My Favorite Pet

Story by Talon Phier on SoFurry

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My Favorite Pet

This is a story of a master and his pet. I have never written anything before, this is my first story ever! Please tell me what you think.

ATTENTION: This is an ADULTS ONLY 18+ story, if you are not old enough to view this user submission please leave now

My name Is Talon. A few days ago, I found out that I had to get rid of my two wolves, and had been anguishing on it. The vet found out that my Alaskan Huskies were actually two, fully grown, Alaskan Grey Wolves. It sucked, but, before I did let them go, I wanted to give them a gift, to show them how much I loved then. They were Luke, the alpha and Gideon, the hunter. Luke was a 180-pound alaskan grey wolf with light markings, husky build, and 9 inch cock fully erect. Gideon on the other hand was 150-pounds, extremely muscular, and had a 7 inch cock, fully extended. So, late one night I presented myself, so to speak.

It was an interesting experience.

When I arrived home from work, two days before they had to leave. I unlocked the door and walked into my darkened living room. Not hearing the sounds of my usually playful guys, I began to call them softly. Hearing me, they came in, looking at me with sad soulful eyes, whining softly because they knew that they had to go soon. I knew right then what I wanted to give them, and myself because I couldn't part with them before expressing myself fully to them. I knew they liked me in that way, they had offered themselves to me many times before, and I always refused. This time I had a different idea. I walked into my living room and sat down in my recliner. Luke and Gideon proceded to lay at my feet looking at me, their ears cocked slightly to one side when I began to speak.

"Luke, Gideon, I know that you have to go, but I'm going to give you what you asked, for two entire years, I know I refused every time, but this is different. I stood up to take a commanding lead for this, to make myself the leader and not the slave. They knew right then and there what I was going to do for them. Getting excited they began jumping and trotting around the room, thier members sliding out of thier sheaths in excitement. I undressed slowly, letting them take in sight of my body. Both of them walked up to me and began sniffing my balls in anticipation of this event. Coming out in fine droplets, I began to sweat softly from their breath on my now-bare legs. Giving the head of my cock an experimental lap to see if I was going to run, Gideon yiped with delight and backed away from Luke, who he knew was the REAL alpha of this pack. Kneeling down to the floor to his delight, Luke began to sniff by backside softly before giving it a few laps, Luke then placed his large jaw alongside my sack and gave it a few experimental nips to see if I was responsive.

Recieveing no response from me after a few tries, he took the sack in its entirety in hos mouth and bit down hard, and didn't let go until I spread my legs for his entry. Placing his paws on my back, he slowly mounted my body. Then, proving he was the alpha he grabbed the corner of my neck and shoulder in his jaws and bit down hard. I presented myself to him then, but he still didn't believe that I thought He was my master. So, shaking his jaws away from my punctured neck, he bit the other side as well. Now, bleeding from the multiple puncture wounds on my neck, Luke placed the tip of his throbbing cock on my tailhole. Proving he was a nice master, as well as a harsh punisher, Luke began licking my still bleeding neck.

Gideon on the other hand was feeling a little left out, he began to get excited. For example, Gideon took after me, a little high strung, and easily excitable. Noticing Gideon looking at Luke jealously, I could see an idea pop into Gideon's head. I began thinking that I wouldn't like it much when Gideon walked toward me with a slight swagger in his stride, as if to say, if I can't have my turn now, then I'm gonna have something else. Bending his head down under my chest and between my legs, he began licking the now dripping pre-cum from the head of my cock, producing a small moan from my lips. This was the moment that Luke decided to ram home his throbbing, hard,nine inch, fully extended cock, into my unready anus. With a shock, I tightened, procuring yet another bite from my new master. On the other side of my body, Gideon took the thrust unexpectedly. The force of the thrust had slammed the cock he was licking into his mouth. With a one hundred eighty pound large alpha wolf in my back, there was nothing I could do but let Gideon make his own choice instead of helping him. Besides, I was beginning to enjoy myself. Gideon has always made his choices quickly, like I do, suddenly I began to feel a soft motion aginst the underside of my cock and then a lick aginst the base of my sack. I felt my balls slowly drop from the sudden warmth of the hot tongue against them and the muzzle wrapped around my slowly hardening cock.

With a sudden shock, I realised he was toungueing my balls. Between this, and the back and forth motion of Luke slowly pumping my tailhole, the experience was almost too much. It was then that Gideon decided to pull his large muzzle off my throbbing member, procuring another moan from my lips. He then gave me a harsh look like I made choice whether or not to have him begin sucking me off,

he looked like he didn't like it. With exitement I watched as his eyes went from anger to one of mischief. He walked towards me on his large padded feet, His swollen Balls swinging lightly in the glee of his newfound idea. From my position in the darkened room I could now see his member slowly growing, thumping softly in time with his heartbeat. He stopped in front of me, looking into my eyes, his tail wagging furiously. I could tell exactly what he wanted to do. With excitement I dropped my head in mock aquiesance. He then placed his paws on top of my shoulders and mounted me slowly. As i opened my mouth to tell him no, Gideon thrust hid cock greedily into my awating mouth. Having sucked something else before, i suddenly realised that this style was much tastier. Suddenly, Luke began pumping faster, I could feel the pressure as his knot began to swell inside me, while Gideon being the ever excited-one began pumping away wildly in my mouth. I began slowly sucking and exploring his cock with my tongue, licking up and down the shaft and knot, I was quickly rewarded with his generous supply of pre-cum. Slamming his balls into my mouth he began to force his entire length down my throat. I could suddenly feel Gideons knot was swelling quickly, cutting off my air supply. In my now passionate state, I pulled my hand up from the ground to help Gideon along and make the two ejaculations happen at once, filling myself with the love of these two wolves. But, being the ever vigilant alpha male, Luke took this action as an affront to his status and bit down into my already sore neck hard causing blood droplets to fly across the floor. Not caring about the pain, I stroked softly on Gideons swollen member, and felt his cum shoot into my greedily awaiting mouth. Swallowing happily. I then felt Luke tear into my shoulderblade with his jaw, ripping flesh and tendon alike. The knot in my tailhole had grown to immense proportions. Dropping off of me suddenly, Gideon began to lick his cum from my mouth and face. Luke began slamming wildly into my tailhole. Suddenly what felt like an axplosion rocked my body like I've never felt before.

Luke dumped himself into me, wave after wave of cum began to fill me, the pressure building inside me, against my prostate, made me cum as well.

I found out previously that Gideon liked cum. Sniffing the air softly Gideon began to trot towards me again. Finally pulling out of my tortured and anguished hole, Luke dropped down and placed my balls in his mouth once again.

He was finally showing me what a master can do to his slave, he bit hard and pierced the testicles themselves with his razor sharp teeth. Screaming, I almost dropped to the floor then and there, but Gideon was suddenly under me supporting my weight. Crying out in agony, I screamed once more as Luke bit down yet again. Not being able to do anything except cry and twitch. Luke refused to release my bleeding testicles, that was when Gideon began to lick the head of my now extremely sensitive cock. Not being able to move, I awaited whatever my master wanted from me. Slowly growing hard again, my sensitive cock quickly dumped another load on Gideons awaiting tongue. He knew this was going to happen, he had licked my cock before.

His loud slurps and producing both cries and moans from me while Luke began to softly put pressure on my tortured sack. Gideon began lapping up the cum from my still hard cock. Finished, Gideon walked away satisfied. He dropped down in front of my couch with a contented sigh, and watched because he knew what was going to happen next.

Luke, on the other hand, had different ideas about me. He wanted me to know he was the leader. Luke bit down hard on my sack again, while tugging down he led me to the floor, then he slowly began to lick the dried blood off of my tortured neck. He liked this kind of punishment. As he mounted me again I finally knew who was the Master, and who was the Pet.

In the end, I wouldnt mind seeing them again.

I hoped you liked my first attempt at a yiffy story.

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