Becoming Warm: Chapter 2

Story by Aragon Draco on SoFurry

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#4 of Complete

Trouble Enters Our Characters' Lives


Life had indeed turned around rather spectacularly. I went from losing a partner, to losing, then gaining back a friend, who became a partner. I was quite happy.

But life has a way of making you question your sanity, and sometimes even your love. Such is the case with the story I am about to tell you now.

Work was about what I'd come to expect. A day of dealing with idiotic members of the public, and desiring to come home to the arms of my dear partner, Blaine.

We'd developed a bit of a kinky relationship, and we considered each other to be the most important people in each of our lives. He was the one who introduced the D/S element into our relationship, and it proved to be the element in our lives that, if it can be believed, made life so much easier, even if this element was only used for occasional romps in our bed.

I won't lead you astray, dear reader. We were nothing, if not very passionate, and often horny. Frankly, I have to say that I was addicted to him from the moment he first kissed me. Likely, that kiss will never leave my memory. The taste of him never leaves my mind.

I knew that Blaine had a past acquaintance with whom he'd dated, but never done anything, as he'd told me. I was confident that my own past was behind me as well. Even those of his family

that were still around had moved to another state. And perhaps, that's where the trouble started.

I came home from work, and saw a letter on the table, in Blaine's hand, saying that my employer wouldn't allow him to talk to me, and that my cell phone was down, so he had to resort to a letter. I checked my phone, and indeed it was down, so I plugged it in, and checked the messages. There were four from him. All said the same thing: he had to leave, as his mother was dying, and he needed to be there. I was stunned.

I called his phone, waited as it rang, and when he answered, his voice was, to say the least, rough. "Michael, she is dead, and I was too late."

"I'm sorry, baby. Should I come?" I hoped, inwardly he would say yes.

"No, babe. It'd not do. It's enough that I am gay. I'll be home soon. They're just cremating her."

"Alright, dear. Get home soon. Love you."

"I love you too."

I knew it'd be a few days before he got home. Ceremony is still important to furs, even as removed from humanity as we appear to be. There would be a funeral. And when he would get home, I would be here for him.

I went to my computer, and checked on my emails. Most were the usual spam, and therefore unwanted. One, however grabbed my attention. It was from my pathetic ex. It was a video of sex acts between Blaine and an unknown female human, and on the very couch that sat in our front room.

I was livid, and I was more angry than I'd ever been before. I knew that body, that beautiful male fur belonged to my partner. Seeing that, I left the apartment, and stormed downstairs to talk to Edie, the shop manager.

"Edie, has Blaine ever brought anyone at all up there when I've been gone?"

Startled, she shook her head, "No. Not Blaine. I have never seen him do anything. Long as I've known him, you are the only person he's been with at all."

Saying nothing, I showed her the videos on my laptop. The look on her face was strangely stunned and unbelieving at the same time. She looked up at me, and said quietly, "Something is wrong here, Mike. Blaine is not the kind of fur to sleep around on you, especially with a woman."

I took a deep breath, and replied, "I don't know what to believe, now, Edie. I do hope you are right, but I can't help be worried."

"And angry, I see." That was no small truth, to be sure.

I went back up stairs and decided to do battle. I forwarded the videos to two people. I first sent them to a police officer friend of mine with a request to analyze them for anomalies, and to find out if they were authentic. Second, I forwarded them to Blaine himself, with a demand for explanation. Then, I went to bed, after turning off my phone.



I never though that something like this would happen. When I saw who the original sender of the videos was, I had an absolute rage fit. It was Cory, the fennec that was Mike's ex. I showed it to my brother, the only real supporter I had, and he got about as angry as I did.

"The most angering thing," he growled, "is that it's a trick of video editing!" His words came as a small surprise to me, but that surprise was tempered by the knowledge that my brother is a videography analyst by trade. He works at a film studio, editing digital video for film.

"If that is true, Dave, how did Mikey get fooled by it?"

"Because the video is made rather well." He growled. "I'm going with you. I'll fly back home, but you need support. I well know this video is fake, and intended to break you two up. That fucking fennec ex of his is getting too close for comfort, and I will defend my family."

The night passed with me repeatedly trying to phone Mikey, but to no avail. I left repeated messages on his machine, and worried about him. I went back to my laptop and sent him this message:Mikey. This is all incredibly angering and suspicious. I beg you to remember who the original sender is. Also, think about this: When have I ever had the chance to fuck around on you? And why the hell would I want a woman, when you alone provide all I could ever need? This is a trick video, and I am certain it was not done for any good reasons.

I sent it, hoping it cleared the air, but feeling sure it wouldn't.



The next day was a Saturday, and I was off. Thankfully, because situations were not conducive to being at work. I woke up to the sound of a pounding on the door. I pulled on a house coat and pants, and answered the door, a bit groggily. There, at the door, was a face I now hated. Cory. "What the hell do you want, fennec?"

He laughed, and pushed in to the room. "I see you got my email, didn't you?"

"Get out now, fennec."

"I just want to say one thing, cat. You don't deserve him. If he is willing to sleep around with a female, you aren't capable of pleasing him at all. Bye!" He chirpily ended his spiel and sauntered out of the room, leaving me growling loudly. I went back to bed and cried my eyes out.

I lost count of the hours that elapsed. I loved Blaine still. I could smell him on the sheets. I longed for his body, and his name was on my lips, as I cried myself to sleep yet again.



By the time I got home, the shop and the apartment were full of a palpable tension, one that could practically be cut with a knife. Apparently, more than just Edie and Mikey knew what happened. When I walked into the shop, Edie was the first to greet me, and she leaned in and whispered, "I desperately hope you did not."

Knowing what she meant, I looked her in the eyes and said, "No, Edie. You of all people should know this."

She nodded, and said, "I believe you, Blaine. But, a warning, his ex is spreading the story and the video. It'll take a miracle to change Mike's mind." I knew she was right, and headed upstairs, feeling the eyes of every single person in that shop on me as I left.

On the table was the Mikey's laptop, with the video queued up, and the words "Why? Am I not good enough?" typed in small font below. It was not posted on the net, but just in a file on the computer.

I turned, and walked into the bedroom to see something I never wanted to see. Mike was packing. He saw me out of the corner of his eye. "Apparently, you want that...female more than me."

"Have you even taken into account that it might be a hoax?" I asked very quietly.

"Does it matter? You've been filmed having sex with someone other than me." He was certain. I had to try one more thing.

"If you don't trust me, I know you trust my brother, Thomas." Blaine nodded softly. "Will you talk to him about the video, Mike?" He nodded.

"He better hurry, because if he has anything to say, he needs to do it before I leave." I nodded, and whispered, "Please give both of us a chance."



The meeting with Thomas was interesting, to say the least. He was very soft spoken, but firm, and he showed me the proof he had of the video's fakery. Frankly, I became embarrassed.

I pulled on a coat and headed out into the rainy night. I walked, how long, I did not know. I simply walked, thinking, beating myself up for jealousy. I was pissed, at myself, now, for being such a reactionary pain.

I knew, now, that my mate was still my mate, and had not done anything. Instead, I'd not looked skeptically at the video, and realized the truth. I'd fucked up, royally. I had no idea if I could forgive myself.

After a time, I headed across a road, toward a diner, to warm up and eat a bite. I was about half-way, when something big, and loud, hit me in the side, and I instantly saw black, then white, and knew nothing.



I became very worried quite rapidly, but I knew he'd have to think, so I let him be. I roamed the apartment, but that became tedious quickly. I went downstairs, and began to clean vigorously. I was focused. Nothing in, or out, and Edie seemed to enforce this.

I was several hours into my solo cleaning escapade when my cell phone burbled. I stopped cleaning, and pulled the phone out, and answered it. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end was very businesslike, "Is this Blaine Eric Timmons?"

"It is."

"This is Sergeant Marcus Philbrook, Tailsleigh City Police. Do you know someone named Michael Drake?"

My blood ran cold. "Yes, sir, I do."

"Mr. Timmons, he has you listed as next of kin. Is this so?"

"Yes. He is my husband." I said with constrained throat.

"Then, I would suggest you get to Good Shepherd Memorial Hospital. He was in an accident, and is now in Intensive care, unconscious."

I swallowed the hard knot in my throat, and said, "On my way, sir." I ran upstairs, and grabbed my coat, and brother, and told him the news. Instantly, he jumped up, and headed with me to the car, locking up on the way out. We headed out to the hospital as quickly as legally possible, and while moving, I called mom, Edie, and several others, and got many promises to be there as soon as possible.

When we got to the Hospital, I saw that the ICU was full of police officers. The person who'd hit Mikey, apparently was being interviewed. I focused on my mate. The police and nurses allowed me to sit beside him, and view him. I refused to leave.



When my little brother loves someone, he does it with everything in him. I talked to the doctors for him, wrangled family members, and, believe it or not, the press. Apparently, the fake video had made its fetid way to the press, and the focus had been placed on an upstanding member of the community, my little brother. I called Blaine's lawyer for him, and explained everything to him, being careful to do so in private. He came quickly, and did the press wrangling, wicking the press away to a safe place.

I now focused on my brother, his mate, and our family. A doctor came out, and spoke to me. "You are the brother of the fox?"


"Michael is incredibly lucky, but for some reason, he's in a coma. Scans show that he's not got a concussion. But, as usual, we do not know enough about the brain to make an intelligent guess about what caused it. He does have two broken ribs and a broken leg. He's lucky not to have any fractures. We will give him a room, and keep him under evaluation."

I nodded. "And will my brother be allowed to stay with him?"

The doctor nodded with a quiet smile, and said, "Yes, he will. If that was not allowed, I would not work here." He said this, indirectly informing me of his own feelings in the matter.

I nodded, and thanked him, then moved to pass the information to my family, and to the lawyer. We discussed how to tell the press what to say. After the discussion was over, I traveled to the apartment to get clothes and books for Blaine. I also got his laptop. I wanted to show the proof to the lawyer, and see what could be done.

Returning to the hospital, I saw that Mike now had a room, and I was allowed in, and gave Blaine his things. I saw that my brother was infinitely sad, and disturbed. He talked to his comatose mate, constantly, telling him of his love, care, and devotion. He sat there for hours on end. At times, we had to practically force him to shower in the adjoining restroom, because he would not leave. We brought him food and drink.

He sang to his mate softly, and sometimes read to him. He called his name, and begged him to wake up. This continued for several days. After about three days, I was sitting, napping, across from my brother, who was still singing, his head laid on his mate's chest. I heard a sound that woke me so suddenly, I fell from my chair. I rose quickly, and saw that it had been my brother, screaming happily, "He's awake, Tommy!" and crying, his mate's hand softly stroking his cheek. I immediately ran for the doctor, and told him the news, which sent him and two nurses into a frenzy of activity.



Darkness was, frankly, a strange blend of comfort and fear for me. I was convinced I was dead. All was gone, as was my chance to show my mate my love, and to apologize to him for what I'd said.

After some indeterminate time, I found myself in what appeared to be a field, standing near a being that seemed to radiate energy. The being, rather than speaking, seemed to transmit information directly into my mind. You've been treated badly, it's true. But, take it from those who know. He who truly hurt you will be recompensed. The hurt he has caused will return to him ten-fold.

I had not been a strong believer in a higher power before that moment, but at that moment, I knew that there was a Great Spirit that was in control of aspects of my life. I also knew that I still was alive, but healing. The voice continued: You will return to your life. Your love and mate was not to blame, but the person that lied and hurt you is the sole perpetrator. I bless you with life.

With those words, my world went black again, then I slowly came to, in great pain, and feeling rather like I'd been hit by a train. My eyes were still closed, but I was conscious of a soft voice singing nearby, and the weight of a head on my chest. I slowly opened my eyes to see my mate's face, eyes also closed, tear stained visage softly moving with his emotions.

I lifted my hand and began to softly stroke my mate's cheek, and whispered, "Blaine..."

His eyes flew open, and he screamed out, obviously happy, "He's awake, Tommy!" Up to that point, I'd not been aware of Tommy's presence in the room, but was happy to see him.

Tommy ran out to get a doctor, quickly returning with a cadre of medical staff that seemed to swarm for a while, taking tests and examining me. Finally, after what seemed like hours of poking, prodding, and prying on me, one doctor raised his voice and sent everyone but Blaine and Tommy out of the room, and sat to talk with me. "You are a lucky young cat. You do not have concussion, nor do you have any brain damage. Your body's healing rather quickly, but you still seem to be in some pain." He leaned back in his chair, and continued. "You were hit by a car, and the impact threw you several yards." He took a breath. "About the only problems now, are two broken ribs, which are quickly repairing, far quicker than I've ever seen. At this rate, you'll be out of the hospital in just a couple of days." That news was good to me.

Over the next couple of days, Blaine and I talked quietly about what had happened. During our talks, tears freely flowed, and we became closer, despite all that had happened. Apologies were exchanged, as were kisses and cuddles.

It was with great joy that I was wheeled out of the hospital, and helped into Blaine's car. We went home, and I joyfully kissed him at the door to the coffee shop, in front of all the employees and customers, punctuated by hoots and applause in support of us. We answered customer inquiries, as well as employee questions, and then Edie herself.

Edie was, perhaps, the most happy employee Blaine had. She'd been running the shop, and she was harried looking, dealing with all that comes with being the highest ranking member of the leadership of the shop. No doubt it was a deep relief to her to see Blaine.

Entering our apartment, we were greeted by family members that were excited to see us. I became very cognizant of the fact that my family was incredibly supportive of the two of us. After a couple of hours, and Tommy's insistence, the apartment was cleared of all of the family. The silence was a relief equal to that of realizing our family's supportive stance.

I turned to my mate, and knelt before him. "My dear, I do not have a ring, but what I do have is yours. I've given you my heart. I only ask one thing." I took a deep breath and barged ahead. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"



Once again, he took my breath away. I began to cry, and with everything in me, I whispered my answer, "Yes, my mate. With all of my heart." I took his paw in my own, and pulled him to a stand. I leaned in, and kissed my mate deeply. "Now, it's time to renew your claim on me, Michael."

With that, he began to strip the clothes right off of me. I returned the favor, and began to become rather aroused. I could see I had a similar effect upon him, so I reached down, and began to stroke his increasingly turgid member, teasing it from its sheath. His grunts, purrs, and moans told me I was doing well. I knelt, and licked the member from base to tip with slow, languid strokes, repeating the action several times, before sucking the entire shaft into my warm maw, accompanied by his deep moans. I softly twirled my tongue around the head, and began to piston my head on his member languidly.

After a few moments of this, he pulled me off of his member, and said, "Babe, I don't want to come in your mouth right now." I immediately lay back on the floor, and spread my legs.



Some sights are so beautiful, that the sight of them stops your mind from forming thoughts or speech. Looking back on that heady moment, I believe that is what happened to me in that moment. Blaine's beautiful body was more arousing to me than the most well-formed man could ever be to me.

I looked down at him, took a deep breath, leaned down, picked him up, and carried him to the bedroom, laying him down in our bed. I then sank between his legs, and began to bathe his member, balls, and taint with soft, wet licks, interspersing these licks with light bites, nips and sucks. His breathing became deeper and more hitched, as my own maw took his cock completely inside, doing the same as he'd done to me.

But, instead of long, languid, teasing strokes, I intentionally used rapid strokes, with lips tightly wrapped. I pumped his member with paw and maw, and hummed, while teasing his hole open with a lubed digit. I was able to insert a finger at a time, getting two, then three fingers inside him, and matching the fucking of my fingers with the pumping of my maw.

With a loud cry, he came hard, thick cream filling my maw, as his lithe body seemed to experience a kind of electrical charge, vibrating and writhing all over the bed. The pleasure coursed through his body repeatedly, and I knew that now was the best time.

So, I carefully removed my fingers, and just as carefully replaced them with my cock. I slid inside him, and simultaneously bent down, and kissed him, sharing his cum with him in a passionate and explosive kiss. I persistently moved inside him, seating myself completely inside him, then waiting for a while.



Once again, my fate as a permanent submissive was sealed, as was the realization that I was, and would always be addicted to my mate's body. He felt so incredible inside me, that there are few words that could ever be strung together to even hint at the feeling. Maddeningly, he refused to move. I knew it had to be hard for him. Sweat formed on his brow, and I could see that it was getting difficult.

For me, the longer he waited to move, the worse my need got. I started to get a bit angry, and burst out, "Fuck me, goddamnit!"

He smiled down into my eyes, and said, "That's what I wanted to hear." He pulled out, extremely slowly, only to push back in with the same exquisite lack of speed he'd shown he had. It seemed he was toying with me. My patience was now at an end.

I pulled together all my strength, and with a sudden burst of speed and strength, flipped us over till we had switched places, him now on his back, still inside me. I then began to ride him, taking control of the speed of the fuck. I moved my hips in circles, while making the thick, stiff shaft massage the hot walls of my anus.

I knew I was making that glorious member hit my prostate, and I insured that it hit on every single penetration. Precum oozed, yet again, from my now reawakened member, and I started riding him harder and faster.

He purred loudly, and my own keening moans and yips of pleasure punctuated the silence of the apartment along with his purrs. Faster, and faster we moved. Even in this position, it seemed that our bodies were melting further and further into each other, and our feelings seemed to mesh. When one gave pleasure, he also felt it.



To say that I was stunned would be an understatement. Rarely had my mate ever taken control of a sexual situation. Even though he was bottoming from the top, so to speak, it was clear to me precisely what he wanted. Apparently, he needed a lot more speed than I was giving. And, with this turn of events, so to speak, I became quite willing to give them to him.

His body moved with incredible agility, making me repeatedly fill him with my thick cock, while causing me the most glorious of torture, simply using his body. The heat of him, wrapped around me like a vice, was more than a little arousing, and it seemed that I got harder and thicker inside him, than ever before.

I heard him breathing my name and the words, "Master! Oh, my Master!" in between each movement. I could not now stop myself, and began to firmly fuck him from that position, meeting his own downward thrust with an upward thrust of my own, the sound of muscular thighs and hips hitting each other filling the room, along with the squeaks and creaks of the boxspring of the bed.

I reached up and grasped his small nipples and gave them a light twist, causing him to cry out, and cum hard all over my chest. His hard orgasm, and its accompanying anal contractions caused me to cum as well, as if our orgasms had been somehow activated by an external switch.

Again and again, it seemed, my orgasm repeated itself, my body alternately shaking and stiffening, yowls and screams of pleasure likely heard in the shop below. This fazed me not a whit. After what seemed like an hour, but must have only been a minute or so, both of us came down from our orgasms, and my wilted member slowly exited my mate's body. His body limply fell forward, over my own, falling onto my chest, which was well covered with his cum.

I think, at this point, both of us slept. It feels incredible to spend the night holding the one you love more than anything in the world in your arms, as you sleep in the bed you've once again christened with your lovemaking. And, in the small moment before we slept, I whispered, "I love you, my mate." And in his tired voice, he whispered the same to me, and my heart was full.



In my opinion, the greatest honor is to defend one's family, and I am nothing if not dependable when it comes to that. Michael may be my little brother's mate, but he is family, and that thought does not leave my mind.

To that end, I thought you might want to know what happened to that fennec, Cory. He was jailed for attempted blackmail and fraud, and while in jail, he was found to have become, as it were, the "bitch" of the people there. Upon exiting the jail, he disappeared, and was found six weeks later, dead, having taken an overdose of a sleeping medication he'd stolen. The police, coroner and court declared it a suicide. This is true, I suppose, but I do have some friends in the clink from being an analyst for the police. The bitching of that fennec, well, that was my doing, at least the arrangement of said bitching. Now, I am sorry if you have a problem with this, but he got his just deserts, and I will not have my family hurt by the likes of him. Period.

That said, I do envy my little brother quite a lot, and want the same kind of life he has. Maybe some day.


Stay Tuned for Chapter 3, in which we will begin the story of Thomas, and how he finds love.


Author's note:

Thanks so much for all the supportive messages. I received requests to continue this saga, and so it is with great pleasure that I give you this second chapter in the story of this family. May your life be blessed with love.