "Ohhhhhhh Ryan" Gulping it down quickly, and then wiping his muzzle off before collapsing onto his younger brother's lap. "I love you Ryan" "I love you to Sean"

They both clean up afterward and return to the beach where their parents await. Awaiting another day where they could be alone....