Infestation Dawning

Story by Steelcox on SoFurry

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Hiya. Some time ago, I read in Von Krieger's journal on FA (before it kersploded. AGAIN) and he mentioned allowing others to use the settings of his stories so long as his characters and specific stories ain't touched. And since then I got a burr in my tail to write something out for the Infestation series since it's good and we wants more preciousss must haves it TRICKSY HOBBITSES KEEPS IT FROM US-

*Puases, then shakes head* _Any_way, I wrote this thing out. It is my own, different take on the series, and so I'm not sure if any fans will like it, or even if VK himself will feel like vomiting blood upon seeing his setting used in such a manner. So lemme know what you think, and Von Krieger, if you read this and dislike it, just lemme know and I'll take it down, no hesitation or bickering on that.

And now, Liberty Entertainment Productions of the Colorado System present to you Von Krieger's Infestation.

...Sort of.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit," the curse word repeated out of the girls mouth like a mantra as she ran, feeling the rain dripping on her head and arms starting to increase from a mere dribble to full-on downpour. The girl, an anthropomorphic binturong named Lia, felt the increasing sensation of wetness matched to that of doom itself, particularly when a bolt of lightning flashed in the distance.

"Fuck me," Lia cursed again, before returning her attention to the path she ran along. Bad enough to trip over a root any other time, thrice worse when it's wet, she thought bitterly, her eyes on the lookout for any of the offending protrusions as she raced along the path through the woods. I didn't think it was this far back to the car park!

Thunder rolled across the flatlands, and more flashes lit up the darkening sky as the poor binturong raced for cover of some sort. She cursed the fact that she had picked today of all days to take her car out away from her family and to a nearby wildlife refuge that few knew about outside of the city. Having just turned eighteen and closing in on graduation, Lia had felt the need to relieve some of the building stress of finals and so had decided on the little day trip.

Next time, I check the fucking weather report, came the chiding promise for the nth time. Before she could continue on the self-chastising, however, the binturong spotted something that made her hopes rise; a small shack of some sort sitting just off the trail. Inspired now by the anticipation of dry shelter, Lia put on a new burst of speed, leaning forward and letting her tail stick straight out behind her to balance out the tilt of her torso.

She nearly rammed into the door to the small building, managing only to bring herself to a halt underneath the roof overhang above the entrance by digging her clawed feet into the loamy soil. Now temporarily sheltered from the increasingly heavy rain, Lia paused to catch her breath and to look over the building.

The structure was little more than a shed, she noticed; a squat, nearly square building that had a tilted roof to shed water quickly towards the back, with one door and one window in the front providing the only real entrances. A sign on the wall next to the door read "Aid Station," and Lia quickly remembered what the building was for. Oh, right, some idiot tourist came out and died of heat exhaustion because he forgot to hydrate properly, so the state had to spend money to build some emergency huts like this. The binturong snorted at that, her round ears folding back a bit. Honestly, who goes out here without water? She asked herself, shifting the backpack she wore and feeling the shifting of the large water bottle inside. Ah, well, if it means I get a nice, dry place to wait out the storm, it's good enough for me. With that thought, Lia reached out to undo the latch on the door that kept ferals from getting inside and making a mess.

When her hand touched the metal, however, she realized it felt wrong, and she looked at the catch to see that it was already opened. Great, someone is inside already, Lia crossly though, her prehensile tail rising up behind her to grab at the large knife she had borrowed from her brother for the trip into the half-tamed refuge. Never know when a predator mistakes you for a snack... or for an easy rape victim. With such dour thoughts of attackers both four- and two-legged, the binturong carefully slid the sheathed knife from her tail to her right hand as her left slowly pulled the door open.

The aid station was dark inside, surprising Lia slightly, and also making her extremely wary. She strained her ears forward to listen for anything, but the deluge of the routine, if highly annoying afternoon thunderstorm blanketed the area with white noise. Carefully, she reached in and felt around for the light switch, groping it after only a second and flipping it to make the battery-powered, solar-charged light flick on.

Lia sighed with relief as she saw that the station was empty of any other occupants. Someone just forgot to latch it, then, she rationalized, walking into the shelter and closing the door behind her. Thank God the door stayed shut, otherwise something nasty could have taken up residence here. Good thing that didn't happen.

* * * *

Cold, tearless eyes watched Lia as she slipped her backpack off and set it on a counter, the multifaceted organs drinking in the new arrival's features. Black, short, coarse fur covered the female - yes, it smells female - from the tip of her tail up to the tufts on her ears and the end of her modestly sized muzzle, the owner of said eyes noted before focusing its attention on other aspects. The warmth coming from her body and the bulbous glands on the chest indicate a mammal, and a well fed mammal at that, the hiding observer thought as Lia shook herself a bit, trying to fling out most of the water in her hair and fur. Unlike those others that passed by here some time ago; all bone, hardly any muscle or fat. Not healthy.

A sigh from the binturong interrupted the observer's thoughts, and it watched curiously as the young woman took out a small shape from the cloth covering she wore around her lower body and digitigrade legs. A small, mental murmur of amusement ran through the watcher's mind as its object of attention depressed controls on the shape and then held it up to her ear and began to talk. Wireless communication device; a more advanced race than anticipated, it thought, almost betraying itself by chittering as a brief bout of satisfaction passed through its mind, though it managed to remain silent. So, the others were wrong. This is most gratifying. It waited until Lia finally finished speaking and then put the shape away before it began to flap its wings, beginning its mission.

* * * *

Lia sighed as she put the cell phone away, having just called her parents. Don't want them worrying with the rain and all, she thought as she pulled one of the folding metal chairs stacked against a nearby wall out and setting it up so she could rest her weary feet. Just gonna be longer than usual, especially as it's going to take so long to get out of the reserve now with everything soaked. I'll bet half the dips in the path are going to be filled with water. With a resigning grunt, she leaned back in the chair and rested her hands on top of her plump belly. And to think I thought I could get some good exercise in today and start getting rid of this, she wryly mused, patting her paunch a bit. Ah well, some other day then. Now... what do I do while I'm waiting for the rain to let up?

A particularly close bolt of lighting lit up the shack through the window, chased a split second later by a massive clap of thunder that rattled the building. "Fuck!" Lia said, bolting up from her seat. After she realized that there was nothing amiss, however, she breathed in a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, and unknowingly inhaling a fine mist of chemicals that hadn't been in the air until recently.

She sat down slowly after reclaiming her nerves, but even then, Lia still felt her breathing to be faster than normal. The oddness of the sensation was joined by a tingle in her crotch that soon began to grow in strength, and she smirked a bit. "I guess 'fuck' is the right word, eh?" She asked of no one in particular, reaching down to gently rub a hand against the front of her jeans. I suppose being close to so much raw power is enough to make anyone feel hot and bothered, the binturong rationalized, her tail curling up behind and below the chair. Part of her wondered what she was doing, stroking herself in what was technically public, but she banished the thought easily. I'm in the deepest part of the reserve, I haven't seen anyone for over an hour, and if someone hasn't found this shelter by now, then no one will. So screw it, Lia, and have a little fun.

Having thus talked herself into it, the slightly portly young woman reached up with her left hand to fondle one of her tits while her right continued to stroke her pants. The cloth muted the sensations of her groping, and she sighed in contentment as she slowly began to stoke the fires of her arousal. If only I could find someone else to do this with, she mournfully thought, feeling a pang of sadness temporarily override her pleasure. No one had even approached the nerdy, somewhat portly young woman, instead any and all suitors in her school trying for taller and thinner women. I just wish there were more binturongs around, Lia thought briefly, remembering that her family tended towards the stocky and heavy side of things.

Just as soon as the thought entered her head, however, it vacated in a rush as her arousal suddenly jumped by several degrees, making the young woman gasp and buck her hips, rubbing her groin against the panties and jeans covering it. Oh shit, what was that? She asked herself, never having felt anything like that before. The question was then answered, in a way, as she finally noticed a strong new scent in the air as it became thicker and thicker, but Lia stopped caring as her eyes rolled back into her head and her ears flattened themselves on top of her skull as she felt the warmth of sexual pleasure and need simultaneously rise throughout her body. "Oooohhhh, that feels goooood," she half moaned out, left hand releasing her breast and reaching down to start undoing the front of her pants even as her right continued its stroking. Despite her continued movements, however, the need for more stimulation continued to increase dramatically, and Lia started to wiggle her hips a bit as she desperately worked to remove the barriers between her sex and her hands.

* * * *

The shadowed creature watching the binturong would have chortled had it been able to, noting the rapid progression of its prey's agitation. This prey is no stranger to pleasure, it concluded as Lia stood up long enough to let her pants and panties drop to the floor before immediately burying a hand in her crotch, letting out a light gasp in the process. This species will be most enjoyable, indeed.

With that thought, the insectoid observer expelled more of the strong pheromones from its thorax for its wings to propel towards the increasingly distracted female, who had now fallen to her knees as the lust in her loins robbed her legs of strength. Soon enough, she will be too far gone to care about what is around here, the creature mused as it sent its own internal metabolism into higher gear. And then she will be taken.

* * * *

Lia moaned again, frustration mixing in with pleasure as she felt her hand increasingly ineffective at quenching the sheer desire for stimulation. What's happening? A part of her mind asked, still working despite the increasing distraction. I've never been this unsatisfied with just my hands before!

Her moans began to trail into whimpers as pure, unadulterated lust began to overcome her senses, and in desperation the binturong paused her self-pleasuring just long enough to remove her shirt and bra, hoping that groping her own breasts would help add the right amount of feeling to throw her over the top of the orgasm she could feel approaching ever so slowly. Scarcely had she finished removing her clothes before she roughly squeezed her ample mammaries, letting her blunt claws dig in ever so slightly into the soft skin underneath her coarse pelt.

Oh, yes, Lia thought as she panted, feeling like just the tiniest bit of the edge had been taken off of her increasing heat. Her groin, however, remained untouched, and the ache in her loins soon began to increase again, her sex demanding that something, anything be stuffed into it. Lia grimaced at the mind-numbing lust, barely cognizant enough to bend her prehensile tail between her legs, rubbing the outer lips and clitoris of her sex, letting the bristly fur tweak her nerves in ways even the soft touch of a hand couldn't do.

It wasn't enough, however, not nearly close. "Oh... fuck..." Lia grunted out between pants, cursing the need to release one of her breasts in order to reach down with her right hand to help guide the tip of her tail up to the folds of her sex. Do it, please do it, she thought as she slowly pressed the appendage into her folds, using both hand and her own willful control to shove as much of the thick, muscular limb into her gaping, burning hole.

Finally, the young woman felt some relief as her muscles gripped her tail as a man dying of thirst would clutch a canteen full of spring water. The sensation of a firm, shifting mass between her legs conspired with the way her bristly pelt tickled the inside of her sex to drive back the edge of her wanton lust, allowing Lia the chance to slow down her frenzied groping and catch her breath, once again breathing deep.

Unfortunately, this only introduced more of the pheromones in the air into her body, and Lia lustily began to tail fuck herself while squeezing her tits and rubbing her nipples, hoping that she could finally feel the release that would grant her a return to normalcy.

* * * *

Fascinating, the creature thought as it watched its prey resume her descent into maddened lust. Clever way of trying to stave off the inevitable, and it could present some problems, the insect thought as it slowly crawled out from underneath the table it had been hiding under all the while. It did not fear discovery now, knowing that the female it sought to take would be too far gone, too far needy to do anything but pleasure herself.

Lighting flashed and thunder roared, shaking the building with the fury of a nearby strike, yet the binturong remained undisturbed as she continued to prime herself for what the insect had planned. Excellent, the observer noted as it crawled to right in front of the oblivious female, watching as the woman let out another low, keening noise of frustrated pleasure as even her tail began to loose effectiveness in sating her desire.

An idea hit the insect then. It was risky, it decided, but if it was successful the female would finally be ready for infesting. I do not have much choice, in either case, as I cannot take her until she is in the right position.

With that calculation, the insect inched forward until its antennae were almost touching the binturong's thighs, and it slowly extended a long, tubular tongue from its mouth. Moving slowly, the sinuous appendage positioned itself over the part of the female's tail that was thrusting in and out of its reproductive tract, and in seconds it began to release a thin line of viscous fluid that dribbled onto fur already soaked by the female's excretions. The preexisting wetness was more than enough to let the creature's fluid mix in, and within seconds the end of the tail was coated and pressing the thick chemical mix into the binturong's sex.

* * * *

Lia's eyes shot open and she paused as she finally realized that something besides her desperate snatch had been dripping fluid onto her tail. Blinking several times to let her eyes readjust, the young woman looked down and stared in mute astonishment at the creature that stood before her.

If pressed, she would have called it some sort of dragonfly, so closely did it resemble that species in shape, though this insect was by far the most massive example of that class of life she could ever imagine. Easily five feet in length and as large around its thorax as her head, the creature could have easily been mistaken for a movie prop or some kind of hoax, if not for the fact that it kept moving ever so slightly, its long, segmented tail slowly moving back and forth in a sinuous motion that still couldn't be reproduced by mere machinery. Large, compound eyes and mandibles fronted the creature, and its carapace was a dark, but glossy black all over, save at the very end of its tail, which was a dark, forest green with a muted red stripe separating the tip from the main body. Four large, translucent wings sprouted from the insect's midsection, completing the insect's dragonfly motif as well as confirming its status as one of the most alien things Lia had ever seen. Yet, even as all of that registered on the binturong's lust-addled brain, she found herself unable to move or even think about what was going on and simply stared in complete astonishment as the creature slowly extended its long tongue again, this time reaching for and touching the outer folds of her sex.

Lighting again flashed in the small shelter, matching the fireworks that went off in Lia's body as the soft, slimy touch triggered a wave of sexual pleasure that made her own attempts to please herself seem pale in comparison. She couldn't help but moan out at the feeling as thunder shook the one-room building. The creature took this as a prompting and continued to rub its long tongue along the outer lips of her cunt, all the while leaking more fluid from the tip of the member.

Lia let out a low, long moan of satisfaction at the gentle caress that finally seemed able to sate her desire, completely uncaring that what was giving that touch would normally make her reach for the knife sitting on her backpack. Instead, she leaned back and let her tail slide out from her snatch, allowing the strange bug to move in closer, whereupon it gently probed the inside of her waiting sex with its tongue even as its antennae prodded her outer lips.

Oh, fuck yes, Lia thought to herself, barely even to form the words in her mind, let alone muster the cognitive ability to say them aloud. With the creature pleasuring her, relieving the demand for stimulation somewhat, part of her mind finally turned to wondering about the odd bug giving her oral sex. Something niggled in the back of her head, a warning voice attempting to shout over the roiling sea of hormones and pheromones, but even this dissent was silenced as the insect's tongue pressed all the way to the back of her sex, pressing up against her cervix and driving the binturong into another wave of pleasure.

* * * *

The prey female was almost ready, the insect noted, feeling the warmth and the first beginnings of change in her body from even the tiny amount of fluid it had dribbled onto her tail and sex. Now it is time to truly begin, and to convert her into her new role for the Hive, the creature thought even as it shoved the tip of its tongue past the female's cervix, allowing it to finally inject the prey with the first biogenetic chemical matrix that would start the process.

The female moaned at the sensation, the insect noted with pleasure as it began to withdraw its tongue. Even as the limb retracted, however, it sprayed out the last bit of chemicals it had, leaving behind a mixture that would ensure the prey would cooperate with its conversion.

* * * *

Lia softly moaned as she felt some sort of fluid enter her core, able to feel it as the insect's body - and thus anything coming out from it - was noticeably cooler than her own. Then she felt the assorted sensations of the creature's tongue withdrawing from her body, and she let out a brief whimper of confusion as the insect backed away from her. "Why did you stop?" The young woman asked, not even realizing that she was speaking. "Did I do something wroOOOOAAAAAAA!" Lia began to ask, only to nearly scream in mid-sentence as the dreadfully wonderful need returned to her sex full force, and then proceeded to build past the level it had been at before.

Hands rushed to her sex, first trying to sate the burning with her padded fingers, then to try and resume shoving her tail back into her needful cunt. Neither worked, however, and in fact didn't even begin to assuage the ache as they had done before the insect had touched her.

The bug... Lia looked over to the insect, seeing it watching her from only a few feet away, its long, rounded tail sinuously moving again, sparking an idea in the binturong's mind. She reached out for the insect with one hand even as the other continued to desperately rub her dribbling snatch, but the bug remained in position, standing just beyond her reach.

Another wave of burning need slammed into Lia then, and she fell forward as her legs started to give out, barely managing to get both hands away from her groin to keep her from slamming face first into the floor. The insane lust, however, didn't go away, and the binturong tilted her head back and yowled as loud as she could at the feeling even as she dug the claws on her hands into the wooden floorboards, carving long scratches. Her tail raised up high, and she managed to open her eyes and give the insect the most pleading look she could muster as tears poured from her eyes and drool dripped from her slack jaw before letting out the most pathetic whimper she had ever uttered.

* * * *

She is ready, the insect noted with pleasure as the female assumed a mating position. The look on her face was one of utter abandon, pure desire and want and bestial lust stripping away all rational thought. Perfect.

The insect flapped its wings then, taking flight for a few split seconds before turning around and landing on the back of the female, making the prey whimper again in pleasure as the insect slowly moved along her back, its long, chitinous legs almost stroking through her fur as the creature lowered itself along her spine. Once it was properly positioned, the insect wrapped its legs around the female's torso, and with that purchase, began to slide its ovipositor/tail down past her tail, sliding along the round cheeks of her rump before finding the burning hot hole that would soon belong to the Hive.

Prepare yourself, little one, the creature thought as it gentle rubbed the back of the female's neck with its antennae before sliding its ovipositor into the binturong's reproductive tract. Our dominion begins now, it thought, and then bit her neck with its mandibles.

* * * *

Lia had felt like she was going to melt as the insect alighted on her back, the touch of something, anything else infinitely more desirable to her doped body than a thousand caresses from her own hands. Her frustration peaked, as the bug seemed to take its time before it finally slid down onto her back and began to press the bulbous tail into her sex.

The young woman's muzzle hung open as the long, hard shape filled her needful sex, finally putting an end to the mind-numbing desire. Her muscles pulled hard at the chitin-covered appendage, helping to pull it all the way into her cunt until it pressed against the entrance to her womb. Lia closed her eyes then, and she sighed in contentment as for a brief moment, she felt a pleasure-infused peace.

The feeling, unfortunately, only lasted a moment before she felt two painful pricks into her skin at the base of her neck, making her yowl out and her eyes snap open before she collapsed to the floor. The bite location burned, and the sensation soon spread throughout her entire body, replacing the pleasure she had felt only seconds ago with a pain that seemed to infuse every single nerve in her body.

Even through that, though, she could still feel the hard tail in her sex, and a sense of panic erupted in her mind as she felt the tip of the appendage open up, and a round object was pressed through her cervix and slid into her womb. Lia's panic deepened further as she felt something hot and liquid all along her back, and briefly, she wondered which would be the cause of her death: being eating alive from the inside out, or being eaten alive by the insect on her back.

A sudden cracking noise and a profound pressure at the back of her neck were the last sensations the young woman felt before the pain rose to an unimaginable level and she finally lost consciousness.

* * * *

Her eyes snapped open and a fearful shout erupted from her muzzle as Lia abruptly awoke, shoving herself onto her hands and knees and frantically looking around. No thoughts immediately entered her head, instead an all-encompassing fear of something making the binturong ready to either run or tear into a threat with her teeth and claws.

The scene around her didn't help, as unfamiliar as it was to wake up inside a small, one-room shack that she had no recollection of entering. As several moments passed, however, without even the slightest bit of movement or loud noises registering on her senses, Lia's mind slowly slid back from blind panic and eventually let her calm down enough to form rational thoughts.

Okay, where the Hell am I? It was a natural first question, only to be followed by an equally natural follow up: And why the Hell am I naked?! Thoughts and worries of rape passed through Lia's mind, but something told her that wasn't the case. I don't... I don't think I was, she thought as she lifted her torso erect to kneel on her knees, taking the pressure off of her hands and allowing her a better vantage point.

It proved to be a prudent maneuver, as the different view started to unlock memories. This is an aid station... I'm at the wildlife reserve... I got caught in the rain. Lia began to relax again as she began to recall where she was and how she'd got there, and she settled back on her legs a bit while she looked around for her clothes; an easy task, as they were right where she had left them. That's right, I did take them off, didn't I? She asked herself as she slowly gathered the various articles together. I wasn't forced, I remember that, so I still don't think it was rape... But why would I-? The mental question died out as she caught a whiff of the fluids on her panties, and Lia blushed as she recalled becoming aroused and starting to masturbate. And in public, too! Well, sorta... Maybe not really, but still, that isn't like me.

The young lady frowned at the puzzle as she slowly stood up, carefully peaking out the shelter's only window to make sure no one could see her before making herself fully erect. Although she didn't want to be seen in such a state, the idea of someone finding her there sent a slight, pleasurable trill up her spine. This feeling only served to confuse the binturong further, however, being as it was a foreign idea to her. In fact, I feel kind of weird all over, she realized, finally paying more attention to the sensations from within her own body than from without. I feel kinda... warm. And relaxed, like I just pawed off after going for a week or two without, Lia thought, holding her clothes on one arm while she used her free hand to feel down the front of her chest and belly.

Lia shuddered a bit at the feeling of her hand moving along her pelt, the sensation drastically more pleasurable than she had experienced before while touching herself anywhere but her erogenous zones. "What the Hell?" She asked herself aloud, confused more than ever, and yet becoming curious. I wonder if I'm that sensitive all over? Came the mental query, and slowly, she began to run her right hand along her left arm, then along her legs and tail, shivering occasionally as the touch made her feel better than if she had just groomed herself with a proper brush. This is really weird, Lia thought as she brought her hand back up to trace along her belly before sliding around to her back. Did someone dope me up? This is how people who take Ecstasy describe-

The binturong's train of thought derailed abruptly as her hand felt something that should not be there, and she froze briefly in confusion and worry. "What the Hell is that?" Lia asked of herself, slowly moving her hand over a hard bump of some sort over the center of her back, only to realize it wasn't a bump so much as it was a large, flat surface of some sort, and furthermore, it wasn't alone. What the Fuck is this?! She asked herself, worrying at the completely unexpected growth. Fuck, I can feel though it, sorta! But what is it? It feels so strange, like a plate or an insect-

Once again, Lia's thoughts came to a screeching halt, this time as every one of the memories of what had happened after she arrived at the shelter flooded her mind. Her eyes grew wide, ears laid back against her skull, and tail dropped low as her mind slowly but surely began to process the events, going over them again and again until she finally absorbed the information. Once she had, Lia then quickly dropped her clothes and used both hands to feel all along her back, tracing the chitin plates, feeling where they started at the base of her neck and ending just above where her tail extended from her body. The ones near either end tapered down to points, while the segments in the middle spread wide to cover over half her back. Then Lia felt six points, three on each side, where the chitin speared out along her flank, reaching around to her front, and with a start she realized that they mimicked the same location where the insect had gripped her body; under her breasts, along her belly, and across the outside of her hips.

Slowly, the idea that the insect had done something to her, had even somehow melded into her flesh started to percolate through her brain. Unfortunately, Lia was not quite ready for this information, and she just shook her head. "No," she muttered, slowly sliding down again to her knees. "No no no no no, this can't be happening, it just can't," she protested to the empty room, looking around, seeking some sort of confirmation of her denial. "Come on, where are you, you little bastard!" The binturong suddenly snapped out, her face instantly contorting to rage as she searched for the offending bug, convinced it couldn't have disappeared. She spent several moments looking for it, but in the end, there was no place to hide in the tiny shack that she could not check within seconds, and predictably not a trace of the insect was found.

Except on me, Lia told herself, sitting on her haunches as she finally gave up her futile search with a sad sigh. The mere thought of the bug somehow merging with her made the young woman shiver, and she curled up her tail around one of her feet as she sat quietly, desperately trying to figure out what to do. That damn bug, she thought, despair again turning into rage in an instant. That weird smell, the way I had to paw off so bad, I'll be it's all connected. That's the only way I would have even considered... But where did it come from? I've never heard of a bug like that, and you'd think a five-foot dragonfly thing that literally fucks people over would be mentioned somewhere in popular culture... Besides, insects don't grow that big, period, not on this-

Yet again Lia's brain skittered to a halt as she had an epiphany of sorts. Oh, shit, that unexpected meteor storm from the other night; is it... an invasion? Can that be true?

Lia shuddered at the idea, recalling the science fiction stories she loved to read and watch. This is like The Brain Hijackers_, only without the stupid name_, she thought, remembering a particular story of people being taken over by alien parasites. Yeah, that sounds about right, she decided, and then shuddered again. If that's true, though, then why am I still thinking? What was the point of the sex stuff? What did that damn insect do to me?!

She spent several long minutes trying to find answers, but eventually, she sighed and then slowly stood up, gathering her clothes again as she did so. Whatever is going on, I can't stay here, and I can think while I'm walking back to the car.

* * * *

The walk back to the car and the trip home took nearly two hours, in total. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to help Lia figure out what she should do. Fortunately for the binturong, her somewhat loose clothes had still fit, for the most part, despite the slight increase of size along her back. Even sitting in the driver's seat hadn't caused any major discomfort, though it felt weird to press back against the seat and thus have the seat press the chitin plates into the soft flesh they protected.

That alone would have been disturbing enough, but it was made worse for Lia by the fact that it also felt so good. In fact, just about everything felt good touching her, from the clothes covering her furred body to the seatbelt across her chest, all of the sensations had started to stoke the fires of arousal once again, though this time it was no where near the levels she had experienced in the aid shelter.

Thank goodness for that, Lia thought briefly as she pulled into the neighborhood where she still lived with her family. She had another few moments of driving through the subdivision's streets before she arrived, and during that time she finished resolving herself to the course of action she had picked.

Action, hah, that's a laugh, Lia chastised herself as she pulled onto the last street, and then pulled the car over to park it in front of her family's house, where she put it into park, shut off the engine, and then just sat back to think a bit more. I can't tell anyone, she reminded herself of the decision she'd made. After, all, what would happen if she did? Her parents, of course, would rush her to the nearest hospital, hoping for some way of removing the insect, but Lia had understood that what had happened had made separation unlikely to the point of impossibility. This thing isn't just in my body, it's part of my body, she thought, reaching down to stroke one of the small spears of chitin on her belly that had once been insect legs. I can feel that, every touch on the outside of those damn plates as well as the fact that they're not just on my skin, they are my skin... Sort of...

Lia sighed at that, and then shook her head. But say for argument's sake that I wanted to let the doctors try, anyway. This is obviously an alien life-form, and that means the government will get involved, and who knows what they'll want to do with me? I mean, look, I know people get a bit over-suspicious of the government at times, and those people with the 9/11 "conspiracy" theories are full of shit, but there's always a real reason for those fears, and who knows how they'd react. Hell, they might take me away to Area 51 and study me like... Lia sighed again and then dropped her head. Ironically, like a bug. Or, they could dissect me under the pretense of 'trying to remove the parasite.' None of these options sounded good to Lia, and she felt another wave of despair wash over her briefly before she finally started to climb out of the car. I can't tell anyone, at least... Not yet. Maybe I can figure out something. Maybe the bug failed and that's why I'm still me and not a mindless drone or something. Maybe nothing else will happen for the rest of my life.

She didn't know if any of her hopes would prove true, but Lia did know that she would have to avoid her family for the time being, lest they figure something was going on with her by her behavior and demand to be told what was happening. Nothing can be done about this now, so no sense in worrying them... Or risking my 'condition' reaching the wrong set of ears and I get a free trip to Groom Lake.

It was these dour thoughts that kept Lia company as she walked into the two-story house and announced her return. Predictably, her parents immediately came over to make sure she was alright, despite her having called them a second time to let them know she had fallen asleep during the thunderstorm - partially true, anyway - and she was on the way home. It took some convincing to get them to go back to what they were usually doing, but soon enough the young binturong managed to make her way up to her room, where she promptly locked herself in.

As soon as the lock clicked, Lia began to strip out of her clothes, and once she was naked she turned to the mirror hanging up on the closet door and looked herself over. Am I... Am I thinner? She asked herself, noting that her usual pudge had trimmed down a fair bit since earlier in the afternoon, and her belly, while still a bit rounded, seemed firmer, slightly taut, even.

Oh, damn, it's still doing stuff to me, Lia dejectedly thought, her ears sliding down to hang down next to her head as much as possible and her long tail slumping to the ground. She stood like this for only a moment, however, before she mentally girded herself and then slowly turned around to look at her back in the mirror.

The chitin plates were just as she imagined them, black, shiny, and covering a fair portion of her back, though they had segments in their surface that allowed her to retain her normal flexibility. The only difference in the plates that she could see was the lowest one just above her tail, which had the same red stripe and dark green tip that the insect had.

That settles it, then: it really did merge into me somehow, Lia thought sadly, and then turned to walk over to her bed. Lying down on her side, she closed her eyes and slowly started to let her eyes fill up with tears.

Suddenly, though, a strange feeling passed over the young binturong, starting with a tingling in her tail that crawled up her spine until it reached her skull, where it promptly changed from a tingle to the sensation of something with many legs crawling around inside her mind. The mere sensation made her shudder, and she shifted on the bed in an attempt to dismiss the feeling.

It was then she found the next surprise, for as she moved around the fur on her thighs rubbed against her sex, instantly bringing Lia to a state of arousal and bringing that strange tingling feeling to her groin, which then grew immediately by a factor of three. Somewhat shocked by these sensations, Lia sat upright in her bed and looked down in a mix of astonishment and horror, as the outer folds of her sex seemed to shift and melt slightly. Before she could even begin to question what was going on, the skin reformed and then slowly began to extend outward.

"Oh, fuck!" Lia quietly gasped, clenching her hands into fists to keep from yelping out the wave of pleasure that accompanied the change. Even worse for her, it didn't stop, and instead her arousal continued to grow until finally, the changed portion of her sex had extended out over a foot in length, the end tapering down into a rounded point that made it look almost like an overlarge mockery of male genitalia.

What the fuck is that?! Lia asked of no one in particular, before slowly reaching down with her hands out of a combination of curiosity and a desire to slate the pure lust coming into her brain from the new organ. It, it looks like- oooohhh. The binturong moaned lightly as she laid hands on the fleshy extension for the first time, its dark skin suddenly becoming slick with some sort of slippery, viscous fluid that oozed from its surface. Oh, oh fuck me, it feels so good, she thought briefly as she began to stroke up and down the gently writhing length, uncaring for the moment how it came into being. Lia's only consideration was exploring every square inch of this new member, tickling and stimulating it with the subtle feelings of the soft pads and bristly fur on her hands before lightly scratching over it with her blunt claws. Every touch, every caress only brought her arousal higher, and the closer her hands moved to the end of the fleshy tube the more their touch inflamed her senses, until finally she reached up and, slowly, pressed a finger against the tip of her member.

Lia groaned out more loudly at that, only barely modulating her voice at the last second to keep from echoing her pleasure throughout the house. Oh, fuck, oh fuck me, this is so fucking good, she ranted within her own mind, rubbing the end of her member until, quite by accident, she willed the end to open, and it did. Lia didn't even pause to think about it before she slipped first one, then several fingers inside, rubbing the inner walls and feeling them to be almost as sensitive as the outer. "Oooohhh," she whimpered, feeling her climax rapidly approaching. "Oh fuck yes, let me cum, I need it," she whispered harshly, hoping, praying, almost, for the release that she had been denied earlier.

Seconds later, her desire was granted, and Lia grunted as the fleshy tube rapidly contracted, tightening around her fingers before finally releasing a brief, but potent spurt of fluids from deep within her body, soaking her hands, tail, and the bed with thick, musky juices. At the same time, the odd feeling inside her head returned, but Lia ignored it handily as she reveled in the afterglow of the most intense orgasm she could ever remember having.

Wow, the young binturong thought, breathing hard. Is that what guys feel? No wonder they want to fuck all the time.

-And so will you-

Lia bolted upright at that, having heard a sonorous voice clear as day, and she frantically looked around for the source. However, even a thorough visual scan of her room showed no one who could have said a word, and the binturong wondered how in the Hell could someone get past her father, anyway?

-I came in with you / As you-

Again came the voice, though this time Lia realized that it wasn't her ears that heard it, but instead the voice had sounded directly in her head. "Wh-what?" She asked, eyes going wide. "Who's there?"

-Your humble servant, my queen / Your benefactor / Your shaper / Your other half-

The odd, prickling feeling of something crawling around in her skull returned, and Lia held her breath as she realized who - or what - was speaking to her. "You..." You're that fucking bug! The one that fucked me over!

A slow chuckle sounded alongside the prickly feeling. -Interesting choice of words / So wholly correct, yet so utterly inaccurate / Yes, I am that servant which you encountered earlier today-

Lia frowned, as the separate thought sentences entered her consciousness simultaneously, and her tail curled up around her lower body, briefly caressing the still sensitive organ protruding from her groin as she struggled to make sense of what was happening.

-That member is your ovipositor- The voice said as Lia briefly wondered about what the thing between her legs was. Ovipositor? She asked mentally, realizing the thing could understand her thoughts.

-Yes / With it you will carry out your purpose / Repopulate the Hive / Plant your eggs / Take others / Infest-

Lia shuddered, not only hearing the words but also beginning to feel concepts color their communication, as well. The last word/concept, especially, made her clench her eyes shut and willfully force the idea from her immediate thoughts. You damn disgusting bug. You want me to do this to others, to make them freaks, too?

-You are not a freak / Freaks are aberrations / We have not been aberration for ten infestations / You will birth-implant-spawn others / You are queen / Repopulate-

Lia clenched her muzzle shut and reached up to cover her ears with her hands in a futile attempt to keep from hearing or understanding the thing inside her head. Stop it, stop it! I won't cooperate! You hear me? I won't do any of those things! I won't betray my race, my planet!

-Not betrayal / Survival / We are not the Others / We do not conquer / Survival requires sacrifice / Some must sacrifice much-

Again, Lia shook herself out of revulsion. The ideas the creature was putting into her mind were utterly alien, yet the more it pressed the more it changed the details to more closely match aspects of her and her life. Images of strange, half-bug creatures mating others lacking the insect features slowly started to look like Lia and various boys she had a crush on at one time or another. What are these things you're showing me? What do you want from me?

-You are queen / Advanced species / Infiltrate / Others will trigger defenses / Extermination inevitable / Must remain hidden to survive-

Lia shook her head, still unable to fully translate the concepts from whatever internal language the alien used to her own system. Finally, though, she heard a mental equivalent of a sigh. -We show you / What others do / What we do / What happened / What will happen-

With that, the binturong gasped as she felt her viewpoint thrown into a pool of blackness, and then she saw.

The room was dark, cavernous, and filled with the sounds of chittering. Strange creatures, clearly half Infested, either lay in beds made for them or were even embedded into the walls themselves. Others wandered around, and in the center was a large, bloated figure that the free moving Infested would walk up to and then plunge their ovipositors within one of many orifices before having their bellies filled with eggs. Everywhere one could feel the oppressive control of the Hive mind, of the Queen, dominating thoughts, tricking the others into being what they were not._ _

A gleaming city spread out for miles, soaring towers of glass and metal rising beyond the clouds. Machines and living creatures alike flew across the sky, and everywhere there was movement, development, life. Two creatures, one six-limbed but clearly mammalian in origin, and another, bipedal and reptilian, stood together near a building in the low-lying outskirts. "Our aggressor brethren grow unchecked, my queen," the reptile said to the other. "The Alliance will be forced to respond, and they will not make distinctions if they find us."

"Then we must do what we must do: spread out and survive," the larger, rounded creature responded. "The Seeding must begin again."

_ _

An underground room, full of controls and beings of one type manning them lay in front of the viewer. Not seen, but felt, it is a record of his witnessing.

"The entire southern coast is gone, sir," a well-dressed figure explained to another, even better dressed figure. "The Artorites have reported success with nuclear weapons, sir. I think we have no other choice."

"And kill off twenty million of our citizens?" The addressed figure asked.

"They are not our citizens anymore, sir," the first speaker added. "They are infested."

Time passes, the room falls quiet as all strain to hear. Finally, the high leader speaks:

"Deploy the weapons. Do what you must, but wipe out those parasitic bastards."

_ _

The cavernous room again, only this time it is not dark. Fire burns all, churning flesh into charcoal and ash, clinging to the walls as if possessing a will of its own. The queen screams in agony, the eggs around her bursting as their moisture cooks off.

_ _

A brilliant flash, burning heat, horrendous sound; all precede a mushroom cloud.

_ _

Lia fell off of her bed as she finally felt her mind released from the visions, grunting as she hit the carpeted floor. "Son of a bitch," she muttered, reaching up to rub her head.

-We do what we must- The voice again sounded in her head, though this time, it seemed more linear in the way it delivered its message. -We must survive. Others grow unchecked. Fine for primitives, whole planets taken that way. Advanced species do not react well, they must be infiltrated, prevented from learning of Hive in their midst. You are advanced planet, many species. You will not react well. Others will bring death upon them with blatant, frontal assault. We survive by taking only when needed, reproducing when possible, accepting those who are willing-

Silence settled over Lia then, both physical and mental. Her mind reeled from all the information, from the 'talking', from her continued arousal despite the inherent revulsion of the alien's desires.

Then why are you rubbing your ovipositor? The question came not from the insect mind, but from Lia's own subconscious mind, and she blushed as she looked down, realizing that her shaft had become hard and slippery once again while her left hand idly stroked it. Lia wrenched her hand away as soon as she saw what she was doing, but the ache for more touching remained. The damn bug threw me for a loop, that's all, probably did something while I was watching the pictures, she explained to herself, yet she couldn't help but wonder if she protested too strenuously?

A sudden knocking at the door interrupted her thoughts then, causing Lia to start. "Wh-who is it?" She asked, shame deep in her voice.

"It's your mother, Lia," the familiar, rich female voice sounded from the other side of the door. "I was just coming by to let you know dinner is in thirty minutes."

Lia took in a deep breath to calm her nerves down before she replied. "Okay, thank you mom," she said, hoping that would be the end of it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. "Are you alright, dear?" Her mother asked. "You don't sound too well."

Shit, Lia thought, thinking quickly. "Uh, I'm okay mom, just feeling a bit under the weather. I guess I caught something from the rainstorm. But I'm better than I was an hour ago so I should be fine."

"Are you sure?" Her mother asked, some worry in her voice. "Would you like me to get you anything?"

Lia started to open her mouth to reply when she felt her vision shifting once again.

She stood in her room, naked, her hands resting on the head of another female kneeling between her legs, licking and sucking her rock-hard ovipositor. Lia sighed contentedly as she ran her hands through the other woman's hair, scratching behind her ears to reward the increasingly enthusiastic servant; the latest addition to her growing hive.

"Good girl," Lia crooned, and then moaned briefly as she felt a large shape shift withing her round belly. "Open wide for your mistress now, and take the first of many eggs." With that, Lia gripped the side of the woman's head, holding her steady by the cheek ruffs of fur as the egg slid down through her cunt before entering her ovipositor. The long, muscular tube contracted just right, slowly pushing the round object forward along with a pint or more of biologically active fluid to help the new servant's body adjust to her new role. A role she took on eagerly as the egg slipped into her muzzle, stretching it wide before finally slipping out of Lia's ovipositor and down the awaiting throat. Thick, translucent fluid followed the egg, some of it reaching the woman's stomach, but most of it spilling out all over her face and large, round tits.

Lia chittered lightly as the laying was completed, and she released the woman's head, letting the new servant look up at her mistress with devotion. "Did I do well, my queen?"

Lia smiled at that, and she stroked the elder woman's face. "Yes, mother, you did," she said, rubbing the ear of her birth mother, making her black-furred face melt in pleasure. "But we are not finished yet; Lie on your back," she ordered, and then kneeled before the older binturong as the latter complied. "You served my siblings and myself so well in the past, and now you will do the same for our eggs, and soon, our spawn," Lia said, and then thrust her writhing ovipositor deep within her mother's love canal.

Her mother moaned in ecstasy, arching her back as Lia's ovi reached her womb. "Give me you eggs, mistress," she begged, reaching up to pull her daughter down on top of her, their breasts rubbing against one another, all four of the orbs leaking milk. "Make me yours, take me as your servant for all time."

Lia murred and chittered almost simultaneously as she thrust in and out of her mother several times until more eggs started their way down her birth channel, flowing through her ovipositor and then into the waiting, eager womb that had once carried her.

Lia gasped as she snapped out of the vision, shaking her head violently to try and get the images out of her head.

"What was that, dear?" Her mother asked, the familiar tone resonating with the memories of Lia's vision, repulsing her on one level, even as on another she felt enough excitement to make her ovipositor throb. "I... I'm fine, mom," Lia replied, desperately trying to keep from speaking to her mother as she had in the waking dream. "I'll be down in time for dinner."

"Alright, Lia. Just rest up and you'll be fine in no time," the elder woman said, and then walked away. Lia listened for an interminable time before she finally sighed and relaxed, lying on her back. Unfortunately, her member still throbbed, though she felt disgusted enough to ignore it for the moment, and instead sent a furious thought directed at the insect mind inhabiting her own. You fucking worthless, shit-eating dog-fucking dirt-eater! She mentally raged. How dare you do that, how dare you give me that abominable image!

-And yet you liked it-

The simple, one-line response stopped Lia short, and she blushed deeply as the thought of the vision continued to make her ovipositor throb and writhe, begging for attention. You did that thing to me, sucking my mind in.

-First time, yes. Had to. Second time was your own mind, subconscious, using trick it learned from first vision-

No, it can't be! I don't want to fuck my own mother!

-We do what we must to survive-

With that final line, the other mind left Lia alone to figure out what it meant by that.