Call of the Wild

Story by Kiyofox on SoFurry

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This is a story that I've been trying to finish for quite a while. I had the idea some time ago but never got around to putting it to words. It ended up being a bit of a long story, so sorry if you wanted a short one. Now that its finished, I'd appreciate any feedback you have.

The story is centered around a female hyena who has not had much luck in her relationships due to her unique anatomy. Her two roommates decide to enter a contest at their favorite adult shop, Call of the Wild. This story has a lot of female masturbation, so I hope you enjoy!

The night was relatively cool for August in Los Angeles. The quiet house nestled in the hills of Burbank echoed with the sounds of splashing water. Angela sat in the hot bath panting heavily. She scrunched her eyes closed letting her jaw hang open. The hum of her submerged vibrator was barely heard over the stuttering whine trying to escape from her throat.

Her head perched above the surface of the steaming water. The hyena's twitches and jerks rippled the water as she pressed the vibrator into the base of her pseudo-penis. Like all female spotted hyenas, Angela had a clitoris nearly as large as some of the males she had been with. Her equipment was about 5" long when erect and just as sensitive as any male. She moaned as the tip of her power toy nudged the bulge of her false scrotum, where her vagina would normally be.

" close," she mumbled and gripped her phallus with her free hand. She squeezed and stroked as she moved the toy around, feeling the heat inside her build. Her hips slowly rose up as the tension grew, until the tip of her clit stood like a tower above the water's surface.

She squeezed again with the pads of her fingers, sending an electric jolt through her pelvis. Her jaw clamped down on her hanging tongue as her whine grew louder. Her fingers squeezed one more time and pushed her over the edge as she arched her back. Angela bucked her hips and her clit twitched as a jet of clear liquid squirted from her.

The hyena shuddered for several seconds frozen until her orgasm subsided and she collapsed back into the bath with a loud gasp. She did not even realize she held her breath.

"Damn, that was intense," she muttered to herself, wondering if her roommates where home and had heard her commotion. Just then she remembered the dropped vibrator as it made a *brrrrr* sound at the bottom of the tub. She quickly found the toy and switched it off.

Angela lay in the water for another moment and sighed. It had been a while since the last tension reliever. Work was pretty rough the last couple of weeks with the convention coming up. She was glad to finally have a quiet night.

As her clitoris softened, she reached for the fur soap and scrub brush. She started at her feet and worked her way up. A frown crossed her face when she got to her chest and looked down at her nearly flat breasts with mid-sized nipples sticking out. They were small for her 5'9" frame and Angela once again wondered if guys would notice her more if she wore one of those bras with the fake pads in them.

She finished scrubbing and turned the water on to rinse. The water drained a few minutes later when she felt clean. Angela briefly toweled the dripping parts but left the rest to finish in her room. The roommates were probably home by now she thought. She cracked the door and flicked off the light, pausing in the hallway.

The hardwood floor felt cool and refreshing against her footpads. She glanced at the almost closed doorway at the end of the hall and heard mumbled voices. The hyena grinned as a loud squeak echoed past the door. The roommates were definitely home. She quietly padded down the hall towards the living room and into her bedroom.

The roommates were engaged in a little fun, unaware of Angela. Brittany and Rebecca made an unlikely looking couple, but they enjoyed each other's company too much to have separate rooms. Angela did not mind and even got talked into joining them on occasion. Tonight, however, was different. The girls were in "training" mode.

A local adult shop named "Call of the Wild" had an upcoming contest. There were three categories to enter: small, medium and large. There was no mystery behind the nature of the contest since it was for females. Each category awarded a winner with a $100 gift card. The grand prize was a $500 gift certificate and a year supply of lube. To top it all off, a special prize was to be awarded. It was leaked that a date with a famous porno star (to be announced) was the secret. The girls frequented the shop regularly and did not hesitate to sign up.

Rebecca squeaked and moaned from the small pink vibrator ground against her mound. She called out to the brown husky in a shaky voice, "Don't tease me like that, Britt. Bury it in me!"

Brittany grinned while perched between the black rat's legs. "Patience, Becky, you have to warm up. Think of it as practice for the contest." The rat nodded and spread her legs further for the husky who leaned down to lick Becky's glistening vulva. The rat moaned and flicked her whip like tail around under her lover.

"You do that so well." The rat twitched her whiskers and briefly brushed her fingertips over her protruding nipples. She did not have large breasts, but they fit her frame well. When a hand strayed down toward her crotch, the husky playfully nipped at her fingers.

"Nuh-uh, no hands remember? Part of the rules; you have to do everything with your body." Brittany circled the rats mound with the vibrator.

Becky grunted with frustration. "Well maybe I could if you'd hold it still?" She briefly sat up and rolled over to all fours. "Just hold pinky upright on the bed for me. I'll do the rest."

The husky winked at the rat and said, "Let's see what you've got!" She turned the vibrator on full and held it firmly in her upturned palm on the bed.

Rebecca licked her whiskers seductively, wiggling her rump in the husky's face before she got in a comfortable stance. Brittany enjoyed the show and wagged her tail in time with the swaying of the rat's hips. Becky slowly lowered her rump down and rubbed her sex across the nub of the vibrator.

When she judged that her mark was true, she slowly but firmly pressed her hips down. She took about a third of the little pink rocket before rising up. Becky repeated the motion several times, taking more with each thrust until her fuzzy mound brushed the husky's palm.

Becky looked over her shoulder with lust in her eyes and started happily humping away at the humming toy. It only took a moment before Brittany's hand was covered in juices. The rat was lost in a trance as she rapidly jerked her hips back and forth. She buried the toy as far as it would go in her snatch and her tail swished from side to side.

The husky knew what came next when Becky started gasping and tittering. She sat nearly upright rocking back on her hind legs and let her delicate hands smooth over her whiskers and ears. "Ah...ahhhh...Aahhgggg!"

Becky slammed her rump down hard and her body quivered as her orgasm hit. Brittany let her tongue hang out as she watched her lover enjoy the ecstasy and slipped her hand free from under the rat. The husky licked her soaked hand and lay back smirking.

The rat recovered quickly and rolled onto her back so she could spread her legs again. She prominently displayed the vibrator buried in her snatch to the husky. Leaving the toy on full, she looked at her lover and grasped each of her foot claws with a hand.

As easily as bending a string, she leaned down until her nose practically nuzzled her crotch. With a wink the rat carefully closed her teeth around the remaining nub of the vibrator, still parting her labia. She slowly pulled it from her depths and spit the still humming vibrator from her mouth. The flexible rat deliberately licked her slit while keeping her gaze locked on Brittany.

The husky licked her muzzle in response and let her hand stray down into her red panties. The rat uncurled herself and crawled the remaining distance until her lips met Brittany's waiting muzzle. The two females kissed for several moments as the forgotten vibrator hummed on.

Finally Becky giggled when her naked tail brushed against the toy lying on the bed. The husky smiled at her friend and said, "That was a really good show you put on. Are you sure you don't want to try for the Medium category? I'll even let you borrow big blue?" Brittany got off the bed and pulled open the drawer of their accumulated toys. She exchanged the pink rocket for the blue dildo she just mentioned.

Rebecca shook her head. "Nah, that's just a little bit out of my league. It's too uncomfortable for me to have fun with. Pinky's just right." She stood as well and walked over to the husky. With her 4'3" frame, she stood just under Brittany's chin which was a perfect height as far as Becky was concerned; she stood eye level with her lover's breasts.

Brittany, at 5'7", loved when the rat playfully sucked on her nipples. It did not take much for the husky to feel the warmth in her panties. Her tail wagged happily from Becky's attentions. Still holding the 8" medium sized blue dildo in her hand, Brittany wrapped her arms around the rat and hugged her to her bosom. Becky was more than happy to nibble on the hardened nubs, but broke her embrace when the husky squirmed.

"Maybe I should stop, I don't want to give you too much of a head start?" The husky pouted briefly but nodded and took her blue toy back to the bed. She quickly stripped off her panties and flung them at the rat causing both of them to laugh.

"Okay whiskers, it's your turn. Hold this for me." She flung the blue dick down on the bed where she wanted Becky to hold it upright. Becky squatted by the edge of the bed and held the toy up for the husky. Brittany crawled around on the bed briefly while she rubbed her crotch. She closed her eyes and sucked on two fingers before slipping them easily into her pussy. Fingering herself for a few seconds, she slowly pulled out her fingers and spread some of the moisture around.

"You look pretty hot to me, ready?" Becky asked the husky as she crawled toward the blue cock. She nodded and straddled the toy, easily sinking half the length in the first thrust. She moaned with a grin and tugged on her fluffy tail as she slowly sank down a few more inches.

Brittany bobbed up and down on the blue phallus until she was grinding her mound into Becky's hand. The husky panted with pleasure as her tongue lolled out of her muzzle. The rat could not resist nipping the husky's rump a couple of times, and Brittany yipped in surprise. All too quickly, the rat's lover squealed out a rising pitched "ooh" that ended in a full on howl as she hit her climax. Her sex contracted so strongly the blue cock was completely pushed out of her pussy as she stood up on her knees.

Brittany collapsed back on the bed spent. Becky crawled on top of the husky and straddled her stomach. The rat playfully tweaked the husky's still erect nipples. "I think you blew your wad too soon, you sexy bitch," Becky said.

The husky sighed. "Yeah, I can't help it. Once I get a cock in me it doesn't take long. Guess I'll have to practice some more."

The rat laughed. "Well, we've been at it since you got home. The competition is tomorrow night. Gotta save some for the show, ya know?"

Brittany nodded and hugged the rat to her chest. "Yeah, I know. Let's cuddle before bed time."

"How can I say no to that," Becky said smiling. The pair quickly slipped under the covers and spent some time fondling and kissing before eventually drifting off to sleep.

In the other room, Angela went through her nightly routine. She sat nude on her bed and brushed her hair, fur and tail. As she brushed, she mentally went over her schedule for the following day.

Aside from the usual paperwork, she remembered that her roommates had asked if she wanted to go to the show at the shop later. She had originally agreed, but was still on the fence. She had never been one to visit an adult shop and was much more conservative when it came to her sexuality. The fact that she was a female hyena may have had something to do with it. The men she slept with over the years had never said anything outright, but she always had a feeling that things were awkward at best.

Her relationships never lasted more than a couple of months, and the guys always made some excuse to break it off. She tended to be willing to do almost anything to please her partners, even at the expense of her own satisfaction. That is why she frequently spent a good deal of time taking care of her own needs.

It occurred to her that maybe she could take some advice from the girls. Perhaps she could find a book or video to help her confidence and be able to find someone more suited to her personality. She made up her mind to go with Becky and Brittany, not only for support of her friends but also for her own needs.


When the following evening came, Angela walked into the house amid the two roommates preparing for the show. Becky stood in the living room calling to Brittany across the house.

"Come on, we're going to be late! Angela's already home." The rat winked at the hyena as she walked by.

"I'll just be a moment, let me change into something more comfortable," Angela said.

"Are you going to wear your sexy skirt?" Becky asked. "The black one that hugs your hips so well?"

Angela shifted from foot to foot and replied, "Oh, uh, I hadn't thought of that. I was just going to wear my jeans and a tee."

"Oh," Becky said pausing, "well, it's up to you. But you never know who you may run into at these kinds of things. I would also suggest that red top; it goes well with your fur tone."

Angela nodded. "Okay, I think you're right. I'll be right back."

"No problem." Becky turned back down the hall and yelled at Brittany, "You got five minutes to get your fluffy ass out here! Then Angela and I are going to leave without you."

"No!" came the muffled reply from inside the bedroom. "Shit, I can't find my lucky scarf."

Becky rolled her eyes and pressed her fingers to the bridge of her long nose. "You're going to be nude genius. Just wear something comfortable in the meantime."

A moment later, Brittany emerged from the bedroom still brushing out her fur. She wore a tight fitting tee-shirt that squeezed her breasts together, but had a wide open neck line to show off her ample cleavage. "How do I look?" she asked as she pulled her hair back in a ponytail.

Becky squeezed the husky's bosom and replied, "Sexy as ever!"

The husky giggled and leaned down to rub her nose against the lithe rat's nose. Just then Angela emerged from her bedroom and carefully closed the door. As she strode down the hall, the other two showered her with compliments.

"Damn girl, you're looking fine tonight!"

"That top looks amazing against your fur."

"See? I told you that skirt would give you a nice sexy curve."

The two roommates gushed over the hyena as she stood smiling. "Thanks! I haven't had a chance to wear this in a while."

Becky suddenly clapped her hands together in excitement. "Oh! I know what would be perfect for that outfit. One sec!" She dashed back into her bedroom and emerged just as quickly.

She stood before Angela. "If you wouldn't mind, turn around and kneel down?"

"Sure," Angela said and did as she was asked.

Becky's thin hands shot out around the hyena's neck and fastened something.

"Oh yeah, now we're talking!" Brittany said with a wide smile.

"See? Now you're just as sexy as this bitch here," Becky said and playfully smacked the husky's rump.

"Yeah?" Angela asked and caught her reflection in a nearby mirror. Becky gave her a bright red velvet choker. It fit just right and stood out against her fur. The pendant on the choker was a carved metal representation of the Japanese kanji for strength. She admitted it went very well with her ensemble.

Becky lightly tugged at Angela's tail. "I know you look hot and sexy and everything, but we should get going. I want to get there and size up the competition."

Angela smiled and said, "Okay. Let's go!"

With that, the trio piled into Angela's car and headed over to the adult shop. Angela listened to the pair speculate over the other contestants. Becky guessed there would not be many girls in the Small category. Brittany said the same thing for the Large category, but guessed that their show would be a little more impressive since the bigger ladies tended to be from more exotic species. Becky told Brittany that she didn't have anything to worry about and alluded that the two would be spending a steamy night in bed regardless of who won the competition.

Angela let her mind wander, wondering if she would attract any attention in her outfit. She dismissed the thought thinking she wanted to show her support of her friends. In a way she admired them for being so open and comfortable with their sexuality that they wanted to participate in such a competition.

A short while later, the car pulled into the shopping center where Call of the Wild sat amid a slew of other businesses. The shop had a bright purple neon sign that outlined the logo of a wolf mid-howl. Angela smiled at the sign, thinking she liked the look of the place already. It was tasteful and did not ooze with the sleazy vibe she always imagined when she heard anyone talk about these adult shops.

The other girls eagerly hopped out of the car and ran into the shop leaving Angela to enter alone. She pushed open the door and was greeted with a soft and pleasant tingle of bells. The shop was well lit and though it held quite a bit of merchandise, there was room to walk around freely. Angela noted that there were several people in the shop and wondered if it was always this busy or was it just due to the competition.

The hyena felt a bit self-conscious and tried to avoid eye contact with the other patrons as she wandered through the aisles and displays. She did not considered herself inexperienced, but the myriad variety of toys, clothing, and accessories left her feeling a little overwhelmed. She tried her best not to draw any attention.

Angela spied her roommates conversing in whispers as they stood over by a large open area. She saw the kiosk that displayed the sign up for the competition, as well as several ladies standing around. She easily guessed that many of them were the competitors. As she gazed across the store and pondered just how many of them would be joining the show, a large female bear walked up to her.

"Good evening, and welcome to Call of the Wild. I'm Candice; can I help you find anything?"

Angela was taken by surprise and stammered out an answer. "Oh uh, hi. I'm ah..I don't know. I was kind of wondering what kind of..." A large dildo suddenly caught her attention, sitting on the nearby shelf and Angela jerked her gaze away quickly.

Candice smiled warmly and placed her hand on Angela's arm in a friendly manner. She stood about 6'8" and was an imposing figure of a brown bear, but she took on more of a motherly quality as she talked. "It's okay hon. I can tell you're not the type to usually visit my store. Feel free to look around."

Angela blew out a breath and giggled nervously. "Is it that obvious?" she asked in a loud whisper.

The older woman laughed lightly. "Don't sweat it sugar. When you've been around the block as many times as me you can spot the people with questions. So let me guess Angela, you're wondering how to attract a guy and cut through all the bull associated with your particular, shall we say, attributes?"

Angela stood open mouthed in surprise. She wondered if the older bear somehow read her thoughts. "How could you have..." she began to say.

Candice laughed lightly again and winked at her. "You forget that your two roommates over there are frequent regulars. They may have mentioned you a time or three. It's nice to finally meet you." Angela shook her head and laughed in embarrassment. She took Candice's outstretched hand. "Of course, how silly of me to forget! This is a lovely shop you have, I'm sorry this is the first time I've come down here."

Candice nodded and replied, "Thanks hon! I do what I can. So you came to see the big show tonight huh? It's gonna be a good one. We don't do this kind of thing often, but I figured it's a good way to promote business and the girls have a good time. In a few months we should be hosting one for the guys too."

The front door chimes called out again and the pair saw another one of the regulars walk in. The female skunk called out to Candice, "Hey Candy!"

"Hey girl!" she called back. The bear turned back to Angela. "I need to be getting back to the group. The competition's going to get started in about half an hour. Feel free to grab one of my business cards from the counter. In the meantime," she pointed across the store, "we have a selection of books that might interest you. And if you're looking for something more tailored to your plumbing, see me later." Candice gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze and wandered back towards the growing crowd.

Angela took a moment to ponder what the bear had mentioned. She blushed as she finally realized that she referred to a toy specifically for hyenas. She made her way over to the section of books and tried not to get distracted by all manner of toy and accessory she passed.

The hyena carefully went down the row of books ranging in a wide variety of topics. Everything from incorporating spirituality into your lovemaking to how to achieve a longer orgasm lined the shelves. One book caught Angela's attention and she pulled it out to take a closer look. Titled 'Bridging the divide between inner and outer beauty,' it immediately drew her in. She read the synopsis and considered a purchase, but suddenly felt self-conscious. The hyena reluctantly put the book back on the shelf. She was distracted as she turned away and did not notice the red squirrel standing behind her.

Angela bumped into the male who had also failed to notice her nearby. The squirrel literally had his nose buried in the book and was jostled enough not only to drop said book, but stumble backward into another shelf.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, are you all right?" Angela apologized and stooped to pick up the dropped book. She felt embarrassed and stood awkwardly as the guy got back to his feet.

"Quite alright," the squirrel said light heartedly. "Guess I should learn to stay out of the line of traffic, wot?" Angela noticed his English accent, and stared at the charming figure. He was shorter and his tail, which was nearly as big as he was, twitched and shook when he talked or looked around. She held out the book and sheepishly smiled at him. The male pushed up his glasses that had been knocked askew, took the book and smiled back.

"That's a lovely pendant you have there. It means strength, right?"

Angela's hand went to her throat and she shifted nervously. "Oh uh, I'm not sure actually. My friend lent it to me."

"It seems to fit you." The two stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"Well, I should probably go see what my friends are up to," Angela said trailing off.

Charles smiled and stood to the side gesturing for her to pass. As she was about to exit the book shelves, he called out, "I'm Charles by the way, and I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?"

She paused and looked over her shoulder, "Its Angela."

"Ah," he said smiling broadly, "meaning 'messenger of God' or in other words, an Angel."

Angela smiled and her ears blushed slightly.

Charles took a step closer and clasped his hands behind his back. "It was lovely to meet you Angela, and may I say a more beautiful Angel I have never seen."

Angela made her way across the store to join the throng of patrons gathering in the open area. She looked back towards the section of books but lost sight of the charming squirrel. The hyena was pulled from her reverie as Brittany and Becky came up on either side.

"Hey roomy!" Brittany said in her bubbly manner. "How do you like this place?"

Before she could answer Becky chimed in. "I saw you talking to that cute guy over there. Told ya the necklace would work. So what'd he say?"

Brittany gushed, "Oh, you met a guy? Here? Tell us everything!"

Angela looked from side to side. "Well, I didn't really even say much. We bumped into each other and that was it."

"So are you going to bump into him again?" The husky implied it had been part of Angela's plan all along.

Angela shrugged but did not get a chance to respond. At that moment Candice rang a bell several times to get the attention of the crowd.

"All right everyone, settle down, settle down. I think we all know why we're here." At this prompt a chorus of whoops and yells broke out from the ladies gathered, Becky and Brittany included. Angela felt a bit overwhelmed. Candice grinned and waved the crowd silent. "Okay, in just a minute we can all go into the showroom. I just want to go over the ground rules. The grand prize for this evening's competition is a $500 gift certificate from the shop." This statement got a round of applause. "In addition, there'll be a separate prize for each of the categories represented. A $100 gift card will go to each of the winners of the Small, Medium and Large divisions. Now as a little surprise, I've asked two friends to help me out with the judging. You may know them from some of the merchandise we have in the shop, let's give a Call of the Wild welcome to Richard 'the Stud' Brooks and Brent 'Stripes' Krandell!"

The room erupted in applause and cheers as the two men came out from a curtained side room. Brent was a tall and muscular Bengal tiger decked out in a form fitting white silk shirt and leather pants. Richard was an equally tall horse dressed in a blue button up shirt and black slacks. The pair stood on either side of Candice and gave her an affectionate hug and kiss. The porn stars waved to the crowd of ladies and smiled as if they were standing in front of the paparazzi.

When the crowd settled down a moment later, Candice addressed them again. "Alright ladies, we ready to get this party started? Each of you will have five minutes to strut your stuff and show us what you can do. There are no restrictions other than you're only allowed to use the single toy from your division to give us a show. You'll be judged on your creativity and overall presentation. Oh and as an added bonus we'll give everyone a chance to win a raffled off date with each of our guests here. Won't that be fun?" Another round of cheers followed.

Candice put an arm around each of the guest judges and made her way into the showroom. "Follow me girls!"

The room dissolved into organized chaos as the group tried to file into the back room. Becky and Brittany squealed with excitement as they tugged Angela along inside. As the trio walked in, the atmosphere was that of a Broadway show: there was a large seating area for approximately one hundred guests, which in turn focused on the center stage. Although the stage itself was not very large, perhaps twenty feet across, it was lavish and would instantly put anyone in the spotlight. There was a curtained off area to the side where the contestants dressed and prepared for the show.

Becky tugged Angela along and directed her to the fifth row back. "This is one of the best places to see, trust me. I have to go get ready, but Britt will be back in a sec. Wish me luck!"

Angela hugged her friend and watched her dash over to the curtain area. The hyena looked around pensively at the attendees. She could not tell exactly how many contestants there were, but it seemed like everyone brought at least one friend for support. The majority of audience members were female, but Angela spied several males who came to watch either for support or just for the spectacle. Candice had not mentioned anything about limiting the viewing audience to only friends and family. She wondered if it ever became a problem with these kinds of shows, but judging by the lack of security she thought not.

Scanning the crowd, she quickly ducked her head down as she caught sight of Charles. He sat all the way in the back in the opposite corner. Angela was acutely self-conscious and wondered if he had seen her. Just then Brittany came back from the curtained area wearing a terry cloth robe.

"Hey Angie," she said and took the next seat. "This is a great place huh? Candy lent us these robes to wear. They're super soft!"

"Yeah, that's cool," she replied distractedly. "So I guess Becky's group is going first?"

Brittany nodded, "Yeah, but there's a special show to start things off. You'll see," she said with a knowing grin.

"Oh, okay," was all Angela could think to reply.

Another moment passed as the pair watched the patrons bustle about getting ready for the showdown. The seats filled up with the ladies wearing white robes, and Becky emerged from the curtained area to join her friends. She had just sat down when the lights dimmed and a lively soundtrack filled the room.

"Alright folks, it's the time we've all been waiting for," an unseen announcer said. "Put your hands together and give a Wild welcome to your matriarch, Candice!"

The stage curtain parted and the female brown bear seductively walked out. She wore a bright purple corset and matching boots. She also sported a pair of purple garter belts. Angela noted that the curvy lady wore no panties.

The large bear strutted back and forth across the stage waving and blowing kisses and winks out to the seated guests. The music kicked up into a dance number and Angela was surprised at how energetically she bounced and danced around. It did not take long before the corset disappeared and the bear gyrated around with just her boots and brazier on.

The bear was sultry and seductive as she squeezed her breasts and smacked her rump, all in time to the music. She even bent over and gave the crowd a clear show of her furry sex. The whole while she smiled and laughed, enjoying the thrill of the performance.

The crowd cheered her on and she waved to an assistant from the side of the stage. The young tabby wheeled out a large table loaded with all sorts of toys and lubricants. Candice wasted no time and bounced her way over to the table, selected a rather large dildo and walked to the middle of the stage.

She waved the toy around and made a show of sucking the fake cock, much to the delight of the crowd. Candice then got down on hands and knees and raised her rump to the crowd. Everyone cheered even more when she made a show of rubbing her plump pussy. She teased the toy around the entrance to her sex but just as she was about to bury the shaft, she raised her head and motioned for another person to come out.

Both Brent and Richard came on stage wearing a Chippendales type outfit of a tuxedo collar, cuffs, and tight fitting speedo briefs. Brent's sheath just barely poked out above his thong. Richard's speedo bulged and swung around significantly from the size of his equipment. The two men came to either side of the seductive bear and were very attentive.

Brent bent down and expertly released the brazier, freeing the bear's massive breasts. He immediately went to work alternately squeezing and nibbling, licking and sucking. Candice moaned in pleasure and her erect nipples were clearly seen.

Richard took the toy from the bear's grasp and went to work teasing her wet pussy. It did not take long before the toy plunged in and out of the female bear, and Richard grinned in amusement as he made her squirm with pleasure. Between the two men, Candice writhed on the stage in ecstasy. The two experts brought her to climax in no time and just as Richard pulled the soaking dildo from the bear, Candice cried out releasing a large squirt of pussy juice! The squirt lasted several seconds and shot out over the edge of the stage.

The crowd was on their feet cheering and clapping. Candice took a moment to come down and both men helped her off the floor. The crowd applauded the whole time. Angela had never seen anything like it and was amazed. She cheered along with everyone else. The crowd settled a few moments later after the two men helped Candice off the stage. Another assistant showed up to clean up the wet spots and make sure that everything on the table was in place.

Candice walked out wearing a familiar white robe with. The two guest judges followed and addressed the crowd. "That was just a taste of what we'll see tonight! Unfortunately, you ladies will not get the help of these fine gents, but I'm sure you'll be amazing. Without further ado, time for the first category: Small!"

There was a healthy round of applause while Candice, Brent and Richard took their places at the judges table. Candice shouted, "When I call your name, please approach the stage. Let's welcome Alexis!" The crowd applauded as a petite kangaroo rat stepped into the lights.

The kanga rat approached the table and selected one of the smaller vibrators, a silver smooth model with a button for the off on switch. Standing at only 3'5", the girl's long tail was almost as long as she was tall. It twitched around her long feet as she stood in front of the judges.

"Five minutes on the clock. Cue the music," Candice announced.

The kanga rat grinned and let a couple of bars of music play before she clamped the vibrator in her jaws and started undressing her robe. She tugged the robe this way and that revealing her tawny brown shoulders. Then she turned around and let it slide down to the small of her back. She kicked out her long feet parting the robe before it completely got tossed away.

She swayed her hips back and forth and started to lick the smooth shining vibrator. As she bucked her hips with the music, her long flexible tail swirled around and around. Then she bent over and grasped her rump, giving the audience a good show of her pink sex.

Like a flash she sprawled out on the stage and started rubbing the gleaming silver bullet up and down her slit. Her tail wrapped around one of her legs as she propped her butt off the floor with her feet. By this time she thrus up into the air and sank the vibrator into her pussy in steady rhythm with the music. The audience clapped a bit, but Alexis was already lost in the moment. She used both her hands now, alternately rubbing her clit and thrusting the toy into her.

She looked well on her way to climax as the music faded and a ringing alarm bell went off, signifying her time was up. Alexis slowed her pace, and sat up with a disappointed look. The audience cheered her as she slunk off the stage, not even bothering to put her robe back on.

After a brief pause, Candice called out the next name. "Janet, please come up!"

This time a pretty skunk standing about 4'11" hopped up the stairs and into the lights. The audience clapped and gave her a moment to choose a toy. The skunkette chose a white realistic looking dildo about 6" long that had a fake scrotum and a large suction cup. She barely waited for Candice to reset the clock and start the music before she disrobed.

Janet swished her black and white tail around and easily got everyone's attention. Her breasts were perky and she had pink nipples that stuck out through her black fur. She danced to the music for only a moment before she squat down to play with her sex. The interesting part was that her labia were as black as her fur, but she used her fingers to spread her lips revealing a pink vagina. She spent several seconds rubbing at her clit while she licked the head of the dildo.

Carefully, she smacked the base of the white cock against the stage to plant the suction cup in place. Then she smiled and spread her legs, easily sinking down onto the white phallus. She rocked her hips back and forth a few times pushing the penis into her sex all the way to the base. Then she lifted off the white cock and did something unexpected.

Janet put her hands down to get her balance and did the splits right onto the stationary penis. She very nearly sat on the floor, taking all 6 inches of the dildo in one thrust. She leaned back and was able to pop the suction cup free, keeping the cock held in her pussy. The crowd cheered at this move, but Janet was not done yet.

She rolled over onto her stomach and spread her legs under her. When the skunk sat up again, she managed to secure the dildo to the floor once more. Then she slowly rose off of the prick and turned around with a flourish. When her timer went off a few seconds later, she bowed and scooped up the white cock. The crowd cheered loudly as she donned her robe and left the stage.

When the applause died down, Candice called to the next contestant. "Becky, it's your turn now!"

Becky turned to Brittany and kissed her nose. "Showtime!"

"You'll do great," the husky called out as her lover bounded up the stage.

Becky looked over the table and selected a smooth black dildo about 5" long. She approached the center of the stage and grinned out at the crowd. When the music started, she rocked her hips from side to side and nodded her head. Her pink tail was already twitching as she flung off her robe and swiveled, turning her back to the crowd.

She licked the smooth black toy as her tail tip flicked playfully between her legs. When she felt ready, she bent over and gave them a great view of her sex. Her plump tail flicked high in the air and she looked at everyone through her legs. The tip of her tail curled around the small toy and guided it down to her crotch.

She slowly squatted down as her tail held the dildo in place. Becky moaned as the toy slid into her. The rat squatted up and down on the smooth cylinder several times as she grew even wetter. After a moment she rolled onto her back and pulled the same trick as she had the day before.

Becky easily grabbed each of her feet and bent down until her nose nearly touched her mound. Her pick tongue snaked out and flicked across her clit a couple of times before she grinned at the crowd. Then she bent down even further and clamped her teeth on the dildo buried in her snatch. She slowly pulled the toy out of her folds and let it drop on her stomach. She had a few seconds to lick her slit seductively just before the timer sounded.

The rat untwisted her position and stood up to the rousing applause. She quickly slipped into her robe and left the stage, waving to Brittany as she walked away. Angela had always been impressed with Becky's flexibility, and she marveled at how easily the rat had put on a show with no hesitation or embarrassment. In a way she envied her friend.

Brittany clapped and said, "Wasn't she great? I'm going to go see how she's doing." Angela nodded but kept to her seat.

Candice called out, "Now for our last one, let's welcome Melissa!"

Angela's attention was drawn to the arctic fox walking up the steps. Melissa stood at 4'9" and her proportions matched her frame. She had a beautiful face and small pointed ears. The black muzzle marks on either side of her snout were a sharp contrast with her gleaming white fur. She walked past the table and grabbed a canine shaped dildo complete with knot about six inches long.

The clock started and the pretty fox began much like the other girls, dancing and disrobing in a flourish. Unlike the other girls, she popped the dildo into her mouth only long enough to get it slightly wet. Then she flopped down on her back and proceeded to stuff the dick into her small pussy. She made short grunts and growls as she worked the cock into her. Melissa had gotten about three inches in before she grabbed the dildo with both hands and humped away, thrusting her hips into the air.

A moment later she managed to take the dick up to the base of the knot, but she was having trouble getting that part in. The girl grunted and pushed, but she could not manage to take the knot. The fox rubbed at her clit furiously and made a nasally whine as she scrunched her eyes closed. It was obvious that she had hit her climax and the girl gave up with the toy. The bell rang as she had just recovered and put her robe back on. The audience applauded her effort but quickly quieted when she left the stage.

Candice stood up and addressed the crowd. "Let's have another round for the Small category." Everyone, including the bear, clapped heartily. "Okay, everyone take a few minutes while we get set up for the next category." The lights came back up and Angela glanced around.

She was half hoping that she would see Charles, but then again was afraid he might see her. The hyena spotted the squirrel chatting with a black crow whose black feathers stood out against the white robe she wore. It appeared Charles was here to support a friend as well. Angela looked around at the other contestants and saw a wide range of girls.

Her curiosity was piqued after she saw Charles talking to the crow, and she briefly wondered if that was who he was currently seeing. After a few moments, she did not see the squirrel again. Angela briefly felt a moment of panic and stood up, wondering if the fellow had left already. Then she reminded herself that she had only spoken to him for a few seconds, and he was no more than a passing stranger. She sat down shaking her head and wondered how the night could get any stranger.

Brittany and Becky returned after another minute. Becky looked pleased and snuggled with Brittany as they discussed her performance. The rat turned to Angela and asked how she liked the show so far.

"Definitely something new, I had no idea you two did this kind of stuff."

"Well, this is the first time we've actually been participants," said Brittany. "But we certainly like the girls. Wait till you see some of them coming up."

Candice stood before the audience again. "Okay everyone, find your seats again. Let's keep the party going and bring up the first contestant for the Medium category. Katrin you get to start round two!" The lights dimmed again and the audience applauded for a young black wolf as she came on stage. She stood at 5'6" and had golden eyes.

Katrin selected a bright pink feline modeled dildo as her toy of choice, which was about ten inches long. She got ready to go and the music started with a lively tune. The wolf immediately began hopping around on stage and squeezing her breasts. She humped the stage as she sucked the fake cock. With the dildo still in her muzzle, she plunged two fingers into her spread pink pussy. When she thought she was wet enough, Katrin grasped the feline penis and worked it into her snatch with quick thrusts. She took the entire length after only a moment and twitched and jerked with pleasure on the stage. The wolf seemed to ignore the crowd as she worked the phallus in her cunt. She moaned loudly and her tongue poked out of her muzzle.

Another moment went by as she panted heavily, and concentrated on humping the feline cock. Her body tensed up and she cried out in pleasure just as the bell rang. A few seconds passed as she got up off the stage. She slowly licked the wet dildo and winked significantly at Brent just before she exited the stage. The crowd cheered and laughed.

Candice called the next girl up. "Amelia, come on up here and show what you got!"

This time a 5'4" cougar walked up the stairs. The tip of her thick tail flicked back and forth under the edge of her robe as she took a few seconds to select a toy. She decided on a shiny golden vibrator studded in little nubs about eight inches long. Again the music started and the fem cougar started doing a strip. In no time she was nude and swayed her hips, lashing her thick tail around and around.

Then she sank down to her knees and squeezed the vibrator between her ample breasts. Her green eyes flashed as she licked the vibrator poking out of her cleavage. Sliding back on the floor she spread her legs and eased the vibrator into her waiting pussy. Amelia growled softly every time the gold shaft went in, and quickly her growls became snarls. She picked up the pace and added a few nipple tugs to the mix.

The cougar left the golden toy buried in her sex and bucked her hips as she hit her climax. She lay there purring in the afterglow for a moment, and extracted the toy slowly just as her time ran out. Amelia stood and bowed before grabbing her robe and exiting the stage. The audience clapped enthusiastically for her.

Candice announced the next person. "Sandra, please come to the stage!" Everyone could not help the murmur that went through the crowd as a lithe iguana came up. She stood 5'7" and her scales almost sparkled under the stage lights. She selected one of the larger toys on the table, a black canine shaped dildo complete with knot about eleven inches long. The music started and Sandra began her show.

She quickly let the robe fall down to the base of her thick tail. Since she was an iguana she did not have any breasts, but her body was well toned and defined. Her dance was fluid and sensual. She posed in various positions as her long pink tongue wrapped around the black cock in her slim fingers. She lay on her side and hugged one of her legs up, effectively doing a half split. With her free hand she plunged the dildo into her visibly wet slit.

Sandra tossed her head back and hissed in pleasure. In just a few seconds, she had the cock buried up to the knot and was slowly working it in and out. As her pace built up she grew even wetter and a trickle of juice ran down the base of her tail. When she got close enough to climax, she let go of her leg and used both hands to shove the knot at the base of the dildo all the way in. It made a wet squish as it lodged in place and the iguana groaned and quivered as her climax crashed over her.

She twitched and jerked for several seconds on the stage floor. She sat up and made a show of tugging on the knot several times before it popped out. A small gush of liquid splashed out as the cock came free. The iguana sucked on the cock with a seductive grin as her bell rang. She stood and gathered her robe before departing the stage. The crowd cheered her on even as an assistant came out to clear up the puddle she left.

Candice called out for the next contestant. "Brittany, you're the next one up!"

Brittany hugged Becky and said, "My turn," before she ran up to the stage. The husky flashed a smile over her shoulder before she reached down and grabbed a bright red rubber penis. This one was similar to the blue toy she had at home but was about twelve inches long. It was flexible and flopped around in her hand as she skipped over to the center of the stage. Candice cued the music and the husky was off.

She quickly flicked the robe around and used it as a prop before tossing off to one side of the stage. Then the husky played with the rubbery cock bumping and smacking it against her plump breasts. She did a dance like she was at a strip bar, rocking her hips and suggestively flashing her snatch to the audience.

Brittany took a wide stance and bent over holding the dildo in her muzzle. She rubbed her pussy a few times and made a show of inserting first one, then two, then three fingers. The husky pulled out her fingers and made a show of licking them clean. Then she quickly squatted down and rolled onto her back. With little hesitation she buried the red cock in her pussy. She thrust the flexible dildo in quickly and pulled it out slowly. In just a moment she had taken the entire length and Becky's shout could be heard above the music, "You go girl!"

Brittany threw back her head and began humping the cock in quick thrusts, letting a loud series of 'ohs' escape her muzzle. In no time, she was squealing with delight as her first orgasm hit. But the husky did not stop there. She quickly got to all fours and resumed her pace of fucking the rubbery cock. Another squeal started in her throat and she rubbed her clit furiously. The bell rang out, but Brittany was too far gone and continued shoving the toy in and out. A few seconds later she screamed out as another orgasm hit.

The crowd cheered and it took a few seconds for the husky to stand up, though she was a little wobbly on her feet. She waved and flashed a big grin before gathering her things and moving off stage. Becky cheered loudly for her friend and lover. When the husky went to the side area the rat slipped past Angela.

"I'm going to check on her, I'll be back in a few." Angela nodded as she made her way down the aisle and disappeared into the curtained area.

Candice went down the list. "Rachel please come to the stage!"

Angela's attention was immediately drawn to the sleek raven that walked onto the stage. This was the girl Charles had talked to and she was curious to see how this contestant stacked up against the rest. The raven was about 5'10" and had a long black beak. She quickly selected a modest ten inch smooth white vibrator and began her dance when the music started.

Rachel must have been some kind of dancer with the way she twirled and swung her arms and legs. She did not have any wings, but her feathers were prominent down her back, ending in a wide fan of tail feathers. She flicked her tail from side to side and though her sex was not very prominent she still danced seductively. It was an interesting show as the white vibrator disappeared into the black down of her feathers.

Rachel alternated between thrusting the dildo in and out and dancing and twirling around. All in all it was a great show, but not all that memorable as she spent more time dancing than she did working with the toy. The music ended a few moments later and the raven took a bow before putting her robe back on. The crowd cheered long enough for her to leave the stage.

Surprisingly, Angela had the thought that she might like to see Rachel perform again when she was not trying to have sex on stage. She imagined that the sleek raven would probably be even more alluring. Candice called up the next girl. "Last but not least, Jasmine you're next!"

The last contestant walked up. She was a white furred, busty, flop eared hare. She had striking blue eyes and a slim figure standing at 5'3". The hare flashed the crowd a smile before she picked up her toy of choice. It was a horse modeled dildo twelve inches long, and in fact was the largest one on the table. She made a show of displaying the size of the toy's girth.

Jasmine took her place at the center of the stage and the music started. Her ears swished around as she bobbed her head to the music, slowly disrobing. She turned around and flicked her fluffy tail, smacking her rump in time to the music. Jasmine wasted no time and got down to her knees and spent several seconds in a display of cock worship. She gripped the shaft and swirled her tongue around the head of the dildo, barely able to pop the head into her mouth. The hare sucked on the big cock for a few seconds before she picked it up between her breasts. She squeezed her boobs together around the long shaft while still sucking on the horse meat.

She slid down to the floor on her back and made a show of spreading her muscular thighs before she spread her pink pussy. She moaned and bucked her hips and it was clear to see that she was already wet. Without much ceremony, she took the horse cock in both hands and worked the head into her slit. It made a wet squelch as the first few inches sank into her snatch.

Jasmine worked the cock into her, sinking more of the length with every thrust. When she had about eight inches in, she rolled over to squat on her feet and spread her legs wide. She bobbed up and down keeping her hands on her thighs to steady her balance. In a moment she had sunk down to take the entire length and licked her lips seductively. Everyone could see she was looking right at Richard, and it did not take much to know she was imagining it was him she was riding.

The hare continued to pound away at the cock and she bobbed up and down vigorously trying to reach her climax. With only a few seconds to go, she thrust out her pelvis and reached down to finger her clit. As she hit her orgasm she cried out in pleasure and her pussy contracted hard enough to spit the entire length of the horse cock out. The bell rang just a few seconds later as the hare came down from her high.

She put on her robe as the crowd cheered. Jasmine bent down and picked up the cock, held it in both hands and planted a kiss on the tip of the head. She did this all while staring directly at Richard. The crowd laughed as she sauntered off stage. Candice again stood up and encouraged everyone to take a quick break before the next round started.

Becky and Brittany darted from group to group to give praise or accept compliments. Angela watched as the pair gave a group hug to the hare that just performed a few minutes ago. The hyena stood for a moment to get some circulation in her legs. While she looked around at the mingling performers, Candice came up to her.

"What do you think so far? A lot of lovely ladies this evening."

Angela turned with a smile and replied, "Yes, it's been quite a show. You say you do this on a regular basis? Are there always this many contestants?"

The older bear shook her head, "Nah, only when there is a big enough prize. Usually I just play host to contractors. You know, the people that come through to teach a pole dancing class, or how to give a better blow job, stuff like that." She laughed at Angela's surprised expression. Candice gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Lighten up sweetie; it's all in good fun."

The bear leaned closer and lowered her voice. "Speaking of which, I heard you had a little encounter in the book section earlier."

Angela reflexively glanced over to where Charles stood talking to Rachel on the other side of the seats. "Yeah," she said distractedly, "it was no big deal."

Candice grinned and spied the squirrel the hyena looked at. "Ah I see. He's definitely a cutie. That huge bushy tail just makes you want to hug him."

Angela smiled and muttered dreamily, "Yeah I know what you mean."

The bear giggled and Angela snapped out of her distraction. "I mean, I guess so. I only spoke with Charles for just a second. I'm not even sure..." The hyena blushed and looked at her feet.

Candice wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a quick hug. "Hey, don't sweat it. If he is into you, he'll let you know. As a matter of fact, he's coming this way." Angela glanced across the room and saw that the bear spoke the truth. The squirrel was making his way over to her side of the seats.

Candice leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Come see me before you leave when everything gets wrapped up. I have something for you." With that she winked at the hyena and waved to the approaching squirrel. "Well hello there," she said enthusiastically.

Charles walked up to the pair and nodded his head, "Hello in return! That was quite a performance you gave to start the evening off. Top marks!"

"Oh, I love a man with an accent," the bear said in appreciation. "Stick around sugar; we still have more to come. I need to make the rounds before we get started again."

"Nice to make your acquaintance," Charles said as Candice left the two alone. The squirrel turned back to Angela and smiled. "Hello again," he said lightly.

Angela returned the smile and said, "Hello." She shifted around on her feet not quite knowing what to say. She felt a bit self-conscious standing nearly a head taller than the squirrel.

"So, are you here with anyone?" Charles asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Brittany and Becky are my roommates. I brought them here and came along for support."

Charles seemed lost in thought for a moment. "Oh, right. Both lovely ladies. They seemed pretty enthusiastic." It was clear to Angela that Charles was trying to be polite, and likely did not know who she referred to. She smiled at the thought, recognizing that Charles was going out of his way to talk to her when there were so many other females around.

Angela turned the question back to him. "How about you? I noticed you talking to that raven earlier."

"Oh yes, well" Charles said quickly and laughed nervously. "Rachel is my downstairs neighbor. She lives by herself, but didn't want to go out and about alone. She asked if I would be her escort to discourage unwanted people from pestering her. Especially after she explained what this little performance entailed." He pushed up his spectacles and was a bit distracted as he tried to convey the right impression. "I'm not usually one to seek these kinds of shows out, but I wanted to help a friend, and she is a professional dancer so this kind of thing is normal for her, and she somewhat insisted that I come along even though I would have been perfectly happy to stay in with a good movie..."

Angela giggled as the squirrel chattered on and on, only stopping to take a breath. She felt somewhat relieved that he seemed as nervous as she felt. The hyena put a hand on his arm before he could launch into another tangent. "Charles, would you like to sit with me for the rest of the show?"

This statement was enough to render the squirrel speechless for a moment. "Oh, well, of course, I'd be delighted," he finally replied.

"Okay," she said with a smile and motioned for them to find a couple of seats further in the back. Just then the lights dimmed and Candice addressed the crowd.

"Alright! Last category of the night. Let's give our next girl a big round of applause. Josephine, please come to the stage!"

The first lady up was a shapely palomino mare. She had a mottled brown and white fur pattern and stood about 6'10". The table of toys had now been replaced with the largest selection, both in size and variety. The mare selected a full sized stallion cock complete with balls about eighteen inches long. She nodded her readiness and the music started.

The fem horse rocked her hips side to side and quickly flung off her robe. Her breasts bounced and she tweaked her nipples briefly. Her mound was full and covered in a patch of thick brown fur. She made a show of bending over and grabbing her rump. When she swished her tail to the side, she winked her pussy a few times letting her hooded clit jut out.

While the mare gave the crowd a few winks, she also sucked on all four of her fingers. When she turned around she took a wide stance and easily slipped all four fingers into her pussy. She moaned loudly as she worked her fingers in and out of her wet slit. It only took a few seconds before she was pushing her whole hand into her pussy, much to the delight of the crowd.

After a moment of self-fisting, the mare sat down on the stage and used her slickened hand to lube up the large horse cock. When the dildo was wet, she guided it to her waiting folds and sunk the shaft halfway in with a single thrust. She set up a rhythm of fucking the cock with one hand and squeezing her breasts with the other.

About a minute later she had the horse meat in her pussy balls deep and continued to grind against the base. Her large labia were wet and rubbery and every time she thrust the tool in it made a wet squelch. On one of the thrusts she left the cock buried all the way and used her hands to tweak her nipples. She squeezed her cunt and her clit poked out around the large cock.

The mare did not quite reach her climax as the bell rang, but she took a few seconds to pull out the long dick. She wrapped up in her robe and shuffled off stage amid the applause of the crowd.

Charles muttered into the back of his hand at Angela. "Blimey, that was impressive! Nothing like a fake horse penis to make a guy feel inadequate, eh?" Angela giggled at his remark.

Candice announced the next person in line. "Now it's time for Daniela!"

Daniela was a chubby hippopotamus standing 6'4". Her cheeks were rosy and a smile split her cavernous mouth. She jiggled as she wiggled her hips trying to decide on which toy to pick. She finally chose a large, thick molded cock. It was only about twelve inches long but it was easily twice as thick as the previous toys chosen. Without ceremony, Daniela slipped off her robe even before the music began.

When the beats came up to full volume, she had already lifted her humongous tits and slurped her large areolas to her mouth. She jiggled her enormous cleavage and turned around. With the music going she wiggled her hips and let her chubby booty bounce around. She flicked her short but thick tail between her ass cheeks and across her puffy mound.

The hippo sat down and spent a moment taking the entire chubby dildo into her mouth. She sucked it like a lollipop and pulled it out, leaving it coated and wet. She set it aside for just a second to use both hands to spread open her luscious folds. Her pink pussy squeezed and contracted, showing a gaping hole. Even before she picked up the toy, it looked like she could easily take its size.

Daniela grabbed the toy and guided the tip home. She wiggled her pelvis around as the giant dildo spread her opening further and further. As she jerked and wiggled, she sank inch after inch into her wet sex. Soon there was nothing but the base poking out, amazing everyone with the sheer size she had been stretched to.

The hippo gasped in pleasure and was clearing enjoying being so full. She writhed around on the floor and ground her hands against the giant toy. She groaned and pulled the folds of her sex apart. While she was gyrating on the floor, she continually flicked a finger across the pink button of her clit. It only took a moment for her to reach climax between the stimulation and the size of the cock. She cried out in pleasure and wiggled with delight.

As the clock wound down, she extracted the monster dildo from her pussy and was getting back to her feet as the bell rang. The crowd cheered her on as she took a bow, and then donned her robe. She shuffled off the stage after a few waves to the audience.

Candice waited a moment for the crowd to settle in and called the next girl up. "Christine, it's showtime!"

This time a white tiger standing about 6'10" walked up. Her black stripes stood in high contrast to her white fur. She approached the table and picked up a large feline shaped dildo about twelve inches long. The tip of the cock was studded with little spines similar to a real feline's cock.

When the music began, Christine started slow and disrobed in a teasing manner. She ran her hands all over her body and along her tail, never staying in one spot for more than a second. She pulled her tail aside and flashed the audience with her pink sex buried in a patch of snow white fur. She only took the briefest moment to lick the dildo before she went down to all fours and crammed the toy into her sex.

She quickly thrust the toy in and out of her and came quickly. After the tiger panted for a few seconds, she immediately began the pace again. She growled out loudly as the tip of the feline cock teased her opening but was never fully pulled out. She quickly and rapidly fucked the dildo and came a second time, then a third time, and amazingly a fourth time in only the span of a minute. Each climax was heralded by a loud growling roar. By the time she was about to hit her fifth climax the crowd cheered her on. The bell rang just as she climaxed for the last time and she collapsed to the stage for a minute panting hard.

One of the assistants had to come up and help Christine to her feet, and the crowd cheered her off the stage. Just as the tiger disappeared Candice called out for the last contestant. "Zinni, time to go for it!"

The last lady to hit the stage was a 5'11" zebra. She walked up and selected a realistic life sized stallion dildo complete with medial ring and balls about eighteen inches long. She stood in the middle of the stage and let her robe slip off her shoulders and pool at her feet just as the music began. The zebra's hips gyrated and her shoulders swayed in a sexy dance, and she squeezed her ample breasts all the while. She tugged at her large black nipples and reached down to rub at her puffy labia. She squeezed her finger around her pronounced clit, and everyone could see the shining ring piercing the large nub.

Like the mare earlier, Zinni had no difficulty slipping four of her fingers into her glistening snatch. The zebra spent a moment slipping in three fingers from each hand and spreading her waiting pink folds. She stood up for a second and carefully balanced the cock on the stage so that it stood erect. Then with her hands pulling her vagina open, she sunk down on the shaft slowly and deliberately.

She did not rise until a full twelve inches had disappeared. Then she pulled almost all the way out before squatting down on the shaft again. This time she almost when down to the balls of the false cock, easily slipping past the medial ring. With a final squat, Zinni buried the horse cock in her quivering pussy. She moaned out loudly and shook her mane.

The zebra squeezed her breasts and tweaked her nipples as she continued to ride the long cock. The whole while her rubbery black pussy squelched and clenched around the shaft. Pussy juice ran freely down the horse meat and made a pool beneath her. Every few seconds she reached down to tug on her clit ring and elicit a cry of pleasure.

The crowd cheered her on even as the bell rang. Zinni did not quite reach her climax, but she quickly stood up on her feet and flashed the crowd a winning smile. Everyone took notice that she had not bothered to pull out the long cock from her pussy, and she sauntered off stage without putting her robe on. The audience cheered even harder at this display.

Candice stood up again and addressed the audience. "Thank you so much contestants! Give us a few minutes to tally up the scores. That'll give everyone a chance to recover from the show."

The three judges conversed in low tones at their table as they decided the winners. In the meantime, all the girls were grouped together making their own wagers. Brittany was off to one side talking with Katrin while Becky was off speaking with Alexis.

Charles nudged Angela to get her attention. "I know you're rooting for your friends, but who do you think'll be the big winner?"

Angela scrunched her eyebrows together. "Hm, I'm not sure. They'll were quite talented, since I'm sure I couldn't do any of that." She waved a hand dismissively, "Besides, I can't compete with those good looks and perfectly shaped bodies."

Charles sat up in his seat and turned to her. "That's rubbish! You're quite lovely. I'm sure you'd get my vote if it were you up there."

Angela blushed and looked down at her lap. "Oh stop it. That's kind of you to say."

"Just calling it like I see it," he replied with a grin. "Now for all these lovely girls, I might be a bit biased. I've seen Rachel dance before." At Angela's raised eyebrows Charles amended quickly, "Er...but not in this kind of setting."

Angela agreed, "Yes, she's a lovely dancer." The conversation took a pause as the two contemplated the events of the night. Charles looked like he was about to say something more but Candice walked up on stage.

"Okay everyone, let's settle down. I'd like to ask all the contestants to come up here on stage with me. Come on girls!" She waved all the contestants down and the audience cheered.

Once all the contestants stood lined up in no particular order, Candice held up her hands. "Now the moment we've been waiting for. First, one more time let's give a round of applause for all the beautiful women who were confident enough to put on a show for us this evening." The crowd cheered enthusiastically for a moment.

"Let's get down to business then," Candice said as everyone got quiet. "In the category of Small we had: Alexis, Janet, Becky and Melissa. The winner is," Candice paused for effect, "Janet! Congratulations."

The skunk was immediately enveloped in a hug from the nearby contestants and she jumped up and down with excitement. She was escorted to the front of the stage by both of the men, and each of them gave her a hug and a kiss before stepping back.

"In the next category of Medium we had: Katrin, Amelia, Sandra, Brittany, Rachel and Jasmine. The winner is...Jasmine! Congratulations."

Just like Janet, the hare was given hugs by several of the girls. Jasmine was then escorted up to the front by Brent and Richard. She accepted the hug and kiss from Brent, but when it was Richard's turn she jumped up and clung around his neck for a moment. The crowd laughed at her antics and Richard played along by bending down and giving her a passionate kiss. He twirled her around and left her standing there as he backed away. The two winners hugged each other and waited for the last announcement.

Candice grinned and waited for it to get quiet again. "And now for the last group, it's the Large category. In this one we had: Josephine, Daniela, Christine and Zinni. The winner is...Zinni! Congratulations."

The zebra stood in shock and clutched her hands to her mouth. The rest of the remaining girls all crowded around and gave their hugs and congratulations. Again the two men escorted her to the front of the stage, each giving a hug and kiss. She hugged each of the other winners as they stood in a clump.

Candice waved for quiet once more. "Each of you will receive a $100 gift certificate for winning your category, but now we have the big prize. One of you lucky ladies will be chosen for the grand prize of a $500 gift certificate." She paused for a moment to let the suspense build. Each of the winners held hands waiting.

"It was a tough decision but the judges have picked Zinni as the grand prize winner!" The crowd erupted in applause and Zinni broke down crying in joy. She hugged her fellow competitors and eventually ended up standing next to Candice. Everyone cheered and there was a bit of chaos as all the girls on stage congratulated each other. The men gave out hugs and kisses as everyone talked at once.

Candice waved her hands and eventually got everyone under control again. "Whew! You'd think everyone would have forgotten about the raffle?" At the mention of the raffle, the two men strode up to either side of Candice grinning. The girls all crowded around waiting to see who the lucky winners would be.

Candice tugged Brent close to her and shouted, "First up is the lucky winner of a date with Stripes here." The bear reached her hand down the front of Brent's thong and rummaged about for a few seconds. The tiger grinned and all the girls whooped and yelled. Finally, Candice pulled out a ticket. "Brittany, you get to have a night with Stripes!"

The husky screamed in excitement and jumped up and down clapping. She nervously went over to stand next to the tall tiger. He bowed to her and held out his arm for her to take. She immediately latched onto him and squealed in delight.

The crowd cheered and laughed and waited for Candice to pull the same trick with Richard. She did not disappoint and yelled out, "Now to see who gets the Stud." The bear plunged her hand into the horse's thong and felt around. After several seconds and a comical expression on Richard's face, she pulled out another ticket. "Daniela gets the Stud!" Everyone broke out cheering and the hippo practically ran up to the tall horse. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a passionate kiss. When he finally broke away she fanned herself with a hand and fluttered her eyes at him. He put an arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

"As an added bonus girls, we're giving you the toy you used during the show. Think of it as a parting gift." All the contestants cheered with excitement. "That's all folks!" Candice called out. "The shop will still be open for a while longer, but we are officially closed for the night. Thanks for coming and hope to see you soon!"

Angela and Charles walked out of the showroom back into the retail store together. They chatted about the winners and what they each thought about the outcome. As they stood to one side and waited for their respective friends, Charles turned to the hyena.

"Angela, I know this is probably a strange setting to get to know someone. I was wondering if you'd be interested in getting dinner some time."

She turned and smiled at the squirrel. "That sounds great, Charles. How about Saturday night? I know this great steak place downtown."

"Sure that sounds like just the ticket. Should I call you? When would you like me to pick you up?"

Angela shuffled through the small purse she carried with her and pulled out a business card. "I'll give you my number, but I think we should just meet there. It may be easier since we don't know where each other lives."

"Ah, got it," Charles said and accepted the card. "Very well then, I'll give you a call tomorrow evening to arrange the time and get the address." Before he could continue his conversation, Rachel walked up to the pair.

"Bonsoir Charles! Who eez this?" she asked in a light French accent.

"Ah, hello there Rachel. This is Angela."

The two ladies shook hands briefly and Angela said, "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," the raven said. "I assume you are 'ere with friends, no?"

"Yeah," the hyena replied. "I came with Becky and Brittany."

"Ah," Rachel's expression brightened. "They are both very cute." The raven turned to Charles and said, "I'm ready to go when you are."

The squirrel gave a tiny shrug to Angela in apology. "Well, time to get this raven beauty home." Rachel laughed and swatted him on the shoulder playfully. "I'll call you tomorrow Angela. Until then, good night!" He bowed slightly and smiled warmly at her.

"Au revoir, Angela," Rachel said and walked out the door with Charles by her side.

"'Bye," she said and waved. Brittany walked up just as she turned back around.

"Hey roomy, how did it go? Wasn't Rachel so pretty? I wonder how she keeps all her feathers so sleek." The husky positively bounced on her heels, and Angela giggled at her barely contained energy. "Did you see Brent? Becky's talking to him right now, want to come say hi?"

Angela barely got out an "Okay," before Brittany grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the tall tiger. As she walked up, Brent turned to her and smiled winningly.

"Who's your friend, Britt?" he asked in a deep masculine voice. Angela felt her heart flutter for a second, overcome with the handsome good looks of the sculpted tiger.

She cleared her throat and stuck out her hand. "I'm Angela."

Brent grasped her hand firmly but gently giving a hint that his muscles were not just show. He bent down and planted a kiss on the back of her hand. "Pleased to meet you, Angela." The hyena blushed again at the scrutiny, but Becky broke in on the conversation.

"Brittany won an evening with this stud muffin, but I managed to talk them into letting me tag along as well. Ain't that right fluffy wuffy?" Becky jumped into Brittany's arms and wrapped her legs around the husky's waist.

"Of course, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun without you." The husky and rat rubbed noses for a few seconds. Brent laughed at the two and bent down unexpectedly. He picked up Brittany, who still had Becky attached to her, and hugged the husky effectively trapping the rat between them.

"The more the merrier, right," Brent said. All three of them laughed. Since the trio was busy entertaining themselves, Angela broke away and wandered out of the mingling crowd. She noticed Candice down at the end section of counters talking to one of the contestants. As she made her way over, she saw that the kangaroo rat Alexis spoke with the bear.

"Trust me, just give this a read," Candice said. "It will do wonders for your stamina."

"Thanks, Candy," Alexis said. The kanga rat turned with a grin and walked back to towards the door.

Candice bent down to pull the door under the counter closed and was pleased to see Angela standing there when she stood up. "Hello again, Angela. I see I must have roused your curiosity."

The hyena smiled and came closer to the counter. "Maybe a little bit. You said you had something you wanted to give me?"

"Definitely," the bear said. She again bent down to pull something from under the counter. She plunked a small book down on the counter. "I wanted to give you this. It is written especially for female hyenas. Not everything calls for sheer size and power."

Angela picked up the book and looked at the back cover. There was a middle aged hyena on the back and a short synopsis of the book. It explained the different topics about female hyena sexuality and separating fact from fiction. It also described techniques for how to achieve the most out of a sexual encounter with various types of species. Angela looked up to see Candice grinning at her. "Wow, I had no idea there were these kinds of books. Thank you so much."

"My pleasure," Candice replied. "I take it you've not always had a pleasant encounter with the boys, but never said anything cause you figured it was your fault, right?"

Angela blushed a bit but nodded her head in silence. Candice patted her shoulder, "Well, all that ends with this book. I keep a selection of specialty titles in case I get a customer like you that is a little out of the ordinary. Every woman deserves to have a fun and pleasurable time in bed."

The two women talked for a few more minutes about some of the more exotic customers Candice had consulted. The store was nearly empty by the time Brent and the other two girls came up to the counter.

"Well hey there Stripes. Looking forward to your date with Brittany here?" Candice asked.

"Yes indeed. I'm actually going to entertain both of these lovely ladies Saturday evening. We'll go out for a bite, and then go back to my place for some fun."

Angela laughed as the husky and rat clung to the handsome beefcake. "They are kind of a package deal huh?" Everyone laughed.

Brittany and Becky said their goodbyes to Brent who promised to pick them up Saturday afternoon, and all the girls gave hugs to Candice before they left the shop.

Angela did not mention the book, and she kept it tucked away in her little purse. The car ride home was full of conversation about the competition and wondering how big it will be the next year it occurs. Angela was a little distracted wondering how her upcoming date would turn out. The trio managed to get home and into bed before midnight. Angela hoped that the next day at work passed swiftly, and she drifted off to sleep dreaming of beautiful girls doing sensual dances.


Another Friday morning started the same as any other. Angela got up and fixed a plate of bacon, toast and orange juice. As she got ready to leave, Becky emerged from her bedroom completely nude. The rat barely opened her eyes as she entered the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker.

Angela waved at her and said, "See you tonight."

Becky yawned and made her way back to the bedroom, letting her tail drag along the floor. "Seeya," she replied.

The hyena smiled and shook her head, wondering how late the two roommates stayed up last night celebrating Brittany's surprise reward. Angela closed the front door behind her and made the commute to work.

The day passed rather slowly for her since she was already caught up on the usual paperwork. This left her plenty of downtime in which she consulted her new book. The guide was more like a reference manual than anything, loaded full of useful tips and suggestions for female hyenas. Everything from how to stimulate her genitals to how to use her muscles to help with copulation. She found a quick and easy exercise and tried it out during one of her breaks.

Angela went to one of the less used bathrooms on her floor and took a stall at the end of the row. She waited until everyone else had left. The hyena sat on the toilet and pulled out her little book. She read the description of the exercise for the tenth time, and pulled down her panties to look at her crotch while she tried it out.

Basically, it told the reader that by contracting a certain set of muscles, her elongated clitoris would scrunch up and allow easier passage of a male's penis. She had to concentrate to get it to work the first couple of times. She was amazed at how effective it was. By squeezing in the right place, her flaccid clit seemed to bunch up and shrink into her crotch. If she squeezed even harder, the opening of her pseudo-penis enlarged and she could easily fit a finger maybe even two into her vagina.

Angela wondered how she had never learned this trick before now. At 28 years old, she was not a virgin but had never considered any of her sexual encounters enjoyable. At most it was uncomfortable and usually awkward with the male she happened to be with. After a while, she gave up trying and resorted to masturbation to ease her sexual frustrations.

She sat in the stall for several more minutes and practiced the exercise. At first she could only hold the contraction for a few seconds before she grew tired. But after 15 minutes, she found that she could clench the muscles for a good 30 seconds. Satisfied with her progress, she went back to her desk and frequently practiced squeezing her pelvic muscles. By the time she left work, she felt like she had been at the gym the entire afternoon.

Back at home, Angela found the roommates curled up on the couch watching an action movie. The pair had each other's hands down their partner's pants and giggled as the hyena walked by with a smile. "You two have developed a bit of an exhibitionism streak huh?"

The pair giggled again and was soon distracted by each other's fondling. Angela quickly fixed a meal and retired to her bedroom to pour over the book some more. Her reading was briefly interrupted when Charles called her. She confirmed the time of 7pm and gave him the address of the restaurant. She spent the rest of the evening looking at diagrams and reading descriptions as she lay on her bed and examined herself. She had not felt this much self-discovery since she was a teenager.

The following morning Angela awoke feeling hungry. Not surprisingly, her clit stood erect as she rolled onto her back. Ever since she was a little girl she slept in the nude. She grinned and had a thought that males weren't the only ones who had morning wood. But this situation gave her an idea.

Using the same exercise as yesterday, she tried squeezing her pelvic muscles to see what effect it would have. At first nothing happened and her clit felt just as stiff as ever. But the longer she squeezed, the softer her clit became. Eventually, the organ grew soft and even retracted slightly. She called that good progress and got up. Tossing a gown on, she made her way to the bathroom first and then the kitchen.

She fixed a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast and an apple, in addition to the tall glass of orange juice. As she finished her meal, both of the other girls came in. They said their greetings and launched right into what they should do to get ready for their respective dates.

Brittany, never one to turn down a trip to the mall, suggested that they go shopping for outfits. Angela initially dismissed the offer, but changed her mind at the insistence of the girls. The trio took no time at all to get ready and made their way to the local shopping center. Brittany and Becky dragged the hyena to all manner of shops, looking for just the right clothing or pair of shoes.

Angela had digitigrade feet, and usually did not wear any shoes at all, but felt compelled to find a pair to match her yet to be completed ensemble. They finally found something Angela liked. It was a simple pair of round flat sandals that seemed to fit her foot pads just right. The shoes got approval from both the other girls, as well as the store clerk, so Angela went ahead and bought them.

It took several more stores before the hyena found something that she liked and fit her comfortably. Since she did not have to worry about a bra or finding something that fit her chest, she was more open to the different styles available. She settled on something conservative in a cotton top that had an open neck line. When she tried it on, she admired the way it allowed the rift of fur in the center of her chest to fluff out above the opening. The back was loose but not baggy, and she really liked the way it contrasted her golden brown fur.

Angela accompanied the rat and husky to several more stores. They each had much easier times finding clothing they liked, and picked out at least two outfits each. Since they could not decide what they would wear for Brent's date, they decided that they would bring extra clothes in case he took them out somewhere after their dinner. Of course, they did not mention the lingerie they both were planning to take on their outing.

The hyena trailed behind the other girls as they passed a shop window. Suddenly, one of the outfits caught her attention. Angela called the pair over and pointed out the close fitting black caprice jeans. "What do you think of these," she asked hopefully.

"There's no way to tell until you try them on," Becky said.

"Totally," Brittany agreed, and the three went in.

Angela emerged from the fitting room uncertain about the jeans. They fit well enough, but the clasp that went around the base of her tail was a bit snug. She turned for the girls and looked at the surround mirrors eyeing the way the jeans accentuated the curve of her hips.

Brittany gave her the thumbs up. "I think they look nice. They give your butt a nice curve, and still let you show a little leg."

Angela looked down at where the cuffs of the jeans ended just before they reached her ankle. That still left her long feet open and exposed, and she admitted that it looked nice.

Becky also chimed in. "Yeah, you do look good in those. Here, go put your top on as well."

At the prompt she disappeared into the change room again. When she came out she looked at her whole outfit and had to admit that for once in her life she looked sexy. She smiled at the hyena in the mirror that grinned back.

The girls stopped by one of the body shops before calling their shopping spree a success. Angela picked up a scented foaming body wash labeled 'Fruit Passion' since it smelled so wonderful. Brittany grabbed some scented oils and Becky picked up some lotion for her tail, hands and feet.

The roommates left Angela alone for the rest of the afternoon as they prepared for their evening out. The hyena felt full of nervous energy and decided to clean up the house. She figured that she wanted to be prepared, just in case. Not that she was expecting anything more than a nice dinner, but she was always the type to try and be ready for any situation.

A couple of hours later, she just finished wiping down the kitchen counter when the roommates emerged from the bedroom. They strolled past done up in their outfits. She quickly put away the cleaning supplies and went out to say bye in the living room.

"My, don't you two look nice," she said.

Becky grinned and held out her phone to Angela. "Would you mind taking a few pictures? I want to record this for my blog."

"Of course," she replied and spent several minutes taking pictures as the pair posed for her.

"Time to go," Brittany said as Becky grabbed the overnight bag. "I'm not sure how late we'll be out. Don't wait up."

"Okay, have a good time, and be safe," Angela said waiting at the door as the two dashed off to Brittany's car.

"You too!" Becky called over her shoulder. The pair jumped in the car and sped off to their waiting adventure leaving the hyena with the house to herself.

Angela found herself pondering what could happen. The thought of having reign over the empty house became more appealing with time, and the hyena decided that she would offer to bring Charles back for a nightcap. At least she hoped that would happen.

The late afternoon sun cast shadows through the house and Angela decided to take a long bath. She took her time and loved scrubbing her fur with the scented soap. She smelled sweet by the time she fully rinsed. The hyena also spent some time practicing her clit exercise and could not resist playing with herself for a few moments. She stopped before she got too worked up. For the first time in a long time, she looked forward to getting intimate.

When Angela finished toweling off she inhaled deeply, pleased with the sweet scent that clung to her fur. She took her time brushing out her coat and spent a few extra minutes on the longer fur of her tail. Satisfied with her looks, she padded into her bedroom to slip on her new outfit. When she was all dressed she looked at her reflection in the full length mirror.

"Too bad there's not anyone to take my picture," she mused to her reflection. She was almost ready to go a few minutes later. Before she walked out of her room she looked at her rumpled bed, and decided to quickly straighten the sheets. She hoped that would be good enough.

Angela felt anxious as she departed the house and headed to the restaurant. It was a local steak house offering all varieties of meat along with a large salad bar. She could not recall when exactly she discovered the medium sized restaurant, but it had immediately become a favorite.

When the hyena pulled into the parking lot, she noticed the place was pretty busy. She frowned and hoped they could get a table, since she had forgotten to make a reservation. As she walked to the entrance, she saw Charles standing off to the side. A smile broke out on her wide muzzle as he waved to her.

"Good evening, Angela," he called.

"Hello, Charles," she replied. "Looks like we hit the dinner rush. I better check with the host and see how long the wait is."

Before she could walk inside Charles spoke up. "No need, really. I took the liberty of putting us on the list. We should have a table in just a few minutes."

"How thoughtful of you," Angela beamed. She bent over and gave Charles a quick kiss on the cheek.

The two stood together for a moment, just taking in each other's appearance. Angela looked closely at the squirrels features. He looked roughly the same age as her, and had bright blue eyes. His ears were small but pointed and had curious little tufts of fur sticking out at the tips. Charles wore a plain blue polo shirt and comfortable looking jeans. She noticed for the first time that he also had digitigrade feet and wore no shoes.

Charles cleared his throat softly. "You look quite dashing tonight, Angela." He took a few sniffs of the air. "And is that you that smells so sweet?" She nodded with a smile. "It's lovely."

"Thank you," she replied.

"Oh, I also got you this," the squirrel said as he pulled a long stem rose out and handed it over.

"Oh, it's pretty," Angela said and took a sniff.

Just then the host called for Charles. The squirrel held out his arm for the female and gestured inside. "Shall we?" Angela took his arm and walked in.

The pair were promptly seated in a small booth and put in their drink orders. Angela selected a glass of white wine and Charles chose one of the ales from the list of microbrews. The two chatted about their jobs and found that they both had similar daily experiences.

The ice was quickly broken and just about the time the appetizers arrived the couple talked about places they lived over the last few years. Angela described how she had always lived in California, but moved around Los Angeles several times. Now she had lived in the hills of Burbank for the last 5 years, and had been roommates with Brittany and Becky for 3 years.

Charles described his flat in London. He told of the bustle of people he usually had to contend with just to get to work in the morning. Now that he lived in Los Angeles, it was cars on the freeway instead of people. He currently lived in Sherman Oaks, and had only been in California for barely a year. He was enjoying his stay so far, but admitted that he missed London.

"Might have to get back for a visit soon," he mused. "My mum still lives there you know. Do you have any siblings?" Charles paused to take a sip of his ale and have a bite of the loaded potato.

Angela took a sip of wine before she answered. "No, I was an only child. My mom died when I was pretty young."

In the pause Charles said, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thanks," she said gratefully and continued. "My dad raised me as best he could, but we had to move every couple of years for his job. When I got out of high school I went straight into college and moved out. I still talk to dad, just not very often. I've been on my own for quite a while now." She took another sip of wine and also took a bite of the appetizer. "So how about you, any brothers or sisters?"

Charles nodded saying, "Two older sisters."

Angela giggled at the face he pulled.

"You have no idea what it's like for a kid growing up being teased by sibling sisters. I love them dearly, but they sure gave me hell. Of course, each of them already has a family so now I'm Uncle Charlie when I come around."

"That sounds great," Angela smiled.

Charles laughed, "Yeah it is actually."

The main course arrived and Angela dug into her thick steak. Charles had chosen a shrimp and pasta dish. The two continued their conversation, letting it wind through all variety of topics. They discussed what their favorite movie was, the last book they read, and even their preferred music artist.

By the time dessert was finished the two felt comfortable with each other. Charles made the offer to pick up the check and Angela was gracious in her thanks. Charles walked out with Angela on his arm and he escorted her to the car.

"I had a wonderful time tonight, Angela. I hope we can do this again soon." He held up her hand and kissed the back of it.

She returned the gesture by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close for a hug. She squeezed him affectionately, and Charles hugged her back taking a deep breath of her sweet scent. The two broke the hug and stepped back.

Charles smiled and said, "I'll call you soon," and waited for her to get into the car.

Angela hesitated for a moment. Finally she worked up the courage and spoke tentatively. "Charles," she swallowed with a pause, "I hope it's not too forward of me, but would you like to come back to my place?"

Charles was quite surprised but he recovered quickly. "That sounds lovely. Should I just follow you then?"

Angela inwardly felt a wave of relief as Charles agreed. She had found a sense of anticipation growing in her ever since she arrived, and now could not wait to get Charles home alone. "Yeah, I hope I don't lose you," she grinned.

"You just try," he laughed and trotted over to his car.

Angela led the caravan back to her house. She waited at the front door for Charles to park his car and join her. The hyena unlocked the door and welcomed the squirrel inside.

"Welcome to my place," she said and waved a hand around the living room. Charles took a look around and nodded.

"Very nice. Would you mind if I used the loo?"

"Oh, sure, it's just down the hall past the kitchen."

"Thanks, be back in a tick."

Angela took a moment to light a few candles sitting around on various shelves and the coffee table. She also turned on the stereo to some soft jazz. She stood leaning against the couch for Charles to join her again.

As he walked back to the living room, Angela addressed him. "Would you care for a glass of wine?"

"Sure that sounds great."

"Okay, make yourself at home. I'll be back in a sec," she said and shuffled into the kitchen. Angela pulled out a bottle of chardonnay from the fridge, and it only took a moment for her to pop the cork and fill two wine glasses.

She came back to the living room to find Charles flipping through one of the magazines littering the table. He leaned back into the couch and looked comfortable.

Angela came around and extended one of the glasses. He took it with a smile. She held up her glass and made a quiet toast. "To new friends," she said.

"Here, here," Charles said and clinked his glass against hers. They both took a sip. The squirrel set his glass down on the table, but Angela held hers and pulled her feet under her as she sat down.

She also leaned back against the couch sinking into the cushions and looked over at Charles. He wore a pleasant grin and returned her gaze. "So," he started, "what shall we talk about?"

Angela shrugged slightly and took another sip. "I don't know; what would you like to chat about?"

"Well, to be frank I want to hear more about you. I haven't had much chance to get to know anyone here yet. All my longtime friends are still across the pond. Besides, it's ah..," Charles paused briefly and cleared his throat nervously, "it's been a while since I've spent the evening in the company of a lovely lady."

Angela grinned and looked down at her glass. "I see," she said and slowly traced a finger around the rim. "Well, since we're being honest, it's been a while for me too to have the company of a gentleman."

Charles nodded and shifted down the couch a bit closer to the female. He picked up his glass and turned to face Angela. "You can ask me anything you want."

"Okay," she said looking up. "I've been really curious, never having the chance to talk to a squirrel before. How do you sleep with that huge bushy tail?"

He chuckled and twitched the large poofy tail. "You mean this thing?" He reached around and pulled about half of his tail into his lap. "It's not so bad. It's a bit like having your very own body pillow, and it's very soft. Here feel," Charles said and grasped Angela's hand. He guided her fingers to the thick brush and her expression turned to surprise as they combed through the soft, fluffy fur.

The squirrel tittered softly when she did it again, and finally had to burst out giggling. He quickly snatched her hand to prevent her from continually combing his fur. "Ah! Sorry, it's just that it tickles so much I could barely stand it."

Angela pulled her hand away and laughed. The two took sips of wine as the conversation grew quiet again. Charles stared at the hyena for a moment and seemed to contemplate something.

She raised an eyebrow and said, "What? I can tell you want to ask me something."

He nodded and his expression grew a bit serious. "I would totally understand if you didn't want to answer..." Charles began and stopped.

Angela took a sip of wine and nodded in understanding. She completed his question and said, "...But you want to know about how I'm...different." Charles nodded slowly.

She let a small sigh escape her mouth. Before she could say anything, Charles butted in. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have imposed. I was just curious, and here I've gone and botched the mood."

Angela put her hand on his arm to silence him. "It's okay Charles it would have come up sooner or later. Actually I don't mind. At least you aren't trying to ignore the fact that I'm a female hyena, and my physiology is different. Most guys I've ever been with focus on the female part just enough to take care of their own needs." She took a bigger sip of wine and attempted to compose her thoughts.

"I can't say that I understand what you feel, but I'd like to apologize on behalf of males. We can be real arses sometimes, ya know?" This got a smile out of Angela and she squeezed the squirrel's hand.

"Thanks, I think." They both chuckled. Angela continued speaking and said, "I'm not sure what you know, but female hyenas don't have a vagina in the traditional sense. It's one of those evolutionary hold overs where the females controlled the tribe by appearing just as masculine as the males. The females of my species have an extremely long clitoris that can be nearly as large as a male's penis."

Charles stared into her eyes completely fascinated. He was struck by how much she opened up to him and how comfortable enough she was to be this vulnerable. Also, he could not tear his gaze away from her soft brown eyes. Angela continued on.

"I can't say that I've had a lot of success when it came to having sex. You can't imagine how awkward it was the first time I got naked with a boy and my junk was nearly as big as his." The hyena chuckled slightly at the remembered encounter. "We tried for an hour to figure out how to make it work, and finally gave up. I think I ended up just giving him a hand job and begged him not to tell his friends."

She sighed and looked down at her nearly empty glass. "I think this is going to take more wine," she winked at the squirrel. "Want a refill?"

"Okay," he grinned and she hopped off the couch. Angela returned a few seconds later with the rest of the bottle and divided the contents between their glasses.

"So, like I was saying, my track record is not that great. How about you? You got the looks and that cute accent. I'm sure the ladies come running, hm?"

Charles took a swig of wine and pushed up his glasses. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say that. I've had my share of partners but I guess there's just something about squirrels. I seem to attract a lot of predator species; something about wanting to dominate a guy." He flashed a smile at Angela and said quickly, "Not that I have anything against that." He took another gulp of wine wondering if he really wanted to continue the conversation he started. His tail twitched nervously.

"And you found that you were uncomfortable with your relationships," Angela prompted.

Charles nodded, "Yeah. I was more of an object to the women. They were almost always larger than me, and once things got going I was more than a little afraid at times to break it off. Like this one girl who threatened to rip me balls off and stuff 'em in me puffy cheeks if didn' do as she liked."

Angela tried to hide her snicker as she noticed Charles accent grow a bit thicker when he recalled the incident. She squeezed his hand again reassuringly. "But you survived and now you're here."

He sighed and smiled up at her. "Yes. Here with the lovely angel." The squirrel pulled her hand up to his muzzle and turned her arm over. He planted a kiss on her wrist.

The hyena ohhed softly and leaned over towards him. The pair met in the space between pressing their lips together in a soft kiss. They broke apart a heartbeat later and Angela blinked at Charles. Instinctively, they both put down their wine glasses realizing that things had moved beyond casual talk.

"That was nice, but I think it'd be nicer if you came closer," Angela said. The squirrel nodded and inched his position a bit further over.

Angela reached up and smoothed a hand over his pointy ears and bent closer for another kiss. This time their muzzles parted and the two let their tongues mingle briefly. Angela tilted her head to the side and pressed more of her mouth to the squirrels. Charles blinked and reached out to grasp her shoulders for support.

The two wrapped their arms around each other and slowly sank back on the couch. Angela pulled the squirrel back with her as she reclined and let her legs stretch out. Charles broke their kiss and began to nibble his way down her chin and neck.

Angela let out a soft gasp as he reached the crook of her neck. She fondled his ears and gave him encouragement to continue. The squirrel nipped at the base of her neck and throat and let one of his hands roam down her side. The hyena grasped his other hand and guided it to her chest.

Charles sat up for a moment and the two made eye contact. She placed his fingers over her breast and it did not take long to see her nipple poking out against the fabric of her top. The squirrel let his fingers trace around the hard nub, and Angela let a sigh escape from her. He continued his attentions and pinched the nipple between his fingers causing her to squirm a bit.

By this time her other nipple was also showing and Charles gave it the same attention. He teased and pinched both nubs, much to the delight of the hyena. She closed her eyes and arched her back slightly. Charles chuckled lightly and said, "I think you rather liked that."

"Mmhmm," she murmured. Angela smiled up at him and her hands went to his waist. She firmly untucked his shirt and her hands roamed up and down his narrow chest. His fur coat was short and soft and the squirrel grinned at her. While she fondled him, he continued to tease the hyena's hardened nipples, occasionally squeezing her breasts.

Angela's breasts were barely an A cup, but they were adequate for the squirrel's small hands. The hyena tugged at his shirt and Charles leaned close for another round of kissing.

As the two made out, their hands roamed a bit more, gently rubbing and fondling. The squirrel reached down to run his hand up her thigh, while the hyena pulled him down on top of her. After a few moments Angela gently pushed him away.

"Maybe we should take this to my room where we can get comfortable?"

Charles looked down at her. "We don't have to do this. I don't want to rush things."

She smiled at him, "I know. I want to do this, really."

The squirrel stood up off the couch and held out his hand to help her up. "Lead the way beautiful angel." She planted a kiss on his nose as she stood up. Angela grasped his hand and pulled him along towards the bedroom.

They barely walked past the door before they began kissing again. They only paused to pull off pieces of clothing. Angela tugged Charles' shirt off and let her hands roam over his chest again. Likewise, Charles slowly lifted the seam of her top up until she had to break away and hold her arms up to take it off.

The squirrel leaned over and began to suck on her hardened nipples. Angela ohhed again and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him to her chest. The two swayed and rocked as the hyena basked in his attentions. Her hands slowly moved down the squirrels back until she was squeezing his butt.

She briefly played with his tail and giggled when it caused him to squirm. Charles lifted his muzzle from her chest and smiled up at her, letting his hands move to her stomach. She flashed a toothy grin and grabbed the button of his pants.

"I think it's time to lose these."

"I couldn't agree more," he replied and tugged on her pants as well. "Let me help you with that."

They each took turns unbuttoning the others waistband. Angela pulled his fly open and pushed the pants past his hips where they fell in a heap. She giggled seeing that the squirrel wore a pair of baby blue boxers.

Charles also undid the fasteners on the front of her pants and was surprised to see that she did not wear any panties. He took a few seconds to unhook the tail latch and her pants also fell to the floor. He looked down between her legs and saw her semi-erect clitoris, and then looked up at her.

She smiled and nodded, giving him silent permission to explore. Charles knelt down and placed his hands on her hips. Angela leaned back slightly to give him a better view, and Charles moved closer. Her clit was not fully erect yet, but firm enough that it stood apart from her mound. The squirrel reached out a tentative hand and ran his fingers along its length.

Angela mmmed in a soft moan and her hands went to his ears. She gently tugged him closer and Charles got a little bolder. He took her pseudo-penis in his hand and gently squeezed. The reaction was immediate and Angela reflexively bucked her hips. He noticed that her clit grew more firm and stood tall. Again he ran his fingers down the length, and by now her clit stood straight up to its 5" height.

Charles let his other hand dip between her legs. His fingers brushed across her plump labia that were puffy and soft. They resembled a small scrotum, and as she mentioned before there was no vaginal opening. However, her sex was still sensitive and Angela squirmed and stood at a wider stance to give him more access.

The squirrel cupped his hand around her crotch and the hyena ground her mound against him. Charles squeezed his other hand around her clit shaft and Angela humped his hand involuntarily.

"Oh, Charles, that feels so good," she moaned. He smiled, happy that he could bring her pleasure. Charles leaned closer and took a tentative lick with his tongue. This elicited a startled gasp from Angela and she pressed his head into her crotch. He took a few more swipes and the female jerked her hips every time.

"Don't stop," the hyena said lustily.

Charles bent down and swirled his tongue around the base of her clit, right at the apex of her mound. Angela's legs quivered slightly and she moaned deeply. The squirrel tugged gently on her shaft and she bucked against his hand.

Angela was gasping in time to his tugs, and he increased the friction on his hand slightly. The hyena became more vocal as the pace increased. Charles could tell she was getting close to climax and let go with both hands. She nearly whined as he took a second to reposition his muzzle.

Angela cried out as he suddenly took the tip of her clit into his mouth. She could not help but clamp her hands to his head and pull him in closer. Charles did not resist and slurped more of the stiff member into his muzzle. He was licking and sucking on her rigid tip and could feel the organ pulse with her contractions.

The hyena let out a serious of ragged grunts as she reached the pinnacle. She bucked her hips one last time and cried out in ecstasy as her orgasm crashed over her body. She shook with the intensity and Charles was amazed as how her clit twitched with the spasms.

After a moment, Angela gasped and sucked in a huge breath. She did not even realize she stopped breathing. She let Charles go and stumbled back a pace before flopping down onto the bed. Charles shook his head in amazement and went to crawl up beside her.

"Are you all right?" he said with a touch of concern.

She nodded vigorously and replied, "I will be," still a bit out of breath. He gave her a moment to recover and made slow circles on her stomach with his fingers.

"Oh my goodness Charles, that was intense!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He lay down beside her and she turned on her side to face him.

The hyena traced her fingers over his chest and down his stomach. The squirrel likewise ran his hand up and down her hip. When Angela let her fingers trail further down, Charles smiled at her.

She hooked a finger in the waistband of his boxers and tugged a couple of times giving him the subtle hint that he should take them off. Charles pulled away slightly and slid off the bed to shed his undergarment. He crawled back to her side and stood up on his knees.

Angela grinned at the squirrel taking a good look at his equipment. He had a furry sheath and a fuzzy ball sack. The hyena propped herself up on her elbow and reached out with her free hand to fondle his hidden shaft.

Charles tittered softly and adjusted his stance slightly to allow her more freedom of movement. Angela stroked his sheath and could feel his penis growing stiff. A few more strokes brought the red tip of his maleness poking out of the sheath.

The hyena nodded in appreciation of his reaction. She took a second to reach down and cup his balls in her hand feeling their weight. She guessed his orbs were the size of two walnuts as she fondled them. This activity produced a bit more length as his dick grew more pronounced.

Angela continued to stroke his sheath as his manhood slowly lengthened. By the time Charles stood fully erect his penis had grown to about 6". She slowly moved her hand up the red shaft gripping him gently. It was the squirrels turn to buck his hips reflexively. He ohhed softly as she brought her muzzle closer for a questioning lick.

Charles inched his way a little closer to her and squeezed her shoulder with encouragement. She wasted no time and wrapped her lips around his tool. The squirrel threw his head back and tittered loudly in pleasure. The hyena swirled her flat tongue against his length and Charles reflexively thrust his hips into her muzzle.

"Oh love, that feels so wonderful," he muttered, eyes closed in bliss.

"Mmhmm," she murmured in reply, her nose nearly nuzzling his crotch as she took most of his length. Angela continued to blow him for a few minutes, and elicited several ohs and gasps from Charles. However, she slowly stopped and withdrew his rod from her muzzle planting a final kiss on his tip.

The squirrel fell back on his haunches nearly panting and grinned at the female. "Whoa," he said shakily.

"I think you rather enjoyed that," she said playfully. He nodded enthusiastically. She sat up and drew the male into another hug. "I think it's time for the main event," she said and rolled over to her night stand. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a small vile.

When she brought it closer, Charles could see it was a bottle of lubricant. She handed him the bottle and said, "Just to make things easier, like I mentioned it's been a while."

The squirrel nodded and sat close to her. "What would you like me to do?"

Angela leaned back and spread her legs. She beckoned Charles to sit between her thighs. "Just be gentle and go slow. It may take a bit to figure out the best position."

Charles grinned and rubbed his hands up and down her thighs tenderly. "I've got all night my dear."

Angela nodded and closed her eyes to concentrate. Charles watched her with curiosity and noticed that her clit was shrinking slightly. He kept up his slow motions of running his hands over the fine fur of her legs. He was fascinated by the way her clit grew soft and seemed to bunch up on its own.

Angela sighed and said huskily, "Just wait a moment more."

"Oh," Charles said softly, "you're doing that?"

She only nodded in response, and the squirrel watched as her clit retracted almost all the way and even opened up slightly. Angela seemed to relax slightly and smiled at him. "Okay, now I'm ready. Use a bit of lube first."

The squirrel nodded and popped the cap, dribbling a liberal amount of the fluid onto the small opening of her sex. He used a single finger to smear it around and even probed her with a knuckle. The hyena squirmed a bit and scrunched her face in discomfort for a few seconds.

Charles almost stopped but he felt her relax a little more and a smile crept onto her muzzle. He fingered her for just a moment. When he judged the time was right he said, "I think we're ready to try this."

She looked up at him and nodded. Charles used a little of the excess lube and smeared the head of his smooth, pointed shaft with the stuff. He leaned over her and guided the tip to her opening. Both of them squirmed and shifted trying to get their genitals to line up properly. It took a few moments but suddenly Charles felt his shaft slide in a couple of inches and Angela gasped out in pleasure.

"Oh, that's the spot," he murmured to the lusty hyena, which had now twined her legs around the squirrel.

Charles went slow and gentle, pushing his length into Angela's unique sex. When he pulled out Angela moaned in delight, only to have her gasp when he pushed back in. The squirrel had to admit that she felt wonderful despite the strange position it required.

Angela used her legs to help Charles thrust into her, and before long they set up a steady rhythm. The hyena was moving her hips in time and the two found a stride that worked best for the situation. Charles decided to step things up and leaned down to nibble on her breasts.

The hyena grunted and ohed in pleasure as the squirrel felt her sex grow wetter. By the time he was getting close to his orgasm, Angela had already had two of her own and continued to grow wetter. The squirrel left off nibbling her nipples and concentrated on humping the hyena for all he was worth.

Angela gasped in time to his thrusts and he felt her muscles clench around his cock. Her pussy made a wet smack every time he pounded her, and he knew they were both close. The squirrel doubled his efforts and clenched her hips as he drove home one last time and let out a tittering cry.

"Oh, Angela I'm coming!" The squirrel bucked his hips as his dick spurted his cream into the hyena.

She in turn cried out again and clamped her legs around him as she hit another climax. The squirrel shot load after load into her hot pussy feeling her inner walls squeeze his squirrel meat.

After a moment, Charles collapsed on top of the hyena panting. She fondled his ears affectionately, and the two lay basking in the afterglow.

When the squirrel moved again, he let his softening dick slip free of Angela's sex. A small dribble of their mixed fluids ran out of her slit. She unceremoniously pulled him up her body to lie on her chest.

"That was amazing, Charles," she said dreamily.

"I agree, you are one hell of a woman, Angela," he replied and rubbed his nose against hers with affection.

"I'm not sure if I could handle any more tonight," she said with a somewhat disappointed tone.

"It's okay my dear, I think you pretty much wore me out," he said with a chuckle.

"I'd really like it if we could cuddle for a while," Angela said a little more hopefully.

"Of course my lovely angel," he replied.

Charles pressed his cheek against her chest and Angela wrapped her arms and legs around the male. They stayed in this position for a few minutes, each content just to be close to the other. Charles traced small circles in the fur around the hyena's shoulder and Angela played with one of his ears.

Angela took the first initiative and shifted the squirrel off her stomach and over to her side, then she turned to face him. Charles draped an arm over her hip and smiled back at her. She traced a finger over the outline of his lips and down under his chin. The squirrel softly nipped her finger every time she traced his lips.

Angela giggled and Charles decided to return the game. However, he traced an outline around her breast and circled her areola teasingly. The two kept up this little game for a few minutes when Angela was suddenly struck with a huge yawn. The squirrel chuckled and said, "Guess it's time to hit the sack?"

"Charles," Angela said softly, "would you stay the night with me?"

He reached a hand up and stroked her cheek and looked into her eyes. "I would enjoy that very much, Angela."

"So would I," she replied. She yawned again and rolled over to stand up. "I just need to tidy up for a moment. I'll be right back. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable." Angela slipped out of the bedroom to go put out all the candles and make sure all the lights were off and front door locked. She did leave the porch light on just in case the roommates came in late.

Angela padded back into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She turned to see Charles sitting up in bed with half of the covers turned down. He looked a little different since he was no longer wearing his glasses. She grinned and sauntered over to the bed where she slipped under the covers next to the squirrel. They had never bothered to turn on a light, so she did not have to worry about any more distractions.

"I was thinking maybe we could go for a walk in the park tomorrow," Angela said quietly, now that the two were snuggled together nose to nose. Even though Angela was physically a bit larger than Charles, she scrunched down into the covers so they could be face to face.

"That sounds like fun," Charles remarked.

"It's a date then," Angela said sleepily.

"Good night angel," the squirrel said and kissed her forehead.

"Good night, you perfect gentleman," she replied and pulled him closer.

The two drifted off to sleep in comfortable proximity. Charles was happy to have not only found a new friend, but also a compassionate woman. Angela was happy to have found a man that was patient and caring. For the first time in many years she looked forward to seeing where things would lead.

Angela awoke the next morning to the faint sound of commotion outside her bedroom door. Also the smell of bacon hung on the air. She yawned softly and opened her eyes to the most adorable sight.

Charles lay curled up on his side facing away from her. His arms were wrapped around his huge bushy tail, and every few moments he twitched his whiskers. Angela wished she had a camera.

She contemplated slipping out of bed to see what was going on, surmising that the roommates were up and about. But then she yawned and felt a wave of laziness pass over her. With a smile she slid further under the covers and spooned the squirrel, relishing the coziness of being so close to Charles.

Just as she was about to doze off again, a rather loud knock came from her bedroom door. She startled awake and broke Charles out of his slumber. He lifted his head questioningly and said, "Wot's happening?"

"Hey sleepyheads, do you want some breakfast?" Brittany asked from the other side of the door.

Angela looked over at Charles who shrugged back. She turned towards the door and said, "Sure," loud enough for the husky to hear.

"'Kay," came the muted response.

Angela yawned again and said, "I guess it's time for breakfast." Charles returned the yawn and sat up rubbing his eyes. "I have to warn you about the girls though, they don't really-"

The hyena's statement was interrupted as her bedroom door burst open.

"Surprise," the rat and husky yelled out in unison. They each held a tray of food and drink for Angela and Charles.

Becky came around to Angela's side of the bed and set down a tray loaded with scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and a sliced up orange, not to mention the tall glass of cranberry juice. "Here ya go; breakfast in bed for the cute couple!"

"Thanks Becky!" Angela beamed at her friend.

Likewise, Brittany carted a tray over and set it in front of Charles, similarly loaded with food. "Here's yours. We weren't sure what you normally have for breakfast so we made some of everything."

"Oh you're too kind, thank you very much," Charles said politely. He could not help but look at the pair in distracted glances.

Becky wore nothing but a skimpy apron that did little to hide her slim body. Brittany on the other hand only wore a tight fitting half tee shirt that made her breasts bulge out; there was nothing covering her crotch and the thick patch of fur that covered her mound. The two roommates weren't the least bit concerned.

Becky and Brittany sat at the end of the bed while the new couple ate breakfast. The girls took turns recounting the night with Brent, even going so far as to describe some of the sexual fun they had as a trio.

Charles blushed slightly but did not interrupt. When the squirrel and hyena had finished breakfast, and the roommates wrapped up their story, the trays were cleared. The girls disappeared out of the bedroom and gave grins and winks to Angela. The hyena shook her head with amusement and leaned over to put her head on Charles' shoulder.

"Sorry about that, I tried to give you a warning about those two."

Charles nodded and chuckled, "Quite alright. They had good intentions even if they were a bit underdressed."

Angela giggled and pulled back the covers from the squirrel's lap. "Speaking of underdressed," she said playfully. He surprised her and rolled over on top of the hyena.

"I'll give you underdressed missy," he replied with a huge grin.

"Ohh, a take charge kind of guy," Angela said and reached up to run her fingers down his ribs.

"Eek!" Charles gasped and playfully batted her hands away. "Not the ribs, I'm terribly ticklish."

The two played for a few moments and rolled around on the bed. Angela finally pinned him under her and pressed her muzzle to his in a long kiss. The two parted and Angela got up.

"I suppose we can't stay in here all day," she said in mock annoyance.

Charles laughed and got up to retrieve his clothing, which was strewn about the floor. The two took a few minutes getting dressed, and found it hard not to just fling their clothes off and crawl back to bed. Eventually, they left the bedroom and took turns using the bathroom. When they stood in the living room, Angela smiled.

"I'll go tell the girls we're going to the park for a bit."

"Okay," he said and squeezed her hand before she left his side. The hyena came back a moment later giggling.

"I guess they found something to do, I didn't really want to ah, interrupt them." Charles could imagine what that implied.

"Let's go," she said grabbing her keys from her purse.

It only took a few minutes by car to reach the nearby park. Angela found a convenient parking spot and the two ambled around the grounds for quite a while. They chatted about random topics and took time enjoying each other's company.

As the park grew more populated and the temperature warmed, they decided to call an end to their outing. Angela drove them back to her house and Charles prepared to depart. She walked him over to his car as they said their goodbyes.

Angela pressed her body close to his as they leaned against his car. She bent down and planted a firm kiss on his lips. "I had a really good time with you Charles."

"Likewise, Angela; I'm really glad to have met you."

They stood in silence for a moment wondering who would speak next. Angela cleared her throat and broke the stalemate. "I'd really like to see you again. Call me soon?"

"You can count on it, angel," he said and his tone conferred that he was serious. "Until next time; I'll be thinking of you." He gave her an affectionate hug and kissed her nose.

Angela stepped back to allow him to get into his car, and watched as he drove off. She waved at him briefly before returning to the house. The hyena closed the door behind her with a silly smile on her face.

She could not remember the last time she felt so happy. Angela hummed a random tune as she returned to her bedroom to straighten up. She contemplated a future with Charles and the thought made her smile. They hyena looked forward to the next time they would be together.