Chapter IV: Prey

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#5 of Catalogue of a Fascinating New Species: The Morgani

The Journal of Morgan Drythur January 19th 21:35

  • * * My name is Krista Almae Lanchunt-Ovanr. I am a raccoon, daughter of a well meaning, social climbing businessman and his elitist wife. I am the fifth of six children (assuming my Mother has not given birth since I have been away), four girls and two boys. In a month I shall have my thirteenth birthday. But in an hour I shall be dead. What follows here is the account of my last thoughts, my last warning. Any second now, I shall be raped and killed. devoured. I do not know if this is being recorded, but if you, whoever you are, can read this: beware!! Beware Alice!! It is all Master's fault! How could he leave me to tend to the creatures!? I am a cub! I am an apprentice. If I could summon forth magic to destroy myself and this cold evil beast that has gripped me I would, but unless she were a stain on the floor, I have no magic to best her. I am a cub, a girl, weak. Her claws are strong. I know this cause the have wrapped themselves around my breasts. Her paws are large, quickly enveloping my tiny mounds. She knows I am helpless. The beast is taking her time with me. Her paws are exploring my body. She is no doubt finding the tenderest piece of me for her to devour first. When I was even younger I had a pet mouse, she was pure white with tiny red eyes. I named her Snow. I remember once she bit me, her teeth pressing through my skin and fur till they drew blood. I screamed. The maid rushed into my room, and on seeing what had happened she demanded I give up Snow. I knew they would kill my pet, and I did not want that; she was mine. But I also knew that even if Snow bit me again it was no more then a minor would, that in the end she could never really hurt me. I prevailed in the end, and Snow lived with me till she died an old mouse. In that time I would carry her in my dress. I would tie ribbons around her tail. I would cuddle her softly and stroke her fur. I did this cause I knew she was harmless to me. I knew I could do anything, treat my pet in anyway, and nothing bad could come of it. I say this because it is how Alice treats me. Her paws are closed around my breasts, though she is silent, I can imagine the evil laughter in her head. She strokes my breasts almost tenderly, as if she were my lover. I shiver, knowing I am just her plaything. One of her long tongues is tracing my ear, matting my fur with her thick saliva. I feel her behind me, she lifts me as if I were no more then a mouse, pulling me back into her. She has sat back on the soft grass of the forest floor, and pulled me into her lap. The back of my head is cradled softly in her soft warm bosom. Something rises in front of me; it is her tail, it slides up between my legs. It bulbous tip even with my face. There is something about the way the moonlight catches on it. It seems slick. There, in its center is a dark opening, a terrible eye! It is monstrous, terrible! Alice dangles it before me, and I see something drip from it, landing on my fur. Another mouth! A small toothless mouth! I know this will be my undoing. I did the only thing I could, I beat at it. Raccoon claws are short, thick, ugly things. They are made for digging and labor, not for fighting. Mother always made sure that are family's claws were short and painted so that anyone who saw them would know we did no digging. I have been away from home for a year, and I have not taken care of my claws lately. They are long enough to work, and though not sharp, they they are enough to drag along Alice's tailtip. I have tried to beat, kick and claw her before, but her skin is like stone to me. Yet, this time is works. The beast behind me roars in pain, the dreadful smell of her carrion breath washing over me. I push away from her, trying to run and keep from vomiting as she rolls to her back howling in pain. I gasp weakly. It is a warm winter night, the air is fine and pure, the moonlight bright, but I can find no air. My lungs burn as my legs tremble. I fall to my knees, crawling forward. Beneath me, the grass is silver from the moon. I imagine great blades of razor sharp metal tearing at me as I crawl. Ahead of me is darkness, the end of the clearing, the safety of the trees. Something tells me to be afraid of the dark. Something tells me that Alice will find me even there. That I cannot escape. That I have no hope. Still I crawl on. I imagine I feel sharp claws dig into my leg, dragging me back into the light. I clutch futilely at the ground, my claws bloody as I desperately try to escape. There is the line of the trees, safety. It is only a few inches more... I feel the darkness wash over me. Panting, I crawl into it, placing my back against a tree. I lay there, gasping for air. I've escaped somehow; I am safe. I lay back, now to wait until the blood from my torn leg drains away and I am dead. At least my honor is intact. I smile weakly, looking down at my legs. I cannot help but laugh. I'm fine. There's no blood, only a little dirt on my fur. It was all in your head Krista. Alice is... Alice is... right in front of me. She pushes me back against the tree so hard I can feel the rough bard dig into my back. I see her muzzle approaching mine. Her claws wrap around my wrists, her legs force mine apart, pinning them to the ground with her weight. I try to scream but no sound leaves my mouth. Alice's smooth furless skin brushes across my muzzle. I can hear her inhale, savoring my scent, as if I were a well cooked steak, waiting to be consumed. Her head dips lower, I smell the reek of carrion as she opens her mouth. It closes on my shift, a quick jerk of her head tearing away the last scrap of my modesty. Her head raises, those dark black eyes locked on mine. They are cold, emotionless, terrible. I hope my mouth to scream. She opens hers for something entirely different. Time moves with liquid slowness. Her long, pink, twin tongues move slowly from her mouth. They resemble nothing so much as long slick snakes, dripping venom from their tips. They strike! I try to close my muzzle but I cannot in time. This feeling... twin tongues wrestling for dominance in my muzzle... There is something so wrong, yet so good. I know she could push her tongues much deeper, she could choke me to death, but she doesn't. Her tongues gently probe about my muzzle, finding mine, wrapping around it. I cannot stop myself, soon my tongue has joined hers. They lick and lap across each other, warm sensual slick bodies in a passionate embrace. If I had any breath left to be taken away if would be. I feel the last of my will to fight melt away into those tongues. My mind gives out one last desperate scream for dominance, and then it concedes defeat. I shiver, this feeling in my body: no matter how many times I might have touched myself, it cannot compare to this! Alice can feel it too; she knows I have submitted. She pulls away. Her eyes are different somehow, softer. My breath catches in my throat as I feel her sit back on her haunches. I feel her claws leave my arms, her weight leave my legs. She is letting me up. I could run if I wanted. I could escape her. Somehow I know she would let me go. I don't move. * * * My back hits the grass hard and Alice is on top of me, her claws close around my wrists, pulling them above my head as she lowers herself onto my body. I know this is wrong, what is about to happen. But I feel a longing I've never felt like this before. I am on fire. Part of my mind screams at me, it is the part that looks like my Mother. It tells me that if I go through with this it will ruin me, that I can only be married as a virgin. I tell my Mother to fuck off. Alice is a girl anyway. Vera told me, making love to a girl isn't sex. I'll be a virgin until someone went deep into my private place, and Alice is a girl. She has nothing to put there. Her back arches above me, her full blue orbs swinging forwards. Here it is funny that I never noticed the size of her breasts... and each is crowned with a lusciously thick pink nipple. They are large, long, perhaps half an inch long. They remind me of my elder sister's breasts, but where my sister's were saggy, with dark, almost black nipples, Alice's are firm, round and pink. As pink as my only painfully hard nipples. There is a heat, and a wetness between my legs, but I don't want to think of it. This is wrong! But I am powerless to stop myself. I churr, and suddenly I am a cub again. I raise my paws to Alice's breast, kissing the nipple, suckling on it. There is no milk, but that does not stop me. I squeeze her breast in my paws. Part of my mind screams this is wrong. Part of my mind compares Alice's beautiful orb to my mothers cold frigid milkless teat. I cannot stop myself, I want to taste you Alice! I don't know if anything come from these orbs, I don't care! Just let me... She makes a noise above me, something sounding like a deep hiss, but I know it is one of pleasure. Her back arches, pulling her body away from me. I cry like a child. No!! No, Alice, bring them back... She opens her maw, even now her breath seems less hideous. What am I saying? What is happening to me!? I must resist. I must... Oh... Gods... W- what you can do with those tongues! How to even... Ohhh.... Alice! I am burning! I have never felt things so acutely. Alice.... Even now she lays her head on me, resting in the laughable valley that is my cleavage. She lays there admits my tattered shift... Oh, who could care now!? Those long, coiling pink tongues are like warm snakes of pure pleasure! Ohhh... How she can use one to encircle each of my small nipples at the same time! Ohhh... h- how long have we been here? The part of me that is my mother appears again. She tells me this is not real, it just the lust claiming my mind. She says that you always think you love the first one. I tell the bitch to go to hell. This is my bliss, my heaven. But no! She is moving again... Oh... my Alice! She turns about, her knees resting on either side of my head, her weight pinning me to the ground as her tail lifts into the air. gods! Is that your... but... Is that what an adult woman really looks like!? Open, deep, wet!? A- and that sweet smell? Oh... I know this is wrong! Alice... she isn't a fur. She's an animal. But from here... beneath her, helpless, her sex slowly dripping onto my muzzle.... From here she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! The taste! Ohhh... the taste is pure passion. This is something that once started cannot be stopped and I dove in muzzle first! I bury my nose and tongue into those soft, warm slick depths. Hers is nothing like my own. She is deep, warm, velvety soft. The way her lips have puffed out, the slow, rhythmic pulse of her womanhood, looking at it, I have never felt more the child. But Alice, wonderful, sweet, caring, loving Alice does not agree! Her head lowers to my loins. I feel like I am on fire! Then something wet and comparatively cool touches me. I... I... my gods what is this feeling? Alice! Alice her twin tongues.... I feel them twist over each other, fighting.... Fighting to lap at what compared to her must me so immature, so pathetic, so-- W- What? Oh... Alice... she is... going into me... I... what can.... Those thick strong tongues. Probing my every depth. It hurts a little, but pain is the farthest thing from my mind. Her tongues are so deep, I imagine I can see them bulging through my tiny stomach. Oh, gods, it is so amazing!! I must drink more... I must please Alice. This... this is mating! No! It feels so good... this is heaven! Now time is like honey, slowly dripping... dripping. Like the delicious thick purple honey from Alice's beautiful femininity. Alice, my Alice, she is pure beauty; she is perfect; she is N- no... Alice that is my... my tailhole! I watch in horror as her tongue withdrawls my my young cubslit. One remains inside me, continuing its amazing gyrations the other trails wetly down my fur, pausing at my tailhole before pushing in. Taking me without concern, for at this moment I am hers. Oh... no... so naughty... so amazing. Every muscle in my body is alive with electricity. Even my fur bristles in pleasure. I feel as if I am a balloon. A balloon that is made of balloons, each one full to the bursting point of pure energy. It is an amazing feeling. I hover on the edge. Beneath me is darkness, above me darkness. There is only Alice and I. Alice... my rapist... my murderer. I call her this because I am dying. I am drowning in an endless sea of pure pleasure and beauty. And then it explodes. Wave after wave of joy passing from my footpaws to my ears. I scream, digging my short little claws into Alice's strong back. If she feels any pain she give no sign. I do not know how long I stayed that way, minutes, hours, days, lifetimes. Master once told me that this house was so remote there was not an intelligent creature for leagues.... I am still sure my screaming was heard. Mother always said a young lady does not raise her voice.... The devil take Mother! She did not feel that! She was not with Alice! She was not here to watch me die and be reborn! Alice had given me what Vera called cumming. And I embraced it as I did her. Even though she had attacked me, raped me, I clung tightly to her. When my senses returned, I was laying on my side next to her, my head between her soft breasts. I have not moved... I do not want to. My face, her cleavage, her muzzle on the back of my neck. I feel safe. For the first time, I... Krista Almae Lanchunt-Ovanr feel like I am not alone. I want to be held her forever, in Alice's strong arms. To be hers-- Alice! What are you doing!? I whimper and struggle, but my arms and legs feel like gelatin. She spreads, my legs easily with her paws. I look down, seeing that thick bulbous tailtip, slick with purple goo pressing against my private place. I groan, my wet lips parting easily around her tail tip. It... Alice is going into me. Deep into me! N- no... Alice, stop!! I'm a virgin!!