Walls Book 1 - Ch 5 : Escape

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#10 of Walls

Chapter 5 - Escape

510 A.R. July6,Road,Night

"Vilkas," Father said.

I opened my eyes and glanced up to realize that we were still in the car, "Yeah?"

"We're almost home."

"Uh huh," I said as I raised my head and wiped some bloodstained drool from my muzzle.

"Tired?" Father asked.

"Yeah... eating this much really... uh..."

"Saps your energy, most lay down and rest for the day to allow the digestion to kick in," Father said.

I nodded and yawned, "Yeah."

"So did anything else happen out there?" Father asked.

"Lots of things... oh... we did encounter a few others."

"Others?" Father asked.

"Yeah, a hybrid deer family, they approached the beach in the morning. We scared them half to death as we got up and growled at them... we didn't mean to... but they caught us by surprise."

"I understand. Did they say anything?"

I shook my head, "No, they just backed off very slowly and then ran away. We had just eaten the hare the day before so... we must have looked rather horrific... at least it wasn't as bad as now though."

Father chuckled, "Yeah, did you dive and roll around in that deer or what?"

I smirked to myself, "Well, I guess I did dig rather deep... oh... and I know how to howl now."

"Oh?" Father asked in interest.

"Yeah, we did it last night, all four of us howling side by side... it felt great."

Father reached out and ruffled my head while I glanced up and noticed that we were driving through our neighborhood. I felt thankful that it was late, not to mention that my black fur hid the reality of things.

"... Dad," I said.


"If I had seen a wolf like myself a few months ago... covered in blood stepping out of a car... I'd have probably hid and called the police."

Father nodded, "Yeah, that's why you're going to cover yourself with the towels and head straight for the showers when we get home."

"How often does this happen? I mean... do bears do this? Other canines?"

"Bears have something akin to this as well, but they're taught to survive and catch fish instead, that's not as bloody. Dogs that have a strong prey drive tend to hunt smaller game, rabbits and so on. The closest you would find to us wolves would be the bigger cats, mountain lions, tigers and so on, but even they frown a bit on eating raw meat."

"So is this all right?" I asked.

"You're free to make your own choices Vilkas, there are even wolves that are vegetarians."

"... It's easy to say that but I can feel it inside me, it felt good killing that hare... I felt pride when I showed it off and it had the most amazing taste."

Father made a slight smile as he looked ahead, "Wolves were tasked with keeping the wildlife populations in check, clans divide territory and we maintain it. I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying our responsibilities."

"But I'm guessing that we try to keep a lid on it?" I asked.

"Precisely, one does not discuss hunting deer in a room with deer hybrids, nor do we look down on them just because they're grass munchers. In return they keep their mouths shut regarding their own views on the subject."

"But there is an underlying problem here, Isn't there?" I asked.

"... There is some chafing between us."

"Enough to turn into conflict?" I asked.

"I'd say no, in the end we stand united as hybrids, and that's a lot more powerful than one's personal preference for food."

The car pulled into the driveway and came to a stop, father was quick to get out, rush around, and then hid me from view as he blanketed me with a towel as I walked over to the house.

We stepped inside and had just shut the door when the lights upstairs flicked on.

Father prodded me in the back, "Hurry up before your mother sees you."

I hurried along, opened the bathroom door and locked it behind me as I heard mother's voice.

"How was yo- Where is he?" Mother said in surprise.

I sighed in relief and headed over to the shower as I heard father explain, I ignored it and switched the shower on. The rushing water drowned out the rest of the world as I adjusted the heat and stepped into the stream. I felt my fur grow heavy while I glanced down and saw the water grow red and murky.

My thoughts wandered to Jason and I felt something shift inside my mind, the sound of the rushing water became distant, my fur began to feel like an alien coat clinging to me, my heart picked up pace as I watched dirt, debris and clumps of congealed blood gather by the drain.

My bulging stomach and the fullness of it took on a scary edge as I thought back and began to see what I had done with a different perspective.

Whatever state of mind I had been in faded in mere moments and left feeling like a monster.

My stomach clenched and I felt a burp that sent a strong scent and taste of something I had never experienced before, it was putrid and acidic.

It almost made me retch but I fought the sensation with every muster of willpower as I feared to see the horrors of what I had eaten. Instead I raised my head, leaned in by the wall, and drew deep slow breaths as I tried to keep calm myself.

My thoughts didn't stop though as I wondered if Jason had been right when he said that I'd lose myself.

It filled me with fear and an existential crisis that made me whimper like an injured pup, I forced myself to stop as I grabbed my muzzle and forced it shut. It only added insult to injury though as I found myself staring down a big inhuman muzzle blocking part of my view.

Who am I?

510 A.R. July7,Volkov Household,Morning

"Vilkas..." A voice whispered.

My mind stirred and my instincts felt at peace, the place smelled of home, safety and warm memories. I blinked in an attempt to shake the groggy sensation as I glanced up.

"Mom?" I whispered as I saw her sitting by my bed.

"Welcome home Vilkas," Mother whispered as she touched my head and stroked along the short mane along my back.

Mother's voice was like a soothing melody and it made my tail struggle against the blanket as it began to squirm.

"Glad to be home," I whispered with a smile.

"Did you have fun?" She asked.

My tail stopped squirming as a torn sensation filled my mind, "Yeah, I did."

Her fingers dug through my fur and began to knead my shoulders, it felt a bit weird but sort of relaxing as I let my head rest against the pillow.

"So..." Mother asked.


Mother smirked, "Do you think you've found your packmates?"

"Maybe," I whispered.

"Tell me about them?"

"All right... there's Peter... he's got brown fur, he's a bit weird and he tends to be an ass, but he's very spirited and I don't think he intends to be mean. Then there's John, he's got fur like dad, he seems rather serious but has joking side to him. Allen has beautiful white fur but he's a bit quiet."

"Go on," Mother whispered.

That unsettling sensation returned, "I..."

"What?" Mother whispered as she began to scritch near my ears.

"It's strange... we spent four days together but I hardly know a thing about them."

"So what did you do all this time?" Mother asked.

"We played together... slept together... we-"

Mother made a light smirk.

I raised my brow and met mother's eyes, "We shared the warmth during the night, my fur isn't that thick and the night was cold."

Mother nodded, "I see"

"There was a beach with sand, and lots of blueberries, we howled at the moon, it's been great... it's just that..."


My ears folded back, "Nothing."

Mother didn't seem convinced, "Do you remember when you were little, you heard a noise and you came running downstairs because you were scared?"

"Maybe... Hasn't that happened a load of times?"

"It was a full moon, holiday, we had a barbeque earlier in the evening."

"Yeah... it sounds familiar. Why?" I asked.

"Your father had a bit much to drink that night, he went on a silly streak and howled loud enough that the whole neighborhood must have heard."

I smirked to myself, "Oh?"

"You came running downstairs and I comforted you, we took you upstairs and read you a story."

A warm smile spread on my face as the memories returned, "I'm beginning to realize why most of those stories had brave wolves and cunning cats in them."

Mother touched my cheek and then let her finger trail down my muzzle, she stopped for a moment and lifted my lip as she poked at the long canine tooth.

"You've got quite the fangs Vilkas," Mother said before letting go.

It felt like a compliment yet something ached inside me, "Thanks."

Mother sniffed the air, "Did you hunt?"

"Do you really want to know?" I asked.

"I'm mated to a wolf Vilkas, I've seen how happy and proud hunting makes your dad. So yes, I'd like to hear."

I glanced up and met mother's eyes, "I caught a hare by myself."


My heart thumped with a moment of excitement, "Yeah, I crept up on it... I could smell it... my instincts led me to it."

"Did you share it with the others?"

"Of course," I answered.

Mother made a slight smile and glanced down towards my abdomen, "Must have been big really hare."

I glanced down and noticed that my belly was still bulging enough to create a bump in the blanket.

I shifted a little but it only made me feel worse as I felt the contents of my gut shift and resettle with the sound of liquid slapping against the stomach walls.

That strange sensation made my chest tighten, "Sorry."

Mother eased my head up so that our eyes met, "Sorry?"

My ears folded back as I glanced away, "It's nothing."

"This 'nothing' seems to trouble you a great deal."

I frowned a little and glanced up, "I have a lot to think about."

Mother made a light nod, "Do you want to go shopping later?"

"I don't think I'll fit into any pants with a potbelly like this."

"Do you know anything about your digestion?" Mother asked.

"... Not really," I whispered.

"That potbelly will be gone in a few hours by the sound of it, we can go shopping then."

I raised my brow in wonder, "... What are you saying... I'm going to throw up?"

Mother's eyes widened in surprise as she shook her head, "No... okay... see, it's like this."

Mother made a tight shape with her hands, "A wolf's stomach is like a scrounged up balloon that can expand by a great deal. The stomach walls are like muscles that can tighten and work the food as it secretes an acid far stronger than what you would find in a human gut. It thoroughly liquifies the contents and then sends it on its way."

I gulped and blinked, "Uh huh."

"Your intestines will reabsorb most of the water in no time so most of that potbelly will be gone in a matter of hours."

"... Are all hybrids like this? And how do you know all this?"

Mother shook her head, "No, I just find this kind of thing interesting."

My eyes widened in surprise, "What? Digestion?"

Mother chuckled, "No silly, anatomy, how we inherit traits from the hybrid type we're paired with. It's rather fascinating."


"Like this... give me your hand," Mother said as she held out her own.

I reached out my hand and let her take it, she then spread my fingers and showed a short but flexible flap of skin binding the fingers together.

"This webbing here is meant to make it easier to walk on snow, it's partially formed on your hands but your paws will have the full webbing. You won't find that on hybrids based on domesticated canines."

"I didn't know that," I whispered as I looked at my hand.

"... Is something wrong Vilkas? What's bothering you?" Mother asked.

I hid my hand as I answered, "Nothing."

"Hmm. Well... sleep in if you want but be ready in a few hours when we leave."

I made a slight nod and a forced smile, "All right."

510 A.R. July7,Shopping Center,Midday

I adjusted my shirt and glanced up, mother was standing beside the car and her lips were twitching a little as it broke into a smile.

"... I look ridiculous, don't I?" I asked.

Mother stepped up to me and gave my shoulder a pat, "Relax Vilkas, you look fine."

I glanced down at myself and frowned as I looked anything but fine, the buttons on the shirt were stretched, and I could hardly move my shoulders while the shorts made me queasy as it compacted my gut.

"I should have taken dad's clothes," I whispered.

"You would have looked like a tent dear," Mother said with a smirk.

I turned my head and looked at the car, "Can I wait in the car?"

Mother grabbed my arm and pulled me along, "Nonsense Vilkas, come on now."

I followed but my tail and ears mimicked my state of mind as we walked toward the entrance.

My eyes wandered to the other shoppers and their eyes seemed to catch on me as they made bemused smiles.

"Did you go through this?" I asked.

"I'm a cat Vilkas, I gained 40 kilos over a few years, not a quarter ton."

My eyes wandered to the ground as I looked at the feet of other hybrids, some of them wore shoes but most had paw protectors made to fit their specific type. It seemed a bit counter intuitive but those with the most human feet were the herbivores. Their nails were big and stubby but were far from hooves.

I glanced down at my own paws, they looked big and dangerous while cute at the same time as the black fur sprouted like a fuzz.

A rush of air hit me as we stepped inside the shopping center. The ground became smoothed stone and I glanced up to find found that I was still the center of attention for everyone that passed by.

"What do you want to go for first?" Mother asked.

"New dress shirts," I said with a determined voice.

We entered a shop with a grand display on top. 'Forestyle'

The place had the theme of a green forest and plants grew along the walls like vines sprouting small white flowers.

Mother led me to the male section with fine dress shirts in all manner of sizes and colors.

I began to look around but found myself lost as I wondered what kind of colors that would fit an all black wolf.

"I'm going to need some help with this," I said as I glanced over at mother.

Mother looked at me, pondered it, and then seemed to strike gold as she lit up, "Wait here."

Mother rushed off and began to peruse the racks of clothes in search of something specific. I meanwhile began to wander as my mind kept returning to the thoughts that had tortured since yesterday.

It was something of a relief that I no longer felt like before, wild and unshackled. At the same time that troubled me as I wondered what would happen the next time, would I lose myself? Become Peter's bitch? Take up the role as a trusted beta and begin to exert my dominance on the others in the pack?

"Need some help?"

The voice was female but rather deep and strong, I turned around and found myself looking at the chest of a big hybrid.

The store uniform had a name tag. 'Janet Keeley'

I glanced up to see a female wolf that could rival my father in stature.

"... Oh, just browsing," I whispered.

Janet's build was gentler than that of a male but she was still massive, her arms looked strong, her chest was broad but had that extra puff created by her bosom. Her fur reminded me of a timber wolf and her eyes were a rich green. A big tail swayed behind her while she made a gentle smile just big enough to make her white teeth glint a little.

She inched closer and sniffed the air, "Aren't you a handsome young wolf?"

I made a sheepish smile and got caught in her eyes, "Thanks."

Janet leaned in until our muzzles nearly met, "And so young, you can't be more than a week or two?"

I leaned back and little, "Yeah."

"Let me catch your scent," Janet said as she motioned for me to come closer.

I stayed still while she leaned in once more, our muzzles brushed by each other as she sniffed my fur, her own scent caught in my nose, it smelled of wolf, hybrid, female, and just a tad of sweet herbs.

Janet inched back and made a warm smile, "See, isn't that all better?"

I caught my tail wagging as I nodded, "Yeah."

She glanced back for a moment towards mother who hadn't noticed, she then met my eyes once more.

"Is that your mother?"

"Yeah," I answered.

"Do you have any wolves in your family?" She asked.

"My father," I answered.

Janet looked relieved and nodded, "Good, wolves need someone to show them the way. Do you like it?"

My ears perked and my tail kept insisting on its steady wag, "It's... yeah... I do."

"What's troubling you pup?"

I found it a bit weird decided to give it a try, "Have you ever been on a hunt?"

She made something of a feral grin, "Of course."

"Did you like it?" I asked.

She sniffed the air once more, "I thought I caught the scent of deer, were you the one who fell it?"

"No," I answered.

She made a warm smile, brushed up against me and whispered, "Don't worry pup, I'm sure you'll get your chance, and if not, then you'll just have to take it."

It wasn't the direction I had expected, "Uh huh."

Her proximity and the scent wafting from her made me discover something hidden in her scent, small traces of other hybrids, one in particular stood out, a vague but potent hint of a male.

"What?" She asked her eyes perked.

I stopped sniffing the air and met her eyes, "Sorry... your scent..."

"Hmm, what about it?"

"Do you have a mate?" I asked.

She raised her hand a little and showed a small leather bracelet, "You're cute pup, but I'm taken."

"... Oh, I wasn't..." I whispered.

I noticed movement and saw mother approaching, the female wolf must have noticed as well.

"Nice meeting you pup," She whispered before walking away.

I raised my hand and made a slight wave while mother walked up beside me, "What was that about?"

"... She just asked if I wanted some help," I whispered.

"Your tail is wagging," Mother teased.

"Oh," I whispered as I forced my tail to relax while I looked at mother.

Mother held up a pair of brown cargo shorts as well as a short sleeved dress shirt in moss green.

"What do you think?" Mother asked.

"... Good," I answered.

Mother nudged me along to the changing rooms and then shoved the shorts and the dress shirt into my arms. I stepped inside, shut the door, turned around, and found myself standing in front of a big mirror.

My heart kept thumping as I put the clothes aside and began to undress. It felt good getting out of the clothes but the mirror kept drawing attention to myself as it painted a stark image of my altered form.

I looked good by my own standards, a defined but slim build, short but dense fur, stark yellow eyes, and an enticing sheath slung against my abdomen. The black and the red fur made me look rather sharp if almost a bit evil, I liked it but I wondered if others would judge me like Jason.

I fetched the shorts and opened the latch by the back where the tail was going to fit. A slight scent wafted from the shorts and made me bring it to my nose.

It smelled like a male feline, a bit weird but I guessed this was the effect of having a sensitive nose.

I then eased the shorts on, pulled them up to my tail, and latched it in place. Next was the dress shirt, it was light, airy, and a bit short as I pulled it on.

The colors didn't look half bad and it no longer restricted my movements. I tried to stretch and saw that the shirt lifted a little in an enticing manner as it revealed a bit of my abdomen.


A light grin spread on my lips as I relaxed, stepped back, and opened the door for mother to see.

Mother smiled and nodded, "Looking good."


Mother stepped up and pulled me out, "Let's get a few more colors and a few more sizes for you to grow into."

"Mm," I said with a nod.

We gathered some clothes, bought it, headed to the exit and then got in the car.

"Command, navigation, home," Mother said out loud in the car.

The car clicked to life and then pulled out of the parking lot by automatic.

My own thoughts wandered while mother dug through the bags for a second look at my clothes.

She found my old ones and her whiskers shifted in a slight frown, "We should have dumped these for recycling while we were at the mall."

"Mm," I whispered as mother placed the clothes in my lap before continuing to dig through the bag.

The sight of my old clothes and the comment made that uneasy feeling slam back into me as I found myself holding another relic of my old life, something to be thrown away and discarded.

I pulled the shirt up to my nose and sniffed, hidden deep within the fabric was the scent of a human.

My eyes went wide as I realized that I no longer recognized the scent as 'me'.

The sensation turned into a cascade that sent my mood plummeting, my ears clamped to my head, my chest tightened, and claws dug into the fabric as I gritted my teeth in anguish.

"Vilkas?" Mother asked.

I forced myself to relax and glanced up, "What?"

Mother looked concerned, "What's the matter? Your mood has been like yo-yo all day long."


Mother's frown turned into a snapping anger in an instant as a slight hiss escaped her throat.

"It's obviously not 'nothing', now stop acting like you're 12 Vilkas."

My ears perked and my sullen mood cracked in surprise at the sudden outburst.

It was strange but it actually seemed to work, "I'm worried."

Mother eased down and her face turned to her natural if rather refined look, "About?"

"About the changes that are happening to my mind, I'm worried I'm losing myself."

Mother seemed confused, "You'll have to explain better than that, what do you mean?"

I frowned a little, "It's just been a few weeks' mom, I spent four days in the forest, nude, surrounded by other wolves, I've killed, eaten raw meat... I've..."

I held out my hands, "...I've been this deep inside a deer eating its innards, snapping bone and... licking blood... I'm behaving like a monster and it doesn't feel like that person in the forest was me... it was... but something just erased all my inhibitions and my instincts got so strong. What if it becomes permanent, what if next time 'I' don't return. Will you notice or is that the price we pay for bodies like this?"

Mother didn't seem upset, instead she was her usual cool self, "See, that wasn't so hard?"

"... I'm serious mom, I'm scared."

"The answer to your question is a lot closer than you think, you just aren't looking," Mother answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Look at your father, look at me. Have you ever seen our 'wild' sides?"

"No, not really."

"We act different in different situations, there's the calm and happy Vilkas when you're at home, there's the rather crude but loudmouthed Vilkas when you're with Jason, and I'm sure there's a different Vilkas when you're at work. I consider myself the same woman I was as a human and it still reflects on me even today."

"Uh huh," I said as I listened.

"Your father is a kind and gentle man, helpful, warm, loyal, at the same time he's the alpha of his pack, a hunter, a soldier. He avoids stepping on ants back home but he's quite the beast while on a hunt. We're not different people, just facets of the same coin. Understand?"

"You're sure?" I asked.

Mother nodded, "As sure as I can be. I remember my human self as if it was yesterday, I liked our anatomical quirks even back then, I knew more about people's bodies than they knew themselves. Or take my job, production management, I've never wanted to be in the spotlight but I like to be in the glow of stars."


Mother began to smile as if embarrassed, "That probably sounds a bit strange, but you can gain, see and learn a lot about the world, people, and everything else from a distance."

"Now you've made curious what your wild side Is like."

Mother raised her hand in the air, moments later razor sharp and glinting claws emerged from her fingertips, "I used to be quite the party girl, mysterious, sharp, though to get, but your father tamed me."

I found myself looking at mother with a new found respect, not only because of the intimidating claws, but because I realized that she was far more than just my mother.

"How?" I asked.

Mother glanced away and looked out towards the vast fields in the distance, she looked thoughtful for a few moments and then made a slight but warm smile as if reminiscing.

"I think... it was because he treated me like a person, rather than the persona I put up."

"... I don't get it," I said.

Mother glanced back and met my eyes, "Enough about me, still scared of yourself?"

I looked down at my clothes and let out a slight sigh, "I guess it's just so sudden and that's why it's difficult to deal with."

"I understand Vilkas, give it time, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

I looked at my hand, opened it, and then let my fingers trail across the black pads, it felt like oiled sandpaper, just like father's hand. I let my tongue move along my teeth and I felt the jagged molars meant to tear flesh as well as the sharp canines meant to dig deep and hold on.

My eyes stared down my muzzle and the black nose perked on the end.

My fur felt like a warm embrace while my tail squirmed a little and brushed by my leg.

Another piece of the puzzle fell into place, this was the new me, with my old human self as a core, a core that could be molded and improved into something I could approve of.

510 A.R. July7,JeffersonHousehold,Evening

I selected Jason in the contact list and sent my message. 'Are you there?'

The answer came mere moments later. 'Yes.'

'Can I come over?'


'To uphold our bargain? Because I want to tell you stuff? Not to mention that our match since last time isn't over yet.'


'Check outside your window.' I wrote with a grin on my face.

It took a few moments before the balcony door eased open and Jason glanced out.

"Hi," I whispered as I leaned by the door.

Jason slid the door open and looked me over, "New clothes? At least it's better than last time."

I glanced down at myself for a moment, "Do you like it?"

Jason didn't answer as he stepped back and allowed me to slip inside.

The room was warm, stank of sweat, junk food, and Jason's scent permeated it like a thick miasma. There was something else lingering in the room as well, sex, no... masturbation.

I ignored the wealth of information my nose gave me as I slid the door shut and focused on Jason.

"How have you been Jason?" I asked.

Jason shrugged and sat down in his sofa, "I'm like usual, study, get home, study some more, play some games, rinse and repeat."

"You don't sound very happy about that," I said as I sat down.

Jason huffed and gave me an incredulous look, "No shit."

"You're studying at the institute of technology, right?" I asked.

"IT, second year. Why?" Jason asked.

"I'm thinking of studying there, what do you know about the HTS program?"

"Jack of all trades, master of none, well... at least most of it has to do with tech rather than art or some shit."

"I think it sounds rather interesting, we'd be at the same school at least."

Jason eyed me with suspicion, "What are you getting at Vilkas?"

"Nothing," I answered.

"You think you're going to be my friend at school? Protect me? You're a fucking pack animal, you'd be the first to stab me in the back in order to fit in."

I leaned a bit closer and made a sour grimace, "You can really be a dick at times Jason."

"Only when other people are dumb asses, I don't need your help Vilkas."

I held up my hands and leaned back in the sofa, "OK, I get it. I didn't mean it like that. Is it that strange I want to spend time with you though?"

Jason looked over at me and stared, "Yes... it is. Why are you here? Why haven't you forgotten all about me yet?"

I cocked my head, "Why would I do that? I like you, we stuck together growing up. You're a bit of a sourpuss these days but we'd have broken up long ago if that was enough to sour our friendship."

"Do you want me to become a hybrid?" Jason asked.

My ears folded back in surprise, "... What the hell kind of question is that?"

"An honest one," Jason said.

"That's not for me to decide," I answered.

"That's not what I asked Vilkas, what do you want? What would you prefer?"

"I..." I mumbled.


"Not if it would make you unhappy Jason."

"I 'am' unhappy," Jason said with a sour grimace.

"Why?" I asked.

Jason chuckled and shook his head, "Are you kidding? I'm a freak in this society and I spend my days rotting away in this fucking room. And you're asking me why I'm unhappy?"

"What about your beliefs?" I asked.

Jason pulled a deep breath, "Misery down here and an eternity in heaven, or a better life here and an eternity in hell. The choice seems obvious but being in misery can really make things suck."

"... We used to agree we'd never talk about this stuff. Has that changed?"

"I'm tired of being stared at Vilkas, I'm tired of seeing everyone else make leaps in life while I'm stuck digging a never ending hole, I'm tired of everything... They're all insane Vilkas... you have no idea what happened to me in that summer camp."

"Want to talk about it?" I asked.

"No," Jason answered with a dark voice.

"Then how about moving out? Or moving in with me for the time being?" I asked.

Jason raised his brow and looked at me as if I was an idiot, "If I moved in with you then my parents, every relative, and the whole congregation would never speak to me again. They'd even hold a funeral for me. I can't do that Vilkas."

"Do you really think everyone else in the world is going to burn in hell? Is that what I deserve for my choices?" I asked.

Jason glanced away, "The scripture is clear Vilkas, it doesn't matter what I think."

"Scripture is rather clear about a lot of things Jason," I said.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked with a sharp look.

"Do you remember what we used to do? You've already bought yourself an express ticket to the underground."

"The lord forgives," Jason muttered.

"Will your lord forgive me as well?" I asked.

"No, your sin is permanent, your soul is lost," Jason whispered.

"I see," I said with a slight smile.

Jason noticed my smile and his own expression darkened as a result, "Do you think this is funny or something?"

"No. I was just thinking that I'd better live my life to the fullest before the fires swallow me up. Or I could hope that they can extend my life into eternity, that would be quite a workaround."

"You're insane," Jason said with a dark stare.

"Hybrids already live five times longer than humans, and our lifespan will only continue to grow with added knowledge."

Jason's brow twitched as if something snapped inside his mind.

"What?" I asked.

"... You're insane Vilkas, you think you can toy with God? Challenge him and win? The hubris."

"Have you ever considered that you could be wrong?" I asked.

Jason clenched his fists and looked away, "You were right, we shouldn't talk about this."

"Want to hear what I've been up to?" I asked.

Jason sighed and raised his brow as he looked away, "Sure, why not?"

"I met the people that might become my pack, Peter, John, Allen. All wolves, we spent the last four days relaxing by a beach in the forest."

"Doing what?" Jason asked.

"We talked, we played, ate berries, survived."

Jason glanced back in surprise, "Ate berries?"

"There wasn't any food around so we ate what we could find."

"And you call that relaxing? Being stuck in the forest?" Jason asked.

"It was rather nice and we kept warm by sleeping together at night."

Jason frowned, "What, you didn't even have a tent?"

"Or clothes, it was like a rite of passage."

"A rite of passage for what? Living like animals?"

I shrugged, "Maybe, there was a certain beauty in living a simple life. Part of me miss it but It feels rather good to be home as well, there's plenty of food, news, entertainment. It's like shifting between different worlds and it makes coming home that much sweeter."

"I don't understand you," Jason said.

"There's a lot of things I don't understand either, but I'm learning. Also... I had my first hunt."

"Oh gods..." Jason said as he rolled his eyes.

I leaned closer and smiled, "Know what else we did?"

"Sniffed each others butts?"

"We howled at the moon, and it was great," I whispered.

"Sounds like you've found new best friends," Jason said with a dry voice.

"Do you know came to mind every night I spent there while falling asleep?"

"What?" Jason asked.

"I kept wondering what things would be like if you were there, beside me."

Jason stared at me but didn't say a word.

I began to wonder if I had pushed too far or if I even had the right to do what I did. Was I manipulating him? Disrupting the very thing keeping him alive? Destroying an unhealthy but still functional family?

I didn't know the answer so I decided to abandon it for now as I reached down and grabbed a controller from the floor, "Want to play?"

"... Yeah," Jason whispered with a subdued voice.

510 A.R. July7,Jefferson Household,Night

I was contemplating whether Jason would attack in the next few turns or whether I could risk moving my main force to the less reinforced part of his empire. It felt risky, especially when one considered that his espionage operations were far more developed than my own.

"Clock is ticking..." Jason mused with a proud smirk.

I was just about to answer as the door to the room opened without warning.

"Jason! Shu-"

The sound of Jason's mother was tired and angry but stopped in an instant as she looked into the room.

I turned my head and saw her staring straight at me, her eyes became like saucers and her mouth opened in utter disbelief.

"Mom," Jason whispered as if about to face imminent death.


Her voice took on a pitch and a desperation that made it sound like the shriek of a banshee. It cut through the air and made me cringe as my ears folded back while my mind raced with the thought of the elderly man coming at me.

" CHARLES!" She screamed as if being attacked and flailed as she entered the room and glanced around for something. I got up and backed off as I saw her grab a decorative rock from a dresser along the wall.

"MOM!" Jason yelled out.

Her scream turned into unintelligible mess as she flung the rock with what looked like unbridled fear twisting her face.

I jumped out-of-the-way as the rock flew past and slammed into the balcony door. The window broke with a loud crash as shattered glass fell to the floor.

I avoided the glass, rushed up to the door, forced it open and then stepped out onto the balcony.

The sound of rushing footsteps came closer and I could hear Charles desperate screams wondering what was going on.

Desperation took over as I grabbed hold of the balcony and hopped over. I began to fall and stared down in panic while my mind screamed in wonder of what I had just done.

Instinct reached out and made me extend my paws while I bent my knees, my body relaxed as I readied my arms to help deal with the fall.

My paws hit the ground first and helped ease the impact as the rest of my legs shifted like springs and distributed the force, my arms took the remaining weight as my hands slammed into the soft ground.

It hurt but I ignored as I leaped up, rushed forward, jumped, grabbed hold of the fence and clambered over before dropping into the garden.

Father had stepped out onto the porch as I ran up to him and faced the Jefferson house.

"What happened?" Father asked.

My heart pounded, my arms ached, while my mind reeled from what had just happened.

"Jason's mother discovered me, he must have forgotten to lock his door."

"She sounded like she was being murdered," Father said.

I could still feel the ringing sound of her shriek in my head as I answered, "I know."

"Did a window break or something?" Father asked.

"She threw a rock at me," I said.

Father grabbed me in an instant and looked me over, "Did it hit you?"

"No," I answered.

Father put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me along, "Come on, let's go inside."

510 A.R. July8,Volkov Household,Morning

I had tried the phone all morning and had received no answer, Jason's online presence was gone, and there had been no activity on any of his accounts that I knew of.

My hand pushed aside the drapes as I glanced out at Jason's house. It seemed more desolate than usual even as the sun bathed it in light. The windows were covered by drapes, nothing moved, no sound, and the few fruit trees in the garden looked beset by disease as the leaves were knobbly and brown.

"Don't do anything stupid," Father said out loud.

I glanced back and saw father sitting in the sofa, "I just want to know that he's all right."

"And I'm sure he is," Father said.

"You don't know his parents dad, you didn't see the look his mother gave me or the fear on Jason's face."

Father cocked his head, "You think they've strung him up and are torturing him or something?"

"Maybe. He hasn't been on the web since yesterday, he won't answer his phone, and none of them have left the house since I got up."

"Relax, they're angry at him, they took his phone and they've put him in house arrest for a few days."

"He's 22 years old dad, he goes to university, you can't just put him in house arrest like that. This is different, something has happened."

"And you're nineteen, and living under my roof," Father said.

I turned around and looked at father, "Would you keep me from going to university or work if I had done something to make you really mad?"

"Of course not, I'd expect you home early though and I'd expect you to make penance for it."

I raised my brow as I looked at father to highlight that he had proved my point.

Father sighed, "Yes, his family are nutjobs, and yes, their ways of doing things are extreme. But hurting their own son? Really? You believe that?"

I glanced down at the floor and gently scratched at the surface with my paw, "I could sneak over there and hear if there's anything going on inside Jason's room."

"No," Father said with a determined voice.

"Maybe later then? When it's dark?"

"Absolutely not," Father said.

"Why not?" I asked as I looked up.

"Because they know that you're going to try something like that, and they'll be keeping a close eye on Jason. So you're not going over there, understand?"

I frowned a little, "... I could do it without your permission."

Father drew a deep breath in frustration, "Vilkas..."

"What?" I asked.

"You're not giving up on this, are you?"

"I'm worried about him, I just want to know that he's okay."

Father stood up and walked over to me before leaning down as he looked me in the eyes. I met his yellow eyes and saw my own reflection in them, the stare stirred something inside me and I was filled with an urge to back down.

"What are you willing to do in order to find out?" Father asked after a few moments.

I forced myself to meet father's gaze, "That's rather difficult to answer."

"Would you be willing to beg their forgiveness for going against their wishes?"

"... If I need to," I answered.

"Can you make it sound sincere?" Father asked.

My ears perked a little as my curiosity was peaked, "I'm sorry for going against your wishes sir, it was rude and inconsiderate, please forgive me."

Father stood tall and gave my shoulder a pat, "Good, what do you say we pay the Jefferson's a visit instead of sneaking about and making them even angrier?"

"You're coming with me?"

"You're my pup, living under my roof, you're my responsibility and you've done something bad, of course I'm coming along."

I nodded and made a slight smile, "Thanks dad."

I dressed up, groomed my fur and made some faces in front of the mirror to find a neutral but regretful expression. I then followed father outside as we wandered over to the Jefferson house.

Father rang the bell while I stood a little behind him by his side.

It took a minute but the door opened and Charles looked out with his bald head and his usual glasses perked on his nose.

"Yes?" Charles asked.

"Hello Mr Jefferson, I'm David, I live next door with my mate Maria and my son Vilkas."

"I know who you are," Charles said with a tired voice as he looked up at father.

"From what I've understood my son visited Jason last night without your permission, my apologies regarding that, we're willing to pay for any damage caused and Vilkas has something to say as well."

I figured it was my time as I stepped up, Charles gave me a cold stare and held onto the door with a firm grip by the look of it.

"I'm sorry about going against your wishes Charles, I should have asked and I should have respected your rules, please forgive me," I said.

Charles made a slight nod and the hardened look on his face eased up, "Apology accepted, no need to pay for anything."

I nodded and figured that father's approach might have worked, a mere split second later though Charles began to shut the door.

Father made a surprised shiver and spoke up, "Wait!"

Charles stopped and glanced up at father, "What?"

"We barely know each other but we've been neighbors for many years now and our sons are good friends, maybe we could have dinner sometime? A barbeque perhaps?"

"No," Charles answered as he started shutting the door once more.

Father inched a little closer, "I understand, but Vilkas was a bit worried and-"

Charles frowned and interrupted father with a dark glare, "Get this straight, beast , none of your kind or that malignant spawn of yours is coming anywhere near my family ever again. Stay away or we'll call the cops on you."

Father didn't answer or react as Charles slammed the door shut and locked the door.

I felt father touch my shoulder while he whispered in a calm voice, "Come on."

My own surprise at the outcome was put aside as I looked up at father in wonder at what was going through his mind. Was he angry? Did he give up? Had a silent portal to a dimension of fury opened up?

We stepped into the house and father shut the door, silence filled the hallway.

Mere moments passed before father's lips curled up and a low rumbling growl hummed through the corridor as he looked down at me.

"What do you say we break your friend out of that sanitarium?" Father asked.

I made a mischievous smile and felt my tail wag, "Sounds good to me."

510 A.R. July8,Volkov Household,Midday

Mother glanced up at the attic and called out, "Honey? David? Please?"

A loud bark of success could be heard from the attic, "AH HA! I knew I still had it around!"

Mother sighed, "Honey... that's illegal you know."

"He called Vilkas a malignant spawn! He was lucky I didn't decapitate him!" Father barked out from above.

Mother looked over at me, "This isn't a good idea Vilkas."

I cocked my head in confusion, "What did he find?"

"This!" Father yelled out as he started descending from the attic.

I stepped back and watched as father got on the floor and extended his hand. On his padded palm was what looked like a robotic wasp.

"What is it?" I asked.

Mother filled in, "A spy drone, silent, very capable, it has an operating time of hours and it can scour a house in minutes if need be."

"I 'borrowed' the drone from work many years ago, and your mother has the tech necessary to control it," Father added.

"And, it is illegal," Mother added with emphasis once more.

Father looked at mother, "So? Jason could be in trouble, we're obligated to help and rescue him if need be."

Mother frowned and glared at father, "No, we're not, and what happened with doing things the right way?"

Father huffed, "And what would the right thing be?"

Mother looked over at me, "Jason is probably grounded, he'll be out in a few days and you can catch him on his way to university. Help talk some sense into your father."

My ears folded back and I squirmed as I struggled with my conscience, "Just a glimpse inside their house? They shouldn't notice? Right?"

Mother sighed, "The drone is old, it could fail, it could blow up."

"Seriously?" I asked.

Father spoke up, "No, it won't. And there are plenty of ventilation ducts so even if it did fail then no one would discover it for many years. So, please dear? Will you help us with this?"

Mother drew a deep breath and sighed, "... Fine... I've always been curious what kind of conditions they live in."

A delighted grin spread on my face, mother noticed and gave me a light jab in the chest.

"Ow," I said.

Mother smiled and shook her head, "This one time, OK? And don't even dream of doing something like this on your own. Athena won't like it."

I nodded, "I won't."

510 A.R. July8,Volkov Household,Evening

The sun was about to disappear beyond the fence in the garden. The trees rustled and the wind brushed against me as my shirt fluttered. I drew a deep breath and focused on the scents as a hundred sensations blossomed inside me.

Everything seemed to have a unique scent and some of them were linked, bark and flowers that belonged to the apple family, grass, dirt, paint, food being cooked from around the neighborhood, even the grill had a distinct scent of rusted metal and sharp chemicals.

The overwhelming odor that my mind kept refocusing on though was the scent mark permeating the garden. It had changed from the last time and had a new kind of depth to it, raw male aroma, a bit pungent, it screamed of a big and strong alpha brimming with potency.

The instincts urged to me, it pleaded and reasoned.

It was compelling and the conflict grew within me as my clothes began to feel cramped and warm. I wanted to tear them off, drop to the ground and just thrash about to rid myself of the energy locked inside me.

My body betrayed me as my shorts began to feel cramped while the call of nature beckoned.

The scent pulled on me and led me to the apple tree, the scent was stronger there and a nagging sensation kept reminding me that my own scent was missing.

It felt ridiculous but the lack of my scent meant that I wasn't part of the hierarchy, nor was I even part of the family pack.

The urge won as I eased down my shorts, pulled down my sheath, aimed, and let go. My heart pounded as I caught my own scent and noticed that it was becoming more pungent with the markers of a mature wolf.

Another instinct rose to the surface and warned me of emptying myself on one spot.

It made my mind snap back as I realized what I was doing, I zipped up in an instant and glanced around to make sure no one had seen me.

To my relief the porch was empty and the sounds coming from the house told me that my parents were still busy trying to get the drone to work. My shame faded and the instincts rose to the surface once more.

A mischievous smirk formed on my lips as I wandered about the garden and started marking the strategic posts. The corners, the big trees, a little in the big shrubs. I was all empty by the time I was done and I felt relieved as my instincts grew content and withdrew to the back of my mind.

It felt rather serene as something settled into place and became 'home' in a way it hadn't been before.

A sudden buzz by my ear made me swish my hand before looking around. I caught sight of it moments later, a big wasp... a big metallic wasp.

My ears clamped to my head and I felt myself shrink with enough shame that I flushed red underneath my fur.

Moments later there was a loud tap on one of the windows by the house. I glanced up and saw father looking out at me through one of the upper floor windows with something of a smirk on his face.

I marched back to the house as my tail tried to wriggle its way between my legs. Father had already descended by the time I stepped into the house, he had a pleased if somewhat teasing smile as he loomed by the stairs.

"Don't look like that Vilkas," Father said.

I made something of an awkward smile as I glanced up at him.

Father walked down, patted me on the back and then prodded me toward the stairs as he leaned in and whispered by my ear, "I know how strong those instincts are, they won't bother you again now that you're settled in."

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Until your mark starts to fade that is," Father whispered with a slight chuckle.

I shook my head out of embarrassment and headed upstairs as father followed me.

Mother was sitting in the upper floor hallway staring at a screen and a bunch of equipment wired together. She glanced back with a knowing glint which only made me blush harder.

"Come over here," Mother said as she looked back at the screen.

I walked over and sat down beside her while father loomed over us from behind. Mother entered several commands into a pad and then focused on the screen.

The screen showed the wasp's perspective as it lifted into the air, took aim at the Jefferson house and approached. It highlighted several entry points and then began to circle the house before heading to an open window on the lower floor.

The wasp crept inside and the view shifted to black and white as it showed a dark bedroom with a double bed. It lifted once more and headed into a ventilation shaft hidden underneath the bed.

It worked its way through the shafts and mapped the rooms before ending up staring into the living room of the house. Charles was sitting in a reclining chair and was reading a book while Jason's mother was sleeping in the sofa.

"And you think these people would hurt their own son?" Mother asked.

"I've always thought old humans look scary," I whispered.

Mother glanced over at me with a frown.

"What? The liver spots, hair growing out of their ears while losing what they have on their heads, the wrinkles, that strange smell that I could detect even as a human. It's scary enough to see them falling apart from a distance, it must be horrifying to experience it."

Mother sighed, "I guess you have a point, but try not to talk about it. It's rude and insensitive."

The wasp moved on through the ducts, headed upwards to the second floor as it began to look through the rooms once more. It only took a minute for it to find Jason's room.

The room was dark and the door to the balcony had been sealed up with what looked like planks.

Sitting in the sofa was the vague outline of a human staring into the darkness.

"... That's creepy," Mother whispered.

I pointed at the screen, "Look, his desktop computer is gone, there are no consoles on the floor, I can't even see a pad. They cut him off from the world."

"Hmm," Father muttered.

I looked over at mother, "Mom, is there some way we can talk to him, through the wasp I mean?"

Mother frowned, "We agreed just to take a look."

I pointed at the screen once more, "And we discovered what they did to him. This must count as abuse, illegal restraint or something."

Mother sighed, "... The drone has a speaker and microphone."

"I want to talk with him..." I whispered.

Mother hesitated, "... Fine."

She entered a few commands and then looked over at me, "I've asked the drone to approach Jason, it will likely settle somewhere on the table. Just press this button on the pad to enable the microphone."

"Thanks," I said.

Mother pressed another button and then rose as she pulled father along. They withdrew down the corridor while the wasp flew out of the ventilation shaft and landed on the table. I tapped the button to enable the microphone.

"Hi Jason," I said.

Jason's figure shivered to life in an instant as he looked around in panic.

"It's me, Vilkas. I'm speaking through that wasp on your table," I said.

Jason looked at the table in shock, "What the hell?"

"Yeah, I know. How are you doing?" I asked.

Jason blinked and was silent for a few moments, "... Is that your new form or something? A bug on my table?"

"No dumb-ass, it's a machine," I answered.

Jason smirked, "Would have suited you though."

"You're an ass as usual," I said with a slight smile.

Jason made a curious smile and leaned closer to the table, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to make sure you were all right?"

Jason shrugged, "How do I look like I'm doing?"

"Sitting in a dark room, staring at nothing, boarded up balcony and not a social device in sight, I'd say things look rather awful."

Jason bit his lip and looked away as he whispered, "Yeah."

"Are they keeping you from the university as well?" I asked.

Jason gulped and clenched his fists, "... We're emigrating to the UCS. They're tired of Sophos."

A sensation of unease made my chest tighten, "... Is that what you want?"

"There will be more humans there, I can go to school without being a freak."

"So is that a yes?" I asked.

"... Not really," Jason whispered.

"Huh?" I said in surprise.

"I mean... I've read about the UCS since my parents have been fascinated with it for a while. Money is everything over there and we're not rich. My parents are old and they don't have much of an education either... neither do I. We'd be living on the streets and... things would get even crazier. It's strange but I think we're better off here, at least until I can finish my education."

"So tell them that," I said.

"... You're so stupid at times Vilkas. It's like you don't understand the world at all."

"... Sorry," I whispered.

Jason was silent.

I decided to speak up once more, "But... you can't just give up. We were planning on attending the retro convention in a few days, you want to finish your education, and... I want you here Jason, at least for a bit longer."

Jason stared into nothingness, "I can't get out of here Vilkas... I can't just walk down the stairs and step out of the door, I don't have that kind of strength in me."

"So let me help, I can get you out."

Jason looked at the wasp and frowned, "How? Are you going to climb onto balcony and rip the boards out?"

"... Yeah, why not?" I asked.

Jason blinked in surprise, "My dad is going to hear you."

"Then sneak over to the other balcony, your parents are in the living room downstairs. We'll catch you when you jump off the balcony."

"... You're crazy Vilkas," Jason whispered.

"Come on Jason, and you can still make up your own mind later. At the very least this will force your parents to realize that you have a will of your own."

Jason was silent and I glanced back for a moment to see mother whispering to father. Father dismissed her and gave me the thumbs up.

"... I don't know," Jason whispered with a shaky voice.

I looked back at the screen, "You said it yourself that your parents plan wouldn't work out, no one is asking you to become a hybrid or to abandon your family, we're just offering a place to breathe and gather your thoughts for a while."

"I... There's going to be hell Vilkas," Jason whispered.

"I know. Please Jason?" I asked.

Jason's lips quivered for a few moments before something seemed to settle and lock into place.

"... All right... I want to get out of here," Jason answered.

"Great, hang on for a moment."

I shut off the microphone and looked back at father, "Jason wants out."

Father made an evil grin and looked over at mother, "See?"

"David..." Mother pleaded.

"Since when did you get so cold?" Father asked.

Mother glared at father, "I'm not cold, I just don't think kidnapping a kid is going to help."

"We're not kidnapping him, we're unshackling him," Father said.

"That's not what it's going to look like to the rest of them," Mother added.

"Are you going to help or not?" Father asked.

"Yes, of course I am. Remember though, I told you so," Mother said.

Father chuckled and looked at me, "Tell Jason to be ready."

510 A.R. July8,Volkov Household- Garden,Night

I grabbed the top of the fence, pulled myself up, and then eased over before dropping to the ground with a light thud.

I stepped away in wonder of how father was going to get over when I heard a sudden rush of air.

Father leaped up in a four legged form and gently touched the very top of fence as he eased himself over, he then landed on the grass on all four with a thud as gentle as my own.

My muzzle opened in surprise as father rose onto two legs with a proud grin. He then motioned for me to follow as he skulked away with a slight wag to his tail.

The neighborhood was silent and the wind rustled the trees as we made our way around the house to the second balcony.

We looked up, waited for a few moments, and then saw Jason peek out from the balcony.

"Are you there?" Jason whispered with a cautious voice.

I cocked my head in confusion but then realized that my vision was far different from Jason's.

"Yes," I whispered with a voice as light as I could make it.

"... How do I get down?" Jason whispered.

Father stepped closer, stood tall, and then reached up. Jason leaned back in surprise as the huge clawed hands became visible to him.

"Come on," I whispered.

Jason hesitated for a few moments but then eased his legs over the balcony and began to lower himself.

Father grabbed his legs and then supported his waist as Jason let go. Jason was eased onto the ground and glanced around with fright in his eyes.

"Nice to finally meet you up close Jason," Father whispered with a dark voice.

"Oh... you did seem awfully big to be Vilkas," Jason whispered with a nervous edge to his voice.

I stepped closer and touched his shoulder, Jason shivered and turned to look in my direction.

"I'm right here Jason, let's go," I whispered.

We wandered back to the fence and I scrambled over once more, father helped ease Jason over the fence while I helped get him down. Moments later there was another rush of air followed by father hitting the ground.

Even Jason gasped in surprise as he followed the sound, father meanwhile just made a pleased grin in the darkness. I nudged Jason along and then stepped into the house with him by my side.

Jason seemed both terrified and amazed as he looked up at my father.

"What?" Father asked with a bemused smile as he noticed Jason's stare.

Jason gulped, "Nothing."

Mother walked into the room and spoke up, "They didn't notice a thing and I've brought the drone home again."

Father nodded and then extended his big hand to Jason, "I'm David, and that's my mate Maria back there."

Jason took father's hand with a nervous expression, "Hi, I had no idea you could move like that."

Father smirked and his tail picked up pace, "Thanks."

Mother walked up to Jason and extended her hand, "Nice to finally meet you Jason."

Jason took her hand and shook it, "Likewise, thank you."

Mother smiled and motioned to the kitchen, "Want some late night dinner Jason?"

Jason looked confused, "You eat at this hour?"

Mother smiled, "David and I have been busy all night getting the drone working, dinner got delayed."

Jason touched his midsection for a moment and seemed to ponder it, his nervousness and the fright etched into his face seemed to fade, "Yes, thank you... I'm quite hungry actually."

Mother stepped up to Jason and gently eased him along as they walked into the kitchen, father followed while I was left alone and rather confused at how much they seemed to like him all of a sudden.

Dinner itself was rather quiet except for mother asking Jason a few courteous questions. Once done the plates were put aside and I walked up by Jason.

Jason looked over at me, "Are your parents secret agents or something?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "No, dad is an engineer and mom works at the news station."

"Oh," Jason said.

"So?" I asked.

"What?" Jason asked.

"This is your first time in our house, was it what you expected?"

Jason glanced around with a slight smile, "No, it wasn't."

I leaned a little closer, "Now I'm rather curious what you were expecting."

Jason didn't have time to answer as mother walked up to us and spoke.

"I've prepared a sleeping spot for you in Vilkas room, will that be all right Jason?"

"Yes, thank you," Jason said with a nod.

I pulled Jason along and brushed shoulders with him as we walked up the stairs.

"So what were you expecting?" I asked.

"I dunno, a den with skeletons spread about, being served a severed pig's head?" Jason murmured.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"No..." Jason whispered with an uncertain look.

The mood had been rather lighthearted so far but it began to feel like an empty charade as we reached the upper floor.

"Are you all right Jason?" I asked with a solemn voice.

Jason tightened his fists, "... I've just gone against my parents Vilkas, I'm in your parents house. How should I feel? I don't know what I'm feeling."

"Scared? Desperate? Lonely?" I asked as I pointed him towards my room.

"Yeah... and..." Jason whispered.

"And?" I asked.

Jason frowned, "Do you have any idea what it feels like to see you and your family?"

"No, what do you mean?"

"... I shouldn't talk about this," Jason whispered.

I opened my door and let him inside, "What? I want to know?"

Jason stepped into my room and looked around in surprise, "Oh.... huh..."

"What is it now?" I asked.

"Not what I expected," Jason answered.

I shut the door and cocked my head, "Go on?"

Jason pointed at the large plush wolf sitting by the bed, "You've loved wolves forever, haven't you?"

"I may have had my doubts but I always pictured myself as a wolf whenever I thought of my adult self."

Jason glanced back, "And now you are."

I made a slight smile in response and held out my arms, "And now I am."

Jason walked up to my computer and inspected it, "You're my best friend Vilkas, but that has always been a double edged sword."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Jason kept averting his eyes, "Your family is literally evil incarnate according to everything I've been fed my entire life. Bad things should happen to you and your family, lightning should strike you dead."

"And?" I asked.

Jason sighed, "But it doesn't, it never does, things always go your way and you're always this hopeless optimist. And now... and now I'm here seeing a house and a family that's... kind... caring. My life is a fucking joke Vilkas."

"Jason..." I whispered.

Jason turned his head and glared at me, "You kept worrying about turning into a hybrid, you didn't like people influencing you, the way society warped everything. You wanted to make your own choices and you wanted the truth."

Jason's glare twisted with anger, "So tell me, what the hell gave my parents the right to turn me into what I am today? I'm a jumbled mess of conflicting ideas and I hate myself and this world. I was a freak even among children and you know it... They had no right to do this to me."

"But you're here now Jason, it's not too late. Make your own choices, live your own life, whatever that may be," I said.

Jason gulped, "That's easier said than done. Where do I go? What do I do? I love my parents, despite everything. I don't want to lose them... I don't want to disappoint them."

"I... don't know what to say Jason. Do you really think there's no way they'll understand? That they'll just get up, head for the UCS, and leave you behind?"

"... I don't know," Jason whispered.

I stepped closer, "May I be a bit cruel?"

Jason raised his brow, "Go ahead."

"If your parents really love you, then they won't leave, if they leave, well, then they don't deserve your reverence, do they?"

"That's a rather harsh ultimatum," Jason answered.

I reached out and touched Jason's shoulder, "I'm sure things will work out in the end."

"... And I think I'm going to puke if this gets any more emotional."

I pointed to the door, "There's a bathroom down the hall if you need it."

Jason chuckled and shook his head, "I was kidding."

"I meant... never mind. Make yourself comfortable, I'm just going to go brush my teeth," I said.

Jason smirked, "You still do that?"

"Yeah, I do," I answered before walking out the door as I headed to the bathroom.

I did my thing and then returned to the room, upon entering I saw that Jason had settled on the extra mattress and had wrapped himself up in a blanket.

"Jason?" I asked as I shut the door and began to turn off the lights.

"Yeah?" Jason murmured.

"... Want to share the warmth?" I whispered.

Jason glanced back, "Your house is a bit cold, but it's not like I'm going to freeze to death."

"I was just... I wouldn't mind sleeping next to you," I said.

Jason stared back, "Is that some kind of wolf instinct or something?"

"Maybe, maybe not, maybe you just need someone next to you?" I asked.

"Are you going to drool on me? Or hump my leg?" Jason asked.

"No, I promise," I answered.

Jason lay down again and turned his back on me, "Do whatever you want."

I flicked of the last light and let the room go dark. I then approached and lay down next to him on the blanket as I wrapped an arm around Jason's chest.

"... This is weird," Jason whispered.

I settled down and closed my eyes, "I know."