Love and Loss: Chapter Two

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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Chapter two is complete. Things start to get more interesting, and will only continue to go downhill from here!

The sudden bumps and rattle of the carriage suddenly jerked Aarie awake from his slumber. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he gazed around the small carriage that he had been sitting in for the past three hours. Enver eyed him curiously from the other side of the carriage, his arms crossed against his broad chest. The cougar had replaced his city guard armor with a simple cloth shirt and a pair of black leather pants. However, he still sported his sword at his left hip, and his right paw had rested on the hilt of the blade ever since they departed from the palace. Not a single word was spoken between each other for the past three hours, and Aarie wished that he could just fall back asleep to avoid the constant awkwardness. The bumping of the carriage along the dirt road almost made sleep impossible though, so Aarie turned to just staring outside the carriage window and watched the scenery pass by.

He vaguely remembered this morning. His personal servant had woken him up gently, helped him dressed, and even packed up his belongings and change of clothes. His father was also waiting for him outside of the palace, along with Enver.

"I hope you have everything in order for your journey?" His father had asked, his ears twitching slightly.

Aarie nodded as he shouldered the one rucksack his servant had packed for him. He wished to bring his oak wood longbow that his brother had given him when he turned thirteen, but his father recommended against it. His father nodded as he studied his son. Aarie shifted uncomfortably under his father's gaze. Nearby, Enver sighed and shuffled his feet.

Aarie expected another lecture from his father about responsibility and how he was no longer a cub anymore, but to his surprise the older fox stepped forward and embraced him tightly. Aarie's eyes opened with surprise as he found himself returning the hug to his father, a physical contact that he had never shared with him before as long as he could remember.

"I have faith in you Aarie. Please be careful, and make the right decisions." His father spoke sternly when they pulled away.

"I promise." Aarie said sincerely.

His father gave him one last look, and then patted him on his shoulder. "Farewell Lord Aarie. May the gods watch over you."

Aarie turned around and headed towards the carriage, making an effort to hide his misty eyes from Enver as he passed by him. He took his seat, felt the door close shut, and then minutes later felt the carriage lurch forward. Not once did he look back as the carriage rode away from his home.

And now here he was. The rolling green hills that surrounded him told him that they were nearing the small town of Riverrun, a small fishing town that was located on the edge of the wide White River. He had heard of the town before, considering that was where the city obtained its fish, but he had never visited the town before. An old weathered wooden sign on the side of the path told Aarie that the town was still quite a distance away, and they would have to stop for lunch soon. Aarie's stomach rumbled at the thought of food and wondered if his servant had packed him anything to eat. He was about to rummage through his rucksack when the scent of bread and meat wafted up his nostrils. He inhaled deeply as he looked up and lifted his ears in surprise as Enver handed him some bread and dry meat wrapped up in some cloth.

"Your lunch, Lord Aarie." Enver commented dryly.

Aarie accepted the food, appreciative despite the cougar's unexciting tone. He bit into the bread, chewed, and then swallowed. Enver took his time eating, gazing at Aarie the entire time.

Come on. Say something. Start a conversation. Aarie told himself as he nibbled on the dried meat.

" has it been being a soldier?" Aarie asked as he swallowed his food down.

"Tiresome." The cougar replied with a twitch of his muzzle.

Okay then. "Is that it?" Aarie asked as he crossed his arms.

Enver sighed as he shifted his legs. "Look, Lord Aarie. With all due to respect, you don't need to make any small talk with me. My only duty is to make sure you reach the city safely, and then I go back home. I'm not being paid to make friends, especially with a young lord like yourself."

The words hurt Aarie's pride, and he folded his ears back slightly.

"Well...I-I'm sorry then Enver." Aarie huffed as he turned his attention back to the window. "Just wanted to try and get to know you better."

"There's nothing interesting to know about me, my lord." Enver replied lowly.

"That's ridiculous." Aarie replied as he shifted his gaze over to the cougar again. "Everybody has something interesting about their lives. Where did you grow up?"

Enver flicked his tail at the question, and saw the hesitance in his eyes to answer it.

"I came from Nacaroth." Enver finally replied.

Now we're getting somewhere. Aarie thought to himself excitedly.

"Nacaroth? Never heard of it." Aarie lied.

"It's a city far west from Carval, about a three days journey. You would have to cross the Jarath Mountains to reach it."

"I see." Aarie nodded. "So what brought you to Carval then?"

"The City Guard Academy, of course." Enver said with a shrug. "Ever since I was a cub, I always wanted to be a soldier. I would always stare at them as they passed by my house."

Aarie wanted to admit that he also spent some time staring at the city guards, but of course for different reasons, but he deemed it inappropriate and instead just bit his lip.

"Becoming a city guard is a very noble thing to do. You must have gone through a lot if you went to the Guard Academy." Aarie replied.

"It doesn't feel very noble when all you do is when you keep drunkards off the streets and go find lost lords late at night." Enver smirked.

Aarie saw the slight twitch of the cougar's muzzle, the closest thing to a full grin. It was probably the closest to a smile he could get from the cougar. Aarie mentally told himself that he would make the stubborn feline smile by the end of the journey.

"Lost? I never get lost. I know my way around the city." Aarie replied back with a snort.

"Except when you're drunk."

"You think it's easy making your way back to the palace after several cups of mead?" Aarie shot back. "Besides...that only happened twice."

"Which reminds me fox, what do you do every night? I know that you don't go out to the taverns and drink every night. You don't even smell of mead when I drag you back to the palace some nights."

Aarie's heart stopped in his chest as he tried to think of a valid excuse.

"I uh...I just like to take walks around the city at night sometimes." Aarie stuttered, and then quietly cursed himself for such a ridiculous lie.

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. I've smelled the sex on you before."

Aarie folded his ears down as he felt his face turn red. So it appeared that there was no use to trying to hide his sexual exploits.

"Really? Was it that easy to figure out?" Aarie asked sheepishly.

Enver chuckled slightly, and Aarie's ears perked up at the slight laughter.

"Of course it was, my lord. You obviously did not do a good enough job to hide your scents after your fun."

Aarie folded his ears back down in embarrassment. "Are you...are you going to tell my father?"

To his surprise, the cougar shook his head.

"Of course not. It's your business who you want to be with. If you wish to sleep with other males, I'm not going to try and stop you." Enver paused. "Just be with whoever makes you happy."

Aarie sat there quietly, trying to figure out how to reply to such a response that he thought he would never of heard from the cougar.

"Besides my lord, I believe you get into enough trouble already."

Aarie could not help but chuckle at that. Enver was quiet for a moment as he studied the fox, and then asked, "So who is he?"


"The one you've been seeing. Who is he?" Enver asked again.

"Oh. Well...he's this tiger." Aarie began as he rubbed his paws together.

"How old is he?"

Aarie's ears twitched. "Does it matter?"

"No." Enver replied as he reclined back, his black paws resting on his knees. "I'm just curious."

"He's only five years older than me."

"And you're only eighteen years."

"Why does that matter?" Aarie asked with a smirk.

"Shouldn't you be looking for someone a little younger? And maybe someone who isn't a prostitute?"

Aarie sighed as he rolled his eyes. "You sound like my father now."

"How so?" Enver asked with a twitch of his muzzle.

"My father always asked when I'd meet a nice young vixen to continue our family line." Aarie replied, his mood suddenly turned sour.

"You do know that it will have to happen sooner or later though." Enver chided.

"I know that." Aarie coughed. "I don't want it too though."

"Come on. Cheer up. Maybe you'll meet a cute vixen once we reach Wyvern." Enver smirked.

"Or maybe a cute young wolf? Or even another tiger?" Aarie replied with a grin.

Enver just snorted in reply and turned his attention back to the window.

The next three hours passed by slow, only interrupted by short conversations between him and Enver. Aarie felt his eyes start to become heavy with sleep when there was a sudden knock against the carriage. Aarie went to sit up but Enver stopped him and cracked the carriage door open.

"Is everything fine driver?" The cougar asked.

"There is an inn nearby where we can stop for the night. Would my lord wish to rest here and continue the rest of the journey tomorrow morning?" The driver, a young skunk, asked from the front of the carriage.

"That will be fine." Aarie replied with a nod, grateful at the thought of a bed and a warm meal.

"Certainly my lord. If you wish to remain here, I will go and claim our room for the night."

"Actually we can take care of that while you park the carriage." Aarie said as he grabbed his rucksack and stepped out of the carriage.

"Very good sir. I will just be a moment." The driver replied as Enver also stepped outside.

The carriage clattered away and Aarie breathed in the chilly evening air, stretching his legs and back which began to ache after sitting for so long. Enver also stretched, and Aarie could not help but watch as the taut muscles rippled underneath the cougar's black fur.

"I need a drink." Enver muttered as he began walking towards the inn, and then stopped with lowered ears. "I mean, if you permit it, my lord."

Aarie waved a paw at him. "As long as you're with me, you don't have to ask me for permission. And stop with the formal addresses. Just call me Aarie."

"Understood Lo- er- I mean Aarie." Enver replied.

Aarie smiled to himself as he strolled up to the inn and opened the wooden door. The inn was not very crowded at all. Besides the innkeeper, a portly badger whose head rose in interest as Aarie entered, the room was practically empty.

"Ah, welcome to the Hilltop Inn good sir. What can I do for you?" The badger asked as he folded his paws on the desk in front of him.

"Lord Aarie Tennison of Carval wishes for a room to stay the night." Enver spoke before Aarie could open his muzzle.

The badger's eyes opened wide. "Lord Aarie? Oh I'm terribly sorry for not recognizing you, my lord!" The badger replied as he bowed. "A room for the night? Certainly! Unfortunately, I'm afraid that the only room suited for two only contains one bed."

"You don't have any rooms with two beds?" Enver asked with a twitch of his ears.

"I'm terribly sorry sir, but I do not."

"We'll take it." Aarie interrupted.

Enver shot Aarie a look, but he just replied with a smirk.

"Very good sir! The cost is one silver a night. Warm baths are located at the end of the hallway. Meals will be served out here, but I'm afraid you did miss dinner. However, I can have someone bring back a plate of food for you both if you wish." The badger said as he pushed his glasses up.

"That would be great." Aarie replied with a smile as he fished out two silver pieces from his pocket and set them down on the desk. "My driver will also need a room tonight, so could you also appoint him to it when he comes in?"

"Certainly, my lord." The badger bowed as he took the silver pieces, pocketed them, and then slid a key across the desk. "Your room is the fourth one down the hall, on the right."

"Thank you." Enver muttered as he shifted his scabbard on his hip and brushed past Aarie without a word.

Aarie took the key and chased after the cougar. The different scents of others behind closed doors interested him as he walked down the hall. He caught the faint scent of another male fox and the heavy masculine musk of a wolf or coyote.

"Are you coming?" Enver asked as he stood at the door impatiently.

"Hold your tail." Aarie chuckled as he approached their room and slid the key into the lock.

The door creaked open to reveal a rather spacious room, decorated with a comfortable looking bed (for one), a table for two, a chest for belongings, and a nightstand next to the bed. Enver gazed around the room as he stepped in.

"I'm sleeping on the floor." Enver grumbled as he threw his rucksack onto the table.

"What? You're going to pass up a comfortable bed for the hard floor just because you're afraid to sleep with another male?" Aarie scoffed.

"I'm not afraid to sleep with another male, I'm afraid to sleep with one who tends to fall in love with other males." Enver replied with a sneer.

"Well you don't have to worry about me falling in love with you." Aarie replied crossly as he crossed his arms.

"Are you sure about that, my lord?" Enver gave a coy smile.

"I...yes!" Aarie coughed.

"I still choose the floor though."

"No you're not." Aarie replied, and then added with a grin, "And that is an order."

"Oh, now you're giving orders?" Enver's grin turned into a glare.

"Well it is part of my title, is it not soldier?" Aarie replied with a glare of his own.

"I...but...yes." Enver huffed. "Now would my lord permit me to go take a bath?"

"Go ahead." Aarie replied, unable to hold his grin this time.

The cougar unbuckled his scabbard from his hip and stormed out of the room, his tail lashing behind him. Once the door closed shut, Aarie sat down on the bed with a sigh.

He was starting to really like Enver. Not as much as his tiger back home, but he was a really, really nice soldier. His personality was a little rough around the edges, and Aarie was certain that the cougar was beyond irritated with him, but the fact that they had had a steady conversation in the carriage was enough to give Aarie hope that he could really get to know the cougar's softer side. Would he want to start a relationship with him though? Possibly, but he was not even sure if the cougar was interested in males. From the conversation they had, Aarie guessed he was not interested in other males, but still, there was some hope.

Aarie's ears perked up as there was a knock at the door.

"Enter." Aarie said as he sniffed, catching the scent of a mouse.

The door creaked open, and a young mouse entered the room, carrying a tray of food in his paws.

"My lord, your dinner." The mouse said shyly as he placed the tray on the table.

Aarie smiled at the mouse as he slipped his paw into his pocket and fished out two copper pieces.

"Thank you very much. Here, these are for you then." Aarie said as he handed the two coins to the mouse.

The mouse's eyes opened wide as he hesitantly accepted the coins and slipped them into his cloth pants. "Th-thank you, my lord. You are very gracious!"

Aarie chuckled. "Well you've done a great job."

The mouse nodded and turned around, his tail held proudly behind him. The door closed and Aarie was left alone in the room again. He sniffed the tray of food, which was filled with bread, some fruits, and some meat that was not steaming hot but was slightly warm. His stomach rumbled hungrily and he quickly devoured half of the tray of food, before he realized that Enver had not eaten yet, and he forced himself to slow down.

Speaking of Enver. Aarie thought of himself as he wiped his muzzle and brushed the crumbs off of his tunic. The cougar was probably still bathing, and with a coy smile, Aarie thought to himself if there was a chance he could catch the feline naked. Chuckling to himself, Aarie quickly padded over to the door. He quietly opened it and poked his muzzle out into the hallway. The door that led to the baths was closed. Aarie grinned as he quietly padded over to the door and pressed his right ear against the door. The muffled sound of running water met his ear and he lightly tapped on the door with his paw.

"Occupied." Enver's voice came from behind the door.

"It's Aarie."

There was a pause, and then, "Definitely occupied."

"I'm coming in anyways." Aarie said as he pushed the door open.

The smell of scented powders and the overwhelming scent of Enver's wet fur filled the small room. He could not help and laugh as the very naked cougar stood there in shock, covering himself up with his paws.

"What do you think you're doing?" Enver exclaimed angrily.

"I was hoping to get a peek at your sword." Aarie grinned.

"Would you get out?"

"Calm down Enver." Aarie chuckled as he began to do undo the clasps on his tunic. "I need to wash off too."

"You couldn't just wait your turn?" Enver muttered, his paws still covering his sheath.

"Oh come on. I know that you soldiers bathe together all the time." Aarie argued as he slipped out of his tunic and undid the strings on his trousers.

"I've never bathed with a lord before though. Seems disrespectful." Enver muttered.

"Quit making excuses." Aarie said as he unclasped his loin cloth and let it fall to the floor.

Enver muttered to himself as he watched Aarie climb into the water. Aarie sighed as the warm water soaked through his fur, washing the grime and dust away from the day's travel. Enver stared at the fox for a while, and then finally stepped into the water, making sure to keep a thorough distance between himself and Aarie.

"See? Not as horrible as you thought it would be."

"Just keep to your side."

"I can do that." Aarie chuckled as he splashed some water over his body.

The two were silent for a moment, the lapping of water the only sound in the room.

"Do you have any family?" Aarie asked, hoping to start a new conversation with the cougar.

Enver nodded. "I have a brother."

"Younger or older?"


"Lucky." Aarie replied. "Where does your family live?"

"They also live in Nacaroth."

"That's nice." Aarie replied sincerely. "What do your parents do for a living?"

"Farming." Enver replied as his tail drifted lazily in the water. "I used to help my parents there all the time when I was younger."

_Well that definitely explains his physique. _ Aarie thought to himself as he glanced down at the cougar's muscular body.

"Do you ever miss the farm life?"

Enver shrugged. "It was hard work, but it paid off. I mostly enjoyed just helping my parents and brother."

"That's very noble of you." Aarie replied with a smile.

Enver smiled slightly. "Thanks."

Aarie sunk down into the warm water, allowing his fur to soak.

"So what about? I really don't know much about your past life, my lord." Enver asked as he trailed his paw in the water.

Aarie shrugged. "There's not much to know."

"Nothing at all?"

"Nothing that you already know." Aarie replied. "I really didn't have that much of a life on the palace."

"Well what did you do all these years then?" Enver asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Well, I had to take classes, did some sword and bow training, and I learned what my job was as a lord." Aarie shrugged again. "Other than that, nothing really. Unless you want me to tell you about all of my exploits at The Golden Lion."

"Um, no thank you." Enver replied with a smirk.

The cougar stood up in the bath, water dripping from his toned body, and Aarie could not help but take a quick glance at the cougar's black sheath.

"Well I'm done. Is there food in the room?" Enver asked as he stepped out of the bath and grabbed a towel.

"Yes. I saved the rest for you." Aarie replied as he watched the naked feline dry his fur.

"What? You ate without me?" Enver growled. "Is there any left?"

"Of course there is. I'm not that inconsiderate." Aarie snapped back as his ears twitched.

Enver just snorted in reply as he threw the towel to the floor and reached for his loincloth.

"Stop staring at me." He muttered as he slipped it around his waist and fastened it.

"I can't help it." Aarie chuckled. "You're just so handsome and fit."

Enver snorted again as he quickly pulled his pants and shirt on. "I'll meet you in the room. Take your time."

"Oh I will take my time." Aarie smiled.

He watched Enver leave, and then sat back in the water with a sigh once the door closed. His sheath throbbed with arousal at the thought of the naked cougar and he was almost tempted to relieve himself of the tension that had built up in his lower part. He moved a paw down to his sheath and brushed it gently, exhaling slowly at just the minor touch. His pink member began to poke out and he gently massaged himself with his paw. As much as he wanted a release though, he forced himself to stop and instead stood up and stepped out of the bath. He picked up a dry towel nearby and did his best to soak up the water that clung to his fur. After he had dried himself to the best of his ability, he walked over to some of the smelling powders and sprinkled it all over his body to get rid of the wet fur scent. Still slightly damp, he quickly slipped into his clothes and exited the bathing room, quietly closing the door behind him.

Enver was sitting at the table, just finishing the last of the food when Aarie walked into the room.

"You really didn't leave me much for dinner." Enver glowered as he chewed on some bread.

"Sorry." Aarie replied as he lowered his ears. "I got carried away."

"Well I hope I get better food than this at the palace." Enver said as he stood up from the table and stretched.

"I'm sure the food will be up to your standards." Aarie replied with a smirk.

Enver slipped out of his shirt and moved to the bed. Aarie suddenly felt the exhaustion of the day's travel rush over his body, and he walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Are you going to sleep naked?" Enver asked as he eyed the fox.

"Would it make you uncomfortable if I did?"


"Well then I won't, for your sake." Aarie replied as he slipped out of his shirt and smoothed down the white fur on his chest.

Enver grunted and rolled over onto his side. Aarie carefully slid into bed with the cougar. The bed was definitely not for two and Aarie couldn't help but smile as Enver's back brushed against his arm.

"I better not wake up to find you on top of me."

Aarie chuckled as he blew out the candle, dousing the room in darkness.

"Stop worrying so much. It's only for a night."

Enver fell asleep within minutes, his breathing became steady and slow. Aarie listened to the cougar breathe next to him, his chest and sides rising and falling steadily. With a sigh, Aarie rolled over on his side, his back pressed up against Enver.

He was starting to have mixed emotions about Enver, emotions that he knew he shouldn't be having. His thoughts drifted back to Rilec again, and he felt the familiar ache of homesickness fill his insides. He knew he was going to be gone for a long time, and it would be a long time before he would even see Rilec again. Maybe he would not even see the tiger again. Maybe the tiger would quit his prostitution and travel the realm, just as he wished for. Maybe he would find someone special, someone who truly loved him and would always be there for him. Aarie wished for himself to be that special someone, but he had already failed at being there for the tiger.

The cougar stirred in his sleep, causing Aarie to snap out of his deep thoughts. He turned over carefully and looked at Enver, who had now rolled over onto his back, one paw draped against his chest and the other down at his side. He watched Enver sleep soundly for a while, and then gently slid his paw down and rested it on the cougar's. Enver remained asleep, his breathing gentle and steady. Aarie smiled as he enjoyed the small contact between them, and soon he felt sleep come to him, his paw still rested on the cougar's.