Poker Night

Story by bearwithin on SoFurry

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Tamper is a bit nervous when he's invited to a poker evening with a group of gay dogs. He doesn't mind - in theory - but he's never actually socialised with folks like that. Worryingly, they turn out to be good company. Even worse, some of them are actually quite attractive. A conservative, working-class, straight dog would need to be very careful to avoid getting himself into a compromising situation...

  • 1 -

The house was large, and you might say the same of the Saint Bernard who answered the door. The second thing I noticed about him was the blue flannel pyjamas which wrapped his substantial frame.

I wouldn't have described him as fat - in fact, he looked to be in good shape. Just_big_. And strong. But his open, friendly face more than compensated for his daunting physique, even as his long tail fanned the air in greeting. Given my nervous state, I particularly appreciated his warm welcome. Being invited to a poker evening was gratifying, but I knew only one of the other players, and had never met the hosts. To add to my concerns, I knew that at least some_of the attendees were gay. Now, I embrace diversity - in theory. But I'd never _actually socialised with folk who swung that way. Would it be awkward? How did they behave at home?

"You must be Tamper! I'm Theo." The Saint's resonant voice matched his size as I returned his smile. Inwardly, I was definitely wondering about the pyjamas. Nobody had indicated any dress code, so I had chosen "conservative casual". The clean denim jeans and polo shirt would count as Sunday Best for my country-dwelling, sheep-farming family, but I had swapped that life for a career in IT as soon as I could, much to my Father's bemusement. He didn't comprehend computers at all, much less understand how someone could spend their life writing code.

But was this party supposed to be fancy dress? Sleepwear, perhaps? I hoped I wasn't starting out on the wrong paw, for I had an instant affection for the Saint, and I hoped we would get along. I couldn't help noticing the fly of his pyjama pants, for only a single precarious button held it closed, and stray tufts of white fur stuck out from within. Sure, it was only fluff - but intimate fluff, fluff which drew the eye and hinted at more interesting things. I pulled my eyes away, because I_was_ straight, after all. It wouldn't be right to show any interest in that area.

A babble of voices carried down the hall as the Saint ushered me inside and closed the door against the evening chill. I glanced around as I followed my host. The hallway wasn't particularly gay - unless you counted the life-size frolicking satyrs in the giant mural dominating one wall. The creatures were definitely nude, but cleverly positioned so as to discreetly hide actual genitalia. The overall effect was wonderfully cheeky and distinctly erotic, and I thoroughly approved. I wished I was brave enough to adorn my home with such a bold fresco.

Theo caught my gaze. "My house-mate commissioned that. It's his house, of course - I just pay rent. Wonderful, isn't it? Come on, everyone is through here!" I wondered about the currency in which the rent was payable as the jovial dog led me through to the lounge.

Conversation and laughter swelled around me as I passed through a wide archway. The rosy glow of the log burner in one corner added a smoky aroma to the mingled scents of the assembly who turned to face the newcomer. Terry - the Black Labrador work-mate who invited me - bounded over with wagging tail when he caught sight of me. "Tam! So glad you could make it!"

Terry wore jeans and a simple T over his glossy black fur, so it looked like sleepwear wasn't a requirement. He'd been talking to a snow leopard attired in similar garb - the uniform of IT geeks - and I smiled when I spotted an XKCD comic on the feline's shirt. In contrast, the black wolf to Terry's other side sported a full Tuxedo, complete with bow tie, purple John Lennon sun glasses, and a shiny top hat!

I tried to remember everyone's names as Terry introduced them. Rob the snow leopard worked in computer repair, and shared my love of XKCD. The top-hat wolf was introduced as Stephen, and he stepped to one side as an impressive Aberdeen Angus bull moved forward to mash my paw. "This is my mate, Maurice" Terry nodded towards the bovine. "I'm glad you two finally met!"

The bull's crisp button-down shirt bore a faint silvery pinstripe which caught the light as it wrapped over the sinuous curves of his massive chest. His calm eyes regarded me with a thoughtful look, and I wondered if I'd be able to read anything in them when we got to the poker table.

Theo glanced at the laden shopping bag dangling from my paw, and he couldn't have missed the bright red logo of "King Knot's Liquor" with its howling malamute emblem. The choice of beverage had been another cause of difficulty for me - what did gay people drink? Beer seemed too macho, but I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard, so premixed "pina colada" vodka milkshakes were out of the question. In the end I settled for the safe middle ground of "Wild Dog" pear cider.

A strange tingle thrilled through my body as the big Saint patted my shoulder. "I see you brought drinks - good dog! The fridge is this way!"

My nose detected the salty tang of snack foods as we crossed the hall into a generous kitchen. Pale floor tiles felt cool under my paw-pads, and polished stone bench-tops merged seamlessly with the clean lines of modern appliances. But it wasn't the gleaming "EspressoMaster" coffee machine which made me catch my breath, nor the high tech induction cook-top. Instead, it was the Great Dane who leaned against the bench, glass in one paw, other paw gesturing as he talked to a rabbit beside him.

An expensive collar in lavish black leather circled the dane's neck, tasteful silver studs highlighted by twin rows of red stitching. Aside from that, he wore_absolutely nothing_.

Fine muscles rippled beneath his thin coat of silver-grey fur. His lean frame might have been sculpted by an artist from a block of silvery clay, and it would be hard to describe him without using the word "statuesque". I caught a look of keen interest in his deep eyes as he turned towards me, although a welcoming smile immediately hid it. His grey fur blended to deep black on his muzzle and around his eyes, and his intense gaze added to his air of regal bearing softened by just enough mischief and bonhomie.

Plunking his drink down on the bench, he stepped forward. Without warning, I found myself gripped in a tight embrace. I could feel the heat of his body through my shirt, barely insulted by his thin coat. His musk filled my nose, and it wasn't at all unpleasant. Masculine, spicy, even exciting. Was I blushing as he led me go?

"So! I finally get to meet Tamper! You know, Terry's told me several times what a master you are with PHP."

"He does like to exaggerate!" Now I was certainly blushing.

As he stepped back, I found my eyes drawn down his torso, noting the way his ribs showed on his deep chest, and how much narrower his waist was. His fur was even thinner on his belly and... his very obvious sheath. Nothing was left to the imagination there, apart from what I might find inside.

I blinked and tore my eyes away. Why did I keep staring at guys tonight? Was it because I didn't think they would mind? But that would imply that I'd been repressing something. I pushed this uncomfortable thought away.

Traces of a grin showed on the dane's face. He'd seen me staring! His sonorous voice broke into my embarrassment.

"I'm Marlin. And this is our good friend Rex. I was just saying how good it was to have new folks along to lose their money to me. Especially a wolf!"

"You wish!" Stephen snorted as he glided into kitchen. The light glinted off his purple glasses, and his immaculate bow tie twitched as he flexed his paws in a mock threat.

"Victuals!" Marlin had spotted the bag in my paw. He relieved me of the chilly package and wrestled it out of its plastic containment. His eyes lit up when he caught sight of the bottles inside.

"Wild Dog Pear! How did you know it was my favourite?"

Before I knew it, his giant tongue had planted a little kiss on my nose. I must have flinched - at least a little. Inside, I was reeling. Did I just get a kiss from a guy? And yet, as shocking as the idea was, it actually wasn't that bad. Still, I'd have to keep my eye on the dane, and try not to show any response. I wouldn't want to give him the wrong idea, after all!

If he had noticed my momentary discomfort, he didn't show it. I peered over his shoulder as he opened the fridge, seeking a suitable location for the cider.

"Mind if I trade you a bottle of this stuff for something? We can't get it at the local store, you see!"

"Hey, no problem! It's for sharing!" I hoped I sounded friendly but still reserved. "I'm sure you have something interesting back there!"

"I'm sure I do!" Clinking sounds issued from the fridge as he rummaged. "Ah ha!" Gaudy pastel colours clashed with the grey of his fur as he withdrew a bottle. "How about a pina colada vodka milkshake?"

  • 2 -

So there we were: four dogs, a wolf, a bull, a snow leopard and a bunny. We gathered around the fire for small-talk and nibbles, and I soon felt quite at home. In the middle of an interesting conversation with the rabbit - who turned out to be working on a PhD in astrophysics - I had an epiphany: These people were normal! That in itself should not have surprised me, of course. The surprise was that I harboured some kind of pre-conception about homosexuality that I wasn't even aware of. Across from us, the naked dane and the pyjama-clad saint laughed at something said by the wolf in the top hat. Well, relatively normal.

I'm actually quite shy, and the warm company and easy conversation put me at ease. I enjoyed the pre-game socialising, and when the bull and the saint passed by the lounge door lugging a heavy oval table, I checked my watch and found that almost an hour had slipped by. I had to admire the way the bovine's heavy shoulder muscles bulged with the load. Theo's tongue lolled as he panted with the exertion, although his thick coat hid any other evidence of the effort.

Dark red velvet covered the top of the table, and Maurice positioned it beneath a shaded light hanging from the kitchen ceiling. He fetched two ornate cases, their satin-lined interiors brimming with real poker chips in bright primary colours.

I felt a flutter of pre-game excitement. I'm no card-shark, but I've played a few games. It fascinates me because the game is so simple, yet at the same time so complex. The basic laws of probability are simple enough, but the real skill is to read the other players.

Marlin stoked the fire as glasses were filled, and one-by-one the players pulled up chairs behind their respective piles of chips. Cash appeared in crinkled bills and stacks of coins, and I added my own to the pile. The instructions had been clear: the buy-in was thirty dollars of real money, correct change, no IOUs accepted!

Theo was the last to take his place, after he had dimmed all the lights save for the shaded globe over the table. We sat in a pool of light, and the card table with its piles of coloured chips was our world. Stephen shuffled the cards with deft paws, eyes hidden behind his purple glasses.

"Gentlemen! The game is five card draw with two decks in play, and the ante is fifty. I'm sure you all know the rules. Let's begin!"

After this melodramatic introduction, I prepared myself for a serious game. I expected the players to sit in stony-faced concentration, the silence interrupted only by the clink of chips and the rustle of cards. But the party soon proved me wrong, as nothing could repress their gregarious enthusiasm. In fact, the game wasn't very serious at all. This didn't bother me, though - I was enjoying the company too much.

"I'll be in for some of that hot canine action!" cried Marlin, tossing chips onto a growing pile which Stephen had started and I had foolishly matched. The wolf's ear gave a little flick, and I thought I had him figured - he was bluffing. But the dane was a different matter. He'd been dishing out lewd remarks with reckless abandon, and I had him down as a patsy. But the play of light and shadow over his gaunt naked torso kept drawing my gaze, distracting my concentration, and now he'd matched the bet.

One by one the others folded, so Stephen was called. He spread his cards nonchalantly before him, and I mentally collated the sequence of numbers - a straight! So he wasn't bluffing after all.

I dropped my cards face down - no need to advertise my ineptitude! Three of a kind probably wasn't such a good bet with two decks in play.

All eyes turned to Marlin as he flipped his cards one-by-one. A pair... and...full house! One up on a straight. Perhaps the Dane wasn't such a patsy, either.

I could understand the triumphant look in Marlin's eyes as he raked up his chips, but Rob's stifled laughter seemed out of place. I turned to look askance at the chuckling snow leopard.

"Never bet against Marlin if you have a straight. He will have a full house. You wouldn't believe how many times that's happened!"

Rob was also proving difficult to read. He laughed and joked with the other players, especially Terry and Maurice. They tapped a bottomless supply of pop-culture references and impersonations of internet video stars. It looked for all the world like they were paying no attention to the game, and yet as soon as I tried a moderate bluff, they were on to me in a flash. The feline was definitely hiding a shrewd mind behind his flippant façade.

The bull joined in the jokes, although he seemed more reserved. His placid face and deep eyes revealed little, but I knew he was watching keenly for those small signs which would alert him to the state of mind of the predators. Were they just passing through? Were they hungry or foolhardy enough to pick a fight with his hooves?

Rex the rabbit stayed very quiet once the game started, but I could see that he was also concentrating on the other players, and he seemed to enjoy the study of emotion and expression.

Nonetheless, a general drift of chips became apparent, and it wasn't in my direction. Theo was in the same boat as me - luck wasn't with the big saint bernard, and you could see that his cheerful and honest disposition didn't lend itself well to the bluffing game. He took it all in good-natured fun, though, so I guess he was getting his money's worth anyway. Despite careful management, Rex looked to be down a bit. Stephen and Maurice were breaking even after a couple of exciting tit-for-tat hands where significant sums had come and gone. But the piles in front of Rob and Marlin were definitely swelling.

I folded early - yet again - as Marlin opened the bet with an unjustified red chip - one hundred - before we had even asked for cards. I climbed out of my chair, stretched, and wandered to the fridge for another cider. I knew it wasn't good for my game to drink too much, but what the heck - I was having a great time anyway.

I stood and sipped my drink, watching the hand play out before me. Terry's black paws clasped a straight - a good hand. But he was staring intently at Marlin, and I could see the indecision in the lab's face. Rex had raised the stakes with a strong bet, and Maurice had matched it, so a good pile of cash now sat in the middle to tempt the players. Across the table, Marlin looked supremely confident. But was he bluffing?

The Dane dropped another handful of chips onto the pile, then leaned back on his chair, his sinewy body stretched out, a smirk on his face. "Ha! I raise you one thousand, and oral sex for everyone!"

From my vantage point, I could see over the table edge, and my eyes travelled down the length of his body until I caught a tantalising glimpse of his sheath, sitting languidly below his belly, smooth and tapered. I felt drawn to the soft fine fur, to its graceful curve. What would it feel like under my paw?

I looked up to find his dark brown eyes on my face, a hint of a smile showing on his muzzle. Caught out again, I covered by swigging my cider as I made my way back to my chair.

"Too rich for me!" Terry dumped his cards on the table, and after a moment of hesitation, Rex and Maurice followed suit.

"Pikers!" I chortled as the dane bent forward to sweep up another haul of chips. "If you fold, we'll never find out what he has!"

The dane's eyes were on me again, and I saw mirth in them, but also something else.

"Not yet, anyway!" He said this in a low voice, and I couldn't help but think that he was talking about more than just his cards.

After a couple more hands, the level in my cider had dropped markedly, as had my pile of chips. I was sure that most of Marlin's winnings had been gained through bluff, and I resolved to catch him out.

Ante up... I slid another fifty into the middle, and watched as Maurice dealt the cards. Muscles rippled in his massive arms, and the cards looked like postage stamps in his hooves. But his crisp striped shirt showed excellent taste, and he dealt with as much panache as anyone.

The cards felt smooth and cool under my paws as I collected my hand. I eased them into a fan, and let my eyes take in their numbers and symbols. A pair of jacks and a pair kings looked back at me - a good start!

A menial bet got the round under way, then it was time for cards. I tried to note who asked for what as the dealer went around, although my concentration wasn't at its best. I did notice when Marlin declined to take any - just loudly enough to make sure everyone noticed. This is it, I thought. Here comes the big bluff.

I took one card, and lady luck finally smiled on me when I turned it over and found another jack - I had a Full House!

It was good enough to stare down the dane. This was my moment, I could feel it. I sensed a big win coming, and tried to keep my face stony despite the twist of excitement in my gut.

Across the table from Marlin, Terry opened the betting with three hundred - a reasonable start. Beside him, Maurice raised to five hundred. Stephen and Theo matched the bet, putting plenty of cash up for grabs. They're playing right into his paws, I thought as Rex folded with a sigh.

How much would Marlin raise it? Given his past history, I reckoned on about a thousand - only a small part of his stash, but enough to put the rest of us off and claim the pot without contest. That's what he'll be thinking.

"Raise it to one thousand five hundred. And don't spare the hot canine knot." He leaned back again after counting the chips onto the pile, just as casual as ever. It was a bit more than I had expected. By my reckoning, that made it even more likely to be a bluff, and my own confidence rose. It was time to see how serious he was, and I wanted to take him for as much as I could.

"I'll raise another five hundred!" I slid a neat stack into the middle. It wasn't a dramatic raise, but unfortunately my dwindling pile left little to gamble with.

The dane held his cards to his chest with one paw while the other stroked absently at his fur. Was he trying to read me, or was it just for show? I had a strange feeling that he already knew how this was going to play out.

I kept my face cool - or tried to - as, one by one, the others folded. At least I didn't have any other competition for the pile of chips. A hush fell over the table as excitement gripped the assembly. It's always fun to watch a grand tussle when it's not your money on the line! Stephen looked from player to player as they all shook their heads.

"It's back to you, Mr Marlin!" Stephen's fine Tuxedo made him the perfect croupier, and he revelled in the unfolding drama. A measured strip of white shirt-sleeve protruded below his jacket, and gold cuff links sparkled at the cuffs. Perfectly manicured claws showed at the tips of his elegant black fingers.

Marlin squinted at me, calculating. Or was this also for show? I couldn't be sure. His eyes scanned over the sorry remnants of my pile, which contained no more than five hundred chips. Then he looked down and began counting out more from his own ample supply, and my heart sank as he matched my raise and added more. It was going to come down to the cards after all - but he had to be bluffing. I was sure. Fairly sure, anyway...

"I'll raise you another thousand!" His defiant smirk dared me to go all in and get it over with.

There was no backing down now - I had to see those cards. I slid the rest of my pile towards the middle. "I'm all in. I'm afraid it's less than your raise, though."

The Dane looked me up and down. Was there a wicked glint in his eyes?

"So, young Tamper. You must have a pretty good hand there, eh?" He started shuffling piles of chips in his stash.

"I think it's going to trounce yours, anyway!" The quaver in my voice betrayed my attempt at bravado. Muscles like wire ropes snaked beneath the fine grey fur of his slender arms, which tapered to shapely paws with long fingers.

"It's a shame you've run out of money! Unless you would like to raise the stakes another way?"

He knew I couldn't resist. "What do you have in mind?"

"How about..." He had separated out at least half his pile, which he now edged forward with both paws. "These chips, plus what is on the table, wagered against your clothes for the rest of the evening?"

I blinked, and wondered whether the others could see me blushing. Going naked was obviously normal for the dane, but I'd never exposed myself in such a way - at least, not since I was a small puppy with nothing to hide anyway.

The dane was a sculptor's dream of fine lines and perfect proportions, while my body was a more utilitarian affair. I was actually pretty lean, but it didn't always show because my working-class Huntaway coat always stuck out in unruly patches of tan and black. I wasn't ashamed of how I looked, but I'd never been an exhibitionist, either. Sure, I was confident in my full house. But risking exposure with near-strangers was quite different to betting a few dollars.

Marlin had turned my raise back on me. I ought to fold and save my dignity if not my money. But I think the cider was messing with my thinking, because I heard myself say "You're on!".

Did I hear a few quick intakes of breath from around the table, and a couple of giggles? I wondered who's side they were on. Marlin had most of their money, so they'd all be better off if part of his pot ended up with me. Or did they want to see the newcomer humiliated? Whatever their position, there was no going back. It would all come down to the cards.

Stephen adjusted his bow tie, then steepled his paws in front of his nose and looked around the table, perhaps searching for objections. Then he looked to Marlin.

"I think you've been called, Marlin, since the raise was yours."

We had reached the big reveal. What was Rob's advice? Never bet against Marlin if you have a Straight? Surely a Full House would be enough. My confidence wavered, but it was too late now as the dane lowered his cards.

I watched the tendons of his neck move under his smooth fur. His face still bore a little smile. Did he even care about the outcome? The cards made a neat fan in his grip, but his eyes were on me as he searched my face for a reaction.

I forced myself to look. A sea of red... I double-checked. Marlin held a Flush in hearts. One up on my Full House!

An uproar broke out around the table, along with some applause. I heard something like "Marlin does it again!", but I was too shocked to take most of it in. Had I just lost my clothes as well as my money? Suddenly, I wished I had read the fine-print. Would I at least get them back in order to drive home?

Stephen helped to slide the impressive mountain of chips across the table to Marlin's chair. Then I noticed that all eyes were turning to me. I hesitated. What was I supposed to do - just take them off? Pants or shirt first? I wanted to go into the bathroom to "change" - but what would be the point of that? I was about to be naked anyway! And I was going to be, because despite my embarrassment, I was going to pay up on my foolish bet.

And besides, a tiny part of me wanted to do it. A spark of rebellion had come to life deep in my soul. I'd always been so reserved, so controlled. Hadn't I always wanted to let go, secretly?

The scrape of the chair echoed in the silence as I stood up and stepped back from the table. The rebellion I felt must have been growing into a nice little fire. If they wanted a show, they could have it.

I ran my paws down my chest, feeling the smooth shirt fabric slide under my fingers as I took a couple of breaths to calm myself. My paws closed over the first button. Here goes nothing... There might even have been a little smile on my muzzle as I eased it undone.

One-by-one, the fastenings came apart until my shirt hung open, to reveal the pale tan fluff of my chest. The fur on my back is black, broken up by a scattering of tan patches across my shoulders and muzzle which defy organisation into pattens.

I pulled my arms out of the shirt and swung it around my head a couple of times, then launched it at Marlin. The others applauded briefly as I struck a pose. My ancestors were working dogs through and through, and I'm lucky to be naturally lean and fit - a fact much envied by Terry, who always seemed to be on a strict diet.

I ran my paws down my stomach again, and this time I slipped my thumbs into my belt. Then I brought them together and undid the buckle. That done, I started on the buttons at the front of my pants. I always have button flys if I can, because zippers just don't mix with fuzzy crotch fur.

There were a few "ooo"s and "aaa"s from the onlookers as the buttons parted one by one.This is crazy, I was thinking. I should have been livid red with embarrassment - in fact, I should have run for the door at the first suggestion of getting naked. Yet now I was actually enjoying the wickedly unconventional thrill of it!

I paused when the last button came undone, leaving my pants open and my belt dangling. I noticed then that Marlin's paw held my shirt, and it was raised to his nose - but his eyes were on me. I never wear underwear, and I'm sure he could see suggestive glimpses through my open fly, for excitement showed on his face. A gay dog was taking an undue interest in my private parts, my sensible side cried, but my new rebellious side overruled. I reached back and released the clasp at the back of my jeans, allowing them to slip off the base of my tail and drop to the ground.

Applause and a couple of wolf-whistles sounded from around the table as my little show reached its culmination, and more than one set of eyes were on my nether regions. Suddenly I felt quite embarrassed again, so I sat back down in my chair. The smooth wood felt deliciously cool, and soft air currents circulating around my midriff were bliss after the restrictive clothing - especially so since the room was getting quite warm. This naked thing isn't so bad, I thought.

  • 3 -

So there I was, Saturday night and absolutely nothing to wear. The table in front of me was also completely devoid of chips. Stephen followed my gaze. The dashing black wolf often took a leadership role when it came to the poker game, a role which fitted with his immaculate attire.

"I think it's time for a break, now that Marlin has taken the new guy for his money _and_his clothes." He gave me a sly wink at this point to show it was all good-natured fun. "I think we have some crackers and cheese standing ready".

That gained everyone's approval, and in no time the aforementioned snacks had been retrieved from pantry and fridge. I hesitated as the others clustered around the kitchen bench, feeling self-conscious again. But the enticing aroma of exotic cheese and fancy olives drew me in, and I forgot my nakedness as I leaned forward to sample the delights. I'd seen a couple of the others checking me out - surreptitiously, of course. But in general, nobody seemed either offended or dangerously excited by my lack of clothing. I suppose they were used to it.

I was munching on a tasty wedge of blue cheese with a garlic stuffed olive balanced on top - I'm not a believer in crackers - when I felt paws on my shoulders and nearly jumped with surprise. I could tell it was Marlin without looking, for my nose is very acute, and I could feel his warmth as he stood behind me. My heart gave a little flutter at his nearness - a male, I reminded myself - but there was a strange excitement mixed with my trepidation. There was also a surge of unexpected pleasure at his warmth. I guess a smile showed on my muzzle as I turned to look up at him.

"I should show you around the rest of the house!" At face value, this was an innocent proposal. However, he spoke it in a very quiet voice, ensuring that only I heard. A private tour, then. I couldn't really say no.

The others were engaged in a raucous evaluation of the latest gaming console - mostly lambasting its failings - as the dane took my paw, and I felt his strength as he led me towards the hall. He released me again almost immediately, but my skin tingled for a while longer with the after-effect of his unaccustomed touch. The snacks were keeping everyone busy in between humorous anecdotes, but I saw Theo glance at us as we sneaked out the door. I thought I caught a knowing gleam in his eyes.

Elegant floor-level lighting flicked on automatically as we entered the hallway. A spotlight overhead shone on an alcove, where a very life-like Great Dane, sculpted in bronze, stretched in a suggestive pose. Unlike the satyrs near the front door, this artwork left nothing to the imagination. Its raw maleness thrilled me in a way I had never experienced before - or maybe I had never allowed myself to experience such thoughts. It caught and reflected every enticing aspect of the male canine shape, emphasising the same features of the flesh and blood canine who stood beside me.

It had been building for a while, unknown to me. Now it finally hit me, and it was so obvious that I couldn't believe I'd ever hidden it from myself. Males were extremely desirable. Marlin must have seen something in my expression as I turned towards him. I think we both knew it at that moment, although nothing was said. I wanted him. I wanted to touch him, I wanted to run my paws over his faceted, sculpted form. But I was so very nervous, too. I had no idea where to go from there. And besides, my sensible part said, what makes you think he's interested in you?

A brief silence hung between us, as I tried to fathom his expression. Did it show a hint of excitement? I couldn't tell.

"That was a gift from a former boyfriend. He was a brilliant artist..." He left the sentence hanging, then seemed to shake off whatever memory the sculpture had stirred as he guided me onwards down the hall. I let him get a step in front, so I could watch his sinewy leg muscles and slender buttocks move with his graceful walk. His bearing was regal, and his tail swayed seductively. That it had a cute tendency to curve left at the tip - something he probably wasn't even aware of - made it all the more appealing.

I was shown a large room at the end of the hall - empty save for a shabby reclining chair, an old stereo (complete with dusty vinyl records) and a badminton net. "This is the rumpus room - someday to have a bar and pool table, when funds allow!".

Next, he showed me Theo's office - I comprehended only that this space contained a daunting array of computer monitors, electrical testing instruments, and electronic components. His own office boasted a huge monitor adjacent to several smaller ones, attesting to his work writing cutting-edge graphics software. It seemed that both dogs worked in the IT sector, and I envied their home offices. My staid corporate coding job paid well but required formal attire and a monotonous daily commute.

"Work, eh! That's enough of that!" he laughed as he pulled the door shut and led me down a side hall. "There's a great view from down here."

The hallway opened out into the master bedroom - this much was clear, for the large room contained an equally big bed. Stainless steel glinted in the darkness of an en suite bathroom off to one side. Heavy curtains covered three walls, while subtle LED lights gave out an elegant glow.

I heard the door click shut behind me, and wondered for a moment what I had got myself into as the dane strode past and slid the curtains open in front of the far window. Then he switched off the lights, and I saw that he was not exaggerating.

The house was built atop a hill, and rolling forest land hid the neighbours in three directions. The wide floor-to-ceiling window in front of us looked out over open country, dotted here and there with the lights of other rural houses. Beyond them, the distant city lit up the horizon with constellations of orange and gold. In the middle of this ocean of illumination, the Sky Tower with its flashing red warning lights thrust skyward above the other buildings.

"Wow!" I felt his warmth beside me as I stood in front of the double layer of glass and looked out over night scene. "That's pretty cool!"

"I think so!" His paw touched my shoulder, and my heart beat a little faster. "It's nice and quiet. And I like the view!"

Was that a double entendre? I'm naked, and so is he! The realisation came to me, perhaps from my sensible side again. But all it did was enhance my excitement. This was scary, but dammit, I wanted to feel him close to me.

I stayed frozen, bubbling with excitement but hog-tied by uncertainty. I stared at the view again, wondering what to do.

Fortunately, Marlin wasn't so constrained by doubt, and his paw caressed my flank. My fur was coarse and thick where his was smooth and short. He stood a few inches taller than me, and I felt his nose snuffling at my neck as he somehow contrived to pull me closer.

"Your fur smells lovely," he murmured as his paws eased over my chest. His body felt hard and strong against me. I floated somewhere between panic and pleasure, but pleasure had the upper hand. I moved my own paw, finally letting instinct take over my actions, finally doing what I wanted and had dreamed of since I first saw this naked canine, what I had always wanted and not admitted I wanted. I let my fingers touch his bare torso, and a warmth moved up from my finger tips and through my core.

I'd been with several bitches - and liked it - but this was something quite different. His muscular flank felt much firmer where it slid beneath my pads. Different to a female, yet deeply desirable.

I turned into his arms and lifted my muzzle to kiss his. Just like that, it happened. The kiss was not so different, but his masculine smell filled my nose.

"Well!" he panted as we broke apart. "It looks like losing your clothes wasn't such a bad thing after all, eh?"

Despite his levity, I sensed restrained passion in his soft voice, and a fire burned in his eyes. I swallowed and took a quick breath.

Then his heat changed as he leaned to one side and slid a finger over the switch panel, raising the light level just enough to reveal his fine angles. A moment of panic struck me as I remembered my nudity - but then I noticed his gaze travelling over my gaunt black-and-tan body and down to my fluff-covered sheath. Could it be that he desired me as much as I desired him?

I still didn't know what to do, but I needn't have worried. The dane placed his paws on my waist, and, full of confidence, turned me away from the window as he dropped to his knees. And before I knew it, one of his paws had cupped my balls as his tongue licked ever so gently up my sheath.

The mere touch of his paw on my shoulder had made me tingle with excitement; this new exploration induced a surge of sensation. And then his questing tongue reached the soft dark rim at the end of my cock-covering, and the blood sang in my ears as fresh shivers of excitement coursed through me. The ache in my balls heralded my growing desire, and the sinuous grey dog fed the fire with the paws and tongue of an expert.

Every male pup learns - sooner or later - the joy that his tongue can bring. Nobody likes to admit it, but I'm sure we all did it. I can't be the only one who still indulges from time to time - I mean, why not? I'm not ashamed of it.

Male pups also find out that their cock is sensitive, and a rough move can induce a yelp of pain. I'd used my tongue on a bitch or two, but I'd never been the receiver. I'd always wondered what it would feel like, though. And, if I was honest with myself, I'd often wondered specifically how another male's tongue would feel.

The early stage of arousal always made my cock swell - just a bit - and I'd certainly reached that stage. I think a small moan escaped my throat as he buried his paws in my groin fluff, and his skilful fingers massaged my member through its sheath. I barely felt his fingers as they eased the skin down a bit, but I did feel his warm breath on the tip of my cock as it slid out of its enclosure.

I was desperate to feel his touch on that sensitive part, and yet nervous lest it be too vigorous. I shouldn't have concerned myself though, for this was an experienced dog. I felt the lightest of touches as his soft pink tongue slipped over my tip, and then a growing sense of warmth as he pressed down - oh so smoothly - and slid my sheath back so that my shaft slipped into his mouth.

His tongue was an impressive instrument, being large enough and dexterous enough to wrap around my cock. Maybe it was just the novelty, but this was a sexual sensation like nothing I had ever felt before. I was having trouble focussing as he worked his mouth over my hardening cock, then smoothly back out again, all the while maintaining that perfect, soft, enveloping pressure. I never thought that anyone else would be able to pleasure me with their tongue as well as I could pleasure myself, but he was proving me wrong.

At the same time as he ministered to my doghood, he somehow managed to caress my balls with his paw, adding another dimension to my pleasure. And then, in case I wasn't already overcome with sensation, he managed to find that perfect spot - right at the base of my cock and just below my knot - where young pups learn to squeeze with their paws and bitches can stimulate with another part of their anatomy.

His fingers teased me there, then I felt their grip tighten as his muzzle slipped downwards again. And suddenly, I crossed a watershed and I knew I was going to cum. It was quite unexpected. A little tongue play was one thing, but an orgasm? That was something else! I couldn't stop it though, and I didn't want to.

My breathing became ragged, and I'm sure he felt my body tense. I could feel my muscles contracting as my knot swelled. Even through the rush of sensation, I felt his expert fingers as they slipped my sheath fully back, and his thumb and forefinger made a tight circle below my knot. He pushed his mouth down over my member one more time, and his tongue squeezed a little harder.

And then it arrived, and I gasped as my orgasm exploded and my cum poured into his mouth. The world greyed out for a moment in the rush of release, but I was aware of his slurping muzzle as he swallowed every squirt of my seed.

The pulses declined as colour returned, and I noticed the sweep of distant lights twinkling beyond the open curtains. I wondered idly if anyone out there had a telescope trained on us. Well, let them watch.

Then I noticed that my knees were shaking, as Marlin eased my cock out of his muzzle - even more gently, for a canine's cock is especially sensitive post-orgasm. He rose to his feet, a smile on his lips, and the metallic smell of my own cum wafted to my nose mingled with his masculine musk.

Drained, I looked around the room. Suddenly, the bed seemed very inviting. My cock was still hard, and it wasn't going back into its sheath in that state. I cradled it with a paw as I lay down on the red satin sheets.

Looking up at Marlin from the low angle of the bed made for a nice view, and now I didn't feel embarrassed to give him a closer inspection. His balls hung low, and like the rest of him they were perfectly shaped. My desire was sated - temporarily - and replaced by a warm affection. To be this intimately comfortable with a male was another new feeling, and I liked it. I thought back over past girlfriends, and wondered if I'd ever felt this way with them. I wasn't sure I had.

A smile on his muzzle, he eased himself onto the bed beside me, and stretched out. His paw caressed my chest again.

"You're a very sexy dog."

It could have been mere pillow-talk, but when I looked into his eyes, I felt sure that he meant it. It seemed like high praise from one who himself possessed such a prefect physical form, especially since I wouldn't have put myself in his league at all. Rugged charm, perhaps, but not magazine centrefold material.

Maybe he saw doubt in my eyes, for his soft voice continued as his paw stroked down over my belly fluff and then my nether regions. "It's true. You have an amazing cock, too."

I think I blushed. My member had finally shrunk enough to slip back into my body - with a little help from my paw - and I smoothed the wet fur as I rolled towards him.

"Oh, sorry! How rude of me to leave you all messy!" His face showed some concern although his eyes held a glint of laughter as he handed me a small white towel from a discreet shelf beside the bed. He watched with obvious interest as I dried myself off, but his attention seemed perfectly natural. I remembered how embarrassed I had been earlier in the evening just to be seen with my pants off, and I had to chuckle.

The warm LED lighting made patterns of shadow across his body, emphasising his exquisite lines and curves, while the distant city tinkled in the dark beyond the windows. Smooth sheets cocooned my fur from below, and a faint scent of clove oil rose from the pillows to mingle with the spicy male aroma of the big dog beside me. I lay warm and relaxed in the afterglow of our encounter, but I couldn't help but wonder how my companion felt, not having achieved his own release.

I resolved to rectify the situation, although my motive may have been more selfish - I wanted to get more acquainted with that silver-grey form. I reached out to run my paw down his chest, and he lay back on the dark red sheets and looked up at me with a keen interest still showing in his eyes.

I felt every bit the inexperienced débutante that I was, but I decided to ignore my uncertainty, on the assumption that he would tell me should I do something wrong. This dog had just taken liberties with my own private parts, after all, and he didn't exactly ask for permission - not that I was complaining.

His fur kept drawing my paws, for it was very short and smooth, yet also soft beneath my pads. Beneath it I felt bones and muscle, but hardly an ounce of fat. I don't think he was a gym nut (he wasn't muscle-bound) - just one of those canines with a naturally lean figure. I was lucky to share that same trait, although my frame lacked his perfect proportions, and my coarse fur tended to stick out in unruly tufts, concealing my true build.

When my paw reached his sheath, I felt my heart beating faster. A fine silky fur covered that area, leaving nothing to the imagination. Below that, I found two finely rounded testes, hanging low in the warm air of the room. I caressed them, marvelling at their weight. As my paws traced around their ovoid shapes, I heard him sigh, and I looked up to see that his eyes were closed as he lay back on the pillows.

Encouraged, I continued my explorations. But paws alone were never going to be enough for me, and I inched my way down the bed until my muzzle reached his midriff. Taking my cue from the dane's earlier ministrations - and my own instincts - I applied my tongue to his sheath. I hesitated at first, for I felt a small residue of disgust at licking another dog's balls or cock, not knowing how it was going to taste. But as his musky smell filled my nose, and my paws slid over his firm, warm flanks, my reluctance melted away.

His skin tasted salty beneath my tongue, with a metallic tinge as I neared the opening which concealed his cock. I forced myself to slow down, and moved back to lap at his balls again. Then upwards once more, and this time I couldn't hold myself back from sweeping my tongue around his sheath opening... and then easing it inside.

I felt his breathing change, and the swelling of his member indicated that I was doing something right. I eased back his sheath, and all of a sudden the end of his penis protruded into my mouth. It nestled on my tongue, smooth and soft. I forced myself to concentrate and apply only the most gentle pressure.

The big dog stiffened, and I thought I had caused him pain. But then I felt his paws on the back of my head, gentle but firm, and at the same time he rolled his hips and thrust his cock deeper in to my mouth. I got the message: I'd been too circumspect.

But my neck was starting to ache, and I knew I needed a better angle. Keeping his cock in my mouth, I climbed over his legs, which he obligingly parted to make room for me, until I could kneel between them, putting me in a much more comfortable position.

I focussed my paws on exploring the curves of his soft grey-furred torso, while I moved my muzzle in time to his thrusts. His cock felt smooth and hard as it swelled in my mouth, and his knot made an impressive sight where it protruded from his sheath, now pressed well back from his engorged shaft. I'd only ever seen my own knot that close up, and his was a good bit bigger.

I locked my fingers around the base of his rock-hard cock, hoping to find the right spot. Having this huge, hard, perfect symbol of maleness in my mouth and under my paws had washed away all my previous lethargy in a new wave of desire, and my own sheath was bulging again. Previously, I'd only been able to get aroused again so quickly when my girlfriend was in season. Only a dog who had experienced it would understand that particular sexual madness. Normally, it would take an hour or more before I could get interested again, but this dog was doing something weird to me.

I could feel his breaths coming in shorter gasps, and I wondered if he was going to cum. Suddenly, I really wanted to feel him pulse his seed into my mouth. I'd tasted my own plenty of times - it reduces the mess, after all - but now I wanted to taste something of this dane, to absorb some of his vitality and sexual energy.

My paw slid down to tickle his balls again. Then, without thinking, I let my finger trace lower, making little circles in the fine fur between his legs. My touch induced a quiet moan, and he moved his legs further apart. His tapered grey tail moved to one side as well.

But then his rhythm slowed. Had I disappointed him? He stopped and sat up, but I read excitement rather than reproach in his eyes.

He leaned over to the bedside cabinet, and this time he produced a plastic bottle of syrupy liquid topped by a pump. He held it for a second, studying my reaction.

"Do you know what this is?" It could have sounded condescending, but somehow the way he said it made the question endearing. In fact, I knew perfectly well what a bottle of lube looked like. To emphasise the point, he pumped a little on to the tip of his finger, then bent forward and rubbed it seductively around my sheath-opening, dipping his finger in just enough to touch my cock. Its cool silky slickness felt deliciously sensual against my private parts, and if I hadn't already been excited, that would have been more then enough to stimulate my arousal.

His finger ambled up my chest fur.

"I'd really like to feel that wonderful cock inside me, if you're up to it."

My head spun for a moment from a mixture wild desire and fear. Once again, desire won out. I didn't think a male could sound sexy until that moment, but his voice was soft and seductive. But he was talking about actual sex. Not just licking, but penetration! The idea horrified me for a second, but at the same time I knew I wanted it as much as I'd ever wanted anything.

I answered with a smile, although I might have trembled a bit. I didn't need to say anything, but I did bend forward to kiss his big muzzle. Our tongues entwined for a few long seconds, and desire rose again like a flood, pushing all doubts aside.

We parted, panting, and I saw a wild look in his eyes as he pumped the bottle liberally and reached down to smear his tail-hole. It was just as well that he hurried, because seeing that beautiful silver-grey form, that _male_form, flat chest and firm muscles and sheath and balls, spread out before me, was too much to resist. Even as he dropped the lube to one side, I was pushing forward, paws grasping at his waist, seeking for his opening.

And it really wasn't very different to mating a bitch, as my questing tip pressed forward a few times, touched fur, and finally found the hot, slick sides of his hole. Then I was thrusting, pressing my member deeper and deeper in to him. He felt tighter than the females I'd tried, but no less stimulating.

He gasped a little with each thrust, and pushed back against me. My head swum with rising ecstasy as I pressed against him, revelling in the feeling of his body under my paws and surrounding my cock.

I knew I was swelling up as his muscles tightened on my shaft. A tiny piece of rational thought was still operating, and it warned me insistently that my knot was starting to grow. Should I tie? Could a male dog handle that inside? I had no idea! Better play it safe, then.

I was reaching a paw down to grasp the base of my knot and hold it - just enough to make sure it stayed outside, and also because pressure on my knot, at that time and in that state, felt really good. But the dane suddenly grasped me firmly with his paws and forced me against him. His arms were stronger than they looked, and his timing impeccable. I felt my swelling knot slip inside his sphincter.

Then his muscles clenched tight on me, and I was locked inside him as I swelled to my full size. Still thrusting weakly, I tried to relax and stave off the rising tide as I savoured the sensation. I had thought that being gripped by the vaginal muscles of a bitch as I brought her to orgasm was the most amazing sexual sensation possible, but this was even better. Then I was not thinking anything any more as fire surged through me, and my cum rushed out to fill my silver dane lover. It was my turn to hold him tight, and I thrust my cock as deeply as I could as pulse after pulse of my seed poured into him.

It was then that I felt his paws go to his own sheath, tugging it back with reckless urgency to expose his swollen member as he gasped and panted from the pleasure of my orgasm pulsing inside him. As he wrapped his fingers around his knot, it seemed completely natural for me to crane forward and slip my mouth over his penis once more.

I eased my muzzle down over his member as it swelled and became hard, and this time it took only a few seconds before I felt him tense and gasp. And finally, I felt his own cum gush out into my mouth as he achieved his release. I couldn't believe how much he produced as I lapped it up, intrigued by the taste which was similar to my own yet distinctly different.

Finally, our pulsing ejaculations slowed, and his cock slipped out of my mouth. Freed of any constraint, it was already shrinking. But my knot was clamped firmly inside him, and I knew it would stay that way for some time.

He raised a paw, and gave me a warm smile as he caressed my rough working-class fur. We manoeuvred until we lay on our sides, me behind him, his silver tail draped over my leg and my paws stroking his flanks.

Then there was only the warm glow of our tie as I held him close. I hadn't expected this at all, not even when he invited me into his bedroom. So what _had_I expected? Some fondling, and perhaps even some oral exploration. But I would never have dreamed that I would tie with another male.

Or that it would feel so good.

I stroked his sheath and balls, and felt his muscles flex in a languid stretch. The urgent passion had been quenched, but his masculine parts felt nice under my paws, and I loved the relaxed intimacy we now shared. I'd been repressing these desires since I was old enough to notice the developing bodies of other male pups, and I'd never allowed myself to look, let alone touch. And now, I'd finally been given an opportunity to explore my feelings.

I nuzzled at his neck, and his scent filled my nose even as he moved to snuggle closer against me. The movement stimulated my knot, and I felt my cock renew its pulsing.

I was tied with a guy, holding his warm and muscular body close to mine. It should have been shocking, but it felt perfectly natural, perfectly right. Did that make me gay? I didn't know what to think, but right then it was enough just to enjoy the moment.

Marlin must have guessed the nature of my thoughts. "I hope you liked that as much as I did." I felt his deep voice though his body as well as my ears. "I feel I took advantage of you."

I stroked his ears, and hoped that my smile would dispel his concerns. "Don't worry; you couldn't imagine how much I wanted that." I paused, still trying to define my feelings. "I don't know what's going to happen next, though. This is all a bit confusing."

He swivelled around in my arms so as to look into my face. "Don't worry, Tam. You're a sweet dog. Don't let anyone tell you that a little exploration is wrong. Now you've tried it, which is more than most dogs can say. If you decide to stick to the ladies, I'll understand. Just be sure you make up your own mind!"

His sweet sincerity warmed my heart. There was a depth of feeling to this dog which he kept well hidden behind his mask of bravado and lewd remarks. He'd won my respect as well as my desire.

My breathing had slowed, and I could feel that odd falling sensation which meant my knot was subsiding at last. I caressed his ears some more, marvelling at their softness and warmth.

"I hope the others aren't waiting for you to play the next hand!", I murmured.

"Don't worry - I told Stephen I was going to cash up." His warm paw grasped mine as he looked into my eyes with an affectionate smile. "I figured I would quit while I was ahead!".


"Huntaway" are farm dogs used on New Zealand sheep farms. They are a 'type' of dog rather than a strict breed, although most are tall and lanky with patchy black and tan fur, floppy ears and a friendly disposition. They are intelligent, easy going and hard working, and their job is to go running out across the wide open hills, barking a lot as they herd large mobs of sheep.

"King Knot's Liquor" is a play on a local store called "King Dick's Liquor", which of course is always referred to with the 's' moved to "King". You can imagine how these canines refer to "King Knot's".

This is a work of fiction (mostly). Any resemblance to real poker games, people, or fursonas may or may not be coincidental.