Off The Field: Chapter 6

The alarm blares noisily and sends a screeching wave of pain through my head. I wince as I roll over and blindly try to shut the damn thing off. My head is killing me from last night and I know that I'm going to have to go to class hung over. "Aw fuck...

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Off The Field: Chapter 5

The stadium is packed. Despite the cold temperatures, thousands braved the weather to watch the first game of the Xavier Gryphons. The opponents: The unlucky Union Raptors. Don't get me wrong, the Raptors are an okay team, but they really don't stand...

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Off The Field: Chapter 4

Two months. Exactly two months have passed since I came here and met Rhy. Two whole months have passed where every morning is magical as I wake up to the sound of the fox breathing next to me. And let me tell you, each morning never loses its...

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Dangerous Intentions: Chapter Two

Chapter 2 of my story series. I'm quite happy with how well it's coming along and I hope you guys like it too. Also, kudos to those of you who catch the cross-reference in here! Thanks for reading!...

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Off The Field: Chapter 3

I feel like I'm floating when I open my eyes and my dream that I was having collapses. I stare at the ceiling for a few seconds before the memories of last night's events come rushing back into my head. I turn my head to the right and find Rhy's white...

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Dangerous Intentions

Carter hated the city. He hated the suffocating traffic, the noise and filth, and the fact that he could not find a single coffee shop that sold an average cup of coffee. However, the city beat patrolling the country, considering Carter was a man of...

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Off The Field: Chapter Two

I jerk awake from the blaring alarm from what I think is my alarm clock. I groan and reach out with my paw to slam the snooze button but all I feel is the cold wooden smoothness of the desk beside my bed. I crack my eyes open and realize that there...

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Off The Field

Lately, people have been asking me how all of this got started. I grin and laugh slightly. "Well, it all started with this guy right here," I say as a motion towards the arctic fox. He sticks out his tongue and elbows me softly in the ribs. I laugh...

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Love and Loss: Chapter Two

The sudden bumps and rattle of the carriage suddenly jerked Aarie awake from his slumber. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he gazed around the small carriage that he had been sitting in for the past three hours. Enver eyed him curiously from the other...

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Love and Loss: Chapter One

If you were to visit the city of Carval, the capital of Alegrasia, the first thing that would be noticed is the magnificent palace. The palace sat next to the White River, the high and long walls hiding most of the bravura architecture from outside the...

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Off Guard: Chapter Five

"That's it! Keep your feet moving now! Don't stand in one place for too long now! Move about! Let your legs do most of the work! Good, good! Just like that!" Jarik was panting as he dodged another swift strike from the black wolf who he was facing....

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9:00 PM, Outside Your Front Window

Snow had begun to fall outside and a light blanket of white coated the ground. The flakes were falling steadily and a cold wind was beginning to blow, making the snow whip and turn in intricate patterns as it fell to the ground. The first snow of...

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