My Wonderful Little Sister: A Date with Death

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: You know the drill the by now...either be 18 or older to read this or get out. ...still here? Well, I admire your persistence. Okay, you can stay, but I'm NOT responsible if your mom catches you on here...or dad if your mom is dead or something. If both parents are dead then don't sweat it....although come to think of it that is god awfully depressing, and you have my pity (something not easily earned in this world). So, read on at your own risk. Just check the tags for what may or may not be in the following paragraphs. Also, all characters belong to me Casonova, so don't get any ideas about doing a fanfic without my permish...m'kay? I think we understand each other now, so read on! cough Pervert! ;D Hey! Who threw that? 

The Great Beyond I couldn't see more than five feet ahead of my face as we trudged through the dense fog with Elsie leading us in tow. My paw never left Katie's grasp as she nervously clutched my palm, her fingers quivering but her face showing stoic resolution. Neither of us knew what to expect, it all came down to just how vindictive Elsie felt at the moment. If I'd been in her place, the guy who'd doubled crossed me would probably be tied up with his own entrails by now. Fortunately, Elsie appeared to be a little more forgiving than I was. "Where are we going?" I asked softly, my ears noticing that there was literally no other sound around us, our own footsteps not even rustling a mote of dust. "My home," Elsie replied without as much as a glance. "You have a home? Why?" "Everyone needs a place to rest, even when dead," she explained. "We're no longer in the realm of the living, so time has no meaning here. It's like a river, you see, and my job is to fish out the souls of the deceased and put them on their proper shore." "Proper mean Heaven and Hell, correct?" "Precisely," she said with some satisfaction, "You're surprisingly perceptive." "But where is here? It certainly doesn't look like either of the two extremes in terms of an afterlife," I said as I looked around at the cool, gray mist that hung and swirled upon silent winds. "Think of it as a bridge over the river from where I perch between fishing trips," she replied, "There's a reason it's called Limbo." Katie spoke up as Elsie started to disappear ahead of us. "How'd you take us here without using your scythe then?" "You came willingly," Elsie smirked through the fog as she turned to look at us. "You're far too trusting of a familiar face." I gritted my teeth as she turned away and spread her arms, her movements commanding the mist somehow to part like gates to a castle. Ahead lay a table with a single candle providing illumination for a small room. A single wooden chair sat next to the table, and I the corner stood a large bedframe with a mattress covered in a single silk sheet. The walls, while made from the very cloud that surrounded us, were as dense as the earth and had a rough, stony texture. "Home sweet home," Elsie sighed as she set her scythe in the corner and laid her smaller sickles upon the table. "Now, you're both probably wondering what happens next, yes?" My stomach felt uneasy as she grinned wickedly at us. I looked at Katie, her eyes silently asking me for instruction. We were both thinking of grabbing Elsie's scythe, but then what? One of us trade places with her? I couldn't believe how stupid I'd been, not just with getting Elsie killed, but now, too, seeing as how I'd walked right into whatever trap she had planned for us. Even if we could escape, there was no way we'd be able to find our way back home. We'd either be stuck here for all eternity, or she'd just find us and exact and even greater revenge. "Why so quiet? Is it awkward to be in the same room with your girlfriend and ex-lover?" she teased. "Elsie, we didn't..." "Oh shush, so the details are a little fuzzy on exactly how far we went," she said while picking up a sickle from the table. "The point is we cared about each other, but you apparently were just using me to get your rocks off, right?" "Elsie, I never meant to use you. Hell, I never wanted to even get romantic with you, I just didn't know how to turn you away without hurting you," I explained coarsely, my words leaving my tongue feeling strangely gritty and dry. "Whether you meant to or not is irrelevant, the point is you did, and because of it I'm stuck here," she said coldly. "Do you know how many people die every day?" "Not really..." "One-hundred, fifty-five, thousand, four-hundred and twenty. And that's on a good day. And it's my job to ferry each and every one of them to their fate. Do you know what kind of a toll that takes on a person?" she asked while holding her sickle and giving the blade a cursory stare. "I can only imagine," Katie said hoarsely, the lump in her throat making speech nigh impossible. "I've seen a lot, murders, cancer patients, fallen soldiers." She looked me dead in the eye at that last one. "It would drive a normal person insane to see so much misery, but that's why I'm not normal." Katie and I briefly glanced at each other, Elsie's subtle monologue baffling the both of us. She huffed as she saw our confusion, and then without a moment's hesitation she impaled her left paw straight through the middle upon her sickle. Katie clutched at my shirt and looked away with a terrified gasp as I clenched my teeth and hissed in sympathetic pain. "Relax, it doesn't hurt," Elsie said smoothly, "I feel nothing. Not the pain of a simple flesh wound, nor the despair of a million wuthering souls caught between worlds. At first it was a blessing, a guard for my heart to keep me sane. But then, I realized I couldn't feel ANYTHING!" She suddenly yanked the sickle from her paw, her wound instantly healed as her voice screamed at us. "I can't taste, I can't touch, I can't smell, I can't feel. All I can do is listen, and even then it's only when I talk to myself. This place has no sound, no food, no source of even the smallest pleasure for me to partake in. Nothing to give me gratitude for an eternity of performing a thankless task, nothing to let me escape even for a moment. All I can do is sit and remember what my life used to look like, what I used to look like," she growled. "Every day I seem to forget a little bit more, till there will be nothing left of my mind. And when that happens, I won't look so warm and inviting, I'll be a cold, dead corpse of bone and rot." "Elsie...I..." "What? You're sorry? You want to help me in any way you can so I'll let you go home and fuck your sister? So you can go back to living the life you robbed me of?" she asked sharply while twisting her mouth into a foreboding grin. "Uhh...yes...kinda," I replied nervously. "You're so predictable. Hmph, it's kinda cute," she teased as she set her sickle back down and walked over to us. "How much are you willing to help?" "How much do you want?" She rolled her eyes at me and looked at Katie. "Is he always this difficult?" "Sometimes," Katie acquiesced as she and I speculated at what would happen next. "I want you to finish what you started," she said while standing a mere seven inches away from me while cracking a grin. "Now strip." "Wait, what?!" "Now." She held a paw up and summed a sickle to it without blinking. "Or I'll cut your clothes off, and I won't be gentle about it." Needless to say, I got naked in about six seconds. "Good boy," she said rather patronizingly while nudging me to sit down on the hard wooden chair. "Elsie, I don't know what's going through your head right now, but I highly doubt this is going to make you feel any better..." "Quiet, Corporal, or I'll carve a fresh set of shoulder patches into your arms," she growled while raking the sickle under my chin just enough for me to feel the blade prick my flesh. Katie just stood and watched, unsure of what to do or say. I glanced at her, hoping she had a better plan than I did.

I had no idea what was going on through Elsie's mind at the moment, or whether she was even still sane. She had been the cause of so much of Kyle's grief, and yet he in turn had done just as much to harm her. It was weird how fate can cause people's paths to twist together, and then keep twisting until it makes a noose to hang them by. Elsie took her time, I could tell she savored seeing Kyle squirm as she caressed him with her sickle's blade while taunting him about the helplessness of his current predicament. "Tell me Katie, are you one to get overly jealous over a guy?" she asked me rather offhandedly. "Well...considering that Kyle's my mate...yeah, I am." "Then I apologize in advance, but I'm gonna have a little fun with him," she said with a seductive grin while gripping his wolfhood and gently stroking him. "Make that, a LOT of fun." Kyle's member grew into a firm erection, although I could tell he was doing his best to hold back. Just as he was about to complain Elsie picked his shirt off the floor, ripped it in half and gagged him with it. "Hmhmhm," she chuckled to herself, "Tell me, does this feel familiar?" My paws clenched into fists as I watched her take him into her maw, Kyle's paws clenching as well as he moaned through his nose and flung his head back. He went to push her away, only to feel her sickle at his heart, forcing him to lower his paws behind him. Elsie smugly looked at me out of the corner of her eye as she slowly pulled off him, her tongue trailing under his shaft as she murred enticingly. "Mmmmm, gods yes," she sighed. "You like that, too?" Kyle shook his head and growled at her. "Ohhhh, and here I thought you liked fucking girls over," she said with faux disappointment. "Well then, let's see if this is more your speed." I watched as she reached over the table with her sickle and held the blade over the candle while her other paw simply stroked Kyle's length. I felt my cackles raise as Elsie snickered to herself as Kyle watched the sickle nervously. "You see Kyle, when you can't feel anything you become desperate to feel at least something," she explained while watching her sickle blade glow to a dull orange. "But nothing from this world will stimulate me at all; you saw that quite well a moment ago." I interrupted her. "But we're not of this world." "Exactly!" Elsie chimed. "I'll give your sister this, she's a lot smarter than you are." "Elsie, please don't hurt Kyle, he didn't mean to hurt you and..." "Katie, why would I hurt a wolf I once planned on making love to?" she asked me incredulously, "No, I'm merely going to show him how he makes me feel." With that, she pulled her sickle away and held it a few scant inches from his face. Kyle just froze, unable to move as he watched her slowly lower the blade down and jabbed it into his chest, giving him a shallow cut as she dragged it down a full eight inches before pulling off. "EERRRGHHHHNNNNNN! FUHHK!" Kyle groaned through his gag as his flesh sizzled and a trail of blood oozed forth like a thick red syrup. Elsie then promptly took him back in her maw, sucking him passionately while giving him another cut on his leg. By now, Kyle's chest wound had already disappeared, the sickle's cut not meant to truly harm him, although his fur was still matted with blood. With a pleased gasp Elsie popped off him and took a deep breath as Kyle's redness stood before her. For a moment she simply teased him with her tongue, sometimes even giving the tip of his shaft a nibble before suckling him again and cutting him once more on his chest or arms. "Isn't that great? To feel so much at once! Gods, I wish I knew what it was like to have a hard on, cause I guarantee you I'd be stiff as a nail right now," she huskily purred while gripping Kyle's member in her paw again. "You taste as good as I remember, although I get the feeling you're not enjoying this as much as you normally would. What's the matter? Can't stand to be humiliated in front of your sister? Or do you just not find the mixture of pleasure and pain to be as scintillating as I do?" She smirked as Kyle looked appealingly to her, his eyes begging her to stop. "Well guess what, you get to help me now," she cooed while standing up and pulling her black robes over her head. She wore nothing underneath them, or if she did her magic allowed her to remove everything in one go. Elsie carefully sat in Kyle's lap, her nether regions slick with arousal, and pressed the lips of her vulva against Kyle's throbbing wolfhood. "Oh fuck yes," she sighed, "Just a rub is enough to set me over the edge. Imagine, what'll happen when I fuck you?" Kyle shook his head again, turning to look at me only for Elsie to grip his face and force him to make eye contact with her. "Hey, eyes over here buddy," she commanded. "Take this." She handed him her sickle, its blade no longer orange but still visibly hot. "Cut me," she purred. Kyle just looked at her, unsure of what to do. "Oh come on, I know you can use a blade. Go on, slice me on the back, don't be shy." Again, Kyle refused to do anything, either out of feigned ignorance, or because he figured he'd already hurt her enough for one eternity. When Elsie noticed he wasn't budging, she wrapped her free paw that wasn't on Kyle's dick around his throat and started to squeeze his windpipe. "Either cut me now, or I'll make your sister do it while you watch," she growled. With that, Kyle reached up and nicked her across the shoulder. "Ugh! Yes, harder! Don't be a coward, CUT ME!" Kyle reached out and let the blade cut a gash in her back, the sound alone turning my stomach over as I closed my eyes and desperately tried to come up with a plan to stop this insanity.

My cock loved Elsie right now; her soft paws were like silk to the touch. That, and somehow her cuts had sent throbbing aches of excitement through my shaft, the pain melding with pleasure to create some sort of twisted cocktail in my nervous system that left me quaking all over, not to mention bathed in blood and sweat. Elsie's pussy radiated raw heat, and her arousal's scent hung like the very fog that made up the bricks of this building. My feral self was begging to take her, and it took every ounce of self-control to hold back. Maybe that's what she was doing, bating the animal within to come out to play so she could toy with me some more. I couldn't tell if she was doing this to torture me, get off, or both? Yeah, it was probably both. "Oh gods, YEAH! Now that's how you do it," she screamed in my face while roughly grinding herself against my shaft. "Again!" I obliged, if only to save Katie from being forced to mutilate the girl whose life I'd already cut to shreds. Elsie cried in delight through the pain, her teeth and claws clenched tight, gripping my fur roughly as she held me close. The scent of blood filled the air, and for a second I wondered if I'd been too rough. "Mmmmnnnn, yeaaaah," she sighed. "It's been too long since I felt that." I reached up and yanked the t-shirt off my face, taking a moment to breathe before saying, "Felt what? Getting cut up like a suckling pig? What's wrong with you Elsie, why are you making me do this?" "Because it feels amazing when you do it," she cooed while leaning forward to playfully nip my nose while nudging my sickle paw down into her back again. "Don't tell me this isn't turning you on, seeing me like all excited like this." "Elsie, this isn't normal dom-sub stuff, this is just sick!" "Not my fault it's what I like," she moaned, "You made me into who I am." "Me? How'd I turn you into a torture fiend?" "Because, pain and pleasure alike feel amazing when you haven't felt them for an eternity," she said strongly. "You wouldn't know, you've been living life in the real world where pain is bad. But here, pain doesn't exist. Nothing does, really. It's normally so you'll forget who you are, become a ghost who performs a singular task and not complain. But I refused to forget, not after what you did to me. I want you to realize just what kind of hell you put me through, and I'm gonna make you feel every inch of it until I think you understand." My mouth moved but nothing came out, I couldn't think of anything to say that could answer that. I just looked at her; her green eyes that nearly matched mine fixed their gaze into my very soul. "Now, if you're done talking, I think I'll show you what it feels like to truly experience 'heartbreak,'" she said with a sickening grin while drawing the sickle from my paw. "I'll leave you to guess what that means." Oh fuck me...

Without a care I tossed my shirt to the floor, my socks and shoes already scattered sloppily by the bed. My heart raced as I fumbled to undo my shorts, the button deciding to become as slippery as a greased skillet at the worst possible moment. My mind fought back waves of panic as I looked up to see Elsie heating her sickle again, the blade already smoking as the heat cooked off her and Kyle's blood. For a second I considered just tearing them off, but finally my paws found the dexterity to slip the button through its loop, only for the stupid zipper to get caught on a piece of thread. I nearly screamed in rage as I gave it a sharp tug, forcing it open and ripping out a loose piece of stitching. Without delay I yanked my shorts and panties off in a single move, tossing them aside as I skulked across the room, watching as Elsie pulled her blade from the flame and held close, sniffing it lightly as if to savor the scent of seared flesh and blood.  Now, in case you haven't figured it out by now, I'd come up with a plan on how to escape. Elsie was by far the most dangerous enemy we'd ever faced, the demons and Death...well the Old One, paled in comparison to her. She was hell-bent on avenging herself, believing that somehow this would rebuild her dreams for the future that were crushed when she caught a bullet back in Arizona. I had a feeling she never intended to let Kyle go so that he would be forced to share her fate and help alleviate her eternal torment. But vengeance can never rebuild the past; it only buries it under a fresh pile of rubble from the present. If I didn't stop Elsie now, she'd only dig deeper into the pit her soul lay confined in, and she'd drag Kyle down with her. Kyle fought for me with his life, but therein lays his weakness. His whole life he's only known violence, combat, or conflict in some form or another. Whether he was arguing with our father, or dodging bullets in the heartland, everything he's ever fought for was done through violence, physical strength, and raw courage. Those tactics usually worked, especially on the shores of Hell itself when we brought Death down together and by the grace of God managed to escape. But Elsie was an altogether different enemy, the worst kind; a former friend, sister in arms, and even lover. I knew Kyle couldn't bring himself to harm her, not after all they'd been through. Plus, Elsie obviously enjoyed the pain. The more he hit her, the stronger she'd get, thus leading to an endless cycle of violence that would only spiral deeper and deeper into dark despair. Everything happens for a reason. Funny, I always recall knowing that, yet it was Kyle who reminded me of just how true it is. We can't always understand the events of the past, both good and bad, but every once in a while a feeling of clairvoyance hits you, and you know what you must do. Everything that had happened so far had somehow prepared me for what I was about to do; fighting Death, Kyle and I vowing to fight to the end, even the passionate night in Scott's apartment with Trea. All of these seemingly irrelevant twines of fate had twisted together like a rope, and now I was going to use it to pull us out of this hell hole.

"Tell me Kyle, do you know what it's like to feel your heart slowly stop beating?" Elsie asked me as I felt her press the blade of her sickle against my cheek. "In a way yes, the first time I died I was shot through the stomach and left to rot on a mountain," I answered calmly, not wanting to provoke her further. "Oh? How'd you survive that one?" she inquired curiously. "I got lucky, stole Death's scythe and ran long enough to get revived before he could get me," I replied. "I managed to visit Katie while I was at it, too." "Hah! Typical. You know, after the way you pussied out and told me you were taken I always realized what a coward you are on the inside." "Fuck you," I spat. "Oh I don't mean it that way," she corrected herself, "I mean you risked your life to come rescue me after you pushed me into the hands of the enemy. That took some serious stones. No, you're afraid that if you lose anything you hold dear, your life will end with it. That was why you refused to tell me you were mated until we'd done something that could jeopardize your relationship." "What? That doesn't make sense..." "Doesn't it?" she growled as she grazed my chest with her sickle, lining the tip up with the center of my ribcage. "I know you liked me, the way you talked to me, teased me, and looked at me. Don't think I didn't notice you staring at my butt, why do you think I took every attempt I could get to show off for you? You cared about me, whether you'll admit it or not." "Yes, I cared about you Elsie, we were squadmates! That doesn't mean that I loved you. And as for looking at you, I hadn't been laid in over a year, my balls were bluer than the ocean, what did you think I'd do if you waggled your butt at me?" "Rationalize it all you want, the past is what it is," she grinned. "I say we get to the heart of the problem." I rolled my eyes at her poorly executed pun, only to notice that Katie had disappeared from her perch on the bed. My eyes whipped around, desperately searching for her as I wondered if she'd manage to escape without me. Would she do that? "Nowhere to run buddy, now eyes up here," Elsie chided as she noticed me looking around in a panic. Then, like a white shadow against the darkness I saw Katie creep from the corner till she was behind Elsie. My eyes widened as I looked past the sickle, over Elsie's shoulder to see Katie was not only still here, but completely naked as well! Elsie mistook my expression for fear, and smiled wickedly as she lifted her sickle up to jab it into my chest. I cringed, ready to feel the hot blade pierce my ribcage with searing agony, all the while keeping my eyes on Katie as she swiftly approached Elsie from behind. "Uhh...Elsie..." I started to say as she appeared to be completely oblivious to my sister's presence. "Hush, nothing you say is gonna stop me from...AAAIIIEEP!" Elsie jumped as Katie suddenly groped (you read that right) her from behind in a naughtily delightful hug, her wolf paws firmly gripping Elsie's boobs like the fine pair of melons they were. I sat there dumbstruck...and a little Katie gently pulled Elsie off my lap and hugged her close. I heard Elsie moan in delight, of all things, as Katie rested her fangs on Elsie's neck and gave her a gentle love nibble, growling affectionately the whole time. "K-Katie? What are you...I'm not...I mean..." Elsie gasped, her mind unable to conjugate a proper response. "Do you want me to stop?" Katie asked in a seductive whisper while wrapping her tail around Elsie's thigh, her fluffy appendage getting dangerously close to Elsie's nether regions. "N-n-no! Just, what the fuck are you doing?" Elsie demanded. Katie bit her harder, eliciting another excited gasp from Elsie as a rush of pain and pleasure filled her nerves. "Language, foxy, language," Katie teased. "Then again, you seem to like this whole pain thing." Elsie was as confused as I was and just stood there while Katie continued to feel her up with paws lightly brushing down Elsie's smooth flanks, her fingertips sensually dancing over her ribs tummy. Katie murred approvingly as Elsie rested a paw atop of Katie's own just as Katie started to work her way down the front of Elsie's left thigh. I could hardly believe what was going on, let alone know what I should even do. Less than a minute ago I was going to be gutted like trout, and now my sister was getting to second base with Death incarnate! "I don't think we'll be needing this," Katie said as she reached over and lifted Elsie's sickle from her grasp. "Huh? Hey!" Elsie cried in surprise. Katie didn't respond. Instead, she tossed it to the floor in front of me, motioning for me to pick it up with her eyes. I hesitated though, knowing full well that if I did escalate the situation to violence there was a good chance Katie and I wouldn't be walking out of here. "Katie, if you think this is going to stop me, you've got another thing coming," Elsie growled while breaking free of Katie's grasp to turn about and face her.

"Just tell me what you hope to accomplish with all this," I asked her, my paws now resting on her shoulders. "I know why you're doing this, but to what end?" "What end? I want to show Kyle what he put me through, the pain I felt when he finally admitted we could never be together," she said, her voice cracking a couple of times as I noticed tears glossing over her eyes. "He doesn't know what it's like to feel rejected, to have the one he loves most tell him they can't be together." "Elsie...that's not true," I replied while resting a finger under her chin, "He does know what that's like." "Bullshit," Elsie growled, "He loves you, and you..." "Never rejected him? Heh, why do you think he's here with me now? I tried to break it off with him because I was convinced fate had conspired against us to kill every one of our friends and family," I answered truthfully. "Looks like I was right." "What? You're joking..." "You don't know what he and I have been through, do you?" I asked. She shook her head, and so I proceeded to give her the quick and dirty version of our lives. I started with how we were both living carefree in sin, only to suffer the consequences on a brutal level with Kyle nearly dying and being condemned to watch me die. How we stayed strong through the trials endured at home with our own family, followed by how I personally went into the depths of Hell itself to pull Kyle out as he drowned in his own despair. I explained how together we defeated Elsie's predecessor and narrowly escaped, only for Kyle to endure nearly two years of war. And now, just when it seemed like things were going our way the people he spent years fighting resurfaced with a terrifying weapon that turned people into bloodthirsty monsters, and now my own father was now one of them. "Elsie, we've suffered a lot because of that one night where we pledged to be each other's mate, and the worst day of all was when we nearly threw it all away. I tried to break it off with Kyle, and rather than fight me he chose to honor my request and left to go his own way. He nearly killed himself, and it's only by some miracle that he showed up on this mission trip," I said, finishing my story. "The point is he suffered just as much as you." "I...I never knew that," Elsie whimpered, "But he's not suffered like me. I died alone in a shallow grave, cursed to feel nothing for all eternity as my own sanity drips away like sand through an hourglass." "Is that why you enjoy mutilating yourself?" I asked gently. "Actually, I do that to stay sane," she explained. "Every ounce of pain, no matter how brief, reminds me I was mortal once, I was a person like you. Anything to remind me of the physical world keeps me from forgetting who I once was. If I forget myself, I don't know what I'll become...but I'm terrified of what it'll be." I hugged her close as she buried her face in my shoulder, lightly sobbing while wrapping her own tail around my back. Tears gathered in my own eyes as I gave her a consoling hug, one paw gently brushing the back of her head, the other patted her back. So far my plan was working, although at this point I was pretty much making it up as I went along. After peeling away the vengeful carapace Elsie had covered herself with, I found a scared little girl not unlike myself trapped inside. I'd originally just planned to distract her long enough for Kyle recover her sickle so we could make a break for it, but I realized now I was going to have to take this a whole lot further. How could I not? My heart ached as I felt her cry into my shoulder, her fear of what would come to pass once Kyle and I left evident from the way she clutched my fur for dear life. I took a deep breath, and prayed that what I was about to do would work. "Elsie, you know you don't have to feel pain to remind yourself of who you are," I softly whispered. "Yes I do, it's the only thing I can feel. Before you came here all I could do was remember the pain I felt the last day I was alive. It kept me from forgetting who I was, but no one can feel this way forever before starting to go off the deep end," she bitterly said, choking on the words as she wiped her tears on my fur. "If I don't learn to love the pain, I'll just try to escape it and become the same monster I defeated before." I nuzzled her warmly and nudged her chin up to look her in the eyes. "I know something else you can feel, even when Kyle and I are gone, that'll help you remember who you are. Something no one will ever take from you so long as your spirit lives." She looked at me with big, tear filled eyes, her pupils still dilated from living in the dark all this time. "Oh yeah? What?" "Love." It was all so surreal, the total sound of silence filling the room as our lips touched. Elsie didn't fight me this time, her mind relaxing as I pressed my mouth to hers while giving her a firm, furry hug. A wave of embarrassment swept over me as I realized Kyle was watching us in total disbelief while his wolfhood stood at attention as if it were watching us, too. I felt a blush come over myself as Elsie rested her paws on my butt, her fingers ruffling my fur and tangling themselves within my tail. For a second we broke our kiss, Elsie staring up at me in awe as I briefly looked over her shoulder to give Kyle an apologetic grin before clamping my fangs down on her neck and giving Elsie a tender love bite. "Oh gaaahhwwwwds," she whimpered submissively as I nipped my way up the side of her neck and back to her lips. I found myself getting rougher as I slipped my tongue through her lips and into her maw, coaxing a long moan of pleasure from Elsie as I carefully walked her back to the bed. She jumped as she felt her legs bump the mattress, checking behind herself only to be startled again as I gave her chest a shove and knocked her back onto it. She looked up at me nervously as I spread her legs and knelt before her, the scent from her neglected loins hitting my nostrils with a hot, pungent aroma. I moved in closer, grinning the way any proud wolf does when her prey is helpless before her. "K-Katie,'re..." "A lesbian?" I offered while trying to help her complete the sentence. "Yeah. I never would have guessed is all," she sighed blissfully while her paws twitched in excitement. "Let's just say I've got a strange taste in mates," I grinned while feeling Kyle stare jealously at me from behind. Elsie squirmed incessantly as I lowered my tongue to her delicate folds, my breath caressing the delicate lips of flesh of her womanhood. I took my time, lapping at her slowly to build up the tension within her. Her pussy glowed red with excitement, her whole nether region shimmering with her juices in the candlelight as I continued to tease her with my tongue. Elsie's fruit tasted rather bitter, almost like vinegar. But, seeing as I love pickles, this was only a plus that had me salivating in no time, my taste buds savoring every lick I imparted upon those quivering lips of flesh between her thighs.

I couldn't believe what was happening, and if the pain from getting tortured hadn't assured me I was fully awake, I'd probably have assumed this was some drug induced vision and I was in a coma at a hospital somewhere. But no, it was all real and it was driving me insane! Katie had not only gotten Elsie to stop, she'd managed to switch roles and become the dom and now had Elsie completely at her mercy. Needless to say, it was most arousing, especially since straight guys like myself have an almost instinctive obsession with watching girls make out. "It's rude to stare you know," Elsie giggled at me as Katie continued her tactile tongue work. Katie paused to look over her shoulder at me and grinned, "Go ahead Kyle, don't be shy to help her out." "But...I mean...isn't that kind of like, cheating?" "Not if we both do it," she winked at me. Well, that's enough of an argument for me. My heart pounded in excitement, both from the remaining adrenaline that still flooded my bloodstream and from the fact that I was about to have a threesome. A threesome, I might add, that would determine if I ever get to return to the land of the living again, or remain trapped in this gray, barren waste of a land frozen in a state of lackluster atrophy. Slowly I moved over to the bed, crawling upon the sheets with my knees as knelt beside Elise, my eyes drinking in the alluring sight of Katie hungrily eating Elsie out with a passion that would put most porn actresses to shame. I realized that nothing beats the real thing, and while Katie might not have loved Elsie the way she loves me, she still cared about her with as much sympathy as one has for their own sister. Although I guarantee that most of you don't express your feelings in the same manner that Katie was choosing to. I jumped as I felt Elsie reach between my legs to grab my cock, her right paw wasting no time in roughly feeling up my stiff appendage while giving cute gasps of bliss as Katie tickled her clit. Growling playfully, I leaned down and nibbled at her breasts, taking time to tease her tits with my tongue before nipping my way up to her shoulder and stopping to give her neck a firm love bite. From the way she was squeezing my shaft, I could tell she was in heaven right now. She turned her head towards mine, and the next thing I knew our lips met in fiery unison, our tongues lashing like dueling serpents between our maws as we both moaned from the growing heat between our loins. A thin rope of saliva hung between us as we finally broke our kiss, grinning stupidly at each other and left only wanting more. "My turn," I said while shoving her away and slithering down to the end of the bed.

Kyle nudged me away to take my place on the floor in front of Elsie. My tongue was getting tired so I was more than happy to let him have a go at it, especially since my own nether regions were starting to feel neglected. I took my time standing up, making sure to give him a playful swat on the butt with my tail as I crawled up over Elsie, straddling her with my arms and legs while giving Kyle a front row view to his favorite lady parts. It hardly surprised me when I got a pat of my own across my tush. "Ever made out with a girl before?" I asked while grinning down at her. Elsie just giggled and shook her head. I could see why Kyle liked her, she was quite beautiful for a red panda. Her red hair was cut shorter than mine, stopping a couple inches above her shoulders, and it went well with her orange fur and creamy white patches on her cheeks. Plus, she had blue eyes that you couldn't help but get lost gazing into as I had at the moment as we just grinned naughtily to each other. We moved in together, our lips meeting sloppily since Elsie still had a bit of her own drool on her from making out with Kyle, and my muzzle was still coated in her savory juices. From the way her body quivered under me, I could tell that Kyle was doing a number on her. I felt a strange sense of pride from it all, since I was the one who had taught him most of his current techniques on how to be a cunning linguist.

For a girl who didn't regularly go south on other females, Katie had certainly gotten Elsie worked up. The fur around my lips was covered, no, saturated in Elsie's savory femme sauce, the taste of which made me pucker at first considering how different she was from Katie. While my sister tasted rather sweet and fruity, Elsie was tarter, with a salty, almost bitter complexion. In a way, it was a reflection of each of their personalities, especially if you look at how they both acted the last hour. Still, they both tasted amazing by my account. I pulled my face away as my tongue started to cramp, replacing my lips with my right thumb as I lightly brushed over Elsie's clit to keep her going while I caught my breath. She surprised me by bucking her hips against my paw, her own fingers balling the bed linens up in her fists as she yelled a few choice words at the ceiling while her whole body seemed to quiver in place. I just chuckled, realizing that she'd just hit her first orgasm of the night...or was it day here? Panting, she looked past Katie at me as she slowly relaxed from her first climax. "Oh sweet fuck, that was awesome! Don't stop, whatever you do, keep going." Katie looked back at me with a knowing stare, her white fangs glinting in the dull candlelight. Elsie was ripe for the taking, namely because the ocean was dryer than she was between her legs. I guess an eternity of feeling nothing would leave one with a rather dire need in the yiff department. Not wanting to perpetuate her suffering anymore (and because I was hornier than a trombone), I stood up and rested my throbbing erection across the outer lips of her pussy. Katie wasn't willing to sit idly by and watch me have all the fun either, and scooted herself forward so that she stood on her knees while straddling Elsie's neck, leaving her cooter hovering precariously over Elsie's own delicate maw. "Ever wander what a girl tastes like down there?" she cooed while reaching down to scratch behind Elise's ears. "Maybe..." she teased back, "I might have had a few...ah! Few thoughts, back when I was in boot camp." I grinned as I gently poked the tip of my cock against Elsie's honey pot, pressing with just enough pressure to get her attention without actually entering her. Call it payback for the little torture session she gave me earlier, it was undeniably fun to watch her squirm nervously under me as she waited to finally feel me sink into her hot flesh, only to be denied as I pulled away right as her lips began to part. She gave a cute little gasp each time I pulled away, a note of disappointment ringing in each one. However, I could also tell Katie was getting annoyed, since Elsie was too distracted to even think about getting to third base with her. Without further ado, I finally took a quick breath and dove in. "YAAGHHH!" Elsie cried, her legs wrapping around my back as her claws gripped Katie's for dear life. My head felt like it'd been hit with a brick, and only then did I realize I'd hilted myself completely within her in one fell swoop. The rush of heat over my loins nearly made my knees buckle as I fought a lightheaded urge to collapse on the bed. I still fell forward only for my arms to brace themselves on the bed while leaving my muzzle resting on Katie's left shoulder. I gave her a love nibble as I slowly withdrew myself, only to slam back into Elsie's tight cunt with growing resolve as her high pitched cries of delighted angst filled the room with each thrust of my wolfhood. Her added slickness made fucking her all the easier, and before I knew it I was on the verge of a climax of my own. I tried to hold it back, not wanting to finish this early, but just the knowledge of how dirty the deed I was doing practically sent me over the edge. I felt Katie wrap her arm under my neck, her left paw resting on the back of it, gripping my fur roughly as she moaned and squealed in pleasure. Elsie had begun repaying the favor in earnest, her cute little pink tongue finding its way between Katie's hips as she hungrily ate Katie's not so cherry pie as if it was her last meal ever. Katie looked over at me, her eyes full of disbelief both from the fact that we really were fucking Death itself, and that Elsie was quite proficient in the lewd art of bringing a female to climax. My own lust was beyond ravenous at this point, so I didn't hesitate to pull Katie's muzzle to mine and begin making out with her as Elsie shook with delight below us. Grunting with each thrust, I felt my knot begin to swell as I leaked pre like a fire hose. "Oh gods, Elsie I'm gonna shoot!" I moaned through Katie's and my kiss. "Then don't miss!" she shouted back giddily between licks across Katie's twat. I lost my breath in a long groan as I felt my balls clench tight as my climax hit me like a New York taxi cab. My knot had firmly buried itself within Elsie's tight snatch, leaving me with little choice but to dump my whole load deep within Elsie's womb. Her pussy quivered around me, the smell of sweat, cum, and blood hung heavy in the air. I noticed Elsie had given Katie a set of fresh claw marks across her back as I shot off my last rope of wolf seed within her, leaving thin crimson trails to drip down her snow white fur.

I gasped as I felt Elsie's claws cut into my back, the pain mixing with the surge of pleasure emanating from my loins. Elsie had thoroughly surprised me with her skill, plus her small tongue was the perfect implement for driving my clit insane. My teeth had been clenched for nearly two minutes straight, and they showed no signs of loosening anytime soon. Kyle's breathing had intensified as he came, culminating with him heaving large breaths as he nuzzled me from behind. I couldn't make up my mind what to do next, my body suffering a sensory overload of pain and pleasure as a familiar tightness swirled within my nether regions, only to intensify as Elsie reached up and buried a pair of fingers inside me. Her thumb worked across my clit while her digits stroked the roof of my love canal, unknowingly teasing my g-spot and making me spasm in pure bliss as I sucked air through my teeth in desperate huffs for oxygen. "O-oh gods E-ElseeeEEEEEEEEE!" I screamed to the roof as I felt my loins explode with pleasure in the literalist of forms. Elsie's voice filled the room in panicked gasps as I came on her, my pussy giving no quarter, only a good half cup of girl cum that left Elsie's face drenched along with the linens under her. I blushed deeply, both from the riveting orgasm I'd just had and from the rather surprised expression across Elsie's face right then. "Hm hm hmmmm, good girl, Katie," she purred sultrily before licking some of my cum off her lips. All I could do was collapse face down on the bed next to her, my loins still glowing with bliss as we all panted in nirvanic delight. Elsie slowly got up and walked back over to the table, stretching her arms and shoulders as she went. I just sleepily watched as Kyle cuddled up next to me and nuzzled my neck from behind. For a second I turned to look at him, a soft, reassured smile now adorning his muzzle. When I looked back to Elsie, I was greeted with an altogether different smile that was a mix of contemplation and...malice? Before I knew it she was wielding one of her sickles again... SHINK! "AAAAARRRRGGHHHHH!"

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I gasped as Elsie suddenly twirled her sickle across Katie's foot, the blade snipping the tendon in the sole and filling the room with her terrified cry of pain. " "You two are pathetic, you know that?" Elsie growled as she stood over us. "Did you really think this would work?" I didn't answer; my first concern was Katie who was already painfully grasping her foot. Blood trickled out past her paw and collected on the sheets, staining them bright red in stark contrast to the dull gray that colored everything else in this room. I held her close in my arms and just glared at Elsie as she stared at me hate burning in her eyes. "Disgusting, you know that? Your sister thinking that a quick fuck and some consoling words could payback the millennia I've suffered here in this...this prison. She doesn't know what pain is the way I've felt it, nor has she lived a life yearning to just feel something," Elsie coldly uttered as she turned her gaze to Katie. "'re right, I don't know what you've felt," Katie shakily affirmed as she tried not to wince from the throbbing pain in her foot, "But please, you have to understand Kyle did not mean for this to happen to you! He's sorry, heck, I'm sorry! We just want to help you-" "Help?! Kyle already tried that, and it got my friends killed along with me," she snarled before looking at me. "How'd feel to walk away from that fight, huh? How'd it feel to leave me, Tariq, Robert and Edgar dead there in the sand while you got to go home and fuck your little slut of a sister here?" "Fuck. You." Elsie suddenly swung the sickle at us, and in a moment of reflexive reaction I held out my paw to block the blow, only to watch the blade slice off the first third of my index and middle fingers on my right paw. I reeled back in pain, a flash of colors flooding my vision as I felt my stomach turn inside out within the pit of my gut. "AAARRRGGHH! You motherfucker! God damn it Elsie, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Elsie paused to just grin at me. "To know what kind of hell it is to love someone you can never have." "I already know that Elsie! Katie's my freaking sister, do you have any idea what that's like? I can't tell anyone, we can't get married in public; hell...I can't even take her out without wondering if people will recognize me and her together. Believe me Elsie, I fucking know what it's like." She just smirked and shook her head. "You're so full of it Kyle, you know that? Are you gonna tell me to my face that Katie isn't your mate, hmm?" I just sat there and bled, unable to come up with a retort. "Exactly. You've both traded hearts with one another. Even in death you cling to each other in a desperate attempt to keep fate from snatching you away," Elsie dictated mercilessly as she slowly strolled back and forth in front of the bed. "So don't tell me you know what my pain is like. My pain is mustering the courage to finally make a move, to finally tell someone how I feel, and to watch him melt to my touch, only to then tell me to fuck off because he's taken. My pain is seeing you time and again cuddle with that little whore you so dearly hold in your paws right now while I'm stuck here in this empty, lifeless abyss with no one but myself. My pain is knowing that no matter what I do, I'll never have anyone because that one boy I liked was too much of a coward to tell me he was taken in the first place." "What was I supposed to tell you Elsie? That I was mated to my sister? Huh? What would you have said to that?" "Oh don't be so coy. You know damn well you could've lied in any number of ways and I'd have believed you. That'd have been the end of it, and none of this would be happening now. But you didn't, and because of that one little decision you're here now, waiting for me to slit your throat and send you on your way." Elsie grinned menacingly again and tauntingly licked some of my blood from her sickle's blade. "Elsie," I said again forcefully, "What do you want from me? I've done everything I can to make up for this, and I'm all out of ideas." "I want to see you reel in pain as you see what your cowardice brought upon everything you've ever loved," she hissed. "And I know just where to start." "Elsie..." "Beg all you want, your pain just gets me off," she taunted. "Both you and your sister are about to learn a harsh lesson in life; there are no fucking happy endings. While you two rot away here, I'll be back on Earth awaiting the coming U.S. military rescue attempt of all your stupid little friends in that TV studio. And guess what, they're all as good as dead!" "NO!" Katie screeched in a mad panic. "Elsie for the love of God don't do anything to them!" Elsie just cackled at us. "Oh I'm not, but those angry PRA guerillas sure will. Headshots all around! Pop pop! You know there is one bright side to all this though." "And that is?" Katie asked nervously. "It won't be hard for their parents to decide on a closed casket funeral! HAHAHAHAHA!" That was it, I wasn't about to sit down and watch this bitch kill off my sister's friends and classmates just because she had a blood feud with me. Anger filled my veins, my lips curled up to expose my fangs as I growled under my breath as Elsie continued to taunt us, completely unaware that she'd left one of her sickles lying on the table. My fingers had just finished healing, and my head had cleared of everything but an aching desire to see Elsie ripped apart for what she threatened to do to my mate. I stood up and stared her down, her laughter ceased as she noticed that even when dead I still towered over her. "Oh what's this? Is big brother mad that I'm picking on his sissy?" Elsie cooed derisively. I just stared and said nothing, my rage keeping my tongue from forming a single syllable. "Awww, you look like you're gonna cry. Is Mr. Tough Wuffy just a big softy? I think he is, I think he iiiissssssss," Elsie continued to tease while twirling her sickle. "Elsie..." "Hmm?" "You either revive me and Katie right now, or I'm going to show you what it's like to die twice," I said while scooping my shirt off the floor and wringing it in my paws. "Pff, in your dreams Blackmon," she scoffed. "You're just a mortal; I'm a supernatural deity capable of killing anything and anyone. You really think you could last more than five seconds against me?" "I may be mortal, but I've personally tasted the blood of demons, dismembered your predecessor, and fucked you like the subby bitch you are," I grinned with demonic relish. "Plus, I've still got one last mission in life, something I should have done a long time ago." Elsie scowled at me and poised herself to strike.  "What's that?" "Spit on your corpse." "FUCK YOU!" you swore as she lunged at me, her sickle raining down straight for me. I juked to the right and tossed my shirt into her path, neatly landing it across her face and distracting her just long enough to let me snatch up her second sickle laying on the table. I whirled around to face her as she threw my shirt to the floor and spun back around, her eyes glowing red with malice. "WHY YOU SONUVA..." She stopped when she saw I had her other blade. "Oh, you poor pathetic fool," she said with a patronizing smile. "You forget this is my world, and those are my tools." Elsie raised her free paw as if to summon her sickle to back to her, but after a few seconds of nothing happening she was overcome with both shock and, dare I say, fear. "W-what?!? Why isn't it breaking your grip?" I just grinned and tossed the sickle from my left paw to my right so I could show her the blood stains on my left paw's digits. "Shouldn't have let me spill your blood Elsie. Remember, the more I hurt you, the more I take your place," I recounted from my previous experiences with Death. "Hmm, perhaps I didn't give you enough credit," she relented, "But I know you can't actually bring yourself to finish me off. That would leave you trapped here away from your sissy, something not even you could stand to bear." I knew she was right, and I knew there was no way I could bluff her into thinking otherwise. "So, what happens now?" I asked as I looked at Katie trying to slink away behind her. Elsie was about to answer when she noticed Katie out of the corner of her eye and took a wild swing at her. Katie stumbled and fell to the floor, only to roll away with every ounce of strength she had left as I rushed to her aid and positioned myself between her and Elsie. "Grrrr, this is pointless," Elsie spat. "Whether I send you two on your way or not does nothing to help me. So, while I have rather enjoyed our time together, you'll have to excuse me. One of my favorite TV shows is about to air, and I wouldn't want to miss it for the world." With a sinister laugh Elsie suddenly summoned her scythe and covered herself in her black robes once more. Then, without another word she disappeared in a flash of red smoke. For a second I just stood there, my mind still racing. I looked behind me as Katie scrambled to her feet."Oh god...Kyle...she's gonna...gonna...""Calm down Katie, it's going to be alright," I calmly replied while gently stroking her face with my free paw. "But how are we gonna...""Get back? I have on of her sickles don't I? I can take us both home in an instant.""How do you know that?" she asked skeptically."I...I'm not sure. It feels like I've always known that for some reason."Katie looked at me with a worried expression. "'re not turning into what Elsie is, are you?"I looked at my (my?) sickle, my paw comfortably clutching its grip as if it had been tailor made for my paws and my paws alone. "If I'm not now, I will be by the time this is over.""WHAT?!""Katie you heard what she plans to do. Either I kill her and finish this once and for all, or else we will be haunted by her for the rest of our lives," I stoically replied. "No! Kyle you can't kill her!""Why not?" Katie sighed and looked me deeply in the eyes, her tail lightly swaying side to side. "For one thing, I don't want to lose you...but there's something else. Elsie isn't herself right now; she's gone insane. Remember how she said she could hardly remember who she was? For those brief moments where we were all making love, the real Elsie surfaced. She's not evil, and it's not the true her trying to kill us or our friends.""So what do you want me to do, let her get away with all that?""No...just, sigh, just don't do anything rash that you might regret. Look, let's just get back and focus on keeping our friends alive. Then we'll figure out how to stop Elsie without dooming either one of us, okay?"I nodded and held Katie close while holding my sickle overhead. "Fine sis, we'll play it your way. But if I can't talk her out of her little scheme for revenge, she's as good as dead."With that, I closed my eyes and thought of home, my family, and Katie smiling before me. The next thing I knew, I felt weightless as I held Katie tight against me, the air around us rushing like the winds of a typhoon only to suddenly stop be replaced by a strange, cold firmament pressing against my face. Blinking my eyes open as I felt the strange sensation of blood rushing through my veins again, I realized I was lying face down on concrete...a sidewalk. A sidewalk that just happened to be my final resting place an hour or so ago. My body aching as my wounds slowly sealed themselves thanks to the black magic from the sickle, I forced myself to crack a smile just to celebrate the simple prospect of being alive. Again.