The Hot RoomV2

Story by DWP on SoFurry

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This a new version of the hot room brought to you by your favorite drunk crew. This is about the dragon Mr. Scarin and his visit back to The Hot Room.

The Hot Room v2

A Drunken Wolf Production

The dragon walked into the large two story building taking off his suit jacket and handing it to the small fox next to the coat racks. He stepped up to the counter as the little fox ran around and wiggled his mouse waking his screen. He clicked a few buttons and looked up.

"Welcome back to the hot room Mr. Scarin. Would you like your regular?" the fox asked handing the dragon a metal key.

"You ask that as if I'll switch again. Send him back," the dragon grumbled deeply walking past the counter through a set of double doors.

It grew warmer as the dragon walked down the hall passing dark wooden doors on either side of the winding aisle. His feet claws clacked on the floor echoing through the silent hall as he headed for his door. He stopped at 218 and inserted the key pushing his way into the room. Inside, a white tiled floor with a stove in the center cooking sauna rocks. Hanging from the stove, a bucket and ladle. A large wooden bench next to a small stool were the only other objects in the room making the four walls look excessively large. High above the wall almost out of view a tiny intercom. The dragon unbuttoned his white collared shirt, black scales glinting underneath the florescent hanging lights, as a knock came from the door. The large dragon smiled tossing his shirt to the bench walking over to the stove.

"Come in," he rumbled softly pouring water onto the rocks.

A loud hiss sounded as white steam slowly rose up filling the large area. In through the door a tall well toned black wolf walked in, closing the door behind him with a push. He was wrapped only in a white towel and a leather collar showing his well defined upper body. The wolf shook his fur as the steam filled to the time.

"I got excited when I heard my favorite master was coming today," the wolf whispered grabbing the dragon's belt popping the buckle and rubbing a paw up the dragon's hard scaled abs.

The dragon rumbled softly yanking away the towel revealing the wolf's semi hard erection as he continued unzipping his slacks. Down they fell around the dragon's ankles and off as he stepped out of them pulling the wolf close. The heat from the sauna was perfect. It caused his head to swim as his tail slid across the cold tile. It caused the dragon's scales to sparkle as the build up dripped from his head down and over his pectorals to his crotch. He groaned out as the wolf gripped his swelling cock as it slid from its slit. He had trained his new slave well and couldn't wait to use him again today.

His muscles bulged tightly as he bent grabbing the wolf around the waist. Lifting the wolf upside down he wrapped his paws around his lower back suspending him in place. He flapped his wings a few times for balance, dispersing the steam that threatened to suffocate them. He lowered the wolf a bit until his wet fluffy tail wagged in his face. The dragon murred softly feeling the wolf''s tongue clean the moisture build up from his crotch. He shivered feeling the smooth tongue trace around his slit and closed his eyes burrying his warm maw in wolf butt. The lupine gasped and squirmed as the dragon's forked tongue tickled the inside of his tail hole. He panted softly, as the dragon still licking around the wet fur right beside his opening.

His long slender tongue penetrated him deep causing him to tense up. The tightness trying to grip the dragon as he pushed forward. Grabbing his thick black cock he slid it into the warm waiting mouth below. He took a step as the sensations hit him. Sweat mixing with droplets of water ran down his back scales and down his tail dripping to his butt. The wolf nursed on him like a baby puppy as the dragon leaned down grabbing the ladle. He added more water sending up another heavy cloud of steam. He continued after replacing the ladle. The dragon licked up every bead form licking on the wolf's damp pouch. He could feel the wolf's muzzle try to swallow him whole. Non of his previous sex slaves had been able to. Not the cheetah nor the black otter he use to enjoy. He lifted the wolf a bit placing his claws around firm wolf butt cheeks.

The wolf grunted as the dragon slid his member into his mouth. Unlike the wolf's smaller muzzle, the dragon's was able to take everything down to his furry balls. He tugged on it skillfully giving just enough suction to cause the wolf to twitch involuntarily upside down against his chest. The lupine worked furiously trying to do as good as his dragon master closing his eyes as the water from the dragon's stomach scales cascaded down and into his face.

The dragon bucked lightly flapping his wings free of moisture as the wolf did his job. Satisfied with the slickness of his member he pulled himself from the wolf's mouth. He leaned forward, placing the wolf on the bench.

"Squat and turn around," he ordered pointing down and spinning his claw.

The wolf did as he was told bending down into a squat and slowly lifting his tail. He looked back over his shoulder and ruffed handsomely. The dragon approached smiling down at his favorite toy and traced a claw down his soaked spine fur. He reached around pulling the dog to the edge of the bench so just his feet tips were touching. Leaning him forward the dragon stroked himself letting the steam and sweat do its job. He smacked the wolf's butt before positioning himself under the black raised tail. The wolf grunted gripping the bench's head rest as his master slowly slid his tip in. He arched his back and whimpered softly as his pink hole stretched around the black tip. It eased in little by little as the wolf tried to push back.

"Ease into it. Remember what we worked on," he rumbled out as the wolf whined sharply.

The wolf nodded taking a breath. He pushed down as he was taught and the tip slipped in smoothly. The wolf leaned back letting the dragon support his balance. He could feel the pulsing of his masters member as it pushed deeper in. The dragon was purposely making his dick jump adding to the pleasure.

"Fourth times the charm," He groaned pushing deeper until he felt himself disappear majority of the way in.

The wolf panting heavily as the dragon leaned over him trying to stuff the rest in. More of the dragon slid deeper causing the wolf to moan. The dragon felt his stomach press against the wolf's butt and sighed happily now that he was all the way in. He closed his eyes and spread his legs a little as he started a slow pumping motion. He could feel the wolf's sphincter muscle contracting around him as he eased himself in and out. All the previous stretching finally proved to be fruitful. He wrapped his paws around the wolf's waist and pulled him back. He murred deeply enjoying the small smacking sound the wolf's hungry hole was making in front of him. The wolf gasped quickly as the dragon's tail wrapped around his neck holding him in place.

Claws raked down the wolf's back. Sharp teeth digging into flesh. The dragon breathed deeply, the wolf's musk drifting through his senses. The sweat continued dripping plopping into puddles down below. His fur wet and slippery in the dragons grasp. Their hearts beating out of sync to the rhythm of thrusting. The wolf bit his lip as the dragon gripped his once forgotten cock. Pre oozed coating the dragon's claws as he worked it slowly from shaft to tip and back down again. He enjoyed himself watching the wolf tremble against his muscles. Spine trembling against his hard ab scales. His smaller body begging his to dominate and take control. He licked his claw tips, the salty warmth coating his tongue. He was getting closer as he felt the wolf's legs give.

Lifting him under his legs the dragon pressed him against his chest. Grunting out the wolf wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck causing him to spread his wings wide. He removed his claws from under his legs forcing the wolf to hang from around his hard erection. He leaned back growling deeply sliding in and out freely as the moisture and pre lubed his entrance. The wolf was fully his now pulling himself up and down by the dragoon's neck. He could feel the pleasure building up. He grabbed the wolf and pulled him as close as he could driving himself deep as the warmth slipped from his tip feeling the wolf's back side. He shuttered squirming as the dragon forced more and more of his juice till it slowly dripped down his balls to the floor. He felt the dragon's grip loosen on him as his cock slowly deflated.

The dragon shuttered heavily before placing the wolf to the floor. Laying him on his back the dragon wasted no time lifting the wolf's legs up. It whimpered softly seeing the dragon's head slide down between his legs. He arched up again as the dragon's tongue re entered his tail hole. He grunted and wiggled his hips as the dragon slurped back his gift. Tracing his forked tongue down licking up every drop. Leaving his tail hole spotless. The dragon wiped his face free before standing up and taking a seat on the bench. The turning over and crawling to the dragon.

The steam of the room faded slowly as the wolf knelt down and started cleaning his master's cock and slit area. The dragon closed his eyes as his heart rate dropped back to normal. His black scales slowly being dried by the wolf's dedicated tongue. He was proud of his new selection. He sat there patiently being washed as a voice rang from an intercom over head.

"Your ride will be out front Mr. Scarin. We hope you enjoyed your visit today at "The hot room"

A Drunken Wolf Production

Lonewolf and Rego