Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 3

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#9 of The Goddess Files

A continuation

Orath the Thunderheartwas feeling more and more like her name. She was a far cry from a fewweeks ago. Of course, she had seen some serious shit since then. Ifthese two beings (she still found it hard to imagine that gawky humanand this fellow were the same guy) said she was to return triumphantto her lands, then who was she to argue. It beat putting on a showfor everyone at the thieves hall. That was no life at all. Butbringing down the lowlife dirty rotten bastards that sat in her spotwouldn't be easy. But her resolve was set. She would either do it, ordie trying.  Jon-Tom was stillstewing over the debacle a few weeks earlier. He understood Eve'sneed to be part of this, but he had learned that theses intrusionsinto time had to flow smoothly. She should have know that. It was thereason she kept him in the dark about the manner in which he was tohelp. Now things were blown wide open, and it left a gaping hole.Orath, should never have been told what was coming, not in such adirect and intimate manner. Now she had her hopes up, just becausehistory said she couldn't fail. Life here was hard, and in thistemporal zone, the fates were still active. There was no guaranteeshe would win.   Well that wasn't true.He could make it happen, with a mere thought. But it would be likegiving a kid the answers to a test. They might get a hundred percent,but they would learn nary a thing. Orath needed to have the knowledgeand skills to run Eastfallon on her own if need be. Her sword skillswere now impressive. Jon-Tom had considered enhancing them withmagic, but there had been no need. She could slice a fly in twainwith a single blindfolded stroke. What she needed was moreconfidence. That was a thing he couldn't magic up, not in the typicalsense. He considered the timeline and the consequences of disturbingit. He would either have to tread lightly, or else go hog wild in thewake of the ripples Eve had caused.   The she-wolf was takingher training seriously, especially since she was well rewarded aftera hard day's practice. He could please her with a touch, and she gotto find out what sex with him in human was like. She was disappointedby his lack of a knot, a matter he fixed most pleasantly. "You knowJon-Tom, I can see why you have so many wives, even if they arestrung across time. You've got everything a gal could want." Thenshe frowned. "Well, almost." He recognized the symptoms. She knewabout his wives, but not about his children. He had more heirs than arampant rabbit in a hare harem. "Orath? Are you asking to bemarried to me as well?" She punched him, lightly. "An Alpha Maledoes not marry the Alpha Female. It is a bonding."  He nodded. "I know.Like horses. And unicorns. I have a bonding with a special littlefilly that has produced me several offspring, all with horns on theirheads." She stared at him. She decided he was not oozing humor justthen. "Are you saying you can breed across the boundaries bychanging form?" He chuckled. "Oh, that was old school. I'vemanaged to do it without changing, as with my son Aeire, the phoenix,but I can change my sperm at will now. I could look like a chimp and make perfectly good dolphins with the proper mother. Or I can keep mysperm all to myself. It all depends on what I think should be at thatspecific moment."   She goaded him. "Andwhat makes you the one to decide?" He put his hands up. "Hey. Noone has to have sex with me. If you do, who's to say that cubsshould be the result? Or, for that matter, who is to say theyshouldn't? If you told me right now that you wanted cubs, I could doit." She put her hands on her hips. "No I can't. I told youbefore..." He kissed her. "Orath. I fixed that before I went elbezerko. The fact is, you have twice the capacity to have cubs. Allyou needed was a little adjustment. I did that a while ago. The factis, winning back the right to rule will do you no good without heirs.Cubs need a father. I know. I had to leave many of mine without themhaving a chance at getting knowing me. I have two hundred and sixwaiting for me back in my time."  She considered that."That's a hell of a lot of cubs. Can I ask how you managed?" Helet out a deep breath. "Could I do like Eve and link with you? Itwould be so much easier." She steeled herself. "OK. But I reallydo prefer the old fashioned way." Jon-Tom placed his hand on herhead. He pushed a little pleasure into her to get her to relax. Hethen updated her on much of his life. He was nearly done when shejerked her paws up and grabbed his hand. Her grip was fierce. When hegot her to loosen up, a thin pale string-like thing connected them.It snapped and disappeared. He did a quick check and found nothingwrong. She blinked and shook her head. "That's pretty weird stuff.You have lived an amazing life. It's too bad we didn't get to hook upback..." She stopped. "Wait a minute. That was just a month ago.Time travel..." He finished for her. "...completely messes withyour head!"  Jon-Tom acted as hersparring partner. She was nervous at first, for she wished him noharm. He went from allowing himself to suffer from cuts and such, tosteeling his body to be impervious. She felt better when there was noblood. For his part, he couldn't carry on like a god, so to speak,for that would put his skills far above hers. He did a little magicthat kept him just at her level, so that he could counter her moveswith equivalent skill. He told her as much. "If you get in past myguard, then you've done it of your own accord. I will never "let"you win, for in the real contest, it's going to be to the death. Asmuch as that disturbs me, I know it will be necessary."  Each night they spenttogether in bed. She had become increasing dynamic, even aggressive,as time worn on. Her facade of the simple, dolled-up lady was longgone. She was even picking his form from night to night. She figuredshe would make use of his talents while she could. As she said, "I'vehad  plenty of males in all shapes and sizes, but never in my lifehave I laid with a man like you!"   One night in particularthey were wrapped around each other. He was his huge hulking DireWolf self. His paws were gently stroking her face. When he got aroundher lips, she mocked snapped at his fingers. He leaned down andkissed her head. "So Orath, are you ready to head to Eastfallonyet?" She cuddled in closer. "I don't know Jon-Tom. To be honest,I feel pretty good about staying right here with you. " She pushedup and looked him in the eyes. "Or better yet, could you take meback to your time? I think I would rather be one of many and becontent than to be a standout and be alone."  He pulled her down ontohis chest and rumbled out, "That is the first stupid thing you'vesaid in weeks. You haven't mentioned being a standout and beingcontent." She nuzzled his fur. "I don't see how that's possible.Once I lose you..." He snorted into her neck. "You haven't evenasked." She lay thinking. Ask what? Then hope rose within her. Shejerked up and glared at him for a moment before her demeanor soften."You're not playing with me are you. I have no right to ask." Shecould feel him stretch and move under her. It was a terrific feeling.She could, nay, she had gotten used to him. "Jon-Tom, willyou be my Alpha Male?" She pulled her close. "I was hoping youwere going to ask. I'd prefer to be around for my cubs when they'reborn."  She was so ecstaticabout his saying yes that the latter part  went over her head. Thenis sunk in. She literally beamed. "Am I really pregnant? Idismissed it as impossible!" He stroked the fur on her back,raising her hackles in the process. "There is little that'simpossible. There is a lot that's improbable. But if you'll have me,I would be delighted. Like I said, I  would like to see my cubs growup, no as a bystander, but as their father." But she was far fromstupid. "Jon-Tom, what about your other cubs? They deserve to havetheir father too!" Spoken like a concerned mother. Good!

"My cubspresently have a father, me; or rather a duplicate of me. Even so,Eve will whisk me back to mere moments of when we left. It will bejust like I was never gone."  She pondered that. "So,you'll live out your life there, and leave when I die?" He cuppedher face. "I say we die together. They can bury us at the same timeand I'll leave then. I think it will make for a much more romantictale for our children and grandchildren to tell." Children andgrandchildren. Just the thought of it was enough to harden her to thetask at hand. She wanted them to have what had been denied her."Jon-Tom, I can see why you have so many females at your beck andcall. You are a noble man, or perhaps I should get use to saying,wolf." He let loose a happy growl. "Maybe so, but for now therewill be no others but you."  The trip to Eastfallonwas some 500 miles. Orath had made certain to put distance betweenher and there. Jon-Tom covered the distance in the blink of an eye."Sorry, but I find that wasting time on things like that arepointless unless there's something to be learned by traveling." Shelooked around nervously. The  area was not what it once was. Therewere trees and streams and mountains in the distance. But it was tooquiet. "Jon-Tom, this place is deserted. There used to be lizardsgalore for us to hunt. Where have they all gone?" He shrugged hisbig shoulders. "Do you want me to tell you, or would you like tofigure it out on your own? I'd prefer to stay out of this as much asI can from now on. I still believe it has to be your fight." Shelooked around. "I'll take your advice. A leader has to know herlands and what transpired upon them."  She decided to head tothe nearest village, but found she had no idea where they were. "Uh,Jon-Tom, could you be so kind as to direct me to Dontilykos?" Witha wave and a bow, he pointed towards the south. "Wolf's Fang isthis way. But that will not get you to your goal milady." Shegiggled. "Oh knock off the fancy talk. It'll do no good here. And Ihave someone, or rather, I had someone in that town that I used toknow. I would like to see if she still lives. She may have advice. Sobe a good male and don't argue with your mate." He nearly fell downlaughing.  Dontilykos was small,and named for a curve of high hills it was built upon, nicknames ThePaw. The place was hardly a tourist mecca, and their presence wasopenly remarked upon. He wasn't certain if the stares for for him,Orath, or the two of them combined. Then again, he didn't care.Orath, without revealing her name, asked for a particular she-wolf.That brought forth even greater stares. But everyone pointed to thetopmost

house. Smoke curled from the chimney. The place lookedhorrid, though not what Jon-Tom would call evil. It reminded him of awitch's  hut, only larger. Of course, a witch was a minor wizard infemale form, just like a warlock was a minor male wizard. He foundthat consulting someone with less power than he was silly.  She dragged him up thesloping street to the house. The outside had a collection of somepretty grotesque stuff, from skulls to wind catchers made of lizardskins and chimes made of ribs. He was hardly put off by it, but hewas certain it kept her visitors at a minimum. Orath walked up,unperturbed by the display and rapped on the door. They could hearcursing from inside. As the occupant made their way to the frontdoor, her voice was easily heard. "You had better have good moneythis time! I don't do spells for nothing!" The door flipped openand the crone behind it was looking down. She saw feet, big feet, andlooked up. She gulped. "So sorry big fellow. The local brats arealways asking me for spells. She glanced over at Orath. The colordrained from her face. "It cannot be."  Orath smiled. "Hellocousin. Did you think me dead?" The old crone got her sesnes abouther and yanked them both inside. She slammed the door and locked itwith a spell. She turned back, and threw off her robes. In anothermove, one Jon-Tom could sense, she transformed from crone to a younglovely wolf, much like Orath. It was a simple deception spell, but itwas quite good. However,  he was watching the two ladies. "Orath,Oh my god! I thought you were dead! After what they did to thefamily, and to you, you poor thing." Then she clamped her mouthshut. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up." Orathpatted her paw. "It's OK. I've gotten over it. But I need to knowwhat has been going on in my absence. Whatever they have done, Iintend to fix."  She turned to him."Jon..., um, Lobo, this is my first cousin Sfyrí-anemos." He dida low bow. "I'm certain I'm glad to meet you. Anyone who is onOrath's side is good enough for me. But how are you the Hammer Wind?"Her jaw dropped. "Orath, have you been teaching him the oldlanguage? You know that's against the law!" He stood in front ofher. "Urtha lorgui unluh memeok luntori!" She sat with a thud."No one speaks that out loud! Those words are only to be read, andthen only at..." Then it dawned on her that he had indeed spokenthem, the forbidden words. He carried on, unfazed by her reaction."They are read by the couple, the Alphas, at their bonding. I havespoken them in your presence. Orath and I are bonded."  Sfyri just had her mindblown away. Not only was her cousin, the heir to the throne,

stillalive, she was now coupled with this huge monstrosity of a male whohad the nerve to speak aloud the old tongue. She didn't know what wasgoing on, but she every intention of finding out. She stood and madea fireball spell and flung it at the male. He caught it in his handand tossed it back and forth like it was a child's toy. He thenpopped it in his mouth and swallowed it. She sat back down again."You can only be one being, the Antochi ton Ilikion - TheStrength of Ages." Orath choked. She had never considered him to beanything akin to that legend. But a quick once over told her he waseverything and more.  Jon-Tom, the Dire Wolf,looked from one to the other. "OK. Clue me in. What is the Strengthof Ages?" Sfyri  was wary. This guy just ate one of her mostpowerful spells like it was candy. "The Antochi ton Ilikion is alegend amongst those living in Eastfallon, and the areas surroundingus. He is the bringer of fear, and darkness, and evil. It is saidthat from him all things will end. It is said that only one personcan draw away his power and use it for good." He was mildly amusedand partially worried. After what Eve had done... "So who is thisone person who can wield such power? Hmmmm?" She was pale. "Thelegend does not say. But if you are he, then we are all doomed. Itwas bad enough with the Reds taking our land, but if you are here, wewill all die, the Reds included.."  Orath hit her cousinsquare in the chops. "First of all, this is my mate. We areexpecting cubs. He is here to help me recover the throne. You wouldbest do to give him great respect, for he indeed has power beyondanything you or I can comprehend." The other wolf lay on theground, rubbing her jaw. Jon-Tom extended his paw and helped her up."Orath is a bit touchy. I'm certain she meant nothing by heractions. But we are on a schedule and she feels you have informationthat will help us." Sfyri was staring at his huge paws. Then to hiscrotch. Then to Orath's crotch. "Cousin, are you telling me thisthing's "thing" fit inside you?" Orath went to strike heragain.  "Boy, some familyreunion this is. No wonder this place fell. Family infighting neverdoes a lick of good for anyone. So let's start over. Syfri, glad tomeet you. You can call me Lobo. And of course,  you already knowOrath." His voice was a deep falsetto. The ladies looked up at him,a big fierce looking warrior type and busted a gut. "How ever didyou do that and keep a straight face!" At east they were laughinginstead of fighting. He bowed again. "It's not to difficult to havea little civility." The girls were hugging. "Oh, I've missed you- No I've missed you" and on and on and on. Jon-Tom

finally hadenough and went out to wander the village. He opened the door andnearly stumbled over the villagers who had crowded the house. A roughlittle cub ran up and kicked him in the shin. "Hey Mister! Who areyou?" He reached down and grabbed him and tipped his head back. Thevillager's grew tense. The cub dangled over his maw. "They call meLobo. So kid, do you taste good?" The cub kicked his nose. "Idoubt it. Momma says I'm a stinker!" Jon-Tom set him down on theground, laughing his heart out. Every other wolf there let loose asigh of relief.   "Well kid, I thinkyour mom is wrong. I think you just have a dose of courage the sizeof mine. Never give it up!" He wandered down into the village andfound a tavern. It wasn't much, and he could tell the booze selectionwas limited. The bartender walked in behind him, having been part ofthe crowd. "Sorry sir. Be with you in a second." He donned hisapron and slid behind the counter. "What can I offer you myfriend?" A perusal of the bottles showed him that few had the moneyto buy the good stuff. There was thick dust on them. Jon-Tom plunkeddown a few gold coins. "I want the three bottles on the right, andenough old warriors to help me finish them off. "  The barkeep's expressionwent sullen. "Warriors sir. Are you planning on recruiting?" Thebig wolf sat back. "Nope. I'm looking for tales of daring do. Therehad to be some old warriors here. Anyone with war wounds deserves tohave a drink of the best from time to time." The wolf behind thecounter lighten his mood. "Yes sir. I myself am. My name is Protle.Rethes, Korthi and Magnus are the others." Jon-Tom put out his paw."Glad to meet you. Find the others and close this place down,unless you'd prefer a crowd. Then open the doors wide!"  The doors were opened,the windowed unbarred, and soon the entire village was listening into the raucous rambling inside the tavern. After their initialhesitation, the old fighters found their voices loosened by admirableapplications of liquor. Jon-Tom knew about the Reds, but he hadwanted first hand accounts. The Reds were the red wolves, crossbreedsfrom the Angoni Plains. The plains had been decimated in a fire, andinstead of coming here and asking for leave to find new homes, theyhad attacked and taken over. Their numbers were far greater than thegrays. Over the years, some had returned to their own haunts. Butthose in power liked what they had and stayed.   These old gents wovetales of fighting to make similar stories from his home world pale incomparison. The Reds left few prisoners. You either bowed down tothem, or your head left your neck." Jon-Tom took a gulp of hisbrandy. "So my fine fighters, how did you manage to survive?" Oneguffawed. "Survive?" He raised his left leg, showing a crookedbone. "We survived because we are of no use to anyone, and we poseno one any danger." Jon-Tom noted damage to all of them. "Well myfriends, you deserve better. I'll bet you that if you had a chance tofight for the old kingdom again, you'd jump at it." The barkeepsputtered. "Look fellow. You're big and tough looking, but thereare three hundred Reds in the capitol. It would take more than youand four old has-beens to throw them out. And besides, who would siton the throne? You? You'd need to have royal blood, and they that hadit are dead and gone."  Jon-Tom leaned back andput his paw out. "You with the leg, Rethes is it? Give me yourpaw." The old wolf did as he was told, not without a bit ofreservation. Jon-Tom traced the lines on it with his nail like an oldfortune teller. "This says here that you would fight to the deathto protect the rightful ruler of this land. All you would need wouldbe a good leg to stand on." Rethes pulled his paw away. "That'snot funny! You may be big, but I'd take you on any day." Jon-Tomstood. "Put your money where your mouth is." Rethes stood,gripping the table. "Look you..." The big wolf was laughing. "Letgo of the table you old fool. I don't need children just learning towalk!"  The infuriated oldwarrior let go and lunged at the bigger male. And stopped. He lookeddown at his leg. It was normal. "Well son of a bitch!" It was ahighly appropriate curse. The others just stared. Rethes dropped tohis knees. "Oh great sir, I'm so sorry for trying to attack youjust now. Please forgive me!" Jon-Tom hoisted him up. "Forget it.You still have spirit. If you're willing to attack me whilst youthought you were a cripple, you'll do fine for my needs." Theothers dropped in front of him. "Please sir, if you really mean totake back the kingdom, please heal us too. We would rather diefighting than rot here any longer." A paw shake with each healedthem of their severed tendons, dislocated joints, and for one, amissing eye.   But Protle was still adoomsayer. "Sir, you cannot rightfully accept the throne even ifyou win it back. The people would not stand behind you. You have noroyal blood." The big wolf grinned. "I don't want the throne. AndI'm not winning it back." That left them confused. "But sir, whyall this wizardry then? Why get our hopes up?" Jon-Tom pointed tothe she-wolf pushing in through the crowded front door. "She is. Ipresent to you, Orath-upeina, the Thunderheart. She, and she alone,will be taking back her kingdom. We, gentleman, will be her honorguard." Orath came up and sat on his lap. "Old warriors, don'tlet him fool you. He is not my guard; he is my mate. And let it beknown that I am with cubs. There will be heirs to the throne once Itake it back!"  Needless to say, therewas a great uproar. By the time it settled down, the entire villagewas behind them. They had little to offer though, for they had beentaxed to poverty. The newcomers politely excused themselves fromstaying at the inn in favor of the house on the hill. As of yet,Sfyri's true identity remained hidden. She provided a cramped roomfull of herbs and bottles as her only spare. "Sorry you two, but Inever have guests. I hope it will do?" Jon-Tom snorted. "I'llmake it do!" Fifteen minutes later the two girls opened the doorand gasped. He had inter-dimensionally expanded it to the size of agymnasium. His explanation was succinct. "Orath needs to practiceand she should do it away from prying eyes. There's no telling whoknows who she is now and why she has returned. I intend to keep herout of sight until that time."