Eberron: An Adventure in Q'Barra, Chapter 1 -- Part 2

Story by Hermes12 on SoFurry

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#2 of Eberron

The next part in Chapter One. Lord Roxton and Richard set aside their differences and join forces when their lightning rail was attacked. Lord Roxton and Richard defend the rail, but don't take the credit. After all, when you are a shifter who is a Weretouched master, would you want to take credit for a mauling?

PART 2 of After the Last War

Three days before.

The lightning rail train chugged along on the way to Wroat. Well, it didn't truly chug as so much as it flew above the track along the conductor stones. Static electricity arched along the front of the "steam engine" of the lightning rail train, and static electrical bolts made contact with the underside of the coaches as they rode over the conductor stones. At night, it's like hearing a thunderstorm approach rather than a normal train. Although steam can be seen venting from the engine, the steam produced is small compared to a Terran steam locomotive. The train trucked along during the night. Many were turning in at their coaches, but a lone Richard saw the countryside ride by.

He sighed, thinking of Nala. The coach had light, thanks to lamps of everburning, but soon he will have to turn into bed. He looked at the Breland countryside and thought of his parents. Lord Roxton entered the coach and looked around and found the lone young man. "Oh, you were at home, weren't you?"

"Oh, Lord Roxton," said Richard. "I didn't see you there."

"I don't have that effect on people," said Lord Roxton. He sat down opposite Richard. "You seem to have that homesickness look about you. So, this is the first time you left home."

"Yes, it is," said Richard. "But it had to be done. No one else can get Nala and bring her back, or would. Her brothers don't care, they are all starting families of their own."

"I see," said Lord Roxton. "Well, good things come to those who are patient."

Richard heard the sounds of his teacher in that. "Lord Roxton, have you been to Sharn?" he asked.

"The City of Towers? Aye. It's a wonderous place, and like most any Metropolis, it has it's crime and its cesspools of immorality. A person with no morals can find what he is looking for there, while person like me will find the helpers he is looking for. It's a dangerous place, a place of excitement and wonder. And, more exotic than Hatheril."

"Tell me more."

Lord Roxton continued to explain. "Well, its a city mostly made up of towers. There are several neighborhoods and each neighborhood has a district. There are two adventuring companies -- one of which is more mercenary in culture than the other. There is a strong Adaran community in one part of Sharn, where they sell wonderful delectible food.

"You can find anything you want in Sharn, and can get it. If you want an exotic girl, you can get an exotic girl. If you want gambling action, there are many casinos to gamble your money away. If you are looking for adventure, you can join one of the adventuring companies or even find a way to the continent of Xen'Drik. Anything can be found in Sharn, and you can get it for the right price."

"I see," said Richard. Richard idly drew Nala from memory, and Lord Roxton looked at it.

"Well, is that what she looked like? What a precocious child," said Lord Roxton. "I didn't know you were into beasts."

"Nala's not a beast," said Richard. "She's a dragonborn."

"I see, well . . . "

"I'm not the best of artists," said Richard, confessing. He got up.

"Where are you going boy?" asked Lord Roxton.

Richard said, "To my cabin, I need to sleep now."

"Good night," said Lord Roxton. "I hope you find what you are looking for, in Sharn."

"I do too," Richard shrugged as he left the dining coach and went back to their coach. He navigated the small hallway until he found his cabin, cabin 513. He unlocked it, and opened it and got into the cabin. He closed the door, stripped, and got into bed and turned out the light. He looked at the dark countryside until sleep took him. He dreamed pleasant dreams, having learned how to control his dreams from his Kalashtar teacher. And all that there was is the silent running of the coach.

The next morning, the train lurched to a stop. This caused all of Richard's stuff to fall on the floor. He, foot first, was violently awakened by the stop. Although, he groggily fell on the floor and heard the sounds of people screaming for help. With a start he got up and grabbed his clothes and hurriedly put them on. He was getting his shirt on when he opened the door and ran out and met Lord Roxton. "Whoa boy, this train is under attack," said Lord Roxton.

"What are we going to do? And who is attacking?" asked Richard.

Lord Roxton looked at the window, "Looks like bandits. Do you want to join forces and get rid of these bandits?"

"Anything to get me to Sharn quicker," said Robert.

"Then follow my lead!" said Lord Roxton as he pulled down the ladder and climbed up. He opened the roof of the train and got on top. "Come on, boy, I want to jump at our quarry!" Robert shimmyed up the ladder and the two men got a view of the people who are attacking. They happened to be bandits, wearing red and brandishing swords. One of them even threw spells.

"Looks like a handful, boy," said Lord Roxton. "Okay, boy, I'm about to do something scary, so be warned."

"What do you mean?" asked Richard. Suddenly, Lord Roxton started to grow -- even in stature. His hair even grew, growing longer and his face elongated. His clothes were ripping apart, as his muscles and his bones were getting thicker and tighter. In time, his clothes ripped away, showing scraps and there stood a Werewolf in hybrid or Crinos form. Lord Roxton as Werewolf roared into the sky, and leapt into the fray, his claws fully extended and absolutely naked, even his sheath was born to all. But Lord Roxton traded his modesty for power as he ripped into the enemy with the power of the wereform he was descended from -- the timber werewolf.

Richard concentrated on his connection to the Ether, and a sword appeared in his hand. The sword was warm, sharp, and made of fine steel. Staying on the coach, one of the bandits -- a redheaded man dressed in red -- climbed on the coach. "Lookie here, a straggler," said the bandit.

"Stay back, I'm warning you!" said Richard.

"Do you even know how to handle that thing?" asked the bandit.

Richard lied, "Sure, the pointed end of the stick goes into my enemy."

"You're going to be so easy!" said the bandit as he rushed at Richard. He thrust his sword and Richard parried it away, surprising the bandit. The bandit did a swipe, and Richard parried that away. Another swipe, and Richard lept to dodge it. Finally the bandit put his anger into it, finding that Richard was no prey. The bandit started striking forcefully with his sword, hoping to get Richard into an opening with which he could attack. "Rar!" cried the bandit, but the quick parries and dodges that Richard has done had blocked every attack.

Richard had to find a way to get an opening of his own, so he extended his hand and sent out a vibration. The Universe responded as an unseen hand pushed the bandit, causing him to flip and land on the hard metal on his back. Richard then started thrusting and swiping, being on the offensive and the bandit parrying his attacks.

Meanwhile, Lord Roxton howled a erie howl before running after another one of his prey. Many of his prey ran away, their pants seemingly wet after they heard the blood curdling howl. The one Lord Roxton was after was wearing the finest in breastplate armor. However, Lord Roxton lept on his enemy and the two rolled in to the dirt. The man, who had a goatee like the lord, had black hair, black moustache, and eyes wide open in horror. The werewolf Roxton had him by the arms and was growling and snarling at him.

"No, please, I'll do anything, please," the bandit pleaded for his life. "Please, no, please!"

Lord Roxton roared and proceeded to rip the armored bandit's arms out of his sockets, tearing them away from his body and spreading blood about. The armored bandit screamed in object horror and excruciating pain. Roxton threw the arms away and bounded after another quarry, this time a woman.

The woman ran for her life. She didn't know why the shifter now werewolf was running after her. She screamed and ran for her life, looking for anyway to clear the area. She was thinking, _No gold is worth this! _Finding a nearby stream, she lept into it, and dived to the deepest part, hoping that her scent would be washed away. She came out and saw Roxton looking around and sniffing for his prey -- her. He howled and ran after another prey. She thanked the Gods that she was spared her life. She gathered her clothes and slipped into the forest, making sure her sword was alright. She may have to fight some other nasty, but at least it wasn't that werewolf.

The fight on the coach had gone on long enough. Both Richard and his bandit enemy was getting tired. The fight was a series of thrusts, feints, parries, and dodges with neither one of them getting a scratch on each other. Richard had to concentrate, if he could create he could also destroy. Concentrating on the metal below his enemy's foot, he imagined a hole in the Ether, and sought to bring that to reality. However, before he could, Roxton in were-form leaped on top of the coach. His claws bloodied from countless fights, snarling. The bandit, exhausted from his fencing fight with Richard, fell down and fainted from exhaustion and fright. The werewolf regained his composure and started speaking like he was civilized. "Well, that didn't take long," said Roxton.

"I need more swordplay instruction or practice," said Richard between breaths. "He was the match for me."

"I'd say you were the match for him," said Lord Roxton. He was slowly reverting to his original, shifter body. Most of the body hair fell off and the bones all rearranged themselves as he went from a digitgrade stance to a plantigrade stance. His claws became feet and fingers, and his sheath became a human cock and balls. Soon, all that there was Lord Roxton, the shifter Lord of Hatheril and adventurer extraordinare, still partly covered in hair, some of it wolf hair the rest fuzz. He was also naked.

"I better get back to my cabin and play the perfect gentleman," he said. "I bloodied myself too much this day." Roxton opened the skylight and fell in, hoping to find a change of clothes. Richard shrugged, and climbed back down into the coach. The House Orien authorities arrived, only to find the bandits all half-dead or dead, and scattered. Many of them marveled at the blood that painted the meadow. It took ten minutes for the Oriens to regain their composure before they could proceed to put the lightning rail back on track. In one half hour, the lightning rail again levitated above the conductor stones and moved forward towards Woat and eventually Sharn.

Two days later, the Lightning Rail Coach pulled into Sharn, the City of Towers. Richard was happy to get off the train. He was smiling with joy. When the lightning rail train stopped at the station, the passengers were released one minute after it came to a full and complete stop. Steam was released as the passengers got off the train. The steam filled the passage but dissippated quickly. Richard was joined by Lord Roxton in quick order.

"Listen kid, you could use an ally here in the City of Towers," said Lord Roxton. "We can help each other, what do you say to a partnership while we are here?"

Richard popped his neck and stretched. "That sounds reasonable," Richard yawned. "As long as I find Nala."

"We'll find her," said Lord Roxton. "But I'd like to check into one of the Adventuring Company guildhouses. Get us some warm beds for the night and some luscious food. And then we can look for this dragonborn lady of yours." Richard yawned in agreement, he further nodded and the pair went deeper into Terminus and the city of Sharn.