Chapter 3 - A new found purpose
#4 of Lunar Stories 2
Chapter 3
A short one
Location: The Detragan
> Morning on the Detragan.
> Though Nexis and Tiber are still sleeping in their bed, Sarah and Claire sit at the cockpit of the ship staring out across the grand open blue sky that's spread out in front of them. The sun shines brightly with wispy clouds and the occasional flock of birds passing by.
> Sarah and Claire are talking over a cup of coffee whilst the blue sky hangs in front of them.
Sarah: *sigh* so Claire... are we gonna talk about; you, Rasen and Athos or what? Claire: What do you want to know? Sarah: For the longest time I blamed you for my life getting ruined... should I blame you... or someone else? Claire: Whilst it's true I'm the one who ultimately ran through with your operation, I'm not the one that ordered it. I just do what I'm told. Sarah: If that's true... then you really are a victim just like me... Claire: If that's what you want to believe. Sarah: Then tell me this. Who did order my operation? Claire: Dr. Athos Red, the Human who attacked us in my own office. Sarah: Why? Claire: I don't know Sarah. The only way we would ever find out is to ask him ourselves, as I said... I just did what I was told. I was duty bound to not question for what purpose any of this was for. I even mutated myself with the power of Rasen to try and find the truth... yet at every turn someone or something got in my way...
> Sarah stares longingly into the big blue sky for a very long time looking very thoughtful
Sarah: Life's short, Y'know Claire... Claire: I suppose it is... but I only recently found that out. Sarah: Life's too short to waste my time with people like him. Claire: ... Sarah: Looking out into the big blue sky like this... it's so beautiful... Claire: It is.
> Sarah stands out and leans over to the window wide-eyed at the view.
Sarah: Screw this Claire... ya' see this world... I want to explore it. I want to see everything there is to see... to live a full meaningful life Claire: Giving up on revenge? Sarah: Why bother pursuing it? All it would bring is tears and heartbreaks... I don't have time for all of that stuff... I just want to have fun. Claire: Heh, after my own little adventure with Elite Wings I was practically saying the same thing... I used to be a very serious woman, but I found it easier to just not care... I've done enough to redeem myself. Sarah: I'm rather excited for this little journey now. Claire: Oh Sarah, you don't even know where you're going. Sarah: Oh we'll just put the pedal to the metal, go full throttle and land at the first island we see. Claire: Now that's an adventurous spirit... but what if we should meet Kaius again? Sarah: Then he swears a lot, we kick his ass and once again he goes away, simple! Claire: Hmph... you sound kind of like a friend of mine. Sarah: You must have a lot of carefree friends. Claire: Maybe... or maybe I just learned to be happy. Sarah: I'd say let's get this show on the road but we have those two lazy bones over there. Claire: What are we going to do with those two?
> Nexis is till sleeping on Tiber who starts to wake up.
Claire: Sarah, the way your friend is hugging Tiber is actually kind of cute. Sarah: I suppose it is Tiber: *YAWN* Hmm... morning...? Sarah: Hello Tiberius it is indeed morning. Claire: Has your friend woken up yet? Tiber: Oh... nah... he looks like he's far too comfortable sleeping on his 'bed' I knew he'd get used to it. Sarah: Perhaps...
> Tiber gently pets Nexis's his head. Nexis slowly opens his eyes, he smiles.
Tiber: Good Morning Nexis: Hmm... good morning... Tiber: Comfy? Nexis: ...yeah...
> Nexis's eyes widen as he realises he's still sleeping on top of Tiber. He immediately leaps off half dressed.
Nexis: I MEAN NO. Tiber: I didn't do anything to you did I? Nexis: No but... Tiber: Then what's your problem? Nexis: I, I mean... JUST PUT ON A PAIR OF TROUSERS ALREADY!!
> Grabbing his clothes Nexis walks into the bathroom and slams the door.
Tiber: Did I say something... Sarah: He must just have a thing about sleeping with big a muscle, fluffy felpier in his boxers. Tiber: It's not like I'm naked. Sarah: No, but it's enough to make some people a little uncomfortable. Tiber: And here I thought there was something wrong with me. Claire: Tiber... I think you'd better put your clothes on.
> After putting on his clothes Tiber comes back.
Tiber: I hate to ask Sarah considering we only just met and not under the best situation but... what's for breakfast? Sarah: Don't worry Tiber I don't hate you. You're a nice big wolf, how could anyone ever dislike you? Tiber: T-Thanks.
> Sarah puts her arm into a small bag and pulls out a small loaf of bread. She throws it to Tiber.
Sarah: That has to go around three people so make sure to ration it. Claire: Three? Do you not eat? Sarah: I can... but I can get away without food being half machine... Tiber: But this among three is nothing. Sarah: Claire... what can we buy with this?
> She hands her three copper coins with a single hole punched in the middle of them.
Claire: 3 Bira... we could get... almost nothing. Sarah: WHAT?! Claire: yeah... this wouldn't even buy another loaf of bread... an onion perhaps. Sarah: Oh my god what are going to do? Claire: Settle down... let's head to a place called Norun Village. I'll work out something there. Sarah: I hope so... we kinda need money so I hear and I hear a lot. Tiber: I'm hungry... Claire: Oh there, there Tiber. You'll be fine. Sarah: ARE YOU DONE YET NEXIS?! Nexis: Is he dressed? Sarah: *sigh* Yes...
> He walks out fully clothed. He takes a glance at Tiber
Nexis: Good. What's the plan now? Sarah: After Claire gives you the coordinates fly us to Norun Village. Nexis: Okay... I can do that.
> He walks up to the controls.
Sarah: Something tells me this is going to be the start of a beautiful journey.